Grounding Earthing Systems
Grounding Earthing Systems
Grounding Earthing Systems
The National Electrical Code (NEC) divides grounding into two distinct areas:
equipment grounding and system grounding. Equipment grounding is the process
of connecting aboveground equipment to the earth. In other words, how to
properly bond grounding wires to equipment and route them through conduits,
circuit-breaker boxes, and so on. System grounding is the process of intentionally
making an electrical connection to the earth itself. This is the actual connection of
metal to soil and the minimum standards by which this connection is made. This
process is often referred to as earthing.
The goal of this chapter is to provide a basic knowledge of system grounding and
earthing in an easy-to-read and understandable manner. We will not discuss
aboveground wiring issues, except where needed. The topics that will be covered
are system grounding, the benefits and features of the available grounding
electrodes, the ground potential rise (GPR) hazards of high current discharges,
and the effects lightning strikes will have on a grounding system. We will also
introduce the principles of proper soil testing, resistance-to-ground (RTG) testing,
proper test-well installation, and meter selection.
Both equipment grounding and system grounding are becoming more important
as technology rapidly advances. Many of the latest and most advanced systems
have stringent grounding requirements. Understanding the available electrical
data through proper ground testing enables the electrical engineer to manage
grounding systems that will meet specified grounding criteria.
Our goal is to provide the basic knowledge needed to understand and make the
right choices when it comes to electrical grounding. Remember: "To protect
what's above the ground you need to know what's in the ground."
In the last few decades, much has been learned about the interaction between
the grounding electrode and the earth, which is a three-dimensional electrical
circuit. Ultimately, it is the soil resistivity (and spatial variations thereof) that
determines system design and performance. There are a number of different
grounding electrodes in use today. They are the standard driven rod, advanced
driven rod, grounding plate, concrete-encased electrode (sometimes called a
Ufer ground), water pipes, and the electrolytic electrode.
Thus, a single 10-ft driven rod will utilize 5000 ft3 of soil, whereas a single 8-ft rod
will utilize about half the soil at 2560 ft3. Going from an 8-ft to 10-ft ground rod
can provide a significant reduction in the resistance to ground (RTG), as the
sphere of influence will be nearly doubled, given that soil resistivity does not
increase with depth.
Because driven rods range in length from 8 to 10 ft, a ladder is often required to
reach the top of the rod, which can become a safety issue. Many falls have
resulted from personnel trying to literally whack these rods into the earth while
hanging from a ladder many feet in the air.
The NEC requires that driven rods be a minimum of 8 ft in length and that 8 ft of
length must be in direct contact with the soil. To comply with this requirement,
the installer will typically use a shovel to dig down into the ground 18 in. before a
driven rod is installed, although the most common rods used by commercial and
industrial contractors today are rods 10 ft in length, which negates the need for
the extra installation process. This can save time as well as meet with the many
industrial specifications that also require this length as a minimum.
A common misconception is that the copper coating on a standard driven rod has
been applied for electrical reasons. While copper is certainly a conductive
material, its real purpose on the rod is to provide corrosion protection for the
steel underneath. Many corrosion problems can occur, because copper is not
always the best choice in corrosion protection. It should be noted that galvanized
driven rods have been developed to address the corrosion concerns copper
presents, and in many cases are a better choice for prolonging the life of the
grounding rod and grounding systems. Generally speaking, galvanized rods are a
better choice in all but high-salt environments.
An additional drawback of the copper-clad driven rod is that copper and steel are
two dissimilar metals. When an electrical current is imposed on the rod,
electrolysis will occur; also, the act of driving the rod into the soil can further
damage the copper cladding, allowing corrosive elements in the soil to attack the
bared steel and decrease the life expectancy of the rod. Environment, aging,
temperature, and moisture also easily affect driven rods, giving them a typical life
expectancy of 5–15 years in good soil conditions. Driven rods also have a very
small surface area, which is not always conducive to good contact with the soil.
This is especially true in rocky soils, in which the rod will only make contact on
the edges of the surrounding rock.
Advanced driven rods are typically driven into the ground with a standard drill
hammer. This automation dramatically reduces the time required for installation.
The tip of an advanced driven rod is typically made of carbide and works in a
similar manner to a masonry drill bit, allowing the rod to bore through rock with
relative ease. Advanced driven rods are modular in nature and are designed in 5-
ft lengths. They have permanent and irreversible connections that enable an
operator to install them safely while standing on the ground. Typically, a shovel is
used to dig down into the ground 18 in. before the advanced driven rod is
installed. The advanced driven rod falls into the same category as a driven rod
and satisfies the same codes and regulations.
In the extreme northern and southern climates of the planet, frost heave is a
major concern. As frost sets in every winter, unsecured objects buried in the
earth tend to be pushed up and out of the ground. Driven grounding rods are
particularly susceptible. Anchor plates are sometimes welded to some buried
portion of the rods to prevent them from being pushed up and out of the earth by
frost heave. However, this requires that a hole be augured into the earth in order
to get the anchor plate into the ground, which can dramatically increase
installation costs. Advanced driven rods do not suffer from frost-heave issues and
can be installed easily in extreme climes.
Grounding Plates. Grounding plates are typically thin copper plates buried
in direct contact with the earth. The NEC requires that ground plates have at
least 2 ft2 of surface area exposed to the surrounding soil. Ferrous materials must
be at least 0.20-in. thick, while nonferrous materials (copper) need only be 0.060-
in. thick. Grounding plates are typically placed under poles or to supplement
buried ground rings.
As shown in Fig. 2.5A, grounding plates should be buried at least 30 in. below
grade level. While the surface area of grounding plates is greatly increased over
that of a driven rod, the zone of influence is relatively small, as shown in Fig.
