Answer Sheet:: Instructions For The Submission of Your Answers
Answer Sheet:: Instructions For The Submission of Your Answers
Answer Sheet:: Instructions For The Submission of Your Answers
All the player will make a DIY house and act as a real family. 3 and more A materials that can be use to make
Bahay-bahayan / DIY house like cardboards,
curtains, rope and more.
The players will throw a stone on the box patterns they drew using chalk or a piece of 3 and more Chalk or a piece of broken pot,
Piko / broken pot and try to jump on the box patterns using one foot or both to get the stone stone
they threw and cross the box patterns after.
Each player need to make a boat out of paper and let it flow in the water. 3 and more Papers, and scissors
Bangkang Papel
The “taya” need to defend the can at all cost and the remaining players need to shoot Minimum of 5 Empty can, slippers
Tumbang Preso / the can by aiming their slippers to knock down the can.
21st Century Literature | Unit 1 – Lesson 1 – ANSWER SHEET (WEEK 2) Page 1|5
The players need to kick the washer or rattan ball using the side of their feet with a 3 and more Ball (rattan), washer
Sipa / specific count and without letting the washer falls on the ground.
The “taya “ need to wait until the other players find a good spot to hide before the 60 Minimum of 5 A place where there is a lot of
Taguan / seconds countdown end. After the 60 second count the “taya” need to find the other hiding place
players who is hiding.
The players will make their tops spins and wait until the duration stops or they can 3 and more Tops, ropes
Trumpo perform tricks with their tops using the rope.
One player is the “taya” while the other players are allowed to run on the ground or Minimum of 5 Anything that can be use to climb or
Langit-lupa / climb on high objects and the “taya” can chase the players who is on the ground ang an object that can lift a person on
tag them. the ground like chairs, and table.
This game need two groups, the offensive group and the defensive group. The Minimum of 5 Chalks, paints
Turubigan/patintero / offensive group need to cross all the lines without being tag while the defensive group
is guarding all the lines and not letting the other group pass.
3. The major poeting device used in this poem is personification. Yes, it is effective and accurate way to express the poet’s idea. It gives the poem life and feeling throughout the idea to make the readers
more interested in the poem.
4. The contrast or change implied by the first stanza the persona still feels the pain but he didn’t mind about it. In the last stanza, shows that the persona used to feel the pain but as the time goes by the pain
his suffering is fading. These stanza show us that time heals everything without being noticed.
5. The poem saying about love and relationships is that any person can sacrifice their whole for the person they love. This shows that even we were in pain we can still stand and act like nothing for the
love that was built for that person.
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Catch Affectionate
Sinidok (sinapo)
Injure, wounded Rejection
Lulugadon (susugatan)
Callus Brave heart
Makubal (makalyo)
Hum, buzz Struggles
Hagubhob (ugong)
Lightweight Not loaded
Magian (magaan)
21st Century Literature | Unit 1 – Lesson 1 – ANSWER SHEET (WEEK 2) Page 3|5
Dear Kristian,
Good day, I just want to thank you for being able to translate this kind of poem and make it easier to understand by everyone. You are one of a kind because our country needs a person like you
is able to translate this kind of poems without changing its thought. Translations should be publish for our fellow Filipino’s to realized that our works isn’t bad and to stop them from being absorb by
Culture. Every translations of each poem are evaluated by us to make sure that the thought and message haven’t change. Based on our evaluation, your translation is acceptable. I just want to tell you that
your translation on sidok to sapo that comes from a traditional game called “trumpo” which is about tough love has been chosen to be published for Bikol Literacy Magazine.
Gerald V. Libuet
21st Century Literature | Unit 1 – Lesson 1 – ANSWER SHEET (WEEK 2) Page 4|5
I have realized that the Philippines have an amazing culture to share with the modern generation. Our ancestors have created a unique games that I thought I knew all about it but I didn’t.
We should also give values to laro ng lahi because of this it makes our culture alive until now. I also realized that we should acknowledge our own artworks and piece made by our fellow Filipino because
they put their hearts and giving it a deep message on their works.
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