11) Hazard Identification Plan (HIP) For SHGOSP-5 29-01-2020

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Upgrade fire protection system, phase II at SAOO GOSPs

Project No.: 10-02133

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Document Number OF 360
Hazard Identification Plan (HIP) For SHGOSP-5
Rev.: 1
43281-PJ-HSE-HIP-0011 Date: 29 JAN 2020

Hazard Identification Plan (HIP) For SHGOSP-5

Project Upgrade fire protection system, phase II Project
Company Saudi Arabia Oil Company (ARAMCO)
Contractor PETROJET
Company Project No. 10-02133
Agreement No. 6600043281
Document No. 43281-PJ-HSE-HIP-0011
Document revision Status 1
Document Class 1

1 29/01/2020 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL M.El-Maghrabi Haleem Ur Rahman A.Abd ElWahed

0 27/10/2019 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL M.El-Maghrabi A.Elkhodary M.Khattab
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1.1.1. Work permits must be obtained from the appropriate

operations supervisor before excavation work is started.

1.1 Serious/fatal injuries/ vehicle 1.1.2. All Trenches will be hard barricaded with warning tape.
accidents/ equipment damage.
1.1.3. Men shall not be permitted to work underneath loads or in
places where they could be struck by any part of a mechanical
1.2.1 Manual exploratory trench to facilitate the excavation and
not damage underground services.

1.2.2 Whenever the presence of underground pipes, cables, vessels,

or structures is known or suspected, mechanical excavators
shall not be used until all such obstructions have been
1.2 Damage to underground facilities exposed by hand digging. Mechanical excavators shall not be
1 Excavations &/or Trenching (i.e. buried cables pipelines, etc.). used within 3 meters (10 feet) of any such obstruction.
Pneumatic breakers shall only be used where necessary to
break concrete or other hard surfaces.

1.2.3 Excavation plans with the attachment of drawings must be

approved by Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention before issuing the
work permit at all areas.
1.3.1 Manual exploratory trench to facilitate the excavation and
not damage underground services.

1.3.2 Whenever the presence of underground pipes, cables, vessels,

1.3 Wall collapse
or structures is known or suspected, mechanical excavators
shall not be used until all such obstructions have been
exposed by hand digging. Mechanical excavators shall not be
used within 3 meters (10 feet) of any such obstruction.
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Pneumatic breakers shall only be used where necessary to

break concrete or other hard surfaces.

1.3.3 Excavation plans with the attachment of drawings must be

approved by Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention before issuing the
work permit at all areas.
1.4.1 AA “Confined Space Entry” permit and it may attach with
either a Hot or Cold Work permit, if required “for trenches
deeper than 1.2 meters (4 feet)”.

1.4.2 Where an internal combustion engine is used in an

excavation, special precautions must be taken to ensure that
exhaust gases are discharged so as not to be a hazard to men
working in the excavation by putting it in a suitable location
1.4 Asphyxiation so that the exhaust and the wind direction is opposite the
direction of the presence of the workers, Provide suitable PPE
“mask” for workers to protect them of exhaust gases, gas
tests must be carried out by a qualified and trained person.
Where necessary and mechanical ventilation shall be used if

1.4.3 Ensure that gas testing will be done prior to any work inside
the excavation
1.5 Release of toxic &/or explosive gases 1.5.1 Where there is reason to suspect oxygen deficiency or the
presence of a hazardous atmosphere in an excavation, Gas
tests must be carried out by a qualified and trained person.
Where necessary, mechanical ventilation shall be used, or
other appropriate precautions shall be taken before men
1.5.2 Emergency rescue equipment, such as breathing apparatus, a
safety harness and line, or a basket stretcher, shall be readily
available where hazardous atmospheric conditions exist or
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may develop during work in an excavation. This equipment

shall be attended by a standby man outside the trench when
in use.
1.5.3 Ensure that gas testing will be done prior to any work inside
the excavation.
1.6.1 A close planked bridge or walkway with standard guardrails
shall be provided and kept clear of excavated materials or
other tripping hazards.

1.6.2 Safe means of getting into and out of an excavation shall be

provided at intervals not exceeding 7.5 meters (25 feet).
1.6 Falls Ladders shall be securely fixed.

1.6.3 Employees entering bell-bottom pier holes, or other similar

deep and confined footing excavations, shall wear a harness
with a lifeline attached to it.

1.6.4 All Trenches will be hard barricaded with warning tape.

7 Isolation, Lockout And Holding 2.1.1 Lockout devices such as padlocks and keys shall be numbered.
2.1.2 Padlocks and keys shall be stored in such manner as not to be
available to unauthorized personnel.

2.1.3 Each lock shall be keyed separately, with no duplicate key, to

2.1 Serious / Fatal Injuries
ensure removal only by the authorized user and Replica or
second key is not allowed to be kept as per Saudi Aramco GI
Isolation, Lock Out, and Use of Hold Tags

2.2 Major Equipment Damage 2.2.1 Before servicing or installing equipment, you must be able to
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know the following (The type of energy source on the

equipment, the potential hazards related to the energy
source, steps for controlling the energy source and the
employees who shall be notified that equipment will be

2.2.2 Be aware that some equipment has special shutdown

procedures (e.g. computer controlled equipment)

2.2.3 Make sure that all energy sources have been located and
shutdown (some machines have more than one power source
all must be shut down).

