Pe (Compiled)
Pe (Compiled)
Pe (Compiled)
Other definition of Games: Indoor Games involving manufactured toys did not
become as common as homemade playthings among
• "A game is a system in which players engage in
children until the nineteenth century. By the middle of
an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that
the nineteenth century, changing definitions of
results in a quantifiable outcome." (Katie Salen
childhood, as well as increased industrialization and
and Eric Zimmerman). Based on the definition,
urbanization, led to the beginnings of the modern toy
in a certain example of indoor games like board
industry in Europe and the United States, and to the rise
games, you can’t play the game perfectly, there
of leisure.
must be certain rules to be followed in order for
players to determine the winner and loser. Indoor Recreational Activities are the things that you
• "A game is a form of art in which participants, do for fun and enjoyment in the comfort of your home,
termed players, make decisions in order to the gym, or any other covered area. Some examples
manage resources through game tokens in the are: going to the gym, playing board games, doing
pursuit of a goal." (Greg Costikyan) According to indoor yoga, going to art museums, etc.
this definition, some "games" that do not
involve choices, such as Chutes and Ladders,
Candy Land, and War are not technically games
any more than a slot machine is. Based on this
definition, in playing a game, you must
accountable for your resources in order for you
to enjoy more the game but most of the
examples of indoor does not require tokens, it
requires more on thinking and problem-solving
• "A game is an activity among two or more
independent decision-makers seeking to
achieve their objectives in some limiting
context." (Clark C. Abt). One of the objectives of
a single game is to generate thinking and
problemsolving skills. You can’t achieve the
main goal of the game without playmates, so it
INDOOR Creates happiness, reduces stress
RECREATIONAL INDOOR GAMES While participating in a game, there is always a good
ACTIVITIES amount of laughter. Laughing together and having fun
Indoor Games are can keep the seniors happy and healthy. According to
the variety of (Malgaj,2010), playing stress relief games to reduce
structured and stress is a good way to rid the body and mind of
Recreation is an activity competitive forms of exhaustion, anxiety, and depression. Games relieve
of leisure and often play or physical stress a lot faster than traditional relaxation techniques
activity, that is or methods. Games provide effective and instant stress
done for enjoyment,
usually carried out relief solutions.
amusement, or pleasure either in the home or
and considered to be in specially Why Play Stress Relief Games?
“fun”. constructed indoor. The answer is simple: people feel better when they are
doing something enjoyable. Playing is fun; games induce
happiness and communication, promote cheerfulness
Indoor games can and reduce depression, anxiety and worries. Playing
The word literally tells be categorized into games for at least 30 minutes every day can do wonders
us that indoor recreation three types Card to refresh and rejuvenate physically and mentally. As
activities are undertaken games, board opposed to traditional stress relief methods like
on the comfort of one’s games, and games meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or Yoga,
home or more especially that involve physical stress relief games are entertaining and easily
indoor and they are to movement. This type accessible. Indoor games are akin to meditation, they
recreate the mind and of indoor games is involve concentration that allows the mind to move
soul. commonly played in away from the stress factor, and ensures intense
our country involvement.
Philippines like UNO
card game, An opportunity to spend time together/ socialize
Scrabble, Sungka,
One of the purposes of While growing up we often forget that our parents too
Dama and etc.
are growing old. Often the family members have
Indoor recreational
different schedules that push us in different directions.
activity is to provide an
But playing games (maybe a card game) even for a short
ideal opportunity to Indoor games allow
while with your elderly loved ones is a perfect way to
explore and develop a one to play when
spend time together. We may not realize the
full range of abilities also one cannot venture
importance but for them, it’s quality time and a
indoor recreational outdoors. Indoor
priceless gift. So, playing to spend time to socialize helps
activities make one games mean you
learners become socially aware and helps them gain the
develop holistically can stay at home confidence to interact with others. Through playing
because it improves the and still play. learners learn about concepts such as wining, loosing,
physical, mental, social, Although they and playing fair and also develop problem-solving skills.
emotional, spiritual and cannot substitute for Indoor play areas give learners that opportunity to
moral abilities of the outdoor games, socialize with others and to develop such skills.
individual. The term indoor games are
recreation implies capable of providing Memory formation and cognitive skills
participation to be a resourceful Board games or any indoor games help us to practice
healthy refreshing mind entertainment in essential cognitive skills and enhance the parts of the
and body. closed environments brain responsible for complex thought and memory
formation. Creative indoor games help the brain retain
Benefits of Indoor Games and build cognitive associations well in old age.
