Motores v8 Ford

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303-01B-1 Engine — 4.6L and 5.

4L 303-01B-1
Manual Table of Contents

SECTION 303-01B Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L




Engine Component View ....................................................................................................303-01B-3
Crankshaft Front Oil Seal.................................................................................................303-01B-66
Crankshaft Pulley..............................................................................................................303-01B-63
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal ...............................................................................................303-01B-184
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal with Retainer Plate ...............................................................303-01B-187
Cylinder Head .................................................................................................................303-01B-132
Engine Front Cover — 4.6L Engine.................................................................................303-01B-67
Engine Front Cover — 5.4L Engine.................................................................................303-01B-78
Engine Mount —LH ........................................................................................................303-01B-191
Engine Mount —RH .......................................................................................................303-01B-194
Exhaust Manifold —LH...................................................................................................303-01B-125
Exhaust Manifold —RH ..................................................................................................303-01B-123
Flywheel —Automatic Transmission ..............................................................................303-01B-179
Flywheel —Manual Transmission...................................................................................303-01B-181
Hydraulic Lash Adjusters................................................................................................303-01B-114
Intake Manifold .................................................................................................................303-01B-19
Oil Cooler........................................................................................................................303-01B-138
Oil Filter Adapter —4x2..................................................................................................303-01B-142
Oil Filter Adapter —4x4..................................................................................................303-01B-146
Oil Filter Adapter —Remote ...........................................................................................303-01B-151
Oil Level Indicator and Tube ..........................................................................................303-01B-155
Oil Pan —4x2 .................................................................................................................303-01B-156
Oil Pan —4x4 .................................................................................................................303-01B-172
Oil Pump .........................................................................................................................303-01B-176
Oil Pump Screen Cover and Tube.................................................................................303-01B-178
Roller Followers ..............................................................................................................303-01B-115
Timing Drive Components —Romeo Engine ...................................................................303-01B-99
Timing Drive Components —Windsor Engine .................................................................303-01B-88
Valve —Seals .................................................................................................................303-01B-113
Valve —Springs ..............................................................................................................303-01B-111
Valve Cover —LH.............................................................................................................303-01B-41
Valve Cover —RH ............................................................................................................303-01B-51
Water Pump......................................................................................................................303-01B-63
Engine Mount
303-01B-2 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-2


Cylinder Head .................................................................................................................303-01B-222
Piston —Pin Connecting Rod, Floating Pin ...................................................................303-01B-233
Piston —Pin Connecting Rod, Press Fit ........................................................................303-01B-231
SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................303-01B-284
303-01B-3 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-3



Item Description The modular engine concept supports efficiencies

during repairs by allowing the removal and
1 Engine Identification Label installation of these modules. While not all
2 Emission Calibration Label in-vehicle repairs can take advantage of the modular
3 Vehicle Identification Label concept, most out-of-vehicle repairs benefit in
reduction of time and labor needed to repair the
Engine Component View
The concept of modularity allows engine designs to
share commonization between concepts and engine
hardware. The illustration (modular engine-typical)
represents the basic cross sectional view of a
modular V8 engine. The four modules are the:
• intake module
• cylinder head module (RH)
• cylinder head module (LH)
• lower engine module
303-01B-4 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-4


Modular Engine—Typical

Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
3 — Cylinder Block Module
1 — Induction Module
4 — Cylinder Head Module —
2 — Cylinder Head Module —

The basic engine components consist of: • sequential multiport fuel injection (SFI).
• single overhead camshafts (6250). • aluminum cylinder heads (6049).
• two valves per cylinder. • cast iron, 90-degree V- cylinder block (6010).
303-01B-5 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-5


• on 5.4L engines, individual ignition coils (12029)
for each spark plug.
• two-piece intake manifold system.
• composite-material lower intake manifold (9424)
with noise insulator.
• Large-bore throttle body (9E926).
303-01B-6 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-6


4.6L Romeo Engine
303-01B-7 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-7


Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
32 6505 Exhaust Valve (16 Req’d)
1 6700 Crankshaft Front Seal
33 6051 Head Gasket (LH)
2 6019 Engine Front Cover
34 6335 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
3 12A277 Crankshaft Sensor Ring
4 6268 Timing Chain (2 Req’d)
35 6701 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
5 N806139 Camshaft Bolt (RH)
36 6310 Crankshaft Rear Oil Slinger
6 N806164 Camshaft Washer (RH)
37 6375 Flywheel (Auto)
7 6256 Camshaft Sprocket (RH)
38 6C351 Cylinder Block Side Jack
8 6766 Oil Filler Cap Screw (10 Req’d)
9 6582 Valve Cover 39 6333 Crankshaft Main
10 6265 Camshaft Sprocket Spacer— Bearing—Upper (5 Req’d)
(RH) 40 6303 Crankshaft
11 6250 Camshaft— (RH) 41 6337 Crankshaft Thrust Main
12 12A699 Knock Sensor Bearing- Lower (1 Req’d)
13 18472 Heater Water Hose 42 6325 Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
(5 Req’d)
14 N806139 Camshaft Bolt (LH)
43 6345 Crankshaft Main Bearing
15 N806164 Camshaft Washer (LH) Stud Bolt (1 Req’d)
16 6256 Camshaft Sprocket— (LH) 44 6675 Oil Pan
17 6265 Camshaft Sprocket Spacer— 45 6710 Oil Pan Gasket
46 6345 Crankshaft Main Bearing Bolt
18 6B280 Camshaft Bearing Caps (9 Req’d)
19 6250 Camshaft— (LH) 47 N806201 Woodruff Key
20 6582 Valve Cover—, (LH) 48 N806180 Oil Pump Screen and Cover
21 19B102 CHT Jumper Harness Tube Spacer
22 6G004 Cylinder Head Temperature 49 6622 Oil Pump Screen Cover and
(CHT) Sensor Tube
23 6F087 Cylinder Head Oil Reservoir 50 6600 Oil Pump
Restrictor (2 Req’d) 51 6L253 Timing Chain Tensioner
24 6C501 Hydraulic Lash Adjuster (16 Arms— (2 Req’d)
Req’d) 52 6L266 Timing Chain Tensioner (RH)
25 6564 Camshaft Roller Follower (16 53 6L266 Timing Chain Tensioner (LH)
54 6K297 Timing Chain Guide (RH)
26 6065 Cylinder Head Bolt (20
Req’d) 55 6K297 Timing Chain Guide (LH)
27 6518 Valve Spring Retainer Keys 56 8555 Water Bypass Tube
(32 Req’d) 57 6010 Cylinder Block
28 6514 Valve Spring Retainer (16 58 6051 Head Gasket (RH)
59 6049 Cylinder Head— (RH)
29 6513 Valve Spring (16 Req’d)
60 6306 Crankshaft Sprocket—(2
30 6571 Valve Stem Seal (16 Req’d) Req’d)
31 6049 Cylinder Head (LH)
32 6507 Intake Valve (16 Req’d)
303-01B-8 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-8


4.6L Windsor Engine
303-01B-9 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-9


Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
31 6C357 Crankshaft Main Bearing Side
1 6700 Crankshaft Front Seal
Bolt (10 Req’d)
2 6019 Engine Front Cover
32 6334 Crankshaft Thrust Washer—
3 12A227 Crankshaft Sensor Ring — Upper (2 Req’d)
4 6268 Timing Chain— (2 Req’d) 33 6333 Crankshaft Main Bearing—
5 6250 Camshaft— (RH) — Upper (4 Req’d)
6 6582 Valve Cover— (RH) 34 6303 Crankshaft
7 6766 Oil Filler Cap 35 6337 Crankshaft Thrust
Washer—Lower (1 Req’d)
8 12A699 Knock Sensor— (KS)
36 6333 Crankshaft Main Bearing—
9 18663 Heater Water Outlet Tube — Lower (4 Req’d)
10 14B102 CHT Jumper Harness 37 6A346 Crankshaft Main Bearing
11 6G004 Cylinder Head Temperature Dowel Pin (10 Req’d)
Sensor (CHT) 38 6345 Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
12 6F087 Cylinder Head Oil Reservoir Stud— (1 Req’d)
Restrictor— (2 Req’d) 39 6675 Oil Pan
13 6500 Valve Tappet— (16 Req’d) 40 6710 Oil Pan Gasket
14 6529 Camshaft Roller Follower (16 41 6345 Crankshaft Main Bearing Bolt
Req’d) (9 Req’d)
15 6B284 Front Camshaft Bearing Cap 42 6325 Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
(2 Req’d) (5 Req’d)
16 6582 Valve Cover— (LH) 43 — Woodruff Key
17 6C268 Center Camshaft Bearing Cap 44 6W337 Crankshaft Main Intermediate
(8 Req’d) Bearing (1 Req’d)
18 6250 Camshaft (LH) 45 N806180 Oil Pump Screen and Cover
19 6065 Cylinder Head Bolt (20 Tube Spacer
Req’d) 46 6622 Oil Pump Screen Cover and
20 6518 Valve Spring Retainer Key— Tube
(32 Req’d) 47 6L253 Timing Chain Tensioner
21 6514 Valve Spring Retainer— (16 Arm— (2 Req’d)
Req’d) 48 6L266 Timing Chain Tensioner
22 6513 Valve Spring— (16 Req’d) 49 6K297 Timing Chain Guide—RH
23 6571 Valve Stem Seal- (16 Req’d) 50 6K297 Timing Chain Guide—LH
24 6250 Camshaft— (LH) 51 6600 Oil Pump
25 6507 Intake Valve— (8 Req’d) 52 18472 Heater Water Hose
25 6505 Exhaust Valve— (8 Req’d) 53 6010 Cylinder Block
26 6051 Head Gasket— (LH) 54 6051 Head Gasket— RH
27 6335 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal 55 6049 Cylinder Head—RH
56 6306 Crankshaft Sprocket— (2
28 6701 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Req’d)
29 6310 Crankshaft Oil Slinger
30 6375 Flywheel— (Auto)
303-01B-10 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-10


4.6L Engine Components

Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
7 9448 Exhaust Manifold Gasket—,
1 6582 Valve Cover—, RH Romeo
8 9D477 EGR Valve to Exhaust
2 6582 Valve Cover—, RH Windsor
Manifold Tube
9 6881 Oil Filter Adapter— (Romeo
3 12405 Spark Plug— (8 Req’d)
4 6C324 Crankcase Vent Connector
10 9430 Exhaust Manifold—, LH
and Hose
11 9278 Oil Pressure Sensor
5 6754 Oil Level Indicator Tube
12 6714 Oil Bypass Filter
6 6840 Oil Filter Adapter Gasket
303-01B-11 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-11


Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
13 3A674 Power Steering Pump 20 12029 Ignition Coil— and Bracket,
14 6B288 Camshaft Position Sensor RH
15 6C315 Crankshaft Position Sensor 21 8678 Belt Idler Pulley
16 12029 Ignition Coil— and Bracket, 22 9430 Exhaust Manifold—, RH
LH 23 9448 Exhaust Manifold Gasket—,
17 8501 Water Pump RH
18 6312 Crankshaft Pulley 24 12280 Ignition Wire and Bracket
19 8509 Water Pump Pulley
303-01B-12 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-12


5.4L Engine — Upper End
303-01B-13 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-13


Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
28 N807834 Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolt
1 6766 Oil Filler Cap
(26 Req’d)
2 6C324 Crankcase Vent Connector
29 6C268 Camshaft Bearing Cap
and Hose
(4 Req’d)
3 6582 Valve Cover— (RH)
30 6065 Cylinder Head Bolt (20
4 6B284 Camshaft Bearing Cap Req’d)
5 6C268 Camshaft Bearing Cap 31 6C522 Valve Spring Assy (16
(4 Req’d) Req’d)
6 6B2800 Camshaft Bearing Cap 32 6518 Valve Spring Retainer Key
7 6250 Camshaft— (RH) (32 Req’d)
8 12405 Spark Plug 33 6514 Valve Spring Retainer (16
9 6049 Cylinder Head— (RH)
34 6513 Valve Spring (16 Req’d)
10 9448 Exhaust Manifold Gasket—,
RH 35 6571 Valve Stem Seal (16 Req’d)
11 9430 Exhaust Manifold— (RH) 36 6049 Cylinder Head— (LH)
12 18198A Lifting Bracket 37 87836 Pipe Plug
13 N811363 Bolt (4 Req’d) 38 N811313 Stud (8 Req’d)
14 W701706 Nut (8 Req’d) 39 9448 Exhaust Manifold Gaskets—,
15 N811313 Stud (8 Req’d)
40 9431 Exhaust Manifold— (LH)
16 87836 Pipe Plug
41 W701706 Nut (8 Req’d)
17 18663 Heater Water Outlet Tube
42 18198A Lifting Bracket
18 N811415 Bolt (2 Req’d)
43 N811363 Bolt (4 Req’d)
19 14B102 Cylinder Head Temperature
Sensor Jumper 44 87838 Pipe Plug (6 Req’d)
20 6G004 Cylinder Head Temperature 45 6507 Intake Valve (16 Req’d)
Sensor 45 6505 Exhaust Valve (16 Req’d)
21 6F087 Cylinder Head Oil Reservoir 46 6051 Head Gasket— (LH)
47 6C357 Crankshaft Main Bearing Side
22 6C501 Hydraulic Lash Adjusters — Bolt — Bolt and Washer
(16 Req’d)
48 6010 Cylinder Block
23 6529 Roller Followers — (16
49 8501 Water Pump
50 N808794 Bolt (4 Req’d)
24 6250 Camshaft— (LH)
51 6051 Head Gasket— (RH)
25 6B284 Camshaft Bearing Cap
52 W500225 Bolt
26 6B280 Camshaft Bearing Cap
53 12A699 Knock Sensor
27 6582 Valve Cover— (LH)
54 N806459 Dowel (4 Req’d)
303-01B-14 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-14


5.4L Engine Induction System

Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
8 9D477 EGR Valve to Exhaust
1 N808429 Bolt (4 Req’d)
Manifold Tube
2 9E926 Throttle Body
9 N807309 Bolt
3 9E936 Throttle Body Gasket
10 N620480 Screw
4 N808598 Bolt
11 9J472 EGR Vacuum Regulator
5 N808429 Bolt (3 Req’d) Bracket
6 9A589 Throttle Body Spacer 12 N807071 Bolt (2 Req’d)
7 9D475 EGR Valve
303-01B-15 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-15


Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
13 N807309 Bolt (2 Req’d) 28 9723 Accelerator Cable Bracket
14 18801 Radio Ignition Interference 29 N807309 Bolt (2 Req’d)
Capacitor 30 10884 Water Temperature Indicator
15 N806156 Bolt (9 Req’d) Upper to Head Sender Unit
16 9424 Intake Manifold— (Upper) 31 N807071 Bolt (8 Req’d)
17 9439 Intake Manifold Gasket— 32 N804394 Bolt (4 Req’d)
(Upper) 33 9F593 Fuel Injector
18 N605893 Bolt (2 Req’d) 34 9F792 Fuel Injection Supply
19 9L490 Intake Manifold Tuning Manifold
Valve (IMTV)(NGV only) 35 9L437 Intake Manifold to Throttle
20 9424 Intake Manifold— (Lower) Body Spacer Gasket
21 6P013 Intake Manifold Insulator 36 9F670 Idle Air Control Gasket
22 9461 Intake Manifold Gasket— 37 9F715 Idle Air Control Valve
(Lower) 38 N806154 Bolt (2 Req’d)
23 8575 Water Thermostat 39 9E498 Main Emission Vacuum
24 N806807 O-Ring Control Connector Harness
25 8594 Water Outlet 40 12B637 Fuel Charging Wiring
26 N807309 Bolt (3 Req’d) Harness (Typical)
27 12A366 Coil and Boot Assy
303-01B-16 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-16


5.4L Engine — Lower End
303-01B-17 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-17


Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
34 6375 Flywheel
1 N806007 Dowel (4 Req’d)
35 6310 Crankshaft Oil Slinger
2 N806040 Dowel (2 Req’d)
36 6701 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
3 N806435 Plug (2 Req’d)
37 N806155 Bolt (6 Req’d)
4 18B402 Heater Water Tube Assy
38 6K301 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and
5 N806459 Dowel (4 Req’d)
6 6750 Oil Level Dipstick
39 391186 Plug
7 N806155 Bolt
40 6334 Crankshaft Thrust Washer—,
8 6K873 Oil Level Indicator Tube Upper
9 391186 Plug (2 Req’d) 41 6303 Crankshaft
10 N808713 Bolt 42 6K302 Crankshaft Thrust Washer,
11 6714 Oil Bypass Filter Lower
12 6A642 Oil Cooler (NGV Only) 43 6333 Crankshaft Main Bearing
13 9278 Oil Pressure Sensor 44 6A346 Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
14 N806156 Bolt (4 Req’d)
45 6345 Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
15 N620482 Nut Stud
16 6881 Oil Filter Adapter 46 N806180 Spacer, Oil Screen and Tube
17 6840 Oil Filter Adapter Gasket 47 6622 Oil Pump Screen Cover and
18 W704787 Stud Tube
19 6100 Piston/Connecting Rod Assy 48 N605904 Bolt
20 6214 Connecting Rod Bolt 49 6710 Oil Pan Gasket
21 6211 Connecting Rod Bearing 50 6675 Oil Pan
22 6140 Piston Pin Retainer 51 W701605 Bolt (16 Req’d)
23 6135 Piston Pin 52 N806155 Bolt (2 Req’d)
24 6161 Oil Ring Expander 53 6345 Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap
25 6152 Piston Compression Ring Stud
26 6150 Piston Compression Ring 54 6325 Main Bearing Cap
27 6159 Piston Oil Ring 55 6600 Oil Pump
28 6108 Piston 56 N806183 Bolt (3 Req’d)
29 6200 Connecting Rod 57 N806201 Crankshaft Key
30 87836 Plug (6 Req’d) 58 6333 Crankshaft Main Bearing—,
31 N806007 Dowel (4 Req’d)
59 6333 Crankshaft Main Bearing
32 N807198 Dowel (2 Req’d)
33 N806168 Bolt (8 Req’d)
303-01B-18 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-18


5.4L Engine — Front End

Part Part
Item Number Description Item Number Description
18 6268 Timing Chain — (RH)
1 6A340 Crankshaft Pulley Bolt
19 6M256 Timing Chain Guide — (RH)
2 N806165 Washer
20 6M269 Timing Chain Tensioner —
3 6312 Crankshaft Pulley
4 N806282 Bolt (4 Req’d)
21 6M274 Timing Chain Tensioner Arm
5 N808102 Bolt — (LH)
6 8678 Belt Idler Pulley 22 6268 Timing Chain — (LH)
7 8509 Water Pump Pulley 23 N60589 Bolt (3 Req’d)
8 N808140 Front Cover Bolt (5 Req’d) 24 6B274 Timing Chain Guide — (LH)
9 N806155 Bolt 25 N606527 Bolt
10 6B288 Camshaft Position Sensor 26 6306 Crankshaft Sprocket—
11 N806155 Bolt (2 Req’d)
12 6C315 Crankshaft Position Sensor 27 12A227 Crankshaft Sensor Ring
13 N808142 Front Cover Bolt (3 Req’d) 28 N806176 Bolt (3 Req’d)
14 6019 Engine Front Cover 29 3A696 Power Steering Pump Assy
15 N606543 Bolt 30 N808529 Front Cover Bolt (2 Req’d)
16 6L266 Timing Chain Tensioner— 31 N806177 Front Cover Bolt (5 Req’d)
(RH) 32 6700 Crankshaft Front Seal
17 6K255 Timing Chain Tensioner Arm 33 N808102 Bolt
— (RH)
303-01B-19 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-19


For basic engine mechanical concerns, refer to
Section 303-00. For driveability concerns, refer to
the Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis
Manual 1.

