Electrical Grounding and Cathodic Protection Issues in Large Generating Stations
Electrical Grounding and Cathodic Protection Issues in Large Generating Stations
Electrical Grounding and Cathodic Protection Issues in Large Generating Stations
ost underground
structures at gener-
ating stations have
traditionally been
electrically bonded
together to reduce
hazardous voltages
associated with lightning and fault or
induced currents in the earth. A com-
Grounding and
mon grounding system is more eco-
nomical and reduces resistance to re-
mote earth better than individual
ground connections. The common
Cathodic Protection
ground tends to assure a low-resistance
return path for power system earth-
return currents and fault currents. It
minimizes earth-potential gradients
around individual earthing electrodes
Issues in Large
or elements, which limits step and
touch voltages to safe levels at the sur-
face of the earth. In addition, redun-
dant electrical grounding circuits in-
crease safety if one or more conductors
Generating Stations
EARL L. KIRKPATRICK, ELK Engineering Associates, Inc.
are cut or otherwise damaged.
Electrically interconnecting many
dissimilar metals in the soil can signifi-
The common bonding of underground ferrous
cantly increase corrosion rates on structures to massive copper grounding grids
some underground structures.1 When creates problems for corrosion engineers and their
materials such as black iron (BI), cast attempts to provide cathodic protection to ferrous
iron (CI), and ductile iron (DI) are in- structures. This article discusses conflicts between the
terconnected in the soil, they are very design and operation of copper and ferrous underground
close together in the electromotive
series of metals and each suffers very
systems and presents alternatives. It describes the case
little additional corrosion by connec- of a large electrical generating station with a bare copper
tion to the other metal. grounding grid, typical of late-1960s construction
Creating a dissimilar metal couple practices.
by connecting BI, CI, or DI to copper
or brass forms a very significant corro-
sion cell. Copper is electropositive
with respect to all ferrous metals. In pipe surface and the local soil or water
addition, it does not polarize readily, environment. These coatings are
as do ferrous metals. Therefore, accel- supplemented with CP to prevent cor-
erated corrosion occurs on ferrous rosion at “holidays,” or voids in the pro-
structures whenever they are directly tective coating. The combination of di-
coupled to bare copper in the soil. electric coatings and CP generally
Cathodic protection (CP) is rou- produces a low-cost corrosion protec-
tinely used to overcome soil-instigated tion system with minimum current
corrosion cells on underground piping demands.
found in power plants and other indus- Most electrical engineers specify
trial facilities. In most instances, a di- copper for grounding electrodes be-
electric coating is used on the under- cause it is the preferred material for
ground piping and serves as a electrical conductors. In addition, cop-
corrosion control barrier between the per is erroneously believed to resist
Case History—
Steam Electric Station
A large, two-unit lignite-fired steam
electric station was designed and con-
structed in East Texas in the mid- to
late-1960s, and it began commercial
operation in 1970. Underground utili-
ties at the plant site include, at a mini-
mum, the following components:
Typical construction activity, not related to CP work. Such construction may damage buried CP • Welded-steel-coated natural gas
components. lines, compressed air lines, and ser-
vice water lines.
• DI pipe, firewater, and potable
water lines that may or may not be
corrosion when buried in soil. When ing system places a very significant coated. (Pipe joints were jumper-
copper is directly buried in the soil and load on the CP system if the under- bonded.)
completely isolated from other con- ground piping is to be polarized to an • Bar grilles, traveling screens, and
struction materials, copper does cor- adequate CP potential. circulating water pumps in the clear
rode. In acidic soil conditions, the cor- Power plants usually bond all struc- wells at the intake structure.
rosion rate of isolated copper may be tures, including the electrical ground- • Driven sheet piling at the intake
greater than that of iron or steel in the ing grid, in common. This provides structure, with a total surface area
same environment. If, however, a cop- electrical safety by significantly reduc- exposed to soil or water of ~55,000
per grounding electrode is electrically ing the chances for a dangerous differ- ft2 (5,110 m2).
interconnected with other engineering ence in step or touch potential be- • Dual 108-in. (2.74-m)-diameter
construction materials (e.g., BI, CI, DI, tween the isolated structure and the prestressed concrete pipe circulat-
or steel [iron]), the copper will be ca- grid. Directly connecting such a system ing water lines.
thodically protected at the expense of to a bare copper grounding system may • Various control lines, electrical
the ferrous metal to which it is con- increase total CP current demand by conduit, and foundation rebar.
nected. Therefore, copper is a poor several orders of magnitude. This effect • An extensive bare-copper ground-
choice in direct contact with the soil creates a serious conflict between CP ing grid containing ~10,000 ft
(i.e., not isolated). It accelerates corro- engineering design and electrical engi- (3,050 m) of 250-MCM (124 mm2)
sion on most other buried engineering neering safety design. Whenever an im- and 4/0-AWG (105 mm2) conductor
metals to which it is connected. In ad- pressed current CP system is not func- with 50 driven-copper ground rods.
dition, it does not polarize as readily as tioning, a strong galvanic couple forms No intentional electrical isolation
ferrous structures. Therefore, the CP between the underground ferrous pip- was provided between any of the un-
current density (CD) required to polar- ing and the copper grounding grid. The derground structures. Some CP was
ize the copper to an adequate poten- couple accelerates the corrosion rate provided for the underground plant at
tial necessary to protect a ferrous struc- of all ferrous structures in direct soil the time of initial construction. A few
ture may be 10 to 20 times as high—on contact. additional rectifiers and groundbeds
a per-unit-area basis—as the level re- Alternatives do exist.2 Other con- were installed in the 1980s.
quired to polarize ferrous structures. struction materials that have been suc- This plant site has been subjected
When one considers that the under- cessfully used for grounding electrodes to considerable construction activity
ground piping in most plant facilities and/or grid conductors include bare since startup (Figure 1). Much of the
is all coated pipe, it is not difficult to iron or steel structural members, cast construction activity has been associ-
recognize that a bare copper ground- zinc anodes, zinc ribbon, galvanized ated with mandated environmental and