Science supports many of our intuitions about the that always come with board games, prevent these
benefits of play. Playful behavior appears to have effects by releasing some chemicals that fight stress,
positive effects on the brain and on a child’s ability to and boost your immune system. A simple board game
learn. In fact, play may function as an important, if not could give rise to the ‘survival genes’ and activate them
crucial, mode for learning. (Dewar et al 2014). in your brain, making the brain cells live longer and
helping to fight disease.
Improvesimmune system
Positive feelings and thoughts, like the laughter and
enjoyment that always come with board games or card
games, improve immunity by releasing some chemicals
that fight stress and boost the immune system.
Simulation card games In a paper and pencil game, players write their
own words, often under specific constraints. For
A deck of either customized dedicated cards or a example, a crossword requires players to use clues to
standard deck of playing cards with assigned fill out a grid, with words intersecting at specific
meanings is used to simulate the actions of another letters. Other examples of paper and pencil games
activity, for example card football. include Hangman, Scattergories, boggle, and word
Fictional card games
Semantic Games
Many games, including card games, are fabricated
by science fiction authors and screenwriters to Semantic games focus on the semantics of words,
distance a culture depicted in the story from present- utilizing their meanings and the shared knowledge of
day Western culture. They are commonly used as players as a mechanic. Mad Libs, Blankety Blank,
filler to depict background activities in an atmosphere and Codenames are all semantic games.
like a bar or rec room, but sometimes the drama
revolves around the play of the game. Some of these
games become real card games as the holder of the **DEXTERITY GAMES
intellectual property develops and markets a suitable
deck and rule set for the game, while others, such as In the 19 th century, adults and children have
"Exploding Snap" from the Harry Potter franchise, lack fascinated in this game. The dexterity games is also
sufficient descriptions of rules, or depend on cards or called as skill games, hand-held, and palm puzzle
other hardware that are infeasible or physically games. The essential hand-eye challenge of rolling a
impossible. ball into a hole or tilting a capsule through a maze has
proved among the most delightful, maddening, and
enduring diversions of the modern age, despite — or
perhaps because of — its sheer simplicity.
Word games (also called word While the first rolling-ball puzzles were available in
game puzzles or word search games) are spoken or England as early as the 1840s, it was Charles M.
board games often designed to test ability Crandall’s Pigs in Clover, introduced in 1889, that
with language or to explore its properties in the captured the enthusiasm of the American public.
Senators took the game into the Senate Chambers has to play the exact same tile from their set, but they
during debates, and US President Benjamin Harrison can lay it anywhere inside their 19-tile grid
is said to have played the game in the White House
instead of tending to politics. By 1890, orders for Pigs Isle of Skye (2015) 2-5 players, 60 minutes
in Clover were in excess of 8,000 a day. - In the Isle of Skye each player is making their own
Beginning in 1891, the London-based firm of R. little Isle by buying tiles in an effort to score the most
Journet and Company designed more than one points. But different players will be going for different
hundred innovative glass-top dexterity games. “A things (boats, sheep, whiskey, mountains etc) – and
good puzzle should be simple in idea,” Journet once each turn you’ll draw three random tiles and price
said. ”It should explain itself without any long each one.
instructions and it should look attractive.” The first Galaxy Trucker (2004) 2-4 players, 60-90 minutes
British Industries Fair in 1918 produced orders for
large numbers of these puzzles (especially from the - If you like a tongue-in-cheek sci-fi theme and find
United States) and marked the real start of Journet’s the usual tile-laying experience a little pedestrian, how
puzzle business, which would continue well into the would you like to frantically build a space ship out of
twentieth century. In those early years, dexterity tiles in real-time – complete with guns, engines, crew,
games gained an international following and were and storage space? And then fly it through alien-
also being produced in great numbers in France, infested asteroid fields and watch as half (and often
Germany and Japan. more) of it is smashed to bits or vaporized on the way
to your destination? Then Galaxy Trucker is the game
for you.
