Rizal (Compiled)

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   Recognize the relevance of Rizal’s

ideas, thoughts, teachings, and life values to
WEEK 1 present conditions in the Community;
2.    Apply Rizal’s ideas in the solution of
Laws on Rizal  day-to-day situations and problems in
contemporary life;
There are at least two Republic Acts and two 3.    Develop an understanding and
Memorandum Orders pertaining to Jose Rizal: appreciation of the qualities and behavior and
character of Rizal; and
1. Republic Act N. 1425 or the Rizal Law 4.    Forster development of moral
2. Republic Act No. 229 or the Celebration of character, personal discipline, citizenship, and
Rizal Day’ vocational efficiency among the Filipino
3. Memorandum Order No. 247 by President Youth.
Fidel V. Ramos
4. CHED Memorandum No. 3, s 1995 by REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1425
Commissioner Mona D. Valismo.
An act to include in the curricula of all public and
Introduction about the Rizal Law private schools, colleges and universities courses
on the life, works and writings of jose rizal,
   Republic Act 1425: Rizal Law was particularly his novels noli me tangere and el
authored by Senator Claro M. Recto filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and
   It was signed by President Ramon distribution thereof, and for other purposes
Magsaysay on June 12, 1956
   It requires the implementation of the Rizal WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of
course as a requirement for graduation in all our history, there is a need for a re-dedication to
non-degree and degree courses in the the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our
tertiary education heroes lived and died;
   It includes the life, works, and writings of
Jose Rizal, particularly his novels, Noli Me WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them,
Tangere and El Filibusterismo. particularly the national hero and patriot, Jose
   On August 16, 1956, the Rizal Law took Rizal, we remember with special fondness and
effect devotion their lives and works that have shaped the
national character;
Aims of Rizal Law
WHEREAS, the life, works and writing of Jose
1.     Recognize the relevance of Jose Rizal Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and
ideas, thoughts, teaching, and life-values to El Filibusterismo, are a constant and inspiring
present conditions in the community and source of patriotism with which the minds of the
country and apply them in the solution to youth, especially during their formative and decisive
day to day situations and problems of years in school, should be suffused;
contemporary life.
2.     Develop an understanding and WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under
appreciation of the qualities, behavior, and the supervision of, and subject to regulation by the
character of Rizal and thus foster the State, and all schools are enjoined to develop
development of moral character and moral character, personal discipline, civic
personal discipline. conscience and to teach the duties of citizenship;
Now, therefore,
The goals set by the Board on National
Education (Capino et.al, 1997) SECTION 1. Courses on the life, works and
writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novel Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in cheap, popular editions; and cause them to be
the curricula of all schools, colleges and distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring to
universities, public or private: Provided, That in the read them, through the Purok organizations and
collegiate courses, the original or unexpurgated Barrio Councils throughout the country.
editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo or their English translation shall be SECTION 4. Nothing in this Act shall be construed
used as basic texts. as amendment or repealing section nine hundred
twenty-seven of the Administrative Code,
The Board of National Education is hereby prohibiting the discussion of religious doctrines by
authorized and directed to adopt forthwith public school teachers and other person engaged
measures to implement and carry out the in any public school.
provisions of this Section, including the writing and
printing of appropriate primers, readers and SECTION 5. The sum of three hundred thousand
textbooks. The Board shall, within sixty (60) days pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated out
from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate rules and of any fund not otherwise appropriated in the
regulations, including those of a disciplinary nature, National Treasury to carry out the purposes of this
to carry out and enforce the provisions of this Act. Act.
The Board shall promulgate rules and regulations
providing for the exemption of students for reasons SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its
of religious belief stated in a sworn written approval.
statement, from the requirement of the provision
contained in the second part of the first paragraph Approved: June 12, 1956
of this section; but not from taking the course
provided for in the first part of said paragraph. Said Senate Bill No. 438
rules and regulations shall take effect thirty (30)
days after their publication in the Official Gazette. House Bill No. 5561

SECTION 2. It shall be obligatory on all schools, Archbishop of Manila - bishop Rufino Santos
colleges and universities to keep in their libraries an
adequate number of copies of the original and Mayor of Manila – Arsenio Lacson       
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works -----
and biography. The said unexpurgated editions of
the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their What is the RA 1425 or the Rizal Law?
translations in English as well as other writings of
Rizal shall be included in the list of approved books RA 1425, also commonly known as Rizal Law, was
for required reading in all public or private schools, a law signed by President Ramon Magsaysay on
colleges and universities. June 12, 1956 that requires all schools in the
country include Rizal’s life, works and writings in
The Board of National Education shall determine the curriculum. The rationale behind the law was
the adequacy of the number of books, depending that there is a need of rekindle and deepen the
upon the enrollment of the school, college or sense of nationalism and freedom of the people,
university. especially of the youth. The law sought to cultivate
character, discipline, and conscience and to teach
SECTION 3. The Board of National Education shall the obligations of citizenship. Libraries are required
cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El to keep sufficient copies of Rizal’s writings,
Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose especially Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal Language barrier and poverty-related restrictions
Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed in were taken out of the equation with provisions such
as translation of Rizal’s writings into English,
Filipino and other major Philippine Languages and for a period of one month. In case of partnerships,
the free charge distribution through Purok corporations or associations, the criminal liability
Organizations and Barrio Councils. shall devolve upon the president, director, or any
other official responsible for the violation thereof.
The main proponent of the law was Senator Claro
M. Recto who was met by protestants from the SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its
Catholic Church. Senator Jose P. Laurel Sr., then approval.
Chairman of the Committee on Education
sponsored the bill in the senate. Approved: June 9, 1948 

Senator Laurel (Left)and Senator Rector(Right) ------

----- Explanation:

