Vendor Registration Form PDF
Vendor Registration Form PDF
Vendor Registration Form PDF
Empanelment of Vendors
Offer for the registration / empanelment of Vendors, are invited from the interested
firms/companies. Who are in the business of manufacturing, stocking or marketing of
goods and services of specified categories as mentioned in the registration documents.
Registration form can be downloaded from the institute website i.e.
Application form & fee must be submitted to Assistant Registrar (Store & Purchase), NIT
RAIPUR (CG)-492010
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
All firms/agencies, which are in the business of manufacturing, stocking or marketing of stores and
specified service provider are eligible for registration if otherwise suitable, subject to specific
conditions or restrictions stipulated in this document.
2. The firms registered with NIT Raipur will enjoy the following benefits:-
a) Tender enquiries against demands which are not advertised, are sent to the registered firms.
c) Rate Contracts and Running Contracts are generally awarded to registered firms.
3.1. The applicant should clearly read all the pages of the document.
3.3. The applicant should make sure before applying for a particular type of Category, that the
vendor/firm has the required eligibility criteria & experience for that category of work /
3.4. Service providers / suppliers seeking application form shall have to pay the requisite
(cost/fee) amount as stated below, for registration / empanelment. The amount shall be
paid by a demand draft drawn in favors of “Director, NIT Raipur”, payable at Raipur (C.G.).
The cost of application forms and processing fees to be remitted along with the forms, shall
be as Rs. 1000/- and will not be refunded
3.5. Service providers / suppliers shall have to fill and submit the registration form along with
required documents and fees to “Assistant Registrar (Purchase & store), National
Institute of Technology, Raipur, G. E. Road, 492010, C.G, India”.
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
3.6. Applications incomplete in any respect, viz non-submission of any required document or
information, or fee in requisite amount are liable for rejection.
3.7. The sealed envelope containing the registration form, documents & fee should be clearly
super scribed on the top of the envelope as “APPLICATION FOR VENDOR REGISTRATION /
3.8. Vendors / Firms registered with DGS&D, NSIC, NCCF (for items specified by NCCF), shall be
considered for registration/empanelment at NIT Raipur, on the basis of registration
certificate of such agencies along with other certified documents.
3.9. The following essential documents (whichever is applicable) should accompany with the
registration form:
Trade License; Factory License. (i.e. For purchase of medicines drug license is
Income tax Permanent Account No. (In the name of firm if not a proprietorship
Registration Certificates with DGS&D/NCCF. (In alternative, any proof thereof can be
Current dealership agreement from Principal along with SSI/NSIC certificate if any.
Audited balance sheet or Profit & loss account for last three years.
Annual turnover certificate for last three years duly certified by a CA firm.
A notarized certificate that the vendor hasn’t been black listed by any institution of the
Central/ State government / any PSU, University , Institute etc. in the past three years
should be submitted.
For electrical work & Civil work the relevant certificate is required (Ref. Column
No. 11) and Labor License required for Civil Contractor and Electrical & Labor
License both are required for Electrical Contractor.
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
3.10. On receipt of the registration form along with the requisite documents as mentioned
above the supplier shall be registered with the NIT RAIPUR after Scrutiny.
3.11. The firm will be considered for registration/ Empanelment for an initial period of one year
and their registration will be considered for renewal as per NIT RAIPUR procedure, for
two years or so, at a time subject to satisfactory performance of the firm during initial
registration period.
3.12. After getting all the required fee, information & documents from the applicant, the
registration number will be issued to the supplier with the following details: (1)
Registration No. ,(2) Vendor Trade Group/ Category No. along with description.
3.13. Service Centers: Service Centre in Raipur/ in major cities, operational for more than3
years, may be given. For authorized distributor / OEM centers the vendor shall produce a
copy of the valid agreement / undertaking from authorized distributor / OEM. On
verification of the information, if at any time the furnished information is found incorrect
the registration is liable to be cancelled and the firm may be black listed. & the EMD / SD
will be forfeited by the Institute.
41.1. The said registration qualifies a particular vendor for consideration for issue of
tender papers in case of limited tenders for relevant category only for which vendor
is registered/empanelled. However, this will not give any claim to the party for
award of work / purchase order.