2.5B. The zone of influence of a grounding plate can be as small as 17 in. This
ultra-small zone of influence typically causes grounding plates to have a higher
resistance reading than other electrodes of the same mass. Similar
environmental conditions, which lead to the failure of the driven rod, also plague
the grounding plate, such as corrosion, aging, temperature, and moisture.
There are many new products available that are designed to improve concrete-
encased electrodes. The most common are modified concrete products that
incorporate conductive materials, usually carbon, into the cement mix. The
advantage of these products is that they are fairly effective in reducing the
resistivity of the concrete, thus lowering the RTG of the electrode encased. The
most significant improvement of these new products is in reducing heat buildup
in the concrete during fault conditions, thus lowering the likelihood that steam
will destroy the concrete-encased electrode. However, some disadvantages are
still evident. Again, these products do not increase the zone of influence, and as
such, the RTG of the concrete-encased electrode is only slightly better than that
of a bare copper wire or driven rod. Also, a primary concern regarding enhanced
grounding concretes is the use of carbon in the mix. Carbon and copper are of
different nobilities and will sacrificially corrode each other over time. Many of
these products claim to have buffer materials designed to reduce the accelerated
corrosion of the copper caused by the addition of carbon into the mix. However,
few independent long-term studies are being conducted to test these claims.
Ufer Ground or Building Foundations. Ufer grounds or building
foundations may be used, provided the concrete is in direct contact with the
earth (no plastic moisture barriers), rebar is at least 0.500 in. in diameter, and
there is a direct metallic connection from the service ground to the rebar buried
inside the concrete (see Fig. 2.7).
This concept is based on the conductivity of the concrete and the large surface
area, which will usually provide a grounding system that can handle very high
current loads. The primary drawback occurs during fault conditions, if the fault
current is too great compared with the area of the rebar system and moisture in
the concrete superheats and rapidly expands, cracking the surrounding concrete
and threatening the integrity of the building foundation. Another important
drawback to the Ufer ground is that it is not testable under normal
circumstances, as isolating the concrete slab in order to properly perform RTG
testing, is nearly impossible.
The metal frame of a building may also be used as a grounding point, provided
the building foundation meets the above requirements and is commonly used in
high-rise buildings. It should be noted that many owners of these high-rise
buildings are banning this practice and insisting that tenants run ground wires all
the way back to the secondary service locations on each floor. The owners will
already have run ground wires from the secondary services back to the primary
service locations and installed dedicated grounding systems at these service
locations. The goal is to avoid the flow of stray currents, which can interfere with
the operation of sensitive electronic equipment.
Water Pipes. Water pipes have been used extensively over time as
grounding electrodes. Water pipe connections are not testable and are unreliable
due to the use of tar coatings and plastic fittings. City water departments have
begun to specifically install plastic insulators in the pipelines to prevent the flow
of current and reduce the corrosive effects of electrolysis. The NEC requires that
at least one additional electrode be installed, when water pipes are used as an
electrode. There are several additional requirements, including:
Water meters may not be relied upon for the grounding path.
Bonding jumpers must be used around any insulating joints, pipe, or meters.
Primary connection to the water pipe must be on the street side of the water
The NEC requires that water pipes be bonded to ground, even if water pipes are
not used as a grounding electrode.
Various backfill products are available; the primary concern should be whether
the product protects the electrode from corrosion and improves its conductivity.
Carbon-based products should be avoided, as they will corrode the copper over
There are generally two types of electrolytic electrodes that one can install: ones
that use sodium chloride (table or rock salt) and those that use magnesium
sulfate (Epsom salt). There are advantages and disadvantages for each type. The
electrolytic electrodes that use sodium chloride have very long life spans (30–50
years) and as such are often sealed closed, as there is no need to access the
tube. The disadvantage is that very little salt actually enters the surrounding soil,
so the time it takes to lower the RTG can be very long (years if not decades). The
electrolytic electrodes that use magnesium sulfate come with an access cap at
the top of the electrode, as the magnesium sulfate will rapidly dissolve away and
out of the tube, entering the surrounding soil and thus quickly lowering the RTG.
The disadvantages of magnesium sulfate electrodes is that they require annual
maintenance to refill the salts in the tube, and if the magnesium sulfate is
exposed to high heat, such as from a lightning strike, chemical reactions can
occur, resulting in some toxic substances. The material safety data sheet for
magnesium sulfate should be consulted prior to use. Some grounding engineers
have installed electrolytic electrodes with magnesium sulfate for the first few
years of operation so as to rapidly lower the RTG, and then switched over to a
sodium chloride and desiccant mix for the long-life and low-maintenance benefits
once the surrounding soil has been saturated with conductive materials.
Earth Electrode Comparison Chart. Table 2.1 compares the various types
of electrodes with respect to some important characteristics that may prove
helpful in selecting proper electrode usage.
Advanced Concrete-
Driven Grounding Building
Driven encased
Rod Plate Foundation
Rod Electrode
High-current discharges can damage foundations when water in the concrete is rapidly converted in
The first part, RTG, is a measurement of the total resistance to the flow of
electricity that the earth is providing against the ground system under test. As
the three-point fall-of-potential method is not usable for any active grounding
system, only the clamp-on or induced-frequency method can be used for testing
the RTG of electrodes with a test well. This involves a handheld meter with large
jaws that are "clamped" around a grounding conductor under test, thus the need
for a test well.
In Fig. 2.10, we see the second most common way test wells are improperly
installed, and this is with a twist or "loop" added to the ground conductor. As you
can see, this scenario is actually the exact same thing as scenario 1, although it
is quite possibly easier to clamp the meter around the conductor. The downside is
that this twist in the conductor is a major violation of the rules listed in NFPA ®
780 Lightning Standards and the Motorola R56 (and several IEEE standards) in
regard to the self-induced coupling effects that high-current, short-duration faults
can have on ground systems. When lightning strikes or a major short-circuit fault
occurs, a large and powerful magnetic field will form as the current travels
through the ground conductor. Any conductors with a "tight radius" are subject to
burn-open due to cross-coupling of the magnetic fields. The bottom line is that
this test well is improperly installed and not only is it at risk of critical failure
under electrical stress, but it will not allow an accurate RTG measurement test.
