Cultural Anthropology - SOC401 Spring 2006 Quiz 02 Solution
Cultural Anthropology - SOC401 Spring 2006 Quiz 02 Solution
Cultural Anthropology - SOC401 Spring 2006 Quiz 02 Solution
Quiz – 2
1) Ethnic associations are based on __________ ties.
i) Ethic
ii) social
iii) cultural
iv) None of the above
i) Socio
ii) Multi
iii) Tri
iv) None of the above
5) When two or more groups are living in harmony while retaining their
own heritage and identity, it is called__________ .
i) Assimilation
ii) Pluralism
iii) Population transfer
iv) None of the above
i) Homicide
ii) Suicide
iii) Genocide
iv) None of the above
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