Fire Prevention and Fire Course: Handout
Fire Prevention and Fire Course: Handout
Fire Prevention and Fire Course: Handout
(IMO Model Course 1.20/STCW A-VI/1)
Section Details Pages Revision Date
A Content 2 1-JAN-13
B Revision Record 1 1-JAN-13
C Course Outline 1-2 1-JAN-13
D Introduction 1 1-JAN-13
01 Introduction, Safety and Principles 1-3 1-JAN-13
02 Theory of Fire 1-14 1-JAN-13
03 Fire Prevention 1-7 1-JAN-13
04 Fire Detection 1-6 1-JAN-13
05 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems 1-21 1-JAN-13
06 Miscellaneous Fire Fighting Equipment 1-25 1-JAN-13
07 Ship’s Fire Fighting Organization 1-6 1-JAN-13
08 Fire Fighting Methods 1-3 1-JAN-13
09 Fire-Fighting Procedures 1-3 1-JAN-13
This model course aims to provide the training for candidates in fire prevention
and fighting in accordance with Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code.
2. Objectives
3. Entry Standards
The course us open to all seafarers and prospective seafarers and should be completed
prior to employment on a sea-going ship. All trainees must be certified by a doctor to be in
good health.
4. Required Attendance
On completion of this course the Trainee will be able to:
Minimize the risk of Fire onboard
Action to be taken in case of Fires
Maintain a state of involving Fires
readiness onboard to respond to emergency situations
Fight and Extinguish the Fire
Use all Fire Fighting Equipments correctly
Knowledge of Routes and Exits and Emergency escapes
Knowledge of Emergency Alarms
CONVECTION- Is the process of heat transfer from one location to the next by the
movement of fluids. The moving fluid carries energy with it. The fluid flows from a
high temperature location to a low temperature location.
RADIATION- The transfer of heat by radiation involves the carrying of energy from
an origin to the space surrounding it. The energy is carried by electromagnetic
waves and does not involve the movement or the interaction of matter. Thermal
radiation can occur through matter or through a region of space that is void of
matter (i.e., a vacuum). In fact, the heat received on Earth from the sun is the
result of electromagnetic waves traveling through the void of space between the
Earth and the sun.
Conditions required for a Fire to occur are –
The presence of material, which act as a fuel
A source of Ignition eg. Chemical, biological or physical
The presence of oxygen, in air or from oxidizing
agents Three conditions can be represented as triangle.
Fire square is having four sides /elements.
It is a continuous process of burning substances
It is continuous process of burning vapors’
Exothermic chemical reaction generates heat
Fire is a chemical reaction of burning substance with oxygen with emission of
heat, light and flame. (It produces heat and light)
INCIPIENT – This first stage begins when heat, oxygen and a fuel source combine
and have a chemical reaction resulting in fire. This is also known as “ignition” and
is usually represented by a very small fire which often (and hopefully) goes out on
its own, before the following stages are reached. Recognizing a fire in this stage
provides your best chance at suppression or escape.
GROWTH – The growth stage is where the structures fire load and oxygen are
used as fuel for the fire. There are numerous factors affecting the growth stage
including where the fire started, what combustibles are near it, ceiling height
and the potential for “thermal layering”. It is during this shortest of the 4 stages
when a deadly “flashover” can occur; potentially trapping, injuring or killing
FULLY DEVELOPED – When the growth stage has reached its max and all
combustible materials have been ignited, a fire is considered fully developed. This
is the hottest phase of a fire and the most dangerous for anybody trapped within.
DECAY – Usually the longest stage of a fire, the decay stage is characterized a
significant decrease in oxygen or fuel, putting an end to the fire. Two common
dangers during this stage are first – the existence of non-flaming combustibles,
which can potentially start a new fire if not fully extinguished. Second, there is the
danger of a back draft when oxygen is reintroduced to a volatile, confined space.
FLAMING FIRES - Result from the ignition of items such as flammable liquids,
wood or paper, cooking accidents, or from open flames such as candles that ignite
other items. They produce large quantities of flames and lesser visible amounts of
Flaming combustion involves gaseous fuel mixing with air, reacting with
oxygen and releasing heat. The combustion process produces a variety of gases
(CO2, CO, H2O etc.) as well as particulate matter known generally as smoke.
Regardless of whether the fuel was originally a liquid or solid, the overall burning
process must gasify the fuel. With liquids, the supply of gaseous fuel is a result of
evaporation at the surface from the heat generated by the flames. Solids entail a
significantly more complex process involving chemical decomposition (pyrolysis) of
large polymeric molecules. Certain combustible solids such as sodium, potassium,
phosphorus, and magnesium can be oxidized directly by oxygen in the air without
the need of pyrolysis.
SOLAS Ch II-2 Reg 10.3.2 leaves the types and numbers of extinguishers, where
not otherwise specified, to the satisfaction of the
administration. On SOLAS ships built after 1 January 2009 extinguisher provision
and distribution should be as set out by MSC Circular 1275, as interpreted in the
tables 1 & 2 below. Note that the class of extinguishers used in MSC Circular 1275
is that used by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and not the ISO
Class F - Fires involving cooking oils Class K - Fires involving cooking fats,
oils and grease.
