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Reinforced Concrete Structure

Institute of Structure Eng., DUT

Yining DING
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References (参考文献)

1. 1.Li Zhujing, Elementary Reinforced Concrete

Design,Aug.2003.(李著璟,初等钢筋混凝土结构, 第

2.Leonard Spiegel and George F.Limbrunner,

Reinforced Concrete Design (Fourth Edition),

3. 叶列平,混凝土结构 (Concrete Structure),清华大

学出版社,ISBN 7-302-11141-3.
4. 郭继武 (主编):混凝土结构与砌体结构,高等教育

5. Kong F.K. and Evans R.H.: Reinforced and

Prestressed Concrete,3rd edition, Chapman
and Hall, ISBN 0-412-37760-8.

6. Structure Concrete , Textbook on Behaviour,

Design and Performance, Updated knowledge of the
CEB/FIP Model Code 1990, Volume 1, July 1999.
7. 混凝土结构设计规范,GB 50010-2010.

8. 钢筋混凝土结构设计规范,English Version, GBJ 10-


9. EN1992-1-1:Eurocode 2,Design of concrete

structures – General rules and rules for
buildings, December 2004.

10. 公路桥涵设计通用规范,General Code for Design

of Highway Bridges and Culverts, JTG D60-2004.
for Design of Highway Reinforced Concrete and
Prestressed Concrete Bridges and Culverts, JTG

12. McINTOSH J.D.: Concrete and Statistics, 85334-

0382, London.

13. Neville A.M.: Properties of Concrete, Longman

House,1995, ISBN 0-582-23070-5.

14. 蓝 宗 建 混 凝 土 结 构 设 计 原 理 , 东 南 大 学 出 版 社 ,
15. 建筑结构荷载规范,(Load code for the design of
building structures) GB 50009-2001, 2002-03-01.
主要内容 (Main contents)

Chapter 1 Introduction (简介2h)

Chapter 2 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

(材料的力学性能 8h)

Chapter 3 Limit State Design(4h)

Chapter 4 Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams

Chapter 5 Diagonal Section Strength under

Flexure (6h 6-8h)

Chapter 6 Torsion Members (4h,4h)

Chapter 7 Compression Members - Columns

Chapter 8 Tension Members (2h 2-4h)

Chapter 9 Limit State of Serviceability

Chapter 10 Prestressed Concrete (12h)

The calculation of the beam deflection [9]
The calculation of the beam deflection

As the moment in a beam vary along the beam length [1], it follows that
even if the section and reinforcement are constant along the beam, the
section stiffness can vary with the moment along the beam.

In order to avoid the complexity in the deflection

calculation, the GB Code specifies that for the
member under the moment of the same sign, the
stiffness B calculated for the section under the
maximum moment in that member is taken as the
uniform stiffness of that member, namely the
“minimum stiffness principle - Bmin”.
The calculation of the beam deflection

As the moment in a beam vary along

the beam length [1], the section
stiffness may vary also with the
moment along the beam.

What is the difference between EI and B???

The calculation of the beam deflection

What is the difference between EI and B???

The section stiffness B of a RC-member differs from the EI of an

elastic single homogenous material member in that, while EI is an
inherent property of the member and is independent on the load,
B varies with the load through the quasi-permanency reducing
coefficient of life load ψq [1].
The calculation of the beam deflection

Example 9-1 (10-4-1[1]): a simply supported rectangular beam (250 mm x

500mm) with a span length of 6 m. The concrete class: C20; the reinforcement: 3
 22 tension steel, and 3  20 compression steel. The effective depth h0 = 464
mm. The uniform dead load on the beam is gk = 6 kN/m. The uniformly
distributed live load qk = 12 kN/m with a permanency coefficient ψq = 0.5.

Checking the maximum deflection!