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 229 Rizal Day

An act to prohibit cockfighting, horse racing and jai- Mangubat gave three reasons explaining why
alai on the thirtieth day of december of each year Rizal's death served as a turning point to the
and to create a committee to take charge of the nationalistic hopes of the countrymen: First is that it
proper celebration of rizal day in every municipality served as a signal to the Katipunan to raise up
and CHARTERED CITY, AND FOR OTHER arms against the Spaniards and begin the
PURPOSES revolution. It is important to note that it was not
formed after the death of Rizal, rather, the event at
SECTION 1. The existing laws and regulations to Bagumbayan on December 30 crystallized the
the contrary notwithstanding, cockfighting, horse motives of the organization. Second, his execution
racing and jai-alai are hereby prohibited on the also served as a realization to the elite that they
thirtieth day of December of each year, the date of weren't an exemption to the despotism of the
the martyrdom of our great hero, Jose Rizal. Spanish rule. Many other sectors joined in the
Katipunan as the revolutionary and nationalistic
SECTION 2. It shall be the official duty of the mayor mind began to settle on them. Lastly, because the
of each municipality and chartered city to create a event happened at the turn of the century, it was
committee to take charge of the proper observance also significantly considered as a "New Beginning"
of Rizal Day Celebration of each year, in which he for the country.
shall be the chairman, which shall be empowered
to seek the assistance and cooperation of any Emilio Aguinaldo gave the first decree to
department, bureau, office, agency or declare December 30 as "national day of mourning"
instrumentality of the Government, and the local and as anniversary of Jose Rizal's death. To
civic and educational institutions. Among the observe this, he ordered that all flags must be
ceremonies on Rizal Day shall be the raising of the hoisted at half-mast on December 29 and on the
Philippine flag at half mast in all vessels and public following day, there would be no government
buildings. offices. The first ever monument of Rizal erected
was on Daet, Camarines Norte and its unveiling is
SECTION 3. Any person who shall violate the simultaneous to the first observance of Rizal Day
provisions of this Act or permit or allow the violation on December 30, 1898 by the Club Filipino.
thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not February 1, 1902, the Philippine Commission
exceeding two hundred pesos or by imprisonment ordained Act no. 345 which issues December 30 as
not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion Rizal Day and as national holiday observed each
of the court. In case he is the mayor of a year.
municipality or a chartered city he shall suffer an
additional punishment of suspension from his office
According to Ambeth Ocampo, oftentimes, and, two years thereafter, the centennial of the
heroes are remembered more on their deaths than Declaration of Philippine Independence; and
their births. However, Mangubat mentions that the
death of Rizal would not have that been more WHEREAS, as we prepare to celebrate these
meaningful were it not for birth and life spent for the watershed events in our history, it is necessary to
betterment of our country. There are many moves rekindle in the heart of every Filipino, especially the
that wish to change the date of Rizal Day to June youth, the same patriotic fervor that once
19 because it has a more positive sense and that it galvanized our forebears to outstanding
is close to June 12 and May 28 which are the achievements so we can move forward together
Philippine Independence Day and the National Flag toward a greater destiny as we enter the 21st
Day, respectively. On the other hand, December 30 century.
is nearer to the much more celebrated holidays of
Christmas and New Year which often overshadow NOW, THEREFORE, I FIDEL V. RAMOS,
the hero's celebration. For me personally, although President of the Republic of the Philippines, by
his birth date is a much more joyous celebration, virtue of the powers vested in me by law, hereby
his death can be a better perspective to look at the direct the Secretary of Education, Culture and
entirety of Rizal's life and why he was willing to die Sports and the Chairman of the Commission on
for the sake of his love for the country. Higher Education to take steps to immediately and
fully implement the letter, intent and spirit of
----- Republic Act No. 1425 and to impose, should it be
necessary, appropriate disciplinary action against
MEMORANDUM ORDER No. 247 the governing body and/or head of any public or
private school, college or university found not
Directing the secretary of education, culture and complying with said law and the rules, regulations,
sports and the chairman of the commission on orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto.
higher education to fully implement republic act no.
1425 entitled "an act to include in the curricula of all Within thirty (30) days from issuance hereof, the
public and private schools, colleges and Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports and the
universities, courses on the life, works and writings Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education
of jose rizal, particularly his novels, noli me tangere are hereby directed to jointly submit to the
and el filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and President of the Philippines a report on the steps
distribution thereof and for other purposes" they have taken to implement this Memorandum
Order, and one (1) year thereafter, another report
on the extent of compliance by both public and
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 1425 approved on private schools in all levels with the provisions of
June 12, 1956, directs all schools, colleges and R.A. No. 1425.
universities, public and private, to include in their
curricula, courses on the life, works and writings of This Memorandum Order takes effect immediately
Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere after its issuance.
and El Filibusterismo which "are a constant and
inspiring source of patriotism with which the minds DONE in the City of Manila, this 26th day of
of the youth, especially during their formative and December in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen
decisive years in school should be suffused;" Hundred and Ninety-Four.                           

WHEREAS, according to Dr. Rizal, "the school is ----- 

the book in which is written the future of the nation;"
Former President Fidel V. Ramos in 1994
WHEREAS, in 1996, the Filipino people will through Memorandum Order no.247, directed the
commemorate the centennial of Rizal’s martyrdom Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports and the
Chairman of the Commission on the Higher (sgd) MONA D. VALISNO
Education to fully implement the RA 1425. Commissioner
In the year 1995, CHED Memorandum
Order No. 3 was issued enforcing strict compliance -----
to Memorandum Order no. 247 Republic Act No.
229 is an act prohibiting cockfighting horse. The WHY STUDY RIZAL?
said Memorandum Order issued by the CHED
Commissioner Mona Valisno enforcing strict Aside from those mentioned above, there are other
compliance to Memorandum Order No. 24 reasons for teaching the Rizal course in Philippine
1.    To recognize the importance of Rizal’s
CHED MEMORANDUM NO. 3,s. 1995 ideals and teachings in relation to present
conditions and situations in the society.
Commission on Higher Education 2.    To encourage the application of such
ideals in current social and personal
Office of the President of the Philippines  problems and issues.
3.    To develop an appreciation and deeper
January 13, 1995 understanding of all that Rizal fought and
died for.
CHED Memorandum 4.    To foster the development of the Filipino
youth in all aspects of citizenship.
No.3,s. 1995
Take note, Rizal’s legacy is very important in
To: changing the condition of our present society.  His
Head of State Colleges and Universities  teachings challenge us all Filipinos to make a
Head of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities  difference for the future of our country by living the
Office of the President Memorandum Order No. teachings of Rizal.  Likewise, it teaches us to be
247  more responsible and braver enough to face the
challenges in our present society by acting on the
Re: Implementation of Republic Act No. 1425 principles that Rizal had strongly spoken and lived.

