Reusable Packaging in Supply Chains: A Review of Environmental and Economic Impacts, Logistics System Designs, and Operations Management
Reusable Packaging in Supply Chains: A Review of Environmental and Economic Impacts, Logistics System Designs, and Operations Management
Reusable Packaging in Supply Chains: A Review of Environmental and Economic Impacts, Logistics System Designs, and Operations Management
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Monirehalsadat Mahmoudi*
School of Packaging, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan, 48824,
Irandokht Parviziomran
School of Packaging, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan, 48824,
*Corresponding authors
The pivotal shift from single-use to reusable packaging has recently challenged the concept of packaging
ownership. Extant literature have studied supply chain systems using reusable packaging for bundling
(known as secondary packaging) or transportation (known as tertiary packaging) of products. Although
using reusable packaging for containing products (known as primary packaging) has been tested by more
than two dozen of the world’s biggest brands (e.g., Nestlé, PepsiCo, and Procter & Gamble), it has not
received much attention in studies concerning supply chain systems yet. In this paper, we aim to review the
extant literature in light of (1) the environmental and economic costs of reusable packaging, (2) the design
of reusable packaging logistics systems, and (3) the implications of operations management for reusable
packaging. Based on our analysis of existing studies, we then deliver insights and potential opportunities
for future research on reusable packaging.
Keywords: Returnable transport items, reusable packaging, inventory routing problem, life cycle
assessment, reverse logistics, RFID technology.
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
The pivotal shift from single-use to reusable packaging has recently challenged the concept of packaging
ownership. This shift has made a package an asset for the product company, and hence, the company is
motivated to make the package as long-lasting and durable as possible. TerraCycle is a small company that
has recently compelled more than two dozen of the world’s biggest brands such as Nestlé, PepsiCo, and
Procter & Gamble to begin testing reusable packaging for their products (Makower, 2019). TerraCycle has
unveiled a new circular delivery service for consumers called “Loop”, which is a circular shopping platform
that replaces single-use packaging with a durable, reusable one. Consumers can order goods from the Loop
website (or that of a partner) and have them delivered like traditional products ordered online. Customers
pay a small deposit for a package that has been designed for 100 or more use-cycles. When the container
becomes empty, customers place it in a specially designed tote for pickup or, in some cases, can bring it to
a retailer. They can choose whether they want that product replenished; if not, their deposit is returned or
credited to their account. The empties are sent to a facility where they are washed and refilled. The focus
of the Loop’s service is on the rotation of primary packages for basic products such as shampoo, toothpaste,
ice cream, etc. (the concept of primary packaging will be explained in the next paragraph).
Palsson (2018) classified packages based on their layer or functionality into three different categories:
(1) primary packaging which is the packaging that first envelops the product and holds it. This category of
packaging is in direct contact with the product; (2) secondary packaging which is an outer packaging layer
of the primary packaging and may be used to prevent theft or to bundle primary packages together; and (3)
tertiary or transit packaging which is used for bulk handling, warehouse storage, and transport shipping.
Tertiary packaging. StopWaste and Reusable Pallet & Container Coalition (2007) provided a list of virtues
reusable tertiary packaging brings to the system. Reusable transport packages improve workers safety and
ergonomics, because (1) their material and design reduce or eliminate injuries due to box cutting, staples,
and broken containers, (2) their ergonomically designed handles and access doors improve workers safety,
(3) their standardized sizes and weights reduce back injuries, and (4) they reduce the risk of slip and fall
injuries by removing in-plant debris. Reusable transport packaging also provides just-in-time delivery of
the finished products, because it provides standardized ordering quantities which can improve ordering
procedures and inventory tracking. In addition, it provides more frequent shipments of smaller quantities
and offers deliveries close to the time of consumption which can reduce the number of days that dollars and
inventory are nonproductive.
Secondary packaging. Reusable secondary packaging can have advantages that are common with the
tertiary option (see StopWaste and Reusable Pallet & Container Coalition, 2007). Both can reduce the
product damage, because the risk of packaging failure during the transportation is lower when using
reusables compared to when using single-use containers. They can also improve the quality of the finished
product delivered to the end user (consumer) as ventilated reusable containers increase shelf-life and
freshness. Furthermore, using these packaging systems for shipping products in a supply chain can make
substantial cost-savings since cost of reusable packages can be spread over several years. In addition, both
packaging systems can be beneficial from waste management perspective as they produce less waste to be
managed for recycling or disposal. Finally, one of the main reasons of using such packaging systems is
their environmental impacts. By using this type of containers, the need for building disposal facilities or
recycling facility centers is dampened. Using this type of containers for delivering products may also reduce
the greenhouse gas emission rates and overall energy consumption of the whole system.
