Basic Safety Training

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First Aid

IMO Model Course 1.19


This model course aims to provide the training for candidates to render elementary first-aid on board ships, in accordance
with Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code.


Upon successful completion of this module the trainees shall be able to provide immediate basic first aid and medical care
during emergency situation.


 It is the immediate and continuing care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.

Objectives First Aid

1. To alleviate human suffering

2. To prevent added injury or danger
3. To prolong life

Roles of First Aider

1. It is the bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician.
2. It is not intended to complete with or to take the place of a physician.
3. It ends when the service of the physician begins.


A. Skeletal System

Skeleton – bones that serve as a framework of the body

Joint – union of two bones
– provides range of motion


Major Bones:

1. Skull

 Frontal
 Parieta
 Temporal
 Occipital

2. Spinal Column (backbone) principal support system of the body

 Spinal cord
 Spinal nerve

The selections of the spinal column (insert picture)

3. Shoulder Girdle
a. Collarbone (clavicle)
b. Shoulder blade (Scapula)

4. Upper Extremity
a. Arm – humerus
b. Forearm – radius and ulna
c. Hands metacarpals

5. Ribs – 12 pairs of ribs

a. Sternum – xyphoid process
Substernal notch

6. Pelvis (insert picture)

7. Lower Extremity
a. Thigh – femur and patella (knee cap)
b. Leg – tibia and fibula
c. Feet Metatarsals

B. Muscular System

Muscle – movement of the body

Kinds of muscles:

 Striated / Skeletal muscle (voluntary)

 Under the control of a person’s will
 Smooth / visceral muscle (involuntary)
 Person has little or very limited control or no control over these muscles and usually is not conscious
of them.
 Cardiac muscle (heart)
 able to stimulate itself into contraction
C. Respiratory System

Lungs – organ for respiration / breathing

Alveoli – where exchange of O2 and CO2 take place

Trachea – windpipe

D. Circulatory System

Heart – pumping organ

– located at the center of the chest


1. Atrium
2. Ventricles

Heart rate – 60-100 beats/min (adult)

– 80-120 beats/min (child)
– 120-160 beats/min (infant)

Blood Vessels: (insert picture)

1. Artery – passageway of oxygenated blood

– distributor
2. Veins – passageway of unoxigenated blood
– collector
3. Capillaries – aid in distribution of nutrients to the body


1. Red Blood Cells – carry oxygen to the rest of the body

2. White Blood Cells – designed to fight infections
3. Platelets – help control bleeding
4. Plasma – contains the blood clothing factors, other nutrients and antibodies

1. Survey the Scene

Safety – first aider (use necessary protection, universal precautions)

– victim / patient

Unsafe safe Safe area Safer Area (hospital / medical practitioner)

Emergency Rescue Emergency Transfer

Check for unresponsiveness

“Tap shoulders”
Say “Hey! Hey! Are you Okay?” (2x)

Ask for Help

- Shout “Help!” by raising a hand
- Activate Medical Assistance

2. Do the Primary Survey – life threatening problems

“ABC” of Life

A – Airway – maintain open airway

Method in opening airway

a. Head, tilt, chin lift
b. Modified jaw thrust

B – Breathing

1. Check for normal breathing in unresponsive victim

2. Check for presence or absence of breathing in unresponsive victim

L – look – rise and fall of the chest – eyes – chest

L – listen – breathing sound – ear – nose
F – feel – air coming out – cheek – mouth

Assessment :

a. If with breathing – check for difficulty of breathing

b. If not breathing – give 2 initial ventilator maneuver (IVM) to check for the patency of the airway

If 2 IVM enters – airway is patent

If 2 IVM does not enter – there is an obstruction
Check the breathing

Look, Listen and feel Method

Check the carotid pulse. Palpate the thyroid cartilage in the

midline with your index and middle finger laterally to the
groove between the trachea and the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, and gently feel for the carotid pulse. If you do not
feel the pulse, immediately try the opposite side. If you feel
no pulse, begin compressions.

C – Circulation – carotid pulse artery (slightly beside the adam’s



a. No pulse, no breathing - CPCR

b. With pulse, no breathing – AR / Rescue Breathing

3. Activation of Medical Assistance (calling for rescue / get some personnel for help and assistance)
4. Do the secondary Survey – head to the toe examination
– checking other injuries

D – Deformities B – Burns
C – Contusions T – Tenderness
A – Abrasions L – Laceration
P – Punctures S – Swelling

D – Taking Good History (For conscious patients only)

S – Signs / Symptoms
A – Allergies
M – Medication
P – Past medication History
L – Last meal taken
E – Events prior to an emergency

“PAIN” – commonly body symptoms

O – Onset of pain
P – Provocation
Q – Quality
R – Radiation
S – Swelling
T – Timing

Vital Signs Normal Range

T Temperature 36.5 – 37.5 ˚C
P Pulse Rate 60-100 beats/min
R Respiratory Rate 16-24 breath/min
BP Blood Pressure 110/70 – 130/90 mmHg
Basic Life Support

It is the early recognition and immediate application of management for airway obstruction, respiratory arrest, and cardiac arrest.

A. Airway Obstruction

1. Anatomical – tongue, swelling in the air passages
2. Mechanical – foreign object

1. Partial Airway Obstruction with good air exchange – can speak
2. Partial Airway Obstruction with poor air exchange – conscious but can’t speak
3. Complete airway obstruction – unconscious

B. Respiratory Arrest
- No breathing with pulse
- Give artificial respiration / Rescue breathing

- Drowning
- Electrical shock
- Poisoning
- Suffocation / inhalation of toxic gas

Manual producers of Rescue Breathing

F.A Victim
1. Mouth to Mouth
2. Mouth to Nose
3. Mouth to Mouth and Nose (infant)
4. Mouth to Stoma
5. Mouth to Mask / Face Shield
6. Use of ambubag

Application of Rescue Breathing

Adult – One (1) breathe enough to make the victim’s chest rise every 5 seconds

Start with 1 ventilation and count…………

“1-1002-1003-1001” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1002” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1003” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1004” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1005” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1006” = 1 ventilation 2x
“1-1002-1003-1007” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1008” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1009” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1010” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1011” = 1 ventilation
“1-1002-1003-1012” = 1 ventilation
Children – 1 breathe enough to make the victim’s chest rise every 3 seconds (1:3)
– 40 times per 2 minutes / 20x / min

Infants – 1 gentle breath enough to make the victim’s chest rise every 3 second (1:3)
– 40 times per 2 minutes / 20x / min

C. Cardiac Arrest
- No breathing
- Apply CPR

Cardio Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation or lay Rescuer

- It is a combination of rescue breathing and external chest compression (AR = ECC)

Don’ts in External Cardiac Compression (ECC)

1. Jerker
2. Bender
3. Bouncer
4. Rocker
5. Massager
6. Double Crosser

Rate: 80-100 compression/min

One man rescuer CPCR

30 chest compression: 2 ventilation = 30.2 x 5 cycles per 2 mins.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,1,2;3,4,5,6,7,8,9&1 + 2 ventilation (1st)

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&2 + 2 ventilation (2nd)

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;9&3 + 2 ventilation (3rd)

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1516,17,18,19,20,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;9&4 + 2 ventilation (4th)

"12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&4 + 2 ventilation (5th)

Chest Compression:

Summary of Lay Rescuer CPR for Adults, Children and Infants

(New Born / Neonatal information not included)


Airway Head tilt – chin lift
Breaths Initial 2 breaths at 1 second/breath
Foreign-body airway obstruction Abdominal thrust or chest thrust Back slaps and chest thrust
Compression Landmark In the center of the chest, between nipples Just below nipple line
2 hands: Heel of one hand with
Compression method Push hard 2 hands : Heel of 1 hand second
second on top or 1 Hand: Heel of 1 2 fingers
and fast Allow complete recoil hand on top
hand only
Compression depth 1 ½ to 2 inches About ¹/3 to ½ the depth of the chest
Compression rate About 100/min
Compression ventilation ratio 30.2
Cycle 5x / 2min.
When to stop CPCR:

S : Spontaneous breathing and pulses are restored

T : Transfer facilities arrived
O : Operator (First Aider) is already exhausted
P : Physician assumes responsibility (declares drainage of secretion)

NOTE: Recovery Position – side lying position to facilitate drainage of secretion. (Best recommended is left lateral)

1. Hand nearest rescuer tacked under buttock with palm faced up
2. Hand farthest from rescuer placed across the chest with palm faced up on the cheeks
3. Knee farthest from rescuer best with flat on the floor
4. Pull victim towards rescuer

D – Disability
A – Alert / Awake (conscious)
V – Verbal Response (drowsy)
P – Painful Stimuli (stuporous)
U – Unresponsive (comatose)

Proper positioning of the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) to perform chest compressions (insert picture)
Proper Hand Placement for CPR (Insert Picture)

Emergency Action Principles

(Sequence for Lay Rescuers/CPR)
Survey the scene

“The scene is safe”

Identify yourself and ask for permission to help

Position (kneel n both knees, wide base support)

Check for the responsiveness of the victim

- “Hey! Hey! Are you ok?” (2x, while tapping the shoulder of the victim)
- “Victim is unresponsive!”
- “Help! Help!” (while one hand is raised)
- “Activate medical assistance!”

Do the primary survey (ABC of Life)

A – Open Airway – Head Tilt Chin Lift Maneuver

- Check for obstruction / possible obstruction

B - Check breathing – LOOK, LISTEN and FEEL (LLF) at least five seconds

“1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005”

- “Victim is breathless!”
- “I will give 2 Initial Ventilation Maneuver(IVM)!”

C – Check for circulation using the Carotid Pulse (Maximum of 10 seconds)

“1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010!”

- State the victim condition

(Negative breath, Positive Pulse = Respiratory arrest)
(Negative breath, Negative Pulse = Cardiac arrest)

- Do AR/CPR depends on the condition of the victim

Emergency Care of Obstruction by a Foreign Object

The universal sign of choking. Ask the patient “Are you choking?”
Positioning of the fist, thumb side-in, for the abdominal thrust.
Administering the abdominal thrust in a standing patient
Administrating the abdominal thrust to a sitting patient. (insert picture)
The choking victim performing an abdominal thrust on self
Remove an unconscious, sitting patient from the chair and lay him or her face-up on the wall.
Performing abdominal thrusts on an unconscious patient.


Is a break in the continuity of the skin either internal or external.


1. Open wound – injury resulting to the break in the continuity of the skin externally.

Types of Open Wounds: (A.L.I.P.A)

a. Abrasion – scrapping or rubbing against rough surfaces

b. Laceration – rough – edged instruments like broken glasses, tin cans, barbed wire, blunt instruments
c. Incision – cut by sharp instruments like razors, knives, bolos
d. Puncture – penetrating, pointed instruments like nails, icepicks, daggers, knives, bottles, pins.
e. Avulsion – motor vehicle accidents, wreaks, explosions, animal bites

Kinds of Bleeding:

a. Arterial Bleeding
- Bright red in color
- Blood spurts from the blood vessels

b. Venous Bleeding
- Dark red
- Blood oozes from the wound

c. Capillary Bleeding
- Dark red turning bright red
- Little blood can be lost
- Clothing is spontaneous

Ways to Control Bleeding

D – Direct pressure
E – Elevate the affected part
P – Pressure on the supplying artery
P – Pressure bandage

Tourniquet – last resort

Pressure Points:

- Temporal artery
- Facial artery
- Subclavian artery
- Brachial
- Radar
- Iliac
- Femoral
- Popliteal
- Anterior and posterior tibial artery
- Dorsalis pedis


2. Closed Wounds – there is no

break in the continuity of the skin

Signs and symptoms:

- pain and tenderness
- swelling and discoloration of the soft tissue
- deformity

Ex: Hematoma and contusion

First Aid:

I – ice application
C – Compression
E – Elevate the injured part
S – Splinting (if necessary)


A depressed condition of many of the body functions due to the failure of enough blood to circulate through the body

 Primary Pump Failure
 Fluid Losses
 Vasodilatation / relative hypovolema
Factors Contributing to Shock:

P – Pain
R – Rough Handling
I – Improper transportation
C – Continuous bleeding
E – Extreme Temperature
F – Fatigue

Signs and Symptoms:

Early Stage
- eyes vacant, lack luster
- Face (pale) – pupils dilated
- Skin (cold and clammy)
- Respiration (rapid, shallow)
- Pulse (rapid, faint)
- Nausea and vomiting
- Temperature (low)

Late Stage
- Restless
- Very weak
- Unconscious

Management for Shock:

 Proper position
 Proper temperature and ventilation
 Proper transfer

S – Saline Solution
H – Heat
O – Oxygen
C – Careful Handling
K - Keep the injured in a comfortable position

It is an injury to the skin due to exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity

Classification of Burns According to depth:

First Degree Burns

- Caused by a flash , flame, scald, sun
- Skin reddened and dry with slight swelling, no blister occur
- Painful
- Epidermis is the only one affected

Second Degree Burns

- Often results from contact with hot liquids or solids, flash or flame contact with clothing, direct flame from
the fire, and contact with chemical substances.
- Skins appears moist aid mottled and ranges in color from while to cherry red
- Blister formation
- Extremity painful
- Burn extended to dermal layer
Third Degree Burns
- They result from prolonged contact with hot liquids or solids, flames, chemical or electricity
- Skin becomes dry and leathery, charred blood vessels are often visible.
- No pain
- Burn extended to subcutaneous fatty tissue, bone and vital organs

Dressing and Bandages

A. Dressing – any sterile material used directly to cover the wound

– made out of cloth, gauze or any available materials

- To control bleeding
- Absorbs bleeding from the wound
- Prevent germs from entering the exposed area

- Commercially prepared
- Improvised

B. Bandaging

Bandage – any clean cloth or material used to hold the dressing

- To control bleeding
- To secure a splint
- To immobilize and support body parts

Standards in Bandaging

S – Square knot
C – Careful handling
A – Accurateness
N – Neatness
S – Speed

Open Phase
- Top of the head bandage
- Front / back of the face bandage
- Front / back of the chest bandage
- Arm sling / under arm sling
- Speed

Broad Cravat
- Knee bandage

Semi broad Cravat

- Shoulder/hip bandage
- Arm/leg bandage
- Elbow bandage (straight/bended)

Narrow Cravat
- Forehead
- Eye Bandage
- Neck bandage
- Ear check and jaw
- Open palm Bandage
- Palm pressure
- Sprained ankle – shoe off/shoe on

Triangular Bandage

Parts Phases
Apex broad cravat

Sides Sides Semi broad

FAC E cravat

end end Open phase Narrow

base cravat


B. Semi – Broad Cravat (Real pictures)
C. Narrow Cravat

Emergency Rescue and Transfer

Emergency Rescue – is a procedure of moving a victim from an unsafe pace to a place of safety

 Indications:
- Danger of fire or explosion
- Danger of exotic gases or asphyxia due to lack of oxygen
- Risk of drowning
- Danger of electrocution
- Danger of collapsing wall
- Exposure to cold, or intense weather conditions
- Danger of pinning by machinery

 Methods:
- For immediate rescue without assistance drag or pull the victim in the direction of the long axis of his
- If possible, minimize lifting on carrying the injured before checking injuries unless you are sure there
is no injury or major fracture involving the neck or spine

Transfer – is a procedure of moving a victim from a safe place to a much safer place

 Cautions:
- The first aider may need to initiate a transfer or a casualty to hospital or medical aid. Skill in the use of
simple techniques of transfer must be practiced to avoid the casualties’ condition from becoming
worse. Careful selection and use of the correct transfer method is essential.

