Proposed 3-Storey Commercial Building in Antipolo Hvac Design
Proposed 3-Storey Commercial Building in Antipolo Hvac Design
Proposed 3-Storey Commercial Building in Antipolo Hvac Design
This study sought to create the design and the process of coming up with the optimal
configuration of the mechanical system which ensures a healthy and comfortable indoor
apartments or vehicle. It is deigned in a significant manner that regulates the temperature and
provide an acceptable heating and cooling comfort. Thus, the group aims to provide thermal
comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. Maintain the circulation of air within the building.
Lastly would be, the removal of heat, through radiation, convection, or conduction
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is the name given to the profession
and process of determining the heating, cooling, and air changes required to produce a suitable
environment for the people and processes contained within that environment. Environments and
processes all operate best within specified limits of temperature and humidity and this is the
discipline that determines the best means of accomplishing this work. It is necessary to
determine the size of the equipment to move air (in most cases) to provide a safe and healthy
environment to the inhabitants inside and to ensure that every area meets these minimum
requirements. To accomplish these, many questions are needed to be asked and answered so that
want to solve, the objectives of the project, the project scope and delimitations, the conceptual
framework that will show the concept of the prototype and the proponents’ solution to the said
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is the technology of indoor and
vehicular environmental comfort. Its goal is to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air
HVAC is an important part of residential structures such as single family homes, apartment
buildings, hotels and senior living facilities, medium to large industrial and office buildings such
as skyscrapers and hospitals, vehicles such as cars, trains, airplanes, ships and submarines, and in
marine environments, where safe and healthy building conditions are regulated with respect to
Ventilating or ventilation (the V in HVAC) is the process of exchanging or replacing air in any
space to provide high indoor air quality which involves temperature control, oxygen
replenishment, and removal of moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, carbon
dioxide, and other gases. Ventilation removes unpleasant smells and excessive moisture,
introduces outside air, keeps interior building air circulating, and prevents stagnation of the
interior air.
Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to the outside as well as circulation of air within the
building. It is one of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in
buildings. Methods for ventilating a building may be divided into mechanical/forced and natural
In most cases, the cause of malfunctions are relatively simple issues. But for those
untrained in HVAC maintenance, the malfunctions are not always easy to diagnose. If an air-
conditioning unit has been showing signs of water damage or fails to ventilate certain areas on
your property, then it could be worth investigating a little further before calling for a
replacement. More often than not, there is a simple solution to the problem and your HVAC
system will be back to its working best in no time at all. Often, building maintenance teams will
be called in to deal with overflowing ducts and drain pans. The drain pan is designed to deal with
surplus water but can quickly become overwhelmed if humidity levels rapidly increased. In most
scenarios, this is caused by the melting ice from frozen component parts. When your HVAC
system is shut down during periods of inactivity, the ice melts and begins to flow out of the unit.
Definition of term
HVAC- heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The goal of HVAC design is to balance indoor
environmental comfort with other factors such as installation cost, ease of maintenance, and
energy efficiency.
AIR CHANGES PER HOUR- The hourly ventilation rate divided by the volume of a space. For
perfectly mixed air or laminar flow spaces, this is equal to the number of times per hour that the
volume the space is exchanged by mechanical and natural ventilation. Also called air change rate
heat from an area. Usually this term is reserved for smaller self-contained units such as a
residential system.
AIR HANDLING UNIT- A central unit consisting of a blower, heating and cooling elements,
filter racks or chamber, dampers, humidifier, and other central equipment in direct contact with
the airflow.
BRITISH THERMAL UNIT (BTU)- Any of several units of energy (heat) in the HVAC
industry, each slightly more than 1 kJ. One BTU is the energy required to raise one pound of
water one-degree Fahrenheit, but the many different types of BTU are based on different
interpretations of this “definition”. In the United States the power of HVAC systems (the rate of
cooling and dehumidifying or heating) is sometimes expressed in BTU/hour instead of watts.
