Surgical Anatomy of The Midcheek: Facial Layers, Spaces, and The Midcheek Segments
Surgical Anatomy of The Midcheek: Facial Layers, Spaces, and The Midcheek Segments
Surgical Anatomy of The Midcheek: Facial Layers, Spaces, and The Midcheek Segments
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2 authors, including:
Bryan C Mendelson
Centre for Facial Plastic Surgery
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Midcheek Lid-cheek junction Malar mound
Nasojugal groove Malar fat pad Midcheek furrow
Orbicularis retaining ligament
He that loves a rosy cheek, For these reasons, correction of the midcheek is
Or a coral lip admires, of central importance in facial rejuvenation sur-
Or from star-like eyes doth seek gery. Despite this importance, attempts to correct
Fuel to maintain his fires: the midcheek are relatively recent in the evolution
As old Time makes these decay, of facial rejuvenation and remain a major chal-
So his flames must waste away. lenge. Progress in understanding the midcheek
Thomas Carew 1595–1640 has been hampered by the absence of consistent
terminology and a lack of understanding of how
The poet elegantly expressed the importance of aging changes the anatomical components. The
the midcheek in attractiveness. The youthful mid- detailed description of the midcheek that follows
cheek is inherently attractive as it conveys an over- may be unfamiliar to many surgeons because
all look of freshness to the face, whereas the this is an original description to account for the ag-
changes that occur in the midcheek over time epit- ing changes and provides the basis for a more log-
omize the ‘‘tired look’’ of the aging face, which ical correction of the midcheek.
loses its appeal.
In addition to its role in aesthetics, the anterior DEFINITIONS
face functions as the primary structure for both non-
verbal and verbal communication. The central loca- The term ‘‘midface’’ refers to the central third of
tion of the midcheek connects the eyes and the lips, the face, as distinct from the upper and lower
the two most important structures for communica- thirds of the face. The midface is arbitrarily defined
tion and expression. Because faces have a limited by an upper horizontal line located above the
range of movement, expression relies on minute dif- zygomatic arch and extending from just below
ferences in position and relative proportion of facial the superior helix insertion to the lateral canthus,
features. In fact, aged faces often falsely express and a lower line that extends from the inferior bor-
a negative emotion (anger, fatigue, disappointment) der of the tragal cartilage to just below the oral
in repose because the changed proportions now re- commissure (Fig. 1).
semble those temporarily assumed in normal ex- The midcheek is the part of the midface on the
pression. To mask these changes, some people anterior aspect of the face, between the lower eye-
refresh their look by assuming a static smile, as lid above and the nasolabial groove and lip below.
this effectively provides a temporary midcheek lift. The midcheek has a triangular shape, narrowing
Toorak Cosmetic Surgery Centre, 109 Mathoura Road, Toorak, Victoria 3142, Australia
Division of Plastic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 1st Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
* Corresponding author. 109 Mathoura Road, Toorak, Victoria 3142, Australia.
E-mail address: (B.C. Mendelson).
relationship with the underlying skeleton, as it The midcheek skeleton is formed by the
overlies the body of the zygoma. The nasolabial zygoma, the anterior surface of the maxilla, and,
segment below covers the vestibule of the oral to a minor degree, the lacrimal bone (see Fig. 4).
cavity overlying the maxilla. These bones are comprehensively described
in standard anatomical texts, but certain as-
pects are emphasized because of their clinical
The body of the zygoma has two distinct parts.
An understanding of the basic evolution of the
The upper part relates to the orbit and its soft tis-
facial skeleton helps to explain why the human
sue attachments, and is continued medially along
midcheek is so seemingly complex. The midcheek
the orbital rim by a major process, the maxillary
is the site of fusion of two adjacent but separate
(or orbital process). The lower part of the body
anatomical structures, the orbit and the upper
of the zygoma is in the form of a triangular plat-
jaw. The orbits above form an increasingly broader
form that projects forward over the upper and
part of the facial skeleton, on moving up the scale
outer recess of the oral cavity and provides
of evolution, as the orientation of the globes
attachment for the powerful masseter along its
assumes a more forward position for stereoscopic
lower edge. The zygomatic muscles and the zygo-
vision. The posterior part of the jaw, the part
matic ligaments attach to the anterior surface of
attached to the orbit, has an anteroposterior orien-
this promontory.