Intake Manifold

WARNING: Do not smoke or carry lighted

tobacco or open flame of any type when working
on or near any fuel-related components. Highly
flammable mixtures are always present and can
be ignited. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in personal injury.

All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section

2. Perform pre-service procedures. For additional

information, refer to Section 310-00A
(Gasoline and Diesel) or Section 310-00B

3. Drain the cooling system. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

4. Compress and slide the hose clamp and

disconnect the upper radiator hose (8260).

1 Can be purchased as a seperate item.

303-01B-20 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-20


5. Remove the engine air cleaner (ACL) (9600)
and air cleaner outlet tube (9B659). For
additional information, refer to Section 303-12.

6. Remove the accelerator control splash shield.

1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the accelerator control splash

7. Disconnect the accelerator cable (9A758) from

the accelerator cable bracket (9723).
1 Remove the bolt.
2 Slide the accelerator cable up to remove it
from the accelerator cable bracket.

8. Disconnect the accelerator cable from the

throttle body cam.
1 Roll the throttle body cam forward.
2 Slide the accelerator cable end from the
throttle body cam.
303-01B-21 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-21


9. Remove the throttle return spring.

10. If equipped, disconnect the speed control

actuator cable (9A825) from the throttle body
1 Remove the speed control actuator cable to
the bolt.
2 Disconnect the (A) speed control actuator
cable from the (B) throttle body cam and
position aside.

11. Disconnect the climate control vacuum hose.

12. Remove the bolt and the brake booster vacuum

hose and bracket.
303-01B-22 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-22


13. Disconnect the connector from the throttle

position (TP) sensor (9B989).

4.6L Engine

14. Disconnect the following throttle body hose

• vapor management hose (1)
• positive crankcase ventilation valve (PCV
valve) (6A666) (2)
• power brake booster (2005) (3)

All Vehicles

15. On 4.6L engines, remove the (A) brake booster

vacuum hose bracket nut from the (B) brake
booster vacuum hose bracket.

16. Disconnect the fuel lines. For additional

information, refer to Section 310-01A
(Gasoline and Diesel) or Section 310-01B
303-01B-23 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-23


17. Disconnect the PCV and PCV coolant hoses.

18. Disconnect the following electrical connectors:

• differential pressure feedback (DPFE)
• engine vacuum regulator (EVR) sensor

4.6L Engine

19. Remove the EGR valve to exhaust manifold

tube (9D477).
• Disconnect the upper and lower EGR valve
to exhaust manifold tube fittings.
• Disconnect the two DPFE hoses.
303-01B-24 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-24


5.4L Engine
303-01B-25 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-25


4.6L engine

20. Disconnect the following vacuum connections:

1 EGR vacuum hose
2 vacuum supply port
3 EVR vacuum hose
4 fuel pressure regulator vacuum hose
303-01B-26 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-26


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

21. Disconnect the RH fuel injector electrical

303-01B-27 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-27


22. Disconnect the LH fuel injector electrical


23. On 5.4L engines, disconnect and remove the

eight ignition coils (12029). For additional
information, refer to Section 303-07C.

24. Remove the drive belt (8620).For additional

information, refer to Section 303-05.

25. Remove the generator (GEN) (10300); refer to

Section 414-02.

26. Remove the bolts and the throttle body.

27. Disconnect the hose clamp and remove the

heater water hose (18472).

28. Remove the studs.

303-01B-28 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-28


29. Remove the water thermostat (8575). For
additional information, refer to Section 303-03.

30. Remove the nine bolts.

303-01B-29 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-29


31. Remove the upper intake manifold (9424).

1 Lift the intake manifold.
2 Disconnect the intake manifold tuning valve
(IMTV) connector.(4.6L engine and 5.4L
NGV Only)
3 Remove and discard the upper intake
manifold gaskets (9439).

32. Remove the bolts.

303-01B-30 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-30


33. Separate the upper intake manifold from the

lower intake manifold and discard the lower
intake manifold gasket (9461).

34. Remove the (A) pushpin from the (B) intake

manifold insulator and remove from the (C)
lower intake manifold.

35. Remove the (A) bolts from the (B) intake

manifold tuning valve and remove the intake
manifold tuning valve.(4.6L engine and 5.4L
NGV only)
303-01B-31 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-31



All Vehicles

1. Position the intake manifold tuning valve and

install the bolts. (4.6L engine and 5.4L NGV

2. Install the intake manifold insulator on the

lower intake manifold and install the pushpin.
303-01B-32 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-32


3. Position the lower intake manifold gasket and

the upper intake manifold on the lower intake
manifold and loosely install the eight bolts.

4. Tighten the bolts in two stages, in the sequence

Stage 1: 2 Nm (18 lb/in)
Stage 2: 8-12 Nm (71-106 lb/in)
303-01B-33 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-33


5. Install the studs.

6. Install the upper intake manifold.

• Position the upper intake manifold gaskets.
• Position the upper intake manifold.
• Loosely install the nine bolts.

7. Connect the intake manifold tuning valve

connector.(4.6L engine and 5.4L NGV only)
303-01B-34 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-34


8. Install the water thermostat. For additional
information, refer to Section 303-03.

9. Tighten the bolts in two stages, in the sequence

Stage 1: 2 Nm (18 lb/in)
Stage 2: 20-30 Nm (15-22 lb/ft)

10. Position the throttle body onto the upper intake

manifold and install the bolts.

11. Install the heater water hose and position the


12. Install the generator. For additional information,

refer to Section 414-02.

13. Install the drive belt. For additional information,

refer to Section 303-05.

14. On 5.4L engines, install the eight ignition coils.

For additional information, refer to Section
303-01B-35 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-35


15. Connect the LH fuel injector electrical


16. Connect the RH fuel injector electrical


17. Note: For 4.6L engine-equipped vehicles,

perform the following step.
Connect the following vacuum connections:
1 EGR vacuum hose
2 vacuum supply port
3 EVR vacuum hose
4 fuel pressure regulator vacuum hose
303-01B-36 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-36


5.4L Engine
303-01B-37 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-37


4.6L Engine

18. Connect the EGR valve to exhaust manifold

tube upper fitting.
• On 4.6L engines, tighten both fittings
starting at the top in two stages.
X Stage 1:Hand tighten.
X Stage 2:Tighten to 35-45 Nm (26-33
• On 5.4L engines, tighten both fittings
starting at the top in two stages.
X Stage 1:Hand tighten.
X Stage 2:Tighten to 55-65 Nm (41-47
303-01B-38 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-38


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

19. Connect the following electrical connectors:

• differential pressure feedback (DPFE)
• engine vacuum regulator (EVR) sensor
303-01B-39 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-39


20. Connect the PCV and PCV coolant hoses.

21. On 4.6L engines, position the brake booster

vacuum hose bracket and install the nut.

22. Connect the following electrical connectors:

• DPFE transducer
• engine vacuum regulator sensor

23. Connect the fuel lines. For additional

information, refer to Section 310-01A
(Gasoline and Diesel) or Section 310-01B
303-01B-40 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-40


24. Connect the climate control vacuum hose.

25. Install the throttle return spring.

26. Connect the accelerator cable to throttle body

1 Rotate the throttle body cam forward.
2 Slide the accelerator cable into the throttle
body cam.

27. Connect the accelerator cable to accelerator

cable bracket.
1 Slide the accelerator cable into the
accelerator cable bracket.
2 Install the bolt.
303-01B-41 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-41


28. Install the accelerator control splash shield.

29. Install the air cleaner outlet tube and the engine
air cleaner. For additional information, refer to
Section 303-12.

30. Install the upper radiator hose and reposition

the clamp.

31. Fill the cooling system. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

32. Connect the battery ground cable.

Valve Cover —LH


All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section

2. Remove the engine air cleaner and the air

cleaner outlet tube. For additional information,
refer to Section 303-12.
303-01B-42 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-42


3. Disconnect the power steering fluid reservoir

and bracket.
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Position the power steering fluid reservoir
and bracket aside.

4. Remove the crankcase ventilation tube (6758)

from the valve cover (6582).
303-01B-43 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-43


4.6L Engine

5. Remove the EGR valve-to-exhaust manifold

tube (9D477).
• Disconnect the upper and lower EGR
valve-to-exhaust manifold tube fittings.
• Disconnect the two DPFE hoses.
303-01B-44 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-44


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

6. Disconnect the LH fuel injector electrical

303-01B-45 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-45


7. On 5.4L engines, disconnect the LH ignition

coil electrical connections.

8. Disconnect the camshaft position (CMP) sensor


9. Lift the engine sensor control wiring harness

(12B637) off of the valve cover studs.

10. Note: The intake manifold (9424) is removed

for clarity.
Note: The bolts are part of the valve cover and
should not be removed.
Remove the LH valve cover.
• Fully loosen the bolts and remove the valve
• Inspect the valve cover gasket (6584) and
clean the mating surface of the cylinder
head (6049).
303-01B-46 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-46



All Vehicles

1. Note: If not secured within four minutes, the

sealant must be removed and the sealing area
cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-A or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-RA. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness, or four
minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to follow
this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply a bead of silicone in two places where
the engine front cover (6019) meets the cylinder
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealer
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

2. Position the (A) valve cover and the valve

cover gasket on the (B) cylinder head, and
loosely install the bolts.
303-01B-47 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-47


Romeo Engine

3. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.

303-01B-48 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-48


Windsor Engine

All Vehicles
4. Position the engine sensor control wiring
harness onto the valve cover studs.

5. Connect the CMP electrical connector.

303-01B-49 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-49


6. On 5.4L engines, connect the LH ignition coil

electrical connectors.

7. Connect the LH fuel injector electrical


4.6L Engine

8. Connect the EGR valve to exhaust manifold

tube upper fitting.
• On 4.6L engines, tighten both fittings
starting at the top in two stages.
X Stage 1:Hand tighten.
X Stage 2:Tighten to 35-45 Nm (26-33
• On 5.4L engines, tighten both fittings
starting at the top in two Stages.
X Stage 1:Hand-tighten.
X Stage 2:Tighten to 55-65 Nm (41-47
303-01B-50 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-50


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

9. Connect the crankcase ventilation tube to the

valve cover.

10. Install the engine air cleaner (ACL) (9600) and

air cleaner outlet tube (9B659). For additional
information, refer to Section 303-12.
303-01B-51 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-51


11. Install the power steering fluid reservoir and

1 Position the power steering fluid reservoir
and bracket.
2 Install the bolts.

12. Connect the battery ground cable (14301).

Valve Cover —RH


1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).

For additional information, refer to Section

2. Remove the accelerator control splash shield.

1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the accelerator control splash
303-01B-52 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-52


3. Remove the engine air cleaner (ACL) (9600).
For additional information, refer to Section

4. Disconnect the crankcase ventilation hose

(6853) from the valve cover (6582).

5. Disconnect the two fuse block cable ends from

the starter relay.
303-01B-53 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-53


6. Disconnect the two 42-pin bulkhead electrical

connections and remove them from the junction
block bracket.

7. Disconnect the 16-pin electrical connection and

the single pin electrical connection.

8. Remove the bolts and the junction block

303-01B-54 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-54


9. Disconnect the heater water hose (18472).

10. Disconnect the heater water hose.

11. Disconnect the heater water hose from the

heater core and remove the heater water hose.

12. Disconnect the RH fuel injector electrical

303-01B-55 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-55


13. On 5.4L engines, disconnect the RH ignition

coil electrical connections.

14. Disconnect the climate vacuum connection.

15. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.

16. Disconnect the A/C compressor electrical

303-01B-56 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-56


17. Disconnect the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor

electrical connection.

18. Position the wiring harness aside.

19. Lower the vehicle.

20. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Note: The bolts are part of the valve cover and
cannot be removed.
Loosen the bolts and remove the valve cover.
• Remove the valve cover gasket (6584).
Clean and inspect the mating surface.
303-01B-57 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-57



All Vehicles

1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Note: If the valve cover is not secured within
four minutes, the sealant must be removed and
the sealing area cleaned with Metal Surface
Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.
Allow to dry until there is no sign of wetness,
or four minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to
follow this procedure can cause future oil
Apply the silicone in two places where the
engine front cover (6019) meets the cylinder
head (6049).
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

2. Position the valve cover on the cylinder head

and loosely install the valve cover bolts.
303-01B-58 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-58


Romeo Engine

3. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.

303-01B-59 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-59


Windsor Engine

All Vehicles

4. Connect the heater water hose to the heater

303-01B-60 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-60


5. Connect the heater water hose and position the


6. Connect the (B) heater water hose and position

the (A) clamp.

7. Install the junction block bracket and the bolts.

8. Connect the 16-pin electrical connection and the

single pin electrical connection.
303-01B-61 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-61


9. Connect the two 42-pin bulkhead electrical


10. Connect the two fuse cable leads to the starter


11. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-62 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-62


12. Connect the crankshaft position sensor electrical


13. Connect the A/C compressor electrical


14. Lower the vehicle.

15. Install the positive crankcase ventilation valve

(PCV valve) (6A666) and crankcase ventilation
hose into the valve cover.

16. Install the engine air cleaner. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-12.
303-01B-63 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-63


17. Install the accelerator control splash shield.

18. Connect the battery ground cable.

Water Pump
Removal and Installation

For additional information, refer toSection 303-03.

Crankshaft Pulley

Special Service Tool(s)

Crankshaft Damper Remover

303-009 (T58P-6316-D)

Crankshaft Damper Replacer

303-102 (T74P-6316-B)


1. Remove the engine cooling fan (8K620) and

fan shroud (8146). For additional information,
refer to Section 303-03.

2. Remove the drive belt (8620). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-05.
303-01B-64 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-64


3. Remove the crankshaft pulley bolt (6A340).

4. Use the Crankshaft Damper Remover to remove

the crankshaft pulley (6312).


1. Note: If not secured within four minutes,

sealant must be removed and the sealing area
cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness, or four
minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to follow
this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone to the woodruff key slot on the
crankshaft pulley.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
303-01B-65 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-65


2. Use the Crankshaft Damper Replacer to install

the crankshaft pulley.

3. Install the bolt and washer. Tighten the bolt in

four stages.
• Stage 1: Tighten to 90 Nm (66.15 lb/ft).
• Stage 2: Loosen the bolt.
• Stage 3: Tighten to 47-53 Nm (34-39 lb/ft).
• Stage 4: Tighten an additional 85-90

4. Install the drive belt. For additional information,

refer to Section 303-05.

5. Install the engine cooling fan and the fan

shroud. For additional information, refer to
Section 303-03.
303-01B-66 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-66


Crankshaft Front Oil Seal

Special Service Tool(s)

Crankshaft Seal Replacer


Front Cover Seal Remover

303-107 (T74P-6700-A)


1. Remove the crankshaft pulley. For additional

information, refer to Crankshaft Pulley in this

2. Use the (A) Front Cover Seal Remover to

remove the (B) front cover seal.


1. Lubricate the (A) and the (B) front oil seal

inner lip.
• Use Super Premium SAE 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
303-01B-67 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-67


2. Use the (A) Crankshaft Seal Replacer/Cover

Aligner to install the (B) into the (C) .

3. Install the crankshaft pulley. For additional

information, refer to Crankshaft Pulley in this

Engine Front Cover — 4.6L Engine


1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).

For additional information, refer to Section

2. Remove both valve covers (6582). For

additional information, refer to Valve
Cover—LH and Valve Cover—RH in this

3. Remove the radiator (8005). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

4. Remove the water pump (8501). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

5. Disconnect the following electrical connections:

• LH ignition coil connector (A).
• Camshaft position sensor (CMP) electrical
connector (B).
• Radio capacitor electrical connector (C).
303-01B-68 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-68


6. Disconnect the following electrical connections:

• RH ignition coil electrical connector (A)
• radio capacitor electrical connector (B)

7. Remove the ignition coils (12029) and the

ignition coil mounting brackets (12N004).
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the RH ignition coil and the
ignition coil mounting bracket.
3 Remove the bolt.
4 Remove the nuts.
5 Remove the LH ignition coil and ignition
coil mounting bracket.

8. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-69 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-69


9. Remove the bolts and position the power

steering pump (3A674) aside.

10. Disconnect the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor

electrical connector.

11. Remove the oil pan drain plug (6730) and drain
the engine oil.
303-01B-70 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-70


12. Remove the bolts.

13. Lower the vehicle.

14. Remove the crankshaft front seal (6700). For

additional information, refer to Crankshaft Front
Oil Seal in this section.

15. Remove the (A) bolt and the (B) belt idler
pulley (8678).
303-01B-71 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-71


16. Remove the bolts and stud bolts.

17. Remove the engine front cover (6019) from the

front cover to cylinder block dowel (6C002).
303-01B-72 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-72



1. Note: If the engine front cover is not secured

within four minutes, the sealant must be
removed and the sealing area cleaned with
Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or
equivalent meeting Ford specification
WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry until there is no
sign of wetness, or four minutes, which ever is
longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone along the cylinder head to block
surface and the oil pan to cylinder block
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

2. Install the engine front cover on the front cover

to cylinder block dowel and loosely install the
303-01B-73 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-73


3. Tighten the front cover bolts and stud bolts in

sequence in two stages.
Stage 1: Tighten fasteners 1-7 to 20-30 Nm
(15-22 lb/ft).
Stage 2: Tighten fasteners 6-15 to 40-55 Nm
(29-40 lb/ft).
Item Number Description

1 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,

M8 x 1.25 x 53
2 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
3 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
4 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
5 N806177 Bolts, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
6 N808793 Stud Bolt, M10 x 1.5 x M6 x
1.0 x 78.1
7 N808793 Stud Bolt, M10 x 1.5 x M6 x
1.0 x 78.1
8 N808142 Screw and Washer, Hex Pilot,
M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
303-01B-74 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-74


Item Number Description
9 N808142 Screw and Washer, Hex Pilot,
M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
10 N808142 Screw and Washer, Hex Pilot,
M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
11 N808140 Stud and Washer, Hex Head
Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x M8 x 1.25
x 109.6
12 N808140 Stud and Washer, Hex Head
Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x M8 x 1.25
x 109.6
13 N808140 Stud and Washer, Hex Head
Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x M8 x 1.25
x 109.6
14 N808140 Stud and Washer, Hex Head
Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x M8 x 1.25
x 109.6
15 N808140 Stud and Washer, Hex Head
Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x M8 x 1.25
x 109.6

4. Position the (A) belt idler pulley and install the

(B) bolt.

5. Install a new crankshaft front oil seal. For

additional information, refer to Crankshaft Front
Oil Seal in this section.

6. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-75 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-75


7. Loosely install the front bolts.

8. Note: Make sure to tighten the bolts in two

Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown in two
• Stage 1: Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb-ft).
• Stage 2: Tighten an additional 60 degrees.

9. Connect the CKP sensor electrical connector.

303-01B-76 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-76


10. Note: The front lower hole in the power

steering pump is not used.
Position the power steering pump and install the

11. Install the oil pan drain plug.

12. Lower the vehicle.

303-01B-77 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-77


13. Install the ignition coils and brackets.

1 Position the LH ignition coil and the
ignition coil mounting bracket.
2 Install the LH nuts.
3 Install the LH bolt.
4 Position the RH ignition coil and ignition
coil mounting bracket.
5 Install the RH bolts.

14. Connect the following electrical connections:

• RH ignition coil electrical connector (A)
• radio capacitor electrical connector (B)

15. Connect the following electrical connections:

• LH ignition coil connector (A)
• CMP electrical connector (B)
• radio capacitor electrical connector (C)

16. Install the valve covers. For additional

information, refer to Valve Cover—LH and
Valve Cover—RH in this section.

17. Fill the engine with oil.

• Use Ford Super Premium SAE 5W-30
Motor Oil XO-5W-30 DPS or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.

18. Install the water pump. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.
303-01B-78 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-78


19. Install the radiator. For additional information,
refer to Section 303-03.

20. Connect the battery ground cable.

Engine Front Cover — 5.4L Engine


1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).

For additional information, refer to Section

2. Remove both of the valve covers (6582). For

additional information, refer to Valve
Cover—LH and Valve Cover—RH in this

3. Remove the radiator (8005). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

4. Remove the water pump (8501). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

5. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-79 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-79


6. Remove the top bolts and the lower bolt and

position the power steering pump (3A674)

7. Disconnect the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor

electrical connector.

8. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.

303-01B-80 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-80


9. Remove the front bolts.

10. Remove the crankshaft front seal (6700). For

additional information, refer to Crankshaft Front
Oil Seal in this section.

11. Lower the vehicle.

12. Disconnect the camshaft position (CMP) sensor

electrical connection.
303-01B-81 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-81


13. Remove the (A) bolt and the (B) belt idler
pulley (8678).

14. Remove the bolts.

15. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Remove the engine front cover (6019) from the
front cover to cylinder block dowel (6C002).
• Remove the engine front cover gasket
(6020) and clean and inspect the mating
303-01B-82 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-82



1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Note: If the engine front cover is not secured
within four minutes, the sealant must be
removed and the sealing area cleaned with
Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or
equivalent meeting Ford specification
WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry until there is no
sign of wetness, or four minutes, whichever is
longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Note: Make sure that the engine front cover
gasket is in place on the engine front cover
before installation.
Apply the silicone along the cylinder head to
cylinder block surface and the oil pan to
cylinder block surface.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

2. Install the engine front cover with engine front

cover gasket on the front cover to cylinder
block dowel and loosely install the bolts.
303-01B-83 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-83


3. Tighten the engine front cover fasteners in

sequence in two stages.
Stage 1: Tighten fasteners 1 through 7 to 20-30
Nm (15-22 lb/ft).
Stage 2: Tighten fasteners 6 through 15 to
40-55 Nm (30-41 lb/ft).
Item Part Number Description

1 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange

Head Pilot, M8
x 1.25 x 53
2 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange
Head Pilot, M8
x 1.25 x 53
3 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange
Head Pilot, M8
x 1.25 x 53
4 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange
Head Pilot, M8
x 1.25 x 53
5 N806177 Bolts, Hex
Flange Head
Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 53
303-01B-84 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-84


Item Part Number Description
6 N808529 Stud Bolt, M10
x 1.5 x 1.5 x
7 N808529 Stud Bolt, M10
x 1.5 x 1.5 x
8 N808142 Screw and
Washer, Hex
Pilot, M10 x 1.5
x 57.5
9 N808142 Screw and
Washer, Hex
Pilot, M10 x 1.5
x 57.5
10 N808142 Screw and
Washer, Hex
Pilot, M10 x 1.5
x 57.5
11 N808140 Stud and
Washer, Hex
Head Pilot, M10
x 1.5 x M8 x
1.25 x 109.6
12 N808140 Stud and
Washer, Hex
Head Pilot, M10
x 1.5 x M8 x
1.25 x 109.6
13 N808140 Stud and
Washer, Hex
Head Pilot, M10
x 1.5 x M8 x
1.25 x 109.6
14 N808140 Stud and
Washer, Hex
Head Pilot, M10
x 1.5 x M8 x
1.25 x 109.6
15 N808140 Stud and
Washer, Hex
Head Pilot, M10
x 1.5 x M8 x
1.25 x 109.6
303-01B-85 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-85


4. Position the (A) belt idler pulley and install the

(B) bolt.

5. Connect the CMP electrical connection.

6. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.

7. Install a new crankshaft front oil seal. For

additional information, refer to Crankshaft Front
Oil Seal in this section.
303-01B-86 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-86


8. Loosely install the bolts, then tighten the bolts

in the two stages following the sequence
• Stage 1: Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb/ft).
• Stage 2: Tighten an additional 60 degrees.

9. Connect the crankshaft position sensor electrical

303-01B-87 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-87


10. Note: The front lower hole in the power

steering pump is not used.
Position the power steering pump and install the

11. Install the drain plug.

12. Lower the vehicle.

13. Install the valve covers. For additional

information, refer to Valve Cover—LH and
Valve Cover—RH in this section.

14. Fill the engine with oil.

• Use Ford Premium SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil
XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
303-01B-88 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-88


15. Install the water pump. For additional
information, refer to Section 303-03.

16. Install the radiator. For additional information,

refer to Section 303-03.

17. Connect the battery ground cable.

Timing Drive Components —Windsor Engine

Special Service Tool(s)

Crankshaft Holding Tool

303-448 (T93P-6303-A)

Camshaft Holding Tool

303-557 (T96T-6256-B)

Camshaft Positioning Tool

303-S568 (T96T-6256-AR)


CAUTION: Since the engine is not

free-wheeling, if the crankshaft (6303) or the
camshafts (6250) are moved in any manner
during removal and installation the crankshaft
and camshafts must be re-synchronized. These
steps are located in Engine Assembly Steps 35 to

1. Remove the engine front cover (6019). For

additional information, refer to Engine Front
Cover— 4.6L Engine or Engine Front Cover—
5.4L Enginein this section.
303-01B-89 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-89


2. Remove the crankshaft sensor ring from the


3. CAUTION: Unless otherwise

instructed, at no time when the timing chains
are removed and the cylinder heads are
installed is the crankshaft or camshaft to be
rotated. Severe piston and valve damage will
Position the crankshaft with the keyway at the
12 o’clock position

4. Install and fully tighten the Camshaft Holding

Tools on both camshafts.

5. Remove the timing chain tensioning system

from both timing chains (6268).
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the timing chain tensioners
3 Remove the timing chain tensioner arms
303-01B-90 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-90


6. CAUTION: Unless otherwise

instructed, at no time when the timing chains
are removed and the cylinders heads are
installed is the crankshaft or camshaft to be
rotated. Severe piston and valve damage will
Remove the LH and RH timing chains and the
crankshaft sprockets (6306).
• Remove the RH timing chain from the
camshaft sprocket.
• Remove the RH timing chain and outer
crankshaft sprocket from the crankshaft.
• Repeat for the LH timing chain and
crankshaft sprocket.

7. Remove both timing chain guides (6K297).

• Remove the bolts.
• Remove both timing chain guides.
303-01B-91 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-91



1. CAUTION: Timing chain procedures

must be followed exactly or damage to valves
and pistons will result.
CAUTION: Do not compress the
ratchet assembly. This will damage the
ratchet assembly.
Compress the tensioner plunger, using an edge
of a vise.

2. Using a small screwdriver or pick, push back

and hold the ratchet mechanism.

3. While holding the ratchet mechanism, push the

ratchet arm back into the tensioner housing.

4. Install a paper clip into the hole in the tensioner

housing to hold the ratchet assembly and
plunger in during installation.
303-01B-92 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-92


5. Remove the tensioner from the vise.

6. If the copper links are not visible, mark two

links on one end and one link on the other end,
and use as timing marks.

7. Install the timing chain guides.

303-01B-93 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-93


8. Slightly loosen the camshaft holding tools to

allow slight camshaft movement. Rotate the LH
camshaft with the Camshaft Positioning Tool
until the timing mark is approximately at 12
Rotate the RH camshaft with the Camshaft
Positioning Tool until the timing mark is
approximately at 11 o’clock. Tighten the
Camshaft Holding Tools to maintain camshaft

9. CAUTION: Do not turn the engine

over with the camshaft positioning tool or
damage to the camshaft sprocket or the bolt
may occur.
Use the Camshaft Positioning Tool to position
the camshaft.
303-01B-94 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-94


10. CAUTION: Unless otherwise

instructed, at no time when the timing chains
are removed and the cylinder heads are
installed is the crankshaft or camshaft to be
rotated. Severe piston and valve damage will
CAUTION: Rotate the crankshaft
counterclockwise only. Do not rotate past
position shown or severe piston and/or valve
damage can occur.
Position the crankshaft with the Crankshaft
Holding Tool.

11. Remove the Crankshaft Holding Tool.

12. Position the inner crankshaft sprocket with the

long hub facing outward.
303-01B-95 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-95


13. Install the LH timing chain onto the crankshaft

sprocket, aligning the one copper link on the
timing chain with the slot on the crankshaft

14. Note: Make sure the upper half of the timing

chain is below the tensioner guide dowel. If
necessary, use the Camshaft Positioning Tool to
Note: If necessary, adjust the camshaft sprocket
slightly to obtain timing mark alignment
Position the timing chain on the camshaft
sprocket with the two copper chain links and
the camshaft sprocket timing mark aligned.
303-01B-96 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-96


15. CAUTION: The camshaft sprocket

(6256) can jump if the Camshaft Holding
Tool is not secured.
Note: Be sure the copper chain link and
crankshaft sprocket timing mark are aligned.
Note: The lower half of the timing chain must
be positioned above the dowel.
Position the outer camshaft sprocket and the
RH timing chain with the long hub of the
sprocket facing inward.

16. Note: If necessary, adjust the camshaft sprocket

slightly to obtain timing mark alignment with
the Camshaft Positioning Tool.
Position the RH timing chain on the camshaft
sprocket. Make sure the two copper-colored
links align with the camshaft sprocket timing
303-01B-97 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-97


17. As a post-check, verify proper alignment of all

timing marks.

18. Position the LH and RH timing chain tensioner

arms on the dowel pins. Position the timing
chain tensioner assemblies, and install the
timing bolts.

19. Remove the RH and LH pins form the timing

chain tensioner assembly.
303-01B-98 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-98


20. Remove the Camshaft Holding Tool.

21. Position the crankshaft sensor ring on the


22. Note: The timing chain is removed for clarity.

Note: If not secured within four minutes,
sealant must be removed and the sealing area
cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness, or four
minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to follow
this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply a bead of silicone along the cylinder
head-to-block surface and the oil pan-to-block
surface as specified.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-A or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
303-01B-99 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-99


23. Install the engine front cover. For additional
information, refer to Engine Front Cover—
4.6L Engine or Engine Front Cover— 5.4L
Engine in this section.

Timing Drive Components —Romeo Engine

Special Service Tool(s)

Cam Positioning Tool

303-380 (T91P-6256-A)

Cam Position Tool Adapters

303-413 (T92P-6256-A)


CAUTION: Since the engine is not

free-wheeling, timing procedures must be
followed exactly or piston and valve damage may

1. Remove the engine front cover (6019). For

additional information, refer to Engine Front
Cover— 4.6L Engine or Engine Front Cover—
5.4L Engine in this section.

2. Remove the (A) crankshaft sensor ring from the

(B) crankshaft (6303)
303-01B-100 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-100


3. Rotate the crankshaft until both camshaft

keyways are 90 degrees from the valve cover
surface. Make sure the copper links line up
with the dots on the camshaft sprocket (6256).

4. Install the (A) Cam Positioning Tool and the

Camshaft Positioning Tool Adapters on the (B)
camshaft (6250).

5. Remove the (A) bolts and the (B) LH timing

chain tensioner (6L266).
303-01B-101 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-101


6. Remove the (A) bolts and the (B) RH timing

chain tensioner.
303-01B-102 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-102


7. Remove the LH and RH timing chain tensioner

arm (6L253) from the dowel pins.

8. Remove the timing chains and crankshaft

sprockets from the camshafts and crankshaft.
303-01B-103 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-103


9. Remove the timing chain guide (6K297)

1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the LH timing chain guide.
3 Remove the bolts.
4 Remove the RH timing chain guide.


1. CAUTION: Timing chain procedures

must be followed exactly or damage to valves
and pistons will result.
CAUTION: Do not compress the
ratchet assembly. This will damage the
ratchet assembly.
Compress the tensioner plunger, using an edge
of a vise.
303-01B-104 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-104


2. Using a small screwdriver or pick, push back

and hold the ratchet mechanism.

3. While holding the ratchet mechanism, push the

ratchet arm back into the tensioner housing.

4. Install a paper clip into the hole in the tensioner

housing to hold the ratchet assembly and
plunger in during installation.

5. If the copper links are not visible, mark two

links on one end and one link on the other end,
and use as timing marks.
303-01B-105 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-105


6. Install the timing chain guide.

1 Position LH timing chain guide.
2 Install and tighten the bolts.
3 Position the RH timing chain guide.
4 Install and tighten the RH bolts.
303-01B-106 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-106


7. Install the timing chains (6268) and the

crankshaft sprockets (6306).
1 Slide the (A) crankshaft main bearing thrust
washer (6A355) onto the (B) crankshaft,
aligning the copper link on the timing chain
with the dot on the crankshaft main bearing
thrust washer.
2 Position the timing chain over the camshaft
sprocket, aligning the copper link with the
dot on the camshaft sprocket.

8. Make sure that the (A) copper marks on the

timing chain are lined up with the
corresponding dots on the crankshaft sprockets
and the camshaft sprockets.
303-01B-107 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-107


9. Make sure that the (A) camshaft sprocket

keyway is 90 degrees from the (B) valve cover
mounting surface.

10. Make sure that the (A) RH crankshaft main

bearing thrust washer is on the front of the (B)
LH crankshaft main bearing thrust washer with
the long hubs facing each other.
303-01B-108 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-108


11. Position the LH and RH timing chain tensioner

arm on the dowel pins.
303-01B-109 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-109


12. Position the RH timing chain tensioner and

install the bolts.

13. Position the LH timing chain tensioner and

install the bolts.
303-01B-110 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-110


14. Remove both the RH and LH retaining pins

from the timing chain tensioner.

15. Remove (A) Cam Positioning Tool and the

Camshaft Positioning Tool Adapters from the
(B) camshaft.

16. Install the (A) crankshaft sensor ring on the (B)

crankshaft sprocket.