 Factors to be considered
- Nature and severity of injury
- Size and weight of the victim
- Physical capabilities of the first aider’s
- Number of available personnel and equipment
- Distance to be travelled

 Basic Principles
- The airway is maintained open
- Hemorrhage is controlled
- The victim is safely maintained in the correct position
- The victim is secured
- Regular checks of the victims condition are made
- Supporting bandages and dressing remain effectively applied
- The victim body is moved as a unit

Methods of Transfer

One man carry

- Assist to walk
- Carry in arms (lovers carry)
- Pack strap carry
- Fireman’s carry
- Piggy back carry

Two Man Carry

- Four hand seat
- Hands as a litter
- Carry by extremities
- Chair as a litter insert picture

Three Man Carry

- Bearers along the side
- Hammock carry

Six to Eight Man Carry

- Use of Stretcher
- Use of long spine Board

IMO Model Course 1.19

I. Training and Drills

A. Each member of the crew participates in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month. The
drills of the crew happened within 24 H of the ship leaving the port if ore than 25% of the crew have not
participated in abandon ship and fire drills on board that particular ship in the previous month.

B. On a ship engaged on an International voyage which is not short international voyage, musters of the
passengers shall takes place within 24 H after their embarkation. Passengers shall be instructed in the use of
lifejackets and the action to take in an emergency. If only a small number of passengers embark a port after
the muster has been held it shall be sufficient, instead of holding another muster, to draw the attention of
these passengers to the emergency instructions.

C. On a ship engaged on a short international voyage, if the muster of the passengers is not held in departure
the attention of the passengers shall be drawn to the emergency instruction.

D. Each abandon ship drill shall include:

1. Summoning the passengers and crew to muster stations with the alarm and ensuring that they are made
aware of the order to abandon ship specified in the muster list.
2. Reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list
3. Checking that passengers and crew are suitably dressed
4. Checking that lifejackets are correctly donned
5. Lowering of at least one lifeboat after the necessary preparations for launching
6. Starting and operating the lifeboat engine
7. Operation of davits used for launching life rafts.
a. Different lifeboats shall, as practicable, be lowered as successive drills.
b. Drills shall, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there were an actual emergency
c. Each lifeboat shall be launched with its assigned operating crew aboard and maneuvered in the water
at least once-every 3 months during an abandon ship drill and launched annually.
d. Rescue boats other than lifeboats which are also rescue boats, shall be launched each month with
their assigned crew aboard and maneuvered in the water. This requirement shall be complied with at
least once every month.
e. If lifeboat and rescue boat launching drill and carried out with the ship making headway, such drill
shall, because of the dangers involved, be practiced in sheltered waters only and under the
supervision of an officer experienced in such drills.
f. Emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment shall be tested each abandon ship drill.

E. On-board Training and Instructions

1. On-board training in the use of the ship’s life-saving appliances, including survival craft equipment, shall
be given as soon as possible but later than 2 weeks after the crew member joins the ship. However, if the
crew member is on a regularly scheduled rotating assignment to the ship, such training shall b given not
later than 2 weeks after the time of first joining the ship.
2. Instructions in the use of the ship’s life-saving appliances and in survival at sea shall b given at the same
intervals as the drill. Individual instructions may cover different parts of the ship’s life saving system, but
all the ship’s life-saving member of the crew shall be given instructions which shall include but not
necessarily be limited to:
a. Operation and use of the ship’s inflatable life rafts.
b. Problems of hypothermia, first-aid treatment of hypothermia and other appropriate first-aid
c. Special instructions necessary for use of the ship’s life-saving appliances in severe weather and
severe sea conditions.
On-board training in the use of davit-launched life rafts shall take place at internals of not more than 4
months on every ship fitted with such appliances. Whenever practicable this shall include the inflation
and lowering of a life raft. This life raft may be specially intended to training purposes only, which is
not part of the ship’s life-saving equipment, such a special life raft be conspicuously marked.

F. Records

The date when muster is held, details of abandon ship drills and fire drills, drills of other life-saving
appliances and on-board training shall be recorded in such log-book. If full muster drill training session is
not held at the appointed time, an entry shall be made in the log-book stating the circumstances and the
extent of the muster, drill or training session held.

G. Training Manuals

1. A training manual shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation, or in each crew cabin.
2. The training manual, which may comprise several volumes, shall contain instructions and information,
in easily understood terms whenever possible, on live-saving appliances provided in the ship and on
the best methods of survival

H. Any part of such information may be provided in the form of audiovisual aids in term of the manual. The
following shall be explained in details:

1. Donning of lifejackets and immersion suit

2. Muster at the assigned stations
3. Boarding, launching and clearing the survival craft and rescue boats
4. Methods of launching from within the survival craft
5. Release from launching appliances
6. Methods and use of devices for protection in launching areas, where appropriate
7. Illumination in launching areas
8. Use of all survival equipment
9. Use of all detection equipment
10. With the assistance of illustrations, the use of radio life-saving appliances
11. Use of drogues
12. Use of engine and accessories
13. Recovery of survival craft and rescue boats including stowage and securing
14. Hazards of exposure and the use of warm water
15. Best use of the survival craft facilities in order to survival
16. Methods of retrieval, including the use of helicopter rescue gear (sling, baskets, stretchers), breeches
buoy and shore life-saving apparatus and ship’s line throwing apparatus
17. All other functions contained in the muster list and emergency instructions
18. Instructions for emergency repair of the life-saving appliances

II. Actions to be taken when called to Survival Craft Stations

A. Put on plenty of warm clothing. Wooly clothing is best; as many layers as possible with an anorak or
oilskin as the outer layer.
B. Put on the lifejacket
C. Go to the muster station in an orderly manner

Note: Do not panic. Don’t waste time after the alarms have sounded. Final adjustment to clothing and
lifejacket may be made on the way to the muster station or after arrival there.


I. Priorities in Survival

A. Protection from the element and the effects id exposure

B. Location try to establish where you are and the best way of attracting rescue
C. Water ration at once
D. Food do not eat, unless you have sufficient water

II. Actions to be Taken When Required to abandon Ship

A. Preparation for Abandoning Ship

1. Follow instructions in preparing the ship’s survival craft

2. When the order is given, launch throw-over life rafts

B. Abandoning Ship: Precautions to be Taken

1. When the order is given, get into lifeboats and/or davit-launched life rafts at the embarkation deck
2. When the order is given, launch throw-over life rafts
3. If possible, board lifeboat or life raft without entering the water
4. If it is necessary to enter the water, choose a suitable place from which to leave the ship, bearing in mind
the following points.
5. Do not jump into the water unless essentials; use over-side ladders or, if necessary, lower yourself by
means of a rope or fire hose. Unless it is unavoidable, do not jump from higher than 20ft into the water.

III. Actions to be Taken When in the Water

A. Avoid remaining in the water for one second longer than is necessary
B. Get into a survival craft as soon as possible. Otherwise get clear of the ship
C. After getting clear of the ship do not swim aimlessly. Float as still a possible in your lifejacket if you cannot get
into a survival craft
D. Use the whistle attached to your lifejacket to attract attention
E. If possible, form a group with other survivors in the water

HELP Heat Escape Lessening Posture (insert picture)

HUDDLE 50% Increase in survival Time (insert picture)


I Types of Emergency

A. Fire in Ships: In order to be safe, every officer and crew member must know how to:
1. Prevent
2. Control
3. Extinguished fire

B. Collision: The master of the vessel involved in collision shall:

1. Render all possible assistance to save the ship
2. Prevent dangers arising from the collision
3. Standby until his assistance is no longer necessary

C. Stranding: The immediate and correct reactions are:

1. Stop the engine and engineers should be informed immediately of the situation
2. Change over to the high injection valves for supply of salt water to machinery

D. Adverse reaction of dangerous goods or bulk materials: if the stability of the ship is dangerously small,
the correct reactions are:
1. Deck cargo should be securely lashed
2. In livestock, ample protection to the animal
3. Large supply of food and water should be provided in case men are enable to reach the animals at the
height of the storm

E. Shifting of Cargo: When this situation occur, the following must be done:
1. The condition must be recognized immediately
2. Alter the course rapidly in order to change the apparent wave period

F. Foundering: If a vessel strikes another head-on, it is advisable to:

1. Stop the engine immediately on impact and remain embedded in the gash.
2. As certain the extent of the damage and determine which of the area are liable to the flooded

II Emergency Signals

A. The General Emergency Alarm is at least seven (7) short and one (1) long blast.
B. Fire alarm signal is a continuous rapid or intermittent ringing of the ship’s bell for a period of not less than ten
seconds supplemented by the continuous ringing of the general alarm bell for not less than 10 seconds
C. Abandon ship is given verbally by the Master or in the absence of the Master, the most senior and capable
officer on board

III Muster List

A. The muster list shall specify details of the general emergency alarm signal and also the action to be taken by
crew and passengers when this alarm is sounded. It also specify how to order that abandon ship will be given
B. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of crew including:
1. Closing of the watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, side scuttles, skylight, portholes and other
opening of the ship
2. Equipping of the survival craft and other life-saving appliances
3. Preparation and launching of survival craft
4. General preparation of other life-saving appliances
5. Muster of passengers
6. Use of communication equipment
7. Manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fire
8. Special duties assigned in respect of the use of fire-fighting equipment and installations

C. The muster list shall specify which officers to assigned to ensure that lifesaving and fire appliances are
maintained in good condition and are ready for immediate use
D. The muster list shall also specify substitute for the key person who may disabled, taking into account that
different emergencies may call for different actions
E. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to members of the crew in relation to passengers in case of
emergency. These duties shall include:
1. Warning the passengers
2. Seeing that they are suitably clad and donned their lifejackets correctly
3. Assembling passengers at muster station
4. Keeping order in passageways and on the stairways and generally controlling the movements of the
5. Ensuring that the supply of blankets is taken to the survival craft
F. The muster list shall be prepared before the ship proceeds to the sea. After he muster list has been prepared,
if any change takes place in the crew which necessities the alteration in the muster list, the muster shall either
revise the list or prepare a new list.
G. The format of the muster list used on passenger’s ships shall be approved.


I Launching Lifeboats

A. The following routine should be adopted when lowering lifeboats from gravity davits:

1. The cover and strong backs are removed and plug is put in the plug hole. The boat painter is made fast
well forward and brought into ship’s side with light lashing

2. The gripes are released, beginning outboard

3. The handle of the winch break is engaged and the boat lowering is controlled with the break until the
lifeboat reaches the embarkation deck where the lifeboat’s crew and any passengers normally board. The
lifeboat is then held alongside by the falls and tracing pendants so that while suspended from the davits it
does not swing as the ship rolls.

4. Before passengers or crew aboard the boat is kept at the embarkation deck level by means of browsing
tackles, lines which pass round which the crew kept firm, by hand, from the side.

5. Once the launching crew are on board, the tracing pendant are released, by letting go the seahouse slip
(Mc Clunney hook) Then, the reminder of the crew and passengers may board while the lifeboat I still
held alongside by the browsing tackles, the lines which holds the boat against the side, are released so
that it swung out, this operation should be done slowly to avoid boat swinging violently as it is released.
6. With all boat still suspended from the davits, it may now be lowered into the water and freed from the sling
hooks. While being lowered, the crew in the lifeboat should pay out the davit wire pendant lifelines. These
lifelines have knots at regular intervals and are hung from a wire which runs between both the davits
heads. The bowman and the man in the stern of the lifeboat are always stationed inside falls, holding into
the lifelines. The sling hooks should be released when the boat is afloat in the water. The released
mechanism is arranged so that boat hooks are released simultaneously.

7. Accidents released of sling hooks, when launching the lifeboat special are must be taken not to operate
the released lever accidentally.