CENTRIFUGAL FAN- A centrifugal fan is a mechanical device for moving air or other gases.
CHILLER -A device that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle. This cooled liquid flows through pipes in a building and passes through coils
in air handlers, fan-coil units, or other systems, cooling and usually dehumidifying the air in the
building. Chillers are of two types; air-cooled or water-cooled. Air-cooled chillers are usually
outside and consist of condenser coils cooled by fan-driven air. Water-cooled chillers are usually
inside a building, and heat from these chillers is carried by recirculating water to a heat sink such
COIL -Equipment that performs heat transfer to air when mounted inside an air handling unit or
ductwork. It is heated or cooled by electrical means or by circulating liquid or steam within it.
CONDENSER -A component in the basic refrigeration cycle that ejects or removes heat from the
system. The condenser is the hot side of an air conditioner or heat pump. Condensers are heat
exchangers, and can transfer heat to air or to an intermediate fluid such as water or an aqueous
solution of ethylene glycol to carry heat to a distant sink, such as ground (earth sink), a body of
CONSTANT AIR VOLUME- A system designed to provide a constant air flow. This term is
applied to HVAC systems that have variable supply-air temperature but constant air flow rates.
Most residential forced-air systems are small CAV systems with on/off control. Abbreviated
CONTROLLER- A device that controls the operation of part or all of a system. It may simply
turn a device on and off, or it may more subtly modulate the set point of components. Most
controllers are automatic but have user input such as temperature set points, e.g. a thermostat.
DAMPER- A plate or gate placed in a duct to control air flow by increasing friction in the duct.
DEEP LAKE WATER COOLING- The heat is rejected onto deep lake regions to cool homes
DEHUMIDIFIER -A dehumidifier is the equipment that extracts and removes humidity from the
air. It works by cooling air to the point where water turns to liquid from vapor form and then the
liquid is removed.
DIFFUSER- A diffuser is placed over ductwork, and it separates air with vanes going in
freely exposed to the air while it is shielded from radiation and moisture. It is usually thought of
intensity independently of humidity and a dry bulb thermometer is used to measure it.
DRY BULB THERMOMETER- A dry bulb thermometer is a device that measures air
energy of the dry air and heat energy of the water vapor within it). It is typically used to
determine the amount of fresh outside air that can be added to recirculated air for the lowest
cooling cost.
EVAPOARTOR- A component in the basic refrigeration cycle that absorbs or adds heat to the
system. Evaporators can be used to absorb heat from air or from a liquid. The evaporator is the
EXPANSION VALVE- An expansion valve is a piece of equipment that meters the flow of
liquid refrigerant into the evaporator while measuring the vapor refrigerant leaving the
FAN COIL UNIT- A small terminal unit that is often composed of only a blower and a heating
and/or cooling coil, as is often used in hotels, condominiums, or apartments. Abbreviated FCU.
HEATING COIL- A heating coil is the part of the system that conducts heat. It allows electricity
to act as fire.
HEAT EXCHANGER- A heat exchanger is the part of the system that transfers heat from the hot
parts of the machine or a system to the cold parts of the machine or system.
HEAT GAIN, HEAT LOSS AND HEAT LOAD- Terms for the amount of cooling (heat gain) or
heating (heat loss) needed to maintain desired temperatures and humidity in controlled air.
Regardless of how well-insulated and sealed a building is, buildings gain heat from sunlight,
conduction through the walls, and internal heat sources such as people and electrical equipment.
Buildings lose heat through conduction during cold weather. Engineers use heat load calculations
HEAT PUMP- A heat pump is a compressor that cycles hot or cold air. It is a device that is
designed to move thermal energy in the opposite direction of heat flow by absorbing heat from a
HEAT TRANSFER- Heat transfer happens when heat moves from one area to another. It is an
MINIMUM OUTSIDE AIR- The lowest amount of fresh air flow that can be allowed into a
recirculating system. This limit is set to ensure that the interior air remains safe and comfortable
to breathe.
OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER- An automatic louver or damper that controls the fresh air flow into
OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE- A measure of the air temperature outside a building. The
temperature and humidity of air inside and outside the building are used in enthalpy calculations
to determine when outside air can be used for free heating or cooling. Abbreviated OAT.
PSYCHROMETRIC- The study of the behavior of air-water vapor mixtures. Water vapor plays
RADIANT CEILING PANELS- Usually metal panels suspended under the ceiling, insulated
from the building structure. The primary cooling/heating agent temperature is close to the room's
RADIANT FLOOR- A type of radiant heating system where the building floor contains channels
or tubes through which hot fluids such as air or water are circulated. The whole floor is evenly
heated. Thus, the room is heated from the bottom up. Radiant floor heating eliminates the draft
RADIATION- The transfer of heat directly from one surface to another (without heating the
SPLIT SYSTEM- A split system is the combination of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. This is
SUPERHEAT- The number of degrees a vapor is above its boiling point at a specific pressure.
SUBCOOLING- The condition where liquid refrigerant is colder than the minimum temperature
required to keep it from boiling which would change it from a liquid to a gas phase. Subcooling
is the difference between its saturation temperature and the actual liquid refrigerant temperature.
SYSTEM- General term used to refer to the set or a subset of components that perform a specific
TERMINAL UNIT- A small component that contains a heating coil, cooling coil, automatic
damper, or some combination of the three. Used to control the temperature of a single room.
Abbreviated TU.
system. It can be used to set the desired temperature at which it keeps the environment either
heated or cooled.
TXV (THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE)- A thermostatic expansion valve is a piece of
equipment that meters the flow of liquid refrigerant into the evaporator while measuring the
vapor refrigerant leaving the evaporator. It thereby controls the superheating at the outlet of the
VARIABLE AIR VOLUME- An HVAC system that has a stable supply-air temperature and
varies the air flow rate to meet the temperature requirements. Compared to constant air volume
systems, these systems conserve energy through lower fan speeds during times of lower
temperature control demand. Most new commercial buildings have VAV systems. VAVs may be
bypass type or pressure dependent. Pressure dependent type VAVs save energy while both types
ZONING SYSTEM- A zoning system sections a building or a space into zones which are
controlled independently of each other. This is beneficial when different areas or rooms of a
building have different temperatures as well as when the desired temperatures in different rooms
Your HVAC system is probably the most used, and hardest working appliance in your
residence or business. It is the silent partner that keeps you, your family, pets and employees
comfortable. It is fair to say that the purpose of an HVAC system is creating an ambient
temperature, and therefore a comfortable environment where people can relax, yet also be
Its primary function is to move heat around and cool air to the degree people require. It
sounds simple but achieving this is quite complicated and dependent on a detailed system of
components. A furnace pushes heat through a space, while the air conditioner removes the heat.
The air is distributed throughout different rooms normally by a system of ducts and the
thermostat regulates the temperature. Fans, filters, return air inlets, supply air outlets and heat
exchangers play a large part in all of this as well.
The importance of the heat load calculations can be understood from the fact that right
from the designing of the building itself, the HVAC designer works closely with the building
architect to making recommendations for the locations of the various air-conditioning systems of
suitable sizes. Before the actual construction of the building, the architect must design the
building and with them the HVAC designer contributes important recommendations that will
affect the building design significantly.
Load calculations will check several specific areas to find the right sized system including:
Verify the total square footage of the property,
Count how many windows, doors and entry ways there are for a property
Check the insulation; not only the location but what type of materials, how it’s installed
and even the density of the insulation used
How many floors a home has and how much living space vs. attic space is available, what
landscaping is outside of the home that can block sun from entering the house
Principles of cooling load
The total building cooling load consists of heat transferred through the building envelope
(walls, roof, floor, windows, doors etc.) and heat generated by occupants, equipment, and lights.
