The Croton Plants
The Croton Plants
The Croton Plants
Soil Requirements
Plant your croton outdoors in a location with well-drained, humus-rich soil. For
indoor growing, use a large container with unobstructed holes in the bottom and a
commercial potting soil designed to provide good drainage. Add a layer of gravel to the
bottom of the pot to improve drainage even more.
Lighting Needs
Place your croton where it will receive six to eight hours of bright, unfiltered sunlight
each day. Provide shade from direct summer sun during the hottest part of the day.
Temperature Demands
Watering Frequency
Irrigate moderately and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.
Water about once per week for outdoor plants. During the winter, water less often,
keeping soil moist but not wet. Spray the leaves of indoor plants with lukewarm water
once per day.
Fertilizer Obligations
Fertilize your croton about once per week with a 3-1-2 liquid fertilizer, or less
frequently using a slow-release form. If the plant seems to be stunted or suffering from
a nutritional deficiency, increase fertilizer quantities slowly, since too much can cause
the leaf colors to become dull.
Common Pests
Gardeners are also going to need to keep an eye out for the following pests: fungus
gnats, mealybugs, mites, scales, shore flies, thrips and whiteflies. Each of these insects
is tiny and may require a magnifying glass to spot. Fortunately, pesticides, when
applied using proper safety precautions and following the directions on the product
label, are extremely effective against the insects.
Re-pot indoor crotons every two years to encourage healthy growth. Container-grown
plants may require more fertilizer than landscape crotons.
The croton can cause stomach upset or skin irritation. Do not plant this species where
pets or children can access it. Crotons are sensitive to salt spray and soil salinity and
must be planted away from saline areas.
Things Needed
The croton can cause stomach upset or skin irritation. Do not plant this species where
pets or children can access it.
Crotons are sensitive to salt spray and soil salinity and must be planted away from saline