Foreign Literature Efficient Home Security System Based On Biometrics and Keypad System
Foreign Literature Efficient Home Security System Based On Biometrics and Keypad System
Foreign Literature Efficient Home Security System Based On Biometrics and Keypad System
sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect
the IOT as "the infrastructure of the information society. The IOT allows objects
opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-
benefit. When IOT is enhanced with sensors and actuators, the technology
also encompasses technologies such as smart grids, smart cities, industries and
within the existing Internet infrastructure. The researcher estimates that the IoT
will consist of almost 50 billion objects by 20202. Internet and its applications
have become an integral part of today’s human lifestyle. Smart home is now
charge of the home appliances such as doors, lights, even in a condition of long-
distance. This controlling is generally achieved by a mobile phone which can
The fingerprint sensor for home security was both used in the studies.
The modern way for home security was both used in the studies.
another study used mobile phones or other mobile devices to access and register
their information.
Smart Door Lock System with Fingerprint Interface
smart and affordable door lock enhanced with a fingerprint interface. For
sensor, GSM module, motor driver, a motor and some other hardware devices.
The fingerprint sensor will be integrated in the door panel, facing outer side of the
door, so that people can’t have access to the controlling system from outside.
The latches will be fixed inside the door panel, so that the thickness of the door
can help the latch’s strength. We’ll use a few latches within the panel to divide
the force among them if tried to force in. The fingerprint sensor will take the
fingerprint of the user and forward it to the microcontroller to match with its
records. If the print matches with one of the fingerprints of the microcontroller’s
memory, the microcontroller will lock or unlock the latch, based on its current
state. If the fingerprint is foreign to the microcontroller, the buzzer will buzz and
the user will have to try again. If wrong fingerprints are tried 5 times at large, the
system will test the owner to alert him/her about a break in. The system will also
go into a secure state where it will continue to buzz the buzzer to alert the
neighbours that something is wrong. The system will be reset once a known print
The SMS notification that notifying the house owner when someone is trying to
easy to install in newly developed homes; however, the existing homes require
wireless home security system has been an alternative to the hardwired. This
the fingerprint data and to verify the data on the remote server. All of the
components are connected to the home network wirelessly that makes the
The microcontroller that access their information was used in the studies
Vamsidhar Students of IV B. Tech ECE, and Student member - IEEE, IET, and
been playing a key role in many of our places like offices, institutions, libraries,
time, we need security systems for protection of valuable data and even money.
This paper presents a fingerprint based door opening system which provides
security which can be used for many banks, institutes and various organizations
RFID but this method is most efficient and reliable. To provide perfect security to
the bank lockers and to make the work easier, this project is taking help of two
activated so that the people near the surroundings will get an alert.[15]
The buzzer connected to an audio amplifier to notify the people was used in this
IOT based Smart Home Security System with Alert and Door Access
about remotely managed Door accessibility and voice alerting through Smart
Phone and receive captured image of visitor at Door as Email alert. Smart home
security control system has become indispensable in daily life. The design and
accessibility has been reported in this paper. This paper describes about the
a home environment for authenticated people only. A PIR motion sensor and
Camera module are used to detect motion and capture images respectively are
dedicatedly make the security system alive as per the request. Electromagnetic
door lock module operate the door accessibility, has been designed and
Raspberry Pi which is low cost and consume smaller amount of power. When
capture images, save it on system and send it as Email alert via TCP/IP. The
concerned authority can control the system and view video stream of camera
module through Smart mobile Phone. The system also provided concerned
authority to use Smart Phone to send command for voice alert when intruder
identified. Users can monitor visitors and control the door lock on active SSH
(Secure Shell) page designed on android platform and enhanced with JavaScript.
This system finds a wide application in areas where physical presence is not
possible all the time. The entire control system is built using ARM1176JZF-S
The door that access the system, was both used in the studies.
technology has been seen as one of the most effective technology for human
the manual door control systems. The developed system used fingerprint sensing
device and an application to control the whole system. The fingerprint sensing
implemented using C# programming language. The result shows that the system
works as expected and scored 89% from the testing metrics used. There are
The enrolment form to apply the information was both used in the studies.
According to Seng Chun Hoo and Haidi Ibrahim School of Electrical &
voice, fingerprint, and face. Currently, the attendance tracking system based on
attendance sheet. Yet, these types of methods are proved to be time consuming
and tedious, and sometimes, fraud occurs. As a result, significant progress had
attendance system being developed over the past ten years. The setting-up of
components. Since the software and hardware sections are too broad to be
discussed in one paper, this literature survey only provides an overview of the
Other studies uses biometric fingerprint sensor to check the attendance of every
Arduino Based Smart Fingerprint Authentication System
Science, Chennai, India. Security is the serious issue looked by everybody when
we are far from our family unit. In the present situation acceptable answer for the
above issue isn't yet found. Introduced here is an electronic securing framework
which Arduino assumes the job of the preparing unit. Arduino which is a
microcontroller board has a place with a user family. It is an open source straight
forward instrument. It can detect, screen, store and control application. Access
control for the entryway is accomplished utilizing Arduino Mega 2560 board. This
task displays a keyless framework for locking and opening purposes utilizing a
ensured by sending OTP and PICTURE password to ADMIN to get OTP and
PICTURE password where the person needs to contact the ADMIN to get OTP
and PICTURE password. It is entered through the 2.8" TFT touch display, which
display all the UI messages and takes inputs from user. In case of authorized
user, the system allows fingerprint sensor to validate the person followed by
sending either PICTURE password or OTP via SIM using GSM module to the
access the door. If the entered password matches, door will be opened
commonly available component and also consumes less power. This system also
has an option to unlock the door through SMS in case of emergency by the
ADMIN. [20]
The Arduino as the microcontroller of the system was both used in the studies.