The load due to heat transfer through the envelope is called as external load, while all other loads
are called as internal loads. The percentage of external versus internal load varies with building
type, site climate, and building design. The total cooling load in HVAC on any building consists
of both sensible as well as latent load components. The sensible load affects the dry bulb
temperature, while the latent load affects the moisture content of the conditioned space.
In air-conditioning design, four-related heat flow rates, each of which varies with time,
must be differentiated into Space heat gain, how much energy is entering the space; Space
cooling load, how much energy must be removed from the space to maintain the desired
temperature and relative humidity of a system; Specific heat extraction, how much energy is the
HVAC removing from the space and; Cooling load, how much energy is removed by the cooling
coil serving various spaces plus any loads external to the spaces such as duct heat gain, duct
leakages, fan heat and outdoor makeup air.
Space Heat Gain
This immediate rate of heat gain is the rate at which heat enters and/or is generated within
the area. The way it enters the space from walls, doors, ceilings, floors, occupants, lights and
projector room is a result of heat gain.
COOLING- The indoor design temperature for comfort cooling will be 15degrees F (8 degrees
C) less than the 1.0 percent outdoor design temperature but will not be lower than 75 degrees F
(24 degrees C) nor higher than 78 degrees F (26degrees C). The indoor design specific humidity
will not exceed the outdoor design specific humidity; otherwise, the indoor design relative
humidity will be 50 percent. The indoor design temperature provided by evaporative cooling or
comfort mechanical ventilation will be 80 degrees F (27 degrees C); the above requirements for
specific humidity do not apply where evaporative cooling is used.
HEATING- The indoor design temperature for comfort heating will be 68degrees F (20 degrees
C) in areas with low levels of physical activity and 55 degrees F (13 degrees C) in areas with
moderate to high levels of physical activity. The indoor design temperature for freeze protection
will be 40 degrees F (4 degrees C). Where the indoor relative humidity is expected to fall below
20 percent for extended periods, humidification may be added to increase the indoor relative
humidity to 30 percent.
INFILTRATION- Design air distribution systems for central HVAC systems to maintain a
slightly positive pressure within the area served in order to reduce or eliminate infiltration unless
there is a valid need to maintain a negative pressure in that area.
INDOOR AIR QUALITY (IAQ)- Ventilation for acceptable IAQ will be in accordance with
ASHRAE Standard 62.1. Successful application of IAQ principles and criteria plays a role with
regards to HVAC systems in ensuring occupant comfort and health. Good IAQ design practice
increases worker productivity.
Outdoor design condition
Location of mechanical equipment such as Chillers, Air Handling Units, and Pumps etc.
is quite critical, particularly, where low noise criteria is a key requirement. It is advisable to have
the AC plant room and the air handling unit room in a separate area, which is structurally
isolated from the Theater or Auditorium. The locational constraints sometimes force us to accept
an air handling unit room within the same structure as that of the Auditorium and sometimes
very near the Auditorium. It is essential to ensure, that in such installations, the air handling unit
(AHU) is mounted on correctly selected vibration isolators and the chilled water pipe is provided
with a flexible connection to avoid transmission of vibrations to the structure.
We will deal with this topic of ‘Noise’ and ‘Noise Control’ in detail, since this is one of
the most critical parameters in such applications. The major sources of noise in any air
conditioning system are.
Deflectors such as vanes, fins, etc. used to deflect air for even distribution of the same
throughout the airconditioned space leads to some generation of noise. The greater the
deflection, higher is the noise level produced.
The proposed building will be a 3-storey commercial building. The whole building will
be fully enclosed and will be fully air conditions to maximize the cooling capacity of our air
handling unit. The material that will be used are of that high-quality materials that are very
expensive and would last a long time. Special materials were used to maximize the strength and
the quality of the building. Additionally, restroom is also fully air condition for the luxurious feel
of our building.