17. Install the engine front cover. For additional

information, refer to Engine Front Cover—
4.6L Engine in this section.
303-01B-111 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-111


Valve —Springs

Special Service Tool(s)

Valve Spring Compressor

303-381 (T91P-6565-A)

Valve Spring Spacer

303-382 (T91P-6565-AH)


1. Remove the camshaft roller followers. For

additional information, refer to Roller Followers
in this section.

2. Position the piston (6108) at the top of the


3. Remove the spark plug (12405) and install

compressed air in the cylinder to hold both
valves in position.
303-01B-112 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-112


CAUTION: If air pressure has forced the

piston to the bottom of the cylinder, any loss of
air pressure will allow the valve to fall into the
cylinder. If air pressure must be removed,
support the valve prior to removal.

4. Use the Valve Spring Compressor to compress

the valve springs (6513).

5. Remove the (A) valve spring retainer keys

(6518), the (B) valve spring retainers (6514),
and the (C) valve spring.


1. Position the valve spring and the valve spring

303-01B-113 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-113


2. Install the Valve Spring Spacer between the

valve spring coils to prevent valve stem seal

3. Use the Valve Spring Compressor to compress

the valve spring. Install the valve spring
retainer keys.

4. Install the camshaft roller followers. For

additional information, refer to Roller Followers
in this section.

5. Install the spark plug.

Valve —Seals

Special Service Tool(s)

Valve Stem Seal Replacer

303-383 (T91P-6571-A)


1. Remove the valve springs (6513). For additional

information, refer to Valve—Springs in this
303-01B-114 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-114


2. Remove the valve stem seals (6571).


1. Note: The valve stem seal must be bottomed on

the valve seat.
Note: Make sure that the garter spring is
present in the valve stem seal.
Use the (A) Valve Stem Seal Replacer to install
the (B) valve stem seals.

2. Install the valve springs. For additional

information, refer to Valve—Springs in this

Hydraulic Lash Adjusters


1. Remove the camshaft roller followers. For

additional information, refer to Roller Followers
in this section.
303-01B-115 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-115


2. Remove the valve tappets (6500).


1. Install the valve tappets.

2. Install the camshaft roller followers. For

additional information, refer to Roller Followers
in this section.

Roller Followers

Special Service Tool(s)

Valve Spring Compressor

303-381 (T91P-6565-A)

Valve Spring Spacer

303-382 (T91P-6565-AH)
303-01B-116 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-116



1. Remove the valve cover (6582). For additional

information, refer to Valve Cover—LH or
Valve Cover—RH in this section.

2. Position the piston (6108) of the cylinder being

repaired at the bottom of the stroke.

3. Install the Valve Spring Spacer between the

valve spring coils to prevent valve stem seal

4. Use the Valve Spring Compressor to compress

the valve springs (6513) and remove the cam
roller followers.
303-01B-117 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-117



1. Use the (A) Valve Spring Compressor to

compress the (B) valve spring and install the
(C) camshaft roller followers.

2. Remove the Valve Spring Spacer.

3. Install the valve covers. For additional

information, refer to Valve Cover—LH or
Valve Cover—RH in this section.


1. Remove the timing chains (6268). For

additional information, refer to Timing Drive
Components—Romeo Engine and Timing Drive
Components—Windsor Engine in this section.
303-01B-118 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-118


CAUTION: At no time, when the timing

chains are removed and the cylinder heads
(6049) are installed may the crankshaft (6303) or
camshaft (6250) be rotated. Severe piston and
valve damage will occur.

2. Remove the camshaft roller followers. For

additional information, refer to Roller Followers
in this section.

3. On engines with bolt on sprockets, remove the

camshaft sprocket (6256)
1 Remove the bolt.
2 Remove the camshaft sprocket.

4. Note: The Windsor engine is shown; the Romeo

engine is similar.
Remove the thirteen camshaft bearing cap bolts

5. Note: The Windsor cylinder head is shown; the

Romeo cylinder head is similar.
Remove the camshaft bearing caps (6B280).
303-01B-119 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-119


6. Remove the camshaft from the cylinder head.


All Vehicles

1. Lubricate the camshaft journals.

• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.

2. Install the camshaft onto the cylinder head.

303-01B-120 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-120


3. Lubricate the camshaft bearing caps.

• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specifications WSS-M2C153-G.

Windsor Engine

4. On Windsor engines, install the camshaft

bearing caps.
• Position the camshaft bearing caps.
• Loosely install the bolts.
303-01B-121 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-121


Romeo Engine

5. On Romeo engines, install the camshaft bearing

1 Position the camshaft bearing caps.
2 Loosely install the bolts.

Windsor Engine

6. On Windsor engines, tighten the bolts in the

sequence shown.
303-01B-122 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-122


Romeo Engine

7. On Romeo engines, tighten the bolts in the

sequence shown.

8. On Romeo engines, install the camshaft

sprocket spacer (6265).
1 Position the camshaft sprocket spacer.
2 Install the bolt.

All Vehicles
9. Install the roller followers. For additional
information, refer to Roller Followers in this

10. Install the timing chains. For additional

information, refer to Timing Drive
Components—Romeo Engine and Timing Drive
Components—Windsor Engine in this section.
303-01B-123 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-123


Exhaust Manifold —RH

1. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.

2. On 4x4 vehicles, remove the front wheel

opening moulding. For additional information,
refer to Section 501-02.

3. Remove the front fender splash shield (16103).

For additional information, refer to Section

4. Remove the three-way catalytic converter to

exhaust manifold nuts.

5. Remove the eight (A) nuts and the (B) exhaust

manifold (9430).
303-01B-124 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-124


6. Remove and discard the exhaust manifold

gasket (9448).

7. Clean and inspect the exhaust manifold. For

additional information, refer to Section 303-00.

1. Follow the removal procedure in reverse order.

303-01B-125 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-125


Exhaust Manifold —LH

All Vehicles
1. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional
information, refer to Section 100-02.

2. On 4x4 vehicles, remove the front wheel

opening moulding. For additional information,
refer to Section 501-02.

3. Remove the front fender splash shield (16103).

For additional information, refer to Section

4. Remove the nut and the brake booster vacuum

hose bracket.
303-01B-126 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-126


4.6L Engine

5. Disconnect the EGR valve to exhaust manifold

tube connections:
• The EGR backpressure transducer hoses.
• The EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube
upper fitting.
• The EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube
lower fitting and remove the EGR valve to
exhaust manifold tube (9D477).
303-01B-127 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-127


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

6. Remove the nuts.

303-01B-128 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-128


7. Remove the (A) nuts and the (B) exhaust

manifold (9430).

8. Remove and discard the exhaust manifold

gasket (9448).

9. Clean and inspect the exhaust manifold. For

additional information, refer to Section 303-00.

All Vehicles

1. Position the exhaust manifold gasket (9448).

303-01B-129 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-129


2. Position the (B) exhaust manifold (9430) and

loosely install the (A) nuts.

3. Tighten the nuts in the sequence shown.

4. Install the three-way catalytic converter to

exhaust manifold nuts.
303-01B-130 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-130


4.6L Engine

5. Connect the EGR valve to exhaust manifold

tube upper fitting.
• On 4.6L engines, tighten both fittings
starting at the top in two stages.
X Stage 1:Hand-tighten.
X Stage 2:Tighten to 35-45 Nm (26-33
• On 5.4L engines, tighten both fittings
starting at the top in two Stages.
X Stage 1:Hand-tighten.
X Stage 2:Tighten to 55-65 Nm (41-47
303-01B-131 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-131


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

6. Position the brake booster vacuum hose bracket

and install the nut.

7. Install the front fender splash shield (16103).

For additional information, refer to Section

8. On 4x4 vehicles, install the front wheel opening

moulding. For additional information, refer to
Section 501-02.

9. Lower the vehicle.

303-01B-132 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-132


Cylinder Head

All Vehicles
1. Remove the intake manifold (9424). For
additional information, refer to Intake Manifold
in this section.

2. Remove the timing chains (6268). For

additional information, refer to Timing Drive
Components—Romeo Engine and Timing Drive
Components—Windsor Engine in this section.

3. Remove the exhaust manifolds (9430). For

additional information, refer to Exhaust
Manifold—LH and Exhaust Manifold—RH in
this section.

4. Slide hose clamp back and disconnect water

heater supply tube.

5. Remove the studs.

303-01B-133 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-133


Romeo Engine

6. On Romeo engines, compress and slide the (A)

hose clamp back and remove the (B) heater
water hose (18472).

Windsor Engine

7. On Windsor engines, slide water heater tube

back and remove. Discard the O-ring.
303-01B-134 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-134


All Vehicles

8. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges that
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of the head gasket
Remove the bolts and the RH cylinder head
• Discard the head gasket and clean the
engine block surface with a plastic scraper
and solvent.
• Use Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting
Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.

9. CAUTION: The cylinder head bolts

must be replaced with new bolts. They are
tighten-to-yield designed and cannot be
303-01B-135 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-135


10. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges that
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of the head gasket.
Remove the bolts and the LH cylinder head.
• Discard the head gasket and clean the
cylinder block surface with a plastic scraper
and solvent.
• Use Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting
Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.


All Vehicles

1. Install the (A) head gasket over the (B) dowel

• The RH head gasket is shown; the LH head
gasket is similar.
303-01B-136 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-136


2. Install the (A) cylinder head on the (B) head

gasket and loosely install the (C) bolts.
• The RH cylinder head is shown; the LH
cylinder head is similar.

3. Note: Make sure to tighten the bolts in

sequence in three stages.
Tighten the LH bolts in the sequence shown.
• Stage 1: Tighten to 37-43 Nm.
• Stage 2: Tighten an additional 85-95
• Stage 3: Tighten an additional 85-95
303-01B-137 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-137


4. Note: Make sure to tighten the bolts in the

following three stages.
Tighten the RH bolts in the sequence shown.
• Stage 1: Tighten to 37-43 Nm.
• Stage 2: Tighten an additional 85-95
• Stage 3: Tighten an additional 85-95

Romeo Engine

5. On Romeo engines, install the (B) heater water

hose and slide the (A) hose clamp back into
303-01B-138 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-138


Windsor Engine

6. Install a new O-ring and position the water

heater tube forward.
• Lubricate the O-ring seal with Ford
Premium Cooling System Fluid
E2FZ-19549-AA (in Oregon,
F5FZ-19549-CC in Canada, CXC-8-B) or
equivalent meeting Ford specification

All Vehicles

7. Install the studs on the rear of the water heater


8. Install the exhaust manifolds. For additional

information, refer to Exhaust Manifold—LH
and Exhaust Manifold—RH in this section.

9. Install the timing chains. For additional

information, refer to Timing Drive
Components—Romeo Engine and Timing Drive
Components—Windsor Engine in this section.

10. Install the intake manifold. For additional

information, refer to Intake Manifold in this

Oil Cooler

1. Raise and support vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-139 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-139


2. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.

3. Drain the coolant. For additional information,

refer to Section 303-03.

4. On 4x4 vehicles equipped with 5.4L engines,

loosen the bolt, and remove the oil cooler.

5. Note: Make sure all O-ring seals are in place.

On 4x2 vehicles, remove the oil bypass filter
303-01B-140 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-140


6. On 4x2 vehicles, remove the oil cooler insert,

and remove the oil cooler.

7. Slide the hose clamps down and disconnect the

coolant hoses from the oil cooler.

8. On 4x4 vehicles, remove the bolts and remove

the oil cooler from the remote oil filter adapter


1. On 4x4 vehicles, position the remote oil filter

adapter lines and install the nuts.
303-01B-141 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-141


2. On 4x2 vehicles, position the coolant hoses and

slide the hose clamps back.

3. On 4x2 vehicles, install the oil cooler insert.

4. On 4x2 vehicles, install the oil bypass filter.

5. On 4x4 vehicles, position the oil cooler and

install the bolt.
303-01B-142 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-142


6. Install the drain plug.

7. Lower the vehicle.

8. Fill the engine with Ford Super Premium SAE

5W-30 Motor Oil XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.

9. Fill the engine coolant. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

Oil Filter Adapter —4x2

Special Service Tool(s)

3-Bar Engine Support



1. Remove the LH engine mount. For additional

information, refer to Engine Mount—LH and
Engine Mount—RH in this section.
303-01B-143 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-143


2. Remove the oil bypass filter (6714).

3. If equipped, remove the oil cooler. For

additional information, refer to Oil Cooler in
this section.

4. Disconnect the oil pressure sender electrical


5. Remove the oil pressure sensor (9278).

303-01B-144 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-144


6. Slide back the hose clamp and disconnect the

lower radiator hose (8286) from the oil filter
adapter (6881).

7. Remove the three bolts and remove the LH

engine mount.

8. Remove the bolts.

9. Remove the rear nut, the oil filter adapter and

discard the gasket.
303-01B-145 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-145



1. Note: Clean and inspect the mating surfaces,

and install new gaskets.
Position the oil filter adapter and install the rear

2. Install the four front bolts.

3. Position the lower radiator hose on the oil filter

adapter and secure the hose clamp.

4. Install the oil pressure sensor.

303-01B-146 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-146


5. Connect the oil pressure sender electrical


6. If equipped, install the oil cooler. For additional

information, refer to Oil Cooler in this section.

7. Install the oil bypass filter.

8. Install the LH engine mount. For additional

information, refer to Engine Mount—LH in this

9. Fill the engine with Ford Super Premium SAE

5W-30 Motor Oil XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.

10. Fill the engine coolant. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

Oil Filter Adapter —4x4


1. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-147 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-147


2. Remove the lower radiator hose (8286). For
additional information, refer to Section 303-03.

3. Remove the front drive axle assembly. For

additional information, refer to Section 205-03.

4. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.

5. If the vehicle does have an oil cooler, remove

the oil cooler. For additional information, refer
to Oil Cooler in this section.

6. Disconnect the oil pressure sender electrical

303-01B-148 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-148


7. On vehicles equipped with a remote oil filter

adapter (6881), remove the nuts and position
the remote oil filter adapter aside.

8. Remove the four bolts and the oil filter adapter.

303-01B-149 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-149



1. If equipped with a remote oil filter adapter,

position the oil filter adapter and install the four
• Install a new oil filter adapter gasket (6840).
303-01B-150 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-150


2. Position the remote oil filter adapter and install

the nuts.

3. On vehicles not equipped with a remote oil

filter adapter, position the oil filter adapter and
install the four bolts.
• Install a new oil filter adapter gasket.
• Position the oil filter adapter and install the
four bolts.

4. Connect the oil pressure sender electrical


5. If the vehicle is equipped with an oil cooler,

install the oil cooler. For additional information,
refer to Oil Cooler in this section.
303-01B-151 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-151


6. Install the drain plug.

7. Install the front drive axle assembly. For

additional information, refer to Section 205-03.

8. Install the lower radiator hose. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

9. Lower the vehicle.

10. Fill the engine with Ford Super Premium SAE

5W-30 Motor Oil XO-5-W-30-QSP or
equivalent meeting Ford specification

Oil Filter Adapter —Remote


1. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.

2. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.

303-01B-152 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-152


3. If equipped with an oil cooler, remove the two

nuts and disconnect the remote oil filter adapter
from the oil cooler.

4. If the vehicle is not equipped with an oil

cooler, disconnect the oil pressure sender
electrical connector.

5. Remove the two nuts and disconnect the remote

oil filter adapter.
303-01B-153 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-153


6. Remove the oil filter.

7. Remove the bolts, and remove the remote oil

filter adapter.


1. Follow the removal procedure in reverse order.

• Fill the engine with Ford Super Premium
SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil XO-5W-30-QSP or
equivalent meeting Ford specification
303-01B-154 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-154


303-01B-155 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-155


Oil Level Indicator and Tube

1. Remove LH exhaust manifold (9430). For

additional information, refer to Exhaust
Manifold—LH in this section.

2. Remove the oil level indicator (6750).

3. Remove the bolt.

4. Remove the oil level indicator tube (6754).

5. Note: Lubricate the new O-ring with Ford

Super Premium SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil
XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
Replace the O-ring.
303-01B-156 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-156



1. Follow the removal procedure in reverse order.

Oil Pan —4x2

Special Service Tool(s)

3-Bar Engine Support



All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section

2. Drain the cooling system. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

3. Remove the radiator air deflector (8326).

1 Remove the screws.
2 Remove the radiator air deflector.
303-01B-157 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-157


4. Remove the accelerator control splash shield.

1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the accelerator control splash

5. Remove the engine air cleaner (ACL) (9600).

For additional information, refer to Section

6. Remove the throttle return spring.

7. Disconnect the accelerator cable (9A758) from

the throttle body cam.
1 Roll the throttle body cam forward.
2 Slide the accelerator cable from the throttle
body cam.
303-01B-158 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-158


8. If equipped, disconnect the speed control

actuator cable (9A825) from the throttle body
1 Remove the bolt.
2 Disconnect the (A) speed control actuator
cable from the (B) throttle body cam and
position aside.

9. Disconnect the throttle position sensor (TPS)

electrical connector.

10. Disconnect the PCV connections.

1 Crankcase ventilation hose to throttle body
2 PCV intake manifold.
3 Crankcase ventilation hose to valve cover.
303-01B-159 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-159


4.6L Engine

11. Disconnect the following vacuum connections.

1 EGR vacuum connector
2 engine vacuum supply port.
3 EVR vacuum connector
4 Fuel pressure regulator
303-01B-160 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-160


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

12. Remove the nut.

303-01B-161 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-161


13. Disconnect the EGR valve to exhaust manifold

tube upper fitting.

14. Disconnect the idle air control (IAC) electrical


15. Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose.

16. Remove the throttle body adapter bolts and the

throttle body adapter assembly.
303-01B-162 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-162


17. Remove the fan shroud (8146).

1 Remove the bolts.
2 Position the fan shroud aside.

18. Remove the generator. For additional

information, refer to Section 414-02.

19. Install the 3-Bar Modular Engine Support

Bracket on the engine using the generator
mounting bolts.

20. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.

21. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.
303-01B-163 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-163


22. Remove the RH motor mount bolt.

23. Remove the LH motor mount bolt.

24. Lower the vehicle.

25. Raise the engine using the Three Bar Engine


26. Raise the vehicle on the hoist.

303-01B-164 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-164


27. Note: Be careful when removing the oil pan

gasket (6710). The oil pan gasket is reusable if
it is not damaged.
Remove the oil pan bolts.
• Position the oil pan (6675) aside to gain
access to the oil pump screen cover and
tube (6622).

28. Remove the bolt securing the rear of the oil

pump screen cover and tube.

29. Remove the bolts securing the front of the oil

pump screen cover and tube.

30. Remove the oil pan and the oil pump screen
cover and tube together.

All Vehicles
1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,
wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Clean and inspect the mating surfaces.
303-01B-165 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-165


2. Position the oil pan gasket, the oil pan and the
oil pump screen cover and tube together to the
cylinder block (6010).

3. Install the bolts.

4. Install the bolt.

5. Note: If the oil pan is not secured within four

minutes, the sealant must be removed and the
sealing area cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness, or four
minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to follow
this procedure may result in future oil leakage.
Apply the silicone at the engine front cover to
cylinder block mating surface.
• Use Ford Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
303-01B-166 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-166


6. Note: If the if the oil pan is not secured within

four minutes, the sealant must be removed and
the sealing area cleaned with Metal Surface
Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.
Allow to dry until there is no sign of wetness,
or four minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to
follow this procedure may result in future oil
Apply the silicone at the rear oil seal retainer to
cylinder block sealing surface.
• Use Ford Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-1956-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

7. Position the oil pan gasket.

8. Install the bolts and torque in the three stages,

in the sequence shown.
• Stage 1: Tighten to 2 Nm (18 lb/in).
• Stage 2: Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb/ft).
• Stage 3: Tighten an additional 60 degrees.

9. Lower the vehicle.

303-01B-167 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-167


10. Lower the engine and remove the Three Bar

Engine Support.

11. Raise the vehicle on the hoist.

12. Install the RH motor mount bolt.

13. Install the LH motor mount bolt.

14. Install the drain plug.

303-01B-168 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-168


15. Lower the vehicle.

16. Remove the 3-Bar Modular Engine Support


17. Install the generator. For additional information,

refer to Section 414-02.

18. Position the fan shroud and install the bolts.

19. Install a new gasket and the throttle body

adapter assembly and tighten in two stages.
• Stage 1: Tighten to 8-12 Nm (71-107 lb/in).
• Stage 2: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
303-01B-169 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-169


20. Connect the brake booster vacuum supply.

21. Connect the IAC electrical connector.

22. Connect the upper EGR valve to exhaust

manifold tube nut.
1 On 4.6L engines, tighten the fitting in two
X Stage 1: Hand-tighten.
X Stage 2: Tighten to 35-45 Nm (26-33
2 On 5.4L engine, tighten the fitting in two
X Stage 1: Hand-tighten.
X Stage 2: Tighten the fittings to 55-65 Nm
(41-47 lb-ft).

23. Install the EGR backpressure transducer nut.

303-01B-170 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-170


24. Disconnect the PCV connections.

1 Crankcase ventilation hose to throttle body
2 PCV intake manifold.
3 Crankcase ventilation hose to valve cover.

4.6L Engine

25. Note:
Connect the following vacuum connections.
1 EGR vacuum connector
2 engine vacuum supply port.
3 EVR vacuum connector
4 Fuel pressure regulator
303-01B-171 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-171


5.4L Engine

All Vehicles

26. Connect the TPS electrical connector.

27. If equipped, install the speed control actuator

cable on the throttle body.
1 Install the bolt.
2 Connect the (A) speed control actuator
cable to the (B) throttle body cam.

28. Connect the accelerator cable to the throttle

body cam.
1 Roll the throttle body cam forward.
2 Slide the accelerator cable into the throttle
body cam.
303-01B-172 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-172


29. Install the throttle return spring.

30. Install the engine air cleaner. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-12.

31. Install the accelerator control splash shield.

32. Install the radiator air deflector.

33. Connect the battery ground cable.

34. Fill the engine with Ford Super Premium

5W-30 Motor Oil XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.

35. Fill and bleed the cooling system. For

additional information , refer to Section

Oil Pan —4x4


1. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-173 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-173


2. Remove the front drive axle assembly. For
additional information, refer to Section 205-03.

3. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.

4. Remove the bolts.

5. Note: Be careful when removing the oil pan

gasket (6710). The oil pan gasket is reusable if
it is not damaged.
Remove the oil pan (6675) and oil pan gasket.
• Inspect oil pan gasket for damage.
• Replace if necessary.


1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Clean the mating surfaces.
303-01B-174 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-174


2. Note: If the oil pan and the oil pan gasket are
not secured within four minutes, the sealant
must be removed and the sealing area cleaned
with Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA
or equivalent meeting Ford specification
WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry until there is no
sign of wetness, or four minutes, whichever is
longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Apply the silicone at the rear oil seal retainer to
cylinder block sealing surface.
• Use Ford Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

3. Note: If the oil pan and the oil pan gasket are
not secured within four minutes, the sealant
must be removed and the sealing area cleaned
with Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA
or equivalent meeting Ford specification
WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry until there is no
sign of wetness, or four minutes, whichever is
longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Apply the silicone at the engine front cover to
the cylinder block sealing surface.
• Use Ford Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

4. Install the oil pan gasket and the oil pan and
loosely install the 16 bolts.
303-01B-175 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-175


5. Note: Make sure to tighten the bolts in three

Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
• Stage 1: Tighten to 2 Nm (18 lb/in).
• Stage 2: Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb/ft).
• Stage 3: Tighten an additional 60 degrees.

6. Install the front drive axle assembly. For

additional information, refer to Section 205-03.

7. Lower the vehicle.

8. Fill the engine with oil.

• Use Ford Super Premium SAE 5W-30
Motor Oil XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.
303-01B-176 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-176


Oil Pump

1. Remove the timing chains (6268). For

additional information, refer to Timing Drive
Components—Romeo Engine and Timing Drive
Components—Windsor Engine in this section.

2. Remove the oil pan (6675). For additional

information, refer to Oil Pan—4x4 in this

3. Remove the three (A) bolts and the (B) oil

pump screen cover and tube (6622).

4. Remove the oil pump (6600).

• Remove the bolts.
• Remove the oil pump.
303-01B-177 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-177



1. Note: Lubricate the new O-ring with Ford

Super Premium SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil
XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
Clean and inspect the mating surfaces replace
the O-ring..

2. Install the oil pump and loosely install the


3. Tighten the bolts.

4. Install the three oil pump screen and cover

303-01B-178 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-178


5. Install the timing chains. For additional
information, refer to Timing Drive
Components—Romeo Engine and Timing Drive
Components—Windsor Engine in this section.

6. Install the oil pan. For additional information,

refer to Oil Pan—4x4 in this section.

Oil Pump Screen Cover and Tube


1. Remove the oil pan (6675). For additional

information, refer to Oil Pan—4x2 or Oil
Pan—4x4 in this section.

2. Remove the three (A) bolts and the (B) oil

pump screen cover and tube (6622).


1. Note: Lubricate the new O-ring with Ford

Super Premium SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil
XO-5W-30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
Clean and inspect the mating surfaces and
replace the O-ring.
303-01B-179 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-179


2. Install the oil pump screen cover and tube and

install the bolts.

3. Install the oil pan. For additional information,

refer to Oil Pan—4x2 or Oil Pan—4x4 in this

Flywheel —Automatic Transmission


All Vehicles
1. Remove the transmission. For additional
information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W) or Section 307-01B (E4OD).

Romeo Engines

2. Remove the bolts.

303-01B-180 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-180


Windsor Engines


Romeo Engine

1. Position the flywheel (6375)and install the bolts

tighten the bolts in two stages.
• Stage 1: Loosely install the bolts
• Stage 2: Tighten the bolts in sequence
303-01B-181 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-181


Windsor Engine

All Vehicles
2. Install the transmission. For additional
information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W) or Section 307-01B (E4OD).

Flywheel —Manual Transmission


All Vehicles
1. Remove the clutch components. For additional
information, refer to Section 308-01.
303-01B-182 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-182


Romeo Engines

2. Remove the bolts.

Windsor Engines
303-01B-183 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-183



Romeo Engine

1. Position the flywheel (6375)and install the bolts

tighten the bolts in two stages.
• Stage 1: Loosely install the bolts
• Stage 2: Tighten the bolts in sequence
303-01B-184 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-184


Windsor Engine

All Vehicles
2. Install the transmission clutch components. For
additional information, refer to Section 308-01.

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal

Special Service Tool(s) Special Service Tool(s)

Rear Crankshaft Seal Replacer
Rear Crankshaft Adapter
303-516 (T95P-6701-BH)
303-518 (T95P-6701-DH)

Rear Crankshaft Slinger

Rear Crankshaft Seal Remover
303-519 (T95P-6701-EH)
303-514 (T95P-6701-AH)
303-01B-185 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-185


Special Service Tool(s)
Rear Crankshaft Slinger
303-517 (T95P-6701-CH)

Slide Hammer
100-001 (T50T-100-A)


1. Remove the transmission. For additional

information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W), Section 307-01B (E40D) or
Section 308-03 (manual transmission).

2. Remove the flywheel (6375). For additional

information, refer to Flywheel—Automatic
Transmission or Flywheel—Manual
Transmission in this section.

3. Use the (A) Rear Crankshaft Slinger Remover

and the (B) Slide Hammer to remove the (C)
rear oil seal slinger.
303-01B-186 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-186


4. Use the (A) Rear Crankshaft Seal Remover and

the (B) Slide Hammer to remove the (C) rear
main seal.


1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Note: Lubricate the inner lip of the rear
crankshaft seal with Super Premium 5W30
Motor Oil XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.
Use the Rear Crankshaft Seal Replacer and the
Rear Crankshaft Seal Adapter to install the rear
main seal.

2. With the Rear Crankshaft Seal Adapter still

installed, use the Rear Crankshaft Slinger
Replacer and the Rear Crankshaft Seal Replacer
to install the rear main seal slinger.

3. Install the flywheel. For additional information,

refer to Flywheel—Automatic Transmission or
Flywheel—Manual Transmission in this section.

4. Install the transmission. For additional

information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W), Section 307-01B (E4OD) or
Section 308-03 (manual transmission).
303-01B-187 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-187


Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal with Retainer Plate

Special Service Tool(s) Special Service Tool(s)

Rear Crank Slinger Remover
Rear Crankshaft Adapter
303-514 (T95P-6701-AH)
303-518 (T95P-6701-DH)

Rear Crankshaft Slinger

Rear Crankshaft Seal Remover
303-519 (T95P-6701-EH)
303-517 (T95P-6701-CH)

Slide Hammer
Rear Crankshaft Seal Replacer
100-001 (T50T-100-A)
303-516 (T95P-6701-BH)


1. Remove the transmission. For additional

information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W), Section 307-01B (E40D).

2. Remove the oil pan (6675). For additional

information, refer to Oil Pan—4x2 or Oil
Pan—4x4 in this section.

3. Remove the flywheel (6375). For additional

information, refer to Flywheel—Manual
Transmission or Flywheel—Automatic
Transmission in this section.
303-01B-188 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-188


4. Use the (A) Rear Crank Slinger Remover and

the (B) Slide Hammer to remove the (C) rear
oil seal slinger.

5. Use the (A) Rear Crankshaft Seal Remover and

the (B) Slide Hammer to remove the (C) rear
main seal.

6. If the oil dye leak test reveals a leak behind the

retainer, remove the six bolts and the crankcase
rear oil seal retainer.
303-01B-189 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-189



1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Note: Clean sealing surfaces with Metal Surface
Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.
Allow to dry until there is no sign of wetness,
or four minutes, whichever is longer, failure to
follow this procedure can cause future oil
Clean and inspect the mating surface.

2. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces.
These tools cause scratches and gouges which
make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool
to remove all traces of old sealant.
Note: If the rear crankshaft seal retaining plate
is not secured within four minutes, the sealant
must be removed and the sealing area cleaned
with Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA
or equivalent meeting Ford specification
WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry until there is no
sign of wetness, or four minutes, whichever is
longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Note: The silicone must be applied on the
groove along the retainer plate.
Apply a 4mm (0.16 in.) bead of silicone around
the rear oil seal retainer sealing surface.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-A or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
303-01B-190 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-190


3. Install the rear oil seal retainer and loosely

install the six bolts.

4. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.

5. Note: Lubricate the inner lip of the rear

crankshaft seal with Super Premium 5W30
Motor Oil XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.
Use the Rear Crankshaft Seal Replacer and the
Rear Crankshaft Seal Adapter to install the rear
main seal.

6. With the Rear Crankshaft Seal Adapter still

installed, use the Rear Crankshaft Slinger
Replacer and the Rear Crankshaft Seal Replacer
to install the rear main seal slinger.
303-01B-191 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-191


7. Install the flywheel. For additional information,
refer to Flywheel—Manual Transmissionor
Flywheel—Automatic Transmission in this

8. Install the oil pan. For additional information,

refer to Oil Pan—4x2 or Oil Pan—4x4 in this

9. Install the transmission. For additional

information, refer to Section 307-01A
(4R70W), Section 307-01B (E4OD) .

Engine Mount —LH

Special Service Tool(s)

3-Bar Engine Support



1. Remove the fan shroud (8146). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

2. Remove the generator. For additional

information, refer to Section 414-02

3. Install the 3-Bar Modular Engine Support

Bracket on the engine using the generator
mounting holes.

4. Raise the vehicle. For additional information,

refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-192 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-192


5. Remove the LH motor mount bolt.

6. Loosen the RH motor mount bolt.

7. Lower the vehicle.

8. Install the 3-Bar Engine Support and raise the


9. Raise the vehicle on the hoist. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-193 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-193


10. Remove the bolts and remove the engine



1. Follow the removal procedure in reverse order.

303-01B-194 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-194


Engine Mount —RH

Special Service Tool(s)

3-Bar Engine Support



1. Remove the fan shroud (8146). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

2. Remove the generator. For additional

information, refer to Section 414-02

3. Install the 3-Bar Modular Engine Support

Bracket on the engine using the generator
mounting holes.

4. Raise the vehicle. For additional information,

refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-195 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-195


5. Remove the starter motor (11002). For
additional information, refer to Section 303-06.

6. Remove the RH motor mount bolt.

7. Loosen the LH motor mount bolt.

8. Lower the vehicle.

9. Install the 3-Bar engine Support and raise the


10. Raise the vehicle on the hoist. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.
303-01B-196 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-196


11. Remove the RH bolts and remove the engine



1. Follow the removal procedure in reverse order.

303-01B-197 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-197

Engine Mount

Special Service Tool(s)

Engine Lift Bar

303-F047 (014-00073)

Heater Hose Disconnect Tool

5/8 Inch
412-042 (T85T-18539-AH)


All Vehicles
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable (14301).
For additional information, refer to Section

2. Remove the hood (16612).

3. Remove the engine air cleaner. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-12.

4. Remove the drive belt. For additional

information, refer to Section 303-05.

5. Remove the A/C condenser core (19712). For

additional information, refer to Section 412-03.

6. Remove the upper intake manifold. For

additional information, refer to Intake Manifold
in this section.
303-01B-198 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-198

Engine Mount (Continued)

7. Disconnect the two starter cable leads from the

starter relay.

8. Disconnect the two 42-pin connectors and the

single pin connector.

9. Disconnect the 16-pin connector and the single

pin connector.
303-01B-199 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-199

Engine Mount (Continued)

10. Remove the bolts and the junction block


11. Remove the heater water hose from the heater


12. Remove the heater water hose from the heater


13. On 4.6L engines, disconnect the following

electrical connectors.
• LH ignition coil connector (A).
• Camshaft position (CMP) sensor electrical
connector (B).
• Radio capacitor electrical connector (C).
303-01B-200 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-200

Engine Mount (Continued)

14. On 4.6L engines, disconnect the following

electrical connectors.
• RH ignition coil connector (A).
• Radio capacitor electrical connector (B).

15. On 4.6L engines, remove the ignition coils and

ignition coil mounting brackets.
1 Remove the RH bolts.
2 Remove the RH ignition coil and bracket.
3 Remove the LH bolt.
4 Remove the LH nuts.
5 remove the LH ignition coil and bracket.

16. Disconnect the climate control vacuum


17. Remove the bolts.

• Position the power steering fluid reservoir
and bracket aside.
303-01B-201 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-201

Engine Mount (Continued)

18. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional
information, refer to Section 100-02.

19. Remove the drain plug and drain the engine oil.

20. Disconnect the A/C compressor electrical


21. Disconnect the crankshaft position (CKP)


22. Remove the starter motor (11001). For

additional information, refer to Section 303-06.

23. Remove the A/C compressor (19703). For

additional information, refer to Section 412-03.
303-01B-202 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-202

Engine Mount (Continued)

24. Remove the transmission fluid cooler hose

(7B093) from the block-mounted clip.

25. Remove the transmission inspection cover,

torque converter bolts and
transmission-to-engine block bolts. For
additional information, refer to Section

26. Disconnect the electronic variable orifice (EVO)

electrical connector.
303-01B-203 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-203

Engine Mount (Continued)

27. Remove the bolts and position the power

steering pump aside.

28. Disconnect the oil pressure sender electrical


29. Disconnect the heated exhaust gas oxygen

electrical connectors.
303-01B-204 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-204

Engine Mount (Continued)

30. Remove the RH exhaust manifold to three-way

catalytic converter nuts.

31. Remove the RH exhaust manifold studs.

32. Remove the LH exhaust manifold to three-way

catalytic converter nuts.
• Position the Y pipe aside.

