Kd5603433enc 002
Kd5603433enc 002
Kd5603433enc 002
In practical terms …
Where can I get more information?
Useful addresses and glossary
pages 22-27
comp anies play fa
Making sure
pages 2-7
Examining m
pages 8-11
markets to competition
Opening up
pages 12-14
State aid
pages 15-1
l co operation
pages 20-2
© PhotoDisc
This booklet has been prepared by the Directorate-General for Competition
of the European Commission as a guide for non-specialists. It does not have
any legal value and does not bind the European Commission in any way.
Making sure companies play fair
In a free market, business Why are cartels so bad for the in any cartel to do so will not have VITAMIN CARTELS
is a competitive game. economy and how do you find to pay a fine. This results in the In 2001, the European Commission
Sometimes, companies them? cartel being destabilised. The policy fined eight companies (among
may be tempted to avoid has been very successful since its which Hoffman-La Roche) for their
competing with each other A cartel is a group of similar, introduction in the EU. participation in cartels designed
and try to set their own independent companies which join to eliminate competition in the
rules for the game. together to control prices or divide In recent years, most cartels vitamin sector. Vitamins are used
up markets and limit competition. have been detected by the in a wide variety of products,
At times, a major player
Participants in a cartel can rely on European Commission after one such as cereals, biscuits, drinks,
in the game may try to
their agreed market share and do cartel member confessed and asked animal feed, pharmaceuticals and
squeeze its competitors not need to provide new products for leniency, though the European cosmetics. This was reflected in the
out of the market. or quality services at competitive Commission also successfully fine of more than EUR 800 million.
The European Commission prices. Therefore, consumers end up continues to carry out its own For almost 10 years, the companies
acts as the referee to ensure paying more for less quality. investigations to detect cartels. were able to charge higher
that all companies play by Annual fines totalling between prices than if there had been
the same rules. This is why cartels are illegal under EUR 0.5 billion and EUR 1 billion real competition between them,
EU competition law and why the have been imposed in cartel cases. harming consumers and allowing
European Commission imposes These fines go into the Community the companies to make illicit
heavy fines on companies involved budget, help finance the EU and profits.
in a cartel. Since cartels are illegal, ultimately save taxpayers’ money.
they are generally highly secretive Perhaps more importantly, the risk
and evidence of cartels is not easy of large fines deters companies from
to find. setting up or continuing cartels.
Page 2
Companies conclude Agreements between rival companies for luxury perfume impose some VIDEO GAMES
agreements every day: may restrict competition but restrictions on retailers as to the Between 1991 and 1998, Japanese
are they all illegal? may also be necessary to improve shop decoration or the training of video games maker Nintendo and
products or services, develop new personnel. On the other hand these seven of its official distributors
There are certain types of agreements products or find new and better agreements ensure that consumers in Europe worked together to
which are particularly harmful ways of making products available can both buy in an environment maintain artificially high price
for competition and are therefore to consumers. For example, new which suits the product and differences across the EU. Each
almost always prohibited, namely products requiring expensive benefit from personalised advice. distributor was obliged to prevent
secret cartels and other agreements research may only become available They also avoid a situation where exports from its territory to another
in which competitors agree to fix to consumers if several companies one distributor ‘free rides’ on the through unofficial distribution
prices, to limit production or to pool their efforts to develop promotional efforts of another channels (so-called parallel trade).
share markets or customers between them. Research and development distributor. Whether other Under Nintendo’s leadership, the
them. Agreements between a agreements and technology transfer distribution arrangements, such as companies collaborated intensively
producer and its distributors may agreements are therefore often exclusive distribution or selective to find the source of any such
also be prohibited, especially if they compatible with competition distribution, are lawful will depend exports. Traders who allowed these
fix resale prices. law. This may also be the case for on the market position of the exports were punished by being
other cooperation agreements companies involved and requires given smaller shipments or by
Not all agreements which restrict (concerning joint production, individual assessment above certain being boycotted altogether.