Proper Installation of a Ground Test Well. In Fig. 2.11 we can see that
installing a grounding electrode in a test well simply requires a short conductor
extension or "pigtail" to be added connecting the top of the electrode to the
ground loop. While this does require two welds instead of just a single exothermic
weld, it is often less labor intensive, as the conductor extension is easier to work
with than the ground loop. In this setup, we can see that the clamp-on meter has
easy access and the injected signal will be forced down the ground rod and
through the earth, enabling an accurate RTG reading of that ground rod. And, of
course, accurate point-to-point testing can be conducted as well.
Figure 2.11. Correct test well.
It is important to note that this test well scenario is only valid for testing a single
grounding electrode at a time, within the bigger grounding system. It does not
provide an RTG of your entire ground system. Depending on the size and
requirements of your ground system, it may not even be possible to design a
grounding system that can be tested as a whole. This is why multiple ground test
wells are often installed at key locations around your ground system; they
provide a means of validating the ground system integrity at multiple locations
for comparison over time.
Type of Surface
Dry Wet
Bentonite 2 to 10
Clay 20 to 1,000
Limestone 5 to 4,000
Shales 5 to 100
Sandstone 20 to 2,000
Soil resistivity testing is the single most critical factor in electrical grounding
design. This is true when discussing simple electrical design, dedicated low-
resistance grounding systems, or the far more complex issues involved in ground
potential rise (GPR) studies. Good soil models are the basis of all grounding
designs, and they are developed from accurate soil resistivity testing.
Wenner Soil Resistivity Test and Other Soil Resistivity Tests. The
Wenner four-point method (sometimes called four-pin) is by far the most used
test method to measure the resistivity of soil. Other methods do exist, such as
the general method and Schlumberger method; however, they are not frequently
used for grounding design applications and vary only slightly in how the probes
are spaced when compared with the Wenner method.
The basic premise of the test is that probes spaced at 5-ft distances across the
surface, will measure the average soil resistivity to an approximate depth of 5 ft.
The same is true if you space the probes 40 ft across the earth, you get a
weighted average soil resistance from 0 down to 40 ft in depth and at all points in
between. This raw data must be processed with computer software to determine
the actual resistivity of the soil as a function of depth.
In the test shown in Figs. 2.12 and 2.13 a probe C1 is driven into the earth at the
corner of the area to be measured. Probes P1, P2, and C2 are driven at 5, 10, and
15 ft respectively from rod C1 in a straight line to measure the soil resistivity from
0 to 5 ft in depth. C1 and C2 are the outer probes and P1 and P2 are the inner
probes. At this point, a known current is applied across probes C1 and C2, while
the resulting voltage is measured across P1 and P2. Ohm's law can then be
applied to calculate the measured apparent resistance.
Figure 2.12. A four-point testing pattern.
Probes C2, P1, and P2 can then be moved out to 10-, 20-, and 30-ft spacing to
measure the resistance of the earth from 0 to 10 ft in depth. You can continue
moving the three probes (C2, P1, and P2) away from C1 at equal intervals to
approximate the depth of the soil to be measured. Note that the performance of
the electrode can be influenced by soil resistivities at depths that are
considerably deeper than the depth of the electrode, particularly for extensive
horizontal electrodes, such as water pipes, building foundations, or grounding
Soil Resistance Meters. There are basically two types of soil resistance
meters: direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) models, sometimes
referred to as high-frequency meters. Both meter types can be used for four-
point and three-point testing and can even be used as a standard (2-point) volt
meter for measuring common resistances.
Care should always be given when selecting a meter, as the electronics involved
in signal filtering are highly specialized. Electrically speaking, the earth can be a
noisy place. Overhead power lines, electric substations, railroad tracks, various
signal transmitters, and many other sources contribute to signal noise found in
any given location. Harmonics, 60-Hz background noise, and magnetic field
coupling can distort the measurement signal, resulting in apparent soil resistivity
readings that are larger by an order of magnitude, particularly with large
spacings. Selecting equipment with electronic packages capable of discriminating
between these signals is critical.
Direct current meters, which actually generate low-frequency pulses (on the
order of 0.5 to 4.0 s/pulse), are the preferred equipment for soil resistivity
testing, as they do away with the induction problem from which the high-
frequency meters suffer. However they can be very expensive to purchase.
Depending upon the equipment's maximum voltage (500 to 2000 mA and 800 V
peak to peak), DC meters can take readings with extremely large probe spacings
and often many thousands of feet in distance. Typically, the electronics filtering
packages offered in DC meters are superior to those found in AC meters. Care
should be taken to select a reputable manufacturer.
Data Analysis. Once all the resistance data is collected, the formula shown
in Fig. 2.14 can be applied to calculate the apparent soil resistivity in ohm-
meters. For example, if an apparent resistance of 4.5 Ω is measured at 40-ft
spacing, the soil resistivity in ohm-meters would be 344.7. Figure 2.14 shows the
entire soil resistivity formula in detail. One refers to "apparent" resistivity,
because this does not correspond to the actual resistivity of the soil. This raw
data must be interpreted by suitable methods to determine the actual resistivity
of the soil. Also note that the final 1.915 number is calculated by converting
meters into feet.
When we describe a soil resistivity test such as the Wenner four-point method, we
often correlate the spacings between the probes as a depth or sounding reading.
In other words, the distance between the pins in theory equates to the
approximate depth being measured. Remember that there are many factors that
relate to the actual depth of the measurements read by the meter, so this
concept is just a general guideline.