1. Enclosed is a copy of Memorandum Order

No. 247 dated December 26, from the
Office of the President of the Philippines
entitled, "Directing Secretary of Education,
Culture and Sports and the CHAIRMAN OF
to fully implement the Republic Act No.
1425 entitled "An Act to include in the
curricula of all public and private schools,
colleges and universities, courses on the
Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal,
particularly his novels, Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing
and distribution thereof and for other
purposes" for guidance of all concerned.
2. Strict compliance therewith is requested.
WEEK 2 - enjoyed religious duty gave him the prerogative to
nominate priest to ecclesiastical positions and
THE PHILIPPINES IN THE 19th CENTURY control the finances of the missions
SOCIAL STRUCTURE: - responsible for all government and religious
The Philippine society was predominantly feudalistic- - was assisted by Lieutenant General (general
the result of the Spanish land holding system imposed segundo cabo)
upon the country with the arrival of the
conquistadores. An elite class exploited the masses, In terms of its Political Structure, Spain governed the
fostered by the “massive slave” relationship between Philippines through the Ministro de Ultramar Ministry
the Spaniards and the Filipinos. The Spaniards of the Colonies established in 1863:
exacted all forms of taxes and tributes, and drafted
- It helped the Spanish monarchs manage the affairs
the natives for manual labor. Consequently, the poor
became poorer and the rich wealthier. of the colonies
- Governed the Philippines through a centralized
The Pyramidal structure: machinery
- Exercising executive, legislative, judicial and
1. APEX (TOP) - peninsolares – spanish-born took religious powers
the highest position in the society and (b) friars Alscaldes Mayores
2. MIDDLE CLASS – favored rich natives, mestizos - Civil Governors
(half breed), criollos (Philippine-born Spaniards)
- Led the provincial government (alcaldias)
3. BASE – indios were looked down upon
Alcaldes en ordinario
POLITICAL SYSTEM: - City mayor and vice mayor
- Ruled the city government (ayuntamiento)
Spain governed the Philippines through the Ministro Gobernadorcillo
de Ultramar (Ministry of the Colonies) established in - Town mayor
Madrid in 1863. This body helped the Spanish - Ruled the town government (principalia)
monarch manage the affairs of the colonies and Cabeza de Barangay
govern the Philippines through a centralized - Barangay captain
machinery exercising:
- Ruled the barrio
 Executive The Guardia Civil
 Legislative - Headed by alferez (Second lieutenant)
 Judicial and - Performed police duties
 Religious powers - Helped in the maintenance of peace and
Governor General
The system of courts was a centralized system
- appointed by the Spanish monarch headed the
 It was a pyramidical organization
central administration in Manila
- king’s representative in all state and religious  Headed by the Royal Audiencia
matters and as such he exercised extensive  Served as highest court for civil and criminal cases
powers  Together with the Governor General, they made
- issued executive orders and proclamation and he laws for the country called autos acordados
had supervision and disciplinary powers over all
government officials SOURCES OF ABUSES IN THE
- commander in chief of the armed forces of the ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM
The main cause of weakness of the administrative
- had supreme authority in financial matters until
system was the appointment of officials with inferior
qualifications -without dedication to duty, no moral
- exercised legislative powers with his CUMPLASE
strength to resist corruption. The kind of officials
(is the power of the Governor-General to
sent in the Philippines were corrupt, abusive and
disregard or suspend a Royal decree if the
unqualified officers. They were not equipped to any
condition in the colony does not warrant it by
public office. This was the reason why instead of
which he could disregard or suspend any law or
focusing on their role as public officers to form a
royal decree from Spain)
good and well nation, they focused on getting wealth
- ex-officio president of the Royal Audiencia until through corruption. The worse thing was that, they
1861 became brutal and abusive to native Filipinos to the
extent that they executed most of our fellow native
Filipinos who fought and resisted against them. Students memorized and repeated the contents of
books which they did not understand. Teacher
There was also complication in the situation between discrimination against Filipinos was present.
the union of the church and state. The priest or what
we call the “Friars” also became powerful, cruel and The friars were against the teaching of Spanish in
corrupt. FRIARS. The missionaries or the friars as the Philippines. They believed that the knowledge of
they were known, played a major role not only in the Spanish language would encourage the people
propagating the Christian faith but also in the to oppose Spanish rule. Indios might be inspired by
political, social, economic and cultural aspects of the the new ideas of freedom and independence, so
Filipinos. Aside from spreading the word of God, they they isolate Filipinos in the light of intellectual
helped in pacifying the country.The checks adopted attainment.
by Spain to minimize abuses either proved
ineffective or discouraged the officials appointed by Since racial discrimination is rampant Indios were
the King of Spain were ignorant of Philippine needs. not allowed to study and they are only good for
This was the reason behind their bad motives to our manual labor and students/pupils before were only
Philippine nation. to memorize and repeated the contents of books,
religion also was the main subject in the schools in
The most corrupt branch of government was the order for them to inculcate in their mind the Fear of
alcaldias. Dishonest and corrupt officials often God. As seen above the educational system
exacted more tributes than required by law and Filipinos were left behind because of discrimination,
pocketed the excess collections. They also after sometime the Filipinos allowed to study in the
monopolized provincial trade and controlled prices Philippines and in abroad.
and business practices. The parish priests could
check this anomaly but in many cases they Ateneo de Manila / Escuela Pia and College of San
encouraged the abuses in exchange for favors. Juan de Latran
 Only school offering secondary education in
Participation in the government of the natives was the Philippines
confined to the lowest offices. They participate only 
as gobernadorcillo of a town and cabeza de At the end of the Spanish period, the College of San
barangay of a barrio. The position of Juan de Letran was the only official secondary
gobernadorcillo was honorary entitled to two school in the Philippines although secondary
pesos/month. The natural and constitutional rights education was offered at the Ateneo de Manila.
and liberties of the indios were curtailed. Homes Seven provinces had private colleges and Latin
were searched without warrants. People were schools for general studies, and Secondary
convicted and exiled for being filibusteros Books, Education for girls was furnished by five colleges in
magazines and other written materials could not be Manila. These are:
published without the approval of the Board of  Santa Isabel
Censors.  La Concordia
 Santa Rosa
 Santa Catalina
There was no systematic government supervision of Up the end of the Spanish regime, the University of
schools. The teaching methods was obsolete. There Santo Tomas was the only institution in the
was a limited curriculum and poor classroom University level of Manila. Initially established solely
facilities and there was an absence of teaching for Spaniards and mestizos, it opened its doors to
materials. Filipino students for decades before the end of the
Spanish rule.
The friars inevitably occupied a dominant position in
the Philippine educational system. Religion was the Felipe Buencamino
main subject in the schools. Fear of God was In 1820, he led the petition criticizing the Dominican
emphasized and obedience to the friars was methods of instruction in UST, clamored for better
instilled. professors and demanded government control their