The ability of a substance to burn vapors given off by a flammable material, can
burn when mixed with air in the right proportion in the presence of an ignition
Low speed - Combustion Process (Burn
slow) Sub Sonic Speed - Deflagration (flame)
Super Sonic Speed - Detonation (explosion)
The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapors to form a
flammable mixture near surface of the liquid. (Fuel having flash point above 60 0 C
are generally used onboard ships)
The minimum temperature at which a substance will continue to burn without
additional application of external heat. Also called kindling point.
The range of flammable concentration (% by volume) in air between the lower and
upper flammable limits.
Defined as liquids having closed cup flash points at or above 100°F (37°C).
Combustible liquids are referred to as Class II or Class III liquids.
Defined as liquids having closed cup flash points below 100°F (37°C) and vapor
pressures not exceeding 40 psi (276 kPa) (2.76 bar) at 100°F (37°C). Flammable
liquids are referred to as Class 1 liquids.
Before a solid fuel burns it has to be changed in vapor state and this is achieved by
initial heating. This process is known as pyrolysis.
Refers to the build-up of electric charge on the surface of objects. The static
charges remain on an object until they either bleed off to ground or are quickly
neutralized by a discharge.
Static electricity is a stationary electric charge that is built up on a material. It is
produced by dissimilar materials through physical contact and separation.
Substances Effects/process
Water Cooling
Foam Smothering / Cooling
Carbon Dioxide Smothering / Cooling
Dry Chemical Powder Inhibiting (BCR) / Smothering
Inergen gas Smothering
NOVEC 1230 Cooling (Heat absorption)
Wet Chemical Smothering
FM – 200 Chemical chain reaction and heat removal
Water is a coolant having large capacity of absorbing heat far in excess of any
other commonly used medium. As it extracts heat from the burning substance it
turns into steam, which gives smothering effect. It may be applied in a solid jet on
class A fires involving solid materials such as wood, paper and fabrics achieving
deep penetration to the seat of fire. A fine spray can be used in extracting heat
from the flames from the burning liquids without seriously disturbing the surface
of the liquid. Water spray curtains are used to protect the front of the
superstructures facing the cargo tanks from deck spillage fires. Water spray
curtains generated at nozzles of hand held hoses are also effective for protection of
the fire fighters. Water is also having some advantages and some disadvantages: -
Advantage Disadvantage
Cooling effect It conducts electricity
It is non corrosive, non conductor of electricity, non toxic
It is cleanest extinguishing medium, heavier than air
It is not subject to deterioration in quality with age
It is easily and most places available
Penetrates in inaccessible area, does not thermally decompose
It is highly asphyxiating; a concentration of about 9% would
produce unconsciousness within few minutes. Impaired visibility.
It has very little cooling effect and there is consequently a danger of re-
ignition if air is readmitted to the compartment too soon after the fire.
Less effective in open area, Noise during discharge
When discharged, particles of solid Carbon Dioxide are normally present
which can generate sufficient static charge to produce an incentive spark
which could ignite in flammable atmosphere such as may be found in ships.
For this reason CO2
is unsuitable as an inerting medium in cargo oil tanks
and pump rooms.
Chemical foam is formed by mixing an alkali (usually sodium bi carbonate) with
an acid (usually aluminum sulfate) in water. Both stored in separate container.
When made to mix together it goes under chemical reaction to form foam.
Produced Foam gets pressurized with CO2 gas within to be released from
extinguishing equipment. (These types of extinguishers / Chemical foam are no
more in use onboard
Mechanical foam is produced by mixing a foam concentrate with water to produce
a foam solution. The bubbles are formed by turbulent mixing of air and the foam
solution. It is produced by portable / mobile extinguishers, foam applicators, FB
5X, FB 10X and foam monitors etc.
Low Expansion (8 to 12:1)
Med Expansion (12 to 150:1)
High Expansion (150 to 1000:1)
High expansion foam is produced by high expansion Foam Generators. Used only
in enclosed spaces. Engine room, Cargo holds required steel trunking to pour the
foam in the space. This foam is giving smothering effect. This foam cannot be
thrown on a distance as it is very light in weight. One or two vents req uired to be
in open condition.
A gas mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other gases such as flue gas
containing very less oxygen to prevent combustion. It is produced by ships boiler
or IGG. It is combination of following gases:-
Carbon Dioxide - 12 to 14.5%
Oxygen - 02 to 4.5%
Sulphur Dioxide - 02 to 3%
Nitrogen - About 79%
Remainder water vapor, solids and other gases.
The introduction of inert gas in a space with the objective of reducing the oxygen
content to a level at which combustion cannot be supported.
The introduction of inert gas into a inerted space to reduce hydro carbon
concentration below a % age which will not form a flammable mixture.
Topping up is the introduction of inert gas into a tank which is already in the inert
condition with the object of raising the tank pressure to prevent any ingress of air.
Is the introduction of fresh air into space to lower the level of any flammable,
toxic or inert gases and raise the oxygen level as available in normal atmosphere.
The sudden release of high pressure gas into the environment. ( A violent bursting
as a result of internal pressure).
This code is intended for use by the administration and the competent authority of
the flag state when approving products for installation in ships flying the flag of the
flag state in accordance with the fire safety requirements of the international
convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974, as amended.
Fires are often caused by careless disposal of burning cigarettes ends and
matches, or smoking at prohibited places. Ashtrays and suitable containers must
be provided and used where smoking is permitted. Care must taken to insure that
matches are fully extinguished, and the cigarette ends are properly stubbed out.
