AECO and Post COVID by VIATechnik
AECO and Post COVID by VIATechnik
AECO and Post COVID by VIATechnik
June 16, 2020
06 Introduction
15 Appendix
Image Source - United Nations COVID-19 Response
VIATechnik AECO & The Post-COVID Environment 04
successfully across
their organizations.
VIATechnik AECO & The Post-COVID Environment
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first quar- Whether in construction or related fields like engi-
ter of 2020 has certainly presented its share of chal- neering, architecture, or real estate, many organiza-
lenges to the AECO industry. Most firms have seen tions were by and large already prepared for the crisis,
revenue declines, although few feel the situation is a thanks to their foresight in keeping their technological
threat to their business’s survival in the same way that capabilities up-to-date. What may be surprising is that
airlines, restaurants, and co-working space have. It’s more than a few have actually credited the situation
clear from survey responses and other conversations with forcing them to make additional investments
that most AECO firms made the transition to working on other nascent technology they should have made
from home almost seamlessly. Technology played a much earlier, making them better prepared for what-
huge part. Specifically technology that is deeply inte- ever the “new normal” may bring. Innovation is now
grated into productivity workflows and collaboration taking its place front and center in discussions among
had the most impact. Companies experienced with AECO professional service firms and their clients. The
collaboration software such as Box, Microsoft Teams, pandemic has been a catalyst for further change
and BIM360 allowed staff to continue their work unin- and is bringing about investments in technology,
terrupted from home offices. Connected productivity people, and process.
suites such as Revit and Procore maintained deliver-
able timelines. Construction sites kept active opera- But now is not the time for complacency, much less for
tions with 360 photo capture platforms, tablet based celebration. The large private equity firm, Texas Pacific
QA/QC systems, web-based planning tools, and AI Group’s CIO shared two charts in a recent presenta-
safety tools such as tion, one illustrating the waves of the 1918 Spanish flu
and another highlighting a “drunken walk” W-shaped
2020 2021 JULY OCT JAN APR
VIATechnik AECO & The Post-COVID Environment 07
VIATechnik AECO & The Post-COVID Environment
Anton is the co-founder and COO of VIATechnik, a con- Dan is VIATechnik’s director of Virtual Design and Con-
struction technology firm disrupting the AEC industry struction, bringing over 20 years of experience in con-
through innovative VDC consulting, implementation struction, architecture, and software development to
and education. Anton leads VIATechnik’s research and the team. He builds on VIATechnik’s mission of trans-
development studio that specializes in common data forming the analog world of design and construction
environment integration, computer vision, educational into a digital platform by drawing upon his experience
programs, and data analytics. He has spoken about and the resources of the firm. He has held various
transformations through digitization at various indus- roles in the construction industry from preconstruc-
try conferences such as Autodesk University, Stanford tion, construction technology, project management,
SPIRE, VR Days, and AEC Next. Anton graduated from and senior vice president. In those roles he’s worked
Stanford University with a degree in Management Sci- on hundreds of projects varying in size, type, delivery
ence & Engineering. Prior to founding VIATechnik, An- method, and geographic region. He has held several in-
ton worked at the global management consulting firm dustry positions including: AGC BIMForum leadership
Bain & Company in both San Francisco and Sydney ad- committee, USACE BIM contract group, ACG CM-BIM
vising clients on strategy, operations, and marketing. authoring group, and ConsensusDocs BIM Addendum
authoring committee. As regular industry speaker he
challenges legacy processes by communicating how
we can do things differently to expand profitability and
create new engines of business growth.