Malla Electrosoldada (US) PDF
Malla Electrosoldada (US) PDF
Malla Electrosoldada (US) PDF
A1 Metric Styles Wt. Equivalent US A1 Wt
(mm2/m) (MW = Plain wire)2 (kg/m2) Customary Style (in2/ft) (lbs/CSF)
A1 & 4 88.9 102x102 - MW9xMW9 1.51 4x4 - W1.4xW1.4 .042 31
127.0 102x102 - MW13xMW13 2.15 4x4 - W2.0xW2.0 .060 44
184.2 102x102 - MW19xMW19 3.03 4x4 - W2.9xW2.9 .087 62
254.0 102x102 - MW26xMW26 4.30 4x4 - W4.0xW4.0 .120 88
59.3 152x152 - MW9xMW9 1.03 6x6 - W1.4xW1.4 .028 21
84.7 152x152 - MW13xMW13 1.46 6x6 - W2.0xW2.0 .040 30
122.8 152x152 - MW19xMW19 2.05 6x6 - W2.9xW2.9 .058 42
169.4 152x152 - MW26xMW26 2.83 6x6 - W4.0xW4.0 .080 58
B1 196.9 102x102 - MW20xMW20 3.17 4x4 - W3.1xW3.1 .093 65
199.0 152x152 - MW30xMW30 3.32 6x6 - W4.7xW4.7 .094 68
199.0 305x305 - MW61xMW61 3.47 12x12 - W9.4xW9.4 .094 71
362.0 305x305 - MW110xMW110 6.25 12x12 - W17.1xW17.1 .171 128
C 342.9 152x152 - MW52xMW52 5.66 6x6 - W8.1xW8.1 .162 116
351.4 152x152 - MW54xMW54 5.81 6x6 - W8.3xW8.3 .166 119
192.6 305x305 - MW59xMW59 8.25 12x12 - W9.1xW9.1 .091 69
351.4 305x305 - MW107xMW107 9.72 12x12 - W16.6xW16.6 .166 125
D1 186.3 152x152 - MW28xMW28 3.22 6x6 - W4.4xW4.4 .088 63
338.7 152x152 - MW52xMW52 5.61 6x6 - W8xW8 .160 115
186.3 305x305 - MW57xMW57 3.22 12x12 - W8.8xW8.8 .088 66
338.7 305x305 - MW103xMW103 5.61 12x12 - W16xW16 .160 120
E1 177.8 152x152 - MW27xMW27 3.08 6x6 - W4.2xW4.2 .084 60
317.5 152x152 - MW48xMW48 5.52 6x6 - W7.5xW7.5 .150 108
175.7 305x305 - MW54xMW54 3.08 12x12 - W8.3xW8.3 .083 63
317.5 305x305 - MW97xMW97 5.52 12x12 - W15xW15 .150 113
1 Group A - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 60,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi 2Wires may also be deformed, use prefix MD or D, except where only MW or W is required by building codes (usually
Group B - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 70,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi less than a MW26 or W4). Also wire sizes can be specified in 1mm2 (metric) or .001 in.2 (US Customary) increments.
Group C - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 72,500 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi 3For other available styles or wire sizes, consult other WRI publications or discuss with WWR manufacturers.
Group D - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 75,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi 4Styles may be obtained in roll form. Note: It is recommended that rolls be straightened and cut to size before placement.
Group E - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 80,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi
Pipe fabric styles and wire sizes will be published in LOOKING TO THE FUTURE
another tech fact. It is important for design professionals, contractors, dis-
EXAMPLES* tributors and fabricators to know they can specify and
1. A typical metric structural WWR style is: order the exact area of steel required for their individual
305 x 305 - MD 71 x MD 71 projects. Therefore, for some time in the future, most
wire sizes will be available in 1 mm2 (.001 in2) increments.
The equivalent inch-pound structural WWR style is:
12 x 12 - D11 x D11 A table of 24 metric wire sizes and properties along with
the equivalent inch-pound units and also a conversion
2. A typical metric building fabric style is: table on WWR styles are reproduced in this tech fact
152 x 152 - MW 19 x MW 19 sheet. The intent of the tables are to have design pro-
The equivalent inch-pound building fabric style is: fessionals begin specifying welded wire styles in 5 and
6 x 6 - W2.9 x W2.9 10 square millimeter increments above an MW or MD
26. Below that size WRI will list the typical standards
Note: Wire spacings are in millimeters (mm) and wire (MW 9, MW 13, MW 19 and MW 26), as well as the
areas are in square millimeters (mm2). The MD (metric) 5mm2 increments in between (MW 10, MW 15, MW 20).
or D (inch-pound) prefixes designate deformed wire.
The MW (metric) or W (inch-pound) prefixes designate In addition to this information WRI has soft converted
plain wire. tables in the current “Manual of Standard Practice for
Structural WWR” (WWF 500), commonly referred to as
To determine sheet sizing, soft convert width of sheets the MSP.
from inches to millimeters and lengths of sheets from
feet to meters. An example is: 2438 mm x 6.1 m equals ADDITIONAL DATA INCLUDED IN THE MSP
96” x 20’ Building fabric rolls are figured similarly, for Along with discussion on nomenclature, manufacturing
example: 1524 mm x 45.7 m equals 60” x 150’ and availability, specifications, handling and placing,
there are these subjects as well:
For mass (weight) calculations use: wire area in mm2 x Design Aids—Tables on cross sectional areas of welded wire
0.00784 = mass (kg/meter). For the inch-pound unit for (51 mm to 457 mm) 2 “ to 18 “ wire spacings are included.
equivalent use: wire area in in2 x 3.4 = weight
(Ibs./foot). Development and Splice Lengths—Tables for wire areas from
MW or MD 26 to MW or MD 290 (W or D 4 to W or D 45).
*Conversion faclors: 25.4 mm = 1 inch, 645 mm2 = 1 Mass (Weight) Calculations—There are tables to determine
inch2, 304.8 mm = I foot. A reminder, the inch-pound metric units (kg per meter) or inch-pound units (Ibs. per foot)
wire areas in the examples are in2 multiplied by 100. for efficient calculations.