competition are necessarily illegal. purchasing or commercialisation, or market share thresholds. As a result, prices for play consoles
Agreements which have more standardisation), but will normally and games differed widely from
positive than negative effects depend on a detailed analysis one European Union country to
are allowed. Generally speaking, of circumstances and economic another, with the United Kingdom
agreements are more likely to benefits of these agreements. being up to 65 % cheaper than
be allowed when they are not Germany and the Netherlands.
concluded between competitors Other types of agreement which The European Commission imposed
or where the companies involved may restrict competition are those a total fine of EUR 168 million on
have only a small part of the between suppliers and retailers. For Nintendo and the distributors.
market. instance, distribution agreements
Page 3
CAR SALES BETWEEN EU certain customers or by offering
Page 4
TYRES MICROSOFT Who enforces EU competition restrict competition to be stopped
In 2001, the European Commission In 2004, the European Commission law on business practices which and fine companies that have
fined French tyre-maker Michelin fined Microsoft EUR 497 million restrict competition? broken EU competition law.
EUR 20 million for abusing its for abusing its dominant position
dominant position in the market in the market for operating The European Commission applies As part of their close cooperation in
for heavy vehicle replacement systems for personal computers and enforces EU law. It can require the European Competition Network
tyres in France during most of (PCs) between 1998 and 2004. companies to provide information (ECN), the European Commission
the 1990s. Over 50 % of new Microsoft’s Windows operating and, if necessary, carry out surprise and the national competition
replacement tyres for heavy system holds a 95 % share of the inspections in the offices of authorities inform each other
vehicles and an even higher share market. Microsoft was found to companies and, with a court order, about new cases to avoid multiple
of retread tyres were made by have: in the homes of company personnel. investigations. They also inform
Michelin. None of its competitors (i) withheld information which each other before taking a decision
were comparable in size so it rival server software would have If the European Commission finds in their cases to ensure that the law
was difficult for dealers to avoid needed to ’talk’ properly with evidence of illegal business practices is applied consistently regardless of
doing business with Michelin. Windows-based PCs. This meant which restrict competition, it can who enforces it. More information
Michelin used a system of rebates that rivals could not compete fairly act to prohibit such behaviour. on the ECN can be found below.
and bonuses to make dealers in the market; and It can also fine companies up to
dependent on its tyres and (ii) made the purchase of Windows 10 % of their annual turnover if Can national courts be asked to
prevented them from choosing conditional on the simultaneous the companies have, for example, apply EU competition rules?
their suppliers freely. acquisition of Microsoft’s separate participated in a cartel that fixed
Windows media player product. prices or agreed how to share out the Yes. Like the competition
This had the effect of populating market between them. authorities, national courts have
virtually all PCs with Windows the power to determine whether
media player, and hence distorting Does the Commission enforce EU a particular agreement complies
competition by artificially driving competition law alone? with the requirements of EU
content providers and applications competition law or not. Companies
developers to the Windows media No. All EU Member States have and consumers can claim damages
platform. national competition authorities if they have been the victim of
Microsoft has appealed to the which have the power to enforce illegal behaviour which restricts
European Court of First Instance EU competition law. They can order competition.