2.2.4 Equipment shall be isolated by (Shutting of the main breaker

or control switch, Closing valves, disconnecting process lines,
pulling plugs) and for complex machines or equipment refer
to manufacturer’s control diagram detailing the locations of
all isolation points, including breaker panels, switches, valves,

2.2.5 Each authorized employee who is performing maintenance is

responsible to inform lockout and tag-out authority for
locking and tagging the equipment

2.2.6 All employees whose duties require them to work on

equipment must be provided with their own lock and key.

2.2.7 If more than one employee is involved in maintenance,

multiple locking devices must be used to allow each
maintenance employee to lock and tag. This prevents one
employee from accidentally starting up the equipment while
another employee is still working.
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2.2.8 Follow work procedure and/or manufacturer’s instruction for

shutdown and be aware that some equipment has special
shutdown procedures (e.g. computer controlled equipment)
2.2.9 Equipment shall be isolated by(Shutting of the main breaker
or control switch , Closing valves, Disconnecting process lines ,
Pulling plugs ) and for complex machines or equipment refer
to manufacturer’s control diagram detailing the locations of
all isolation points , including breaker panels , switches ,
valves, etc.
2.3 Electrocution 2.3.1 After locking any tagging equipment, you must make sure that
any stored energy on the equipment is released is done.

2.3.2 At the end of lock out ant tag out (Test the start switches on
the equipment to confirm that all power sources have been
shut down and switches can’t be moved to the “on” or “start”
position, secure all blocks, clamps, chains and cribs., Secure
blanks and make sure they are not leaking, check electrical
circuits to make sure that voltage is at zero).

2.3.3 Once the maintenance or installation is completed the

equipment can be restarted by the following:
 Making sure all equipment component is fully assembled
and operational
 Removing all tools from equipment and work area
 Notify affected employees
 Removal lockout devices and tags

2.3.4 Working Personnel to use appropriate Arc-rated PPE above

220 volts, such as but not limited to CAT II FRC, Rubber
insulating Gloves, Face shield, etc.
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2.4.1 Special precautions such as requirements for fire watch, fire

Extinguisher and gas test shall be written in work permit.

2.4 Fires & Explosions 2.4.2 Ensure that Equipment are mechanically isolated, Purged and
clean prior to work.

2.4.3 Ensure that gas testing shall be done prior to start the work.
3.1.1 Only qualified personnel shall be employed as drivers of
motor vehicles. Each person driving a motor vehicle must
possess and have a valid Saudi Arab Government driver’s
license receive defensive driving training and driver
evaluations and be in possession of a current Saudi Arab
government driver’s license.
3.1 Injuries/illness
3.1.2 All Drivers shall be conduct Driving Training courses.

3.1.3 In the event of serious injury, fire or hazardous roadblock

caused by an accident emergency telephone number shall be
used. (emergencies telephone numbers shall posted inside
11 On And Off- Site Travel the vehicles).
3.2.1 The driver of the vehicle is fully responsible and accountable
for the mechanical and physical condition of the vehicle. He
must report any damage, beyond normal wear and tear,

3.2.2 The driver is responsible for transporting materials properly

3.2 Vehicle accident and ensuring that a load does not exceed the
manufacturer’s design load capacity.

3.2.3 All loads must be properly secured and tied down.

Materials shall not extend over the sides of the truck. Loads
extending beyond the front or rear shall be marked with a
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red flag. Also such loads must be equipped with visible

brake and tail lights at the rear end.

3.2.4 Tires, which have breaks in the casing, or with exposed

fabric, shall not be used.

3.2.5 Each driver is responsible to ensure his vehicle is safe to


3.2.6 Vehicle Inspection Checklist shall be followed by each driver

before operating.
3.3.1 Drivers shall not transport unauthorized persons in the

3.3.2 Driver’s supervisor shall authorize all passengers in the


3.3 Fatalities 3.3.3 The driver and all passengers shall wear seat belts at all
times while the vehicle is in motion.
3.3.4 Passengers shall not be transported in the rear of pickups or
on truck beds

3.3.5 Drivers shall not transport more passengers than the

number of seat belts provided in the vehicle.
3.4.1 All persons who drive in the desert shall study “Driving guide
on safe driving tips and desert travel”. It is recommended
that the driver have a copy with him in the vehicle.
3.4 Getting lost
3.4.2 A journey Management plan must be prepared to ensure
that a travel planning and check-in procedure is done.
3.5 Driving violations 3.5.1 All drivers shall be familiar with what the Aramco considers
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unsafe driving practices and avoid them at all times.

3.5.2 The driver must not exceed the posted speed limit. This is
the maximum speed allowed in a certain area. Every driver
is expected to reduce his vehicle’s speed under hazardous
weather or road conditions.
3.5.3 Each driver shall become familiar with, and abide by, the
Government Traffic Regulations.
4.1.1 Follow site Access, Traffic rules & signs.
4.1 Serious / fatal injuries
4.1.2 All passengers to wear seat belt.