6. TILE LAYING GAMES Alhambra (2003) 2-6 players, 60 minutes
Tile-laying games are great for game evangelists: - While most definitely a tile-laying game, Alhambra is
many have simple rules so are family, new gamer and the closest game on the list to being disqualified for
child friendly. We all know the concept from having too much else going on. You have to collect
Dominoes, and it’s amazing how little you have to add sets of cards (which count as currency) to buy the
to that simple premise to make a truly great game. tiles you want from a display, but the meat of the
Tile games also have very strong curb appeal, game is most definitely on the tiles: you’re trying to
looking great on the table and really catching the eye get the highest number of tiles in any given color to
– and imagination – of anyone walking past: much like get points in the three scoring rounds, while also
a jigsaw can do, but with much more game appeal placing them in such a way that the walls match to
across the age and ability ranges. both give you more points and not restrict you too
much as you build.
- is a tile-based game. It is commonly played by four
players. It is also a game of skill, strategy, and
calculation, and it involves a degree of chance.
Tsuro (2004) 2-8 Players, 15 Minutes
- Tsuro ticks so many ‘perfect filler game’ boxes:
lovely production, simple gameplay you can teach in a
couple of minutes (and to people as young as six or
so), a short play time, easy setup, easily available and
only about £20 – and can take up to eight players.
Medina (2001) 2-4 players, 60-90 minutes
- Medina is a gorgeous board game where the ‘tiles’
are actually wooden blocks representing buildings,
merchants, rooftops and city walls. It’s an abstract
game where players take it in turns to place a couple
of pieces onto the board and later claim buildings to
earn points.
Take it Easy (1983) 1-8 players, 20-30 minutes
- This game of laying hexagonal tiles has a neat twist:
a bit like bingo, one player draws a tile and everyone
WEEK 5-6 PE flexibility, agility, and endurance. It also enhances a
student's social relationships with others. It develops
Playing is one of the priceless happiness of each and
group qualities like cooperation, teamwork, and
every child. Good games are important for children to
help them learn and grow in a way that makes them
feel good. It also helps them develop their social THREE TYPES OF ‘LARO NG LAHI’
capacity and at the same time self-confidence within
SINGLE GAMES - Individual games are games that are
played by single participants or relay teams to inject and
Philippine Traditional games are also called Laro ng Lahi. add competition in the class.
Filipino traditional games and sports have originated
Examples of single games Piko, Sipa ( using rattan
from different cultures, some of which have pre-
ball),and Tumbang Preso
Hispanic origin or we called it indigenous games these
games are very unique in terms of how they played it. DUAL GAMES - sets of activities done by two or more
We Filipinos are known as sports-loving people and than two players.
creative in any aspect of life and these traditional games
is a testament to our passion for play. There are Filipino Examples: Sungka, Dama, Buno, Bunong Braso ( Arm
games now such as Sungka, Dama, and Patintero that Wrestling), and Culliot (similar to tug of war)
become less popular in the children because of the born
of new machinery. However, there are Filipino games GROUP GAMES - Group games are sets of activities that
such as Sipa, Yoyo, and Arnis have been adopted by require more than four members of the team. They are
other countries as their own. usually practiced in class as their supplemental activities
or lead-up games.
These games should remain relevant as they provide
the people the opportunity to learn, appreciate, and Examples: Patintero, Luksong Tinik, and Luksong
experience aspects of their own culture. These games Baka
also provide essential training in social interaction and
help develop camaraderie, sportsmanship, and honesty CHARACTERISTICS OF GAMES
because encouraging their preservation will mean
• A game is a free and voluntary activity
understanding our own culture.