Primary packaging. Makower (2019) listed three virtues for this category of packaging systems: (1) it
moves from disposal or recycling to reuse which is a huge environmental upgrade; (2) it moves from
relatively low value packaging materials to arguably luxury or game-changing packaging materials (e.g.,
from multi-layered plastic film to stainless steel, glass, or engineered plastics); and (3) it brings out new
features that could have never been experienced by disposable packages (e.g., a double wall stainless steel
container that keeps ice cream frozen for a number of hours after removing it from the freezer).
Different types of reusable packaging are observed with different terms in the literature. For example,
“returnable packaging materials” and “returnable transport items” are the terms used for reusable primary
and tertiary packaging, respectively (Carrasco-Gallego et al., 2012). Refillable glass bottles for beverages
(Goh and Varaprasad 1986, Del Castillo and Cochran 1996), gas cylinders (Kelle and Silver 1989a,b),
containers for chemicals, single-use cameras (Toktay et al. 2000), special packaging designed for
transporting medical equipments, wind turbine parts, and steel coils (Rubio et al. 2009) are some examples
of returnable packaging materials. Pallets, maritime containers (Crainic et al. 1993), railcars (Young et al.
2002), standardized vessels for fluid transportation, crates, tote boxes, collapsible plastic boxes, trays
(Duhaime et al. 2001), roll cages (Carrasco-Gallego and Ponce-Cueto 2009), barrels, trolleys, pallet collars,
racks, lids, etc. are some examples of returnable transport items being used in business-to-business settings.
Returnable transport items can be also used in business-to-customer settings such as supermarket trolleys,
baggage trolleys in airports and train stations, and wheeled bins arranged by local councils (Breen 2006).
Step1: Step 3:
Step 2: Reusable packaging
Feasibility/viability Logistics system design operations management
• Measure environmental and economic costs • Design activities and responsibilities of • Inventory management
• Comparison of reusable against single-use participants in a reusable packaging system. • Routing and scheduling
packaging o Participants: sender, central agency, carrier, • Purchasing and repairing policies
and recipient • Performance measurements
Figure 1. An illustration for the aims of our review paper
It should be noted that the reusable primary packaging is a newer concept compared to
secondary/tertiary options. Therefore, the existing literature have primarily focused on supply chains using
reusable packaging with these options. As a result, we have observed the aforementioned research
directions and opportunities with respect to these types of reusable packaging. Nevertheless, given the scope
of our proposed research directions (e.g., costs, ownership, complexity of the system, quality of the
package, and symmetric information, etc.), all these opportunities could also be applied for a primary
reusable packaging option.
To the best of our knowledge, our paper is among the first studies reviewing the operations of reusable
packaging systems. Glock (2017) has recently provided a review on returnable transport items, albeit our
approach is different from the following standpoints: (1) as one of our classification schemes, we review
the literature based on both economical/environmental factors that would impact costs (or criteria to
measure these costs); (2) we consider the literature discussing various issues that might arise due to a
packaging ownership; (3) we analyze the literature based on various factors in the inventory management
of reusable packages, such as a planning horizon, a balance between the supply and demand of packages,
and the number of usage for a reusable package; (4) we shed lights on both quantitative and qualitative
studies on reusable packaging; and (5) we consider both peer-reviewed journal papers and conference
proceedings in searching for relevant studies in the literature.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents our review methodology. Section 3
provides a review of studies analyzing the impact of environmental and economic factors on reusable
packaging supply chains. Section 4 provides a review of studies on various designs for reusable packaging
logistics systems. Section 5 provides a review of studies on the operations management of reusable
packaging. In Section 6, we discuss various opportunities for future research and conclude the paper.
2. Review methodology
To identify studies that have focused on reusable packaging in supply chains, we conducted a structured
literature review based on the methodologies of Tranfield et al. (2003), Cooper (2010), Mayring (2010),
and Cooper (2015), which is comprised of four steps: material collection, bibliometric analysis, content
analysis, and material evaluation. While we discuss the first two steps in this section, the latter two cases
will be explained in Sections 3-5 and 6, respectively.
Table 1
Review protocol.
Refine type Description No.
• Studies are identified through database Scopus search along with a forward/backward snowball search.
• Studies that focus on considerations that should be made when shifting from single-use to reusable packages.
Inclusion criteria • Studies written in English. ---
• Studies published by February 2019.
• Studies published in peer-reviewed academic journals or conference proceedings.