4.2 Damaged vehicles / plant equipment 4.2.1 Follow speed limits.

16 Traffic Flow & Road Crossings
4.3.1 Parking at designated areas for parking
4.3 Access interference for emergency
4.3.2 Avoid road closing and obstructions
response vehicles
4.3.3 Re-routing for existing asphalt road
17 Lifting Operations 5.1.1 Keep away your hand from pinch point

5.1.2 Use appropriate PPE / Use Hand Gloves

5.1 Pinch Point/ Hand injuries
5.1.3 Minimum two tag lines to control the load to avoid damage
to adjacent building.
5.2 Damage to load 5.2.1 Crane must have third party inspection certificate and shall
be inspected by the area mobile equipment as well & must
have a valid inspection sticker

5.2.2 Only third party certified and the area authorized crane
operator, riggers, flag man (rigger) are allowed to perform
their job.
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5.2.3 Proper planning and adequate supervision by rigging

supervisor need to be ensure at all times

5.2.4 All lifting tools and tackles should have third party inspection
certificate and they shall be inspected and current color
coded by the area mobile equipment.

5.2.5 Rigger shall be available and responsible during the whole

lifting activity

5.2.6 Approved critical lifting plan shall be available and

implemented strictly.

5.2.7 Ensure all components are isolated from indented load

5.2.8 Lifting area should be barricaded with proper sign board.

5.2.9 No personnel are allowed to walk, stand or work under

suspended load.

5.2.10 Rigger should be visible to the crane operator. Only signal

rigger shall be allowed to give signal to crane operator.

5.2.11 Provide packing with sharp edges

5.2.12 Authorized rigger shall inspect all rigging tool & tackles prior
to use.

5.2.13 Authorized Rigger shall clear all other workers from boom
swing zone.
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5.2.14 Out rigger pad shall be inspected before use and out riggers
shall be fully extended on steel plates to distribute loads.

5.2.15 Rigger should always consider the Centre of gravity for


5.2.16 Load should be controlled by at least two tag lines.

5.2.17 Rigger shall never come near / under swinging /suspended

5.3.1 Minimum two tag lines to control the load to avoid damage
5.3 Damage To adjacent building
to adjacent building.
5.4.1 Crane loading area shall be leveled, compacted and soil load
test shall be issued from ARAMCO approved third party prior
to loading of the crane

5.4.2 Crane loading area shall be covered with steel plates to

5.4 Damage to the crane / toppling distribute loads on the surface area.
5.4.3 Crane capacity against load shall be checked by both certified
crane operator and rigger.

5.4.4 Proper clearance distance from Power line shall be strictly

followed as per Aramco standard.
5.5.1 Stop lifting during high wind speed (>32Km/hr. as per crane
5.5 High wind speed bad weather
5.5.2 Stop lifting during bad weather conditions (Rain/Fog/dust,
6.2.1 Before work may be undertaken in a confined space, a
confined space entry permit and an appropriate work permit
18 Confined Spaces Entry 6.1 Serious /fatal injuries
must be issued.
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6.2.2 Before allowing personnel to enter a confined space, it must

be positively isolated by methods such as spool removal,
blanking and blinding

6.2.3 All sources of energy affecting the confined space e.g. power
driven equipment etc. must be isolated and tested as de-
energized in accordance with Lockout/Tag out Procedure and
secured so as to prevent any accidental free movement.

6.2.4 Residual materials inside confined space shall be cleaned

and removed / drained to a safe location.
6.2 Asphyxiation & toxicity 6.2.1 Gas testing for entry shall only be carried out by approved
persons who have been fully trained in gas testing for
confined space entry purposes

6.2.2 Gas testing shall be repeated whenever the confined space is

vacated for a work break and at the start of every shift

6.2.3 Standby man shall be provided on manhole in case of work

inside confined space entry

6.2.4 Stand by man shall tie-in the worker inside confined space
entry with life rope

6.2.5 Stand by man shall communicate with worker inside

confined space regularly to be ensure that employee is good
and in case of emergency he shall inform all entrants

6.2.6 Standby man shall responsible for registration the entrants

&time on/off from confined space

6.2.7 If the depth of excavation is more than 2 meter, the

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excavation is considered as confined space and stand by man

shall be provided and he shall be responsible for assistance
in measuring (carbon monoxide, lower explosive limit and
hydrogen Supplied concentration)

6.2.8 No entry even with Breathing apparatus(BA) if oxygen levels

6.2.9 No entry if oxygen levels >22.5%

6.2.10 Oxygen cylinders to be kept outside the confined space if


6.2.11 Oxygen cylinders and hoses to be removed from the

confined space during break

6.2.12 An entry attendant who has been trained in rescue must be

present outside the entrance in constant communication
with the persons inside and the local emergency response

6.2.13 Unless properly ventilated, no sources of ignition to be

introduced where flammable gas is or has been present

6.2.14 A through check must be made by the Area Authority to

ensure that no personnel, tools or equipment have been left
behind after job completed.

6.2.15 The isolation devices must be removed in accordance with

the requirements specified in the Process Isolation
Procedure after Job completed
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6.2.16 The Entry Permit and other work permit shall be cleared and
cancelled in accordance with the requirements specified in
the Permit to Work Procedure after job completed

6.2.17 As part of the entry planning process, arrangements shall be

made to ensure persons inside a confined space could be
rescued in an emergency. Those arrangements include: -
6.2.18 Resuscitation equipment available at the entrance with a
trained person to use it
6.2.19 Effective communications with the entry team and the
emergency response team
6.2.20 Harnesses and lifelines – note that it requires a winch to
vertically hoist an average person from a space below.