-Any play activity that forces or drafts a player
The Concept of “ Laro ng Lahi”
against his will is not game. By this definition, grammar
“ Laro ng Lahi” refers to the traditional or native sports school games initiated and organized by teachers on
of the Filipinos. They are part of heritage. The Filipinos, playgrounds or high school sports in gyms, supervised
even before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, by coaches, are out of the category of games. In other
were very active in sports and games. words, it’s a player’s own choice to play when he wants
to, with whom, why, and how. A game should never be
The first “ Palaro ng Lahi” was held in Laoag, Ilocos imposed by anyone and never made a moral duty of a
Norte, on February 10, 1984, sponsored by the player. For example, In playing piko or any type of game
provincial government in cooperation with DECS. The it’s our own choice whether we’re going to participate
inclusion of some of our native games in the Physical or not because it is very hard for us if we’re going to
Education curriculum had been approved particularly at push ourselves in participating in a game.
the secondary level.
• A game has two or more forces (individual or
Today, “Laro ng Lahi” is recommended as one of the teams) of equality matched caliber in opposition
best lead –up games and activities for students from
graders to college level. It is also a way of teaching our -The moment one player or team has an edge;
students to patronize indigenous games that were over the opponent, in one form or another at the very
popularized by our natives. It also promotes fitness and inception of the contest, the activity stops being a game
competition. Playing the games in Laro ng Lahi helps in the true sense of the word. This is one of the reasons
students develop health and fitness programs like vigor, that children love to play games because, in a game
with adults, they are equal partners. For example in
playing patintero, there is an equal distribution of who will be the winner it is based on the players on how
participants wherein each team must consist of a boy they play until the game finished.
and girl in order to have an equal play.
• A game is non-utilitarian
• A game is governed by rules
Unlike work, it produces no goods and no
-The everyday rules of life are suspended and are services. It produces only the beauty of happiness.
temporarily replaced by a set of rules that are both
• A game is separate and selective
absolute and precise. There may be some argument
over what rules to follow, for different players know - Not all people are in a game. Players consider
different versions of a game, but they're never is any their activity as a closed unit in their chosen space and
argument over the use of rules. Rules are very time and anything happening outside at that moment is
important in a single game, because how can you play a irrelevant. The charm of a game is enhanced by making
game without a set of rules to follow. For example in a secret or an exclusive domain out of it; the idea that
playing Sungka, how can you start the play without this is for us and not for others is basic. People mostly
knowing the first move, the pointing system, and also called it their pastime. From exposing their body from
how can we determine the winner; So rules in-game are heavy work they look for extra time to relax their body.
important in order to have a smooth play. For example, during your childhood years after class,
you are looking for playmates to play before you go
• A game is make believe
home. So it’s your own choice to play. • A game has a
- From the viewpoint of the world outside, a Dual function
game is not real. A game takes place in a temporary
It teaches the rules of society and at the same
world within the ordinary world. Players step out of
time serves as an escape from the restrictions of
reallife into a temporal sphere of activity. But the
society. Games are considered by adults as good
paradox in a game is that while players are only
devices for socialization. Children are believed to learn
pretending and everything is done strictly for fun, there
teamwork, fair play, tolerance, and sportsmanship from
is seriousness in the pretense. To players, the game is
games. Non-competitive play is often referred to as
very real and very important, and they are intensely
pastime for it is personalized fun and is undertaken
committed to it. The good example of it is the Bahay-
purposely to while away the time. For example in
Bahayan- players are assigned what will be their
playing Dama, while playing you are interacting with
character (father, mother, teacher, doctor, and etc..)
your opponent, so there is social interaction between
the main objective of this game is to portray the role of
you and your opponent, and also you are learning while
their chosen character in which their actions are based
playing the game.
on their observation in the society.
PRE-GAMES (Preliminaries to Games)
The common type of choosing IT is lottery or bunutan. For example Dama- where a player tries not only to
Players can choose a number, straw, paper, or other defeat his opponent but to dominate him.
materials in guessing who is it. c). Mimetic or Drama Games- A mimetic or drama game
▪ “TIHAYA” o “TAOB” or Toss Coin Toss coin can is one in which the players pretend that they are other
determine the IT people, not themselves, or they are animals inanimate
objects. They are either given traditional lines to say or
▪ JACK AND POY or “ BATO-BATO PICK” some impromptu acts to perform. Games of
This is a finger-flashing method of selecting IT using the dramatization and mimicry seem to be a property of
hand in signaling the fingers, closed fist stone (BATO), girls and old women but when male players engage in
open palm as paper, and clenched fist with two. these games, the drama gets more involved, the rules of
the game more complicated, and acting rougher.