load. These are load factors due to the external elements that affects the desired outcome of the
design. When it comes to the designing of a fully air-conditioned 3-storey commercial building,
these are the following external load factors that should be considered;
LMTD = logarithmic average of the temperature difference between the hot and cold
Q= AULMTD−North wall
Q=10623.9 ft 2 × 0.63× ( 95−74 ) ° F=140554.33
Q= AULMTD−South wall
Q=1 4078.91 ft 2 × 0.63× ( 95−74 ) ° F=186264
Q= AULMTD−West wall
Q=1 1216.84 ft 2 × 0.63× ( 95−74 ) ° F=148399
Q= AULMTD−South wall
Q=1 1035 ft 2 ×0.63 × ( 95−74 ) ° F=149565.15
Total wallheat gains=624783
Q= AULMTD−Roofdeck
Q=41611 ft 2 ×0.63 × ( 95−74 ) ° F=550514
Heat Gain from Windows
North=4973 ft 2
South=1518 ft 2
West=1088 ft 2
East =1270 ft 2
Q= AULMTD−North Exterior Windows
Q=(4973 ft 2)(1.07) ( 95−74 ) ° F=111743
Q=(1518 ft 2 )(1.07) ( 95−74 ) ° F=34109.5
Q=(1270 ft 2 )(1.07) ( 95−74 ) ° F=28536.9
Total windows heat gains=198836.8
The next component of the space cooling load is the heat that originates within the space.
Typical sources of internal heat gain are people, lights, cooking processes, and other heat-
generating equipment, such as motors, appliances, and office equipment. While all these sources
contribute sensible heat to the space, people, cooking processes, and some appliances (such as a
Q S =Q S +Q L
Area Floor=41611 ft 2
1 m2=10.76 ft 2
5 m 2 / person=54 ft 2 / person
ft 2
124833 =2312 persons
54 ft 2
Q S =(2312)(250 )
Q S =578000
Q L=(2312)( 200 )
Q L=462400
Total heat gains ¿ people=1,040,400
LPP2 37200
LPP1 19900
PP2 27350
PP1 34036
MC 561610
LPPRD 50400
LPPFD 29790
DPM-E 420344
Total 1880267
Q=(1504214 Watts)(3.41 )(1.2)
Outdoor air is often used to dilute or remove contaminants from the indoor air. The
intentional introduction of outdoor air into a space, using the building’s HVAC system, is called
ventilation. This outdoor air must often be cooled and dehumidified before it can be delivered to
Ventilation Air
Sensible Heat
Q S =393271 BTU / HR
Latent Heat
Q L=0.7Q ( HR o−HR i)
Q L=330154 BTU / HR
Total heat gains ¿ Air Ventilation=723425
Air infiltration is the unintentional and uncontrolled entry of outdoor air into an enclosed
space. Infiltration occurs through cracks and unintentional gaps in the building envelope and due
to pressure differences between inside and outside. The outdoor air entering through open doors
and windows is considered infiltration. Air infiltration not only adds to the quantity of air
entering the building but may also change the intended air flow pattern to the loss of overall
indoor air quality and comfort. Although the degree of air infiltration can be considerable,
designers frequently overlook this problem. The consequences are substandard performance,
OASH=0.0204(cmm) (∆𝑇)
Outdoor condition
T out= 34°C
Rh out=67°C
Indoor Conditions
T in=24°C
Rh in=50%
ʷout=0.02270 kg/kg
ʷin=0.00930 kg/kg
Revolving Doors - - - 34 25
Panels Open
DOORS CRACKS: Unused doors
TIR=4.1926 + 18.8512
Supply and/or return fans that circulate or supply air to the space add heat to the space or system
depending on the location relative to the conditioned space. The heat added may take one or all
Instantaneous temperature rises in the air stream due to fan drive inefficiency.
Temperature rise in the air stream when the air is brought to static equilibrium and the
The location of the fan and motor relative to the cooling coil and space being conditioned
determines how the heat is added to the system. If the fan is downstream of the cooling coil
(draw-thru) then the fan heat load is added to the space cooling load. If the fan is upstream of the
cooling coil, then the fan heat load is added to the system cooling coil load.
