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Nonlinear System Analysis-2

Dr. Raseswari Pradhan

Assistant Professor

Dept of Electrical Engineering

1. The Phase-plane Method
# Basic Concepts
# Singular Points
# Stability of Nonlinear System
# Construction of Phase-trajectories
2. The Describing Function Method
# Basic Concepts
# Derivation of Describing Functions
3. Stability analysis
# Liapunov’s Stability
# Papov’s Stability
Methods of Analysis for NL Systems
 NL systems are difficult to analyze and tedious
 However, several classical techniques suits these kind of systems
The commonly used methods are
 Linearization Techniques:
-> Linear systems are only approximations of the NL systems ->
In some cases, the linearization yields useful information
-> In some other cases, linearized model has to be modified
when the operating point moves from one to another
-> Many techniques are used to linearize a NL system
# perturbation method
# series approximation techniques
# quasi-linearization techniques
Methods of Analysis for NL Systems
 Phase Plane Analysis :
-> This method is applicable to 2nd order linear or NL systems
-> It is used to study of the nature of phase trajectories near the
equilibrium points
-> The system behaviour is qualitatively analyzed along with
design of system parameters so as to get the desired response
from the system
-> Limit cycles are be constructed and stability of the system is
 Describing Function Analysis :
-> based on the principle of harmonic linearization
-> Used for NL systems with low pass characteristic
-> It is useful for the study of existence of limit cycles;
determination of the amplitude, frequency and stability analysis
Phase-Plane Method
 Phase-plane is a state plane having two state variables x1 and x2
as its coordinates
 This plane is constructed and analyzed taking
y  x1 and y  x2
Where, y = output and y ̊= derivative of output
Phase plane analysis is the study of a 2nd order nonlinear system
 The state variables chosen are usually the output and its
It is used for obtaining graphically a solution of the following two
simultaneous equations of an autonomous system

x1  f1  x1 , x2 
x2  f 2  x1 , x2 

Where, f1 and f2 are either linear or nonlinear functions of x1 and x2

Phase Portraits
• According to fundamental theorem of uniqueness of solutions
of the state equations; the solution of the state equation starting
from an initial state in the state space is unique
• This will be true if 𝑓1(𝑥1,𝑥2) and 𝑓2(𝑥1,𝑥2) are analytic
• A family of phase trajectories starting from different initial
states is called a phase portrait
• It graphically shows how the system moves in the entire state
plane from the initial states in different possible regions
• Since the solutions from each of the initial conditions are
unique, the phase trajectories do not cross one another
• A system having nonlinear elements are piece-wise linear
• Here, the complete state space can be divided into different
• Phase plane trajectories constructed for each of the regions
Singular Points
• For a system, the points in the state space at which the
derivatives of all the state variables are zero are called singular
• These are the equilibrium points of the system
• If the system is placed at such a point, it will continue to lie there
if left undisturbed
• There are four kind of singular points found
# Nodal point
# Saddle Point
# Focus Point
# Centre or Vortex Point
Singular Points
Nodal point In (z1, z2)-plane

z2  c  z1  1

 Here, eigen values λ1 and λ2 are both real and negative

In (X1,X2)-plane
Nodal point

Stable Nodal point Unstable Nodal point

Singular Points
Saddle point z2  c  z1  1

 λ1 and λ2 are real, equal & negative of each other

Saddle point

Saddle point
Singular Points
Focus point
 λ1 and λ2 are complex conjugate of each other with positive real parts
Focus point
Focus point

Centre or Vortex point

 λ1 and λ2 are complex conjugate of each other with zero real parts

Vortex point
Vortex point

Centre in Centre in
(y1, y2)- (x1, x2)-
plane plane
Construction of Phase Trajectories
 Consider the homogenous second
order system with differential equations

 where ζ : the damping factor and ωn: undamped natural frequency

 state variables x1  x, x2  x
the state equation in the state variable form as

These equations may then be solved for phase variables x1 and x2

 This is done by simple integration
 In system dynamics with nonlinear differential equations , it is
not possible to obtain a closed form solution of x1, x2
 As integration is no more an easy task
In such situations, a graphical method known as the phase-plane
method is found to be very helpful
Isocline Method
Let the state equations for a nonlinear system be in the
x1  f1  x1 , x2 
x2  f 2  x1 , x2 

where both f1 and f2 are analytic

From the above equation, the slope of the trajectory is
given by dx2 f 2  x1 , x2 
  M  f 2  x1 , x2   Mf1  x1 , x2 
dx1 f1  x1 , x2 