6.2.21 Personnel likely to be involved in confined space entry -

entrants, attendants, rescue team members, gas testers,
Area Authorities – must have received suitable training to
ensure they possess the understanding, knowledge, and
skills to perform their assigned duties

6.2.22 No one shall enter confined space with showing proof of

certification of Aramco confined space training.

6.2.23 The Performing Authority shall ensures that everyone who is

to enter the confined space is aware of the hazards,
precautions and emergency response arrangements that
have been put in place through this Procedure and the Work
6.3 Heat Stress 6.3.1 Heat stress shall be avoided by developing and implanting a
heat stress program as per SA CSM I-13, Heat Stress program
based on the results of the heat stress evaluation, as well as
SA’s heat stress requirements.
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6.3.2 The contractor shall provide proper resources to support

implementation of the plan, including but not limited to
procurement and provision of materials and supplies.
6.3.3 The contractor’s heat stress evaluation and management
program shall address the following:-
- Job Location — specific locations of each task, including
proximity to heat-producing equipment, confined spaces,
work requiring specialized PPE, etc.
- Work Duration and Schedule — frequency at which the
task is performed and how much time and effort is
required to perform the work.
- Clothing — what workers wear can make a big difference
in how much body heat they build up. Additional work
clothing and/or more frequent laundry cycles shall be
provided to enable workers to wear clean clothes each
6.3.4 Contractor shall provide training to site management and
supervision on the heat stress management program,
including recognition of, prevention of and response to heat-
related illness, with emphasis on their responsibilities for
ensuring safe working conditions (particularly suitable
work/rest rotations for workers).
6.3.5 Contractor shall provide training and guidance to their
employees in the recognition of, prevention of and response
to heat-related illness. “as per SA CSM I-13”
19 Warehouse Materials Handling 7.1. Serious Injuries 7.1.1 Selection of the storage area shall be made with due
consideration for drainage and protection from rain and

7.1.2 Open storage areas shall be planned to minimize the

reversing and manoeuvring of trucks especially into and
out of confined areas.
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7.1.3 Access ways must be wide enough to allow for the passage
of fire trucks. Firefighting equipment shall be located
throughout the area.

7.1.4 Timber, racks, or pallets shall be used to ensure that all

materials are stored off the ground.

7.1.5 Workers shall be trained in the correct methods of manual

7.2.1 Flammable stores shall be kept separated.

7.2.2 Adequate firefighting equipment must be readily available

in the area.
7.2. Fires 7.2.3 All hazardous material, such as paints, fuels, chemicals,
etc., shall be separated and stored in an isolated
flammable storage area. Notices warning of the dangers
associated with these materials s shall be posted in the
hazard area.
7.3.1 Protection shall be provided for materials such as cement,
in solution, and other bulk material, which could be
damaged by moisture.

7.3.2 All machinery, equipment, & valves shall be maintained

fully assembled & securely closed. All machined surfaces
7.3. Equipment Damage
should covered & fully have protected from exposure to

7.3.3 The quantity of material on site at any one time must be

restricted to a minimum stock.
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7.3.4 A materials controller responsible for materials from the

planning stage through to the final unloading, storage, and
distribution stage.

7.3.5 All Equipment used for material transportation shall be

inspected and well maintained

7.3.6 All Equipment operators shall be certified and have a


7.3.7 For small or valuable materials which cannot be

conveniently stored in outside areas, it is essential that an
indoor stores shed, under the control of a responsible
person, be established on site

7.3.8 The issuing and receiving of stores must be under the

control of a responsible person.

7.3.9 Materials shall be stored on shelving or with small items

such as nuts and bolts, etc. in bins suitably marked with
the contents.

7.3.10 The safe loads allowed on racks and the maximum stack
heights shall be established

7.3.11 Loading /Unloading equipment shall be calibrated and


7.3.12 All rigger shall be trained and certified

7.3.13 Proper access to higher levels of shelves shall be provided

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7.3.14 Lighter loads shall be stored on the higher shelves to

ensure the stability of shelves.
20 Using Electrical Energy 8.1.1 Qualified, experienced electricians must carry out all
installation work.

8.1.2 A competent person must be made directly responsible

for the overall safety of the installation. Its general
usage, its maintenance, and any alterations and
extensions to the system shall be under his control.
8.1 Untrained workers 8.1.3 provide training for employees to be knowledgeable and
proficient in the following:
 Procedures involving emergency situations;
 First-aid fundamentals including cardiopulmonary
resuscitation; and
 Remote field crews shall have an employee certified
in First Aid.

8.2 Electrocution 8.2.1 Power sources and portable electric power tools shall be
of a single voltage (110 V or 220 V nominal) within a
single job site or operating area. Portable electrical
power tools shall match the supplied power source

8.2.2 Defective extension lights and electric hand tools shall be

repaired by competent and certified skilled electrician or
to be replaced.

8.2.3 Portable electric tools, extension lights and cords shall

be inspected each time they are issued and returned.

8.2.4 Portable hand lamps shall comply with the following:

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Metal shell, paper-lined lamp holders shall not be used.