Step 1) Data and factors

From Table A2, C20 concrete ftk = 1.54 N/mm2, Ec = 2.55 x104
From Table A7, Steel class II, Es = 2 x105 N/mm2.
From Table A13, Steel area As = 1140 mm2, A’s= 941 mm2,
ρ = As /bh0 = 1140/(250x464) = 0.982%;
ρte = As /Ate = 1140/(250x500/2) = 1.824%;
ρ’ = A’s /bh0 = 941/(250x464) = 0.811%
E = Es/ Ec = 200000/25500 = 7.83
Eρ= 7.83x0.982% = 0.0771.
Step 2) Calculation of the maximum Moment
Maximum moment under short-term load
Mk= (gk + qk)l02/8 = (6 + 12)x62/8 = 81 (kNm)

Maximum moment under long-term load

Mq= (gk +ψq qk)l02/8 = (6 +0.5x12)x62/8 = 54 (kNm)
Step 3) Calculation of the steel stress at the cracked section and
the coefficient ψ.

σsk = Mk/0.87Ash0
= 81x106/(0.87x1140x464)
= 176.1 (N/mm2)

ψ = 1.1 – 0.65ftk/(σskρte)
= 1.1 – 0.65x1.54/(176.1x0.0182)
= 0.788 (0.2  1.0)
Step 4) the short-term section stiffness Bs and the short-term
deflection at mid-span

The section stiffness Bs can be calculated as

E s As h02
Bs 
1.15  0.2  =(2x10
6 E  5x1140x4642)/(1.15x0.788 +0.2 +6x0.0771)

Bs = 31289.8 kNm2

The short-term
deflection at mid-span
5 M k l0
f 
48 Bs
= (5/48)(81x62)/ 31289.8= 9.7 mm  l0/250 = 24 mm
Step 5) the long-term section stiffness Bl and the long-term
deflection at mid-span

According to GB Code, the long-term stiffness reducing coefficient

 is found by interpolation:

 = 2 – 0.4ρ’ /ρ
= 2 – 0.4x0.811%/0.98%
= 1.67
(if ρ’ = 0,  = 2.0!!).
The long-term section stiffness can be calculated as
Bl  Bs
M k  (  1) M q

= (81x31289.8)/[81+(1.67-1)54]
= 21628.9 kNm2
The long-term deflection can be expressed as

5 M k l 02
fl 
48 Bl
= (5/48)(81x62)/ 21628.9
= 14 mm  l0/250 = 24 mm
Limit State of Serviceability σs Steel

Definition of crack width w l

Crack occurs whenever the principle tensile strain from loads or restraint
forces would exceed the ultimate tensile strain of concrete. Due to the
formation of cracks, the compatibility of deformations between steel and
concrete is not maintained. The accumulation of strain differences
produces relative displacement (slip). The crack width at the steel is
provided by the sum of the two slip values reaching the crack from either
sides [6].

d d s
4 dx
Limit State of Serviceability

Crack width control

Cracks are unavoidable in concrete structures. Cracks may be classified as
cracks already formed in fresh concrete (early cracking) or in the
hardened concrete. Cracks may be induced by loads or by imposed
deformations [6].

What does “Crack control” mean ??

Crack control means to keep crack widths below

acceptable limits [6].
Crack control/Crack width control

Micro-cracks: Cracks which are developed only around the

reinforcing bars, but not appearing on the concrete surface are
often called micro-cracks [6]. Size and orientation of micro-cracks
depend on the load level, rib pattern of steel and produced slip.
Micro-crack is the headstream of macro-crack.
Crack control/Crack width control

Cracks: Cracks appearing on the concrete surface are generally

referred to as Cracks and should be controlled by reinforcement
[6], the shape and width of cracks are influenced by the
Crack control/Crack width control

Crack width is slightly smaller at the level of reinforcing bars

than below or above [6]. It is an evidence of the bond effect.
Crack control/Crack width control

Cracks formed transverse or parallel to the main

reinforcement, and cracks transverse to the main
reinforcement are our main concern herein [6].
Cracks parallel to the axis of reinforcing bar are
called splitting cracks caused by the radial
component of the bond stresses leading to splitting
of the concrete cover.
There are three relevant contents
regarding crack:

1. Cracking formation, distribution and mechanism;

2. Crack width

3. Crack spacing
Crack control/Crack formation

1) Causes and types of cracks

1.1) Early cracks and cracks induced

by imposed deformations

Cracks may already form soon after casting, due to the

settlement of plastic concrete. During hardening, hydration heat
produces temperature differences between internal and external
portions and is to cause cracking in thick elements [6].

