Questionnaire: Kindly Provide Your Valuable Personal Information.: - Dept
Questionnaire: Kindly Provide Your Valuable Personal Information.: - Dept
Questionnaire: Kindly Provide Your Valuable Personal Information.: - Dept
1. Name:
6. How do you feel about the physical working condition of the organization?
7. How do you feel about the psychological working condition of the organization?
8. What is your opinion about the training programs conducted in the organization?
Excellent Good Better Bad Worse
9. How do you feel about the pay package provided by the organization?
11. Do you agree that you can complete your work within the specified time?
14. In your accordance which of the following factors cause more stress?
Role overload Role under load Interpersonal relationship
16. What is the level of stress that you feel in your job?
Very high High Moderate Low Very low
17. Do you suffer any physical inconvenience due to stress in your job?
Yes No
19. Have you taken any coping strategies personally to manage stress?
Yes No
21. Does this organization take any suitable steps to manage stress?
Yes No
22. What type of company-wide programs that are/could be adapted to manage stress?
Employee counseling Effective Training & Development program