tation that is almost at right angles to the plane of
The inferior orbital rim has two parts, each with
the orbits. The loss of forward projection of the
a distinctly different appearance. The medial
jaws in higher evolution results in the posterior
component, formed by the lacrimal bone and the
dentition becoming positioned beneath and then
maxilla, is straight and inclined downward. The
behind the level of the orbits, as the midcheek
edge of the medial orbital rim tends to be sharper
skeleton and related anatomy becomes more
and angled into the orbit, reflecting the attachment
of the arcus marginalis of the septum orbitale
The shape and degree of projection of the un-
as well as the attachment of the preseptal part
derlying skeleton are the major determinants of
of the orbicularis oculi. The larger, inferolateral
the individual appearance of the midcheek as
part of the rim, formed by the body of the
well the major determinants of the subsequent
zygoma and the maxillary process, has a curved
changes that occur with aging. The anterior sur-
orbital rim surface with a more rounded edge
face of the midcheek skeleton provides the base
that tends to be everted. The two parts meet
for the attachment of the muscles of the lower lid
at an obtuse angle at the center of the inferior
and the upper lip as well as the related ligaments
orbital rim.
that support the midcheek soft tissue (Fig. 4).
The inferior orbital rim does not have a uniform
projection. The most forward projecting part is
centrally at the medial end of the maxillary pro-
cess of the zygoma just lateral to where the tran-
sition sits above the infraorbital foramen. The
maxillary process, which forms a prominent
part of the orbital rim, projects, in complete con-
trast to the zygomaticomaxillary suture line and
maxilla immediately below, which is retruded.
The straight line of the orbital rim edge of the
maxilla continues obliquely along the lower bor-
der of the maxillary process of the zygoma and
extends onto the body of the zygoma as the
unnamed groove that defines the boundary be-
tween the orbital and oral cavity parts. The fora-
minae for the zygomaticofacial nerve branches
are in this groove.
Below the oblique demarcating groove, the
Fig. 4. The midcheek skeleton is formed by the body
larger part of the body of the zygoma is for the at-
and maxillary process of the zygoma, the anterior as- tachments of the muscles and related ligaments
pect of the maxilla and, to a minor degree, the lacri- for the cheek that overlies the oral cavity. This
mal bone. Note the height of the superior reflection lower part of the zygoma is more projecting than
of the mucosa lining of the oral cavity (purple). the orbital component of the zygoma. By contrast,
398 Mendelson & Jacobson
over the maxilla, the cheek component is less fascia, layer 5). The fibrous tissue component,
projecting than the orbital component (in adults, mainly in layer 3, is the superficial fascia.
but not in children). When the same generic five-layer model is ap-
The midcheek skeleton undergoes aging plied to the midcheek, the musculoaponeurotic
changes that have important clinical conse- layer (layer 3) is the layer described as the superfi-
quences.6–8 There is a significant loss of projection cial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS). The
of the body of the maxilla below the orbital rim, SMAS contains the intrinsic muscles of the cheek,
while the prominence of the zygomatic body ap- which have a limited attachment to the underlying
pears not to regress. These changes of projection facial skeleton and a more extensive attachment to
are an important contribution to the laxity and the soft tissues that they move.10
descent of the medial cheek soft tissue. An understanding of the fourth layer provides
the key to understanding the midcheek. The
CONCEPT OF SOFT TISSUE LAYERS AND SPACES fourth layer is more than a simple areolar tissue
layer as seen in the scalp, although the principle
Traditionally the midcheek has been avoided in of it being a glide plane remains. The fourth layer
rejuvenation surgery, possibly because the anat- has two opposing functions. Within this layer are
omy is more complex than that of other areas of the facial ligaments that fix the overlying com-
the face. To explain this complex anatomy, it is posite soft tissue to the facial skeleton. The liga-
helpful to first review the basic principles of facial ments within the midcheek are the orbicularis
construction. retaining, zygomatic, and the upper masseteric
The soft tissues of the face are arranged in ligaments.