This equation gives the equation to the family of isoclines

For different values of M, the slope of the trajectory,
different isoclines can be drawn in the phase plane
 Knowing the value of M on a given isoclines, it is easy to
draw line segments on each of these isoclines
Steps for Construction of Trajectory using
Isocline Method
1) For a given NLD equation (with state variables as x1, x2);
the obtain the state equations is x1  x2
x2  f 2  x1 , x2 

2) Determine the equation to the isoclines form as

dx2 f 2  x1 , x2 
  M  f 2  x1 , x2   Mx2
dx1 x2

3) For typical values of M, draw a large number of isoclines in

x1-x2 plane
4) On each of the isoclines, draw small line segments with a
slope M
5) From an initial condition point, draw a trajectory following
the line segments With slopes M on each of the isoclines
Construction of Trajectory using Isocline Method
Delta Method
 It is applied for construction of phase trajectories to systems of
the following form:
x  f  x, x, t   0

Where f may be linear or nonlinear and can be time varying

 But must be continuous and single valued
 Mathematical analysis:
1) the above equation is first converted to the form: x  wn  x    x, x, t   0
2) for short intervals the changes in these variables
are negligible , so δ remains constant
3) Now, we have :
x  wn  x     0
4) Let us choose the state variables: x1  x, x2 
5) State equations are: x1  wn x2
x2   wn  x1   
Delta Method
6) the slope equation over a short interval is given by
dx2  x1  

dx1 x2
Where δ known at any point P on the trajectory and assumed constant for a
short interval
7) draw a short segment of the trajectory by using the trajectory slope

1. From the initial point, calculate the value of δ
2. Draw a short arc segment through the initial point with (-δ, 0)
as centre, thereby determining a new point on the trajectory
3. Repeat the process at the new point and continue
Delta Method
Example: (For the system described by the equation given below,
construct the trajectory starting at the initial point (1, 0) using delta method )
x  x  x2  0
 Let’s take: x1  x, x2 
 Then x1  x2
x2  x2  x12
 The above equation can be rearranged as
x2    x1  x2  x12  x1 
  x2  x12  x1
complete trajectory
 At initial; x1=1 and x2=0; δ is calculated as δ = 0+1-1 = 0
 Initial arc is centered at point (0, 0)
 The mean value of the coordinates of the two ends of the arc is used to
calculate the next value of δ
 The procedure is continued to construct small arcs to complete trajectory
Limit Cycles
A distinct geometric configuration in the phase plane portrait
 An isolated closed path in the phase plane
 A given system may have more than one limit cycle
 A limit cycle represents a steady state oscillation, to which or
from which all trajectories nearby will converge or diverge
 In a NL system, limit cycles describes the amplitude and period
of a self sustained oscillation
 It should be pointed out that not all closed curves in the phase
plane are limit cycles
A phase-plane portrait of a conservative system has a continuous
family of closed curves. But, these are not limit cycles because
none of these curves are isolated from one another
These are periodic motions exhibited only by nonlinear non
conservative systems
Limit Cycles
Let’s consider the well known Vander Pol’s differential equation
  1  x 
2 dx
dt dt
Here, the state variables are: x1  x, x1  x
x1  x2
Then, state equations are:
x2   1  x 2 
The phase trajectories of the system for μ > 0 and μ < 0 is
constructed as follows cycle


μ>0 μ<0
Describing Function Method
 It is an approximate extension of frequency response methods
including Nyquist stability criterion to NL system
N  1
Where, N = describing function
X = amplitude of input sinusoid
Y = amplitude of fundamental harmonic component of output
φ1 = phase shift of the fundamental harmonic component of output
Block diagram of a NL system is given by

Linear NL Linear

where G1(s) and G2(s) are linear element and N is a NL element

Describing Function Method
 If input (x) to the NL element is sinusoidal (x = X sinωt)
 Output (y) of NL element is a non sinusoidal periodic function
In terms of Fourier series:
y  Y0  A1 cos t  B1 sin t  A2 cos 2t  B2 sin 2t  ...