They must not be thrown out overboard since these may be blown on board.
Conspicuous warning notices should be displayed in all part of the ship where
smoking is forbidden. Disciplinary action must be taken against the persons
not obeying such instruction. it is dangerous to smoke in bed.
Applications and fittings must be tested and maintained as per Rules and
Regulations for national and classification authorities. Precautionary measures
must be adhered to before commencing during and after any of the electrical
item or distribution system is being attended to for repair or maintenance.
Use of faulty appliance, machinery, fitting or wiring should be stopped
immediately and brought to the attention of responsible officer. All electrical
appliances must be firmly secured and served by permanent connections wherever
possible. Make shift plugs, plugs sockets and fuses should not be used.
Overloading of circuits must be avoided at all times to prevent damage to the
fittings and insulation. All portable appliances, lights etc. must be isolated from
the mains after use.
Fixed heaters and similar appliances must be fitted with appropriate guards
and maintained in good order .Wrong Practice of drying clothes over the
heaters must be avoided. Use of portable heaters must be avoided at all times.
However, only under special circumstances in ports, such appliances may be
used with appropriate precautionary measures of preventing contact or
proximity with combustible materials such as furniture, carpets, floors, etc.,
Hand pressing irons must be switched off after use, and secured on suitable
stand. Clothing should be left to dry only in designated places. Drying of clothes
in machinery spaces, or close to heating appliances, radiators etc. must be
Contact of clothes with steam pipes, electrical appliances, etc. must be
prevented at all times.
Is a type of combustion which occurs by self heating (increase in temperature
due to exothermic internal reactions)and finally leading to ignition without
external ignition.
Good housekeeping entails cleanliness, prevention of oil leaks, and proper storage
of combustible materials, maintaining guards, and similar practices. Suitable
metal containers should be provided for storage and disposal of cotton waste or
rags. Such containers must be emptied at frequent intervals and content disposed
off in safe manner.
Wood, paints, spirit, oils, greases and similar substances must be kept away
from hot spaces like boiler rooms, generator platform, purifier spaces etc.
Engine room bilges and tank tops should be kept clean and free of oil and rages.
Proper lighting would help during inspection and will indicate leaks etc.
Particular care must be taken in carrying out maintenance work on lubricating,
hydraulic, and fuel oil equipment and system to avoid accidental release of oils
under pressure. Possibility of oil drips on hot surfaces (exhaust trucking, steam
pipes, heaters) must be eliminated through repositioning oil lines or providing
appropriate guards as far as possible.
Welding and gas cutting work must be carried out with great care at all times.
Similarly grinding and metal cutting works needs to be carried out with
appropriate precautions against occurrence of fire. Particular care must be taken
when filling a tank which has its sounding pipe in the machinery spaces, ensure
that the weighted cock (self closing) working and the plug on the sounding pipe is
closed all the time. Similarly, transfer of oils and bunkering operation where there
is a possibility of overflow within the machinery spaces must be carried out with
utmost care. Where portable lights are needed to provide adequate illumination,
they should be clamped or otherwise secured in position (not hand-held) with leads
kept clear of the working area and protected from chaffing.
Welding and gas cutting elsewhere other than in the engine room
workshop should generally be subject of a ‘permit to work’. Only competent
persons should be allowed to carry out welding and hot work. Equipment must be
checked carefully before use. Welding and gas cutting must be properly supervised
at all times. Suitable fire extinguishers must be kept nearby for any emergency.
Before commencing any kind of hot work, check must be made to ensure that
there is no combustible material (solid, liquid or gas) at below or adjacent to area
of work. Similarly, when working on bulkheads, ceilings and similar locations
one must ensure that the other side is clear of combustible materials, cables,
pipelines and other services which might be affected by heat.
Utmost care must be taken while working in tanks, pump rooms and enclosed
Suitable screens/ nets must be erected to prevent falling of hot metal in open
tanks, hatches, etc.
Fire in galleys and pantries occur due to spills of oil surfaces, or
and fat on hot
oil leaks from pipes and container. Electrical equipment with
loose/faulty connections, switches, broken insulation and similar defects must not
be used until the fault has been rectified.
Ovens, burners, hot plates should be shut off when cooking is finished.
Oil pans should never be left within ovens. Only recommended frying pans and
appliances must be used. Fire blankets and extinguishers must be kept readily
accessible at all times.
1. A carbon dioxide system, designed to give a minimum volume of free
gas equal to
40% of the gross volume of the protected space
2. A dry powder system, designed for at least 0.5 kg powder/m³
3. A water spraying or sprinkler system, designed for 5 l/m² min.
water spraying
systems may be connected to the fire main of the ship in any case, the
shall be operable from outside the protected space.
1. Fixed fire detection and fire alarm system installations shall be suitable for
the nature of the space, fire growth potential and potential generation of smoke
and gases;
3. Fire patrols shall provide an effective means of detecting and locating fires
and alerting the navigation bridge and fire teams.
Fixed fire detection and fire alarm system and a sample extraction smoke
detection system required in this regulation and other regulations in this part shall
be of an approved type and comply with the Fire Safety Systems Code.
The fixed fire detection and fire alarm system with manually operated call
points shall be capable of immediate operation at all times.