University thru anonymous letters.
Indios were constantly reminded that they had
inferior intelligence and were fit only for manual
labor. These practices resulted in a lack of personal
confidence and a development of inferiority
WEEK 3-4 His novels awakened Philippine nationalism
Rizal had been very vocal against the Spanish
RIZAL AND THEORY OF NATIONALISM government, but in a peaceful and progressive
manner. For him, “the pen was mightier than the
Today we will discuss about the Birth of National
sword.” And through his writings, he exposed the
Consciousness and Filipino Nationalism, the reasons
corruption and wrongdoings of government officials as
why Rizal was considered a National Hero and the well as the Spanish friars.
service given and sacrificed by him for the sake of our
Country. We will also discuss the reasons why our While in Barcelona, Rizal contributed essays,
nation is considered as an imagined community. poems, allegories, and editorials to the Spanish
newspaper, La Solidaridad. Most of his writings, both
José Rizal, the national hero of the in his essays and editorials, centered on individual
Philippines, is not only admired for possessing rights and freedom, specifically for the Filipino people.
intellectual brilliance but also for taking a stand and As part of his reforms, he even called for the inclusion
resisting the Spanish colonial government. While his of the Philippines to become a province of Spain.
death sparked a revolution to overthrow the tyranny,
Rizal will always be remembered for his compassion But, among his best works, two novels stood
towards the Filipino people and the country. out from the rest – Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not)
and El Filibusterismo (The Reign of the Greed).
José Protasio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso
Realonda was born on June 19, 1861 to Francisco In both novels, Rizal harshly criticized the
Mercado and Teodora Alonzo in the town of Calamba Spanish colonial rule in the country and exposed the
in the province of Laguna. He had nine sisters and ills of Philippine society at the time. And because he
one brother. At the early age of three, the future wrote about the injustices and brutalities of the
political leader had already learned the English Spaniards in the country, the authorities banned
alphabet. And, by the age of five, José could already Filipinos from reading the controversial books. Yet
read and write. they were not able to ban it completely. As more
Filipinos read the books, their eyes opened to the
 When he enrolled in the Ateneo Municipal de truth that they were suffering unspeakable abuses at
Manila (now referred to as Ateneo De Manila the hands of the friars. These two novels by Rizal,
University), he dropped the last three names from his now considered his literary masterpieces, are said to
full name, after his brother’s advice – hence, his more have indirectly sparked the Philippine Revolution.
popular name José Protasio Rizal. His performance in
school was outstanding – winning various poetry Upon his return to the Philippines, Rizal
contests, impressing his professors with his familiarity formed a progressive organization called the La Liga
of Castilian and other foreign languages, and crafting Filipina. This civic movement advocated social
literary essays that were critical of the Spanish reforms through legal means. Now Rizal was
historical accounts of pre-colonial Philippine societies. considered even more of a threat by the Spanish
authorities (alongside his novels and essays), which
A man with multiple professions. While he ultimately led to his exile in Dapitan in Northern
originally obtained a land surveyor and assessor’s Mindanao.
degree in Ateneo, Rizal also took up a preparatory
course on law at the University of Santo  Tomas This however did not stop him from continuing
(UST). But when he learned that his mother was his plans for reform. While in Dapitan, Rizal built a
going blind, he decided to switch to medicine school school, hospital, and water system. He also taught
in UST and later on specialized in ophthalmology. In farming and worked on agricultural projects such as
May 1882, he decided to travel to Madrid in Spain, using abaca to make ropes.
and earned his Licentiate in Medicine at the Rizal was granted leave by then Governor-
Universidad Central de Madrid.  General Blanco, after volunteering to travel to Cuba to
Apart from being known as an expert in the serve as doctor to yellow fever victims. But at that
field of medicine, a poet, and an essayist, Rizal time, the Katipunan had a full-blown revolution and
exhibited other amazing talents. He knew how to Rizal was accused of being associated with the secret
paint, sketch, and make sculptures. Because he lived militant society. On his way to Cuba, he was arrested
in Europe for about 10 years, he also became a in Barcelona and sent back to Manila to stand for trial
polyglot – conversant in 22 languages. Aside from before the court martial. Rizal was charged with
poetry and creative writing, Rizal had varying degrees sedition, conspiracy, and rebellion – and therefore,
of expertise in architecture, sociology, anthropology, sentenced to death by firing squad.
fencing, martial arts, and economics to name a few.          Days before his execution, Rizal bid farewell to
his motherland and countrymen through one of his
final letters, entitled Mi último adiós or My Last
Farewell. Dr. José Rizal was executed on the morning was originally written in Tagalog as Imno sa
of December 30, 1896, in what was then called Paggawa.
Bagumbayan (now referred to as Luneta). Upon
hearing the command to shoot him, he faced the
squad and uttered in his final breath: Noli Me Tángere
“Consummatumest” (It is finished). According to
historical accounts, only one bullet ended the life of One of the most sought-after books
the Filipino martyr and hero. in Philippine literature until today, is Rizal’s famous
novel titled Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not). Driven
His legacy lives on after his death, the Philippine
by his undying love for his country, Rizal wrote the
Revolution continued until 1898. And with the
novel to expose the ills of Philippine society during the
assistance of the United States, the Philippines
Spanish colonial era. At the time, the Spaniards
declared its independence from Spain on June 12,
prohibited the Filipinos from reading the controversial
1898. This was the time that the Philippine flag was
book because of the unlawful acts depicted in the
waved at General Emilio Aguinaldo’s residence in
novel. Yet they were not able to ban it completely and
Kawit, Cavite.
as more Filipinos read the book, it opened their eyes
Some Literary Pieces of Dr. Jose Rizal to the truth that they were being manhandled by the
friars. In this revolutionary book, you’ll learn the story
To the Filipino Youth of Crisostomo Ibarra, how he dealt with Spanish
authorities, and how he prepared for his revenge, as
Rizal wrote this literary poem when he was told in Rizal’s second book, El Filibusterismo.
still studying at the University of Sto. Tomas (UST).
Originally written in Spanish (A la juventud
filipina), Rizal submitted this piece for a poem contest El Filibusterismo
organized for Filipinos by the Manila Lyceum of Art
and Literature. At the age of 18, this work is beaming This is Rizal’s sequel to his first book, Noli Me
with strong messages to convince readers, the youth Tángere. In El Filibusterismo (The Reign of the
in particular, that they are the hope of the nation. He Greed), the novel exhibits a dark theme (as opposed
also stresses the importance of education to one’s to the hopeful atmosphere in the first novel) in which it
future. Rizal won the first prize and was rewarded with depicts the country’s issues and how the protagonist
a feather-shaped silver pen and a diploma. attempts a reform. The story takes place 13 years
after Noli Me Tángere, where revolutionary
protagonist Crisostomo Ibarra is now under the guise
To the Young Women of Malolos of Simoun – a wealthy jewelry tycoon. Because the
novel also portrays the abuse, corruption, and
discrimination of the Spaniards towards Filipinos, it
Addressed to the Filipino women, Rizal’s letter was also banned in the country at the time. Rizal
entitled To The Young Women of Malolos reflects his dedicated his second novel to the GOMBURZA – the