against this decision. agreements and practices which
Page 5
The European Legislation: Article 81 of the EC
Competition Network
Page 6
to the agreement, placing them of agreements in detail. Restrictive most common types of agreements its own distribution network
at a competitive disadvantage. agreements that fulfil the affect competition and use and whether the company
conditions of a block exemption examples to illustrate how the has favourable access to raw
However, some restrictive regulation are allowed under Commission would look at such materials; all are factors which
agreements between companies Article 81. Current block exemption agreements. allow the company to evade
are allowed as they may encourage regulations cover notably research normal competition;
competition, for example by and development agreements, Regulations and guidelines are p the company dominates the
promoting technical progress specialisation agreements and published in the Official Journal European market or a ‘substantial
or by improving distribution. An technology transfer agreements, as of the European Union. Details and part’ of it;
agreement satisfying all of the well as distribution agreements — additional information — like an p the company abuses its position
following conditions is allowed: both in general and, more introductory brochure specifically by, for example, overcharging
specifically, in the car sector. dealing with vertical agreements customers, charging excessively
p it improves the production Furthermore, a number of block — are available on the Internet low prices designed to squeeze
or distribution of goods or exemption regulations relating (see http://europa.eu.int/comm/ out competitors or bar new
promotes technical or economic to particular sectors (insurance, competition/antitrust/legislation/ entrants from the market,
progress; transport) are in place. entente3_en.html#iii_1). or granting discriminatory
p it allows consumers a fair share advantages to some customers.
of the resulting benefit; The European Commission also Legislation: Article 82 of the
p the restriction of competition issues guidance on how it will EC Treaty (abuse of dominant The European
must be necessary to achieve apply the conditions mentioned position) Commission
the two points above; above in order to help companies or a national
p it must not eliminate to distinguish between agreements This article prohibits the abuse of competition
competition for a substantial that are compatible with a dominant position and applies authority can
proportion of the products or competition law and those which under the following conditions: prohibit an
services. are not. Commission guidelines abuse and fine the
on the assessment of horizontal p the company holds a dominant offending company.
On that basis, the European agreements (mainly between position, taking into account
Commission has adopted so-called competitors) and of vertical its market share and other
block exemption regulations agreements (such as distribution factors, such as whether there
which spell out the conditions to agreements) are a case in point. are credible competitors,
be fulfilled by certain categories These guidelines discuss how the whether the company has
Page 7
Examining mergers
While companies Why are mergers examined at the extent that they do not impede competition authorities in the
combining forces European level? competition and hence are capable EU Member States may review
(referred to below as of increasing the competitiveness of the merger.
mergers) can expand Combining the activities of European industry, improving the
markets and bring benefits different companies may allow the conditions of growth and raising the These rules apply to all mergers
to the consumer, some companies, for example, to develop standard of living in the EU. no matter where in the world the
combinations may reduce new products more efficiently or to merging companies have their
reduce production or distribution The objective of examining proposed registered office, headquarters,
competition and harm
costs. Through their increased mergers is to prevent harmful effects activities or production facilities.
efficiency, the market becomes more on competition. Mergers going This is so because even mergers
competitive and consumers benefit beyond the national borders of any between companies based outside
from higher-quality goods at fairer one Member State are examined the European Union may affect
prices. at European level. This allows markets in the EU if the companies
companies trading in different EU do business in the EU.
However, some mergers may reduce Member States to obtain clearance for
competition in a market, usually their mergers in one go. The European Commission may also
by creating or strengthening a examine mergers which are referred
dominant player. This is likely to Which mergers are examined by to it from the national competition
harm consumers through higher the European Commission? authorities of the EU Member
prices, reduced choice or less States. This may take place on the
innovation. If the annual turnover of the basis of a request by the merging
combined businesses exceeds companies or based on a request by
Increased competition within specified thresholds in terms of the national competition authority
the European single market and global and European sales, the of an EU Member State. Under
globalisation are among the proposed merger must be notified certain circumstances, the European
factors which make it attractive to the European Commission, Commission may also refer a case to
for companies to join forces. Such which must examine it. Below the national competition authority
reorganisations are welcome to the these thresholds, the national of an EU Member State.
Page 8
When are mergers prohibited When does the European MERGERS IN THE in development which would
or approved? Commission approve mergers PHARMACEUTICALS SECTOR compete with Pfizer’s Viagra,
conditionally? Two large mergers in the thereby allowing the deal to be
All proposed mergers notified to the pharmaceutical sector were cleared.