Eff1 = 91.8%
Eff2 = 90.0%
The industrial and commercial applications use various equipment’s such as fans, pumps,
machine tools, elevators, escalators and other machinery, which add significantly to the heat
P = 15 HP
Eff = 90.5%
FUM = 1.0
FLM = 1.0
Eff = 86.7%
FUM = 1.0
FLM = 1.0
Q = 2545 * [5/0.867 - 5] * 1 * 1
Q = 3078.877329 BTU / HR
Q wall 624783
Q roof 550514
Q window 198836.8
Q occupancy 1040400
Q infiltration 86365.783653
In the domestic and industrial air conditioning applications, some psychrometric processes have to be
performed on the air to change the psychrometric properties of air so as to obtain certain values of
temperature and humidity of the air within the enclosed space. Some of the common psychrometric
processes carried out on air are: sensible heating and cooling of air, humidification and dehumidification
of air, mixing of various streams of air, or there may be combinations of the various processes.
Illustrating and analyzing the psychometric properties and psychrometric processes by using the
psychrometric chart is very easy, convenient and time-saving. In the next few paragraphs, we shall see
some of the most commonly employed psychrometric processes in the field of HVAC and how they are
represented on the psychrometric chart.
Effective Room Sensible Heat (ERSH) is the sum of all sensible heat gain that occurs in the room
including the gain due to the portion of the ventilation air which is bypassed.
Effective Room Latent Heat (ERLH) is the sum of all latent heat gain that occurs in the room
including the gain due to the portion of the ventilation air which is bypassed
The calculation of psychrometric processes are achieved using the following basic formulas enumerated
A 5% allowance of heat load is needed for safety for both on RSH and RLH, therefore:
INFILTRATION 52681.240939
TOTAL 479081.2409
OASH = 9.87196392kW
= 33684.542714 BTU/HR
OALH = 15.439346KW
= 52681.240939 BTU/HR
From table 19.8 Page 642. C.P. Aurora., use 0.05 for higher latent heat loads or large outdoor-air
Effective Room Sensible Heat (ERSH):
ERSH = 2711.855212Kw
ERLH = 148.197046kW
2711.855212 Kw
2711.855212 Kw+ 148.197046 kW
ESHF=0.9481837978 KW
Air distribution refers to the distribution of air to and from conditioned spaces within a building. An
air distribution system includes all sub-components, such as fans, filters, dampers, ductwork, etc. Air
distribution systems come in a variety of material types, for example, fiberglass and galvanized metal.
In fact, many different kinds of ducts may be found in a single air distribution system.
Duct are conduits or passages used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) to deliver and
remove air. The needed airflows include, for example, supply air, return air, and exhaust air. Ducts
commonly also deliver ventilation air as part of the supply air. As such, air ducts are one method of
ensuring acceptable indoor air quality as well as thermal comfort.
Ground floor
Upper Ground
Second Floor
Roof Deck
Calculating the size of pipe:
The researchers recommend optimizing and minimizing the system’s heat gains. The
researchers observed that the higher the system’s heat gain has, the more capacity the system
needs in order to cool it. The researchers recommend reducing the external heat gain by reducing
the shading coefficient of solar radiation; to do this the researchers suggests shading techniques
such as fixed sun breakers and usage of solar windows in the buildings where the system is. The
researchers also suggest using equipment that requires low power in order to reduce the internal
load heat gain.
The researchers also recommend to properly maintain all the components that involves
the cooling of the system. This is recommended since a dysfunctional equipment even minor
ones could lead to the discomfort of the consumers. Additionally, expensive repairs will have to
be done if the equipment are poorly maintained.
The researchers also recommend the use of R-290 Refrigerant since compared to other
refrigerants, it has a low global warming potential and Zero ozone depletion potential.
Ozone Depletion
Refrigerant Global Warming Potential
R-290 3 Zero
R-600A 3 Zero
Source: Abhishek Jain. (2017, August 7). Comparison of various refrigerants used for air conditioners and refrigerators. Retrieved from
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