inheritance and issues reminders to Filipino women. Filipino priests named Mariano Gomez, Jose Apolonio
In his letter, he addresses all kinds of Filipino women Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora who were executed on
– mothers, wives, and even the single women. charges of subversion. The two novels of Rizal, now
Throughout this literary piece, he highlights the considered as his literary masterpieces, both
qualities that Filipino mothers should possess, the indirectly sparked the Philippine Revolution.
duties of wives to their husbands and children, and a
counsel on how young women should choose their
lifetime partners. The idea behind this letter sparked The Birth of National Consciousness
after he was impressed by the women of Malolos who (NATIONALISM)
won the battle they fought. Rizal advises women to
educate themselves, protect their dignity and honor, Filipino Nationalism
and live with good manners – setting up as a role
Filipino Nationalism is an upsurge of patriotic
sentiments and nationalistic ideals in the Philippines
of the 19th century that came consequently as a
Hymn to labor result of more than two centuries of Spanish rule and
as an immediate outcome of the Filipino Propaganda
Movement (mostly in Europe) from 1872 to 1892. It
Jose Rizal’s patriotism is shown in this poem served as the backbone of the first nationalist
where he urges his fellowmen to strive and work for revolution in Asia, the Philippine Revolution of 1896.
their country whether in war or in peace. This poem The Creole Age (1780s-1872)
The term 'Filipino' in its earliest sense referred events of 1872 however invited the other colored
to Spaniards born in the Philippines or Insulares section of the Ilustrado (intellectually enlightened
(Creoles) and from which Filipino Nationalism began. class) to at least do something to preserve the creole
Traditionally, the Creoles had enjoyed various ideals. Seeing the impossibility of a revolution against
government and church positions—composing mainly Izquierdo and the Governor-General’s brutal reign
the majority of the government bureaucracy itself. The convinced the ilustrado to get out of the Philippines
decline of Galleon Trade between Manila and and continue propaganda in Europe. This massive
Acapulco and the growing sense of economic propaganda upheaval from 1872 to 1892 is now
insecurity in the later years of the 18th century led the known as the Propaganda Movement. Through their
creole to turn their attention to agricultural production. writings and orations, Marcelo H. delPilar, Graciano
Characterized mostly in Philippine history as corrupt Lopez Jaena and Jose Rizal sounded the trumpets of
bureaucrats, the Creole gradually changed from a Filipino nationalism and brought it to the level of the
very government-dependent class into capital-driven masses. Rizal’s Noli me tangere and El filibusterismo
entrepreneurs. Their turning of attention towards gild rode the increasing anti-Spanish sentiments in the
soil caused the rise of the large private haciendas. islands and was pushing the people towards
revolution. By July 1892, an ilustrado mass man in the
The earliest signs of Filipino Nationalism could name of Andres Bonifacio established a revolutionary
be seen in the writings of Luis Rodriquez Varela, a party based on the Filipino nationalism that started
Creole educated in liberal France and highly exposed with ' los hijos del pais'—Katipunan ng mga Anak ng
to the romanticism of the age. Knighted under the Bayan. Ideology turned into revolution and gave Asia
Order of Carlos III, Varela was perhaps the only its first anti-imperialist/nationalist revolution by the last
Philippine Creole who was actually part of European week of August 1896.
nobility. The court gazzette in Madrid announce that
he was to become a Conde and from that point on Causes of the Awakening of the Filipinos’
proudly called himself 'Conde Filipino'. He National Consciousness
championed the rights of Filipinos in the islands and
slowly made the term applicable to anyone born in the
Philippines. However, by 1823 he was deported
together with other creoles (allegedly known as
HijosdelPais), after being associated with a Creole
revolt in Manila led by the Mexican Creole Andres
Varela would then retire from politics but his
nationalism was carried on by another Creole Padre
Pelaez, who campaigned for the rights of Filipino
priests and pressed for secularization of Philippine
parishes. The Latin American revolutions and decline
of friar influence in Spain resulted in the increase of
the regular clergy (friars) in the Philippines. Filipino The opening of Manila (1834) and other parts
priests were being replaced by Spanish friars and of the Philippine to foreign trade brought not only
Pelaez demanded explanation as to the legality of economic prosperity to the country but also a
replacing a secular with regulars—which is in remarkable transformation in the life of the Filipinos.
contradiction to the Exponinobis. Pelaez brought the As the people prospered, their standard of living
case to the Vatican almost succeeded if not for an improved. They came into contact with foreign ideas
earthquake that cut his career short and the ideology and with travelers from foreign lands. They read
would be carried by his more militant disciple, Jose periodicals and books, including those brought in from
Burgos. Burgos in turn died after the infamous Cavite abroad. As a result, their mental horizons were
Mutiny, which was pinned on Burgos as his attempt to broadened. They became discontented with the old
start a Creole Revolution and make himself president order of things and wanted social and political
or 'reyindio'. The death of Jose Burgos, and the other changes that were in harmony with the freer spirit of
alleged conspirators Mariano Gomez and Jacinto the times.
Zamora, seemingly ended the entire creole movement
in 1872. Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo Economic prosperity produced a new class of
unleashed his reign of terror in order to prevent the Filipinos–the intelligentsia–educated, widely read, and
spread of the creole ideology—Filipino nationalism. enlightened individuals. Many Filipinos had learned
Spanish, and some knew other Western languages
But the creole affair was seen by the other such as French, English, and German. Boldly
natives as a simple family affair—Spaniards born in patriotic, they discussed social and economic
Spain against Spaniards born the Philippines. The problems and advocated reforms to remedy the evils
of colonialism. Many of them sent their children to Opening of Suez Canal
colleges and universities not only in Manila but in
Europe too. From the intelligentsia came patriotic The Suez Canal was created by a French
leaders who sowed the seeds of Filipino nationalism. engineer named Ferdinand de Lesseps
Among these were Father Pedro Pelaez, Father Jose This man-made canal made transportation
Burgos, Dr. Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. delPilar, the Luna easier, making the transfer of goods and ideas better
Brothers (Juan and Antonio), Jose ma. Panganiban, and faster. With the opening of this canal, the
Mariano Ponce, Graciano Lopez Jaena and Pedro A. distance of travel between Europe and the Philippines
Paterno. was significantly shortened and brought the country
Through the newly opened ports of the closer to Spain. With this canal, the trip was reduced
Philippines streamed liberal and modern idea. These to only 32 days. The opening of the Suez Canal
ideas were contained in books and periodicals facilitated the importation of books, magazines and
brought in by ships form Europe. These included newspapers with liberal ideas from Europe and
ideas of freedom of the American and French America which eventually influenced the minds of
revolutions and enlightened thoughts of Montesquieu, Jose Rizal and other Filipino reformists. Political
Rousseau, Voltaire, Locke, Jefferson, and other thoughts of liberal thinkers like Jean Jacques
philosophers of freedom. The Filipinos began to Rousseau (Social Contract), John Locke (/two
wonder at the deplorable situation in the Philippines. Treatises of Government), Thomas Paine (Common
In their minds sprouted the aspirations for reforms, Sense) and others entered the country (Maguigad &
justice, and liberty. Muhi 2001; 62).