Commission are examined to see However, not all mergers which notified to the European
if they would significantly impede significantly impede competition Commission: Sanofi/Synthélabo MERGERS IN THE CONSUMER
effective competition in the EU. are prohibited. Even if the European and Pfizer/Pharmacia. The GOODS/FOOD SECTOR
If they do not, they are approved Commission finds that a proposed European Commission concluded The initial analysis of the European
unconditionally. If they do, and no merger could distort competition, that both mergers could have an Commission concluded that
commitments aimed at removing the parties may commit to taking adverse impact on competition, the merger between the food
the impediment are proposed by action to try to correct this limiting the choice of certain companies Unilever and Bestfoods
the merging firms, they must be likely effect. ey may commit, drugs available to patients. would reduce competition in the
prohibited to protect businesses for example, to sell part of the In both cases, the parties markets for instant soups, pasta
and consumers from higher prices combined business or to license proposed transferring some of sauces, jams and other food
or a more limited choice of goods technology to another market their products to competitors, products in almost all EU Member
or services. Proposed mergers player. If the European Commission which the European Commission States. Consumers would have
may be prohibited, for example, is satisfied that the commitments agreed would restore competition been significantly affected by the
if the merging parties are major would maintain or restore in the markets and so protect the proposed merger, which could
competitors or if the merger would competition in the market, thereby interests of patients. In the case have resulted in a reduced choice
otherwise significantly weaken protecting consumer interests, of Sanofi/Synthélabo, among of products at higher prices. As a
effective competition in the it gives conditional clearance for the products transferred or sold result, the parties proposed the
market, in particular by creating or the merger to go ahead. It then were, for instance, vitamin B₁₂ sale of an estimated EUR 1 billion
strengthening a dominant player. monitors whether the merging sold under the name ‘Delagrange’, of their business to competitors
companies fulfil their commitments certain antibiotics, hypnotics and this allowed the European
and may intervene if they do not. and sedatives. In the case of Commission to give conditional
Pfizer/Pharmacia, the parties, for clearance to the merger.
instance, proposed transferring When examining the acquisition
to competitors certain products of Wella by Procter & Gamble, the
Page 9
European Commission concluded the service stations on French
that competition could be reduced motorways. It would also have
in the markets for hair-care products become the leading supplier of
(such as shampoos, conditioners, liquid petroleum gas (LPG). The
treatments and colourants) in European Commission considered
Page 10
Community law on merger control
Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 — every year. The detailed unconditionally, or it may merger control which provide
the merger regulation: statistics are available on the prohibit it, notably in cases a detailed explanation of the
Europa competition website. where the companies have analytical framework employed
Details of the notification not been able to propose by the Commission in assessing
p The European Commission requirements as well as appropriate solutions to the likely impact of mergers
has the exclusive power to the notification form the concerns raised by the on competition, and of some
investigate mergers with (Form CO) are regulated by Commission. ‘Conditions’ of the basic terms used in
a Community dimension. Commission Regulation (EC) attached to the authorisation merger control law (such as,
Companies thus have a one- No 808/2004. frequently entail the sale to for example, a notice on the
stop shop for merger control, competitors of assets, shares, concept of concentration). These
which simplifies and reduces p After an initial scrutiny period patents, etc. can be found on the Europa
administrative procedures. of 25 working days, the competition website.
The main benchmarks for Commission decides either to p Over 90 % of notified cases
determining which mergers authorise the transaction or, if are approved after the initial
have a Community dimension it thinks that the concentration scrutiny period of 25 working
are that the worldwide turnover might result in a significant days. Most cases going through
of the merging companies is over impediment to effective the 90 working days’ in-depth
EUR 5 000 million and that their competition, it may initiate investigation procedure are
Community-wide turnover is an in-depth investigation resolved by a conditional
over EUR 250 million. procedure which usually takes authorisation. Since 1990, there
up to a further 90 working days have been only 18 outright
p Mergers with a Community (in certain circumstances, this prohibitions. Detailed statistics
dimension have to be notified may be increased to 105 or 125 are available on the Europa
to the Commission for its working days). competition website.