B. Life raft could be safely launched by using the following:

1. Remove the portable rail and turn out the davit

2. Bring the raft in its valise, to the ship’s side, having the browsing line in board
3. Breakout the bowsing lines and makes them fast to the deck cleats which are provided, leaving some
slack, breakout.
4. Hook the davit fall into the raft
5. Heave away on the davit fall (to the pre-set mark, if the fall is marked) taking the raft over side.
6. If the life raft does not inflate automatically, inflate by pulling out the rest of the painter and tugging it hard
7. When inflation is complete, bowse the life raft into the ship’s side, and inspect the interior for any defect.
8. With two men tending the entrance, board passengers’, seating them in the raft, feet towards the center,
on alternate sides. Commencing outboard and working into inboard, having to remove first all the
footwear, brooches, etc.
9. When the raft is loaded, make sure it is clear below the bowsing lines, and THROW BOTH BOWSING
LINES AND THE PAINTER INTO THE RAFT, this is most important.
10. Lower away and pull down the red lanyard to operate the hook safety catch as the raft reaches the water.
The hook will release itself when the raft is waterborne. Get the raft away from the ship’s side as quickly
as possible and in cold weather inflate the floor. Stream the sea anchor and endeavor to remain in the
vicinity with the other rafts and boats. One man trained in the use of life rafts is to go in each raft. On
board the crew will rise the fall, recovering it by means of the tracing line, and continue with the next raft.

Note: Remember to always throw the bowsing lines and the painter into the raft before lowering it,
because if one of these lines become foul on deck as the raft is being lowered, it could cause a ansty tear
to the raft and so render it useless.

II Action to be taken when Clearing the Ship

A. Immediate actions for the raft

1. Cut painter and get clear of the ship

2. Look for and pick survivors from the water
3. Ensure that sea-anchor streamed when clear of the ship
4. Rig exposure cover of foldable canopy
5. Administer first-aid, if appropriate
6. Issue anti-sickness medicines and sea-sickness
7. Dry life raft floor and inflate
8. Prepare and use detection equipment including rapid equipment
9. Take measure to maintain morale
10. Make sanitary arrangements to keep (lifeboat) habitable
11. Arrange watches and duties
12. Post a lookout
B. The boat and/or rafts should clear the ship’s side at a distance of at least ¼ miles.

C. Maneuver towards other survival craft, secure together and distribute survivors and equipments between
survival crafts

D. Uses of a sea-anchor
1. To keep the boat’s head into the wind and sea
2. Beaching a lifeboat in a surf
3. To prevent drift

E. Adjust canopy openings to give the protection from weather or ventilate the life raft

F. Instructions concerning action upon entering the survival crafts should be written in easily eligible type and
waterproof materials in one of the official language of the organization, and displayed so as to be easily seen
by a person entering the survival craft.

G. Clearing the ship’s side:

1. Once the lifeboat is in the water with the crew and the passengers on board the most important is
maneuver to get away from the side of the ship as soon as possible. Even in calm sea, the crew and
the boat can suffer injuries cause by the boat and ship banging against each other because of the
wave action
2. If the ship still has a way on, the painter can be used to keep the boat clear of the ship by heaving on
it then letting it go later.
3. If the ship is stopped, the boat can get clear using the boat hook fend off and rowing when clear.
4. If the boat has an engine, care should be taken to see that the propeller is clear to the floating debris
before using it.
5. Once clear of the ship and out of danger, the lifeboat should stay in the vicinity in order to pick up as
many survivors as possible. Also if the distress signal has been sent the rescue services will head for
the position given in the distress message
6. If one of the boats is carrying the portable radio it will be located more easily than the others.
7. If it seems that the rescue services will be slow in arriving, the person in charge of the lifeboat should
organize the duties and keep up the morale of the occupants. It should be kept in mind that the
rescue ships will use the radar to find the boats, so the radar reflector should be hoisted at the master
head or, if there is no reflector, then any mesel object which offers a good reflecting surface may be
used. At the same time, all means available for signaling or attracting attention should be kept ready
for immediate use.


I The number of lifeboats and rescue boats that are to be carried on passenger ships shall sufficient to ensure that
in providing for abandonment by the total number of persons on board not more than six life rafts need to be
marshaled by each lifeboat or rescue boat.

II. The number of lifeboats and rescue boats that are carried on board passengers ship engaged on short
international voyages and complying with the especial standards of subdivision shall be sufficient to ensure that in
providing for abandonment by the total number of persons on board not more than nine life rafts need be
marshaled by each lifeboat or rescue boat.


I Definition – launching appliances or arrangements is a means of transferring a survival craft or rescue boat from
its stowed position safely to the water

II. Boat Davit

A. Each survival craft must be stowed:

1. So that neither the survival craft nor its stowage arrangements will interfere with the operation of any
other survival craft or rescue boat of any other launching stations;
2. As near the water surface as is safe and practicable and, in the case of a survival craft other than life raft
intended for throw board launching, in such a position that the survival craft in the embarkation position is
not less than 2 m above the waterline with ship in the fully loaded condition under unfavorable conditions
of trim and listed up to 20 deg either way, or the angle at which the ship’s weather deck edge becomes
submerged, whichever is less.
3. In a state of continuous readiness so that two crew members can carry out preparations for embarkation
and launching in less than 5 mins.
4. Fully equipped
5. As far as practicable, in a secured and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire and

B. Lifeboat for lowering down the ship’s side shall be stowed as far forward of the propeller as practicable. On
cargo ships of 80m in lengths and upwards but less than 120 m in length, each lifeboat shall be stowed that
the after end of the lifeboat is not less than the length of the lifeboat forward of the propeller. On cargo ships
of 120 m length and upwards and passenger ships of 80 m in length and upwards, each lifeboat shall be
stowed that the after end of the lifeboat is not less than 1.5 times the length of the lifeboat forward of the
propeller. Where, appropriate, the ship shall be so arranged that lifeboats, in their stowed positions, are
protected from damage by heavy seas.

C. Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to the launching appliances.

D. In addition, life rafts shall be stowed a to permit manual release from their securing arrangements

E. Davit-launched liferafts shall be stowed within reach of the lifting hooks., unless some means of transfer is
provided which is not rendered inoperable within the limits of trim and list or by ship motion or power failure.

F. Liferafts intended for throw overboard launching shall be stowed as to be readily transferable for launching an
either side of the ship unless liferafts, of the aggregate capacity to be capable of being launched on either
side, are stowed on each side of the ship.

III. Liferaft Davits

A. Every Liferaft Launching Appliances shall comply with the requirements,

except with regards to use of gravity for turning out appliance, embarkation
with the stowed position and recovery of the loaded liferaft. The launching
appliance shall be so arranged as to prevent premature release during
lowering and shall release the liferaft when waterborne.

B. Gravity Davits (insert picture with parts)

1. Gravity davits are any davit which use the weight of the boat to do the work required to launch the boat
overside, they may operate in pivots or have a carriage mounted on roller-track ways which are fixed either to
the deck or overhead. The boat is launched by lifting of a brake handle. The brake is required to apply itself
automatically, immediately the handle is released by the brake operator. The rate of the boat’s descent is
controlled by an independent centrifugal brake. These davits are all fitted with air rope falls and winches. On
ships constructed after 1st July 1986, they are required to be capable of launching a survival craft or rescue
boat against an adverse list of 25 degrees. They are required to be fitted with tricing pendants to bring the
boat alongside and bowsing-in tackles to replace the tricing pendants and keep the survival craft alongside.
The tricing pendants must be released and the weight of the boat transferred to falls before persons
embarked in the boat.

2. Gravity davits are provided with a safety device which will prevent the davits from operating while its in the
position. This device usually takes the form of a trigger to which the gripes are attached and is so adjusted
that while the gripes are on, the davit cannot operate. In addition, holes are normally provided into which the
bolt can be shipped to prevent the davits being inadvertently operated in port. These bolts, known as harbour
safety pins are to be shipped only in port. When the falls and winches are being overhauled, the lifeboat must
be floated or landed before the falls are let-go for o0ver-hauling. Harbour safety pins are always to be
unshipped before the vessels proceeds to sea, so that the boats are at all times ready for immediate.

C. Free-fall Launching

1. Definition – free-fall launching is that method of launching a survival craft whereby the craft with its
complement of persons and equipment on board is released and allowed to fall into the sea.

2. Without any restraining apparatus.

Every free-fall launching appliance using an inclined plane shall:

a. The launching appliance shall be so arranged so that excessive forces are not experienced by the
occupants of the survival.
b. Craft during launching. The launching appliance shall be a rigid structure with a ramp
c. Angle and length sufficient to ensure that the survival craft effectively clears the ship. The launching
appliance shall be efficiently protected against corrosion and be so constructed as to prevent indecisive
friction or impact sparking during the launching of the survival craft.

D. Free-fall boat (insert picture)

1. Is embarked in its stowage position. From the control panel on board the boat, the navigator can take the
lifeboat into the lowering of free-fall positions. If the navigator chooses the free-fall mechanism, push the
FREE-FALL button. This button activates an alarm signal allowing the persons on board to bet ready for the
fall itself. The boat will be released from the davit by the second push of the button.

2. If the navigator chooses to use the lowering mechanism, push the “LOWERING” button. The lowering wire will
then be connected to the boat itself. A new push takes the boat and the davit into position, and lowering starts
automatically. In case the automatic release buttons do not work, the boat may be also release by means of a
manually operated hydraulic pump.

E. Free-fall Davit (insert pictures)

1. The system based on enclosed lifeboats constructed to withstand a free-fall from great heights. A
precondition for this among other things that the persons in the boat sit in shock absorbing chairs and are
strapped by means of a four-point east belt and a head strap when the lifeboat is released. It can be used
also on types on ships and mobile rigs of minimum height of 12 meters and maximum heights of 20 meters at
the place of launching.

2. From the mastering position, the lifeboat is automatically released and floats up if the ship sinks.

F. Float-free launching

1. Definition: Float-free launching is that method of launching a survival craft whereby the craft is automatically
released from a sinking ship and is ready for use.
2. Float-free arrangements for liferafts

a. The liferaft painter system shall provide a connection between the ship and the liferaft and shall be so
arranged as to ensure that the liferaft when released and, in case on an inflatable liferaft, inflated is not
dragged by the sinking ship.
b. If a wink link is used in the float-free arrangement, it shall:
1. Not be broken by the force required to pull the painter from the liferaft container
2. If applicable be of sufficient strength to prevent the inflation of the liferaft
3. Break under the strain of 2.2+0.4 kn

3. Hydrostatic Release Units

a. If a hydrostatic release unit is used in the float-free arrangements, it shall be:

1. Constructed of compatible material so as to prevent malfunction of the unit. Galvanizing or other
forms of metallic coating on parts of the hydrostatic release unit shall not be accepted
2. Automatically release the liferaft are a depth of not more than 4m
3. Drained to prevent the accumulation of water in the hydrostatic chamber when the unit is in its normal
4. Sop constructed so as to prevent release when seas wash over the unit
5. Permanently marked on its exterior with its type and serial number
6. Be such that each part connected to the painter system has strength of not less than that required for
this painter.


I Lifeboats

A. Partially enclosed lifeboats

1. Partially enclosed lifeboats shall be provided with permanently attached rigid covers extending over
not less than 20% of the length of the lifeboat from the aftermost part of the lifeboat. The lifeboat shall
be fitted with a permanently attached fordable canopy which together with rigid covers completely
encloses the occupants of the lifeboat in a waterproof shelter and protects them from exposure. The
canopy shall be arranged that:

i. It is provided with adequate rigid sections to permit the erection of the canopy.
ii. It can be easily erected by not more than two persons
iii. It is insulated to protect the occupants against heat and clod by means of not less than two layers
of material separated by an air gap or other equally efficient means
iv. Its exterior is of highly visible colour and its interior is of a colour which does not cause discomfort
to the occupants.
v. It has entrance at the both ends and on each side, provided with efficient adjustable closing
arrangement which can be easily and quickly opened and closed from inside or outside so as to
permit ventilation but exclude seawater, wind and/or cold; means shall be provided for holding the
entrances securely in the open and closed position.
vi. With the entrance closed, it admits sufficient air for the occupants at all times
vii. It has a means for collecting water
viii. The occupants can escape in the event of the lifeboat capsizing.

2. The interior of the lifeboat shall be of highly visible colour.

3. The radiotelegraph installation shall be installed in a cabin large enough to accommodate both the
equipment and the person using it. No separated cabin is reqired if the construction of the lifeboat
provides a sheltered space.

B. Self-righting partially enclosed lifeboats

1. Enclosure (insert picture)

a. Permanently attached rigid covers shall be provided extending over not less than 20% of the
length of the lifeboat from the stem and not less than 20% of the length of the lifeboat from the
aftermost part of the lifeboat.
b. The rigid covers shall form two shelters If the shelters have bulkheads, they shall have openings
of sufficient size to permit easy access of persons each wearing an emersion suit or a warm
clothes and a life-jacket. The interior height of the shelters shall be sufficient to permit persons
easy access to their seats in the bow and stem of the lifeboat.
c. The rigid covers shall be arranged that they include windows of translucent panels to admit
sufficient daylight to the inside or the life-boat with the openings or canopies closed so as to make
artificial light unnecessary.
d. The rigid cover shall have railings to provide a secure handhold for persons moving about the
exterior about the lifeboat.
e. Open parts of the lifeboat shall be fitted with a permanently attached fordable canopy so
1. It can be easily erected by not more than two persons in not more than 2 mins
2. It is insulated to protect the occupants against cold by means of less than two layers of
material separated by an air gap or other equally sufficient means.
f. The enclosed form by the rigid covers and canopy shall be arranged.
1. As to allow launching and recovery operations to be performed any occupant having to leave
the enclose;
2. That it has entrances at both ends and on each sides, provided with adjustable closing
arrangements which can be easily and quickly opened and closed from inside and outside so
as to permit ventilation but exclude seawater, wind and cold means shall be provided for
holding the entrances securely in the open and in the close position
3. That with the canopy erected and all entrances closed, sufficient is admitted for the
occupants at all times
4. That it has means for collecting rainwater
5. That the exterior of the rigid covers and canopy and the interior of that part of the lifeboat
covered by canopy is of highly visible colour. The interior of the shelter shall be of colour
which does not cause discomfort to the occupants; that it is possible to row the boat.

