Stability of Slopes
Stability of Slopes
Stability of Slopes
Stability of Slopes
Lecture No. 14
• Cut Slopes
• Fill Slopes
• Retaining Walls
• Hybrids: Cut/Retaining Wall / Fill/Retaining Wall
• “Natural” Slopes - is there a better word?
Types of Slope
• Cut Slopes
• Fill Slopes
• Retaining Walls
Cut Slope
“Natural” Slope
Fill Slope
Retaining Wall
Cut Slope
“Natural” Slope
Fill Slope
Retaining Wall
Types of slope failure
Geological discontinuities
Effect of Water (Force Due To Seepage of Water)
Geotechnical Properties of Material
Mining Methods
State of stress
Geometry of slope: (Gravitational Force)
Erosion (of the Surface of the Slopes due To Flowing Water)
Seismic effect (Forces Due To Earthquakes)
• Ground water causes increased up thrust and driving water forces and
has adverse effect on the stability of the slopes. Physical and chemical
effect of pure water pressure in joints filling material can thus alter the
cohesion and friction of the discontinuity surface.
• Physical and the chemical effect of the water pressure in the pores of
the rock cause a decrease in the compressive strength particularly
where confining stress has been reduced.
The point at which a material has reached the
limit of its stability using the concept of yield
criteria and the associated flow rule in the
stress—strain relationship,
If an object is at rest and is in a state
of equilibrium, then we would say that
the object is at "static equilibrium."
"Static" means stationary or at rest.
Slope Stability
• Safety Factor: = Resisting/Driving Forces
If SF >1, then safe or stable slope
If SF <1, then unsafe or unstable slope
• Driving and resisting force variables:
– Slip surface – “plane of weakness”
– Type of Earth materials
– Slope angle and topography
– Climate, vegetation, and water
– Shaking
• Causes vs. triggers
Human Land Use and Landslide
• Urbanization, irrigation
• Timber harvesting in weak,
relatively unstable areas
• Artificial fillings of loose
• Artificial modification
of landscape
• Dam construction
Basic Analysis Approach for Rotational
Failure Surface
Limit Equilibrium: 1) Assume some circular (or other shape) failure surface
2) Calculate driving forces (moment about O)
3) Calculate resisting forces (moment about O)
Where is the center of mass?
How does resistance vary along surface?
How does normal stress vary along surface?
Water table and seepage forces?
Soil layering?
More complex geometry?
2) Compute weights
3) Compute average pore pressure at base of each slice
4) Solve for overall factor of safety
Stability of Slopes
Not a closed-form solution (FS on both sides of equation); requires iterative approach
Modified Bishop’s Method
Ground water can be drained from the soil using trenches filled with
gravel and perforated pipes or pumped water wells. Swimming pools,
water lines, and sewers should be maintained to prevent leakage,
and the watering of lawns and vegetation should be kept to a
minimum. Clayey soils and shales have low hydraulic conductivity
and can be difficult to drain.
Removing the soil and rock at the head of the landslide decreases the
driving pressure and can slow or stop a landslide. Additional soil and rock
above the landslide will need to be removed to prevent a new landslide from
forming upslope. Flattening the slope angle at the top of the hill can help
stabilize landslide-prone slopes.
If the toe of the landslide is at the base of the slope, fill can be placed over
the toe and along the base of the slope. The fill increases the resisting forces
along the failure surface in the toe area. This, in turn, blocks the material in
the head from moving toward the toe. However, if the toe is higher on the
slope, adding fill would overload the soil and rock below the toe, thus
causing a landslide to form downslope of the fill.
Piles are metal beams that are either driven into the soil or placed in drill holes.
Properly placed piles should extend into a competent rock layer below the landslide.
Wooden beams and telephone poles are not recommended for use as piles
because they lack strength and can rot.
Because landslides can ooze through the gaps between the piles, retaining walls
are often constructed. Retaining walls can be constructed by adding lagging (metal,
concrete, or wooden beams) horizontally between the piles. Such walls can be
further strengthened by adding tiebacks and buttressing beams (fig. 5). Tiebacks are
long rods that attach to the piles and to a competent rock layer below the ground
surface. Buttressing beams are placed at an angle downslope of the piles to prevent
the piles from toppling or tilting. Retaining walls also are constructed of concrete,
cinder blocks, rock, railroad ties, or logs, but these may not be strong enough to
resist landslide movement and could topple.
Landslide-prone soil and rock can be removed and replaced with stronger
materials, such as silty or sandy soils. Because weathering of shales can
form landslide-prone soils, the removal and replacement procedure must
include measures to prevent continued weathering of the remaining rock.
Landslide material should never be pushed back up the slope. This will
simply lead to continued motion of the landslide.
Rock falls are contained by (1) ditches at the base of the rock
exposure, (2) heavy-duty fences, and (3) concrete catch
walls that slow errant boulders that have broken free from the
rock outcrop. In some cases, loose blocks of rock are
attached to bedrock with rock bolts, long metal rods that are
anchored in competent bedrock and are threaded on the
outside for large nuts. A metal plate with a center hole, like a
very large washer, is placed over the end of the rod where it
extends from the loose block, and the nut is then added and
tightened. Once constructed, remedial measures must be
inspected and maintained. Lack of maintenance can cause
renewed landslide movement.