There shall be not less than two sources of power supply for the electrical
equipment used in operation of the detection and fire alarm system, one of
which shall be emergency source. The supply shall be provided by separate
feeders reserved solely for that purpose. Such feeders shall run to an automatic
change over switch situated in.
Detectors and manually operated call points shall be grouped into sections.
The activation of any detector or manually operated call point shall initiate a
visual and audible fire signals at the control panel and indicating units. If the
signals have not received attention within 2 minutes an audible alarm shall be
automatically sounded throughout the crew accommodation.
The control panel shall be located on the navigation bridge or in the main fire
control station.
The fire detection system shall not be used for any other purpose except that
closing of fire doors and similar functions may be permitted at the control
An automatic fire alarm and detection system is required to be installed
in the machinery, accommodation and cargo spaces of different class of vessel as
per the stipulated regulations. Automatic fire detectors operate on various
principles –
Human being can realize a fire through senses like eyes, skin, nose and ears.
Our eyes enable us to see flames and smokes.
Our body makes us feel the heat.
Smell tells us the presence of combustion ashes.
Ears - sound
Our senses in fact, act as a complete fire detection system and a very efficient one
too. However, it is now possible for us to adopt a equipment (fire detectors) which
can carry out such functions in absence of a human senses and thus provide a
vigilance at all times.
Ionization Smell
Optical scatter See
Obscuration See
Engine room, Navigation bridge, Cargo hold access, Main deck, Forecastle deck
Stores, Poop deck / stores, Accommodation. Detectors fitted detect the fire situation and
sound an automatic alarm audio & visual.
Constant Temp. Feel
Rate of Rise Feel
Infra Red See
Ultra Violet See
Smoke – Consists of a suspension of solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium
Ionization Detector – Sensitive to even small and invisible particles produced in
the early stages of fire.
Optical Detector – Sensitive only to large and visible particles which give smoke
its characteristic appearance.
Smoke 74 m2 11 m 5.5 m
It is kept near the boiler on boiler platform .it is a basic medium for fighting minor
fires. It is also useful for metal fires. A shovel is to be provided inside box. Sand
boxes may be substituted by approved portable fire extinguishers.
Minimum volume = 0.1 m3
This blanket is a woven fiber glass fabric and comes in a satin weaved
i.e. smooth, soft and tightly weaved which protects against skin irritation. This
fabric is only 0.45mm thickness and can easily be wrapped around uneven
surfaces, it provides an effective outer layer protection against unwanted contact
with heat.
The blanket comes in sizes of 1.2m x 1.2m , 1.2m 1.8m, 1.8m
x 1.8m. Fire Blankets comes in compact P.V.C. bag or container for ease of
Since 1 July 2002, the installation of materials that contain asbestos has, under
SOLAS regulation II-1/3-5, been prohibited for all ships, except for some vanes,
joints and insulation. From 1 January 2011, any installation of materials that
contain asbestos will, under SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-5, be prohibited, for all
ships without exceptions.
A fire blanket should be provided in every galley; provided that where the deck
area of any galley exceeds 45m², two such blankets should be provided.
The capacity of the pump shall not be less than 40% of the total capacity
of the fire Pumps required by regulation of the Convention and in any case not
than the following:
a) For passenger ships less than 1,000 gross tonnage and for
cargo ships of 2,000 gross tonnage and upwards - 25 m3/h
b) For cargo ships less than 2,000 gross tonnage - 15 m3/h.
Any diesel driven power source for the pump shall be capable of
starting with hand cranking at 0O C. Service fuel tank capacity for
at least 3 hrs. on full load and reserve fuel for additional 15 hrs.
Hand cranking, or approved type of alternative means for starting at
least 6 times in 30 minutes, and at least twice in the first 10
The emergency fire pump shall as a minimum comply
with requirement of
FSS Code.
Where a fixed water-based fire extinguishing system installed for
the protection of the machinery space in accordance with SOLAS
regulation , is supplied by the emergency fire pump, the emergency
fire pump capacity should be adequate to supply the fixed fire
extinguishing system at the required pressure plus two jets of
The capacity of the two jets shall in any case be calculated by
that emanating from the biggest nozzle size available onboard but
shall not be less than 25 m3/h.
5. Dry Chemical Powder For Gas Carrier (LPG and LNG Tankers)
8. Galley wet chemical fire extinguishing system For galley fat fire
9. FM – 200 fire extinguishing system Total flooding system
10. Inergen gas fire extinguishing system Total flooding
Cannot be thrown at distance.
Not suitable for use in open spaces or space under slight pressure.
Large steel trunking is required
Supply of foam solution shall be not less than the greatest of the
1. 0. 6 l/min per square meter of cargo tanks deck area, where
cargo tanks deck area means the maximum breadth of the ship
multiplied by the total longitudinal extent of the cargo tank spaces;
2. 6 l/min per square meter of the horizontal sectional area of the single tank
having the largest such area; or
3. 3 l/min per square meter of the area protected by the largest monitor, such
area being entirely forward of the monitor, but not less than 1,250
4. Sufficient foam concentrate shall be supplied to ensure at least 20 min of
foam generation in tankers fitted with an inert gas installation or 30 min of foam
generation in tankers not fitted with an inert gas installation
OPERATION - Check water level in water tank, foam concentrate in foam tank.