The SMS notification to notify the Admin was used in the study.
need arise to solve the security challenges that are accompanied with its
of these mechanisms are proving them to be less reliable. For instance, ID cards
have the most reliable mechanisms to date providing tremendous accuracy and
system for smart homes based on IRT, FRT and ARM7TDMI-S.The system
employs two biometrics mechanisms for high reliability whereby initially, system
users must enroll their fingerprints and eyes into the camera. Iris and fingerprint
biometrics are scanned and the images are stored in the database. In the stage
of authentication, FRT and IRT fingerprint scan and analyze points of the user's
current input iris and fingerprint and match with the database contents. If one or
more captured images do not match with the one in the database, then the
The camera that applies their information was used in this study.
Biometric Based Bank Locker System
microcontroller Arduino based biometric bank locker system with Adhaar card
system, we have used R305 fingerprint module for biometric security which is
IOT enabled using HC05 Bluetooth module. The safe lock unlocks itself using
application is used to operate the system, which also has a QR code sensor
which scans the Adhaar Card of the user and stores the information in a Google
sheet, which can be accessed from anywhere with proper username and
password. The webpage describes all the major features and advantages of the
system and also includes an in-depth video of the working of the system. This
webpage is also accessible from the app. Hence, this is user friendly and easy-
to-use biometric locker system, wherein an app and a website give all the
The Arduino as a microcontroller to their system was used in the studies.
University, Anantapur, and Andhra Pradesh, India. At present most of the mare
facing problem about how to safeguard their personal belongings like ornaments,
important documents and money kept in home due to the theft in houses, offices
and in organizations also. Hence, most of the house people are taking almanacs
But even still they operated with manual operation of lock and key system without
providing any information to the user when theft is happened by breaking them.
Hence, an attempt has been made to develop advanced alert home security
system with Fingerprint and Password authentication to open or close the door
system and also sending the message if any miss operation will be performed by
others using GSM Technology with smart mobile. The present system provides
the better security to all kinds of houses and also this system has very
developed, implemented and tested in our laboratory and we found that its
The GSM technology with smart mobile was used in this study.
Local Literature
Elizar, J. Buog Cromwell, and M. Castillo. This study aimed to develop a system
that can provide security on home through the integration of different security
devices. The study sought to determine the following: (a) the features of the
security system, (b) efficiency of the security devices used in the system in terms
of its inputs, namely, biometrics fingerprint scanner, human motion sensor and
intrusion alarm, and LCD. A two-phase method was employed in this study to
evaluators of this study which are composed of three home security experts, five
engineers, five selected students and residents. The implemented system was
sensor was able to detect human presence. Keypad could activate and
recognition. GSM was able to send a text message to the homeowner. Intrusion
alarm gave a warning when the sensor detects human presence. LCD displayed
the status of the system. Through the integration of various security devices
better. [24]
The Liquid Display Crystal (LCD) was both used in the studies.
The keypad to activate and deactivate the security system was used in this
Development of Microcontroller-Based Biometric Locker System with Short
Message Service
Hipolito, Ditche Jane C. Astillero, Melvie S.Dela Cruz, and Jaira C. Inalao of
based biometric locker system with short message system (SMS) which ensures
development were utilized in the study. The system was able to scan finger,
match it with the saved pattern and unlock the locker. Global system for mobile
(GSM) module was able to send text message containing the auto-generated
result, all the hardware components functioned normally and efficiently. The
program uploaded to the system run consistently as the device perform its
function. [25]
Other studies applied an SMS notification to ensure the security of personal and
confidential belongings.
Sanico Alvin M. Mancilla. The project aimed to prevent theft cases and intrusions
transistor, FSR sensor, wireless router and mini pocket router, alarm device, PC
unit and Android mobile phone. The IP camera was used for surveillance and for
detecting the face of a person nearby. A website was designed to monitor the
activities outside the house via live stream and store the images and logs. The
of the system. It was connected to a GSM shield which allowed the system to
communicate through Internet. The FSR sensor was connected to the electronic
door strike to detect if there was an intruder and to trigger the alarm device.
When the face detected was not authorized to enter the house, the system sent a
notification message to the homeowner, and when the door was opened forcibly,
as to the police. An Android mobile application could control the door lock and
monitor its status. The user had three options in controlling the door lock, with the
use of IP camera, Android mobile phone and manual key. When one of the
components malfunctioned, there would still be another option to unlock and lock
The Arduino as their microcontroller in their system was used in the studies
individual, such as a fingerprint, facial image, iris, voice pattern, and handwriting.
version of the same biometric template can match the sample against the stored
leaves fingerprints everywhere they go, faces and eyes can be photographed,
voices can be recorded, and handwriting samples can be obtained. The security
done for the selection of the fingerprint authentication and Good practices should
unlike conventional minutiae matching algorithms, also takes into account region
and line structures that exist between minutiae pairs, allowing getting more
accurate matching of minutiae. For Fingerprint thinning, the Block Filter is used,
which scans the image at the boundary to preserve the quality of the image and
extract the minutiae from the thinned image. The false matching ratio is better
biometric door lock system with alcohol detector made for apartment and
dormitory security purposes, which consists of six features such as the biometric
fingerprint scanner, liquid crystal display (LCD), alcohol sensor, light dependent
resistor (LDR), electric strike and magnetic contact switch for the door lock and
button and cancel buttons for user while increment, decrement, delete and exit
experienced design project making with the same concepts used and the latter
and boarders who were degree holders. The results of the study indicated that
the device is efficient and effective for apartment or dormitory use. The final
design was made efficient through the integration of different features of the
The liquid crystal display (LCD) was both used in the studies.
The electric strike and magnetic contract switch for the door lock buttons was