concentric layers, which can be more easily Between the ligaments are larger areas where
appreciated by a study of the least complex part there is no deep attachment of the overlying
of the face—the scalp. The entire face is similar soft tissue. This is important to allow movement
to the scalp in being composed of five basic of the composite flap (layers 1 through 3) in
layers: (1) the skin, (2) the subcutaneous layer, (3) response to contraction of the facial muscles
the musculoaponeurotic layer, (4) loose areolar tis- (layer 3). For this movement to occur, the attach-
sue (ie, spaces and retaining ligaments), and (5) ment of the superficial fascia to the underlying
the fixed periosteum and deep fascia (Fig. 5).9 skeleton is uniquely adapted to form a series of
The musculoaponeurotic layer (layer 3) is at- soft tissue glide planes within layer 4 (Fig. 6).11
tached by retinacular cutis fibers within the subcu- The fascia on the underside of layer 3 (ie, orbicu-
taneous layer (layer 2) to the skin (layer 1). In the laris fascia) forms the roof of the spaces while
scalp, this layer is formed by the galea and flat the deep fascia or periosteum (layer 5) forms
muscles, the occipitofrontalis. The outer three the floor. The spaces are glide planes that be-
layers are fused and form a functional unit, which come more apparent with aging laxity. Because
is seen when a scalp flap is elevated (through the of the presence of the spaces, the attachment
loose areolar tissue in the fourth layer). A scalp of the mobile soft tissue to the skeleton is limited
flap is essentially a composite flap (ie, a naturally to fixation only at the boundaries or walls of the
integrated structure) that is mobile because the soft tissue spaces by the system of retaining
loose areolar tissue (layer 4) permits gliding ligaments.12–14 The facial nerves and vessels
movement of the composite scalp over the fixed traverse though the walls, but do not enter the
deep fascia (periosteum and deep temporal spaces.
Fig. 6. Spatial anatomy of the midcheek showing the preseptal, prezygomatic, masticator, and oral cavity spaces.
The orbicularis retaining ligament (above) separates the preseptal space of the lower lid from the prezygomatic
space. The zygomaticocutaneous ligaments (below) separate the prezygomatic space from the masticator space.
The spaces in the face are of two types: (1) the Because of the small area of skeleton available for
soft tissue spaces described above and (2) the attachment, the ligaments are compacted and
spaces within bony cavities. The facial spaces strong in the midcheek to fix the relatively large
dominate the structure of the midcheek such amount of overlying tissue (again in contrast to
that the midcheek soft tissues overlie more the diffuse and weaker ligaments in the less mobile
‘‘space’’ than solid skeleton (see Fig. 6). The up- scalp).
per part of the midcheek overlies the lower orbital The fixation effect of the ligaments is not re-
cavity, while the major part of the midcheek over- stricted to the fourth level under the SMAS. The
lies the oral cavity, due to the high reflection of ligaments branch out through the SMAS to form
the upper gingival-buccal recess (see Fig. 4). the perpendicular part of the retinacular cutis,
The relatively small area of bony skeleton of the which fixes to the dermis. This dermal fixation be-
midcheek between the two bone ‘‘spaces’’ is comes apparent clinically with the onset of aging
largely covered by the prezygomatic space (over changes. With attrition of the finer ligamentous
the body of the zygoma).1 fibers, the areas of looser retinacular cutis attach-
As a result, there is a minimal area of ‘‘available’’ ment overlying the spaces become distended and
bone for the attachment of the retaining ligaments appear as bulges on the surface. Meanwhile, the
in the midcheek. This contrasts with the scalp, lines of concentrated ligamentous attachment to
which has an extensive area for bone attachment. the dermis resist this distension and appear as
400 Mendelson & Jacobson
cutaneous grooves. The surface of the aging mid- borders of the space are defined by ligaments
cheek becomes uneven, with bulges alternating and converge medially. The superior ligamentous
between lines of grooves. border of the prezygomatic space is formed by
While spaces and their distention account for the orbicularis retaining ligament (orbitomalar liga-
much of the aging changes, they also provide op- ment) along the inferior orbital rim that separates
portunities for the surgeon. Because the spaces the preseptal space of the lower lid (lid-cheek
are effectively predissected, dissection within segment) from the prezygomatic space (malar
a space can proceed quickly without bleeding segment).15 The orbicularis retaining ligament
and with safety as the facial nerves remain ‘‘out- originates from the anterior lacrimal crest of the
side’’ the spaces in the walls. orbital rim, above the origin of the levator labii
superioris, and continues along the rim, where lat-
AGING CHANGES OF THE MIDCHEEK erally it merges into the lateral orbital thickening.
