Innovations in Manufacturing of Flexible Packaging
Innovations in Manufacturing of Flexible Packaging
Innovations in Manufacturing of Flexible Packaging
This article provides overview of innovative approaches to engineering design and manufacturing of flexible
packaging. Following research results are elaborated:
• Fabrication of flexible films with predictable characteristics;
• Polymer films requirements definition to optimize utilization of flexible packaging machinery;
• Optimization of film pretreating mode to maximize ink layer resistance over the entire lifecycle of
• Engineering packaging design to optimize packaging material consumption and standardize packaging
Key words: flexible packaging, plastic film, packaging machines, surface preparation and printing on
polymeric films.
Modern packaging must be attractive to the buyer and convenient to use at all stages of the life cycle. Given the
existing diversity of identical products today those producers win whose packaging optimally combines the
functions of protection and promotion of goods.
But the packaging has the second side. Its cost should be small compared with the cost of the packaged product.
Therefore the technology of its manufacturing must constantly evolve.
Flexible packaging includes pouches, bags, as well as semi-rigid tubes. Flexible packaging is made from flexible
packaging materials such as plastic film, foil, paper, textiles and multilayer materials on their basis.
Flexible packaging has low resistance of form. Its shape may vary even for small loads at all stages of the life
cycle. Pressure on flexible packing associated with the process of distribution of packaged products can be
transmitted on the product itself. First of all this happens with bulk or spreads. This feature of flexible packaging
requires from packaging material to correspond to a complex set of contradictory structural and technological
properties. The formulation of these properties and finding ways of securing its predictability is an important
direction of innovation activity of the modern researchers.
In the manufacturing of flexible packaging companies from various industries take part. They perform a variety
of technological processes. Features of these processes must be considered when designing flexible packaging
design and production technology. Each process has an impact on the properties of packing. It is obvious that the
improvement of these processes, their innovations should be interrelated and focused.
Manufacturing of flexible packaging is mutually related movement of two material flows: the packaging material
and the product being packaged.
In the flow of the packaging material, the main technological processes are: development of compositions
plastics, obtaining of packaging material from this flexible plastic film, modification of its surface, applying text
and graphic information, cutting off the canvas necessary width, winding it in a roll. Properties of the packaging
material depends on each of these processes. In addition, these properties specify the nature of the interaction
with the packaging machine and the packaged product. Two flows of packaging material and the product being
packaged meet in a packaging machine. In the process of interaction of these flows flexible packaging is created.
To get flexible packaging of high quality it is necessary to conduct a complex of systematic and targeted
research, some of which is carried out by teachers, graduate students and students of the Moscow State
University of Printing Arts after Ivan Fedorov (MGUP). Let us consider the main directions of this research,
having innovative character.
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies
Volume 8, ISSN 1314-7269 (Online), Published at:
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies
Volume 8, ISSN 1314-7269 (Online), Published at:
pouches and bags of different types. Understanding these characteristics allows to calculate the required
thickness of packaging material.
For the practical implementation of innovative methods a database with recommended films for packaging of
foodstuff polymer and requirements to its characteristics for different designs of pouches and bags was created.
1.2. Designing the optimal flexible packaging
Design of the main type of soft packaging - pouches from polymeric film and composite materials is given in
two standards. In accordance with GOST 12302-83 and GOST R 52903-2007 flat and solid pouches are
distinguished. [13]
Flat pouches – pouches of type I - 12A (Fig. 1, a) and type I - 12B (Fig.1, b) according to GOST 12302-83.
There are the following types of flat pouches.
Three-seam - flat pouch received with one roll of flat film material by folding roll material, drawing three seams
with subsequent package separation: type I - 12A (figure 1, a).
Four-seam - flat pouch received from one or from two rolls of flat film material by applying two transversal and
two longitudinal seams; in the case of a single roll pre-cut is applied: type I - 12B (figure 1,b).
Flat pouches can be used for filling of almost all products and for packing of big nomenclature of bulk solids. In
most cases the equipment can be applied (with minor exceptions) for a wide variety of products when changing
doser or feeder.
Flat pouches are useful for filling a small dose of products when the volume of the dose is in the range from few
cubic centimetres up to 300 cm3. When the dose exceeds 300 cm3 the consumption of packaging material in a
conventional flat pouch is increasing disproportionately to the dose. In these cases either the extensive pouch or
flat doy-pack type pouch should be used,.
Figure 1. Types of flat pouches with direct bottom GOST 12302-83: a - type I - 12A, b - type I – 12
Figure 2. Flat doy-pack pouch: with a fold at the bottom; b - with a stable bottom
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies
Volume 8, ISSN 1314-7269 (Online), Published at:
Flat pouch with a fold at the bottom (doy-pack). It is a flat pouch, obtained by adding the packaging material
with formation of folds. So, if the fourth seam reduces the useful volume of the package, additional fold
significantly increases the volume (figure 2). The maximum dose of the product packed in such a package is
1000 cm3. The principal difference of doy-pack pouch is its stability, ensured by the bottom of the form.