agreement before they are put
into effect. The Commission p At the end of this procedure, p The Commission has adopted
currently receives between the Commission may authorise a number of interpretative
200 and 300 notifications the merger conditionally or notices on various aspects of
Page 11
Opening up markets to
o competition
Services such as transport, What are the advantages of LOWCOST AIRLINES How has freedom of choice been
energy, postal services and liberalisation? Low-cost airlines have been able introduced?
telecommunications have to start operating and developing
not always been as open In the EU Member States, services in Europe thanks to the European e approach of the European
to competition as they like these have previously been Commission opening up the airline Commission has evolved over the
are today. The European provided by national organisations industry to competition. The wider years. In 1993, when requiring
Commission has been with exclusive rights to provide and more affordable range of Denmark to end the monopoly
a given service. By opening up services now available are enjoyed rights of the State-owned railway
instrumental in opening
these markets to international by many European consumers. company DSB on the port
up these markets to
competition, consumers can now facilities at Rødby, the European
competition (also known
Page 12
on consumers?
The European Commission opened
the telecommunications sector
completely to competition on
1 January 1998. This allowed
residential and business users in
Europe to save 13 % and 23 %
respectively on their telephone
bills for domestic calls from fixed
Average monthly phone bill for national calls (EUR)
In the two markets which were telephones between August 1998 10 Business, excl. VAT
opened up to competition first (air and August 2003. 0
transport and telecommunications), The savings were even more 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
(Source: Ninth report on the implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package, COM(2003) 715 final).
average prices have dropped dramatic for international calls,
substantially is is not the case for where the average cost of calls to
Average cost for 10-minute international calls (EUR)
markets which were opened up to all OECD countries fell by 41 % for
competition later or not at all (such residential users and by 45 % for 1.68
as electricity, gas, rail transport and business users.
postal services), where prices have 1.6 1.43
remained unchanged or have even 1.4 1.22
1.2 1.08 1.03
increased. Although this may be 1.03 0.98
due to sector-specific factors — for 1.0
0.73 0.70
instance, gas prices are closely 0.8 0.67
related to oil prices — it seems 0.6 Residential, incl. VAT
that consumers have been able to 0.4 Business, excl. VAT
benefit more easily from lower prices 0.2
in sectors which are more open to 0.0
competition. 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
(Source: Ninth report on the implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package, COM(2003) 715 final).
Page 13
Legislation: If EU Member States do not
Article 86 of the EC Treaty comply with directives, the
European Commission initiates
The EC Treaty states that the an infringement procedure under
‘activities of the Community shall Article 226 of the EC Treaty.
include a system ensuring that
competition in the internal market The decisions taken by the European
© European Communities, 2004
Can public services be delivered POSTAL SERVICES States grant special or exclusive liberalization/decisions/):
properly in a competitive market? The State-funded German rights. It gives the European p postal services (5),
postal service, Deutsche Post, is Commission the power to address p mobile telecommunications (2),
Opening up new markets requires obliged to maintain an expensive, appropriate directives or decisions p airports (3),
additional regulation to ensure nationwide network of post to Member States which enact or p ports and maritime transport (4),
that public services continue to be offices and therefore has higher maintain measures contrary to the p insurance (1) and
provided and that the consumer is costs than its competitors. In rules contained in the Treaty. p broadcasting (1).
not adversely affected. When applying March 2001, when the European
The European Commission has The European Commission also
competition law, the European Commission asked Deutsche Post
adopted directives under examined complaints in other
Commission always takes account to provide its parcel services at a
Article 86: sectors, such as energy, but solutions
of the special obligations placed on fair price, it recognised that part
p to ensure that financial favourable to consumers were
any organisation benefiting from of Deutsche Post’s costs came found without the need for formal
‘monopoly rights is approach from this obligation. As a result, relations between the
Member States and their decisions. In addition, the European
ensures that there is fair competition it only asked Deutsche Post to set Commission has proposed
public companies are
without handicapping the State- its prices to cover the extra cost of measures to the European
transparent; and
funded provider, which is obliged to providing parcel services, over and Parliament and the Council to
p to open up the electronic
provide services in the public interest above the cost of maintaining this communications markets to open up some of these markets
even where this is not profitable. network (i.e. the incremental cost). competition. to competition.