The quality of the orbicularis retaining ligament
The effects of midcheek aging are the summa- changes from a filmy distensible, double-layered
tion of the interplay of factors that occur in all membrane over the central part of the rim to
five anatomical layers of the soft tissue and in become firm and ligamentous laterally.
the bone. Attenuation of the retaining ligaments The inferior boundary of the prezygomatic space
at all levels reduces the quality of fixation of is much stronger because it is supported by the
the soft tissue layers. The volume loss apparent zygomatic ligaments. The zygomatic ligaments
in the midcheek is largely due to displacement originate from the periosteum of the zygoma in
of soft tissue and, to some extent, atrophy of a transverse line that extends from the medial
soft tissue, as well as atrophy of the facial border of zygomaticus minor to the lateral border
skeleton. The more mobile, less attached areas of zygomaticus major, where they meet with the
between the ligaments undergo the most promi- vertically arranged upper masseteric cutaneous
nent changes with aging, presenting as bulges or ligaments parallel to the anterior border of the
folds over soft tissue spaces (malar mounds), masseter. The zygomatic ligaments pass outward
over bony spaces (nasolabial fold), or over both between and behind the zygomaticus muscles into
soft tissue and bony spaces (lower lid bulge). the overlying soft tissues and dermis, where their
The skeletal volume loss is largely from resorp- restraining effect provides the basis for the mid-
tion of the maxilla. cheek furrow.
The changes of the internal anatomy are re- The malar segment cleverly accommodates
vealed with the midcheek segmenting into the both orbital and oral cavity structures in this
three distinct components seen on surface anat- most compacted area of the midcheek. This is
omy: the lid-cheek segment, the malar segment, achieved by the horizontal stratification associ-
and the nasolabial segment (see Fig. 3). Each ated with the prezygomatic space (layer 4). The
segment exists because of its relationship to its prezygomatic space functions to separate the or-
own space in sub-SMAS layer 4 (see Fig. 6). bital-based structures, which are in the roof and
The midcheek is bisected by the oblique line undergo independent movement from the oral
formed by the continuation of the nasojugal groove cavity–related structures that are under the floor
into the midcheek furrow, which continues further of the space.1 This may explain why there are
into the lower cheek. Functionally, the part above two distinct layers of fat in relation to the prezy-
the groove has to do with the orbit and its related gomatic space. In the roof of the prezygomatic
structures formed by the lid-cheek and malar space, the finely lobulated sub–orbicularis oculi
segments. The part below is the nasolabial seg- fat (SOOF) adheres to the orbicularis fascia on
ment, which has solely to do with the oral cavity. the underside of the orbicularis.16 Meanwhile,
beneath the floor of the space, the thicker layer
The Malar Segment
of immobile preperiosteal fat covers, and is insin-
The malar segment, a triangular region, is a junc- uated between, the origins of the zygomatic
tion area between the lid-cheek segment (above muscles on the zygomatic tuberosity. Zygomati-
and medial) and the nasolabial segment (below cus major has a broad attachment to the poste-
and medial), as well as the lower temple and the rior half of the body of the zygoma, whereas
lateral face. The triangular shape reflects the zygomaticus minor has a narrower attachment
shape of the underlying lower part of the body more medially.17 The only anatomic structure
and maxillary process of the zygoma. The prezy- crossing the prezygomatic space is the zygoma-
gomatic space is the soft tissue glide plane overly- ticofacial nerve (see Fig. 6) immediately inferior
ing the skeleton beneath the superficial fascia of to the thicker part of the orbicularis retaining
this segment (see Fig. 6). The upper and lower ligament.