The soil model will show changes in resistivity of the earth at various depths.
What is the resistivity of the soil at 5 ft? What is it at 10 ft? A good soil model will
answer these questions. Of course, there are many rules as to how many
measurements must be taken and what spacings are required in order to get an
accurate model, but that is a different topic. The concern in this case is what
happens when a drastic change in resistivity occurs from one layer to the next.
When we conduct a soil resistivity test, we are injecting a test signal (electrical
energy) into the surface of the earth, down through the soil to various depths,
and recording the loss of energy as a resistance. As the electrical test signal
passes from one layer to the next, the test signal will degrade in proportion to the
changes in resistance it encounters. This is especially true when the signal must
try to move from a very conductive layer of soil to a very resistive layer of soil.
The test signal will simply prefer to stay in the most conductive material.
If you have ever seen a submarine war movie, you may have noticed the sub
commander will move his submarine below a colder layer of ocean water to avoid
being detected by sonar. The cold layer of water will bounce the sonar signal up
and away from the submarine, hiding it from the enemy. This is similar to what
happens when we conduct soil resistivity tests; the test signal may in fact not
penetrate the layers as well as we might hope.
These changes in layer resistivity affect the signal in a predictable way and as
such can be calculated and the effects corrected. This is why good engineers
prefer soil resistivity models calculated using computer-modeling programs
instead of simple hand calculations (good computer-modeling programs perform
thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of calculations). Today's sophisticated
algorithms take into account most of the variables and provide vastly superior
and more accurate soil resistivity models.
That said, computer algorithms can only help correct the math. A good soil
resistivity technician will know how to improve the original signal. The first step is
to always use true DC meters. It is recommended to use 800-V p-p DC meters,
which require an additional car battery to generate the needed power. The next
step is to have many readings starting at 6-in. spacings, with spacing intervals
increasing at a factor of no greater than 1.5, with 1.33 preferred. You also need to
keep taking readings and increasing your spacings at those intervals until your
spacings are at least as great as the depth you are trying to read, preferably two
or three times as great. This would certainly mean many dozens of
measurements and a lot of work.
As you can see from Fig. 2.15, if you have a 5-ft reading of 50 Ω·m and a 10-ft
reading of 75 Ω·m, the actual soil resistance from 5 to 10 ft might be 100 Ω·m
(the point here is to illustrate a concept: precomputed curves or computer
software are needed to properly interpret the data). The same is true for larger
pin spacings. The shallowest readings are used over and over again in
determining the actual resistivity at depth.
Shallow depth readings of 6 in. and 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 ft are important for
grounding design, because grounding conductors are typically buried 1.5 to 2.5 ft
below the surface of the earth. To accurately calculate how those conductors will
perform at these depths, shallow soil readings must be taken. These shallow
readings become even more important when engineers calculate GPR, touch
voltages and step voltages.
It is critical that the measurement probes and current probes be inserted into the
earth to the proper depth for shallow soil resistivity readings. If the probes are
driven too deep, then it can be difficult to resolve the resistivity of the shallow
soil. Ideally a 20 to 1 ratio (5 percent) is best; however, when doing very shallow
readings that rule cannot always apply. A good rule of thumb when conducting
short spacing measurements is that the penetration depth of the potential probes
should be no more than 10 percent of the pin spacing, whereas the current
probes must not be driven more than 30 percent of the pin spacing.
2. Metallic objects "short-cutting" the electrical path from probe to probe. The
rule of thumb here is that a clearance equal to the pin spacing should be
maintained between the measurement traverse and any parallel buried
metallic structures.
When left with little room or poor conditions in which to conduct a proper soil
resistivity test, one should use the closest available open field with as similar
geological soil conditions as possible.
The second method is the induced-frequency test and can be performed while
power is on. It actually requires the utility to be connected to the grounding
system under test. This test is accurate only for small electrodes, as it uses
frequencies in the kilohertz range, which see long conductors as inductive chokes
and therefore do not reflect the 60-Hz resistance of the entire grounding system.
Both tests inject a signal into the electrode system; they differ only in the return.
The three-point test uses a small probe installed at some distance from the
electrode as the signal return; the induced-frequency test uses the utility
company's grounding system.
At this point, a known current is applied across X and Z, while the resulting
voltage is measured across X and Y. Ohm's law can then be applied (R = V/I) to
calculate the measured resistance. Probe Y is then moved out to a distance of two
times the diagonal length of the grounding system, in-line with X and Z, to repeat
the resistance measurement at the new interval. This will continue, moving probe
Y out to three times, four times, … nine times the diagonal length to complete
the three-point test, with a total of nine resistance measurements (see Fig. 2.17).
1. The amount of amperage running through the tested system must be below
the equipment manufacturer's limits.
2. The test signal must be injected at the proper location, so the signal is forced
through the grounding system and into the earth.
3. The instrument, a "clamp-on meter," actually measures the sum of the
resistance of the grounding system under test and the impedance of the utility
neutral grounding, including the neutral wiring. Due to the high frequency
used, the impedance of the neutral wiring is nonnegligible and can be greater
than the ground resistance of a very-low-resistance grounding system under
test, which can therefore not be measured accurately (see Fig. 2.19).
Many erroneous tests have been conducted in which the technician only
measured metallic loops and not the true RTG of the grounding system, and the
veracity of the induced-frequency test has been questioned due to testing errors.
However, when properly applied to a small to medium-sized, self-standing
grounding system, this test is rapid and reasonably accurate.