Page 14
Monitoring State aid
It is of fundamental
importance that competitors
operate on an equal basis.
Faced with free trade
between EU Member States
and the opening of public
services to competition,
national authorities
sometimes want to use
public resources to promote
certain economic activities
or to protect national
industries. The granting of
these resources is known as
State aid.
What is State aid?
State aid can distort fair if a company has received State not regarded as State support the commercial banking
and effective competition aid, which is the case if the support aid because they are not activities of CDC. The Commission
between companies in meets the following criteria: selective and apply to also demanded the phasing out
Member States and harm all companies regardless of the guarantee, allowing CDC
the economy, which is why 1. there has been an intervention of their size, location or to adjust its operational and legal
the European Commission by the State or through State sector. Examples include environment to operate under the
monitors State aid. resources which can take a variety general taxation measures same conditions as its competitors.
of forms (e.g. grants, interest or employment legislation. These decisions of the Commission
and tax reliefs, guarantees, contributed to restoring fair
government holdings of all competition in the banking sector.
Page 15
When is State aid allowed?
Page 16
How does the European
Commission monitor State aid?
e Commission approves
around 85 % of all notified State
aid measures after a preliminary
assessment. It only makes a formal
investigation in contentious cases
and publishes its decision to do
so in the Official Journal and on
the competition homepage (http:
e procedure gives
interested parties the opportunity to
comment on the aid and enables the
Commission to consider all aspects
before reaching a final decision.
Page 17
as Europe’s position on the global
market. Details of this analysis are
published at:
In the late 1990s, the Dutch
authorities granted SCI Systems
a generous aid package to build
a factory for the assembly of PCs
for Hewlett-Packard in Friesland.
In February 2001, the European
Commission found that this
aid broke the rules on regional
investment aid. These rules
prevent authorities from having an
expensive subsidy race to attract
mobile investment projects and
the jobs they could bring to their
region. Such races would be costly
for taxpayers and undermine
cohesion objectives because richer
authorities could continuously
outbid poorer ones. In August
2002, the company paid back
NGL 3.8 million (EUR 1.7 million) to
the Dutch authorities.
What measures has the European
Commission taken to improve its
State aid control system?
Furthermore, enforcement of
Commission decisions ordering the
recovery of unlawful aid has been
improved through the creation of
a specialised unit to ensure strict
e effective recovery
is a necessary complement to the
Commission’s power to control State
aid, and Member States now have
an increased incentive to implement
recovery decisions.
Page 18
In May 2004, the European
Commission ordered the Danish
public broadcaster TV2 to pay
back excess compensation for
public service tasks. It had initiated
this investigation following a
complaint from a commercial
broadcaster operating on the
Danish market, claiming that TV2
received State aid to finance its
public service tasks.
The investigation showed that
the total amount of State aid TV2
received exceeded the costs of
accomplishing its public service
mission by EUR 84.4 million.
TV2 could use the excess
compensation to finance its
commercial activities, unduly
favouring it over competitors that
did not receive State funding.
In order to restore competitive
conditions in its commercial
activities, the Commission
ordered TV2 to refund the excess
compensation plus interest.
