Chapter 1 Set
Chapter 1 Set
Chapter 1 Set
Topic - 1
[December 2018] [June 2018] [March 2018] [September 2017] [September 2016] [March 2016]
Briefly explain what is meant by the term encryption. 5
Briefly explain the general actions performed during the encryption process. 4
Briefly explain what is meant by the term encryption with reference to key and algorithm. 3
It is commonly used to protect sensitive information so that only authorised parties can
view it.
[December 2015]
1Explain what is meant by the term encryption and briefly discuss why it is used in computer security.
Encryption is the process of converting readable clear-text/plain-text to cipher-text ,
which is an obscured / unrecognisable form .
It is commonly used to protect sensitive information, so that only authorized parties can
view it.
[March 2018]
‘Successful encryption, depends on the key and algorithm being kept secret’. Is this statement valid or
misleading? Explain your answer. 2
[March 2018]
3‘For successful encryption, it is important that the key and algorithm must be kept secret’. Is this
statement valid or misleading? 2
The Algorithm does not have to be kept secret, but in symmetric key cryptography the
key must be kept secret
[December 2015]
4Encryption uses an algorithm and a key. Explain the role of a key and outline why the size of the key is
important in the encryption process. 5
In cryptography, a key is a variable value that is applied using an algorithm to a string or
block of plaintext to produce cipher-text, or to decrypt cipher-text.
The length of the key is a factor in determining how difficult it will be to decrypt the text
in a given message.
A longer key has more combinations and is therefore more difficult to crack.
Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption.
Asymmetric encryption uses a public key for encryption and a separate private key for
In Asymmetric encryption, one key cannot be derived from the other.
Encryption Algorithm
[March 2019]
1. DES is a symmetric encryption algorithm approved by the U.S. government in 1977. State what the
acronym DES stands for and briefly state THREE (3) features of DES. 4
[June 2017]
2. DES is a symmetric encryption algorithm approved by the U.S. government in 1977. State what the
acronym DES stands for and briefly explain how it is used. 4
DES stands for The Data Encryption Standard
It uses a 56-bit key
It is sometimes stored with additional parity bits that extends its length to 64 bits
DES is a block cipher,
It encrypts and decrypts 64-bit data blocks.
[March 2017]
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm approved by the U.S.
government in 2002. It uses three different key lengths: 128, 192 and 256 bits. AES is a block cipher
and encrypts and decrypts 128-bit data blocks.
2. Briefly explain whether the AES key should be kept secret, and justify your answer. 2
Key in AES should be secret so that only authorized parties can view it.
4. Briefly explain whether the AES algorithm should be kept secret, and justify your answer. 2
Algorithm in AES need not be secret since the key is the information that ensures
6. AES uses keys of length 128, 192 and 256 bits. Explain why a short key is less secure.
There are less combinations which means that it takes a shorter time to break via brute
force attack.
[December 2016]
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm approved by the U.S.
government in 1977. It uses a 56-bit key, which is sometimes stored with additional parity bit that
extends its length to 64 bits. DES is a block cipher, and encrypts and decrypts 64-bit data blocks. It is
now considered insecure.
2. Should the DES key be kept secret? You should support your recommendation with an explanation.
Key in DES should be secret so that only authorized parties can view it.
3. Should the DES algorithm be kept secret? You should support your recommendation with an
explanation. 2
Algorithm need not be secret since the key is the information that ensures confidentiality.
4. DES is stated to use symmetric encryption. Explain what is meant by symmetric encryption. 1
Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption.
5. DES uses a 56 bit key. Explain the significance of the key length. 2
A short key is less secure since there are less combinations which means that it takes a
shorter time to break via brute force attack.
[June 2017]
1. DES is a symmetric encryption algorithm approved by the U.S. government in 1977. State what the
acronym DES stands for and briefly explain how it is used. 4
[June 2016]
2. There are many ciphers used for encryption. A well-known cipher is DES.
What type of cipher is DES? You should also briefly discuss its main features. 3
Security Attribute
[March 2017]
1. A fairly common security problem occurs when a laptop computer is lost or stolen.
Identify which TWO (2) of the following security attribute(s) have been compromised in such a
situation and briefly explain how each attribute has been compromised.
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Availability
• Non-repudiation 4
Topic – 1 NS&C Page - 4
Availability since data on the PC can no longer be accessed.
Confidentiality if the information on the computer is not protected then any confidential
info can be read.
2. List THREE (3) methods of protecting information on a laptop PC to avoid the security breaches you
identified in part (a).
For each method, explain which security attribute(s) it ensures. 6
Type of Ciper
[September 2018]
1. 6The Feistel Cipher is a scheme used by almost all modern block ciphers. Explain the FIVE (5)
steps that are carried out in a Feistel Cipher.
The input is broken into two equal size blocks, generally called left (L) and right (R),
which are then repeatedly cycled through the algorithm.
At each cycle, a function (f) is applied to the right block and the key, and the result is
XORed into the left block.
The blocks are then swapped.
The XORed result becomes the new right block and the unaltered right block becomes
the left block.
The process is then repeated a number of times.
Block cipher where a block of elements is transformed to the output block in one go.
Stream cipher where the input elements are processed continuously one element at a
[September 2018]
3. Explain what is meant by a brute force attack and state the best defence to ensure an attack is not
successful. 2
A brute force attack tries every possible key until correct translation of the encrypted text
into plaintext is obtained
Strong passwords
In a Brute Force Attack every possible key is tried until correct translation of the
encrypted text into plaintext is obtained.
The length of the key is a factor in determining how difficult it will be to decrypt the text
in a given message as longer keys have more combinations, and thus takes more time.
A brute force attack tries every possible key until correct translation of the encrypted text
into plaintext is obtained
The main problem is the time required to do this
On average an attacker must try half of all possible keys before successfully translating a
[March 2016]
With the use of an example, outline the effect of different key sizes in relation to a Brute Force Attack.
The length of the key is a factor in determining how difficult it will be to decrypt the text
in a given message as longer keys have more combinations, and thus takes more time.
For example the encryption key of a message using a 32-bit cypher, if it could carry out
one million (1,000,000) decryptions per millisecond.
o There are 232 possible keys
o On average half of the possible keys would be used to decrypt the message =
o 2147483648 ÷ 1,000,000 gives number of milliseconds = 2147.5ms
o 2147.5ms÷1000 to give seconds = 2.15s
The cost of breaking the scheme exceeds the value of the encrypted information.
The time required to break to the scheme is more than lifetime of the information.
Hash Function
[June 2016] [June 2019]
Explain what is meant by a hash function and briefly discuss properties that make a good one.
A hash function is a mathematical function that converts a large, possibly variably-sized
amount of data into a small datum.
A good hash function is:
Easy / fast to compute
- “One-way”: their reverse functions are very difficult to compute and not 1:1
- The hash function generates very different hash values for similar strings.
[June 2019]
State TWO (2) commonly used hashing algorithms. 2