Early cracks and cracks induced by imposed deformations

After hardening, besides the dead load and the live load,
restraint forces in the statically indeterminate structures
produced by different settlement of foundations or by different
temperatures of the top and bottom faces of the element may
cause cracking [6].
Crack control

1.2) Cracks induced by loads

Pure tension produces cracks with almost parallel sides

over the whole section (p.77-[6]).
Crack control

1.2) Cracks induced by loads

Flexural cracks start at the tension face and stop before reaching
the NA. If a high amount of reinforcement is placed into the
tensile flange, the cracks may be more distributed in the flange
than in the web.
Crack control

1.2) Cracks induced by loads

Shear cracks follow the inclined trajectories in the zone of high

shear forces (p.77-[6]).
Crack control (1.2 Cracks induced by loads)

Torque produces helical cracks (p.77-[6]).

(2) Reasons for crack control, limits for crack widths

Crack control is required: (p.77-[6])

a) First of all for aesthetic reasons. Limits are needed so

that the structure appearance is not impaired nor is alarm
created. A crack width more than 0.25 mm is likely to
create concern;
(2) Reasons for crack control, limits for crack widths

Limit values of crack width (different for reinforced and for

prestressed members) are often expressed as a function of the
exposure condition of the element. The more severe is the
exposure condition, the lower the crack width limit (p.77-[6]).

For RC member wlim = 0.3 mm may be assumed for exposure

classes 2 to 4 under the quasi permanent combination of
actions with respect to both appearance and durability if water
tightness is not required.
(2) Reasons for crack control, limits for crack widths

There are two reasons to provide a minimum amount of

reinforcement in concrete members:

1) To ensure enough ductility for avoiding brittle failure of the

member by the appearance of the first crack. (In prestressed
members or RC members subjected to compressive normal
force, the minimum amount of reinforcement may be
reduced below that necessary for ordinary RC members).
Cracking is a sudden energy release when the crack quickly
runs up almost to the NA where the concrete tensile strength
is reached.
(2) Reasons for crack control, limits for crack widths

There are two reasons to provide a minimum amount of

reinforcement in concrete members:

2) To ensure enough durability by distributing possible cracks

from effects that were not considered by the analysis (such
effects can be: different temperatures, shrinkage of concrete
or different settlements, etc.)
(3) Definition of crack width
As mentioned, the accumulation of strain differences produces relative
displacement (slip). The crack width at the steel is provided by the sum of
the two slip values reaching the crack from either sides [6].

Nevertheless, a rigorous formulation of the crack width (w) is to be

based on the integration of the actual steel strain (εsx) and concrete
strain (εcx) differences over the crack spacing Sr to obtain the two slip
values (S1 and S2) (p.79- [6]):

w  (
(sr )
sx   cx )dx  s1  s2 (4.3-1)

sr: distance between cracks [6]. σs Steel

Fig. shows two cracks at a

spacing l [1]. w l
(3) Definition of crack width

In absence of bond stresses (otherwise if they are neglected), the

crack width could be simply determined by the integral of constant
steel strains between cracks (p.79- [6]):

w = srσs/Es

Eq.(4.3-1) w   (
(sr )
sx   cx )dx  s1  s2

indicates that the crack width is

calculated at the level of the
reinforcement and it should be
compared to the measurement at the
same level.
Crack control/Crack formation

In this chapter, the discussion of the cracking is given together

with possibilities to crack control basically for cracks transverse to
the main reinforcement and induced by loads.

Early cracks and cracks induced by imposed deformations are not dealt
with here [6].
Crack control/Crack formation

Due to the formation of cracks, the

compatibility of deformation between steel and
concrete is not maintained. The accumulation
of strain differences produces relative
displacement (slip).

1) Pulled cracks
2) Slipped cracks
3) Inclined cracks on
the rib top
4) Crushed concrete
5) Sliding plane
Bond between concrete and steel [1,3]

d d s
4 dx

1) The stress difference dσs produces the bond stress τ [1, 3].
2) Without bond stress, the stress difference dσs can not exist.
3) Unless the bond strength between concrete and steel is adequate
to provide this required bond stress, the rebar will slip in the
concrete and the two materials will no longer act together [1].

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