2. Capsizing and Re-righting

a. A safety belt shall be fitted at each indicated seating position. The safety belt shall be so
designed as to hold a person of a mass of 100kg securely in place when the lifeboat is in
capsized position
b. The stability of the lifeboat shall be such that it is inherently or automatically self-righting when
loaded with its full or a partial complement of persons and equipment and the persons secured
with safety belt.

3. Construction and Fendering

a. A self-righting partially enclosed lifeboat shall be as constructed and fendered as to ensure that
the lifeboat renders protection against harmful accelerations resulting from an impact of the
lifeboat, when loaded with its full complement, against the ship’s side at an impact velocity of not
less than 3.5 m/s.
C. Totally Enclosed Lifeboats

1. Enclosure (insert picture)

a. Every totally enclosed lifeboat shall be provided with a rigid watertight enclosure which
completely encloses the lifeboat. The enclosure shall be so arranged that:

1. It protects the occupants against heat and cold

2. Access to the lifeboat is provided by hatches which can be closed to make the lifeboat
3. Hatches are positioned so as to allow launching and recovery operations to be performed
without any occupant having to leave the enclosure.
4. Access hatches are capable of being opened and closed from both inside and outside and
are equipped with means to hold them securely in open position
5. It is possible to row the lifeboat
6. It is cable, when the lifeboat is in the capsized position with the hatches closed without
significant leakage, of supporting the entire mass of the lifeboat, including all equipment,
machinery and its full complement of persons
7. It includes windows or translucent panels on both sides which admit sufficient daylight to the
inside of the lifeboat with the hatches closed to make artificial light unnecessary
8. Its exterior is of highly visible colour and its interior of a colour which does not cause
discomfort to the occupants
9. Handrails provides a secure handhold for persons moving about the exterior of the lifeboat,
and aid embarkation and disembarkation
10. Persons have access to their seats from an entrance without having to climb over thwarts or
other obstructions
11. The occupants are protected from the effects of dangerous sub-atmospheric pressures which
might be created by the lifeboat engine

2. Capsizing and Re-righting

a. A safety belt shall be fitted at each indicated seating position. The safety shall be designed to
hold a person of a mass of 100 kg securely in place when the lifeboat is in a capsized position
b. The stability of the lifeboat shall be such that it is inherently or automatically self-righting when
loaded with the full complement of persons and equipment and all entrances and openings are
closed watertight and the persons are secured with safety belts
c. The lifeboat shall be capable of supporting its full complement of persons and equipment when
the lifeboat is in damaged condition and its stability shall such that in the event capsizing; it will
automatically attain a position that will provide an above-water escape for its occupants
d. The design of all engine exhaust pipes, air ducts and other openings shall be such that water is
excluded from the engine when the lifeboat capsizes and re-rights.

3. Construction and Fendering

A self-righting partially enclosed lifeboat shall be so constructed and fendered as to ensure that the
lifeboat renders protection against harmful accelerations resulting from an impact of the lifeboat,
when loaded with its full complement, against the ship’s side at an impact velocity of not less than

D. Lifeboat with Self-contained Air Support System

A lifeboat with a self-contained air support system shall be so arranged that when proceeding with all
entrances and openings closed, the air in the lifeboat remain safe and breathable and the engine runs
normally for a period of not less than 10 minutes. During this period, the atmospheric pressure inside the
lifeboat shall never fall below the outside atmospheric pressure not shall it exceed it by more than 2
members. The system shall have a visual indicator to indicate the pressure of the air supply at all times.

E. Water Spray System

A lifeboat which has a water spray fire protection system shall comply the following:

A. Water for the system shall be drawn from the sea by the self-printing motor pump. It shall be possible
to turn “on” and “turn off” the flow of water over the exterior of the lifeboat
B. The sea water intake shall be so arranged as to prevent the intake of flammable liquids from the sea
C. The system shall be arranged for flushing with fresh water and allowing complete drainage.
D. Fire – Protected lifeboats
A fire-protected lifeboat when waterborne shall be capable of protecting the number of persons that is
permitted to accommodate when subjected to a continuous oil fire that envelopes the lifeboat for a
period of not less than 8 mm.

II. Liferafts

A. Inflatable Liferafts

1. Construction of the Inflatable Liferafts

a. The main buoyancy chamber shall be provided into not less than two separate compartments,
each inflated through a non return inflation valve in each compartment. The buoyancy chambers
shall be so arranged that, in the event of any one of the compartment shall be able to support,
with positive freeboard over the liferafts is permitted to accommodate, each having a mass of 75
kg and seated in their normal positions.
b. The floor of the liferafts shall be waterproof and shall be capable of being sufficiently insulated
against cold weather, by:
1. Means of one or two compartments that the occupants can inflate, or which inflate
automatically and can be deflected and reinflatted by the occupants
2. Other equally efficient means not dependent on inflation
c. The liferaft shall be inflated with non-toxic gas. Inflation shall be completed with a period of one
minute at an ambient temperature of between 18˚C to 20˚C and within a period of 3 mins. at air
ambient temperature of -30˚C. After inflation, the liferaft shall complement of persons and
d. Each inflatable compartment shall be capable of withstanding a pressure of equal to at least 3
times the working pressure exceeding twice the working pressure either by means of relief valves
or by limited gas supply. Means shall be provided for fitting the topping-up pump or below so that
the working pressure can be maintained.

2. Carrying capacity of Inflatable Liferafts (insert pictures)

a. The number of persons in which a liferaft shall be permitted to accommodate shall be equal to the
lesser of:
1. The greatest whole number obtained by dividing 0.096 the volume, measured in cubic meters
of the main buoyancy tubes (which for this purposes shall include neither the arches not the
thwarts if fitted) when inflate; or
2. The greatest whole number obtained by dividing by 0.372, the inner horizon cross-sectional
area of the liferaft measured in square meters (which for this purpose may include the
thwarts, if fitted) measured to the ineermost edge of the buoyancy tubes.
3. The number of persons having an average mass of 775 kg., all wearing lifejackets, that can
be seated with sufficient comfort and headroom without interfering with the operations of any
liferaft’s equipments.

3. Access into Inflatable Liferafts

a. Atleast entrance shall be fitted with a semi-rigid boarding ramp to enable persons to board the
liferaft from the sea so arranged as to prevent significant deflation of the liferaft if the ramp is
damage in the case of a davit launched liferaft having more than one entrance, the boarding ramp
shall be fitted at the entrance opposite the bowsing lines and embarkation facilities.
b. Entrance not provided with a boarding ramp shall have a boarding ladder, the lowest step of
which shall be situated not less than 0.4m below the liferaft’s light waterline.
c. There shall be no means inside the liferaft to assist persons to pull themselves into the liferaft
from the ladder.
4. Stability of Inflatable Liferafts

a. Every inflatable shall be so constructed that, when fully inflated and floating with the canopy
uppermost, it is stable in a seaway.
b. The stability of the liferaft when in the inverted position shall be such that it can be righted in a
seaway and in calm water by one person
c. The stability of liferaft when loaded when its full complement of persons and equipment shall be
such that it can be towed at speed of up to 3 knots in calm water.

5. Inflatable Liferaft Fittings

a. The breaking strength of the painter system including its means of attachment to the liferaft,
except the weak link shall be not less than 10.0 kn for a liferaft permitted to accommodate 9
persons or more, and not less than 7.5 kn for any liferaft. The liferaft shall be capable of being
inflated by one person
b. A manually controlled lamp visible on a dark night.

6. Containers for Inflatable Liferafts

a. The liferaft shall be packed in a container that is:

1. So constructed as to withstand hard wear under conditions encountered at sea

2. Of sufficient inherent buoyancy, when packed with the liferafts and its equipment, to pull the
painter from, within and to operate the inflation mechanism should the ship sink
3. As far as practicable watertight, except for drain holes in the container bottom.

i. The liferaft shall be packed in its container in such a way as to ensure, as far as possible,
that the waterborne liferaft inflates in an upright position in breaking free from its container.

ii. The container shall be marked with :

1. Marker’s name or trade mark

2. Serial number
3. Name of approved authority and the number of persons is permitted to carry
5. Type f emergency pack enclosed
6. Date when last service
7. Length of painter
8. Maximum permitted height of stowage above waterline (depending on drop-test height
and length of painter).
9. Launching instructions

b. Marking of inflatable liferafts shall be marked with:

1. Markers name or trademark

2. Serial number
3. Date of manufacture (month and year)
4. Name of approving authority
5. Name of place of servicing station where it was last service
6. Number of person is permitted to be accommodated over each entrance in characters not
less than 100 mm in height of a colour contrasting with that of a liferaft

c. Davit-launche inflatable liferafts. A liferaft for use with an approved launching appliance shall,
when suspended from its lifting hook or bridle , withstand a load of:

i. 4 times the mass of its full complement of persons and equipments, at an ambient
temperature and a stabilized liferaft temperature and a stabilized liferaft temperature of
20+3 ˚C with all relief valves-inoperative; and
ii. 1.1 times the mass of its full complement o0f persons and equipment at an ambient
temperature and a stabilized liferaft temperature of -30˚C with all relief valves operative.
iii. Rigid containers for liferafts to be launcjhed by a launching appliance shall be so secured
that the container or parts of it are prevented from falling into the sea during and after
inflation and launching of the contained liferaft.

d. Righting a Capsized Liferaft

a. Even in the event of an apparently correct launching, a capsized occurring within a short
time of inflation is a distinct possibility. The reasons for this may be numerous but will be
likely to include any of the following:

1. Time delay occurring prior to the deployment of sea anchor

2. Water stability pockets ineffective until water filled.
3. Severe surface winds, destroying liferaft contact with the water, causing combined
wind and wave actions to turn the liferaft
4. Lack of body weight inside the liferaft following immediate launching.

b. The practical dangers of righting the liferafts is the close proximity of potential hazards
such as wreckage or close into an installation must be given due consideration. Would be
survivors should attempt to tow the liferaft into clear water, if circumstances permit prior
to an attempt of righting.
c. The direction of the wind should be noted uin the liferaft positioned with the gas-bottle at
the downward side
d. The righting strap, fixed the underside of the liferaft, should be cleared and seen to be
free of obstructions.

7. Rigid Liferafts

a. Construction of Rigid Liferafts

i. The buoyancy of the liferaft shall be provided by approved inherently buoyant material placed
as near as possible to the periphery of the liferaft. The buoyant material shall be fire-retardant
or be protected by a fire-retardant covering.
ii. The floor of the liferaft shall prevent the ingress of water and shall effectively support the
occupants out of the water and insulate them from cold.

b. Carrying capacity of rigid liferafts. The number of persons which a liferaft shall be
permitted to accommodate shall be equal to the lesser of:

i. At least one entrance shall be fitted with a rigid boarding ramp to enable persons to board
the liferaft from the sea. In case of davit-launched liferaft having more than on entrance, the
opposite ramp shall be fitted at the entrance opposite to the bowsing and embarkation
ii. The greatest whole number obtained by dividing by 0.372 the horizontal cross-sectional
area of the floor of the liferaft measured in square meters
iii. The number of persons having an average mass of 75 kg, all wearing lifejackets, that can be
seated with sufficient comfort and headroom without interfering with the operation of any of
the liferafts equipment.

c. Access into Rigid Liferafts

i. At least one entrance shall be fitted with a rigid boarding ramp to enable persons to board the
liferaft from the sea. In the case of davit-launched liferaft having more than on entrance, the
opposite ramp shall be fitted at the entrance opposite to the bowsing and embarkation
ii. Entrances not provided with a boarding ramp shall have boarding ladder , the lowest of which
shall be suited not less than 0.4 m below the liferaft’s light waterline.
iii. There shall be means inside the liferaft to assist persons to pull themselves into the liferaft
from the ladder

d. Stability of Rigid Liferaft

i. Unless the liferaft is capable of operating safety whichever way it is floating, its strength and
stability shall be such that it is either self righting or can be readily in a seaway and in one
ii. The stability of a liferaft when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment shall
be such that it can be towed at speeds of up to 3 knots in calm water

e. Rigid Liferafts Fittings

i. The liferaft shall be fitted with an efficient painter. The breaking strength of the painter
system, including its means of attachment to the liferaft, except the weak link shall be not less
than 10.0 kn for liferafts permitted to accommodate nine persons or more, and not less than
7.5 kn for any other liferaft.
ii. A manually controlled lamp visible on dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at
least 2 miles for a period of not less than 12H shall be fitted to the top of the liferaft canopy. If
the light is a flashing it shall flash at rate of not less than 50 flashes per minute for the first 2 H
operation of the 12 H operating period. The lamp shall be powered by a sea-activated cell or
a dry chemical cell and shall light automatically when the liferaft canopy is set in place. The
cell shall be of the type that does not deteriorate due to damp or humidity in the stowed
iii. A manually controlled lamp shall be fitted inside the liferaft, capable of continuous operation
for a period of at least 12 H. it shall automatically when the canopy is set in place and be of
sufficient intensity to enable reading of survival and equipment instructions.

f. Marking of Rigid Liferafts

i. Name and port of registry of the ship to which it belongs;
ii. Marker’s name or trade mark
iii. Serial number
iv. Name of approving authority
v. Number of persons it is permitted to accommodate over each entrance in characters not less
than 100 mm in height of a colour contrasting with that of a liferaft.
vii. Type of emergency pack enclosed
viii. Length of painter
ix. Maximum permitted height of stowage above waterline
x. Launching instructions

g. Davit-launched Rigid Liferafts

A rigid liferaft for a use with an approval launching appliance shall, when suspended from its
lifting hook or brindle, withstand a load of 4 times the mass of its full complement of persons and

h. Stowage of Liferafts

i. On passenger ships, every liferaft shall be stowed with its painter permanently attached to the
ship and with a float free-arrangement so that the liferaft floats free and, if inflatable, inflates
automatically when the ship sinks.
ii. On cargo ships, every liferaft, other than those required shall stowed its painter permanently
attached to the ship and with a float free arrangement so that the liferaft floats free, and if
inflatable, inflatables automatically when the ship sinks.