33. Remove the RH motor mount bolt.

34. Remove the LH motor mount bolt.

303-01B-205 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-205

Engine Mount (Continued)

35. On 4x4 vehicles, loosen the bolt and position

oil cooler aside.

36. On 4x2 vehicles, remove the oil bypass filter.

37. Remove the oil pressure sensor.

38. Slide back the hose clamp and disconnect the

lower radiator hose from the oil filter adapter.
303-01B-206 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-206

Engine Mount (Continued)

39. Slide back the hose clamps and remove the

coolant lines from the oil cooler.

40. Remove the oil filter insert and remove the oil

Romeo Engine

41. Remove the water heater inlet tube.On Windsor

engines, discard the O-ring.
303-01B-207 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-207

Engine Mount (Continued)

Windsor Engine

All Vehicles
42. Lower the vehicle and support the transmission.

43. Install the Engine Lift Bar.

44. Remove the engine.

45. Note: Windsor engine shown.

Note: If engine disassembly is to be performed,
remove the rear crankshaft oil seal slinger and
the crankshaft rear oil seal. For additional
information, refer to Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
with Retainer Plate in this section.
Remove the flywheel

46. Place the engine on a suitable engine stand.

303-01B-208 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-208


Special Service Tool(s) Special Service Tool(s)

Connecting Rod Guides
Camshaft Holding Tool
303-442 (T93P-6136-A)
303-557 (T96T-6256-B)

Front Cover Seal Remover

Crankshaft Damper Remover
303-107 (T74P-6700-A)
303-009 (T58P-6316-D)

Lifting Handle Set

Crankshaft Holding Tool
303-572 (T97T-6000-A)
303-448 (T93P-6303-A)


All Vehicles
1. With the engine on the engine stand, remove
the engine control sensor wiring (12A581). For
additional information, refer to the appropriate
engine section in Group 303 for the procedure.

2. Remove the oil pan (6675).

• Remove the bolts.
• Remove the oil pan.
• Remove the oil pan gasket (6710).
303-01B-209 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-209

Engine (Continued)

3. Remove the bolts and the oil pump screen

cover and tube (6622).

4. Remove the oil pump screen cover and tube


5. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation

(PCV) valve (6A666) from the valve cover

6. Note: The bolts are a part of the valve cover

and are not removed from the valve cover.
Fully loosen the bolts, and remove the valve
• Inspect the valve cover gasket (6584) and
clean the mating surface of the cylinder
head (6049).

7. Disconnect the crankcase ventilation hose.

303-01B-210 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-210

Engine (Continued)

8. Note: The bolts are a part of the valve cover

and are not removed from the valve cover.
Fully loosen the bolts and remove the right
valve cover.
• Inspect the valve cover gasket, and clean the
mating surface of the cylinder head.

9. Remove the (A) bolt and the (B) belt idler

pulley (8678).
303-01B-211 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-211

Engine (Continued)

10. Remove the water pump pulley (8509).

1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the water pump pulley.

11. Remove the bolts.

12. Remove the (A) water pump (8501) from the

(B) cylinder block (6010).
303-01B-212 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-212

Engine (Continued)

13. Remove the crankshaft pulley bolt (6A340).

Use the Crankshaft Damper Remover to remove
the crankshaft pulley (6312).

14. Use the (A) Front Cover Seal Remover to

remove the (B) crankshaft front seal (6700).

15. Note: Correct fastener location is essential for

assembly procedure. Record fastener location.
Remove the fasteners.

16. Remove the engine front cover (6019) from the

cylinder block.
303-01B-213 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-213

Engine (Continued)

17. Remove the crankshaft sensor ring from the

crankshaft (6303).

18. CAUTION: Unless otherwise

instructed, at no time when the timing chains
are removed and the cylinder heads are
installed is the crankshaft or camshaft to be
rotated. Severe piston and valve damage will
Position the crankshaft with the Crankshaft
Holding Tool as shown.

Windsor Engine

19. On Windsor engines, install and fully tighten

the Camshaft Holding Tools (2) on both
camshafts (6250).
303-01B-214 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-214

Engine (Continued)
All Vehicles

20. Remove the timing chain tensioning system

from both timing chains (6268).
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the timing chain tensioners
3 Remove the timing chain tensioner arms

21. CAUTION: Unless otherwise

instructed, at no time when the timing chains
are removed and the cylinders heads are
installed is the crankshaft or camshaft to be
rotated. Severe piston and valve damage will
Remove the LH and RH timing chains and the
crankshaft sprockets (6306).
• Remove the Crankshaft Holding Tool.
• Remove the RH timing chain from the
camshaft sprocket.
• Remove the RH timing chain and outer
crankshaft sprocket from the crankshaft.
• Repeat for the LH timing chain and
crankshaft sprocket.
303-01B-215 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-215

Engine (Continued)

22. Remove both timing chain guides (6K297).

• Remove the bolts.
• Remove both timing chain guides.

23. Remove the RH exhaust manifold (9430).

1 Remove the nuts.
2 Remove the RH exhaust manifold.
3 Remove the RH exhaust manifold gasket

24. Remove the LH exhaust manifold.

1 Remove the nuts.
2 Remove the LH exhaust manifold.
3 Remove the LH exhaust manifold gasket.
303-01B-216 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-216

Engine (Continued)
25. Clean and inspect the exhaust manifold gaskets;
refer to Section 303-00.

26. Remove the bolt and the oil level indicator tube

27. Install the Lifting Handles on both ends of the

cylinder head.
303-01B-217 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-217

Engine (Continued)

28. CAUTION: Cylinder head bolts must

be replaced with new bolts. They are
tighten-to-yield designed and cannot be
CAUTION: Place cylinder head on a
cardboard or wood surface to prevent
damage to the joint face.
Remove the bolts and discard.
• RH is shown. LH is similar.
• Remove the cylinder head.

29. Discard the head gasket (6051) and clean the

engine block surface.

30. If required, remove the bolts, and remove the

LH engine mount.
303-01B-218 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-218

Engine (Continued)

31. If required, remove the RH bolts, and remove

the engine mount.

32. If required, remove the nuts and bolt retaining

the oil filter adapter (6881) and oil filter adapter
gasket (6840) to the cylinder block.

33. Clean the oil filter adapter gasket surface at the

cylinder block.

34. Remove the oil pump (6600).

1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the oil pump.
303-01B-219 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-219

Engine (Continued)

35. CAUTION: Verify that the connecting

rods and rod caps have orientation numbers
cast into them. If not, number the connecting
rods (6200) and rod caps for proper
Remove the bolts and the connecting rod cap.
Discard the bolts.

36. CAUTION: Do not scratch the cylinder

walls or crankshaft journals with the
connecting rod.
Use the Connecting Rod Guide Tool to push
the piston through the top of the cylinder block.
303-01B-220 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-220

Engine (Continued)

37. On Romeo engines, remove the crankshaft

bearing cap fasteners.
1 Remove and discard the cross-mounted
main cap bolts.
2 Loosen the jack screws.
3 Remove and discard the main cap bolts.

38. On Windsor engines, remove the fasteners.

1 Remove and discard the cross-mounted
main cap bolts.
2 Remove the dowels.
3 Remove and discard the main bearing cap
303-01B-221 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-221

Engine (Continued)

39. Remove the five main bearing caps and the

lower crankshaft main bearings (6333).

40. Remove the crankshaft and the upper crankshaft

main bearings from the cylinder block.
303-01B-222 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-222

Cylinder Head

Special Service Tool(s)

Valve Spring Compressor

303-381 (T91P-6565-A)

Valve Spring Spacer

303-382 (T91P-6565-AH)

Valve Stem Seal Replacer

303-383 (T91P-6571-A)


All Vehicles

1. On Windsor engines, remove the Camshaft

Holding Tool from the camshaft (6250).
303-01B-223 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-223

Engine (Continued)

2. CAUTION: Do not remove the

camshaft before removing the roller
CAUTION: Place the cylinder head
(6049) on a cardboard or wood surface to
prevent damage to the joint face.
Install the Valve Spring Spacer between the
valve spring coils to prevent valve stem seal

3. Note: The roller followers must be reinstalled in

their original locations. Record roller follower
Use the Valve Spring Compressor to compress
the valve springs (6513), and remove the roller

4. Note: The hydraulic lash adjusters must be

installed in their original locations. Record
hydraulic lash adjuster locations.
Remove the hydraulic lash adjusters.

5. Note: Windsor engine shown, Romeo engine is

Use the Valve Spring Compressor to compress
the valve springs.
303-01B-224 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-224

Engine (Continued)

6. CAUTION: Keep the valves and valve

spring retainer keys (6518) in order so they
can be installed in the same positions.
Note: Shown without camshaft for clarity.
Remove the (A) valve spring retainer keys, the
(B) valve spring retainers (6514), the (C) valve
springs, and the valves.

7. Remove the valve stem seals (6571).

Romeo Engine

8. Note: The camshaft bearing caps must be

installed in their original location. Record
camshaft bearing cap location.
Remove the bolts, the bearing caps and the
303-01B-225 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-225

Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine


All Vehicles
1. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers
or other tools to clean the cylinder head or
damage to the head may occur.
Use a plastic scraper and solvent to clean the
cylinder head.
• Use Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting
Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.
303-01B-226 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-226

Engine (Continued)

2. Lubricate the camshaft journals.

• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.

Romeo Engine

3. Install the camshaft and the camshaft bearing

• Lubricate and position the camshaft bearing
• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
• Install the bolts loosely.
303-01B-227 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-227

Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine
303-01B-228 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-228

Engine (Continued)
Romeo Engine

4. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.

303-01B-229 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-229

Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine

All Vehicles

5. Install the valves in the valve guides located in

the cylinder head.
303-01B-230 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-230

Engine (Continued)

6. Use the (A) Valve Stem Seal Replacer to install

the (B) valve stem seals.

7. Install the valve springs and the valve spring

retainers onto the valves.

8. Install the Valve Spring Spacer between the

valve spring coils to prevent valve stem seal

9. Use the Valve Spring Compressor to compress

the valve springs, and install the valve spring
retainer keys.
303-01B-231 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-231

Engine (Continued)

10. Install the hydraulic lash adjusters in their

original location.

11. Install the roller followers in their original


12. Remove the Valve Spring Spacer.

Piston —Pin Connecting Rod, Press Fit

Special Service Tool(s)

Piston Pin Tool

303-D034 (D81L-6135-A) or
303-01B-232 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-232

Engine (Continued)

1. Use the Piston Pin Tool to press the piston pin

out from the connecting rod and piston

2. Remove the connecting rod (6200) from the

piston (6108).

3. Clean and inspect the connecting rod and

piston. For additional information, refer to
Section 303-00.

1. Lubricate the piston pin (6135) and piston pin

• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
303-01B-233 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-233

Engine (Continued)

2. Note: The connecting rod can be installed in

either direction.
Position the piston pin in the bore aligned with
the connecting rod bore.

3. Use the Piston Pin Tool to press the piston pin

into the piston and rod assembly.

Piston —Pin Connecting Rod, Floating Pin


1. Remove the clips.

303-01B-234 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-234

Engine (Continued)

2. Remove the piston pin (6135) from the piston

(6108) and connecting rod assembly.

3. Remove the connecting rod (6200) from the


4. Clean and inspect the piston and connecting

rod. For additional information, refer to
Section 303-00.
303-01B-235 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-235

Engine (Continued)

1. Note: Connecting rod must be installed into

piston with identification markings toward front.
Position the connecting rod in the piston.

2. Lubricate the piston pin and pin bore.

• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
303-01B-236 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-236

Engine (Continued)

3. Install the piston pin in the piston and

connecting rod assembly.

4. Install the piston pin retaining clips in the



Special Service Tool(s) Special Service Tool(s)

Connecting Rod Guides
Camshaft Holding Tool
303-442 (T93P-6136-A)
303-557 (T96T-6256-B)

Crankshaft Damper Replacer

Camshaft Positioning Tool
303-102 (T74P-6316-B)
303-556 (T96T-6256-A)
303-01B-237 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-237

Piston (Continued)
Special Service Tool(s) Special Service Tool(s)
Crankshaft Seal Replacer Cam Positioning Tool (Romeo)
303-635 303-380 (T91P-6256-A)

Piston Ring Compressor Crankshaft Holding Tool

303-D032 (D81L-6002-C) or 303-448 (T93P-6303-A)

Cam Position Tool Adapters

303-413 (T92P-6256-A)


All Vehicles
1. Note: Before assembling the cylinder block
(6010), all sealing surfaces must be free of
chips, dirt, paint and foreign material. Also,
make sure the coolant and oil passages are
Lubricate and install the crankshaft upper main
bearings into the cylinder block.
• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.
303-01B-238 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-238

Piston (Continued)

2. Note: Do not install the upper thrust bearings

until the crankshaft (6303) is installed. Refer to
Step 3.
On Romeo engines, install the crankshaft onto
the upper crankshaft main bearing (6333).
On Windsor engines, install the crankshaft onto
the upper main bearings.

3. Note: The oil groove on the thrust washer must

face toward the front of the engine (against the
crankshaft thrust surface).
On Windsor engines, push the crankshaft
rearward and install the rear crankshaft upper
thrust washer at the back of the No. 5 main

4. Note: The oil groove on the thrust washer must

face toward the front of the engine (against the
crankshaft surface).
On Windsor engines, push the crankshaft
forward and install the front crankshaft upper
thrust washer at the front of the No. 5 main
303-01B-239 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-239

Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine

5. Note: To aid in assembly, apply petroleum jelly

to the back of the crankshaft thrust washer.
Note: The oil groove on the thrust washer must
face toward the rear of the engine (crankshaft
On Windsor engines, install the lower
crankshaft thrust washer (6334) to the back side
of the No. 5 main bearing cap, with oil grooves
facing the crankshaft surface.
On Romeo engines, install the rear main
bearing cap.

Romeo Engine

All Vehicles

6. Install the crankshaft lower main bearings into

the main bearing caps. Locate the main bearing
cap on the cylinder block and tap into place
using a plastic or dead-blow hammer.
303-01B-240 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-240

Piston (Continued)
Romeo Engine

7. On Romeo engines, tighten the jack screws in

two stages, in the sequence shown.
• Stage 1: Tighten to 5 Nm (44.6 lb/in)
• Stage 2: Tighten to 9-11 Nm (80-97 lb/in)

8. On Windsor engines, install the dowel pins so

the flat sides face the crankshaft.
303-01B-241 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-241

Piston (Continued)

9. On Romeo engines, install the bolts and tighten

in two stages in the sequence shown.
Stage 1: Tighten to 10 Nm (89.2 lb/in).
Stage 2: Tighten to 19-23 Nm (14-17 lb/ft).

10. On Windsor engines, tighten the bolts in two

stages in the sequence shown.
Stage 1: Tighten to 37-43 Nm (27-32 lb/ft).
Stage 2: Tighten an additional 85-95 degrees.
303-01B-242 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-242

Piston (Continued)

11. On Romeo engines, tighten the bolts in the

sequence shown.

12. On Windsor engines, install the side bolts and

tighten in two stages, in the sequence shown.
Stage 1: Tighten to 27-33 Nm (20-24 lb/ft).
Stage 2: Tighten an additional 85-95 degrees.
303-01B-243 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-243

Piston (Continued)

13. CAUTION: Do not scratch the cylinder

walls or crankshaft journals with the
connecting rod (6200).
Note: Steps 13, 14 and 15 are for all eight
connecting rods, rod caps and pistons. Only one
connecting rod, rod cap and piston is shown.
Use the Connecting Rod Guide Tool and the
Piston Ring Compressor to install the
connecting rod with upper connecting rod
bearing (6211) in place.

14. CAUTION: Do not scratch the cylinder

walls or crankshaft journals with the
connecting rod.
Once the connecting rod is seated on the
crankshaft journal, remove the Connecting Rod
Guide Tool.

15. CAUTION: The rod cap installation

must keep the same orientation as marked
during disassembly.
Note: The connecting rod caps are of the
‘‘cracked’’ design and must mate with the
connecting rod ends. Excessive bearing
clearance will result if not mated properly.
Position the lower bearing and connecting rod,
and install the new bolts loosely.
303-01B-244 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-244

Piston (Continued)

16. Tighten the bolts in two stages, using the

sequence shown.
Stage 1: 40-45 Nm (30-33 lb/ft)
Stage 2: Rotate 90-120 degrees

17. Position the oil pump (6600) and install the

bolts loosely. Tighten the bolts in the sequence

18. CAUTION: Make sure all coolant

residue and debris are cleaned from the
block surface and cylinder bore.
Position the (A) head gasket (6051) over the
(B) dowel pins.
• RH is shown; LH is similar.
303-01B-245 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-245

Piston (Continued)

19. Rotate the crankshaft until the crankshaft

keyway points toward the top of the engine (12

20. Note: Do not turn the crankshaft until instructed

to do so.
Position the (A) cylinder head (6049) over the
dowels on the (B) head gasket and install the
(C) cylinder head bolts loosely.
• RH is shown; LH is similar.

21. Tighten the bolts in three stages, in the

sequence shown.
RH is shown, LH is similar
Stage 1: 37-43 Nm (27-32 lb/ft)
Stage 2: Rotate 85-95 degrees
Stage 3: Rotate 85-95 degrees
303-01B-246 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-246

Piston (Continued)

22. Note: Lubricate O-ring with Super Premium

5W30 Motor Oil XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSS-M2C153-G.
Install the oil level indicator tube (6754).
• Install a new O-ring on the oil level
indicator tube.
• Install the oil level indicator tube.
• Install the bolt.

23. Install the RH exhaust manifold gaskets(9448)

and the exhaust manifold. Tighten the nuts in
the sequence shown.
303-01B-247 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-247

Piston (Continued)

24. Install the LH exhaust manifold and the exhaust

manifold gaskets. Tighten the nuts in the
sequence shown.