8.2.5 Hand lamps s hall be equipped with insulated handle.
8.2.6 Substantial lamp guard shall be attached to the handle or
holder. Metallic lamp guards shall be grounded. Three-wire
power cords with grounding conductor shall be used.

8.2.7 Before any portable tool or extension, light is plugged in,

the voltage required for the tool or light must be the
same, as the power source, and the plugs must be
checked for damage.

8.2.8 All non-current carrying metal parts of any electrical

equipment must be properly grounded. This will reduce
the electrical shock hazard.

8.2.9 Ground fault circuit interrupters shall be used on all

electrical circuits including portable power electrical

8.2.10 Whenever workers are required to work on energized

equipment, the job must be planned thoroughly and the
workers shall proceed with caution.

8.2.11 Work platforms and equipment used near energized

equipment shall be properly grounded.

8.2.12 Contact shall be made with the Electrical department at

the planning stage of the job to determine the work
permit requirements, route and depth of any
underground cables and the recommended safe
clearances. If re -routing existing cables is necessary, this
shall be done before the main contact starts.
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8.2.13 Equipment to be worked on when it is de-energized shall

be isolated from the system and tested for voltage using
test equipment rated for the system, and be grounded.

8.2.14 Grounding cables and clamps shall be capable of

conducting the anticipated fault current and shall have a
minimum size of No. 2 AWG standard copper.

8.2.15 Designated employees shall perform work on or adjacent

to energized control panels. Precaution shall be taken to
prevent accidental operation of relays or other
protective devices due to jarring, vibration, or improper

8.2.16 Apply lock out and tag out system.

8.2.17 To ensure safe distance while working beside a live

overhead power lines.

8.2.18 Fire rated and ARC Rated clothing to be worn whenever

employee work on energized lines.
8.3.1 In hazardous areas, more rules that are stringent apply
as to the type of equipment, which may be used. 12.3.2.
Explosion proof light fittings for extension lights are one

8.3.2 As with all work carried out on Saudi Armco installations,

8.3 Fire Explosion
Work Permits must be obtained and the type of
equipment to be used discussed and agreed upon before
the permit is issued.

8.3.3 All extension lights must be fitted with protective guards.

8.3.4 Up to a 120-volt maximum rated AC portable lighting
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system may be used for illuminating inside confined

spaces and vessels, provided it is protected by an
externally located ground fault circuit interrupter.
8.4.1 Before any work on live equipment starts, there must be
a thorough knowledge of the work involved, personal
8.4 Incomplete PPE’s
protective equipment must be available, and all
necessary work permits must be obtained.
8.5.1 Underground cables, exposed during excavation work
shall be assumed to be energized and not repositioned or
moved until certified to be de-energized. Exposed buried
cables in open trenches shall be properly supported and
the area barricaded.

8.5.2 When multiple cables exist in an excavation, the cable to

be worked on shall be identified by electrical means.
8.5 Property Damage
8.5.3 When working at night, spotlights or portable lights for
emergency lighting shall be provided as needed to
perform the work safely.

8.5.4 Insure that small materials such as bolts and nuts are not
left inside MCC cabinets after finishing work.

8.6 Inadequate Hand Tools 8.6.1 Choose the right tool for Purpose that it is designed for.

21 Pressure Testing 9.1 Serious/fatal injuries 9.1.1 Written procedures approved prior to testing shall be

9.1.2 A work permit shall be issued prior to commencement of

hydrostatic test operations.

9.1.3 Piping, vessels, supports and foundations designed for

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gas service shall not be overloaded by the extra weight

of the test liquid. Temporary supports and braces may
be required.

9.1.4 Hazardous gases or vapors must be vented clear of any

area where personnel are working or where there is
any possible source of ignition.

9.1.5 A system under test shall be depressurized (with the

exception of pressure due to a liquid head) before any
work is done to stop leaks or repair weakness, including
the tightening of bolts.

9.1.6 Warning signs and preliminary walkthrough shall be

involved at site area.

9.1.7 Distance barricades must be at work area.

9.1.8 The traffic shall be controlled through prepared the traffic

plan to ensure that unwanted personnel out of pressure
testing area.

9.1.9 No opening or striking allowed for lines under pressure

9.2 Fire / Explosion 9.2.1 Pressure relief valve(s) shall be used to prevent over
pressuring of the equipment.

9.2.2 Only calibrated test gauges shall be used and they

shall be mounted in the upright position. Pump
discharge gauges must be visible to the pump operator
for the duration of the test.
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9.2.3 The equipment / vessel shall have adequate vacuum relief

capacity to avoid damage or collapse, when draining the
test liquid.

9.2.4 Air shall not be used to displace test fluid from

underwater equipment unless it has been determined
that the equipment will not float.

9.2.5 A block valve is required on the line from the test pump
to the equipment under test.
13.3.1 Lines shall be drained and dried mechanically when the
9.3 Hazardous Waste
test liquid is corrosive or otherwise hazardous.
22 Welding & Cutting 10.1.1 Personnel working with welding equipment shall be
trained, competent, and provided with personal
10.1 Serious / Fata Injuries protection equipment. Welding goggles, helmets, screens,
forced ventilation and similar equipment shall be provided
to all workers and to trainees in the immediate area.
10.2 Fire And / Or Explosion 10.2.1 Oxygen cylinders or apparatus shall not be handled with
oily hands or gloves. A jet of oxygen must never be
permitted to strike an oily surface, greasy clothes or enter
fuel, oil or other storage tanks.