III. Rescue Boats (insert picture)

A. Definition: Rescue Boat - is a designed to rescue persons in distress and marshll survival craft.

B. General requirements:

1. Rescue boats may be either of rigid or inflated construction or a combination of both and shall:
a. Be not less than 3.8 m and nor more than 8.5 m in length
b. Be capable of carrying at least five seated persons and a person lying down
2. Rescue boats which are combination of rigid and inflated construction shall comply with the
appropriate requirements
3. Unless the rescue boat has adequate sheer, it shall be provided with a bow cover extending for no
less than 15% of its length
4. Rescue boats shall be capable maneuvering at speeds up to 6 knots and maintaining at that for a
period of at least 4H.0
5. Rescue boats shall have sufficient mobility and maneuverability in a seaway to enable person to be
from the water, marshal liferafts and tow the largest liferaft carried on ship when loaded with its full
complement of persons and equipment or its equivalent at a sped of at least 2 knots.
6. A rescue boat shall be fitted with an inboard engine or outboard motor, If it is fitted with an outboard
motor, the rudder and tiller ma form part of the engine. Notwithstanding the requirement petrodriven
outboard engines with an approved fuel system may be fitted in rescue boards provided the fuel tanks
are specially protected against fore and explosion.
7. Arrangements for towing shall be permanently fitted in rescue boat and shall be sufficient string to
marshal or tow liferafts as required.
8. Rescue boats shall be fitted with watertight stowage for small items of equipment.

I Lifebuoys

A. Every lifebuoy shall:

1. Have an outer diameter of not more than 800 mm and an

inner diameter of not les than 400 mm
2. Be constructed on an inherently buoyant material, it shall
not depend upon rushes, cork hiving or cork granulated,
any other loose granulated material or any air
compartment which depends on inflation for buoyancy.
3. Be capable of supporting not less than 14.5 kg of iron in
fresh water for a period of 24H.
4. Have a mass of not less than 2.5 kg
5. Not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped by a fire for a period of 2s
6. Be constructed to withstand a drop into the water from the height at which it is stowed above the
waterline in the lightest seagoing condition or 30m, whichever is the grater, without impairing either its
operating capability or that of its attached compartments
7. If it is intended to operate the quick-release arrangement provided for the self-activated smoke
signals and self-igniting light, have a mass sufficient to operate the quick-release arrangement or 4kg,
whichever is the greater
8. Be fitted with grabline not less than 9.5 mm in diameter and less than 4 times the outside diameter fo
the body of the equidistant points around the circumference of the buoy to form the four equal loops.

B. Lifebuoy self-igniting lights shall be:

1. Such that they cannot be extinguished by water

2. Capable of either being burning continuously with a luminous intensity of not less than 2 cd in all
direction of the upper hemisphere or flashing (discharge flashing) at a rate of not less than 50 flahes
per minute with at least the corresponding effective luminous intensity
3. Provided with a source of energy capable for a period of at least 2 hours
4. Capable of withstanding the drop test

C. Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signals shall:

1. Emit smoke of highly visible colour at a uniform rate for a period of at least 15 minutes when floating
in calm water
2. Not ignite explosively or emit any flame during the entire smoke emission time of the signal
3. Not be swamped in a seaway
4. Continue to emit smoke when fully submerged in water for a period of at least 10 seconds
5. Be capable of withstanding the drop test

D. Buoyant Lifelines shall:

1. Be non-kinking
2. Have a diameter of not less than 8 mm
3. Have a breaking strength of not less than 5 kn

II Lifejackets

A. General Requirements for Lifejackets

1. A lifejacket shall not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a fire for a
period of 2s
2. A lifejacket shall be so constructed that:

a. After demonstration, a person can correctly do it within a period of 1 min without assistance
b. It is capable of being worn inside-out or is clearly capable of being worn in only one way and, as
far as possible, cannot be donned incorrectly.
c. It is comfortable to wear
d. It allows the wearer to jump from a height of at least 4.5 m into the water without injury and
without dislodging or damaging the lifejacket

3. A lifejacket shall have sufficient buoyancy and stability in calm fresh water to:

a. Lift the mouth of an exhausted or unconscious person not less than 120 mm clear of the water
with body inclined backwards at an angle of not less than 20˚ and not more than 50˚ from the
vertical position
b. Turn the body of an unconscious person in the water from any position to one where the mouth is
clear of the water in not more than 5s

4. A lifejacket shall have buoyancy which is not reduced by more than 5 % after 24H submersion in
fresh water
5. A lifejacket shall allow the person wearing it to swim a short distance and to board a survival craft
6. Each lifejacket shall be fitted with a whistle firmly secured by a cord

B. Inflatable Lifejackets

A lifejacket which depends on inflation for buoyancy shall have not less than two separate compartments
and comply with requirement and shall:

1. Inflate automatically on immersion, be provided with a device to permit inflation by a single manual
motion and be capable of being inflated by mouth
2. In the event of loss f buoyancy in any one compartment be capable of complying with requiremenets
3. Comply with requirements by means of the automatic mechanism

C. Lifejacket Lights (insert pictures)

Each lifejacket shall: have a luminous intensity of not less

than 0.75cd

a. Have a source of energy capable of providing a luminous

intensity of 0.75 cd for a period of at least 8H
b. Be visible over as great a segment of the upper
hemisphere is practicable when attached to a lifejacket
c. Flash at a rate of not less than 50 flashes per minute with
an effective luminous intensity of at least 0.75 cd

III Immersion Suits

A. Definition: Immersion suit is a protective suit which reduces

the body hear-loss of a person wearing it in cold water

B. General Requirements for Immersion:

1. The immersion suit shall be constructed with waterproof material such that:
a. It can be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 mins., taking into account any
associated clothing, and a lifejacket if the immersion suit is to be worn in conjunction with a
b. It will not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a fire for a period of
c. It will cover the whole body with the exception of the face. Hands shall also be covered unless
permanently attaché gloves are provided
d. It is provided with arrangements to minimize or reduce free air in legs of the suit

2. An immersion suit which also complies with the requirements may be classified as a lifejacket
3. An immersion suit shall permit the person wearing it, and also wearing a lifejacket if the immersion
suit is to be worn in conjunction with a lifejacket to:
a. Climb up down the vertical ladder at least 5 m in length
b. Perform normal duties during abandonment
c. Jump from a height of not less than 4.5 m into the water without damaging or dislodging the
immersion suit, or being inquired
d. Swim a short distance through the water


IV Thermal Protective Aids

A. Definition: Thermal protective aid is a bag or suit made of waterproof material

with low thermal conductivity

B. A thermal protective aid shall be made of waterproof material having a thermal

conductivity of not more than 0.25 W and shall be constructed that, when used
to enclosed a person, it shall reduce both the convective and evaporative heat
loss from wearer’s body.

C. The thermal protective aid shall:

1. Cover the whole body of a person wearing a lifejacket with the exception of
the face. Hands shall also be covered unless permanently attached gloves
are provided;
2. Be capable of being unpacked and easily donned without assistance in a
survival craft or rescue boat
3. Permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 mins., if it impairs the ability to swim

D. The thermal protective aid shall function properly throughout an air temperature ranging -30˚C to +20˚C

DONNING OF TPA (Thermal Protective Aids) (insert picture)


I. List of Signaling Equipments

A. Whistle
B. Signaling Mirror or heliograph (Insert pictures)
C. Search light
D. Flashlight
II. Pyrotechnics

A. The racket parachute flares shall:

1. Be contained in a water-resistant casing;

2. Have a brief instruction or diagrams clearly illustrating the use
of racket parachute flare printed in its casing
3. Have integral means of ignition
4. Be so designed not causing discomfort to the person holding
the casing when used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions

B. The rocket shall, when fired vertically, reached an altitude of not less than 300 m. at or near the top
of its trajectory, the rocket shall eject a parachute flare, which shall:

1. Burn with a bright colour

2. Burn uniformly with an average luminous intensity of not less than 30, 000cd
3. Have a burning period of not less than 40s
4. Have a rate of descent of not more than 5m/s not damage its parachute or attachments while burning.

C. The Handflares shall:

1. Be contained in a water-resistant casing

2. Have a brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating the use of the handflare printed on its casing
3. Have a self-contained means of ignition
4. Be so designed as not to cause discomfort to the person holding the casing and not to endanger the
survival craft by burning or glowing residues when used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
operating instructions

D. The Handflares shall also:

1. Be burn with a bright color

2. Be burn uniformly with an average luminous intensity of not less than 15, 000 cd
3. Have a burning period of not less than 1 min
4. Continue to burn after having been immersed for a period of 10s under 100mm of water

III. Buoyant Signals Shall:

A. The buoyant Signal Smoke shall:

1. Be contained in a water-resistant casing

2. Not ignite explosively when used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions
3. Have a brief instructions or clearly illustrating the use of the buoyant smoke signal printed on its
4. Emit a smoke of a highly visible color at a uniform rate for a period of not less than 3 min when
floating in calm water
5. Not emit any flames during the entire smoke emission time
6. Not be swamped in a seaway
7. Continue to emit smoke when submerged in water for a period of 10 sec under 100mm of water.

Actions to be taken When Aboard the Survival Craft

A. Routine for Survival

1. Leadership and moral aboard survival craft. Below are list of duties and responsibilities of a leader:
a. Must know the job
b. Know the men and look for their welfare
c. Keep the men well informed
d. Set as example
e. Insure that the task is understood, supervised and accomplished
f. Train men as a team
g. Make sound and timely decision
h. Develop sense of responsibility among subordinates
i. Take responsibility for its actions
2. Qualities of Leader

a. Leader as a seaman

1. Expert in handling, working and navigating a ship or boat at sea

2. Possesses a skill of a good seamanship and be able to follow the seaway of life

b. Leader as a man

1. Expert in handling, working and navigating a ship or boat at sea

2. Have a spirit of firmless and courage that refuses to succumb in any circumstances
3. Has a strength and resoluteness and can face opposition unflinchingly

c. Role of a leader

1. The final authority in all matters, but must also give everybody the chance to be heard
2. Directs everybody while on distress
3. The determining factor in decision making, for high rate of survival.

3. Maintenance of Moral

a. Definition – moral and mental condition as regards to courage, zeal, confidence, enthusiasm or
willingness to endure hardship and is also known as a state of mind that back up with courage and

b. A man nothing himself any of the systems of low moral must snap out of it. Gloomy or hopeless
thought once started; grow rapidly and harder to overcome. If this danger sign are noted in others,
immediate efforts should be made to check the group. The mood of depression and hopelessness are
not permanent and they can be offset by good moral. When each man makes an effort to keep his
moral high, the group will be happier better conducted and more comfortable and even ration will be
used to greater advantage. Above all, good humor can do much to lighten the tense of grim moments
which are certain to arise.

4. Survival at Sea

a. Lookout duties aboard survival craft. Established schedule of lookout duties. The leader will assign
watch to everyone by turns except those who are weak. The watch may last for one hour but should
not extend over two hours. Generally, two-man watch is considered appropriate however; it depends
on the number of individual aboard a liferaft or a lifeboat.

b. Duties of the lookout includes:

1. To see if any more drifters is on the water
2. To search for the land
3. To see whether rescuing ships or aircraft are in the vicinity
4. To see the lifeboat or raft is approaching any danger life dead rock
5. To look the condition of the raft or boat constantly
6. To listen to the whistle or shout of any drifters
7. Should watch for any light in the dark; use flashlight to search for any drifters in the water
8. Must report to the leader immediately any changes detected during his tour of duty and pass any
important matters to the incoming watch or lookout at the time of sitting

B. Standard Survival Craft Equipment

1. The normal equipment of every lifeboat shall consist of:

a. Buoyant oars
b. Two boat hooks
c. Survival manuals
d. Buoyant bailer and buckets
e. A binnacle containing an efficient compass
f. Sea anchor
g. Two efficient painters of a length equal to not less than twice the distance from the stowage position
of the lifeboat
h. Two hatches
i. Water receptacles containing a total of 3 liters (6 pints) of fresh water each person
j. Rustproof graduated drinking water
k. Rustproof dipper with lanyard
l. Food ration totaling not less than 10, 000 kg or 16 oz (453 gms) non-thirsty (biscuit) and 16 oz (453
gms) suitable sweet/barely sugar for each person
m. Four rocket parachute flares
n. Six handflares
o. Two buoyant smoke signals
p. One waterproof electric torch
q. One daylight signaling mirror
r. One copy of life-saving signal
s. One whistle or equivalent sound signal
t. first aid outfit
u. six doses of anti-seasickness medicine and one seasickness bag for arch person
v. jack knife
w. Three tin-openers
x. Two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30m of buoyant line
y. Manual pump
z. One set of fishing tackles
aa. Sufficient engine tools

C. The normal equipment of every liferaft shall consist of:

1. One buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30m of buoyant line
2. One knife of non-folding type having a buoyant handle and lanyard
3. Buoyant bailer
4. Two sponges
5. Two sea anchors with a shock resistant hawser and tripping line
6. Two buoyant paddles
7. Three tin-openers
8. Four rocket parachute flares
9. Six handflares
10. Two buoyant smoke signals
11. One waterproof electric torch
12. An efficient radar reflector
13. One daylight signaling mirror
14. One first aid outfit
15. One copy of life saving signals
16. One set of fishing tackles
17. Food ration totaling not less than 10, 000 kj or 1’2 oz (350 gm) non-thirsty (biscuit) an 6 oz (170) gm
suitable barely sugar for each person
18. Water receptacles containing a total of 1.5 liters of fresh watyer for each persons
19. One rustproof graduated drinking vessel
20. Six doses of anti-seasickness medicine and one sea-sickness bag for each person
21. Instructions on how to survive
22. Instruction for immediate actions
23. Thermal protective aids


Sheath screw boom type davit (insert picture)
Sheath screw crescent davit (insert picture)
Gravity davit limit switch (insert picture)
Oar nomenclature (insert picture)
Radial or round bar davit (insert picture)

D. Apportioned of Food and Water

Quantities of food and Water carried on board

1. Lifeboat

a. A ration totalizing not less than 10, 000 kj per person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate; these
rations shall be kept in airtight packaging and be stowed in a watertight container
b. Watertight receptacles containing a 3-liter fresh water for each person the lifeboat is permitted to
accommodate, of which one liter per person may be replaced by a de-salting apparatus capable of
producing an equal amount of fresh water in 2 days.