Usually, doy-pack pouch is made from two-, three - or four films with a thickness of 80-160 microns. Most often
a combination of PET and PA is used for outer layer, convenient for applying the ink layer flexo or intaglio
printing with PE of different thickness (for internal layer, providing sustainability of packaging and thermal
welding seams). As an intermediate barrier layer aluminum foil is applied.
These pouches are easier to obtain from one flat roll of film material. It should be noted that sterilization of
products in the doy-pack is possible. The composite packaging material allows you to immerse the pouch in
autoclave with a temperature of 120-130 ° for 30-60 minutes This increases the shelf life of the sterilized product
up to two years or more.
Volumetric pouch – pouch of «pillow» type I - 11a (figure 3,a) and type I - 11b (figure 3,b) according to GOST
12302-83. Packages such as «pillow» is characterized by a simple form. There are following types of volumetric
Two seam - dimensional packets received from the sleeve of polymer film by applying two transverse joints and
cut (figure 3).
Figure 3. Volumetric three seam pouches with one longitudinal and two transversal seams (a, b); volumetric two
seam pouch with two transversal seams (в)
Three seam - volumetric pouch with one longitudinal and two transversal seams, derived from a single roll of flat
film material minimizing in cylindrical sleeve with the subsequent drawing of a longitudinal weld, two
transverse joints and separation package. Can be of two types: without lateral folds: type I - 11a (figure 3,a) and
lateral folds type I - 11b (figure 3,b).
Volumetric pouches are recommended for use in case the volume of doses of the product exceeds 200 cm3. If
desired, this type of pouch can be used for volumes significantly below 200 cm3.
The standards mentioned above stipulate that the types and sizes of packages are defined in the technical
documentation for pouches for specific types of products as agreed with the customer. The recommended width
of welded seams should not exceed 10 mm, and the joints themselves should be located at a distance of 10 mm
from the edge of a pouch.
The volume of the pouch can be defined as the product of the height of the of product layer h and width b and
length l :
Vп = l × b × h
By these parameters, you can calculate the length L and width B required for the fabrication of polymer film:
L = l + 2(h + c )
B = 2(b + h + c )
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies
Volume 8, ISSN 1314-7269 (Online), Published at:
where c - is the allowance for the bend and the width of the weld. Depending on the design of the weld and the
peculiarities of the material of flexible packaging the allowance value for a fold is choosen in the range of 15-25
The innovative methodology of calculation of the optimum sizes of pouches of specified volume on the criterion
of minimum material requirements is developed. The width of blank B calculated according to this method is a
very important factor. It is connected with an outer diameter of the product pipe of packing machine Dпр:
B − 2c = π × Dпр
It is obvious that the unification of the optimum sizes of flexible packaging creates wide possibilities for
standardization of packaging machines. It is the basis for the creation of standard technological processes of
production of flexible packaging for various types of food products. Such processes would greatly improve the
quality of flexible packaging and reduce its cost.
On the other hand, the width of the blank B significantly influences the cost of soft packaging. Standards for
polymer film materials provide for their delivery to a customer in rolls of a certain width. As a rule, the size of
the width of the roll is determined by the principle of absence of waste: roll width must be a multiple of the
width, obtained on the film production unit. But standards provide for the possibility of delivery of the film with
width of a roll, required by the customer. In this case there are wastes during film fabrication, the cost of which
is included in the price of film supplied.
Thus, plastic films for flexible packaging will have the minimum cost in case, if the width of the pouch blank B
will be a multiple of a standard roll width. For solution of this optimization task of definition of blank width B a
database of packaging film materials manufacturers is created, that contains data on standard roll width.
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies
Volume 8, ISSN 1314-7269 (Online), Published at:
Product properties, packaging material properties, and packaging engineering design (pouch or bag) determine
the choice of construction of packaging machine.
Structure of dosing machines used in the packaging industry includes four main mechanisms: product bunker;
feeder, creating a steady stream of product from the bunker to the dosing mechanism; the dosing mechanism;
output device. The structure and design of dosing machines depends on the properties of the packed bulk
product, defining the process of product transfer.
The structure and design of the packaging devices depends on the properties of the packaging material and
packaging engineering design. Currently there are packaging machines of vertical and horizontal principle.
Different pouch types can be manufactured on it.
In vertical type machines a packaging material is unrolled from a roll, extended on working tract, rolled into a
cylinder (sleeve) on the molding device. Sleeve of packaging material is moved top-down before filling or
during filling.
In horizontal type machines packaging material after reeling from a roll and drawing on a working tract is
collapsed in rectangular pipe with the help of forming mandrel and moved horizontally during filling and pouch
Based on a detailed analysis of kinematic schemes and technical characteristics a classification of modern
packaging machines for food industry used in Russia (produced in Russia or imported) is developed. Machines
of different classes are set in a correspondence to products of different classes. In each class machines ranked by
applicability for use for different food bulk products. Ranking is made by the criterial and functional-cost
analysis. Classification of ranked packaging equipment has been compiled in a database.
Application software for selection of the optimal design of packaging machines for different kinds of food bulk
products, packaging materials and basic pouch types is developed. Because the selection is a multifactor
optimization task, algorithm of multilevel database integration is created.