10.2.2 Acetylene cylinders shall be stored, handled, and used in

the vertical position to prevent the liquid acetone from
escaping and damaging the valves and other equipment.

10.2.3 Regulated Acetylene pressures must never be allowed to

exceed 103 (15 psig) or it may explode.

10.2.4 All compressed gas cylinders shall be marked by a colour

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10.2.5 Cylinders shall be stored in a safe, dry, well-ventilated

place prepared and reserved for that purpose.

10.2.6 Flammable substances such as oil and volatile liquids or

corrosive substances shall not be stored in the same area.

10.2.7 Oxygen cylinders and flammable gas cylinders shall be

stored separately, at least t 6.6 meters (20 feet) apart or
separated by a fire proof, 1.6 meters (5 feet) high

10.2.8 All storage areas shall have Arabic and English "No
Smoking Permitted" signs prominently displayed.

10.2.9 All cylinders shall be chained or otherwise secured in an

upright position.

10.2.10 Valve caps shall be kept in place when cylinders are not in

10.2.11 Flammable substances shall not be stored within 50 feet

of cylinder storage areas.

10.2.12 Cylinders shall not be stored at temperatures exceeding

54C (130F). Accordingly, they shall not be stored near
sources of heat such as radiators, furnaces, or near highly
flammable substances like gasoline.

10.2.13 Cylinders shall be stored out of the direct rays of the sun,
in protective enclosures or sun shelters.

10.2.14 Means of torch ignition shall be readily available. A

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friction lighter shall be used for this purpose.

10.2.15 All Hoses shall be provided with Flash back arrestors

attached at the gauges

10.2.16 Select the correct rated grinding disc. Ensure grinding disc
RPM is same or greater than the grinding machine RPM.

10.2.17 Grinding machine must be provided with dead man switch.

10.2.18 Should not use grinding disc for cutting and cutting disc for
grinding. Always use for its intended purpose of work.

10.2.19 Fuel gas and oxygen manifolds shall bear the name of the
substance they contain in English and Arabic letters at
least 1-inch high which shall be painted either on the
manifold or on a sign permanently attached to it.
10.2.20 Fuel gas and oxygen manifolds shall be placed in safe, well
ventilated, and accessible locations, they shall not be
located within enclosed spaces.

10.2.21 All electric Welding Machines shall be inspected

periodically and stocked by inspection card

10.2.22 Maintain welding and ground cables and connections in

good condition

10.2.23 All combustible material shall be removed from the work

area to avoid fire during welding.

10.2.24 Operators of arc welding equipment must always switch

off the current to the electrode holder and remove the
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electrode whenever it is to be set down and is not actually

in use.

10.2.25 When welding or cutting material that is supported by a

crane, a shield or an effective screen shall be provided to
protect the suspension ropes or chains. Grounding cables
shall only be connected to the work, not to the crane or

10.2.26 Electric welding operations must be effectively screened

to prevent nearby personnel from being affected by
harmful radiation. Screens shall be made from fire
resistant materials or shall be suitably treated with a fire
resistant compound. Screens shall be designed and
placed so as not to restrict the flow of air for
ventilation purposes.

10.2.27 Damaged Hoses and Fitting Which Detected During Work

or by regular inspection should be changed immediately

10.2.28 To minimize exposure for welding fumes as applicable,

awareness sessions include hazards of welding fumes should
have applied regularly.

10.2.29 Fire rated clothing to be worn by welders.

10.2.30 Spent welding rods shall be contained in a proper way.

10.3.1 Empty and full cylinders must be stored separately with
empty cylinders plainly marked as such, to avoid
10.3 Property Damage confusion. Empty cylinders shall be segregated according
to the type of gas they have held.
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10.3.2 Their valves shall never lift cylinders since the valves are
not designed to take such stress.

10.3.3 All valves must be fully closed before a cylinder is

moved. Unless a trolley or special carrier is used,
regulators and hoses shall be detached from the
cylinders, for moving.

10.4.1 All equipment shall be examined immediately before

use and regularly maintained. All welding operations
shall be conducted in well-ventilated areas.

10.4.2 Gas Leak test shall be done for compressed gas cylinders
by only soapy water.

10.4.3 Hoses shall be used for one type of gas only and color-
coded for identification. They shall be examined before
use for any signs of splitting which might give rise to
10.4 Damaged Hoses & Fittings
leakage. Clips or crimps shall make all connections.

10.4.4 The hoses used for acetylene and for oxygen shall not be

10.4.5 Connections and check valves shall be regularly


10.4.6 An acetylene cylinder valve wrench shall be available at

all times for the cylinder in use.
10.5.1 Adequate ventilation of welding area shall be provided.
10.5 Inhalation Of welding Fumes
10.5.2 Forced ventilation shall be arranged wherever work is to
be carried out in confined area.
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11.1.1 All Heavy Equipment operator shall be certified and have

SAG license

11.1.2 Inspection & Maintenance program shall be prepared and

applied for all heave equipment

11.1.3 All Equipment shall have Back Reverse Alarm and Equipped
with Warning Alert System.

11.1.4 Mechanical equipment such as cranes shall be equipped

11.1 Serious / fatal injuries
with wire mesh guards over windows and with solid
protection over the driving position so that there is no
danger of the operator being struck by flying debris.