“reusable packages”, “reusable packaging”, “reusable packaging material”, “returnable packaging material”,
Defined keywords ---
“returnable containers”, and “returnable transport items”
Online database Scopus with the defined keywords: studies that include at least one of these keywords in their
Keyword search 2,857
title, abstract, or list of keywords.
Filtering I Checking relevance of content by reading the title, abstract, and keywords of the paper. 128
Filtering II Checking relevance of content by reading the whole paper. 62
Forward snowball
All references of the studies from filtering II were checked. 10
All works that cited studies from filtering II were checked. 14
snowball approach
Final sample size 86
Number of studies
By 2000
10 2001-2010
Environmental and Logistics system Operations
economic impacts design management
Logistics system Operations
and economic
design (§4) management (§5)
impacts (§3)
modeling of inventory
management (§5.1.2)
Tracking technologies
for managing
inventory (§5.1.3)
Table 2
Number of studies on reusable packaging based on three main categories and corresponding sub-categories (see Figure 2 for this
Topics No. of studies
Environmental/economic factors In total: 27
≤ 2000: Dubiel (1996), Van Doorsselaer and Lox (1999)
Criteria for measuring 2001-2010: Ross and Evans (2003), Singh et al. (2006)
environmental and economic costs 2011-2019: Menesatti et al. (2012), Goudenege et al. (2013), Goellner and Sparrow
(2014), Katephap and Limnararat (2015)
≤ 2000: Kroon and Vrijens (1995), McKerrow (1996), Rosenau et al. (1996), Twede
(1999), Van Doorsselaer and Lox (1999)
2001-2010: Ross and Evans (2003), Gonzalez-Torre et al. (2004), Lee and Xu
Factors affecting the environmental (2004), Twede and Clarke (2004), Mollenkopf et al. (2005), Tsiliyannis (2005a,b),
and economic costs Grimes-Casey et al. (2007)
2011-2019: Levi et al. (2011), Palsson et al. (2013), Accorsi et al. (2014), Carrano et
al. (2015), Zhang et al. (2015), Katephap and Limnararat (2017), González-Boubeta
et al. (2018), Bortolini et al. (2018)
≤ 2000: Lützebauer (1993), Kroon and Vrijens (1995)
Logistics system design In total: 3 2001-2010: Hellström and Johansson (2010)
2011-2019: ---
Operations management In total: 56
≤ 2000: Schrady (1967), Florez (1986), Kelle and Silver (1989a,b), Bojkow (1991),
Dejax et al. (1992), Crainic et al. (1993), Rosenau et al. (1996), McKerrow (1996),
Holmberg et al. (1998), Cheung and Chen (1998), Buchanan and Abad (1998),
Brewer et al. (1999), Shayan and Ghotb (2000)
2001-2010: Duhaime et al. (2001), Choong et al. (2002), McFarlane and Sheffi
Inventory management 35 (2003), Lampe and Strassner (2003), De Jonge (2004), Minner and Lindner (2004),
Angeles (2005), Vijayaraman and Osyk (2006), Foster et al. (2006), Johansson and
Hellström (2007), Thoroe et al. (2009), Ilic et al. (2009), Hellström (2009),
Carrasco-Gallego and Ponce-Cueto (2009)
2011-2019: Maleki and Meiser (2011), Mason et al. (2012), Kim et al. (2014), Kim
and Glock (2014), Glock and Kim (2014), Cobb (2016a), Hariga et al. (2016)
≤ 2000: ---
2001-2010: Leung and Wu (2004), Karimi et al. (2005), Di Francesco et al. (2009)
Scheduling and routing 10
2011-2019: Soysal (2016), Ech-Charrat and Amechnoue (2016), Ech-Charrat et al.
(2017a,b,c), Sarkar et al. (2017), Iassinovskaia et al. (2017)
≤ 2000: Kelle and Silver (1989a,b)
Repairing and purchasing policies 5 2001-2010: ---
2011-2019: Atamer et al. (2013), Limbourg and Pirotte (2018), Yang et al. (2018)
≤ 2000: ---
2001-2010: Chew et al. (2002), Chonhenchob and Singh (2003), Twede and Ckarke
Performance measurements 8
(2004), Breen (2006), Chonhenchob et al. (2008)
2011-2019: Maleki and Reimche (2011), Glock and Kim (2016), Cobb (2016b)
Finally, we note that the majority of the literature falls into journal articles in the field of operations
research, transportation, and packaging. Table 3 summarizes the list of top 5 journals where studies on
reusable packaging systems have been published.
Table 3
Top 5 journals published studies on reusable packaging systems
No. Journal’s name Number of papers
1 Packaging Technology and Science 10
2 International Journal of Production Economics 9
3 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 5
4 International Journal of Production Research 3
5 International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 3
In concluding this section, we note that, as part of our review methodology, we discussed material
collection and bibliometric analysis in Sections 2.1-2.2, whereas content analysis will be discussed in
Sections 3-5, and material evaluation will be discussed when delivering research opportunities in
Section 6.