4.1.2. NIT Raipur reserves the rights to accept, consider or reject any or all applications
without assigning any reasons thereof. The decision of NIT Raipur in respect of registration
of parties for various categories of work / items shall be final & binding on all concerned
registered firms / vendors in the panel of NIT Raipur.
4.1.3. Vendors once empanelled, shall have to promptly reply to all the enquiries, execute
orders as per the order terms of NIT Raipur and keep the Institute informed of new
products/ developments / innovative ideas that shall help reduce the cost and improve
quality, reliability, etc.
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
4.1.4. Two-part tendering is done where technical screening / clear technical specifications are not
available. In such cases vendors will be asked to submit both techno commercial and
price bids separately. Price bids of technically accepted bids only will be opened.
4.1.5. This document is treated as a valid contract between NIT Raipur and Vendor and adherence
to all aspects of fair trade practices in executing the purchase orders / work orders
placed by NIT Raipur from time to time during the registration period.
4.1.6. In case of empanelled vendor is found in breach of any terms & condition(s) of NIT Raipur or
supply/work order, at any stage during the course of supply / installation or warranty
period, the legal action as per rules/laws, shall be initiated against the vendor and
EMD/Security Deposits shall be forfeited by NIT Raipur, besides debarring and blacklisting
the vendor concerned for at least three years for further dealings with NIT Raipur.
4.1.7. The vendor should not assign or sublet the empanelment or any part or it to any other vendor
in any form. Failure to do so shall result in termination of empanelment. Any vendor can get
registered and empanelled any time throughout the year. All those firms which are registered
and confirmed shall be entertained for various queries.
4.1.8. All registered firms are expected to maintain absolute integrity, follow a decent standard of
business ethics and do nothing unbecoming of a registered supplier. In all future
correspondence with NIT Raipur, empanelled vendors are required to quote the Registration
4.1.9. The NIT Raipur has all the rights reserved to add / delete / alter any of the items and to mend
/ add any of the terms and conditions included in the registration granted to firms with effect
from any date, without assigning any reason(s) for the same.
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
b) If the vendor, in either of the above circumstances, does not take remedial steps within a
period of 15 days after receipt of the default notice from NIT Raipur (or takes longer period
in-spite of what NIT Raipur may authorize in writing),NIT Raipur may terminate the
empanelment/ Purchase Order in whole or in part.
4.5 All disputes in this connection shall be settled in Raipur, CG jurisdiction only
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
Tick appropriate
Furniture Pl specify:
Office Furniture, Lecture Hall
Furniture, Library furniture
Customized labor
10 0010
atory furniture, Computer
Furniture, Hostel Furniture, Mess
Furniture, Home Furniture, Chest,
Rack, etc.::
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
Service Providers
19 0021
(Housekeeping , security etc.)
20 Other , please specify 0022
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
Note: Vendors are requested to enclosed detail list of goods, services ect. as annexure.
8. Audited Annual Turnover during last 3 years (Rs. Lakhs) (Enclose Chartered
Accountant’s certification)
a) 2011-12
b) 2012-13
c) 2013-14
9. Audited Profit & loss account of last three years (Enclose Chartered
Accountant’s certification)
a) 2011-12
b) 2012-13
c) 2013-14
g) PAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i) Current dealership agreement with Principal (along with SSI/NSIC Certificate if any)
K) Registration certificate with PWD, CPWD, CSEB or equivalent for civil and electrical
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
attached copy)
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
(In Capital Letter)
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National Institute of Technology, Raipur (NIT Raipur)
Check List
Enclose the copy of
S.No. Particulars the following & tick as
per applicability
1. CST/VAT Registration
2. State Sales Tax Registration
3. TIN (Tax Identification No. Certificate)
4. Excise Registration
5. Proof of registration of the
firm/Etablishment/Factory License.
6. Service Tax Certificate
7. PAN card in Firm’s Name
8. DGS&D/NCCF Certificate
9. Authorisation certificate of delership
(agreement with principal (Along with
Ssi/NSIC Certificate if any)
10. Relevant ISO Certificate, if any
11. Proof of Registration with any Central Govt .
12. Purchase orders issued by any Central Govt
13. Any Other Certificates
Signature of Vendor
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