Open suction valves for both pump for water and foam. open relevant valves in
foam monitor line. First start the water pump, let water come out from monitor,
start foam pump and see foam discharges from monitor.
HYPER MIST SYSTEM New IMO requirements
1. Ships constructed on and after July 1, 2002 to be installed.
2. Installed in machinery spaces accommodating machinery with a particularly
high risk like incinerator room, boiler room, diesel generator room, main engine
room, purifier room, inert gas generator room, power pack room.
As per SOLAS regulation ii-2/7.7 for category a machinery spaces fixed
water-based local application fire-fighting systems should be provided for local fire
suppression in areas, without the necessity of engine shut-down, personnel
evacuation, shutting down of forced ventilation fans or the sealing of the space.
Fresh water mist advantages
1. Mist is safe for crews & friendly with the environment.
2. No damage to equipment while in operation ,such as diesel engines,
generators and electrical control panels located in protected areas.
3. It absorbs radiant heat from the fire
4. Creates a shield, reduces the temperature of the fire area by evaporating
upon contact with the flame
5. Depletes the oxygen, thereby extinguishing or suppressing the
6. Very small quantity of water used, the damage by water is small.
7. Evaporation of fine mist deprives heat in a large quantity thus high
fire extinguishing effect.
8. Gasoline fire can be extinguished quickly.
9. Spray fire can be extinguished quickly.
10. The fog hanging around the flame shuts off heat radiations and prevents
fire extension.
11. The atmosphere is cooled and the fire extension is prevented with, no
re- ignition
12. Minimal residues
• System start select switch can be on auto manual or manual position.
• In case of fire in any protected space. Press system start switch for
relevant space.
• Ensure hp pump running and hyper mist release indication is on the panel.
Auto starting
1. System start select switch to be put on auto manual.
2. As the system is connected to local fire alarm control panel, hyper mist
is automatically released with audio visual alarm.
3. Ensure hp pump running and hyper mist release indication is on the panel.
1. Open actuation release cabinet door. This will activate the alarm and shut
down ventilation fans.
2. Ensure all personnel cleared off the affected area space fully sealed.
3. Open main actuating cylinder hand wheel to fully open. if no reading on
pressure gauge , unscrew the reserve cylinder hand wheel to full open.
4. Open actuating control valve A NOVEC 1230 released.
5. If NOVEC cylinder fails to operate open control valve B.
NOVEC to be discharge in a minimum time of 5 seconds maximum not more than
10 seconds.
Thoroughly mixing in protected volume in a concentration of 4.2% but not
exceeding 10% in normally occupied spaces.
Cylinder pressurized by N2 to a pressure of 25 bars, has dip tube up to bottom.
INERGEN GAS is an environmentally green three dimensional fire suppression
agent replacing Halon 1301. Critical facilities such as data processing rooms,
telecommunications switching facilities, process control rooms, and others, require
a non-water based extinguishing agent
Is electrically nonconductive
Is safe for use in human occupied facilities
Would not damage sensitive electronic equipment
Has zero ozone depletion, zero global warming, and zero atmospheric lifetime
Inergen is a blend of three naturally occurring gases—Nitrogen 52%,
Argon 40%, and Carbon Dioxide 08% . It is stored in cylinders near the facility
under protection. An Inergen system lowers the oxygen content of the protected
area to a point sufficient to sustain human life, but insufficient to support
combustion. It's that simple. Because it's not a chemical agent, Inergen will not
produce a heavy fog the way other extinguishing agents do, so escape routes remain
Ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards shall be provided with at least one
international shore connection to be used on either side of the ship.
Emergency generator set shall be powered by a suitable prime mover with its own
independent fuel supply an independent cooling system. The set shall start
automatically if the main power supply fails and to be on load not later than 45
seconds after failure of the main power supply.
Feeds power supply transforming equipment, Emergency switchboard, Emergency
lighting switchboard and Transitional source of emergency power , emergency fire
pump driven by motor, emergency air compresso r, shall be located above the
uppermost continuous deck and be readily accessible from open deck. It shall not
be located forward of the collision bulkhead. Emergency generator on ship
provides power in case the main generators of the ship fails and creates a “dead or
blackout condition”. According to general requirement, at least two modes of
starting an emergency generator should be available. The two modes should be –
battery start and hydraulic or pneumatic start. The Port state control (PSC) might
detain a ship or provide some time to correct any kind of deficiency found if the
second mode of starting is not operating. The testing of ship’s emergency generator
is done every week (as part of weekly checks) by running it unloaded to check if it
starts on battery mode. The hydraulic start is done every month to ensure that it
working fine. Also every month automatic start of generator is also done to check
its automatic operation and to see whether it comes on load.
3. 25 mtr for open decks on ships with a maximum breadth in excess of 30 mtr.
4. Unless one hose and nozzle is provided for each hydrant in the ship,
there shall be complete interchangeability of hose couplings and nozzles.
1. Ships shall be provided with fire hoses, the number and diameter of
which shall be to the satisfaction of the Administration.
2. In passenger ships, there shall be at least one fire hose for each of the
hydrants required and these hoses shall be used only for the purposes of
extinguishing fires or testing the fire-extinguishing apparatus at fire drills
and surveys.