Test Application. The proper use of this test method requires the utility
neutral to be connected to a grounded wye-type transformer. The oscillating
voltage is induced into the grounding system at a point where it will be forced
into the soil and will return through the utility neutral. Extreme caution must be
taken at this point, as erroneous readings and mistakes are often made. The
most common of these occur when clamping on or inducing the oscillating
voltage into the grounding system at a point where a continuous metallic path
exists back to the point of the test. This can result in a continuity test being
performed rather than a ground resistance test. Understanding the proper field
application of this test is vital to obtaining accurate results. The induced-
frequency test can test grounding systems that are in use and does not require
the interruption of service to take measurements.
Ground Resistance Monitoring. Ground resistance monitoring is the
process of automated, timed, and/or continuous RTG measurement. These
dedicated systems use the induced-frequency test method to continuously
monitor the performance of critical grounding systems. Some models may also
provide automated data reporting. These new meters can measure RTG and the
current that flows on the grounding systems that are in use. Another benefit is
that electrical service need not be interrupted for these measurements to be
The voltages produced by a GPR event can be hazardous to both personnel and
equipment. As described earlier, soil has resistance that will allow an electrical
potential gradient or voltage drop to occur along the path of the fault current in
the soil. The resulting potential differences will cause currents to flow into any
and all nearby grounded conductive bodies, including concrete, pipes, copper
wires, and people.
Ground potential rise (as defined in IEEE Std. 367) is the
product of a ground electrode impedance, referenced to remote earth,
and the current that flows through that electrode impedance.
Ground potential rise (as defined by IEEE Std. 80-2000) is the
maximum electrical potential that a (substation) grounding grid may
attain, relative to a distant grounding point, assumed to be at potential
of remote earth. This voltage, GPR, is equal to the maximum grid
current times the grid resistance.
Ground potential rise events are a concern wherever electrical currents of large
magnitude flow into the earth. This can be at a substation, high-voltage tower or
pole, or a large transformer. In cases in which a GPR event may be likely,
grounding precautions are required to ensure personnel and equipment safety.
Electrical potentials in the earth drop abruptly around the perimeter of a
grounding system but do not drop to zero. In fact, in a perfectly homogenous soil,
soil potentials are inversely proportional to the distance from the center of the
grounding system, once one has reached a distance that is a small number of
grounding system dimensions away. The formula is as follows:
Probably the most commonly noted GPR event involves the death of cows in a
field during a lightning strike. Imagine lightning striking the center of an open
field where cows are standing. The current injected into the earth flows radially
away from the strike point in all directions, creating voltage gradients on the
surface of the earth, also in a radial direction. All the cows facing the lightning
strike would have their forehooves closer to the strike point than their rear
hooves. This would result in a difference of potential between their forelegs and
rear legs, causing current to flow through their bodies, including their hearts, and
killing the cows. On the other hand, those cows with their flanks turned toward
the lightning strike would have a greater chance of surviving, as the distance
between their forelegs and therefore the voltage applied between them, would be
relatively small, resulting in a lesser current flow.
Once the minimum grounding system is identified, the engineer can run a GPR
analysis and identify the extent of any electrical hazards.
Typically, items reported in a GPR study will include the following: the square
footage, size, and layout of the proposed grounding grid; RTG of the proposed
grounding system; the estimated fault current that would flow into the grounding
system; GPR (in volts) at the site; 300-V peak line; the X/R ratio; and the fault
clearing time in seconds. Touch and step voltages are usually computed as well,
as these are the primary indicators of safety.
Site Drawings. The proposed site drawings should show the layout of the
high-voltage tower or substation and any additional construction for new
equipment that may be occurring on the site, including fencing and gate radius.
Incoming power and Telco runs should also be included. In the case of high-
voltage towers, the height and spacing of the conductors carried on the tower
and any overhead ground wires that may be installed on the tower need to be
detailed during the survey. This information is needed to properly address all the
touch and step voltage concerns that may occur on the site.
This information is important, as high-voltage towers have small ground area, yet
handle very large amounts of electricity. Knowing whether a tower has an
overhead ground wire is important, because the overhead wire will carry away a
percentage of the current, which will depend on the overhead ground wire type
and ground resistances of adjacent towers, to other towers in the run, reducing
the GPR event. Additionally, towers with overhead ground wires tend to have
shorter clearing times. The same holds for substations: overhead ground wires on
transmission lines and neutral wires on distribution lines can significantly reduce
the magnitude of fault current that flows into the substation grounding system
during fault conditions.
The following information is required from the utility company:
3. Line voltage
As-built drawings are often acquired and are useful for towers with existing
grounding systems. They are also useful in the case of modifications and
upgrades to existing substations, which will have extensive grounding systems
already installed.
Substations are always considered workplaces, and step and touch potentials
(voltages) must always be eliminated. Transmission and distribution towers or
poles are not always considered workplaces and therefore are often exempt from
these requirements. Take, for example, a lonely tower on a mountainside or in
the middle of the desert: these towers are not typically considered workplaces.
However, any high-voltage tower or pole becomes a workplace as soon as
equipment is installed that is not related to the electric utility company and
requires outside vendors to support the new equipment. Cellular
telecommunications, environmental monitoring, and microwave relay equipment
are good examples of equipment that, when installed on a high-voltage tower,
turns the tower into a workplace. This would make the elimination of step and
touch potentials required.
The subtransient X/R ratio at the site of the fault is important in calculating the
acceptable fibrillation current and determining the maximum allowable step and
touch potentials that can occur at any given site.
2. The actual voltages that will be experienced at the site during a fault
Each site will have different levels of voltage for both of the above. Unfortunately,
we cannot simply say that a human being can withstand a certain level of current
or voltage and use that value all the time, because the maximum safe human
voltage threshold is determined by the surface layer resistivity, the fault duration,
and the subtransient X/R ratio. Additionally, as each site has different fault
durations and different soil conditions, it is critical that calculations be made for
each and every possible fault location.