Surgical Anatomy of the Midcheek 401
The roof over the prezygomatic space, which Contrary to what may be expected, the lid-cheek
contains the orbicularis oculi pars orbitalis, has junction contour does not have a specific fixed
an intrinsic mobility allowing displacement of the relationship to the bony orbital rim and in youth
soft tissues upward and medially, concentric is situated well above the rim.
with the orbit when the orbicularis contracts. The anatomical relationship between the lower
The mobility of the malar segment increases in lid and the upper cheek is complex. In terms of ap-
proportion with progressive aging laxity within pearance, the lower lid is positioned on the face
the mobile roof and the ligamentous borders. above the upper cheek. However, structurally,
This laxity results in increased displacement of the relationship is not so straightforward as they
the soft tissue on smiling (excessive zygomatic overlap each other without a clearly defined and
smile lines) and bulging of the roof over the prom- fixed boundary between the two. This is because
inence of the zygoma at rest. When the orbicularis the two lamellae of the lid develop from different
is not contracted and tightening the roof, the origins. The anterior lamella (skin and orbicularis)
bulging roof sags against the resistance of the zy- is derived from the facial soft tissue and is an up-
gomatic ligaments (which form the midcheek ward extension of the cheek (layers 1, 2, and 3)
groove), which increases the prominence of the that continues over the inferior orbital rim. The
malar mound as well as the apparent depth of thickness of the anterior lamella in not uniform,
the midcheek groove. When the distended roof but tapers, being thicker below and thinner as it
gives the appearance of a bulge at rest, it is de- ascends into the lid. By contrast, the posterior
scribed as a malar mound, which is a different lamella of the lid is of a purely orbital origin, and
structure from the malar fat pad (see description it includes the septum orbitale that covers the
in nasolabial segment). The distension of the orbital fat.
roof gives the impression of redundancy of the Immediately above the rim, the anterior lamella
orbicularis and the underlying SOOF. This was is separated from the posterior lamella by the
the rationale for excision of ‘‘excess’’ orbicularis interposition of the preseptal space. The signifi-
in some of the procedures described for the cance of the space is that it prevents the two
treatment of malar mounds.18,19 The alternative lamellae from bonding and allows independent
approach is to tighten the laxity of the roof. The movement of each layer, particularly displacement
benefits of improved tone in the roof of the space with increased laxity.
are demonstrated if the malar mound reduces or The lid proper is the part where both lamellae
effaces when the patient contracts his or her are fused above the preseptal space (ie, the pre-
orbicularis. tarsal part above the youthful lid-cheek junction).
Meanwhile, the lid-cheek segment is the convexity
below the youthful lid-cheek junction, which
Lid-Cheek Segment
extends high in the lid, well above the inferior or-
There is not a uniformly accepted definition of bital rim. The position and shape of the lid-cheek
what constitutes the lid-cheek junction. Tradition- junction changes dramatically with aging as it
ally, the lid-cheek junction has been considered descends into the lid-cheek segment.
