Attached Table 1 List of Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields
Attached Table 1 List of Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields
Attached Table 1 List of Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields
(1) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research FY2015 List of Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields
Make sure to select "A" , "B" or "C" based on the Appendix Table of Keywords “Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields”, when applying for these
research fields.
Category: Integrated Disciplines
Item Item
Area Discipline Research Field Number Remark Area Discipline Research Field Number Remark
Theory of informatics 1001 Developmental mechanisms and A
Principles of 2401
Mathematical informatics 1002 the body works B
Statistical science 1003 Health/Sports A
Sports science 2402
Computer system 1101 science B
Software 1102 A
Applied health science 2403
Principles of Information network 1103 B
Informatics Multimedia database 1104 Childhood Childhood science (childhood
systems 2451
High performance computing 1105 science environment science)
Information security 1106 Biomolecular Biomolecular chemistry 2501
Cognitive science 1201 science Chemical biology 2502
Perceptual information A
1202 Basic / Social brain science 2601
processing Brain sciences B
Informatics Human Human interface and interaction 1203 Brain biometrics 2602
informatics Intelligent informatics 1204
Soft computing 1205 Category: Humanities and Social Sciences
Intelligent robotics 1206
Kansei informatics 1207 Area studies Area studies 2701
Life / Health / Medical Gender Gender 2801
1301 Social sciences
informatics Tourism Studies Tourism Studies 2851
Web informatics, Service A Philosophy/Ethics 2901
Frontiers of informatics B Chinese philosophy/Indian
informatics Library and information A Philosophy philosophy/Buddhist studies
science/ B Religious studies 2903
Learning support system 1304 History of thought 2904
Entertainment and game informatics 1305 Aesthetics and studies on art 3001
Environmental dynamic analysis 1401 Art studies Fine art history 3002
Environmental Risk sciences of radiation and A Art at large 3003
analyses and chemicals B Japanese literature 3101
evaluation Environmental impact Literature in English 3102
assessment Literature European literature 3103
Environmental engineering and
Chinese literature 3104
reduction of environmental 1501
Humanities Literature in general 3105
Modeling and technologies for Linguistics 3201
environmental conservation and 1502 Japanese linguistics 3202
remediation Linguistics English linguistics 3203
Environmental conservation
Environmental conscious Japanese language education 3204
science 1503
materials and recycle Foreign language education 3205
Environmental risk control and Historical studies in general 3301
evaluation Japanese history 3302
Environmental and ecological History History of Asia and Africa 3303
symbiosis History of Europe and America 3304
Sustainable and
Design and evaluation of Archaeology 3305
sustainable and environmental 1602 Human geography Human geography 3401
conscious system Cultural anthropology Cultural anthropology 3501
Environmental policy and social Fundamental law 3601
systems Public law 3602
Design science Design science 1651 International law 3603
Home economics/Human life 1701 law Social law 3604
Clothing life/Dwelling life 1702 Criminal law 3605
Human life
A Civil law 3606
Eating habits 1703 B New fields of law 3607
C Politics 3701
Science education/ Science education 1801 International relations 3702
Educational technology Educational technology 1802 Economic theory 3801
Sociology/History of Sociology/History of science Economic doctrine/
1901 3802
science and technology and technology Social sciences Economic thought
Cultural assets study Cultural assets study and A Economic statistics 3803
and museology
2001 Economics
Complex museology B Economic policy 3804
systems Geography Geography 2101 Public finance/Public economy 3805
Social systems engineering/ 2201
A Money/ Finance 3806
Social/Safety Safety system B Economic history 3807
system science Natural disaster / Disaster A Management 3901
prevention science B Management Commerce 3902
Biomedical engineering/ A Accounting 3903
Biomaterial science and 2301 Sociology 4001
engineering Sociology Social welfare and social work
Biomedical 4002
Medical systems 2302 studies
Medical engineering assessment 2303
Rehabilitation science/ A
Welfare engineering B
(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Item Item
Area Discipline Research Field Number Remark Area Discipline Research Field Number Remark
Social psychology 4101 Design engineering/
Educational psychology 4102 Machine functional elements/ 5503
Clinical psychology 4103 Tribology
Experimental psychology 4104 Mechanical Fluid engineering 5504
Social sciences Education 4201 engineering Thermal engineering 5505
Sociology of education 4202 Dynamics/Control 5506
Education Education on school subjects Intelligent mechanics/
4203 5507