The opening of the Suez Canal which was The opening of this canal in 1869 further
built by Ferdinand de Lesseps to world shipping on stimulated the local economy which give rise—as
November 17, 1869, linked the Philippines closer to already mentioned above--to the creation of the
Europe. It promoted the flow of ideas of freedom into middle class of mestizos and illustrados in the
the Philippines. 19th century. The shortened route has also
encouraged the ilustrados led by Rizal to pursue
  higher studies abroad and learn liberal and scientific
ideas in the universities of Europe. Their social
Opening of the Philippines to world trade from interaction with liberals in foreign lands has influenced
1834 to 1873 their thinking on politics and nationhood.  
This stimulated the economic activities in the Liberal Regime of Carlos Ma. Dela Torre
country which brought prosperity to     some of the
Filipinos but most of all to the Chinese and the The first-hand experience of what it is to be
Spaniards. It resulted to the rise of a new social class liberal came from the role modeling of the first liberal
referred to as “Middle Class” or the “Illustrados”. governor general in the Philippines—Governor
General Carlos Ma. Dela Torre. Why Govenor Dela
● Acquired material wealth Torre was able to rule in the Philippines has a long
● Improved their social stature and influence story. The political instability in Spain had caused
● Claamored for social and political equality with frequent changes of Spanish officials in the
the colonial masters  Philippines which caused further confusion and
Influx of Liberal Ideas increased social as well as political discontent in the
country. But when the liberals deposed Queen
With the opening of the Philippines to world Isabela II in 1868 mutiny, a provisional government
trade, European ideas freely penetrated the country in was set up and the new government extended to the
form of printed books, newspapers, and treatises colonies the reforms they adopted in Spain. These
made available to the natives as they participated in reforms include the grant of universal suffrage and
the process of exchange of goods and products. The recognition of freedom and conscience, the press,
new knowledge and current events they learned and association and public assembly. General Carlos Ma.
acquired outside affected their ways of living and the De la Torre was appointed by the provisional
manner of their thinking. government in Spain as Governor General of the
Philippines (Romero et al 1978: 21).
The Rise of the Middle Class
The rule of the first liberal governor general in
The middle class or the Illustrado family sent
the person of General de la Torre became significant
members of their family particularly male children to
in the birth of national consciousness in the
study abroad. These students would be exposed to
19th century. De la Torre’s liberal and pro-people
European thoughts and would later lead in call for
governance had given Rizal and the Filipinos during
reforms Filipino patriots and propagandist mostly
this period a foretaste of a democratic rule and way of
came from this class.
life. De la Torre put into practice his liberal and Philippine government during the Spanish
democratic ways by avoiding luxury and living a colonization.
simple life. During his two-year term, Governor De la
Torre had many significant achievements. He ●      Together with his other ilustrado friends,
encouraged freedom and abolished censorship Rizal voiced the inclusion of Filipinos as
(Maguigad & Muhi 2001: 63). He recognized the representatives in the Cortes.
freedom of speech and of the press, which were ●       Filipinization in churches and equal rights
guaranteed by the Spanish Constitution. Because of were among the requests made by Rizal to
his tolerant policy, Father Jose Burgos and other the Spanish government.
Filipino priests were encouraged to pursue their ●      Rizal fought for equality with the
dream of replacing the friars with the Filipino clergy as Spaniards. Rizal and his fellow ilustrados
parish priests in the country (Zaide 1999: 217). wanted to acquire the same education and
Governor De la Torre’s greatest achievement wealth as the Spanish students and families in
was the peaceful solution to the land problem in the Philippines have.
Cavite. This province has been the center of agrarian   
unrest in the country since the 18thcentury because
the Filipino tenants who lost their land had been The unheard cries of the natives and the
oppressed by Spanish landlords. Agrarian uprisings increasing fame of Rizal fueled revolts in the country.
led by the local hero, Eduardo Camerino, erupted The natives organized groups and continued to
several times in Cavite. This agrarian problem was engage in bloody battles to acquire reforms and
only solved without bloodshed when Governor De la democracy. Rizal’s writings made a huge impact on
Torre himself went to Cavite and had a conference the minds of the native who wished to break free from
with the rebel leader. He pardoned the latter and his the abuses of the Spaniards. When Rizal was
followers, provided them with decent livelihood and imprisoned, numerous plans to break him out of jail
appointed them as members of the police force with were initiated by the revolting group but none of them
Camerino as captain.   prospered as Rizal preferred to engage in a bloodless
● It was during his term as governor general that battle for independence.
freedom of speech was allowed among the Filipinos The dilemma that Rizal faced was depicted in
●   De la Torre was a well-loved leader because his two famous novels, the Noli and El Fili In Noli Me
he was concern with the needs of the natives Tangere, Rizal was represented by both Elias and
● He ordered the abolition of flogging as Ibarra.
punishment for military disobedience ● In the chapter, “Voice of the Hunted,” Elias
● He implemented the Educational Decree of believed in the need for radical reforms in the
1863 and the Moret Law which delimit the armed forces, priesthood, and administrative
secularization of educational institutions and allowed justice system. While, Ibarra did not agree with the
the government to take control among different reforms Elias wanted and believed in the power of
schools and academic institutions. the authorities and the need for necessary evil.
NATIONALISM ● In the chapter, “Elias’ Story,” Elias saw the
need for an armed struggle and resistance against
According to Gellner, “nationalism” is not the the opposing forces while Ibarra disagreed and
awakening of nations to self- consciousness: it believed that education was the key to make the