3. In cargo ships of 1,000 gross tonnage and upwards, the number of fire hoses
to be provided shall be one for each 30 mtr length of the ship and one spare, but
in no case less than five in all. This number does not include any hoses required
in any engine-room or boiler room. The Administration may increase the number
of hoses required so as to ensure that hoses in sufficient number are available
and accessible at all times, having regard to the type of ship and the nature of
trade in which the ship is employed. Ships carrying dangerous goods shall be
provided with three hoses and nozzles, in addition to those required above;
4. Cargo ship of less than 1,000 gross tonnage, the number of fire hoses to
be provided shall be calculated each 30 mtr length one. One spare. However,
the number of hoses shall in no case be less than three.
Hoses of unlined canvas should have a diameter of not less than 64 mm. Lined
hoses of at least 45 mm internal diameter having a throughput comparable to that
of 64 mm internal diameter unlined canvas at corresponding pressure may be
Correct method of holding a roll of hose with instantaneous couplings for running
The hose should be laid out flat on the surface and the female coupling should be
drawn back along the hose towards the other end so that the female coupling lies
on top of the hose and about 0.5 mtr short of the male coupling. After the
upper layer has been arranged exactly over the lower layer the hose is rolled up
from the bight so that the couplings come together on the outside of the roll.
To run out hose made up in this manner, both couplings are held and the roll is
given a push when it will roll out and uncoil itself leaving a long loop of hose. The
male coupling can then be attached to the pump or stand pipe and the female
coupling taken towards the fire.
Sketch showing (1) flaked hose and (2) hose made up on a figure of eight.
This is a variation of flaking avoiding the sharp bends. It can be used to store hose
but takes up more room than when flaked.
Repair to hose will depend on where the damage is, its extent, the age of the hose
and the cost effectiveness of the repair e.g. time taken in man hours .
Small cuts can be sewn and patched and longer, deeper cuts can be internally
patched and then sewn and patched, if necessary, on the outer cover.
Because of the type of hose now used by brigades very little, if any, repair is
carried out on stations. Repair is a specialist job and is done in the brigade
Mildew found on modern hose is caused by dirt and dampness on the surface and
can be wiped off easily without affecting the hose cover. The spores will usually
develop on hose lying wet for an extended period of time . Crews should be careful
not to distribute the spores when removing the hose and as stated before, washing
or wiping with a damp cloth will be enough to get rid of it.
Despite the advances in the construction of hose and the subsequent
elimination of a number of the old causes of damage, firefighters should
still take the trouble to Avoid any maneuvers or procedures which could leave
hose open to damage. Although modern hose resists abrasion, chemicals, mildew
and shock, lack of care in these areas could cause damage and hose could fail at
just the time that a firefighter needs the water most.
A few minor rules for firefighters to bear in mind are:
Hose should always be ramped when laid across
Hose should not be kinked round a corner under pressure
Hose must be under-run before stowing on an appliance or wiped dry
after cleaning, to avoid dampness in the appliance locker.
Should not be dragged on sharp edge
Fire main lines are back bone of fire fighting system onboard ship.
The number and position of fire hydrants shall be such that at least two jet
of water not emanating from same hydrant one of which shall be from a
single length of hose may reach any part of ship.
In machinery space at least two hydrants one Port and one STBD side shall
be provided.
Control Nozzles (DUAL PURPOSE)– Fireman will be able to control water as
per requirement ( jet, fine spray, water curtain and stop water). Ships are to
have this type of nozzles only.
On SOLAS ships built before 1 January 2009 and non SOLAS ships the minimum
number of extinguishers is laid down by the regulations. Portable fire
extinguishers provided should have, so far as practicable, a uniform method of
operation, and operating instructions should be in the working language of the
ship. If the language is not English, a translation into English shall be included.
All extinguishers capable of extinguishing Class A and B fires carry a Fire Rating.
The letter indicates the classification of fire. Some extinguishers, such as dry
powder, carry both Class A and Class B rating because of the properties of the
extinguishing medium. 23 kg in weight (as per IMO) in fully charged condition, all
portable extinguisher are signal red painted. In galleys which are fitted with oil-
fired or electric cooking appliances foam, CO2, FM-200; Novec 1230; FE- 13; FE-
36 or dry powder are acceptable for Class B risks. Where gas-fired appliances are
fitted dry powder is recommended. A fire blanket is recommended for oil pan fires
by the Code of Safe Working Practices and should be provided in every galley.
Spare charges shall be provided for 100% of the first ten extinguishers and 50% of
the remaining fire extinguishers capable of being recharged on board. Not more
than sixty total spare charges are required.
Instructions for recharging shall be carried out on board. For fire extinguishers
which cannot be recharged on board, additional portable fire extinguishers of
the same quantity. CO2 extinguishers if loss of gas by weight exceeds 10 per
cent of the original charge, as stamped on the bottle or cartridge must be send
for filling.
Dry powder extinguishers may suffer from compaction when subject to vibration.
It is recommended that at least one should be discharged annually and the
retention of contents checked. Where the retention is found to be in excess of 15
per cent of the initial charge, further extinguishers should be discharged.
9 LITRE AFFF foam fire extinguishers are ideal for anywhere for flammable liquids
fires. The 'film-forming' properties of AFFF will quickly seal the surface of a liquid
fire to prevent re-ignition, Suitable for-, fuel storage area, paint storage area and
any other premises with flammable liquids
Types of fire include Class A (wood, paper, cloth, etc), B (flammable liquids) but
DO NOT use near live electrical equipment.