2.2. Definition of technological characteristics of packaging materials
Polymer film packaging materials produced in industrial volumes can have large range of values of operational
and technological characteristics according to the technical conditions or standards.
Printing and packaging machines used in packaging industry has a variety of designs. In the process of passing
through a printing machine packaging material does not change its flat shape and only changes the direction of
motion. Packaging material is rolled into round or rectangular pipe with the help of special forming tools when
passing through a packaging machine after reeling from a roll and drawing on the working tract.
Depending on the input angle, directional element form and surface properties various forming tools should
allow for a smooth transaction of flow and forming a packaging without the collapse of the flow. A feed system
has a great influence on the passage of the flow. A drive of this system can have a linear movement (with the use
of tick-borne seizures) or rotational movement (friction rollers, belts, vacuum belts).
Such a diversity of motion paths, form changes, contact with different working parts of the printing machines
leads to the fact that each machine requires packaging material with specific technological properties with a
narrow range of values. The range of change of these characteristics in the standard industrial polymeric film
materials is much wider. That is why it is often that standard film does not provide operability of packaging
An innovative methodology solves this problem in two stages: definition of the requirements to technological
characteristics of packaging materials and printing and packaging machines; and development of technology of
fabrication of polymeric film packaging materials with predictable characteristics.
2.2.1. Definition of the requirements to technological characteristics of packaging materials and printing and
packaging machines
The innovative method of definition of the requirements to technological characteristics of packaging materials
and printing and packaging machines is developed. The method includes the design of the kinematic scheme of
the machine. The kinematic scheme distinguish the path of the packaging material. On this tract nodes of contact
of packaging material with the working bodies of machines are analyzed.
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies
Volume 8, ISSN 1314-7269 (Online), Published at:
For packaging machines these are units in the roll-out of the material from a roll, guides, leveling and pulleys,
unit of forming packaging material into the pipe, product pipe contact unit, feed system, units of longitudinal and
transverse joints welding.
In printing machines these include roll-out units, reeling units, guides, leveling and pulleys, sections of surface
treatment, printing and drying.
Based on the analysis of powers happening in these nodes a mathematical model of motion of the packaging
material is built. The model represents the system of the differential Lagrange equations, describing the motion
of the packaging material without slipping and crumples, full braking and acceleration.
These mathematical models developed for a range of packaging machines of vertical and horizontal type, and
also for a family of flexographic printing machines. Application software solving the system of equations
included in these models is created. As a result, for a given kinematic scheme of the machine, packaging material
roll characteristics (outer and inner diameters, length, width, thickness), design and size of pouch, and packaging
material properties it is possible to define the nominal values of strength and technological characteristics of the
packaging material and the range of valid deviations.
2.2.2. Development of technology of fabrication of polymeric film packaging materials with predictable
The most common method of fabrication of polymer films for packaging is blowing extrusion. 85% of films are
fabricated using this method.
It is known that from the extrusion and subsequent operations mode substantially define physical and mechanical
properties of films (tensile strength, elongation at rupture, shock load resistance etc). It is caused by the change
of formed per molecular structure, as well as the range and direction of film orientation during its production.
As a result of the carried out complex studies using the methods of multivariate experiment planning a method of
designing technologies of fabrication of film packaging materials with predictable characteristics developed.
To conduct this research a laboratory blowing extrusion equipment for polymeric films fabrication was made.
Installation is small in size and reproduces structural and technological parameters of large industrial
installations. At this installation experimentally obtained the system of equations connecting a set of operational
and technological characteristics of LDPE films for packaging with the parameters of the technological process
of their fabrication. It should be noted that the characteristics of the films may vary by more than 10 times. An
application software is developed to solve this system of equations that allows to design technology of film
fabrication and define all the characteristics of the technological process for a given complex of operational and
technological characteristics of a film.
Practical implementation of the innovations described above helped to create a common methodological
framework for several industries involved in the manufacturing of flexible packaging.
For the chemical industry a method of engineering the technologies of fabrication of polymeric film packaging
materials with predictable characteristics is developed. A set of these characteristics is defined by a manufacturer
of flexible packaging based on data provided by packaging designer, printing and packaging technologists.
Engineering designer defines a set of operational characteristics of polymeric film packing materials with the
help of the developed application software. The software analyzes properties of the product being packed, pouch
engineering design, product dosing.
In addition, engineering designers are provided with the method of designing a pouch with optimal dimensions
and minimum material requirements for a given mass product dosing.
Printing and packaging technologists define the complex of the technological characteristics of polymeric film
packaging materials. For this purpose methods developed for the analysis of kinematic schemes of packaging
material path through printing and packaging machines are applied along with application software for the
solution of a system of differential equations.
Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies
Volume 8, ISSN 1314-7269 (Online), Published at:
For packaging industry a methodology and application software for selection of optimal design of packaging
machine depending on the type of product being packed, dosing, packaging material type and packaging
engineering design is developed.
For packaging machinery manufacturers the methodological basis of unification and standardization of
packaging machines for different classes of packed products is created.
The implementation of described innovative approach can have economic benefits of over 1 million rubles for a
production of flexible packaging of only one nomenclature with a production volume of 500 thousand items.
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