What are the challenges for the Legislation: Articles 87, 88 and 89 for training, employment and SMEs.
new Member States? of the EC Treaty, regulations and To ensure transparency, however,
block exemptions Member States are obliged to
The 10 new Member States which send an information notice to the
joined the European Union on Article 87 contains the substantive Commission shortly after the aid is
1 May 2004 previously had different rules governing State aid, namely implemented.
traditions concerning State aid. the general principle that State
However, since joining, they have aid is incompatible with the Article 88 sets out the basic
had to comply fully with European common market, as well as a list procedural rules regarding
State aid provisions. This has of possible exemption clauses. the enforcement of Article 87,
resulted in a drive for less and better The Commission has adopted in particular the obligation
targeted aid, which also helps the a number of interpretative of Member States to notify
new Member States to integrate frameworks and guidelines any plans to grant aid to the
better into the internal market. As clarifying how it applies the Commission and to implement
regards State aid measures in the exemption clauses, thus ensuring aid only after the Commission’s
new Member States which already a coherent application of State aid approval. The Treaty provisions
existed before they joined the rules across all Member States and have been complemented by the
European Union, these measures sectors of the industry. Examples procedural regulation (Council
continue to be applied without the include the Community framework Regulation (EC) No 659/1999)
risk of recovery until they are, where for State aid for R & D and the and the implementing regulation
necessary, brought into line with EU Community guidelines on State (Commission Regulation (EC)
State aid rules. aid for environmental protection. No 794/2004).
In areas where the Commission
has gained sufficient experience, Article 89 is the legal basis for
it has adopted a number of legal Council regulations in the State
instruments known as block aid field, such as the procedural
exemption regulations, setting regulation and the enabling
out the conditions under which regulation (Council Regulation (EC)
Member States may implement No 994/98) which is the basis for
aid without notifying it to the block exemption regulations.
Commission. Examples include aid
Page 19
International cooperation
With increasing
globalisation, more
and more companies,
mergers and cartels are
international. As a result,
the activities of companies
based outside the EU may
affect competition within
the EU. This has made
international cooperation
on competition policy
Does the European Commission
examine mergers or cartels
involving non-EU companies?
Page 20
competition policies.
e competition authorities
in these countries or regions
are increasingly called upon to
investigate the same international
mergers or take action against
international cartels. Almost all of
them are members of forums such
as the International Competition
Network (ICN), which is an
informal, worldwide network of
competition authorities.
International Competition
Network: see
e European Commission
is frequently in contact with
competition authorities outside the
EU. For example, in Europe the
European Commission cooperates
with the EFTA Surveillance
Authority. Also, the European
Commission has coordinated with
the Canadian, Japanese and US
competition authorities to carry
out simultaneous inspections in six
EU Member States, Canada, Japan
and the US in connection with an
alleged international cartel.
e EU has competition
cooperation arrangements with
several countries and regions.
All of these are published on the
website of the Directorate-General
for Competition of the European
Page 21
Page 22
competition and able to provide
the European Commission with
specific information, you may
want to lodge a formal complaint
instead. In this case, you would
need to fulfil certain legal
requirements which are explained in
detail in the Commission Notice on
the handling of complaints
(for further information see
You can also send an e-mail to
to ask for further information on the
lodging of a formal complaint.
Informing a consumer
Page 23
p How can I make a merger-
related complaint or
suggestion to the European
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition
Merger Registry
B-1049 Brussels
p What can I do if competition is
distorted through a State aid
e European Commissioner
responsible for competition
appointed a Consumer
Liaison Officer within the
Commission’s Competition DG
to ensure a permanent dialogue
with European consumers.
To contact him, you may send him
an e-mail to his mailbox:
Where can I get more information?
From the European Commission
On the Internet
In print
Page 24
• The competition rules for supply and
distribution agreements and the
Competition policy newsletter are
available, free of charge, from the
European Commission’s representative
offices in the EU Member States and
from EU Info-Points;
• a review of the work of the European
Commission on competition matters
is included in the annual General
report on the activities of the European
Union, which can be consulted
online on the website
By e-mail or letter
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. (32-2) 29-91111