Arts 8
Arts 8
Arts 8
Southeast Asian Art
Activity 1: Match and Fill
Direction: Written below are descriptions of the arts of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia,
Singapore. A WORD POOL is given on the box below which contains the arts and crafts that match the
descriptions. Write your answers in the boxes before each number.
5. This means point, dot, or drop. The drop action refers to the
process of dying the fabric by making use of the resist technique.
Lesson 1: Fabric Design: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and
Find a word or Name of places in the Puzzle. Write your answer below.
What’s New
Now, let’s get to explore the unique and distinct fabric designs of Southeast Asia and
be amazed of the wonders of creations bringing out the best of their traditions, beliefs and
identify as Southeast Asian Nation.
Today, Thai silk making is considered to be one of the finest arts in the world, a product of a
unique manufacturing process and bearing unique patterns and colors.
Silk weaving in Cambodia dates to as early as the first century since textiles were used for
trading. Modern textiles have traces of motifs imitating clothing details on ancient stone
1. ikat technique (Khmer term: chongkiet) - To create patterns, weavers tie and
dye portions of weft yarn before weaving begins. Patterns are diverse and vary
by region; common motifs include lattice, stars, and spots.
weaving three threads so that the "color of one thread dominates on one side of
the fabric, while the two others determine the color on the reverse side."
Silk-weaving has been revived in the past ten years and now provides employment
for many rural women. Cambodian silk is generally sold domestically, where it is
used in sampot (wrap skirts), furnishings, and pidan (pictoral tapestries). Now, it
has seen an increase in export viability.
Cotton textiles have also played a significant role in Cambodian culture. Though
today, Cambodia imports most of its cotton, traditionally woven cotton remains
popular. Rural women often weave homemade cotton fabric, which is used in
garments and for household purposes. Krama, the traditional check scarves
worn almost universally by Cambodians, are made of cotton.
the motifs so cryptic, that in many cases only the weaver can accurately
interpret the story.
Most diverse of these stories are the ones woven into a sihn—the Lao
women’s ankle-long skirt whose form is undeniable but whose patterns
are unique to each skirt.
Though the skirt looks simple and elegant, it is traditional that every woman in Laos
weaves all the sihns she would wear throughout her lifetime.She uses folk icons to express
personal views. This is often accomplished by symbolist totems from the inanimate or
animate world—crabs for resourcefulness, snakes for fertility, butterflies for beauty, birds for
success, and so on.
Golden Thread Silks were born in Vietnam. Many of our Vietnamese fabrics originated from Ha
Dong, the center of weaving and sericulture (silk worm production) for centuries. Old jacquard
looms are still used, weaving patterns containing centuries-old symbols and characters.
1. Shantung taffeta
2. Bengaline weave
3. Ebony satin - an all-natural lustrous silk hand-woven in southern Vietnam and naturally dyed
using ebony fruit pods. The fabric dates back over a century, but was only recently revitalized by
the designer Vo Viet Chung.
The fabric most common to both countries is the Batik. The term “batik” is an Indonesian
Malay word, believed to be related to the Malay word “titik”, which means ‘point’,‘dot’ or‘drop’.
The “drop” action refers to the process of dyeing the fabric by making use of a Resist
technique: covering areas of cloth with a dye-resistant substance (usually hot wax) to prevent
them from absorbing colors.
Modern batik designs depend on the creativity of their designers. Naturalistic motifs like leaves,
flowers and birds have been utilized to create elaborate and intricate design.
Modern designs also include more colors, courtesy of chemical dyes, as artists
are not bounded by the strict guidelines of traditional practices, when craftsmen were
1. Handpainted-
the artist uses the
canting, a small copper container with one or more different-sized
Leaves and flowers in Malaysian batiks are incorporated to avoid the interpretation of
human and animal images as idolatry, in accordance with local Islamic doctrine. This makes
their batik look similar to that of Indonesia. However, the Malaysian batik is famous for its
geometrical designs or spirals. The method of Malaysian batik making is also different from
those of Indonesian Javanese batik. Their patterns are larger and simpler. More brush painting
is applied to be able to put lighter and more vibrant colors than deep colored Javanese batik.
In Singapore, the existence and use of batik has been recorded since the 12th century
but has receded in popularity through the years. Nowadays, batik is featured in
as the uniform of flight attendants for the official flag carrier airlines of Singapore, Indonesia, and
1. hand-drawn
3. screen printing
4. digital printing