25. CAUTION: Timing chain procedures

must be followed exactly or damage to valves
and pistons will result.
CAUTION: Do not compress the
ratchet assembly. This will damage the
ratchet assembly.
Compress the tensioner plunger, using an edge
of a vise.

26. Using a small screwdriver or pick, push back

and hold the ratchet mechanism.
303-01B-248 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-248

Piston (Continued)

27. While holding the ratchet mechanism, push the

ratchet arm back into the tensioner housing.

28. Install a paper clip into the hole in the tensioner

housing to hold the ratchet assembly and
plunger in during installation.

29. Remove the tensioner from the vise.

30. If the copper links are not visible, mark two

links on one end and one link on the other end,
and use as timing marks.
303-01B-249 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-249

Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine

31. Loosely install the Camshaft Holding Tools on

both camshafts (6250).

32. Install the timing chain guides.

303-01B-250 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-250

Piston (Continued)

33. Slightly loosen the Camshaft Holding Tool to

allow slight camshaft movement. Rotate the LH
camshaft with the Camshaft Positioning Tool
until the timing mark is approximately at 12
Rotate the RH camshaft with the Camshaft
Positioning Tool until the timing mark is
approximately at 11 o’clock. Tighten the
Camshaft Holding Tool to maintain camshaft

34. CAUTION: Do not turn the engine

over with the Camshaft Positioning Tool or
damage to the camshaft sprocket or the bolt
may occur.
Use the (A) Camshaft Positioning Tool to
position the (B) camshaft.
303-01B-251 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-251

Piston (Continued)

35. CAUTION: Unless otherwise

instructed, at no time when the timing chains
are removed and the cylinder heads are
installed is the crankshaft or camshaft to be
rotated. Severe piston and valve damage will
CAUTION: Rotate the crankshaft
counterclockwise only. Do not rotate past
position shown or severe piston and/or valve
damage can occur.
Position the crankshaft with the Crankshaft
Holding Tool.

36. Remove the Crankshaft Holding Tool.

37. Position the inner crankshaft sprocket with the

long hub facing outward.
303-01B-252 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-252

Piston (Continued)

38. Install the LH timing chain to the crankshaft

sprocket, aligning the one copper link on the
timing chain with the slot on the crankshaft

39. Note: Make sure the upper half of the timing

chain is below the tensioner guide dowel. If
necessary, use the Camshaft Positioning Tool to
Note: If necessary, adjust the camshaft sprocket
slightly to obtain timing mark alignment.
Position the timing chain on the camshaft
sprocket with the two copper chain links and
the camshaft sprocket timing mark aligned.
303-01B-253 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-253

Piston (Continued)

40. CAUTION: The camshaft sprocket

(6256) can jump time if the Camshaft
Holding Tool is not secured.
Note: Be sure the copper chain link and
crankshaft sprocket timing mark are aligned.
Note: The lower half of the timing chain must
be positioned above the dowel.
Position the outer camshaft sprocket and the
RH timing chain with the long hub of the
sprocket facing inward.

41. Note: If necessary, adjust the camshaft sprocket

slightly to obtain timing mark alignment with
the Camshaft Positioning Tool.
Position the RH timing chain on the camshaft
sprocket. Make sure the two copper-colored
links align with the camshaft sprocket timing
303-01B-254 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-254

Piston (Continued)

42. As a post-check, verify proper alignment of all

timing marks.

43. Position the LH and RH timing chain tensioner

arms on the dowel pins. Position the timing
chain tensioner assemblies, and install the bolts.

44. Remove both the RH and LH pins from the

timing chain tensioner (6L266) assembly.
303-01B-255 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-255

Piston (Continued)

45. Remove the Camshaft Holding Tools.

46. Note: Romeo Timing Procedure

Install the timing chain guides (6K297).
1 Position LH timing chain guide.
2 Install and tighten the bolts.
3 Position the RH timing chain guide.
4 Install and tighten the RH bolts.
303-01B-256 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-256

Piston (Continued)

47. Install the timing chains (6268) and crankshaft

sprockets (6306).
1 Slide the (A) crankshaft sprocket onto the
(B) crankshaft, aligning the copper link on
the timing chain with the dot on the
crankshaft sprocket.
2 Position the timing chain over the camshaft
sprocket, aligning the copper link with the
dot on the camshaft sprocket.

48. Make sure that the (A) copper marks on the

timing chains are lined up with the
corresponding dots on the crankshaft sprockets
and camshaft sprockets.
303-01B-257 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-257

Piston (Continued)

49. Make sure that the (A) camshaft sprocket

keyway is 90 degrees from the (B) valve cover
mounting surface.

50. Make sure that the (A) RH crankshaft sprocket

is on the front of the (B) LH crankshaft
sprocket with the long hubs facing each other.
303-01B-258 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-258

Piston (Continued)

51. Position the LH and RH timing chain tensioner

arm (6L253) on the dowel pins.
303-01B-259 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-259

Piston (Continued)

52. Position the RH timing chain tensioner and

install the timing bolts.

53. Position the LH timing chain tensioner and

install the bolts.
303-01B-260 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-260

Piston (Continued)

54. Remove both the RH and LH retaining pins

from the timing chain tensioners.

55. Remove the (A) Cam Positioning Tool and the

Camshaft Positioning Tool Adapters from the
(B) camshaft.

56. Position the crankshaft sensor ring on the

303-01B-261 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-261

Piston (Continued)

57. Note: If the bolt is not secured within four

minutes, the sealant must be removed and the
sealing area cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness or four minutes
whichever is longer. Failure to follow this
procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply a bead of silicone along the
head-to-block surface and the oil pan-to-block
surface as specified.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

58. Install a new engine front cover gasket on the

engine front cover. Position the engine front
cover. Install the fasteners finger-tight.
303-01B-262 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-262

Piston (Continued)

59. On Romeo engines, tighten the bolts in the

sequence shown to 20-30 Nm.
On Windsor engines, tighten the fasteners in
two stages. Refer to the illustration.
Stage 1: Tighten fasteners 1 through 7 to 20-30
Nm (15-22 lb/ft).
Stage 2: Tighten fasteners 6 through 15 to
40-55 Nm (30-41 lb/ft).

Item Number Description

1 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,

M8 x 1.25 x 53
2 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
3 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
4 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
5 N806177 Bolt, Hex Flange Head Pilot,
M8 x 1.25 x 53
6 N808793 4.6L Windsor, M10 x 1.5 x
M6 x 1.0 x 78.1
303-01B-263 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-263

Piston (Continued)
Item Number Description
6 N808586 4.6L Romeo, M8 x 1.25 x
M6 x 1.0 x 86.35
6 N808529 5.4L, M10 x 1.5 x 1.5 x
7 N808793 4.6L Windsor, M10 x 1.5 x
M6 x 1.0 x 78.1
7 N808586 4.6L Romeo, M8 x 1.25 x
M6 x 1.0 x 86.35
7 N808529 5.4L, M10 x 1.5 x 1.5 x
8 N808142 Windsor Screw and Washer,
Hex Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
8 N808586 Romeo, M8 x 1.25 x M6 x
1.0 x 86.35
9 N808142 Windsor, Screw and Washer,
Hex Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
9 N806177 Romeo, Bolt, Hex Flange
Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
10 N808142 Windsor, Screw and Washer,
Hex Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x 57.5
10 N806177 Romeo, Bolt, Hex Flange
Head Pilot, M8 x 1.25 x 53
11 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
11 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
12 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
12 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
13 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
13 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
14 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
14 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
15 N808140 Windsor, Stud and Washer,
Hex-Head Pilot, M10 x 1.5 x
M8 x 1.25 x 109.6
15 N806300 Romeo, Stud Pilot, M8 x 1.25
x 1.25 x 91.1
303-01B-264 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-264

Piston (Continued)

60. Install the oil pump screen cover and tube


61. Position the oil pump screen cover and tube

(6622), and install the bolts.

62. Note: If the oil pan (6675) is not secured within

four minutes, the sealant must be removed and
the sealing areas cleaned with Metal Surface
Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent
meeting Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.
Allow to dry until there is no sign of wetness
or four minutes whichever is longer. Failure to
follow this procedure can cause future oil
Apply the silicone at the rear oil seal
retainer-to-cylinder block sealing surface.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
303-01B-265 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-265

Piston (Continued)

63. Apply silicone at the front cover-to-cylinder

block sealing surface.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

64. Position the oil pan gasket (6710), the oil pan
and the bolts on the engine.

65. Tighten the bolts in three stages, in the

sequence shown.
Stage 1: 2 Nm (18 lb/in)
Stage 2: 20 Nm (15 lb/ft)
Stage 3: Rotate 60 degrees
303-01B-266 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-266

Piston (Continued)

66. Note: Clean and inspect the mating surfaces,

and install new gaskets.
Position the oil filter adapter and install the rear

67. Install the four front bolts.

68. Position the engine mounts to the cylinder

block (6010) and install the six bolts.

69. Position the (A) belt idler pulley (8678) and

install the (B) bolt.
303-01B-267 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-267

Piston (Continued)

70. CAUTION: Do not rotate the water

pump housing once the water pump (8501)
has been positioned in the cylinder block.
Damage to the O-ring seal will occur.
Install the water pump.
1 Lubricate the new O-ring seal using
Premium Cooling System Fluid
E2FZ-19549-AA in Oregon
F5FZ-19549-CC; in Canada CXC-8-B or
equivalent meeting Ford specification
ESE-M97B44-A and install the O-ring seal
onto the water pump.
2 Position the water pump into the engine
3 Install the bolts.

71. Lubricate the (A) engine front cover (6019) and

the (B) front oil seal inner lip.
• Use Super Premium 5W30 Motor Oil
XO-5W30-QSP or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSS-M2C153-G.

72. Use the (A) Crankshaft Seal Replacer/Aligner

to install the (B) crankshaft front seal (6700)
into the (C) engine front cover.
303-01B-268 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-268

Piston (Continued)

73. Note: If not secured within four minutes,

sealant must be removed and the sealing area
cleaned with solvent. Allow to dry until there is
no sign of wetness, or four minutes, whichever
is longer. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone to the Woodruff key slot on the
crankshaft pulley (6312).
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.

74. Use the Crankshaft Damper Replacer to install

the crankshaft pulley.

75. Tighten the crankshaft pulley bolt (6A340) in

four stages.
Stage 1: 90 Nm (66 lb/ft)
Stage 2: Loosen 360 degrees
Stage 3: 47-53 Nm (35-39 lb/ft)
Stage 4: Rotate 85-90 degrees
303-01B-269 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-269

Piston (Continued)

76. Position the water pump pulley (8509) on the

water pump and install the bolts.

77. Install the oil drain plug securely.

78. Note: If not secured within four minutes,

sealant must be removed and the sealing area
cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness, or four
minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to follow
this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone in two places where the engine
front cover meets the cylinder head (5345).
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G320-A6.
303-01B-270 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-270

Piston (Continued)

79. Position the (A) left valve cover (6582) and the
valve cover gasket (6584) on the (B) cylinder
head and install the bolts loosely.

Romeo Engine

80. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.

303-01B-271 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-271

Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine

All Vehicles

81. Note: If not secured within four minutes,

sealant must be removed and the sealing area
cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness, or four
minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to follow
this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
Apply silicone in two places where the engine
front cover meets the cylinder head.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G320-A6.
303-01B-272 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-272

Piston (Continued)

82. Position the right valve cover on the cylinder

head and install the bolts loosely.

Romeo Engine

83. Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.

303-01B-273 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-273

Piston (Continued)
Windsor Engine

All Vehicles
84. Install the engine control sensor wiring
(12A581). For additional information, refer to
the appropriate engine section in Group 303.


Special Service Tool(s)

Modular Lifting Bar

303-F047 (014-00073) or
303-01B-274 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-274

Engine (Continued)

All Vehicles

1. Attach the Modular Lifting Bar.

2. Remove the engine from the engine stand.

3. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers,

wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other
abrasive means to clean the aluminum
retainer plate. These tools cause scratches
and gouges, which make leak paths. Use a
plastic scraping tool to remove all traces of
old sealant.
If removed, clean and inspect the mating

4. Note: If not secured withing four minutes,

sealant must be removed and sealing area
cleaned with Metal Surface Cleaner
F4AZ-19B536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M5B392-A. Allow to dry
until there is no sign of wetness, or four
minutes, whichever is longer. Failure to follow
this procedure can cause future oil leakage.
If the retainer plate was removed, apply a 4mm
(0.16 in.) bead of silicone around the rear oil
seal retainer sealing surface.
• Use Silicone Gasket and Sealant
F6AZ-19562-A or equivalent meeting Ford
specification WSE-M4G323-A6.
303-01B-275 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-275

Engine (Continued)

5. If removed, install the crankshaft rear oil seal

retainer (6335) and bolts.

6. If removed, install a new crankshaft rear oil

seal (6701).

7. If removed, install the crankshaft oil slinger

303-01B-276 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-276

Engine (Continued)
Romeo Engine

8. Install the flywheel (6375) and the bolts.

Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
303-01B-277 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-277

Engine (Continued)
Windsor Engine

All Vehicles
9. Note: Align the engine-to-transmission dowels
before installing engine to transmission bolts.
Position the engine in the vehicle, and remove
the Modular lifting bar and the jack supporting
the transmission.

10. Raise and support the vehicle. For additional

information, refer to Section 100-02.

11. Position and install and the LH engine mount.

303-01B-278 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-278

Engine (Continued)

12. Position and install the RH engine mount.

13. Install and tighten the new nuts.

14. Install the starter motor (11002). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-06.

15. Install and tighten the four nuts.

303-01B-279 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-279

Engine (Continued)

16. Note: Only three bolts are required for

Install the bolts.

17. Install the oil cooler (6A642) to the oil filter

adapter (6881), and install the oil bypass filter

18. On 4x4 vehicles, install the oil cooler.

303-01B-280 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-280

Engine (Continued)

19. Install the bolts, and install the shifter cable


20. Install the lower radiator hose (8286).

21. Lower the vehicle.

22. Note: Lubricate the O-rings with transmission

Install the transmission oil filler tube and nut.

23. Install the remaining bolts and the fuel line

303-01B-281 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-281

Engine (Continued)

24. Connect the transmission wiring harness and the

LH and RH heated exhaust gas oxygen (HEGO)
sensor connectors.

25. On Romeo engines, install the water heater

return hose.

Windsor Engine

26. Note: Do not re-use the O-ring seal.

On Windsor engines, slide the water heater tube
forward over the new O-ring.
• Lubricate the O-ring seal with Ford
Premium Cooling System Fluid
E2FZ-19549-AA (in Oregon,
F5FZ-19549-CC, in Canada, CXC-8-B) or
equivalent meeting Ford specification

All Vehicles
27. Install the intake manifold (9424). For
additional information, refer to Intake Manifold
in this section.
303-01B-282 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-282

Engine (Continued)

28. Install the suction line to the accumulator.

29. On 4.6L engines, install the ignition coils

(12029) and ignition coil mounting brackets
1 Position LH ignition coil and bracket.
2 Install the nuts.
3 Install the bolt.
4 Position the RH ignition coil and bracket.
5 Install the bolts.

30. On 4.6L engines, connect the following

electrical connections:
• RH ignition coil electrical connector (A)
• radio capacitor electrical connector (B)

31. On 4.6L engines, connect the following

electrical connections:
• LH ignition coil connector (A)
• camshaft position sensor (CMP) electrical
connector (B)
• radio capacitor electrical connector (C)
303-01B-283 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-283

Engine (Continued)
32. Install the drive belt (8620). For additional
information, refer to Section 303-05.

33. Install the A/C condenser. For additional

information, refer to Section 412-03.

34. Install the radiator (8005). For additional

information, refer to Section 303-03.

35. Install the engine air cleaner (ACL) (9600) and

the air cleaner outlet tube (9B659). For
additional information, refer to Section 303-12.

36. Install the power steering reservoir bracket.

37. Fill all fluids to the proper levels.

38. Connect bulkhead connectors.

• Tighten the bolt.

39. Install the hood (16612). For additional

information, refer to Section 501-02.

40. Connect the battery ground cable (14301).

303-01B-284 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-284

Engine (Continued)
41. Start the engine and check for leaks. Stop the
engine and recheck the fluid levels.

42. Recharge the A/C system. For additional

information, refer to Section 412-03.