Height 600 mm
Cylinder diameter 189 mm (Overall width 300 mm)
Filled weight 14.21 kg
Discharge time 40 seconds
Operating temperature 0 to 60°C
Carbon dioxide in liquid state at ambient temperature is stored in heavy duty steel
cylinder at a high pressure. The means of operating fall into two classes
Discharge from the piercing disc type, once initiated, cannot be stopped
while that from the valve type can be done at will. In a valve type there is a risk of
a partially empty extinguisher being returned to its stand and becoming a hazard
to the next operator. In either case, the liquid is discharged through a short
flexible or swivel hose to a discharge horn, where the liquid changes to gas and is
spread evenly over the burning surface, thus diluting the air. An internal pipe is
fitted to ensure rapid release of liquid so that evaporation will not take place in the
bottle, as this would cause icing due to absorption of latent heat of the liquid
causing the formation of solid CO2.
Duration – With open nozzle 10 to 15 sec for 05 kg, 15 to 23 sec for 10 kg,
To operate -
1. Pull out safety pin firmly (this will be held in by an anti-tamper seal).
2. Apply the wet chemical using the extended applicator in slow circular
movements, which gives a gentle, yet a highly effective application in a fine
spray form to the burning fat until the burning cooking oil changes into a
soapy like substance. this then prevents re-ignition. nitrogen filled inside to
100 psi
Extinguishing process -
1. Firstly the mist cools the fire and lowers the temperature to stop the
fire spreading, also prevents splashing of the hot oils/fat.
2. Secondly the potassium salts react with the hot oil and causes the
process of saponification, coating the surface of the cooking oil or fat in
soapy foam that is non combustible and acts as a barrier between the fat
and oil.
Instructions supplied by the manufacturer for charging, inspecting and
testing of extinguishers are to be adhered to.
The period between such inspection and maintenance should not
exceed the period between safety equipment surveys.
Record of inspection should be maintained. The record should show
the date of inspection, the type of maintenance carried out, and whether or not a
pressure test was performed.
LOW PRESSURE ALARM: To be given audio and visual. Alarm to sound when air left in
cylinder 200 ltr.
Note: For the safety of fire man increase safety margin, decrease working duration
Ships shall be provided with fire pumps operated by power, number of
which shall depend upon the type and size of the ship.
Each pump capable of delivering water through two in number
nozzles at 12 m of jet.
Discharge capacity of Each fire pumps (other than any emergency
pump for cargo ships) shall have a capacity not less than 80% of the
total required capacity divided by the minimum number of required
fire pumps but in any case not less than 25 m³/h, and each such
pump shall in any event be capable of delivering at least the two
required jets of water. These fire pumps shall be capable of supplying
the fire main system under the required conditions. Where more
pumps than the minimum of required pumps are installed, such
additional pumps shall have a capacity of at least 25 m³/h and shall
be capable of delivering at least the two jets of water.
Any fire pump shall, when discharging the specified quantity of water
through adjacent fire hydrants in any part of the ship from specified
size nozzles, be capable of maintaining the specified pressure at any
Relief valves to be provided if pumps are capable of developing
pressure exceeding design pressure of fire main and other fittings.
1000 gross tonnage and least 2
Less than 1000 gross least 2
PUMPS IN PASSENGER SHIPS: The quantity of water is not less than two thirds
of the quantity required to be dealt with by the bilge pumps when employed for
bilge pumping.
PUMPS IN CARGO SHIPS - Other than any emergency pump: the quantity of
water is not less than four thirds of the quantity required to be dealt with each of
the independent bilge pumps in a passenger ship of the same dimension when
employed in bilge pumping, provided that in no cargo ship need the total required
capacity of the fire pumps exceed 180 m³/h.
‘Mobile’ extinguishers are those which exceed the maximum mass of a portable
extinguisher, i.e. are more than 23 kg. In general these are expected to be
‘transportable’, i.e. fitted with wheels, however fixed extinguishers may be accepted
where space is limited provided the remainder
of this section can be complied with.
135 liter extinguishers are not required for spaces in cargo ships wherein all
boilers contained therein are for domestic services and are less than 175 kW.
45 liter foam extinguishers may be arranged outside of the space concerned for
smaller spaces of cargo ships.
In case of machinery spaces containing both boilers and internal combustion
engines one of the foam fire extinguishers of at least 45 l capacity or equivalent
may be omitted on the condition that the 135 l extinguisher can protect efficiently
and readily the area covered by the 45 l extinguisher.
The length of hose on mobile extinguishers should not in general exceed that
provided by the makers except where the lengthening of the hose will not reduce
the projection of the froth below the distance specified in the Regulations, i.e. 14m
for extinguishers of 135 ltrs and over, and 10m for extinguishers of under 135 Ltr.
Mobile dry powder extinguishers are not acceptable as the equivalents of mobile
carbon dioxide or foam extinguishers. No objection need be raised to their
acceptance as additional equipment. When used in conjunction with foam
equipment the powder used should be of a foam compatible type.