Step Potential. When a fault occurs at a tower or substation, the current will
enter the earth. Based on the distribution of varying resistivities in the soil
(typically, a horizontally layered soil is assumed), a corresponding voltage
distribution will occur. The voltage drop in the soil surrounding the grounding
system can present hazards for personnel standing in the vicinity of the
grounding system. Personnel "stepping" in the direction of the voltage gradient
could be subjected to hazardous voltages (see Fig. 2.21).
In the case of step potentials, electricity will flow if a difference in potential exists
between the two legs of a person. Calculations must be performed that determine
how great the tolerable step potentials are and then compare those results with
the step voltages expected to occur at the site.
Hazardous step potentials can occur a significant distance away from any given
site. The more current that is pumped into the ground, the greater the hazard.
Soil resistivity and layering plays a major role in how hazardous a fault occurring
on a specific site may be. Low-over-high soil models tends to increase step
potentials at farther distances from the ground-fault location. While high-over-low
soil models tend to increase step potentials when in close proximity to the
ground-fault location.
In other words, a high-resistivity top layer and low-resistivity bottom layer tends
to result in the highest step voltages when personnel are in close proximity to the
source of the ground fault: the low-resistivity bottom layer draws more current
out of the electrode through the high-resistivity layer, resulting in large voltage
drops near the electrode.
When personnel are standing farther from the source of the ground fault, the
worst-case scenario occurs when the soil has conductive top layers and resistive
bottom layers: in this case, the fault current remains in the conductive top layer
for much greater distances going away from the electrode.
Fault clearing time is an important factor to consider as well. The more time it
takes the electric utility company to clear the fault, the more likely it is for a
given level of current to cause the human heart to fibrillate.
Engineering standards use a 1-m (3.28-ft) reach distance for calculating touch
potentials. Please note that meters are used instead of feet in this rule as the
standards are metric based. A 2-m (6.54-ft) reach distance is used when two or
more objects are inside the GPR event area. For example, a person could have
both arms stretched out and be touching two objects at once, such as a tower leg
and a metal cabinet. Occasionally, engineers will use a 3-m distance to be
particularly cautious, as they assume someone may be using a power tool with a
power cord 3 m in length.
The selection of where to place the reference points used in the touch potential
calculations are critical in getting an accurate understanding of the level of
hazard at a given site. The actual calculation of touch potentials uses a specified
object (such as a tower leg) as the first reference point. This means that the
farther away from the tower the other reference point is located, the greater the
difference in potential. If you can imagine a person with incredibly long arms
touching the tower leg and yet standing many dozens of feet away, you would
have a huge difference in potential between that person's feet and the tower.
Obviously, this example is not possible: this is why setting where and how far
away the reference points used in the touch calculation is so important and why
the 1-m rule has been established.
Reduce the Resistance to Ground Reducing the RTG of the site is often the
best way to reduce the negative effects of any GPR event, where practical. The
GPR is the product of the fault current flowing into the grounding system times
the RTG of the grounding system; in essence, Ohm's law. Thus, reducing the RTG
will reduce the GPR to the degree that the fault current flowing into the grounding
system does increase in response to the reduced RTG. For example, if the fault
current for a high-voltage tower is 5000 A and the RTG of the grounding system is
10 Ω, the GPR will be 50,000 V. If we reduce the RTG of the grounding system
down to 5 Ω, and the fault current increases to 7000 A as a result, then the GPR
will become 35,000 V.
As seen in the example above, the reduction of the RTG can have the effect of
allowing more current to flow into the earth at the site of the fault, but will always
result in lower GPR values and touch and step voltages at the fault location. On
the other hand, farther away from the fault location, at adjacent facilities not
connected to the faulted structure, the increase in current into the earth will
result in greater current flow near these adjacent facilities and therefore an
increase in the GPR, touch voltages, and step voltages at these facilities. Of
course, if these are low to begin with, an increase may not present a problem,
but there are cases in which a concern may exist. Reducing the RTG can be
achieved by any number of means, as discussed earlier in this chapter.
Another technique used in mitigating step and touch potential hazards is the
addition of more resistive surface layers. Often a layer of crushed rock is added
to a tower or substation to provide a layer of insulation between personnel and
the earth. This layer reduces the amount of current that can flow through a given
person and into the earth. Weed control is another important factor, as plants
become energized during a fault and can conduct hazardous voltages into a
person. Asphalt is an excellent alternative, as it is far more resistive than crushed
rock, and weed growth is not a problem. The addition of resistive surface layers
always improves personnel safety during a GPR event. Please review the previous
sections on step and touch potentials.
IEEE Std. 80 is the IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding. It was
originally published in 1961 and has been updated three times, in 1976, 1986,
and finally in 2000. This standard is fairly difficult to understand, not only
because of the complex nature of the topic, but because the standard is trying to
accomplish two functions. First, it is trying to provide a reasonably safe
environment for personnel working in high-voltage substations. Second, it is
trying to show how to calculate and mitigate hazardous step and touch voltages.
There are a number of areas outside substations that require the mitigation of
hazardous step and touch voltages, and the IEEE Std. 80 is often listed as a
requirement for non–substation grounding standards. This has led to a lot of
confusion within the grounding industry. When cellular telephone companies
install equipment on high-voltage transmission towers, the towers must be made
safe for the cellular personnel. The only available standard for mitigating these
hazardous voltages is the IEEE Std. 80, which specifically states it is only
applicable to substations. As a result, many telephone companies ignore the
requirements of IEEE Std. 80, placing their own personnel at risk.
An excellent solution for the IEEE would be if they split Standard 80 into two
separate standards, one for the protection of personnel in substations and
another for the mitigation of hazardous step and touch voltages.