 For odd symmetrical or odd half wave symmetrical NL element ;

Y0 = 0
Then, output will be:
y  A1 cos t  B1 sin t  A2 cos 2t  B2 sin 2t  ...
 Using low pass filters, the higher harmonics are attenuated
 So, the output becomes:
y  A1 cos t  B1 sin t

It is rewritten as: y  A sin t  900   B sin t  Y sin t   

1 1 1
 
Using Phasor: y  Y11  B1  jA1  B 2  A2  tan 1  A1 
 B1 
1 1

The coefficient A1 and B1 of the Fourier series are given by:

1 2
A1   y cos t  d t 
 0
1 2
B1   y sin t  d t 
 0

From definition of describing function we have

Y1 B12  A12  A1 
N  1  1
 tan  
X X  B1 
Describing Function for Saturation
Input function as

Output function is

Characteristic Curve for

Fourier series constant A1 Saturation
is calculated as

The phase angle for the describing function can be calculated as

Thus the describing function for saturation is

Describing Function for Ideal Relay
Input function as

Output function is

Output periodic function has odd symmetry

Characteristic Curve for
Ideal Relay
Fourier series constant A1 is calculated as

Fourier series constant B1 is calculated as

Fourier phase angle ϕ1 is calculated as

Describing function for an ideal relay is

Describing Function for Relay with dead zone
Input function as

Output function is

where 
Curve for Relay
X sin       sin 1  
with dead zone  X 
Output periodic function has odd symmetry
Fourier series constant A1 and Describing function is
B1 calculated as calculated as
4M   
B1  cos       sin 1  
  X 
Describing Function for Backlash
Input function as

Output function is

Curve for Backlash

Fourier series constant A1 and Describing function is

B1 calculated as calculated as
Liapunov’s Stability Analysis
Consider a dynamical system which satisfies x = f(x, t);
with initial condition 𝑥 (𝑡𝑜 ) = 𝑥𝑜 ; 𝑥 ∈ 𝑅𝑛 ……. (1)
 Assume: f(x,t) satisfies the standard conditions for the existence
and uniqueness of solutions
 Conditions: For instance, f(x, t) is Lipschitz continuous with
respect to x, uniformly in t, and piecewise continuous in t. A point 𝑥∗
∈ 𝑅𝑛 is an equilibrium point of above system equation if F(x*, t) ≡ 0
Locally Stable Equilibrium Point:
If all solutions which start near x* (meaning that the initial
conditions are in a neighborhood of 𝑥∗ remain near 𝑥∗ for all
Locally Asymptotically Stable Equilibrium Point:
The equilibrium point x* is said to be locally Asymptotically
stable if x* is locally stable and, furthermore, all solutions
starting near x* tend towards x* as t → ∞
Stability in the sense of Lyapunov
The equilibrium point x* = 0 of eq (1) is stable (in the sense of
Lyapunov) at t = t0 if for any 𝜖 > 0; there exists a δ(t0, 𝜖 ) > 0
such that
||𝑥(𝑡𝑜 )|| < 𝛿 ⇒ ||𝑥(𝑡)|| < 𝜖 , ∀𝑡 ≥ 𝑡𝑜 … … … … … . . (2)

 Lyapunov stability is very less depends on equilibrium points

 It does not require that trajectories starting close to the origin tend
to the origin asymptotically
Stability is defined at a time instant t0

Uniform stability :
 Stability that guarantees that the equilibrium point is not losing
 At uniformly stable equilibrium point x*; if δ is not be a function of
t0, so that equation (2) may hold for all t0
Asymptotic stability :
An equilibrium point x* = 0 is asymptotically stable at t = t0 if
1. x* = 0 is stable, and
2. x* = 0 is locally attractive; i.e., there exists δ(t0) such that
||𝑥(𝑡 ) || < 𝛿 ⇒ lim 𝑥(𝑡) = 0 … … … … … . . (3)
Uniform Asymptotic stability :
An equilibrium point x* = 0 is uniform asymptotic stable at t = t0 if
1. x* = 0 is uniformly stable, and
2. x* = 0 is uniformly locally attractive; i.e., there exists δ
independent of t0 for which equation (3) satisfies
Further, it is required that the convergence in equation (3) is uniform
Basic theorem of Lyapunov
Let V (x, t) be a non-negative function with derivative 𝑉 along the
trajectories of the system
1. If V (x, t) is locally positive definite and 𝑉(x, t) ≤ 0 locally in
x and for all t, then the origin of the system is locally stable (in
the sense of Lyapunov)
2. If V(x, t) is locally positive definite and decrescent and
𝑉(x, t) ≤ 0 locally in x and for all t, then the origin of the
system is uniformly locally stable (in the sense of Lyapunov)
3. If V(x, t) is locally positive definite and decrescent, and
− 𝑉 (x, t) is locally positive definite, then the origin of the
system is uniformly locally asymptotically stable
4. If V (x, t) is positive definite and decrescent, and − 𝑉 (x, t) is
positive definite, then the origin of the system is globally
uniformly asymptotically stable
Consider the system
x  f  x; f  0  0 …….. (4)
Suppose there exists a scalar function v(x) which for some real
number ∈> 0 satisfies the following properties for all x in the
region ||𝑥(𝑡)|| < 𝜖