Torque Specifications Torque Specifications

Description Nm Lb-Ft Lb-In Description Nm Lb-Ft Lb-In
Ignition Coil (5.4L) 4.5-7 — 40-61
Valve Cover Bolts 8-12 — 71-106
Lower Intake Manifold a a a
Camshaft Bearing Cap 8-12 — 71-106
to Upper Intake
Manifold Bolts
Camshaft Sprocket Bolts a a
Upper Intake Manifold a a a
Cylinder Head 24-28 18-20 — to Cylinder Head Bolts
Temperature Sensor
Intake Manifold Tuning a a a
Valve Screws
Camshaft Position 8-12 — 71-106
Knock Sensor (4.6L) 20-30 15-22 —
Sensor Bolt
Knock Sensor (5.4L) 17-23 13-16 —
Crankshaft Position 8-12 — 71-106
Sensor Bolt Remote Oil Cooler Line 8-12 — 71-106
to Cylinder Block
Connecting Rod Bolts a a a
Oil Cooler Assembly to 55-60 41-44 —
Crankshaft Damper a a a
Oil Filter Adapter Bolts
Pulley Bolt
Oil Filter 14-17 11-12 —
Crankshaft Main a a a
Bearing Bolts Oil Filter Adapter Bolt 20-30 15-22 —
(cross-mounted) Oil Filter Adapter Nut 40-55 30-40 —
Crankshaft Main a a a Oil Level Indicator Tube 8-12 — 71-106
Bearing Bolts (vertical) Bolt
Cylinder Heads Bolts a a a Oil Line Connector 20-30 15-22 —
EGR Valve to Intake a a a Adapter Assembly Bolt
Manifold Bolts Oil Pan Bolts a a a
Exhaust Manifold Nuts 23-27 17-20 — Oil Pan Drain Plug 11-16 — 98-143
Exhaust Manifold Studs 10-13 — 89-115 Oil Pressure Switch 12-16 9-11 —
Drive Belt Idler Pulley 20-30 15-22 — Oil Pump Bolts 8-12 — 71-106
Oil Pump Screen Cover 8-12 — 71-106
Flywheel Bolts 73-87 54-64 — and Tube Bolts
Engine Front Cover 20-30 15-22 — Oil Pump Screen Cover 20-30 15-22 —
Bolts (1-5) and Tube Spacer
Engine Front Cover 40-55 30-40 — Oil Pump Screen Cover 20-30 15-22 —
Bolts (6-15) and Tube Spacer Bolt
Fuel Injection Supply 8-12 — 71-106 Power Steering Pump 20-30 15-22 —
Manifold Bracket Bolts Bolts
Heater Return Tube 40 30 — Rear Main Oil Seal 8-12 — 71-106
Studs Retainer Bolts
Ignition Coil and 20-30 15-22 — Spark Plugs 16-20 12-14 —
Bracket Screws and
Nuts (4.6L)
303-01B-285 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-285

Torque Specifications General Specifications
Description Nm Lb-Ft Lb-In Item Specification
Thermostat Housing 20-30 15-22 — Silicone Gasket and WSE-M4G323-A6
Bolts Sealant F6AZ-19562-AA
Idle Air Control Valve a a a
Metal Surface Cleaner WSE-M5B392-A
Screws F4AZ-19A536-RA
Throttle Body Spacer to a a a
Premium Cooling System ESE-M97B44-A
Intake Manifold Bolts Fluid E2FZ-19549-AA (in
Throttle Body to a a a Canada CXC-8-B)
Throttle Body Spacer (in Oregon
Bolts F5FZ-19549-CC)
Timing Chain Guide 8-12 — 71-106 Super Premium SAE XO-5W30-QSP
Bolts 5W30 Motor Oil
Timing Chain Hydraulic 20-30 15-22 — Petrolatum Jelly WSD-M1C226-A
Tensioner Bolts
Water Pump Bolts 20-30 15-22 — General Specifications
Water Pump Pulley 20-30 15-22 — Item Specification
Displacement L (CID) 4.6 (281)
Water Temperature 16-24 12-17 —
Sensor (4.6L Engine Number of Cylinders 8
only) Bore and Stroke mm 90.2 x 90.0
EGR Valve to Exhaust a a a Firing Order 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8
Manifold Tube Fittings
Oil Pressure (HOT @ 138-310
Brake Booster Vacuum 9-12 — 78-108 1500 rpm) kPa
Hose Bracket Nut a
Drive Belt Tension
Power Steering Bracket 8-12 — 71-106
Cylinder Head and Valve Train b
Upper Bolts
Combustion Chamber 52±.5 c
Power Steering Bracket 35-45 26-33 —
Volume cm
Lower Bolts
Valve Seats Width—Intake 1.9-2.1
42-Pin Bulkhead 4.0-5.5 — 36-49
Connector Bolts
Valve Seats 1.9-2.1
Starter Relay Nuts (5.4L 5-11.2 — 44-99
Width—Exhaust mm
Valve Seats Angle 44.51-45.01 degrees
Accelerator Control 5.9-8.1 — 53-72
Splash Shield Bolts Valve Seats Runout 0.025
(T.I.R.) Max mm
Remote Oil Filter 25 18 -
Adapter Line Bolts (4x4 Valve Arrangement (Left Hand)
Vehicles) (Front-to-Rear) E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I
(Right Hand)
Oil Cooler Insert 55-60 41-44 —
Oil Cooler Bolt (4x4 55-60 41-44 —
Valve Stem to Guide 2.020-0.069
Clearance—Intake mm (0.00078-0.00272)
Motor Mount to 53-72 39-53 — (Inch)
Cylinder Block Bolts
Valve Step to Guide 0.046-0.095 (0.018-0.0037)
Motor Mount Through 68-92 50-68 — Clearance—Exhaust mm
Bolts (Inch)
Oil Pressure Sensor 12-16 — 107-142 Valve Head 44.5- (1.75)
Fan Shroud Bolts 8-10 — 71-88 Diameter—Intake mm
EGR Back Pressure 8-12 — 71-106
Transducer Nuts
a Refer to the procedure in this section.
303-01B-286 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-286

General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Valve Head 34.0 (1.34) Valve Tappet—Service 0.016 (0.00063)
Diameter—Exhaust mm Limit mm (Inch)
(Inch) Valve Tappet—Hydraulic 5-25 seconds
Valve Head 42.5- and 32.0 Leakdown Ratec
Diameter—Gauge (1.67 and 1.26) Valve Tappet—Collapsed 0.085-0.45 (0.0335-0.0177)
Diameters mm (Inch) Valve Tappet Gap—
Valve Face Runout Limit 0.05 (0.002) Desired mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) Camshaft
Valve Face Angle 45.25-45.75 degrees Lobe Lift—Intake 6.58939 (0.2594)
Valve Stem Diameter 6.995-6.975 (0.275-0.2746) mm (Inch)
(STD) Lobe Lift—Exhaust 6.58939 (0.2594)
—Intake mm (Inch) mm (Inch)
Valve Stem Diameter 6.970-6.949 (0.274-0.2736) Lobe Lift—Allowable 12.0 (0.472)
(Std) Lobe Lift Loss mm (Inch)
—Exhaust mm (Inch)
Theoretical Valve Lift @ 12.0 (0.472)
Valve Springs— 587.14 N @ 28.02 mm Zero Lash—Intake
Compression Pressure N mm (Inch)
Spec. Length—Intake Theoretical Valve Lift @ 12.0 (0.472)
Zero Lash—Exhaust
Valve Springs— 587.14 N @ mm (Inch)
Compression Pressure N 28.02 mm
@ End Play mm (Inch) 0.025-0.165
Spec. Length—Exhaust (0.00098-0.0065)
Valve Springs—Free 49.55 (1.951) Journal to Bearing 0.025-0.076
Length ( Approximate)— Clearance mm (Inch) (0.00098-0.003
Intake mm (Inch) Journal to Bearing 0.021 (0.0048)
Valve Springs—Free 49.55 (1.951) Clearance—Service Limit
Length (Approximate)— mm (Inch)
Exhaust mm (Inch) Journal Diameter (All) 26.962-26.936
Valve Springs—Installed 244.64 N @ 40.0 mm mm (Inch) (1.061-1.060)
Pressure N @ Spec. Journal Diameter (All)— 27.012-26.987
Length Bearing Inside Diameter (1.063-1.0625)
—Intake (All) mm (Inch)
Valve Spring—Installed 244.64 N @ 40.0 mm Camshaft Runout 0.05 (0.002)
Pressure N @ Spec. mm (Inch)
Length Cylinder Bore
Diameter—Surface Finish 0.2-0.6 Microns
Valve Springs—Installed 10 % Pressure Less @ (RMS)
Pressure N @ Spec. 28.02 mm
Length Diameter—Out-of-Round 0.015 (0.0006)
—Service Limit Limit mm (Inch)
Valve Springs—Installed 2 degrees Diameter—Out-of-Round 0.020 (0.00079)
Pressure N @ Spec. Service Limit mm (Inch)
Length Diameter—Taper Service 0.006 (0.00023)
—Out of Square Limit Limit mm (Inch)
Valve Guide Inner 0.020-0.95 Piston
Diameter mm
Piston—Diameter— 90.177-90.197
Rocker Arm—Ratio 1.75:1 Coded Red 1 mm (Inch) (3.550-3.551)
Valve Tappet—Diameter 16.000-15.988 (0.66-0.629) Piston—Diameter— 90.190-90.210
(STD) mm (Inch) Coded Blue 2 mm (Inch) (3.5507-3.5515)
Valve Tappet—Clearance 0.018-0.069
to Bore mm (Inch) (0.00071-0.00272)
303-01B-287 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-287

General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Piston—Diameter— 90.203-90.223 Cylinder Block
Coded Yellow 3 mm (3.513-3.5521) Head Gasket Surface b
(Inch) b
Head Gasket Surface
Piston-to-Bore-Clearance 0.012-0.0026 Finish
mm (Inch) (0.0005-0.001)
Main Bearing Bore 72.401-72.422 (2.85-2.851)
Pin Bore Diameter 22.0015-22.004 Diameter mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) (0.866-0.8663)
Crankshaft and Flywheel
Ring Groove Width— 1.520-1.550 (0.06-0.610)
Compression (Top) Main Bearing Journal 67.483-67-503
mm (Inch) Diameter mm (Inch) (2.65-2.657)
Ring Groove Width— 1.520-1.530 (0.060-0.0602) Connecting Rod Journal— 52.988-53.003
Compression (Bottom) Diameter mm (Inch) (2.087-2.867)
mm (Inch) Crankshaft Free End Play 0/130-0/301
Ring Groove Width—Oil 6.996-7.224 (0.275-0.2844) mm (Inch) (0.0051-0.012)
Ring mm (Inch) Crankshaft Runout to Rear 0.050 MAX (0.002)
Piston Pin—Length 61.93-62.05 (2.44-2.443) Face of Block mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) Connecting Rod Bearings
Diameter mm (Inch) 21.994-21.999 Clearance to Crankshaft— 0.027-0.069 (0.001-0.0027)
(0.866-0.8661) Desired mm (Inch)
Pin to Piston Clearance 0.005-0.010 Clearance to Crankshaft— 0.027-0/069
mm (Inch) (0.0002-0.0004) Allowable mm (Inch) (0.001-0.0027)
Pin to Rod Clearance 0.015-0.040 Bearing Wall Thickness 2.44-2.452 (0.096-0.0965)
mm (Inch) (0.0006-0.00157) (STD) mm (Inch)
Piston Rings—Ring Gap 1.0 MAX (0.0394) Main Bearings
—Compression (Top) Clearance to Crankshaft— 0027-0.065
mm (Inch) Desired mm (Inch) (0.0011-0.0026)
Piston Rings—Ring Gap 1.0 MAX (0.0394) Clearance to Crankshaft— 0.027-0.065
—Compression (Top) Allowable mm (Inch) (0.0011-0.0026)
mm (Inch)
Bearing Wall Thickness 1.920-1.928 (0.075-0.076)
Oil Ring—Side Clearance 1.25 MAX (0.05) (STD) mm (Inch)
mm (Inch)
Connecting Rod, Piston and Rings
Oil Ring—Compression 0.040-0.090
(Top) mm (Inch) (0.0016-0.0031) Connecting Rod—Piston 21.959-21.979
Pin Bore Diameter (0.864-0.865)
Oil Ring—Compression 0.030-0.080 mm (Inch)
(Top) mm (Inch) (0.0012-0.00031)
Connecting Rod— 56.756-56.876 (2.234-2.24)
Oil Ring Snug Fit Crankshaft Bearing Bore
Oil Ring—Service Limit 0.015 MAX (0.0006) Diameter mm (Inch)
mm (Inch) Connecting Rod—Length 150.7 (5.93)
Ring Gap—Compression 0.23-0.49 (Center-to-Center)
(Top) mm (Inch) (0.01-0.02) mm (Inch)
Ring Gap—Compression 0.23-0.49 Alignment (Bore-to-Bore 0.050 per 25
(Bottom) mm (Inch) (0.01-0.02) Max. Diff.) d—Twist (0.0015-0.984)
Ring Gap—Oil Ring 0.05-0.66 (0.006-0.026) mm (Inch)
(Steel Alignment (Bore-to-Bore 0.038 per 25
Rail) mm (Inch) Max. Diff.)—Bend (0.0015-0.984)
Lubrication System mm (Inch)
Oil Capacity—Automatic 6.675±0.125 Side Clearance 0.015-0.45 (0.0006-0.0177)
Transmission (Quarts U.S.) (Assembled
to Crank)—Standard
Oil Capacity—Manual 6.425±0.125 mm (Inch)
Transmission (Quarts U.S.)
303-01B-288 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-288

General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Side Clearance 0.05 MAX (0.02) Exhaust 34.12-33.88 mm
(Assembled Valve Face Runout (Limit) 0.05 mm
to Crank)—Service Limit
mm (Inch) Valve Face Angle 45.75-45.25 degrees
Crankshaft Main Bearing 0.020 (0.0007) Valve Stem Diameter
Journal Taper mm (Inch) Intake 6.995-6.975 mm
Crankshaft Main Bearing 0.05 (0.002) Exhaust 6.970-6.949 mm
Journal Runout mm (Inch) Valve Stem Diameter (List
Crankshaft Connecting 0/015 (0.0005) Oversizes)
Rod Intake N/A
Journal Taper mm (Inch) Exhaust N/A
a Newly installed—Refers to the condition of the Valve Spring Compression
NEW drive belt before the engine has made no Pressure
more than one rotation and before the belt has had a
chance to stretch or seat into the pulley grooves. Intake (N @ Spec. 720-800 N @ 28.02 mm
b Head Gasket Surface—WT = 10.0/2.5. Head Gasket Length)
Surface Finish-RZU—13.5 microns. Filter Cut off at Exhaust (N @ Spec. 720-800 N @ 28.02 mm
0.08 mm, TPI @ 3.5 microns below the peak 63% Length)
min. cutoff at 0.8 mm, 0 Ref=2V. Valve Spring Free Length
c Time required for the plunger to leak down 1.6 mm
Intake 53.37 mm
of travel with 222 N force and leak-down fluid in
tappet. Exhaust 53.37 mm
d The pin bore and crank bearing bore must be Valve Spring Installed
parallel and in the same vertical plane within the Pressure N @ Spec.
specified total difference when measured at the ends Length
of a 203 mm bar, 105.5 mm on each side of rod Intake 287.19-321.19 N @ 42.56
centerline. mm
General Specifications Exhaust 287.19-321.19 N @ 42.56
Item Specification
Valve Springs Installed
Displacement 5.4L Pressure N @ Spec.
Length — Service Limit
No. Cylinder 8
Intake 5% Pressure Loss @ 28.80
Bore/Stroke 90.215/105.8 mm mm
Fire Order 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8 Exhaust 5% Pressure Loss @ 28.80
Cylinder Head/Valve Train mm
Combustion Chamber 43.95 ± 1.5 cc Valve Springs — Out of
Volume Square Limit
Valve Seat Width — 1.3-1.5 mm Intake 2.0 degrees
Intake Exhaust 2.0 degrees
Valve Seat Width — 2.1-1.9 mm Valve Guide Inside 7.044-7.015 mm
Exhaust Diameter
Valve Seat Angle 45.00-44.50 degrees Camshaft
Valve Seat Runout (T.I.R.) 0.025 mm Lobe Lift
Valve Arrangement (Front to Rear) Exhaust 7.49744 mm
Valve Stem Guide Intake 7.11038 mm
Clearance Lobe Lift — Allowable 0
Intake 0.069-0.020 mm Lift Loss
Exhaust 36.0 mm Valve Lift @ Zero Lash
Valve Head Diameter Intake 13.01 mm
Intake 44.63-44.37 mm
303-01B-289 Engine — 4.6L and 5.4L 303-01B-289

General Specifications General Specifications
Item Specification Item Specification
Exhaust 13.75 mm Oil Control 0.15-0.65 mm
Camshaft End Play 0.027-0.190 mm Crankshaft
End Play Service Limit 0.025-0.190 mm Main Bearing Journal 67.483-67.503 mm
Journal to Bearing 0.076-0.025 mm Diameter
Clearance Maximum Out-of-Round 0.0075 mm Between Cross
Clearance Service Limit
Maximum Taper 0.004 mm
Journal Diameters 26.962-26.936 mm (Straightness)
Journal Inside Diameter 27.012-26.987 mm Runout: FIM of center 0.05 mm (3 Places)
(Cap Assembled) journals when located on
Camshaft Runout: Full 0.03 mm front and rear journal
Indicator Measurement on Clearance — Crankshaft 0.048-0.024 mm
all journals when Journal to Main Bearing
supported on front and Clearance
rear journals. (4 places)
Connecting Rod Journal 53.003-52.983 mm
Cylinder Bore Diameter Diameter
Grade 1 90.200-90.210 mm
Maximum Out-of-Round 0.0075 mm Between Cross
Grade 2 90.210-90.220 mm Sections
Grade 3 90.220-90.230 mm Maximum Taper 0.004 mm
Piston Crankshaft End Play 0.075-0.377 mm
Piston Diameter (Grade 2) 90.180 ± 0.005 Connecting Rod
at Right Angle to Pin Bore Big End Journal Inside 53.049-53.027 mm
Piston to Bore Clearance (-0.005) to +0.025 mm Diameter with Assembled
Pin Bore Diameter 22.008-22.014 mm Liners
(Piston) Rod Bearing to Journal 0.064-0.026 mm
Pin Diameter 22.0005-22.0030 mm Clearance
Clearance (Neg. or Pos.) 0.01395-0.005 mm Pin Bore Diameter (Rod) 22.024-22.012 mm
Pin Bore Diameter (Rod) 22.012-22.024 mm Rod Length (Centerline 169.1 mm
Clearance 0.009-0.0235 mm
Ring Groove Width
Bore-to-Bore Max. ± 0.05 mm
Top 1.53-1.55 mm Twist
Intermediate 1.52-1.54 mm Bore-to-Bore Max. ± 0.038 mm
Oil Control 3.030-3.050 mm Bend
Piston Ring Gap Side Play (As Assembled
Top 0.13-0.28 mm to Crank)
Intermediate 0.25-0.40 mm Standard Play 0.300 ± 0.175 mm

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