11.1.5 Spotters/flagmen shall be properly trained

11 Using Heavy Equipment
11.1.6 Potters/flagmen shall wear fluorescent Vests

11.1.7 Daily Inspection shall be performed prior to operate by

11.2.1 Prepare adequate and safe traffic plan.

11.2.2 Avail safe parking area.

11.2 Property Damage
11.2.3 Follow site speed limit.

11.2.4 Passenger not exceed the designed no of equipment.

11.3.1 Check firefighting Equipment (Fire Extinguishers).
11.3 Fire
11.3.2 Enter restricted area after issuing required permits and
perform Gas testing.
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12.1.1 Access way with handrails shall be provided for labours from
12.1 Improper access way
12.1.2 Proper scaffolds shall be constructed and used during all
concrete form work as needed.
12.2 Personnel working vertically over
12.2.1 All rebar shall be capped or bent over.
protruding rebar
12.3.1 Erected shoring equipment shall be inspected immediately
prior to and immediately after the placement of concrete.

12.3.2 Any shoring equipment that is found to be damaged or

weakened shall be immediately reinforced or re -shored.

12.3.3 Re-shoring shall be provided when necessary to safely

support slabs and beams after stripping, or where such
12.3 Formwork improperly designed, members are subjected to superimposed loads due to
12. Concrete, Concrete Forms & construction work done.
erected, supported, braced & or
Shoring maintained. 12.3.4 Form work and shoring shall be designed, erected,
supported, braced, and maintained so that it will safely
support all vertical and lateral loads that may be imposed
upon it during placement of concrete.
12.3.5 Personnel shall not be allowed under or in close proximity
of the formwork during pour operations.
12.3.6 Drawings or plans showing the jack layout, formwork,
shoring, working decks, and scaffolding, shall be available at
the job site.

12.4 Improper PPE used 12.4.1 Proper personnel protective shall be worn

12.5.1 All MSDS sheet for all chemicals which will be used shall be
12.5 Chemical hazards
followed and implemented on site.
12.6.1 Any Damaged tools and/or material found shall not be used
12.6 Damaged tools and/or material
for shoring.
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12.7.1 Personnel not engaged in the pour operation shall stay clear
of the pour area.
12.7 Entrance of unauthorised personnel
12.7.2 A clear area shall be maintained at 1-1/2 times the highest
point of the formwork.
13.1.1 Scaffold shall be erected for any work on height more than
1.8 meter.
13.1.2 Follow Ref: GI 8.001, Safety Requirements for Scaffolds
13.1.3 Use only inspected and approved scaffold material
13.1 Serious / Fatal injuries 13.1.4 Ensure ground is strong enough to bear the load of scaffold
structure plus intended load.
13.1.5 Use sole boards and base plates as per requirement
13.1.6 Scaffolding shall be inspected by third party certified & SA
approved supervisor.
13.2.1 Scaffold shall be provided with ladder.

13.2.2 All personnel working over 1.8 meters shall be provided with
full body harness with shock absorbing lanyards.
13. Working at heights
13.2.3 Barricade the area at ground level

13.2.4 Only third party certified and SA Approved Scaffolders shall

13.2 Personnel Fall Potential be allowed to erect the scaffolding.

13.2.5 Wear full body harness with double lanyard with100%tie off.
Wear helmet with chin strap

13.2.6 Ensure close supervision by competent supervisor.

13.2.7 Scaffolding shall be inspected by Saudi Aramco Approved

scaffold inspector.
13.3 Falling objects 13.3.1 Scaffold shall be provided with toe-boards, mid-rail and
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13.3.2 Use rope / line (with tool basket) to lift or lower the tools

13.3.3 Secure the material at height to avoid falling.

13.4 Training 13.4.1 All working at height workers shall be trained.

14. Using Hand / Power tools 14.1 Improper tools for work being 14.1.1 Tools constructed of good quality materials shall always be
performed used.
14.1.2 Power tools, however, allow many jobs to be carried out
more efficiently and with greater speed and accuracy
14.1.3 The correct use of power tools can only be achieved by the
proper training of workmen, by proper maintenance, and by
adequate site supervision
14.1.4 Hand tools are regularly cleaned and, where necessary,
lightly oiled as a protection against corrosion
14.1.5 All hand tools shall be regularly inspected before and after
use, and before storage.
14.1.6 If wear or damage is observed, the tool shall be withdrawn
from use for repair or disposal.
14.1.7 Proper racks and boxes shall be provided for the storage of
hand tools.
14.1.8 It is essential that the correct type, size, and weight of tool
shall be decided upon before any work is carried out.
14.1.9 Before any electrical tool is used, a careful check shall be
made by the supervisor to ensure that the supply voltage is
within the range marked on the information plate on the
14.1.10 All tools shall be used with extension cords, which are as
short as possible.
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14.2.1 Insulation shall be checked at regular intervals by a

competent electrician

14.2.2 All electrical tools and equipment shall be grounded.

14.2 Power tools not properly grounded or 14.2.3 All electrical power hand tools shall be of the double
double insulated insulated type or properly grounded.