PHILIPPINES Example is Bahay-bahayan
Ordinary games are characterized by a formulized A game that consists of humorous stories characterized
language in the beginning and ending supernatural by short simple plots.
motifs, and sympathy for the underdog or commoner. These are games in which jokes or tricks are played by a
Ordinary games are composed of three subdivisions: player or a group of players on one player, exposing the
Physical games, Games of dexterity or skill, and Mimetic individual to physical and mental indignity and
or drama games. discomfort in front of the opponents. There is a good
a). Physical Games- these are games characterized by deal of rough humor in these games. Jokes and trickster
energetic motor movements, bodily strength, and games are divided into three groups:
1. Practical Jokes
- These games fall into two types: that in which 4. Hiding and Hunting Objects
the basis for laughter is the victim action like a coin in
- these are games in which a player or team of
the forehead; and that in which it is his speech rather
players hide an object from another player or another
than his action which leads to his being laughed at like
team, after which, the latter searches for that which is
tongue twister.
hidden. This game is closely related to guessing games,
2. Games of Power Play the only difference is that the players in hiding and
hunting objects do not speculate or guess where the
- These games wherein a player taking the “it”
hidden object is but must actively hunt for it.Examples:
role utilizes his potential role and manipulates the
Tagau-taguan and Taguan ng Tsinelas.
movements of the rest of the players with a minimum
of skill but a maximum of trickery. 5. Games of Chance
A good example of this game is the Ilong, Ilong, Bibig; - these are contests between a player or players
This game is played indoor or outdoor setting. The main on one on side and an imaginary opponent called Luck
objective of this game is to follow the leader’s or SUWERTE. Included in this category are games that
commands and not what he does. put absolute reliance on mechanical equipment or
props whose results are beyond any human control.
Example: Lucky Nine
1 The leader touches his nose with a finger and
says, “Ilong, Ilong, Ilong” then his mouth “Bibig, Bibig,
Bibig. The players follow his command. A formula game is one in which the whole game is the
sum-total of all its parts, and each part is related to and
2 The leader suddenly puts his finger on his
derives its ultimate significance from the entire whole.
mouth and taps it saying, “Ilong, Ilong, Ilong.”
A formula game is governed by precise contingency
(Note: The leader continues to repeat the words but rules. This category is divided into the following
quickly taps some other part of the face, like in his eye, subheads:
ear, cheek, etc.)
a. Cumulative Games- These are chain reaction
The player caught imitating the leader’s movements games. The succeeding movements always repeat the
and not his command is eliminated from the game. previous movements or parts thereof, then adds a new
part each time to arrive gradually at the conclusion.
3 The last player in the circle is the next leader.
Example: Luksong Tinik and Piko
3. Guessing Games
b. Minor Formula games
- These are games in which speculation plays a major
Circular games- these are verbal forfeit games that
role. The games fall under several groups:those in which
require each player to repeat traditional segment ( a
one player tries to guess the identity of another player.
phrase, sentence, or verse) of a story.
Example Takip Silim
Games Avoiding Pronouns- These are games where the
• those which require the guesser to surmise
players are made to recite traditional poems or verses,
which hand is holding an object or objects. Example :
sometimes lyrics or songs, and while doing so must omit
Kaliwa o kanan.
all pronouns.
• to guess which finger or fingers of a player
Verbal jousts- This game characterized by an
touched the guesser. Example: Pitik Bulag
extemporaneous debate between two players or
• those which require the guesser to guess the between groups of players on a traditional subject.
number of objects in another player’s closed fist.
Holistic Benefits of Philippine Traditional Indoor Games
Example: Odd or Even
The researchers aim to prove that traditional Filipino
games could benefit every child who plays such