from the viewpoint of the skin surface characteris- Both lamellae of the lid undergo changes with
tics to be the visual demarcation between the aging that contribute to the appearance of
lower lid skin and the upper cheek skin. However, ‘‘baggy lids.’’21 Bulging of the posterior lamella,
this does not usefully account for the changes that with weakness and distension of the septum or-
occur with aging. The lid-cheek junction not only bitale, leads it to bulge inferiorly over the inferior
has a skin component, but it also has a surface orbital rim and eventually onto the anterior sur-
contour that passively reflects changes deep to face of the maxillary process, the most forward
the skin. It is for this reason that the lid-cheek projecting part of the inferior orbital rim. A small
junction is considered in the context of being amount of prolapsed orbital fat (from the central
a component of the midcheek. lid compartment above) on top of the projection
To add to the confusion of having two definitions of the rim here gives an exaggerated look of
for the lid-cheek junction, the contour lid-cheek a larger volume than is really present. At the
junction is not in the same location as the cutane- same time, distension of the overlying anterior
ous lid-cheek junction. The difference between the lamella allows a slight descent of the thicker
two increases with aging. The cutaneous lid-cheek part of the anterior lamella off the same bony
junction remains at essentially the same place prominence. The bony concavity immediately in-
even though the appearance alters.20 Meanwhile, ferior to the prominence results in a retrusion of
the contour junction progressively changes loca- the dropped part of the upper midcheek. A thin-
tion and shape as it moves down into the cheek. ner part of the anterior lamella is now over the
402 Mendelson & Jacobson
bony prominence. The magnification of the small part of the ligament remains attached to the
changes, caused by the prominence of the or- bone behind and to the underside of the orbicularis
bital rim leaves the displaced lid fat projected muscle in front. In between it becomes distended
as well as lower and at the same time ‘‘re- and acts like a sling or hammock to suspend the
vealed’’ because the anterior lamella covering it orbital fat that has prolapsed over the bony orbital
is now thinner. The magnifier effect has a corol- rim. The interposition of this orbital fat between
lary in rejuvenation surgery, whereby small surgi- the anterior projection of orbital rim and the
cal changes of both lamellae over the inferior upper midcheek—which formerly had a close rela-
orbital rim result in a disproportionately benefi- tionship—gives the appearance of the descent of
cial result. the lower margin of the lid. The apex of the
As the lower part of the lid and the upper part of V-shaped laxity of the palpebromalar and naso-
the cheek descend with aging, they give the jugal grooves occurs at the inferior edge of the
appearance of doing so at different rates. Propor- bulging central compartment lid fat.22,23
tionally, there is more descent of the cheek, which
results in the lower part of the lid becoming
The Nasolabial Segment
The lid-cheek junction contour descends from
the youthful position above the orbital rim to below The nasolabial segment has a long trapezoidal
the rim with aging. The youthful concavity (see shape as it continues from the side of the nose
Fig. 2) is lost secondary to the described changes. between the malar segment and the lip to where
This bulging convex contour alters the shape of it blends into the lower cheek beyond the oral
the lower lid, giving the appearance of a ‘‘new’’ commissure. The nasolabial segment has two
lid-cheek junction below the bulge. It is still distinct parts, structurally and functionally.
referred to as the lid-cheek junction even though The upper part of the nasolabial segment is par-
the ‘‘new’’ lid-cheek junction contour transition tially attached to the underlying maxilla where it
has moved off the anatomical lower lid and into overlies the origins of the muscles to the upper
the territory of what had previously been the upper lip (levator labii superioris and levator labii superio-
cheek. This lengthening of the lid contributes to ris alaequae nasi). This part is defined laterally by
the round-eye look of aging. the nasojugal groove that separates it from the
The youthful lid-cheek junction and the youthful lower lid and the lid-cheek segment and, further
upper cheek have now become incorporated into below by the midcheek groove from the medial ex-
the ‘‘visual’’ aged lower lid. That is, there is tent of the malar segments (see Fig. 3). This at-
a segment of the lid that is transitional in that it tached upper part of the nasolabial segment
was originally upper cheek and with aging has be- continues to the level of the alar crease. Laxity
come lid. Due to this dynamic relationship, the affects the shape but not the position of the upper
transitional segment of skin reverts to becoming part of the nasolabial segment and is associated
cheek again following a proper contouring lower with laxity occurring in the soft tissues lateral to
lid blepharoplasty. In other words, a correct bleph- it. This laxity can therefore be improved by
aroplasty not only affects the lid, but also includes correction of the lateral laxity (eg, by lifting the
the midcheek. The part of the cheek that again SOOF).24–26
becomes lid, the transitional segment, is the The lower, major part of the nasolabial segment
lid-cheek segment, whereas the pretarsal area of overlies the vestibule of the oral cavity and is,
the lid above the youthful lid-cheek junction accordingly, mobile. Only the most lateral part of
always remains as true lid and is not part of the this mobile segment has a direct fixation, and
midcheek. this is where the strong zygomatic ligaments sus-
How can the lid-cheek contour change so signif- pend it from the body of the zygoma. This fixation
icantly and yet the cutaneous lid-cheek junction be is reinforced by additional support from the upper
so minimally changed? The reason has to do with masseteric ligaments.
