Annexure - A
Annexure - A
Annexure - A
14) The Duration for the Empanelment will be for Period of Two(2) years from the date of
15) At any point of time, If any of the documents furnished by the Applicants are found to be
incorrect or false, It would be deemed to be breach of terms of contract making the firm
concerned liable for legal action besides termination of Empanelment.
16) Incomplete and conditional Applications will be rejected
17) CC Deptt of Divisional Office will call quotations with the selected empanelled vendor as
per requirement and specification.
18) Sending and acknowledgement of the receipt of work order, which is taken as an
acceptance of the work order, is mandatory preferably by email.
19) The supply of printing material should be delivered as per the time frame agreed upon
while taking the work order.
20) The supply should be free of freight charges and according to the instruction given by us.
21) Each and every supply should be accompanied by a delivery challan clearly bearing the
details of the items and titles in supply, their quantity and price.
22) If the Empanelled Vendors/Distributors/suppliers to whom the order has been place fails
to supply the entire order or any part of the order within the stipulated time or as per
specifications, without sending any written communication to the concerned office
regarding delay or its inability to supply the ordered items, the Office reserved the right to
impose penalty of 1% of the work order amount per week subject to maximum of 5%.
23) Thereafter, LIC of India (concerned Office) reserved the right to cancel the order and
place the empanelled Vendors/Distributors/suppliers in its black list after providing them
an opportunity to represent their side.
24) The decision of accepting supply of cancelled orders is at the sole discretion of,
Sr. Divisional Manager and the decision of the Competent Authority shall be final in this
25) A Vendor‘s empanelment may be Terminated/Dropped/Blacklisted from the panel of
suppliers at the occurrence of any of the following event.
b) If at any time, found that the information provided by the empanelled vendor in any
form, service and related matters are incorrect and result in losses in any form to LIC of
Application Form for Empanelment for (Gift Articles/Prizes/ Trophies & Shields) etc.
Annexure - A
SL Information sought Information provided
1 Name of the Vendor/ Firm
(In Block Letters)
2 Date of Establishment / Incorporation/
3 Correspondence address
4 Address of Head Office (If separate) and Tel. No. / Mob. No.
5 Address of local office (at Aurangabad) with Tel. & Mob. No.
6 Status: Proprietary/Partnership/Private Limited Company/ Public
Limited Company.
7 Names of the Partners/ Directors and their Contact/Mob. No.
8 Name of Chief Executive with his present addresses and
Tel.No./ Mob. No.
9 Name of Representative (s) with Designation who would be
calling on us and attending to our job.
10 Name of Bankers with addresses & Tel.No.
Note: Please type this form or fill it legibly in ink. If space provided is insufficient, please type or write the
replies on a separate sheet giving appropriate question number and attach it to the form with proper
Request Life Insurance Corporation of India, Divisional Office, “Jeevan Prakash”, Adalat Road, Aurangabad to
consider/ inclusion of my /our firm/company name in the list of approved firms / suppliers / Vendors for Supply
of ____________________________________________________________________________________ etc.
I/WE We agree to abide by all the Rules and Regulations framed by the LIC Of India from time to time & give
full satisfaction to the Corporation in the event of their doing so.
I/WE have read all the terms conditions for empanelment carefully and have understood the contents.
Note- Eligibility criteria for availing benefits under the Public Procurement Policy:
4. “Those who are willing to get benefit under the Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Medium
Enterprises (MSME), Order 2012 “,. It is necessary for the enterprise to be registered with the Director
of Industries acknowledgement of Entrepreneurs memorandum (Part-II) OR are registered with
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) under Single point vendor registration scheme. The
relevant copy of the Certificate must be enclosed.
Apart from the benefit given to MSMEs such as issue of Tender Sets free of cost and exemption for payment of
EMD, the Vendors who are registered with NSIC under Single point registration Scheme will additionally be
exempted from submitting the Security Deposit up to be monetary limit for which the unit is registered. Please
submit sealed envelope to the given address.