14.2.4 All extension cords shall be fitted with grounding pin and
blades to fit the socket outlet on the distribution board.

14.2.5 Extension cords shall be of the three-wire conductor type.

14.3.1 All portable power tools shall be stored in clean, dry
14.3 Tools not properly stored.
14.3.2 Power tools must not be left lying around the job site where
they could be damaged.
14.4.1 Rotating tools shall be switched off and held until rotation
has completely stopped before they are set down.
14.4 Injuries
14.4.2 Tools must be disconnected before changing bits, blades,
cutters, or wheels.
14.5 Damage or spliced 14.5.1 The contractor shall provide a schedule of systematic
inspection and maintenance for all power tools.

14.5.2 Power for tools can be supplied by compressed air or


14.5.3 Plugs and sockets must meet the National Electrical Code
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requirement with respect to grounding and polarity

14.5.4 Where it is necessary to make electrical splices, these shall

be made with proper connector blocks or by plug and
socket, connectors and taped joints shall not be permitted.

14.5.5 All electrical tools shall establish a proper inspection and

maintenance routine.

14.5.6 A competent electrician shall carry out the inspection and

maintenance of all tools at least once in every working
14.6 GFCI requirements not in effect 14.6.1 Over-current protection shall be provided to extension
cords in accordance with the requirements of the National
Electrical Code

14.6.2 Portable electric power tools and extension cords shall be

protected by an overcurrent protection device (e.g., panel
mounted circuit breaker or in-line fuse).

14.6.3 Residual current devices (RCDs), including ground fault

circuit breakers

14.6.4 (GFCIs) and earth leak current breakers (ELCBs), shall be

used for all 110/220 V portable electric power tools.

14.6.5 RCDs shall have a maximum rated tripping current of 10

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14.6.6 RCDs should be installed as close to the power source as

practicable (e.g.at distribution board/panel).

14.6.7 RCDs shall be installed in enclosures to protect against

environmental conditions and designed for use in outdoor
environments. RCDs shall be protected against mechanical
damage and vibration.
14.7.1 Rotating Disk shall match the used rotating Motor.

14.7 Rotating disks & blades do not match 14.7.2 Rotating disks shall be checked for Expiry date and if expired
equipment or usage, damaged or it shall not be used.
expiry date not valid
14.7.3 Damaged Rotating disks shall not be used and to be removed
immediately from site.
14.8.1 All personnel shall be equipped with full personnel
14.8 Proper PPE not in use
protective equipment
14.9.1 Protective Guard shall be properly installed and used.
14.9 Guards not properly installed &/or
maintained 14.9.2 Protective guards shall be periodically inspected and
14.10.1 Work Permits will not normally be required for use on job
sites but in case of using in restricted areas (operation
14.10 Not Work Permit
area), a Hot Work Permit must be obtained before work
15.1.1 Work permits must be obtained from the appropriate
operations supervisor before work is started.
15. Cable Pulling 15.1 Injuries
15.1.2 Qualified and trained workers to do the Job.
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15.1.3 Close supervision from Supervisor and Site Engineer.

15.1.4 Proper risk assessment and method statement should be


15.1.5 Competent personnel only to work in the job.

15.2.1 Clear the area under cables pulling.

15.2.2 Use rope / line (with tool basket) to lift or lower the tools

15.2 Falling materials 15.2.3 Secure the material at height to avoid falling.

15.2.4 Make sure toe-bards are in place.

15.2.5 Ensure clearance of emergency exits.

15.3.1 If working at height proper mean of falling protection to be
15.3 Falling

15.3.2 To ensure proper fitness for labors.

15.4.1 Awareness sessions regarding Ergonomics hazard to be
15.4 Ergonomic Hazard
applied regularly.
15.5.1 Heat stress shall be avoided by rest intervals and drinking
15.5 Heat Stress Hazards
appropriate quantity of water.
16.1.1 Work permits must be obtained from the appropriate
16 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING 16.1 Serious injuries
operations supervisor before work is started
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16.1.2 Qualified and trained workers to do the Job.

16.1.3 Close supervision from Supervisor and Site Engineer.
16.1.4 Proper risk assessment and method statement should be
16.2.1 Fire watcher shall be provided at any hot work permit
16.2.2 Fire watcher shall be aware of the emergency procedures
and escape routes in case of fire or any emergency.
16.2.3 To ensure proper Mechanical isolation of pipelines and
16.2 Fire / explosion Electrical isolation.
16.2.4 Pipe work that contain explosive or flammable material
shall be subjected to welding or hot cutting operation until
all steps have been taken to remove the substance and any
PIPELINES 16.3 No Access
16.3.1 Safe means of access to and egress from all working places
must be provided
16.4.1 Before any demolition work is started, a competent
supervisor must be appointed in writing as the person
responsible for all work on site.
16.4.2 The original drawings of the structure to be demolished
should be obtained.
16.4 Property Damage
16.4.3 All utility services such as electricity, gas, and water must be
shut off and the main supplies disconnected outside the line
of the demolition work
16.4.4 Adjacent structures shall be protected from demolition
16.5.1 All demolishing wastes shall be disposed in Aramco
16.5 Environmental Pollution
approved disposal area.

This Document has been prepared on the basis of the following:

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