2. Liferaft

a. A ration totaling not less than 10, 000 kj per person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate; these
rations shall be kept in airtight packaging and be stowed in a watertight container
b. Watertight receptacles containing a total of 1.5 liter of fresh water for each person the liferaft is
permitted to accommodate, of which 0.5 liter per person may be replaced by a de-salting apparatus
capable of producing an equal amount of fresh water in 2 days.

3. Standard allotment of drinking water and food

a. 2/3 of the total amount to be consumed with the total number of days estimated until the rescuer
b. 1/3 of the total amount for reservation in case rescuer failed to come during expected days of rescue

4. Recommended consumption per day:

a. 500 ml/day/person
b. 1/3 before sunrise
c. 1/3 during noontime
d. 1/3 after sunset
5. Rules in Drinking water for survival

a. For the first 24 hours, abstain from drinking water

b. Drink water slowly, first wet your lips, to moisten your mouth, drink little by little until ration is
c. do not drink sea water; sea water should not be drink even with plain water

6. The dangers of drinking seawater

a. Dehydration – it reduces the water in the body

b. Diarrhea and vomiting – victim will become weakened
c. It will make consciousness cloudy and finally would be driven mad
d. It stimulates the large brain (cerebrum) that makes a person want more water.

Note: Eating of fish and foods other than the survival craft rations is prohibited if there’s no enough
supply of drinking water

Instructions on how to survive on liferaft

1. Identify person in charge of liferaft

2. Post a look-out
3. Open equipment pack
4. Issue anti-seasickness medicine and seasickness pack
5. Dry liferaft and inflate, if appropriate
6. Administer-first aid
7. Maneuver towards other liferafts, secure liferaft together and distribute survivors and equipments
between survival crafts
8. Arrange watches and duties
9. Check liferaft for correct operation and any damage and repair as appropriate 9ventilate if CO2 is
leaking into the liferaft)
10. Check functioning of canopy light and if possible conserve power during day light
11. Adjust canopy openings to give protection from whether or to ventilate the liferaft as appropriate
12. Prepare against heat, cold and wet conditions
13. Gather up any useful floating objects
14. Protect against heat, cold and wet conditions
15. Decide on food and water rations
16. Take measures to maintain morale
17. Make sanitary arrangements to keep liferaft habitable
18. Maintain liferaft including topping up of buoyancy tubes and canopy support
19. Make proper use of available survival equipment
20. Prepare action for
a. Arrival or rescue units
b. Being taken in low
c. Landing and beaching

List of contents for the lifeboat survival instructions or manual

A. The person in charge of the lifeboat shall immediately, after clearing the ship, organize the following:

1. Looking for a picking up other survivors from the water

2. Marshall liferafts
3. Secure a survival craft together, distributes survivors and equipment between survival craft
4. Steam sea-anchor
5. If appropriate, rig exposure cover or affordable canopy

B. Issue anti-seasickness medicine and seasickness bags

C. Administer first-aid, if appropriate
D. Arrange watches and duties
E. Prepare and use detection equipment including radio equipment
F. Gather up any useful floating conditions
G. Protect against heat, cold and wet conditions
H. Decide on food and water rations
I. Take measures to maintain morale
J. Make sanitary arrangements to keep lifeboat habitable
K. Prepare for onset of adverse weather
L. Make proper use of survival equipment

Recommendations on performance standards for floating-free satellite EPIRBs operating on 406 MHZ

A. Introduction

The satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) should, in addition to meeting the
requirements of the Radio Regulations, the relevant CCIR Recommendations and the general requirements set
out in solution A. 596 (14), comply with performance standards.

B. General

1. The satellite EPIRB should be capable of transmitting a distress alert to a polar orbiting satellite
2. The EPIRB should be an automatic float-free type. The equipment, mounting and releasing arrangements
should be reliable even under extreme conditions
3. The satellite EPIRB should:

a. Be fitted with adequate means to prevent inadvertent activation

b. Be so designed that the electrical portions are watertight at a depth of 10m for at least 5 min.
Consideration should be given to a temperature variation of 45°C during transitions from the mounted
position to immersion. The harmful effects of a marine environment, condensation and water leakage
should not affect the performance of the beacon
c. Be automatically activated after floating free
d. Be capable of manual activation and manual deactivation
e. Be provided with means to indicate that signals are being emitted
f. Be capable of floating upright in calm water and have positive stability and sufficient buoyancy in all sea
g. Be capable of being dropped into the water without damage from a height of 20 m
h. He capable of being tested, without using the satellite system, to determine that the EPIRB is capable
of operating properly
i. Be of highly visible yellow/orange color and be fitted with retroreflecting materials
j. Be equipped with a buoyant lanyard suitable for use a s a tether, which should be so arranged as to
prevent its being trapped in the ship’s structure when floating free
k. Be provided with a low duty cycle light (0.75 cd) activated by darkness to indicate its position for the
survivors nearby and rescue units
l. Not be unduly affected by seawater or oil; and
m. Be resistant to deterioration in prolonged exposure to sunlight

4. The battery should have sufficient capacity to operate the satellite EPIRB for a period of at least 48 H
5. The satellite EPIRB should be so designed as to operate under any of the following environmental
a. Ambient temperature of -20°C to 55°C
b. Icing
c. Relative wind speeds up to 100 knots; and
d. After stowage at temperature between -30°C and +65°C

6. The installed satellite EPIRB should:

a. Have local manual activation; remote activation may also be provide from the navigating bridge, while
the device is installed in the float-free mounting
b. Be capable, while mounted on board, of operating properly over the ranges of shock and vibration and
other environmental conditions normally encountered above deck on sea going vessels
c. Be designed to release itself and float free reaching a depth of 4m at a list or trim up to 45°

C. Labeling

In addition to the item specified in resolution A. 569 (14) on general requirements, the following should be
clearly indicated on the exterior of the equipments:

1. Brief operating instructions

2. Expiry date for the primary battery used
Basic Fire

IMO Model Course 1.20

Aboard ship as well as shore, fire can either a friend or an enemy, harnesses and controlled, fire is so much a part of our
everyday lives that we take it and its uses for granted. But uncontrolled fire brings disaster- loss of lives and millions of
money and property damage. For example, in the past years there were fire incidents involving domestic and foreign

Vessels are subject to all the fire hazards of land installation and more. The problem of fire prevention and fire fighting
become even more acute once a vessel leaves port. Then rough, seas and navigation difficulties may also increase the

Assistance is far away, and the crew of the vessel must provide their own fire protection.

This lack of assistance makes shipboard fire prevention extremely important, a matter that must be of great concern to
officer s and crew alike.

Fires have occurred and will continue to occur on vessels that never had a fire before, it is up to the crew to minimize the
possibility of fire and to minimize the damage that a fire can do if one occurs.


1. Regular training and drills

2. Preparedness for Fire Emergency
3. Action to be taken when called to fire station
4. Smoke and toxic fumes


1. FIRE – is the rapid oxidation of combustible materials accompanied by the released of energy and usually in the
form of heat and light.
2. OXIDATION – is chemical process wherein vapors mix with oxygen creating heat
3. OXYGEN – is a colorless, odorless gas and one of the compositions of air, which is approximately 21% by
4. HEAT – A form of energy generated by transformation from, CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL and PHYSICAL. As in
combustion or burning.

SOURCES OF HEAT: (ex) Open flame, hot surface, sparks, etc.

5. FUEL – is any substance which reacts chemically with oxygen and produces flames or burn. It may be found in
any three states as follows.
a. Solid – molecules are closely packed together
b. Liquid – molecules are closely packed together
c. Gas – molecules are free to move

6. FIRE TRIANGLE – a graphical representation of the three elements of fire namely: OXYGEN, HEAT and FUEL
7. CHAIN REACTIONS – a series of events, each of which cause or influence its succeeding events. Example;
The burning vapor from a fire produces heat (radiation feedback) which releases and ignites more vapor; the
additional vapor burs, producing more heat which releases and ignites more vapor, and etc.
8. FIRE TETRAHEDRON – a solid figure with four triangular faces illustrating how the chain reaction sequences
intersect with heat, fuel and oxygen to support and sustain a fire.


Knowledge of fire and fire extinguishing builds on chemical and physical laws. All substances are made up of extremely
small particles called molecules.

The molecules are so small that the thickness of this page is comparable to millions of molecules stacked on top of each
other. In turn, the atoms are more or less attached to each other by electrical forces.

A substance comprised of only one type of atom is called an element. To distinguish between the various atoms, chemists
introduced letter symbols for the atoms comprising the elements. The letters are usually the first letter of the Latin names
of the elements. The most important letter symbols with regard to fire theory are:

O – Oxygen
C – Carbon
H – Hydrogen
N – Nitrogen

Atoms can be joined to form molecules. We then say that a chemical combination has occurred. A chemical is always a
certain proportionate amount (weight proportions) Ex: water – which is actually a chemical compound. The water
molecules always consist of two hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom: 2 H + O = H 2O

The process leading up to chemical combination is called a chemical reaction. The result of a chemical reaction is the
formation of one or new substances. In some cases, the reaction produces heat. Heat is sometimes needed to start the
reaction when a substance enters into a chemical reaction with Oxygen and the result is an instance of Oxidation.

If the Oxidation process is very much quick and takes place at temperatures of 500 – 600 degrees C the light
phenomenon occurs. This is popularly called fire. In other words, fire is a case of oxidation where light and heat occur.
This type of oxidation is also called combustion. Fire then is really flamed which is out of control.

The chief constituents of most combustible substances are carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). Thus, the main products of
combustion will be carbon monoxide (CO).

Carbon Dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and ash. The released transform the water vapor. The gases from the combustion
also contain the nitrogen.

Complete combustion occurs when there is sufficient oxygen thus enabling all carbon to combust in to carbon dioxide
(CO2). If there is no sufficient oxygen, Carbon Monoxide is formed. And is highly poisonous, formed in large quantity in
connection with fire. This leads to toxic hazard in the fire zone. (Smoke poisoning).


Combustible substances – Fuel

Sufficient amount of Oxygen – Oxygen
High enough Temperature – Heat
Unbroken chain reaction – Chain Reaction
It is obvious that three things are required for combustions; it also illustrates two facts of importance in preventing and
extinguishing fires.

1. If any sides of the fire triangle is missing, a fire cannot start

2. If any side of the triangle is removed, the fire will go out.

Burning is the rapid oxidation of millions of vapor molecules. The molecules oxidize by breaking apart into individual
atoms and recombining with oxygen into new molecules. It is during the breaking – recombining process that energy is
released as heat and light.

The heat that is released is radiant heat, which is pure energy; it radiates and travels in all directions.

The heat that radiates back to the fuel is called RADIATION FEEDBACK. Releases more vapor, raises vapor to the
ignition temperature, and air is drawn into the area where the vapor meets, the result is newly formed vapor which begins
to burn and the flames increase.

THE CHAIN REACTION – This is the start of a chain reaction. The burning vapor produces heat which releases and
ignites more vapor, etc.


The fire triangle is a simple illustration of the three requirements for the existences of fire. However, it does not explain the
nature of fire. It does not include the chain reaction that result from chemical reactions among the fuel, heat and oxygen.

The basic difference between the fire triangle and the fire tetrahedron is:

1. The tetrahedron illustrates how flaming combustion is supported and sustained through the chain reaction.
2. The chain reaction keeps the other three faces from falling apart.


1. FLAMABILITY – to measure how readily a material ignites. We classify materials by their flammability.

- A self-igniting material – is one which can oxidize so quickly that ignites when heat is not lead away fast
enough. (Ex: Twist soaked linseed oil or lacquer).
- A highly flammable material – is one which can be ignited with a match and that will continue to burn by
itself. (Ex: paper, wood, textiles, oil, gas, etc.)
- Non-flammable materials – require heating before it will ignite; fire will immediately go out if extra heat is
not supplied.

2. IGNITION POINT – The temperature at which a material oxidizes so quickly that it starts to burn.

3. BURNING TEMPERATURE – common combustible materials lies between 149 to 538 degrees C.

4. BURNING SPEED – depends on the quantities and ratio of the reacting substances, the temperature and the
oxygen supply. – SOLID – depends on its configuration – LIQUID – depends on the viscosity of the fuel.