Because of the deterioration to which the ingredients of foam making liquids are
liable at temperatures of 38ºC or over, portable foam fire extinguishers should be
kept in as cool a place as possible. Additionally, they should not be stowed in a
position where the ambient temperature is liable to fall below 0ºC. Dry powder and
CO2 extinguishers are generally considered suitable for use at temperatures down
to -30ºC, but the latter type should not be exposed to corrosive conditions or to a
temperature exceeding 60ºC. The extinguishing media provided adjacent to any
given fire risk should be suitable for the type of fire risk involved.
Ships to be provided with the required number of fireman’s outfit
depending upon size and type.
So stored as to be easily accessible and ready for use.
If more than one such set is carried, they shall be stored in widely
separated positions.
Ship shall carry at least two fire fighting suit.
Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers additional two
additional required and for each pair of BA Sets one water fog
A general arrangement plans showing clearly for each deck the following –
Position of the control station
Sections of the ship which are enclosed by fire resisting bulkheads
Location of fire alarms, and fire detection system
Sprinkler installations
Location of Firemen’s outfits
Fire Extinguishing appliances
Means of access to various compartments and decks in the ship
Ventilating system including particulars of the master fan controls
Position of dampers and identification numbers of the ventilating fans
serving each section of the ship
Persons without any specific duty shall muster with support team
Supernumeraries muster on the bridge
When anyone sees fire, give information to control station by shortest and suitable
methods, tell clearly what you found, try to restrict and start extinguishing the fire.
On hearing alarm all personnel must assemble with – Life Jacket, put on long
sleeved boiler suit, safety shoes and hard helmet and proceed immediately to their
muster station. Watch keepers to remain on watch until relieved by emergency
team members.
Muster stations shall be provided close to the embarkation deck. Each
muster station shall have sufficient clear deck space to accommodate all
persons assigned to muster at that station, but at least 0.35 m 2 per person.
Muster and embarkation stations shall be readily accessible from
accommodation and work areas. Muster and embarkation stations shall be
adequately illuminated by lighting supplied from the emergency source of
electrical power. Muster station depend upon type and size of ship (location)
All team leaders must be capable of carrying out task assigned to any
member of team
The team leader should muster their teams and give report to control station
Team leaders should never get so involved in actual operation that control
on team member is lost.
Team leader must ensure that his team is well trained and that the
members have confidence and know each other’s capabilities.
Communication systems are of two types –
Internal Communication
External Communication
FIRE PATROL - Two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus each member of the
fire patrol shall be provided with a two-way portable radiotelephone apparatus
After extinguishing fire one party is kept on watch/ inspections who will take
necessary action in case re-ignition of fire takes place.
The word ‘Fire’ itself guides us to a logical action as the success of the entire
operation depends upon leadership (Command, Control, Co-ordination and
F - Find / Feel
I - Inform /
Investigate R - Restrict
What is burning?
Where is it (Location)?
How long has it been burning?
Any one trapped?
Where is it likely to spread/ special circumstances/ dangers?
Use proper extinguishing media, (must know reactivity of extinguishing media on
burning substances)
By removing Fuel – Starving
By removing Heat – Cooling
By removing oxygen –
Inhibiting (B.C.R.)
Such means to be capable of being operated from outside the said spaces and
which would not be made accessible by a fire within such spaces. The
controls shall be capable of stopping such machinery or pumps in the event
of fire in such spaces.
· Raise Fire alarm, continuous ringing on ships bell.
· Crew assembled at fire stations as per muster list.
· Fire party is assembled and prepared for action‐as per orders tom the
bridge / master.
· Ships course and speed altered ‐ as necessary to assisting fighting /
containing the fire.
· Fire pumps started and ships fire line activated. Fire hoses with nozzle
rigged up.
· Firefighting initiated.
· Call the port fire brigade
· Inform port authority
· Confirm that port fire brigade will charge
· Port authority to inform of hazards to the dock installation. Evacuate
non‐ essential personnel.
· Make preparation to leave port, if required on power or with the help of tugs.
· Irrespective of whether the vessel is at sea, anchor or in port on hearing
emergency alarm, all ship's personnel muster at their emergency station
with their lifejacket in long sleeve boiler suit safety shoes and safety helmet.
· The team leaders muster the teams and report is made to the master regarding
any missing person or absent.
To prevent fire spread ships are designed in such a way that fires can be
contained as far as possible. According to SOLAS regulations ships have to comply
with the
· Division of the ship into main vertical zones by thermal and
structural boundaries.
· Separation of accommodation from the rest of the ship by thermal and
structural boundaries.
· Restricted use of combustible materials.
· Detection of the fire in the zone if origin.
· Containment and extinguishing of any fire in the space of origin.
· Protection of means of escape or access for firefighting.
· Ready availability of fire extinguishing appliances.
· Minimize the ignition of flammable cargo.
A‐class division
Constructed of steel or other equivalent material and suitably stiffened.
Capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flames for one hour
Be insulated such that the unexposed side will not rise in temperature more than
139° Celsius nor at any one point more than 180° Celsius above original
temperature within the time (see following page)
Class A‐60 60 minutes
Class A‐30 60 minutes (after 30 minutes T > 139°
C.) Class A‐15 60 minutes (after 15 minutes T >
139° C.) Class A‐0 60 minutes (after 0 minutes T
> 139° C.) B‐class division
Division formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings or linings.
· Capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flames for the first half hour.
· Be insulated such that the unexposed side will not rise in temperature
more than 139° Celsius nor at any one point more than 225° Celsius
above original
temperature within the time listed.