There are a number of engineering programs on the market that can be useful in
designing safe workplaces in high-voltage environments. These programs
generally fall into one of two categories: those that provide a general analysis of
the hazards, and those that provide an accurate, detailed analysis. The
differences between these two may sound small, but in reality they are quite
important. The general analysis programs usually result in overinstallation in
grounding in areas that do not need it, and underinstallation in grounding in
areas that do need it. The reason for this is that the general analysis programs do
not calculate step and touch voltages from specific objects within the computer
model, but use an average potential across the entire compound.
The computer programs that provide a detailed analysis of the step and touch
voltage hazards at a given site are typically quite expensive and require a great
deal of training to master. The simulations conducted by these systems can take
hours and hours of computing time using high-speed computers just to run a
single simulation. This is in stark contrast to the general analysis systems, which
provide near-instantaneous results on even the slowest of computers. Detailed
computer simulation programs are also capable of using soil models with three or
more layers.
A proper study of the step and touch voltage hazards found at a given site
involves a detailed drawing of all the metallic objects at the site, including
transformers, towers, switches, concrete foundations, buildings, posts, fences,
gates/doors, and any other object that could be touched by a person, along with
the grounding system. These objects must be placed in a multilayered soil model.
Most sites require soil models with three to five layers in order to accurately
model the propagation of electrical energy through the grounding system and
into the earth. Single- and two-layer models are almost always inaccurate. Single-
layer soils simply do not exist in reality, and two-layer models typically present
such a high contrast between the layers as to present calculation errors that are
nearly impossible to overcome. The general analysis computer programs are
almost always limited to two-layer soil models and often have further limitations
as to the available resistivities and depths they can calculate.
Chapter 13 of the 2000 edition of IEEE Std. 80 deals with the soil structures and
the selection of a soil model. The new edition introduced a flawed method for the
calculation of a two-layer soil structure and only briefly discusses multilayer
structures. This new method uses a uniform soil structure that claims to provide
accurate two-layer soil equivalences. In a paper titled Effects of the Changes in
IEEE Std. 80 on the Design and Analysis on Power System Grounding, by J. Ma, F.
Dawalibi, R. Southey, of Safe Engineering Services & Technologies, the authors
state that the two-layer soil structure method presented in annex E of the IEEE 80
standard is flawed. The paper shows that in some cases using the IEEE Std. 80
two-layer soil method, when the grounding grid is increased in size, the
calculated RTG increased. This is contrary to what will happen in reality, when a
grounding grid is increased in size, the RTG of the grid will decrease. In other
examples, when the soil resistivity was increased in the two-layer calculation, the
resistance of the grounding grid was calculated to decrease. Again, this is
contrary to what will occur in real life. The results presented in this paper
demonstrate that the calculations found in IEEE Std. 80 are only valid for uniform
(single-layer) models and should not be used for multilayer soil configurations.
This further demonstrates the need for detailed computer models instead of the
suggested hand calculations from annex E of Std. 80.
But even beyond the issue of being able to accurately calculate multilayer soil
models, there are still far too many variables to ever calculate by hand. There are
the formulas regarding permissible body current that must be analyzed and new
requirements for calculating the surface layer derating factor; the calculation of
foot resistances is now based on a formula with a rigorous series expression, with
each term being a surface integral; and one must also take into account the
effects of the DC offset current generated due to the asymmetrical fault current.
And these are only a few of the basics. Combining all of this data when trying to
determine the touch voltage for a 1-m reach distance at a 45° angle from a
specific transformer located at a specific location within a ground grid at a
substation on top of a three-layer soil model is nearly impossible to do by hand.
And that is just one location around a single transformer that may have dozens of
touchable locations around its perimeter! Let alone the thousands, if not
hundreds of thousands, of other locations that could be touched within the
substation that must also be analyzed.
There are a number of other issues (particularly calculating the touch voltages for
the exterior fences) that could be discussed, but by now it should be obvious that
hand calculating these variables would be a daunting task. In fact, if you were to
print out all the calculations that a detailed computer model performs, it would
look like a doctorial thesis. In short, computer modeling is the only viable and
ethical way to design a substation grounding grid. In today's computer age and
under 29 CFR 1910.269, a jury may consider hand calculations and/or general
computer modeling to be criminal negligence. Detailed computer modeling is the
only way to accurately conduct the proper IEEE Std. 80 calculations.
As there will be multiple down conductors for any given LPS, electrodes with a
lower RTG will see a proportionally larger percentage of the current. In other
words, the electrodes with a better connection to the earth will see more current
than the other electrodes, "unbalancing" the LPS. The European Lightning
Protection Standard EN 62305 (or BS EN 62305 or IEC 62305) calls for the
"balancing" of these electrodes by either supplementing each electrode until all
have the same RTG or installing a buried ground ring tying all the electrodes
together. The United States has no such requirement.
When lightning enters a conductor, huge magnetic fields are formed as the
energy passes through the conductor. These magnetic fields hold huge amounts
of inductive energy and will induce currents into nearby metallic objects,
including the same conductors (wires) they are currently traveling on. When a
conductor is routed in such manner as to enable the magnetic fields from one
part of the conductor to induce energy into another part of the same conductor
(imagine a tight bend or circle), this is called a self-induced magnetic coupling.
Self-induced magnetic couplings such as this can quickly lead to a thermal
avalanche wherein the two magnetic fields keep cross-coupling into each other,
forming a perpetually increasing energy level, thereby increasing the heat in the
conductor until it melts and burns open.
All known LPS regulatory codes have detailed instructions on how to properly
route conductors so as to prevent these self-induced magnetic couplings (and
thus prevent thermal avalanches). Not only must the straight current portion of
the lightning strike be considered (impedance of the conductors, current-carrying
capacity, etc.), but the magnetic fields that are formed and the subsequent
current that will re-enter the system upon the collapse of the magnetic fields,
must also be taken into account. Computer modeling along with good design and
diligent installation techniques will prevent an overcurrent situation on any one
given conductor at any point in the LPS, both above and below grade.