5. THERMAL VALUE – The effect or significance of a rising current of hot air. Energy derives from a substance in
a chemical reaction.
6. LOWER FLAMABLE LIMITS – This is the minimum proportion of vapor air mixture that can undergo ignition if
ignited. All mixtures below this proportion cannot be ignited. The term applied to this mixture is TOO LEAN (little
gas, too much air).

7. UPPER FLAMMABLE LIMITS – This is the maximum proportion of vapor air mixture that can be ignited. All
mixtures exceeding the UFL cannot undergo ignition if ignited. The term applied to this mixture is TOO RICH
(Too much vapor little air).
8. FLASH POINT TEMPERATURE – The minimum temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to
form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface. At this temperature the ignited vapor will flash but will not
continue to burn.

9. FIRE POINT TEMPERATURE – The temperature at which a liquid fuel will produce vapors sufficient to support
combustion independent of the heating source.

10. AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE - The temperature of the vapor/air mixture mixed in the correct proportion
that will self-ignite without outside influences.


1. CONDUCTION – is the transfer of heat through a solid body. For example, on a hot stove, heat is conducted
through the pot to its content; wood is a poor conductor of heat but metal is a good conductor. Fire can be
moved from one place to another and one compartment to another via conduction.

2. RADIATION - is the transfer of heat through a source across an intervening space, and no materials and
substances are involved. The heat ravels outward from the fire, the same manner as light, and a straight line.
When it contacts the body is absorbed or transmitted. Proper shielding can prevent the effect of radiation.

3. CONVECTION – is the transfer of heat through the motion of heated matter. Ex: - the smoke. Hot air, heated
gasses produce by the fire and flying embers. As these heated combustion production rise, it may ignite
flammable materials in its path.


1. Ignition phase (incipient)

2. Developing phase (surface burning)
3. Absolute fire (depth fire in solid)
4. Burning out phase

NOTE: if the fire is in the third phase, after raising the alarm one must concentrate on restricting the fire.

As the fire develops, the temperature will rise, usually to about 800 deg C to 1000 deg C (normal fire). In burning metals
the temperature may exceed to 2,000 deg C. The rate of chain reaction wills in turn, double each time the temperature
raises 10 deg C.


Class A – (Solid Fire) Fire involving ordinary combustible materials – (Wood, Cotton, Paper, Plastic, Rope, Rubber and

Characteristics: Deep seated that leaves embers and ashes.

Class B – (Liquid and Gas Fire) Fire involving flammable liquids and gases (Gasoline, Diesel, Paint, Grease – LNG, LPG,
Acetylene, and etc.)
Characteristics: Surface burning, explosion Hazard

Class C – (Electrical Fire) Fire involving energized electrical equipment. (Generators, Electric Motors, Transmitters,
Switches, Fuses and etc.)

Characteristics: Shock hazard

Class D – (Metal Fire) Fire involving combustible metals. – (Magnesium, Potassium, Titanium, Rhodium, aluminum,
Sodium and etc.)

Characteristics: Explosion Hazard


1. COOLING – to reduce the temperature of a fuel below its ignition temperature. This is a direct attack on the
heat side of the fire tetrahedron.

2. SMOTHERING – To separate fuel from oxygen. This can be considered as an attack on the edge of the fire
tetrahedron where the fuel and oxygen meet

3. OXYGEN DILUTION – To reduce the amount of oxygen below the needed amount to sustain combustion. This
is an attack to the oxygen side of the fire tetrahedron.

4. CHAIN BRAKING – To disrupt the chemical process that sustains the fire. This is considered an attack on the
chain reaction side of the fire tetrahedron.

5. FUEL – removing fuel is called FUEL STARVATION

WATER – Extinguishes by cooling

FOAM – Extinguishes by smothering
DRY CHEMICAL - Extinguishes by chain breaking
DRY POWDER - Extinguishes by Chain breaking
CARBON DIOXIDE - Extinguishes by Oxygen dilution

Note: smothering – The method of separating fuel from oxygen and also the most widely used method of



1. Formal and Informal Training – It is a most important factor in any fire prevention program. A continuing
process that includes both formal training sessions and informal discussions.
- Theory of fire
- Classes of Fire
- Maintenance and use of Portable Fire Extinguisher
- Good Housekeeping
1. Cleaning rags and waste should be stored in covered metal containers
2. Accumulations of oil rags should be place in cover metal containers and discarded as soon as possible.
3. Accumulation of packaging materials should be disposed of immediately
4. Dunnage should only be stored in proper area.
5. Accumulation of sawdust (especially oil or chemical soaked sawdust), wood chips or shavings should
be disposed of properly.
6. Accumulation of flammables in crew or passengers quarters should be avoided.
7. Oil-soaked clothing or other flammables should never be stored in crew lockers.
8. Paints, varnish and so forth should be stored in the paint locker when not in use even overnight.
9. Leaks in product, furl-oil or lubricating-oil piping and spilled oil or greased should be cleaned up, also
oil bilges or on tank tops and floor plates.
10. Kerosene and solvents should be stored in appropriate containers and approved locations.
11. Oil-burner cleaning substances should not be left in open containers in the boiler room.
12. Oil soaked clothing should not be worn
13. Grease filters and hoods over gallery ranges should be cleaned regularly.
14. Avoid soot accumulations in boiler uptakes and air heater.

Elimination and Control of Ignition Sources:

1. Not smoking in restricted area; discarding ashes, butts and matches carefully
2. No overloading of electrical circuits
3. Keeping flammable materials clear of steam pipes, light bulbs and other sources of ignition.
4. Thoroughly cleaning cargo holds before any cargo is loaded.
5. Removing cargo lights from holds when loading is completed.
6. Observing all precaution when welding or burning including the positioning of the fire watch.
7. Eliminating the cause of static electricity
8. Awareness of the possibilities of spontaneous ignition, and how to avoid it.
9. Using approved flashlight and portable lights and nonsparking tools on tank vessels
10. Not using electric tools where a fire hazard may exist.
11. Following the instructions of the senior deck officer on tank vessel when loading or discharging cargo.
12. Continually observing cargo pumps during transfer operations. (Loss of suction or prolonged operation
when tank are empty may overheat the pump and result in explosion).


Four Plural Safety Procedures

1. No smoking in hazardous area
2. Ability to raise the alarm in case of fire quickly
3. Ability to extinguish fire using portable fire extinguisher or other method
4. Ability to recognize fire hazard and take the necessary steps to prevent fire.


General Emergency Alarm – Seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast on the ships whistle and
bells or klaxons or equivalent sounding in the ship.

Special alarm operated from the bridge to summon the crew to fire stations.

Some of the more common emergency signals are as follows:

- Fire and emergency: Continuous blast of the whistle for at least 10 seconds followed by continuous ringing
of the general alarm for at least 10 seconds.
- Man over board: Letter O (three long blasts about 5 seconds each) sounded at least four times on the
whistle followed by the same signal sounded on the general alarm.
- Abandon ship: At least 7 short blasts followed by the same signal sounded on the general alarm.
- CO2 Alarm
- Boat Handling: One short blast on the whistle means to lower lifeboats; two short blasts means stop lowering

Fire Control Plan Push Button Switch Space Protected by Main Vertical Zone Emergency Fire
For Fire Alarm CO2 Pump

A - Class Division A – Class Fire Door A – Class Fire Door Fire Pump International Shore
Self Closing Connection

B - Class Division B – Class Fire Door A – Class Fire Door CO2 Battery High Expansion Foam
Self Closing Supply Trunk

Monitor Powder Inert Gas Installation Water Spray Space Protected by Fire Alarm Panel
System Valves CO2

Water Fog Emergency Generator Emergency Smoke Detector Gas Detector

Applicator Switchboard
Heat Detector Primary Escape Secondary Escape Skylight Remote Emergency Escape
Route Control Breathing Device

Firefighting Team in charge

Fire Zone may not be entered unless ordered

Familiarity with the fire zone and escape route

Need to be properly equipped in entering the fire zone, No lights and full of smoke

What equipment is required?


Major Types of Fixed Firefighting Equipment

1. Fire main system:

- First line of defense against fire
- Supplied water to all areas of the vessel

2. Automatic and manual sprinkling system

3. Foam system

4. Dry chemical suppression system

5. Carbon dioxide system


Fire Hazards in the Engine and Boiler Room

- Combustible liquids, e.g. fuel and lubricating oils, oil soaked insulation
- Hot surfaces. e.g. exhaust pipes, engine parts over heating
- Defect in lagging, short-circuiting and overheating of electrical motors, excess accumulation of oil in the
- Hot works, e.g. welding and burning
- Auto-ignition of oil dripping on hot surfaces

Fire Hazard in the Galley

- Combustible liquids, e.g. cooking oil, hot fat

- Electric ranges, oven, deep fryers, frying pan, and fan flues
- Open flames, fuel lines, rubbish and grease accumulation
- Overloaded circuit, electrical equipments, circuit brittle, cracked insulation on wire, improper repair, leaks in
fuel lines and fittings, towels and rags.

Hazard in the Accommodation

- Combustible materials, e.g. furnishing, personal effects, matches and smoking

- Unauthorized electrical connections (jury rigging or octopus connection)
- Defective electrical connection

Hazard from Cargoes, Regulated cargoes or hazardous cargoes – should be properly secured with lashing and
stowed in compartments, holds with proper humidity temperature and ventilation.

- Oxidizing cargo, e.g. metal powder

- Organic peroxide, e.g. timber, kerosene, gasoline
- Explosives shall be stowed in magazine, which shall be securely closed while at sea. Such explosives shall
be segregated from detonators.
- Self-heating and spontaneous combustion. – soft coal, grain, Alfa, Alfa meal, fishmeal, corn meal, fish oil,
cod liver oil.
- Compressed flammable gases – LPG, LNG
- Pyrophoric Cargoes – metal sodium and potassium (react with water / dangerous when wet) metallic

Non-regulated cargoes can present a fire hazard if its packing is combustible.

- It may be subjected to spontaneous ignition

- Careless smoking or faulty electrical equipment may ignite it; it could then act as a fuse if hazardous
cargoes are stowed nearby.

Hazards from smokers and cigarettes; a burning cigarette has a temperature of 500 degree C which is
sufficiently high enough to ignite beddings, waste papers in thrash can and furnishings.



a. Lubrication and care

b. Testing and inspection
c. Repair or replacement
d. Record keeping


1. Safety Procedures:

a. No smoking in hazardous areas

b. Ability to raise the alarm in case of fire quickly
c. Ability to extinguish fire using portable fire extinguisher or other method
d. Ability to recognize fire hazard and take the necessary steps to prevent fire

2. Measures for reducing fire hazard in the engine room:

Causes, including:
- Combustible liquids leaking through faulty or damaged connections
- Oil-soaked insulation
- Hot surfaces, e.g. exhaust pipes, engine parts overheating in close proximity to oil lines
- Hot work, e.g. welding, cutting by oxy-acetylene torch
- Auto ignition, e.g. oil dripping in hot surface

Methods of containment, including:

- Watertight doors
- Fire doors
- Dampers
- Water sprays and screens, and remote control of these where applicable.

Methods of detection, including:

- Smoke detectors
- High-temperature probes
- Rate-of-rise of temperature probes
- Patrols

Fire Appliances, including:

- Fixed systems, e.g. water, foam and carbon dioxide
- Portable, e.g. water, foam, carbon dioxide and powder
- Mobile, e.g. foam, carbon dioxide and powder

3. Measure for reducing the fire hazard in the galley

Causes, including:
- Overheating of combustible liquids and fats
- Overheating of deep-fat fryers
- Hot surfaces
- Defective electrical connections
- Greasy fuels

Methods of containment, including:

- Fire doors, ventilation and flue dampers
- Fire blankets

Methods of detection, including:

- Patrols

Fire Appliances, including:

- Fixed system, e.g. water hydrants and hoses
- Portable, e.g. water (not for fat or oil fires), carbon dioxide and powder

4. Measures for reducing fire hazard in the accommodation

Causes, including:
- Combustible materials
- Matches and cigarette smoking, including careless disposal of burning cigarettes or ash
- Textiles adjacent to hot objects such as radiators and lamps
- Defective and overloaded electrical systems
- In a laundry, incorrect installation of a tumble drier or failure to keep it clean

Methods of containment, including:

- Fire doors and dampers
- Sprinkler system
- Fire-retardant materials in construction
- Fire-retardant deck coverings
- Fire retardant furnishings

Methods of detection, including:

- Smoke detectors
- Temperature probes
- Sprinkler system
- Patrols

Fire appliances, including:

- Fixed system, e.g. water hydrants and hoses
- Portable, e.g. water

5. Measures for reducing fire hazard in the cargo

Potentially hazardous materials, which includes:

- Paints and varnishes approved by an Administration
- Lubricating oils
- Cleaning fluids, paint thinners, paraffin
- Fuel for motor lifeboats and emergency engines
- Oxygen and acetylene cylinders

Approved storage areas for such materials, e.g.

- Paint store
- Deck locker

Prohibited storage area for paints, oils, cleaning fluids, e.g.

- Accommodation
- Machinery spaces

Approved methods of handling between shore and ship in order to avoid:

- Spillage
- Ignition from any cause
- Delay in transporting the materials from shore to storage

FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM – consist of normal and emergency power supplies, a fire detection control unit, fire
detectors and vibrating bells.


a. Maximum speed of response to fire

b. Identification of the area involved
c. Safe to be installed in a hazardous area
d. Free from defects giving rise to false alarms
e. Capable of operating in difficult environmental conditions

1. Normal Power Supplies

- Maybe supplied either separate branch circuit from main switchboard or by batteries
- Power supplied by storage batteries must be used only for fire alarm and fire detection only.
- It must be in pairs, one in used, and the other being charged.

