Vector and Tensor Analysis 1
Vector and Tensor Analysis 1
Vector and Tensor Analysis 1
Introduction Transport Phenomena is the subject which deals with the movement of different
physical quantities in any chemical or mechanical process and describes the basic principles
and laws of transport. It also describes the relations and similarities among different types of
transport that may occur in any system. Transport in a chemical or mechanical process can be
classified into three types:
Three different types of physical quantities are used in transport phenomena: scalars (e.g.
temperature, pressure and concentration), vectors (e.g. velocity, momentum and force) and
second order tensors (e.g. stress or momentum flux and velocity gradient). It is essential to
have a primary knowledge of the mathematical operations of scalar, vector and tensor
quantities for solving the problems of transport phenomena. In fact, the use of the indicial
notation in cartesian coordinates will enable us to express the long formulae encountered in
transport phenomena in a concise and compact fashion. In addition, any equation written in
vector tensor form is equally valid in any coordinate system.
In this course, we will using the following notations for scalar, vector and tensor quantities:
s: vector quantities
Tensor quantities
Most of us might have already encountered scalars and vectors in the study of high-school
physics. It was pointed out that the vectors also have a direction associated with them along
with a magnitude, whereas scalars only have a magnitude but no direction. Extending this
definition, we can loosely define a 2nd order tensor as a physical quantity which has a
magnitude and two different directions associated with it. To better understand, why we
might need two different directions for specifying a particular physical quantity. Let us take
the example of the stresses which may arise in a solid body, or in a fluid. Clearly, the stresses
are associated with magnitude of forces, as well as with an area, whose direction is also need
to be specified by the outward normal to the face of the area on which a particular force
acting. Hence, we will require 32, i.e., 9 components to specify a stress completely in a 3
dimensional cartesian coordinate system. In general, an nth order tensor will be specified
by 3n components (in a 3-dimensional system). However, the number of components alone
cannot determine whether a physical quantity is a vector or a tensor. The additional
requirement is that there should be some transformation rule for obtaining the corresponding
tensors when we rotate the coordinate system about the origin. Thus, the tensor quantities can
be defined by two essential conditions:
It is expressed as a symbol δij
δij=1, if i=j
δij=0, if i≠j
Thus, in three dimensions, we may also express the Kronecker delta in matrix
In any tensorial equation, every term should have an equal number of free indices. For
example, vij wj =cj dj is not a valid tensorial expression since the number of free indices
(index i) is not equal in both terms.
Any free indices in a tensorial expression can be replaced by any other indices as long as this
symbol has not already occurred in the expression. For example, Aij Bj= CiDjEj is equivalent
to Akj Bj= CkDjEj.
The number of free indices in an equation gives the actual number of mathematical equations
that will arise from it. For example, in equation Aij Bj= CiDjEj corresponds to 31 = 3 equations
since there is only one free indices i. It may be noted that each indices can take value i=1, 2
or 3. Dummy indicesDummy indices are the indices that occur twice in a tensor term. For
example, j is the dummy index in Aij Bj.
Any dummy index implies the summation of all components of that tensor term associated
Any dummy index in a tensor term can be replaced by any other symbol as long as this
symbol has not already occurred in previous terms. For example, Aijkδjδk= Aipqδpδq.
Note: The dummy indices can be renamed in each term separately in a equations but free
indices should be renamed for all terms in a tensor equations. For example, Aij Bj= CiDjEj can
be replaced by Akp Bp= CkDjEj.
Here, i is the free index which has been replaced by k in both terms but j is a dummy index
and can be replaced either in one term or both. Summation convention in vector and tensor
analysisAccording to the summation convention rule, if k is a dummy index which repeats
itself in a term then there should be a summation sign associated with it. Therefore, we can
eliminate the implied summation sign and can write the expression in a more compact way.