the movement that occurs mainly at a level deeper The masticator space beneath the outer part of
than the skin. Immediately inferior to the preseptal the nasolabial segment further interferes with fixa-
space of the lid is the orbicularis retaining ligament tion. The lower boundary of the masticator space
that attaches the anterior lamella to the orbital rim. and its content, the buccal fat pad, extends to
The part of the orbicularis retaining ligament just below the parotid duct in youth.27 With aging,
attached to the central part of the orbital rim (ie, the inferior boundary descends to become inferior
the maxillary process of the zygoma immediately to the level of the oral commissure and bulges into
lateral to the firm attachment of the orbicularis to the lower face, where it contributes to the fullness
the maxilla) is membranous and distensible. This of the labiomandibular fold.
Surgical Anatomy of the Midcheek 403
The subcutaneous layer in the nasolabial level 4, a detailed knowledge is required as the
segment is both thicker and more mobile than branches are at surgical risk where they traverse
the subcutaneous layer above the midcheek the sub-SMAS areola space (layer 4). Fortunately,
furrow within the orbital midcheek segments. Be- the nerves pass outward through this level in
cause of its thickness and defined boundaries,28 predictable locations, where they are under the
the subcutaneous fat of the nasolabial segment ‘‘protection’’ of the zygomatic and upper ma-
appears as a distinct entity. This subcutaneous sseteric retaining ligaments. Accordingly, the
fat is referred to as the malar fat pad, which is an branches are in the soft tissue immediately outside
unfortunate term because the malar fat pad does the prezygomatic space, in the interval between it
not strictly overlie the zygoma (malar segment) and the premasseter space, which is the space of
as its name suggests. It actually overlies the the lower lateral face.33
maxilla (nasolabial segment).29–31 This misnomer The zygomatic branches to the orbicularis
contributes to misunderstanding among plastic oculi course from deep to superficial immediately
surgeons. outside the prezygomatic space. They enter the
Aging of the suspensory attachment of the SOOF near the periphery of the orbicularis and
nasolabial segments provided by the zygomatic traverse within the SOOF in the roof of the space
ligaments affects the quality of support with (see Fig. 6).34
two consequences. Initially there is a flattening
of the rounded fullness at the center of the
midcheek. This is at the same place where the
midcheek furrow starts to appear. Ultimately, In youth, the midcheek has a uniform
this tends to progress to the gaunt look of mid- rounded fullness.
cheek hollowing as the outer part of the nasola- The midcheek is formed by the convergence
bial segment slides off the skeletal support of three components: the lid-cheek seg-
provided by the lower edge of the body of the ment, the malar segment, and the nasolabial
zygoma, which abruptly magnifies the loss of segment.
projection. The second consequence is the The midcheek skeleton provides the attach-
change of shape from displacement of soft tissue ment for the muscles and ligaments of both
volume into the medial side of the segment. Ini- the lower lid and the upper lip.
tially this gives the midcheek a longer and flatter Structurally, the midcheek contains propor-
look associated with the appearance of nasola- tionally more spaces and fewer ligaments
bial fullness. Increasing volume of the nasolabial than other parts of the face.
fold exaggerates the depth of the nasolabial Each midcheek segment overlies a specific
crease medially. Proper correction of the nasola- facial space.
bial segment requires a major resupport over the The lid-cheek junction has two forms. The
body of the zygoma. traditional cutaneous distinction is less
useful for the surgeon than the changes
INNERVATION of contour that reflect deeper structural
Knowing the course of the facial nerve and its The lid-cheek contour transition does not
branches is crucial for safe surgery, which is based have a fixed relationship to the inferior orbital
on the facial layers. The facial nerve branches rim.
emerge from the border of the parotid where Facial nerve branches course in predictable
they are beneath the investing deep fascia (level locations and, as they traverse layer 4, are
5) in the lateral face and its final branches become ‘‘protected’’ by the zygomatic and masse-
more superficial to approach layer 3 at the lateral teric ligaments.
extent of the anterior face and travel just under
level 3 until innervating the target muscle (see
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