2. Emergency power supplies

- Maybe supplied by separate branch circuit taken from the emergency lighting and power system switchboard
or by storage batteries. If duplicate storage batteries supply the normal power the battery being charged may
serve as the emergency power source.

3. Fire detection control unit:

Consist of a drip-proof control panel containing the fire alarm signaling, trouble alarm and power failure alarm
devices. These devices must register both a visual and audible signals. The visible signals are lights;
- A red light indicates fire or smoke
- A blue light indicates trouble in the system
- A white light indicates that the power is on in the system.

4. Fire detectors – Sense and initiate a signal in response to heat, smoke, flame and other indication of fire.

HEAT-ACTUATED FIRE DETECTOR – activated by the heat of the fire:

- Fixed Temperature
Bi-metallic strip detector
Snap-action bi-metallic strip
Fusible metal link
Liquid expansion

Temperature Classification

1. Ordinary Degree – For use where the normal temperature at the device doses not exceed 38 deg C.
2. Intermediate Degree – for use where the normal temperature of the devices exceed 38’C out not 66’C
3. Hard Degree – the normal temperature of the device exceeds 66’C but not 107’C.

These fixed-temperature detectors should be actuated within the temperature limits given:


Ordinary 74˚C (165 dg F) 57˚C (135 deg)

Intermediate 107˚C (165 dg F) 79˚C (135 deg)
Hard 149˚C (165 dg F) 121˚C (135 deg)


Bi-metallic strip detector

Snap-action bi-metallic strip
Thermostatic Cable
Fusible metal link
Liquid expansion

RATE OF RISE DETECTORS – Actuated when the temperature increases faster than the preset value.

Bi-metallic strip detector

Snap-action bi-metallic strip
Thermostatic Cable
Fusible metal link
Liquid expansion


1. Slow rise in the temperature will not activate the device.

2. It can be used in low temperature areas, as well as high temperature areas
3. It usually responds more quickly than fixed temperature devices.
4. Unless destroyed by fire, it quickly adjusts for reuse.

1. It may sound a false alarm when a rapid increase in temperature is not the result of fire. This may happen
when a heating element is turned on, or welding or burning operations in the immediate area cause a rapid
rise in temperature.
2. It may not be activated by smoldering fire that increases the air temperature slowly, such as in balled cotton
or other tightly packed cargo.


Types of Smoke Detectors

1.Photoelectric Smoke Detectors

3.Cloud Chamber


Supervised Patrol – required on passenger vessels whenever passengers are on board.

Watchmen Systems – vessels that are not required to have supervised patrols. At night, suitable number of watchmen
must be stationed in the passenger’s accommodation areas on each deck.

Duties of Patrolmen and Watchmen

- Time of discovery
- Exact location where fire or smoke was seen
- What doors are open and closed
- Who, if any one was in the area prior to discovery
- Other condition or circumstances that might have bearing of the fire.


Fire hoses and nozzles

Mobile Apparatus
- Carbon Dioxide Cylinders
- Powder containers with propellant gas
- Foam Making equipment


- Water

- Foam
- Dry chemical

- Dry powder

- Carbon dioxide

Remember the PASS-word

Keep your back to an exit and stand six to eight feet away from the fire. Follow the four-step PASS procedure. If
the fire does not begin to go out immediately, leave the area at once.

PULL the pin: This unlocks the operating lever and allows you to
discharge the extinguisher. Some extinguishers may have other
seals or tamper indicators.

AIM low: Point the extinguisher nozzle (or hose) at the base of the

SQUEEZE the lever above the handle: This discharges the

extinguishing agent. Releasing the lever will stop the discharge.
(Some extinguishers have a button instead of a lever).

SWEEP from side to side: Moving carefully toward the fire, keep
the extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire and sweep back and
forth until the flames appear to be out. Watch the fire area. If the
fire re-ignites, repeat the process.

Size : 2 gallons (9 litres)
Duration : 60-90 seconds
Range : 10 ft (3m) effective

Water has good cooling properties and ability to penetrate piled material. It is therefore most useful against Class A fire. If
the material on the fire has any height, start at the bottom with the water and work upwards. Take care not to scatter any
loose material, paper, cardboard, etc. with the jet, which is quite forceful. Ensure all glowing embers are dealt with or they
may easily re-ignite.

Water extinguishers are not safe for use against fire involving live electrical apparatus.

Size : 2 gallons (9 litres)
Duration : 60-90 seconds
Range : 8-10 ft (3m) effective

Foam has excellent smothering qualities and so is most effective against Class B fires. Foam must be delivered in such a
way as not to disturb the surface of the fuel and the entire area of the fuel spill must be covered by the foam.
Size : Ranging from 10 lb (4.5 kg) to 30 lb (13.5 kg)
Duration : 15-40 sec. (depending on size)
Range : 6-8 ft (depending on size)
Dry chemical is effective against Class A, B and C fires. The powder is delivered to the base of the fire. This will produce
a large cloud of powder which will envelope any flames present. Always attack the fire from upwind as the air will move
the powder towards the fire. The powder has no cooling properties so to continue application after the flame is out is a

Size : Ranging from 3 lb (1.5 kg) to 15 lb (7.5 kg)
Duration : 10-30 sec. (depending on size)
Range : 1-3 ft aimed at the base of the fire

Choosing your Extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are tested by independent testing laboratories. They will be labeled for the type of fire they are intended
to extinguish.

Class of fires: These are the basic classes of fires. All fire extinguishers are labeled using standard symbols for the
classes of fires they can put out. A red slash through any of the symbols tells you the extinguishers cannot be used on
that class of fire. A missing symbol tells you only that the extinguisher has not been tested for a given of fire.

Class A: Ordinary combustibles such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber and

many plastics.

Class B: Flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, grease, tar, oil-based paint,
lacquer and flammable gas.

Class C: Energized electrical equipment including wiring, fuse boxes, circuit

breakers, machinery and appliances

Many households fire extinguishers are “multi-purpose” A-B-C models,

labeled for use on all three classes of fire. If you are ever faced with a class A fire and don’t have an extinguisher with an
“A” symbol, don’t hesitate to use one with the “B-C” symbols.

WARNING: It is very dangerous to use water or an extinguisher labeled only for Class A fires on a grease or electrical fire.
The “C” in a rating indicated that you can use the unit on electrical fires.

EXTINGUISHER SIZES: portable extinguishers are also rated for the size of fire they can handle. Normally, an
extinguisher that has a rating of 2-A: 10-B:C on its label is recommended for each floor level. The larger the number, the
larger the fire that the extinguisher can put out. Higher-rated models are often heavier. Make sure you can hold and
operate the extinguisher before you buy.

Fire Extinguishers – Wheeled Portable

Wheeled portable fire extinguishers can be easily operated by one person and are differentiated from
“hand portable” types often simply on the basis of their capacity or total weight. Wheeled units are
available in a variety of sizes and extinguishing agents with capacities that range from 30 to 350
pounds. Wheeled fire extinguishers are chosen for the higher capacity (volume), higher flow rates,
extended fire fighting range and extended discharge time.

Koetter fire Protection is an authorized distributor of the full lines of Ansul, Amerex and Badger
wheeled fire extinguishers.

Water and Foam Fire Regular Dry Chemical

Regular dry chemical fire
Utilizes the cooling, soaking and extinguishers contain a
penetrating effect of a 45-55 ft. siliconized sodium bicarbonate
stream of water. Very effective for based dry chemical with free
inexperienced operators for use flowing and non-caking additives.
as a Class A fire extinguisher. Economical Class B and C
Alcohol Resistant fire agent is protection with lower initial cost
effective on Class B fires in a and recharging. This chemical
wide variety of materials such as smothers fires in flammable
alcohols, polar solvents, liquids and pressurized gases
hydrocarbons and combinations and is electrically nonconductive.
such as gasohol.

Multi-Purpose Dry Chemical Purple K Dry Chemical

Multi-purpose dry chemical or Purple K fire extinguishers

ABC fire extinguishers contain a contain specially fluidized and
specially fluidized and siliconized siliconized potassium bicarbonate
mono ammonium phosphate dry chemical which is particularly
chemical. It chemically insulates effective on Class B flammable
Class A fires by melting at liquids and pressurized gases,
approximately 350 F, coating the and it is electrically
surface to which it is applied. It nonconductive. Choice of the oil,
smothers and breaks the chain gas, chemical and utilities
reaction of Class B fires and will industries as the preferred fire-
not conduct electricity. fighting agent.

CO2 Fire Extinguisher

Extra Heavy Duty Industrial Dry
Carbon Dioxide is discharged as
a white cloud of “snow” which
High performance fire
smothers a fire by eliminating its
extinguishers are the ultimate
oxygen. It isClass D Dry
effective for Powder
CO 2 is a
choice for high hazard, frequent
clean, non-contaminating,
Suitable for useuse onand extreme
metal fires, environment
odorless gas, safe for use on
the Class Dapplications. Economical – lower
fire extinguisher
clothing, equipment, valuable
incorporates ainitial cost,
soft flow lower maintenance
documents or foods.
applicator that costs ensures
and greater thereliability than
operator’s handscartridge operated
are kept awayextinguishers.
from the extreme heat, preventing
inhalation of the toxic fumes
caused by the burning metal.

- Personal Equipment
- Breathing Apparatus
- Fireproof lifeline with snap hook harness

Constituent of personal equipment

- Fire suit
- Gloves and shoes
- Hard helmet
- Safety lamp
- Fire axe

BREATHING APPARATUS – A device that provides the user with breathing protection. It includes a face pierce, body
harness and equipment that supply air or oxygen.


1. SCBA – Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 3. CABA – Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus
2. MSA – Mine Safety Apparatus 4. ELSA – Emergency Life Safety Apparatus

5. OBA – Oxygen Breathing Apparatus

OBA – Type A-4

OBA Air Flow


1. Face Mask – is an
assembly that fits onto the face of the person using the breathing apparatus, forming a tight seal to the face and
transmitting air or oxygen to the user.
a. Head Harness – to hold the facemask in the proper position on the face of the wearer. With just enough
pressure to prevent leakage around the edge of the mask.

b. Neck Strap – to hold the whole frame to the facemask

c. Inhalation tube/hose – (only on some types of BA) the flexible inhalation

tube carries air or oxygen to the face piece.

d. Face Piece / Visor – is the part of the face mask that allows the wearer
wide range of vision.

e. Nose Cup – It is designed to reduce fogging of the lens / visor

f. Speaking Diaphragm – projects the wearer voice with little or no distortion. It

is located directly in front of the wearer’s mouth.

g. Pressure Relief Valve – automatically relieves pressure form in the face piece, and may also be utilized, to
get rid of saliva and to exhaust exhaled air to the outside.

2. Regulator – a device that is used to control the pressure of air coming from
the cylinder.

Two types: Air supply Gauge

a. Demand Type Regulator Air Breath FP 3000 psi

b. Positive Pressure Type Continues 200/300 bar


a. Bypass Valve
b. Pressure control valve
c. Alarm-whistle / bell

3. Air cylinder:

a. Cylinder Control Valve

b. Pressure Gauge
c. Pressure Reducer

4. Back Plate – designed to hold the

unit securely and comfortably on the wearer.

a. Shoulder Strap
b. Waist Strap
c. Cylinder Clam

Life Line – Men going down empty tanks or other compartments to do

dangerous work should use tending or life lines.
A lifeline consists of a woven steel-wire cable of about 15.25 meters (50 feet) length with snap hooks on both ends.
The line can be attached to the back loop of an CABA. The lifeline should be attached to the upper part of the body,
preferably to the back of a shoulder harness. Never attach a life line to the waist. If the line were pulled, it might interfere
with the stricken man’s breathing, or might injure him internally. Two men are usually involved in the use of the life line:
the pair for communicating with each other. The following signals are recommended for lack of a hard and fast rule:

Pulls on the line Meaning

Tender to wearer… 1………………………… Are you OK?
2………………………… Advance
3………………………… Back out
4………………………… Come out quickly

Wearer to tender 1………………………... I am OK

2……………………….. I am going in
3…………………………. Keep slack out of my line
4………………………… I need help

The life-line was attached to firefighters involved in task where they had to take more than ordinary risk. They had a life-
line attached in the event of an emergency. The life-line was manned by a fellow shipmate who knew the emergency
signals; OATH, so as to communicate with the wearer of the OBA or Shallow Water Breathing Apparatus. He would pay
out the line off the coil with caution as tension was created; he would then slacken the line, being careful not to allow it to
become entangled. For hauling a stricken person from a compartment, or lowering a rescue party into a compartment, for
lowering equipment down into a space, and various other uses, the steel life-line was indispensible. The following is the
tending line code for OBA/Diver pulls and signals:

No. of Pulls Signal meaning:

1 O – O.K
4 H – HELP
Personal Safety
and Social

IMO Model Course 1.19

MAIN OBJECTIVE – due to the vastly different environment on a ship as compared to ashore, this course in designed to
prepare new recruits for a life at sea. Working on a ship can be a hazardous occupation for the uninitiated. This course
will give new seafarers an insight into the various elements of a ship and working procedures onboard so that they adjust
to the shipboard environment, and are better prepared to cope with any unforeseen circumstances. To that extent this
course is planned to make their transition from ashore to a sea career smoothly and give some knowledge of ship’s
working conditions before they actually step on board a ship.


1.1 OBJECTIVE – After the lesson trainees should be able to:

- State the importance of adhering to safe working practices at all times.
- List safety and protective devices available to protect against potential hazards onboard.
- Discuss precautions to be taken prior to entering enclosed spaces
- Explain the international measures concerning accident prevention and occupational health.

- Working on a ship is a hazardous occupation to which one is exposed to as soon as one steps on board.
- Understanding the hazards on board and safety procedures and equipment provided in order to avoid the

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