Conducting studies related to frequency spectrum and time domain can have
substantial benefits. The primary benefits include:
1. Human safety: Lightning strikes are different from standard electrical utility
faults not only in dramatic amounts of current but in the near-limitless voltage
potential and the high frequencies that will be generated. The frequency
spectrum and time domain are critical for accurately calculating the effects of a
lightning strike with regards to human safety studies involving step and touch
voltage hazards, GPR studies, and electromagnetic interference studies.
3. The frequency spectrum and time domain can be used for improving surge-
protection systems. While all sites will want broad-spectrum frequency
protection for unwanted surges and transients, the addition of specially tuned
surge protectors designed to stop the resonant frequencies determined during
the frequency spectrum study can prove especially useful for protecting vital
equipment from the impact of lightning strikes.
4. In some countries, these studies are compliance requirements for international
lightning protection codes (IEC 62305, BS EN 62305, or EN 62305) without
overengineering. These codes have strict rules that in many cases will simply
result in overdesigned LPSs for many buildings. A good frequency spectrum
and time domain study can prove the effectiveness of an LPS without adding
huge installation costs due to overengineering. Or it will at least prove the
necessity of those costs.
Step and touch voltage hazards are calculated using the strike amperage at the
point of contact, the frequency, the X/R ratio, the clearing time (i.e., time
domain), and the specific soil resistivity conditions. Only a computer simulation
can accurately model the frequency spectrum and time domain of the lightning
strike to determine the touch and step voltages that will be experienced during a
strike. Once the safety parameters (crushed rock, shoes, etc.) have been applied
to the computer model, the overvoltage hazards will appear, and standard
mitigation techniques for reducing these hazardous voltages can be applied, thus
making the site safe.
The current and voltages that are induced into the nearby utilities can cause
great damage. One of the primary concerns is the induced voltages/currents that
can form on the data and/or shield lines of communications cables, causing
damage, as these transient currents will flow through sensitive electronic
equipment on their way to earth. The neutral wires from the utility power
company can carry stray currents formed from the electromagnetic fields up and
into homes and industrial parks. Nearby gas pipelines can have their protective
coatings compromised by the stress voltages caused by the difference in
potential between the surrounding earth and the pipe.
So, in summation, all of the factors presented above need to be taken into
account when building an effective LPS, be it for a utility substation,
telecommunication site, or simply just a personal home.
U.S. Standard NFPA 780. NFPA 780 provides guidelines for how often to
place air terminals; spacing for cross- and down conductors; ground rod and loop
requirements; surge-protection requirements; and installation of protection for
trees, towers, and so on. The standard, however, has two primary shortcomings
in that it does not analyze the installed system's ability to handle an actual
lightning strike, nor does it take into consideration what the system is protecting.
In other words, NFPA 780 has the same requirements for a garage as it does for
a billion-dollar computer farm. These shortcomings, along with virtually no legal
and/or insurance industry requirements for lightning protection, has led many
facilities managers to simply take their chances and forgo protecting their
International Standard IEC 62305. We can learn a lot about lightning
protection by looking at the requirements of IEC 62305, which is significantly
more demanding than the U.S. NFPA 780 standard. Here are the basic
requirements of IEC 62305:
2. The IEC 62305 standard requires an actual assessment of the LPS to insure it is
capable of handling a lightning strike. The lightning strike calculations are far
more significant for both the time-domain parameter and the actual strike
amperages (100–200 kA), than the U.S. industry standard (often only 15 kA).
Calculations that are often required include:
a. Expected amount of current to be carried on individual conductors in DC
amps, to ensure that current carrying capacity is not exceeded.
c. Spark gap and arc-flash calculations from the LPS to adjacent conductive
d. Time domain of the lightning strike on the specific structure. This is critical
to understanding the amperage carrying capacity of the conductors. Without
an actual calculation, the IEC 62305 default time domain could force the
unnecessary installation of additional conductors.
b. The zone of protection or rolling-ball theory in the IEC standard varies the
angle required based on the risk assessment, which can impact placement
of certain types of aerials from 20-m to 60-m heights.
c. Concrete columns that are used for down conductors must be tested at a
0.2-Ω or less continuity, and rebar must be welded with 20× diameter
overlaps. These must be bonded to the floor slab.
d. Ground rings are required for all nonconductive buildings, buildings housing
electronic systems, and certain risk factors. Individual rod installations
(without ground rings) must be tested, so each electrode is at the same RTG.
e. Spark gaps between lightning conductors and other metallic objects must be
f. Incoming utility services (such as overhead power lines) and adjoining public
spaces may also be required to have protection systems installed, based on
the risk assessment.
4. The IEC 62305 has stringent requirements for annual testing and inspection of
the LPS. This, of course, goes along with mandatory maintenance
5. The IEC 62305 standard gives you three choices when it comes to selecting an
interception model; we recommend you use the rolling-sphere model (RSM),
sometimes known as the electro-geometric model. The protection angle
method and the mesh method should not be used. These are legacy methods
that have been left in the standard due to historical reasons; you will be far
better served by using the RSM.
We sincerely hope that we have provided you, the reader, with a better overall
understanding of system grounding, the benefits and features of the available
grounding electrodes, the GPR hazards of high current discharges, and the
importance of properly considering soil layering. We were also able to introduce,
albeit briefly, the importance and principles of proper soil testing, RTG testing,
meter selection, and LPS design. We are confident that with this basic knowledge,
you will be able to make the right decision when it comes to grounding choices.
Remember: "To protect what's above the ground you need to know what's in the
David R. Stockin: McGraw-Hill's National Electrical Code® 2014 Grounding and
Earthing Handbook. GROUNDING/EARTHING SYSTEMS, Chapter (McGraw-Hill
Professional, 2014), AccessEngineering
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