Designing a return logistics system is mainly based on reusable containers’ ownership and the
responsibility of managing, cleaning, controlling, maintaining, and storing these containers. Kroon and
Vrijens (1995) provided a comprehensive discussion about potential designs based on the study conducted
by Lützebauer (1993). In this regard, return logistic systems are categorized as switch-pool systems,
systems with return logistics, and systems without return logistics.
Switch-pool systems: They are referred to systems where every participant has its own portion of
containers and is responsible for cleaning, controlling, maintaining, and storing. A switch-pool system can
be designed as a sender-recipient or sender-carrier-recipient system. In the former, the sender is responsible
for managing the return flow of containers. In the latter, an ownership switch takes place at every exchange
of containers among participants, and the carrier is responsible for managing the return flow of containers.
Systems with return logistics: They are defined as the third-party’s ownership in which a central agency
owns the containers and is responsible for the return of the containers after they have been emptied by the
recipient. In this system, the recipient bundles empty containers and stores them until a sufficient number
of containers has accumulated for cost-effective collection. Regarding the role of the central agency in this
supply chain, systems with return logistics can be designed as a transfer system or a depot system. In the
transfer system, the central agency is only responsible for return of containers from the recipient to the
sender, and the sender is fully responsible for tracking, management, cleaning, maintenance, storage, as
well as stock level of containers. In the depot system, the idle containers are stored at depots by the central
agency. The central agency cleans the containers (if necessary) and maintain them at the depot to be used
for next shipments.
There are two different designs for depot systems: with booking and with deposit. In depot system with
booking, the sender has an account with the central agency. When containers are delivered to the sender,
the corresponding quantity is debited in the sender’s account. Similarly, when the sender sends the
containers to a recipient, the corresponding quantity is credited in the sender’s account, and debited in the
recipient’s account. The sender should submit the necessary data to the agency for each shipment. This
allows the agency to control the flows of the containers. In the depot system with deposit, the sender pays
the agency a deposit for the number of containers delivered to his site. The deposit equals at least the value
of the containers. The sender debits his recipient for this deposit, who does the same with his recipient, and
so on. The moment the containers are delivered to the final destination, they are collected by the agency.
Then, the agency refunds the deposit to the party from which the containers were collected. The deposit
finances the shrinkage of the containers. The refundable deposit encourages quick return of empty
containers and prevents the empty containers being stocked in one plant for a long period of time.
Systems without return logistics: Here, the central agency owns the containers, the sender rents the
containers from the agency, and the sender is fully responsible for return logistics, cleaning, control,
maintenance and storage.
Hellström and Johansson (2010) introduced a new variation of logistics system design based on the
foregoing proposed categories by Kroon and Vrijens (1995). Based on their classification, there are three
types of control strategies for managing reusable containers: switch-pool system, transfer system, and depot
system. In the switch-pool system, a fixed number of reusable containers are assigned to each participant,
and when loaded containers are delivered to the recipient, the recipient must give the sender the same
number of empty containers in return. In the transfer system, the sender is fully responsible to track,
manage, maintain, and store containers, while in the depot system, containers are maintained and stored in
depots by a main agency. In the depot system, the sender sends fully loaded containers to the recipient, and
then, the depot collects and returns the empty containers from the recipient. Depot systems can be coupled
with deposits, where the sender pays the central agency a deposit for every single container used. Then, the
deposit is refunded when the container is returned to the depot. Table 5 summarizes various logistics system
designs of reusable packaging.
Table 5
Various logistics system designs of reusable packaging.
Logistics system Cleaning Managing, maintaining, &
Participants Ownership References
design responsibility storing responsibility
Kroon and Vrijens
Sender-recipient All participants All participants Sender (1995); Hellström and
Johansson (2010)
Switch-pool Sender-carrier- Kroon and Vrijens
All participants All participants Carrier
systems recipient (1995)
Systems with Kroon and Vrijens
return logistics; Central agency Sender Sender (1995); Hellström and
transfer system Johansson (2010)
Systems with Kroon and Vrijens
return logistics; Central agency Central agency Central agency (1995); Hellström and
depot system Johansson (2010)
Systems without Sender-central Kroon and Vrijens
Central agency Sender Sender
return logistics agency-recipient (1995)
Yes Yes
Delivering full
containers No
Purchasing or
renting containers
The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for providing valuable and constructive comments on
earlier versions of this paper that helped to improve the paper significantly.
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