(a) V(x)>0; 𝑥 ≠ 0 that is v(x) is positive definite scalar function

(b) V (0) = 0

(c)V(x) has continuous partial derivatives with respect to all

component of x
(d) 0 (i.e.; dv/dt is negative semi definite scalar function)
Then the system is stable at the origin
Theorem- 2
If the property of (d) of theorem-1 is replaced with  0; x  0
(i.e dv/dt is negative definite scalar function), then the system is
asymptotically stable

Theorem- 3
If all the conditions of theorem-2 hold and in addition
𝑉(𝑥) → ∞ 𝑎𝑠 ||x|| → ∞ …… (5)
Then the system is asymptotically stable in-the-large at the origin
Instability in a nonlinear system can be established by
direct recourse to the instability theorem of the direct
Theorem- 4 (Instability Theorem)
Consider a system x  f  x  ; f  0  0 ….. (6)
Suppose there a exist a scalar function W(x) which, for real number
∈>0 , satisfies the following properties for all x in the region 𝑋 <𝜖 ;
(a) W(x) > 0; 𝑥 ≠ 0
(b) W (0) = 0
(c) W(x) has continuous partial derivatives with respect to all
component of x
(d) dw  0
Then the system is unstable at the origin
The Direct Method of Liapunov and
the Linear System
 Simple approach to stability analysis
 Consider a linear autonomous system with the state equation
X  AX ……. (8)
The linear system is asymptotically stable in-the-large at the
origin if and only if given any symmetric, positive definite matrix
Q, there exists a symmetric positive definite matrix P which is
the unique solution
AT P + PA = −Q ….. (9)

Consider the scalar function ….. (10)

The time derivate of V(x) is V  X   X T PX  X T PX …. (11)

Using eqns. (8) and (9) we get

…. (12)
Since Q is positive definite, V(x) is negative definite.
Norm of x may be defined as
||X|| = (XTPX)1/2 … (13)
Then V(X) = ||X||2 … (14)
V(X)  ∞ as ||X||  ∞ … (15)
The system is therefore asymptotically stable in-the large at the origin
Suppose the system is asymptotically stable and P is negative definite,
consider the scalar function
V  X   X T PX  V  X     X T PX  X T PX   X T QX  0 … (16)
There is contradiction as V(x) in eqn. (16) satisfies instability theorem
Hence, for the positive definiteness of P are necessary and sufficient for asymptotic
stability of the system of eqn. (16)
Methods of constructing Liapunov
functions for Nonlinear Systems
 Limitations of Liapunov theorems :
(i) give only sufficient conditions on system stability
(ii) No unique way of constructing a Liapunov function
 Krasovskii’s method is one alternate method for constructing a
Liapunov function

Krasovskii’s Method
Consider a system x  f  x; f  0  0
Define a Liapunov function as: V  f T Pf ….. (17)
Where P = a symmetric positive definite matrix
Krasovskii’s Method Now, V  f T Pf  f T Pf ….. (18)
f X
Where f   Jf …. (19)
X t

Jacobian matrix (J) …(20)

Substituting in eqn (19) in eqn (18) , we have

V  f T J T Pf  f T PJf

 f T  J T Pf  PJf 
Let Q  J T Pf  PJf
Since V is positive definite, for the system to be asymptotically
stable, Q should be negative definite. If in addition 𝑋 → ∞ 𝑎𝑠
𝑋 → ∞ , the system is asymptotically stable in-the- large
Papov’s Criterion

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