Nonlinear System Analysis-2 PDF
Nonlinear System Analysis-2 PDF
Nonlinear System Analysis-2 PDF
x1 f1 x1 , x2
x2 f 2 x1 , x2
z2 c z1 1
In (X1,X2)-plane
Nodal point
Saddle point
Saddle point
Singular Points
Focus point
λ1 and λ2 are complex conjugate of each other with positive real parts
Focus point
Focus point
Vortex point
Vortex point
Centre in Centre in
(y1, y2)- (x1, x2)-
plane plane
Construction of Phase Trajectories
Consider the homogenous second
order system with differential equations
state variables x1 x, x2 x
the state equation in the state variable form as
1. From the initial point, calculate the value of δ
2. Draw a short arc segment through the initial point with (-δ, 0)
as centre, thereby determining a new point on the trajectory
3. Repeat the process at the new point and continue
Delta Method
Example: (For the system described by the equation given below,
construct the trajectory starting at the initial point (1, 0) using delta method )
x x x2 0
Let’s take: x1 x, x2
Then x1 x2
x2 x2 x12
The above equation can be rearranged as
x2 x1 x2 x12 x1
x2 x12 x1
complete trajectory
At initial; x1=1 and x2=0; δ is calculated as δ = 0+1-1 = 0
Initial arc is centered at point (0, 0)
The mean value of the coordinates of the two ends of the arc is used to
calculate the next value of δ
The procedure is continued to construct small arcs to complete trajectory
Limit Cycles
A distinct geometric configuration in the phase plane portrait
An isolated closed path in the phase plane
A given system may have more than one limit cycle
A limit cycle represents a steady state oscillation, to which or
from which all trajectories nearby will converge or diverge
In a NL system, limit cycles describes the amplitude and period
of a self sustained oscillation
It should be pointed out that not all closed curves in the phase
plane are limit cycles
A phase-plane portrait of a conservative system has a continuous
family of closed curves. But, these are not limit cycles because
none of these curves are isolated from one another
These are periodic motions exhibited only by nonlinear non
conservative systems
Limit Cycles
Let’s consider the well known Vander Pol’s differential equation
1 x
2 dx
dt dt
Here, the state variables are: x1 x, x1 x
x1 x2
Then, state equations are:
x2 1 x 2
The phase trajectories of the system for μ > 0 and μ < 0 is
constructed as follows cycle
μ>0 μ<0
Describing Function Method
It is an approximate extension of frequency response methods
including Nyquist stability criterion to NL system
N 1
Where, N = describing function
X = amplitude of input sinusoid
Y = amplitude of fundamental harmonic component of output
φ1 = phase shift of the fundamental harmonic component of output
Block diagram of a NL system is given by
Linear NL Linear
Output function is
The phase angle for the describing function can be calculated as
Output function is
Output function is
Curve for Relay
X sin sin 1
with dead zone X
Output periodic function has odd symmetry
Fourier series constant A1 and Describing function is
B1 calculated as calculated as
B1 cos sin 1
Describing Function for Backlash
Input function as
Output function is
Curve for Backlash
Uniform stability :
Stability that guarantees that the equilibrium point is not losing
At uniformly stable equilibrium point x*; if δ is not be a function of
t0, so that equation (2) may hold for all t0
Asymptotic stability :
An equilibrium point x* = 0 is asymptotically stable at t = t0 if
1. x* = 0 is stable, and
2. x* = 0 is locally attractive; i.e., there exists δ(t0) such that
||𝑥(𝑡 ) || < 𝛿 ⇒ lim 𝑥(𝑡) = 0 … … … … … . . (3)
Uniform Asymptotic stability :
An equilibrium point x* = 0 is uniform asymptotic stable at t = t0 if
1. x* = 0 is uniformly stable, and
2. x* = 0 is uniformly locally attractive; i.e., there exists δ
independent of t0 for which equation (3) satisfies
Further, it is required that the convergence in equation (3) is uniform
Basic theorem of Lyapunov
Let V (x, t) be a non-negative function with derivative 𝑉 along the
trajectories of the system
1. If V (x, t) is locally positive definite and 𝑉(x, t) ≤ 0 locally in
x and for all t, then the origin of the system is locally stable (in
the sense of Lyapunov)
2. If V(x, t) is locally positive definite and decrescent and
𝑉(x, t) ≤ 0 locally in x and for all t, then the origin of the
system is uniformly locally stable (in the sense of Lyapunov)
3. If V(x, t) is locally positive definite and decrescent, and
− 𝑉 (x, t) is locally positive definite, then the origin of the
system is uniformly locally asymptotically stable
4. If V (x, t) is positive definite and decrescent, and − 𝑉 (x, t) is
positive definite, then the origin of the system is globally
uniformly asymptotically stable
Consider the system
x f x; f 0 0 …….. (4)
Suppose there exists a scalar function v(x) which for some real
number ∈> 0 satisfies the following properties for all x in the
region ||𝑥(𝑡)|| < 𝜖
Theorem- 3
If all the conditions of theorem-2 hold and in addition
𝑉(𝑥) → ∞ 𝑎𝑠 ||x|| → ∞ …… (5)
Then the system is asymptotically stable in-the-large at the origin
Instability in a nonlinear system can be established by
direct recourse to the instability theorem of the direct
Theorem- 4 (Instability Theorem)
Consider a system x f x ; f 0 0 ….. (6)
Suppose there a exist a scalar function W(x) which, for real number
∈>0 , satisfies the following properties for all x in the region 𝑋 <𝜖 ;
(a) W(x) > 0; 𝑥 ≠ 0
(b) W (0) = 0
(c) W(x) has continuous partial derivatives with respect to all
component of x
(d) dw 0
Then the system is unstable at the origin
The Direct Method of Liapunov and
the Linear System
Simple approach to stability analysis
Consider a linear autonomous system with the state equation
X AX ……. (8)
The linear system is asymptotically stable in-the-large at the
origin if and only if given any symmetric, positive definite matrix
Q, there exists a symmetric positive definite matrix P which is
the unique solution
AT P + PA = −Q ….. (9)
Consider the scalar function ….. (10)
…. (12)
Since Q is positive definite, V(x) is negative definite.
Norm of x may be defined as
||X|| = (XTPX)1/2 … (13)
Then V(X) = ||X||2 … (14)
V(X) ∞ as ||X|| ∞ … (15)
The system is therefore asymptotically stable in-the large at the origin
Suppose the system is asymptotically stable and P is negative definite,
consider the scalar function
V X X T PX V X X T PX X T PX X T QX 0 … (16)
There is contradiction as V(x) in eqn. (16) satisfies instability theorem
Hence, for the positive definiteness of P are necessary and sufficient for asymptotic
stability of the system of eqn. (16)
Methods of constructing Liapunov
functions for Nonlinear Systems
Limitations of Liapunov theorems :
(i) give only sufficient conditions on system stability
(ii) No unique way of constructing a Liapunov function
Krasovskii’s method is one alternate method for constructing a
Liapunov function
Krasovskii’s Method
Consider a system x f x; f 0 0
Define a Liapunov function as: V f T Pf ….. (17)
Where P = a symmetric positive definite matrix
Krasovskii’s Method Now, V f T Pf f T Pf ….. (18)
f X
Where f Jf …. (19)
X t
f T J T Pf PJf
Let Q J T Pf PJf
Since V is positive definite, for the system to be asymptotically
stable, Q should be negative definite. If in addition 𝑋 → ∞ 𝑎𝑠
𝑋 → ∞ , the system is asymptotically stable in-the- large
Papov’s Criterion
Given in separate word file