invents nations where they do not exist. The people liberated, so he encourages the building of
drawback to this formulation, however, is that Gellner schoolhouses to educate those who are worthy of
is so anxious to show that nationalism masquerades it.
under false pretences that he assimilates “inventions” ● In the chapter “Chase on the Lake,” Elias
to “fabrication” and falsity, rather than to “imagining” suddenly had a change of heart; he believed in
and creation. reforms while Ibarra became a filibuster, initiating
RIZAL AND NATIONALISM     revolution. This change of heart in Ibarra was a
product of hardships and the desire to attain
Acquiring a better understanding of Rizal’s life personal vengeance
demands a deeper and more profound analysis of his ●    This trend of vagueness continued in the novel
life and writings. His firm beliefs were the results of El Fili, were Rizal was reflected in the characters of
what he had seen and experienced during his Simoun, Basilio, and Padre Florentino.
European days. Thus, to clear up vague thoughts
●     In the conclusion of the El Fili, Rizal has
about him requires a glimpse into his past. Rizal implied his resolution when in the story, he killed
was one of the elites who demands changes in the
Simoun, the promoter of revolution, and made Yet in the minds of their lives the image of their
Padre Florentino, an advocate of peace. communion
●    In real life, Rizal reiterated his stand regarding ● Nation as “limited” meaning that it co-
this issue in his December 15 Manifesto when he exists with other nations on the same plane.
declared that he was against the revolution, and he Also, because of finite boundaries.
favored the reform programs, especially regarding ● “Sovereign” means that it is self-governing, not
education. ruled by an outside power (as in imperialism)
  or by a higher power (as in older religious
world news.) It is imagined as sovereign
In the process of making circumstances because the concept    was born in an age in
favorable for both, his appeal was for reforms and
education. What would liberate the people was the
massive movement of the natives united against the
oppressors. When Rizal died, the natives were able to
push through their freedom with their strong
nationalism that had been heated up and
strengthened by his artistic and realistic viewpoints in
his writings. He had influenced numerous natives to
fight for independence.
The result of independence was very sweet which enlightenment and Revolution were
for the Filipinos who fought and died for it, and it was destroying the legitimacy of the divinely-
a regret feel that Rizal was not able to see that the ordained, hierarchical dynastic realm. It is
revolution that he did not favor was what liberated his imagined as sovereign because it is not
people. religious or monarchic.
Nationalism usually springs from the ● Finally, it is imagined as a community because,
consciousness of a national identity of being one regardless of the actual inequality and
people. It is that all pervading spirit that binds together exploitation that may prevail in each nation is
men of diverse castes and creeds, clans and colors, always conceived as a deep, horizontal
and unites them into one people, one family, one comradeship.
nation with common aspirations and ideals
(Anderson, 1983)
 National identity is a sense of a nation:
●     as a cohesive whole
●     as represented by distinctive
An IMAGINED COMMUNITY is a concept traditions, culture, and language.
developed by Benedict Anderson in his 1983
book Imagined Communities, to analyze nationalism.
Anderson depicts a nation as a socially constructed
community, imagined by the people who perceive
themselves as part of that group.
“An imagined political community- and imagined as
both inherently limited and sovereign”.
(Benedict Anderson, Imagined Community) It is an
anthropological spirit, then I propose the following
definition of the Nation: it is an imagined community-
and imagined as both inherently limited and
● “Imagined” means that we will never meet the
majority of the community members. It is
imagined because members cannot all know
each other. The members of even the smallest
nation will never know most of their fellow-
members, meet them, or even hear of them.
WEEK 5 RIZAL Biñan. They had 13 children, including Francisco
Engracio, the father of Jose Rizal. Following Governor
Genealogy of Rizal and His Descendants
Narcisco Claveria’s decree in 1849 which ordered the
Jose Rizal lived in the nineteenth century, a period in Filipinos to adopt Spanish surnames, Francisco
history when changes in public consciousness were Engracio added the surname “Rizal,” form the word
already being felt and progressive ideas were being “racial” meaning “green field”, as he later setlled in
realized. Studying Rizal’s genealogy, therefore, will the town of Calamba as a framer growing sugar cane,
lead to a better understanding of how Rizal was rice, and indigo. Being in a privileged family,
shaped and influence by his family. Francisco Engracio (1818-1898) had a good education
that started in a Latin school in Biñan. Afterwards, he
As discussed in the previous modules, Rizal was born
attended the College of San Jose in Manila. IN 1848,
on June 19, 1861 in the town of Calamba, province of
Francisco married Teodora Alonso (1826-1911) who
Laguna. Calamba, the town with around three to four
belonged to the one of the wealthiest families in
thousand inhabitants, is located 54 kilometers south
Manila. Teodora, whose father was a member of the
of Manila. It is found in a heart of a region known for
Spanish Cortes, was educated at the College of Sta.
its agricultural prosperity and is among the major
Rosa. Rizal described her as a “woman of more than
producers of sugar and rice, with an abundant variety
ordinary culture” and that she is “a mathematician
of tropical fruits.
and has read many books” (letter Blumentritt,
On the Southern part of the town lies the majestic November 8, 1888). Because of Francisco and
Mount Makiling, and on the other side is the Lake Teodora’s industry and hard work, their family
called Laguna the Bay. The wonders of creation that became prominent member of the principalia class in
surrounded Rizal made him love nature form an early the town of Calamba. Their house was among the
age. His student memoirs show how his love of first concrete houses to be built in the town. Rafael
nature influenced his appreciation of the arts and Palma, one of the first biographers of Jose Rizal,
sciences. described the family’s house:

Rizal’s father, Francisco Mercado, was a wealthy “The house was high and even sumptuous, a solid and
farmer who leased lands from the Dominican Friars. massive earthquake-proof structure with sliding shell
Francisco’s earliest ancestors were Siang-co and Zun- windows. Thick walls of lime and stone bounded the
nio, who later gave birth to Lamco. Lam-co is said to first floor; the second floor was made entirely of wood
have come from the district of Fujian in Southern except for the roof, which was of red tile, in the style
China and migrated to the Philippines in the late of the buildings in MANILA AT THAT TIME. Francisco
1600’s. In 1967, he was baptized in Binondo, himself selected the hardest woods from the forest
adopting “Domingo” as his first name. He married and had them sawed; it took him more than two years
Ines de la Rosa of a known entrepreneurial family in to construct the house. At the back there was an
Binondo. Domingo and Ines later settled in the estate azotea and a white, deep cistern to hold rain water for
of San Isidro Labrador, owned by the Dominicans. In home use.”
1731, they had a son whom they named Francisco
Rizal and the Lessons His Mother Taught Him
Mercado. The surname Mercado, which means
“market,” was a common surname adopted by many Of all the persons who had the greatest influence on
Chinese merchants at that time (Reyno, 2012). Rizal’s development as a person was his mother
Teodora Alonso. It was she who opened his eyes and
Francisco Mercado became one of the richest in
heart to the world around him—with all its soul and
Biñan and owned the largest herd of carabaos. He
poetry, as well as its bigotry and injustice. Throughout
was also active in local politics and was elected as
his brief life, Rizal proved to be his mother’s son, a
capitan del pueblo in 1783. He had a son named Juan
chip off the old block, as he constantly strove to keep
Mercado who was also elected as capitan del pueblo
faith the lessons she taught him.
in 1808, 1813, and 1823. (Reyno, 2012).
His mother was his first teacher, and from her he
Juan Mercado married Cirila Alejandra, a native of
learned to read, and consequently to value reading as
a means for learning and spending one’s time delicious aroma of the dishes being cooked within
meaningfully. It did not take long before he learnt to buildings and houses, increasing his hunger pangs and
value time as life’s most precious gift, for she taught his suffering all the more. Other times he saved up on
him never to waste a single second of it. Thus as a rent by foregoing breakfast altogether, his breakfast
student in Spain he became the most assiduous of consisting of biscuits and water for a month.
students, never missing a class despite his activities as
Above all, it was from her he learned about
Propaganda leader, or an examination, despite having
obedience, through the story of the moth that got
to take it on an empty stomach. By his example, he
burned by the flame because he disobeyed his
inspired his compatriots – those who had sunk into a
mother moth’s warning not to get too near the
life of dissipation, wasting time and allowances on
flame. But life as it often happens has poignant way
gambling and promiscuity- to return to their studies
of turning around, for it was obedience to the
and deserve their parents’ sacrifices back home.
Catholic Church, as his mother taught him, which
From his mother he learnt the primacy of improving proved too hard to live by especially when he
oneself- thus growing up he took pains to struggled with a crisis of faith in its
comprehend the logic of mathematics; to write teachings.Teodora took none too gently his defection
poems; to draw, and sculpt; to paint. Sadly, for all from the Church, which she saw was an apostasy
these he earned not only glory but also the fear of from faith itself.
myopic souls.
One of the turning points of his life, which had a
By taking the lead in running the family’s businesses- profound influence on his becoming a political
farms, flour and sugar milling, tending a store, even activist later on, was the unjust arrest of his mother
making fruit preserves, aside from running a on the charge of conspiring to poison a relative,
household, Teodora imbibed in him the value of despite the lack of evidence against her. But what
working with one’s hands, of self-reliance and made the arrest even worse was her humiliating
entrepreneurship. And by sharing with others she treatment at the hands of authorities who made her
taught him generosity and helping to make the world walk all the way from Calamba to the provincial jail in
a better place for those who had less in the material Santa Cruz, which was 50 kilometers far. There she
life. All these lessons he applied himself during his was imprisoned for two years before gaining her
exile in Dapitan, as he improved its community by freedom. All these she took with calm and quiet
building a dam; encouraging the locals to grow fruit dignity, which Rizal though only a child of eleven
trees, establishing a school, even documenting the about to embark on secondary school in Manila
local flora and fauna. would remember and replicate during his final
moments just before a firing squad snuffed out his
His mother also taught him to value hard-earned meaningful life on that fateful December morn in
money and better yet, the importance of thrift and of 1896.
denying oneself, and saving part of one’s earnings as
insurance against the vagaries of life. Thus he learned Rizal and His Siblings
to scrimp and save despite growing up in comfort and 1. Saturnina Rizal (1850-1913)- Eldest child of
wealth. These would later prove very useful to him the Rizal-Alonzo marriage. Married Manuel
during his stay in Europe as he struggled with
Timoteo Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas.
privation, considering the meager and often delayed
2. Paciano Rizal (1851-1930)- Only brother of
allowance that his family sent him (by then his family
Jose Rizal and the second child. Studied at San
was undergoing financial reverses due to land
Jose College in Manila; became a farmer and
troubles). Whenever his precious allowance ran out,
later a general of the Philippine Revolution.
he went without lunch and supper, putting up a front
3. Narcisa Rizal (1852-1939) -The third child.
before everyone by going out of his dormitory every
married Antonio Lopez at Morong, Rizal; a
day to give the impression that he took his meals
teacher and musician.
outside. But, as he walked the streets of Berlin or
Barcelona, his nostrils would be assailed by the
4. Olympia Rizal -(1855-1887) The fourth child.
Married Silvestre Ubaldo; died in 1887 from
5. Lucia Rizal (1857-1919)- The fifth child.
Married Matriano Herbosa.
6. Maria Rizal (1859-1945-) The sixth child.
Married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna.

7. Jose Rizal (1861-1896)- The second son and

the seventh child. He was executed by the
Spaniards on December 30,1896.
8. Concepcion Rizal (1862-1865)- The eight
child. Died at the age of three.
9. Josefa Rizal (1865-1945) -The ninth child. An
epileptic, died a spinster.
10. Trinidad Rizal (1868-1951) -The tenth child.
Died a spinster and the last of the family to die.
11. Soledad Rizal (1870-1929)- The youngest
child married Pantaleon Quintero.

Rizal was affectionate to all his siblings. However, his

relation to his only brother, Paciano, was more than
that of an older brother. Paciano became Rizal’s
second father. Rizal highly respected him and value all
his advice. It was Paciano who accompanied Rizal
when he went to school in Biñan. It was also him who
convinced Rizal to persue his studies in Europe. Like
Rizal, Paciano also had his college in Manila but later
joined the Katipunan to fight for Independence. After
the revolution, Paciano retired to his home in Los
Baños and lived a quiet life until his death in 1930.

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