and activities Mechanical systems
Special needs education 4204 Power engineering/Power
conversion/Electric machinery
Category: Science and Engineering Electronic materials/
Electric materials
Nanostructural chemistry 4301 Electrical and Electron device/
Nanostructural physics 4302 electronic Electronic equipment
Nano/Micro Nanomaterials chemistry 4303 engineering Communication/
science Nanomaterials engineering 4304 Network engineering
Nanobioscience 4305 Measurement engineering 5605
Nano/Microsystems 4306 Control engineering/System
Applied materials 4401 engineering
Crystal engineering 4402 Civil engineering materials/
y science and
Thin film/Surface and Construction/ 5701
engineering 4403
interfacial physical properties Construction management
Applied physics
Optical engineering, Photon Structural engineering/
science Earthquake engineering/
Plasma electronics 4405 Maintenance management
General applied physics 4406 engineering
Quantum beam science Quantum beam science 4501 Geotechnical engineering 5703
Computational science Computational science 4601 Hydraulic engineering 5704
Algebra 4701 Civil engineering project/
Geometry 4702 Traffic engineering
Basic analysis 4703 Civil and environmental
Mathematics Mathematical analysis 4704 engineering
Foundations of Engineering Building structures/Materials 5801
mathematics/Applied 4705 Architectural environment/
Architecture and 5802
mathematics Equipment
Astronomy Astronomy 4801 Town planning/
engineering 5803
Particle/Nuclear/Cosmic Architectural planning
ray/Astro physics Architectural history/Design 5804
Condensed matter physics I 4902 Physical properties of
Condensed matter physics II 4903 metals/Metal-base materials
Mathematical physics/ Inorganic materials/Physical
Physics Fundamental condensed matter 4904 properties
Mathematical physics Composite materials/Surface
and physical Atomic/Molecular/Quantum Material and interface engineering
sciences electronics engineering Structural/Functional materials 5904
Biological physics/Chemical Material
physics/Soft matter physics processing/Microstructural 5905
Solid earth and planetary control engineering
physics Metal making/Resorce
Meteorology/Physical production engineering
oceanography/Hydrology Properties in chemical
Earth and Space and upper atmospheric engineering process/Transfer 6001
planetary physics operation/Unit operation
science Geology 5004 Process/Chemica Reaction engineering/Process
Stratigraphy/Paleontology 5005 l engineering system
Petrology/Mineralogy/ Catalyst/Resource chemical
5006 6003
Economic geology process
Geochemistry/Cosmochemistry 5007 Biofunction/Bioprocess 6004
Plasma science Plasma science 5101 Aerospace engineering 6101
Physical chemistry 5201 Naval and maritime engineering 6102
Basic chemistry Organic chemistry 5202 Earth system and resources
Integrated 6103
Inorganic chemistry 5203 engineering
Functional solid state chemistry 5301 Nuclear fusion studies 6104
Synthetic chemistry 5302 Nuclear engineering 6105
Polymer chemistry 5303 Energy engineering 6106
Analytical chemistry 5304
Chemistry chemistry
Bio-related chemistry 5305
Green/Environmental chemistry 5306
Energy-related chemistry 5307
Organic and hybrid materials 5401
Materials Polymer/Textile materials 5402
chemistry Inorganic industrial materials 5403
Device related chemistry 5404
Mechanical Mechanics of materials
engineering Production engineering/
Processing studies
Category: Biological Sciences
Item Item
Area Discipline Research Field Number Remark Area Discipline Research Field Number Remark
Neurophysiology / General General anatomy (including
6201 7901
neuroscience histology/embryology)
A General physiology 7902
Neuroscience Nerve anatomy/Neuropathology 6202
B Environmental physiology
Neurochemistry/ (including physical medicine 7903
Neuropharmacology and nutritional physiology)
Laboratory animal science Laboratory animal science 6301 General pharmacology 7904
Biological A General medical chemistry 7905
Tumor biology 6401
Sciences B Pathological medical chemistry 7906
Oncology Basic medicine
Tumor diagnostics 6402 Human genetics 7907
Tumor therapeutics 6403 Human pathology 7908
Genome biology 6501 Experimental pathology 7909
Genome science Medical genome science 6502 Parasitology (including sanitary
System genome science 6503 zoology)
Conservation of Conservation of biological Bacteriology (including
6601 7911
biological resources resources mycology)
Molecular biology 6701 Virology 7912
Structural biochemistry 6702 Immunology 7913
Biological Functional biochemistry 6703 Medical sociology 8001
Science Biophysics 6704 Applied pharmacology 8002
Cell biology 6705 Boundary Laboratory medicine 8003
Developmental biology 6706 medicine Medical Physics and
Plant molecular biology/Plant Radiological Technology
physiology Pain science 8004
Morphology/Structure 6802 Epidemiology and preventive
Biology 8101
Animal physiology/Animal medicine
behavior Hygiene and public health 8102
Basic biology Society medicine
Genetics/Chromosome Medical and hospital
6804 8103
dynamics management
Evolutionary biology 6805 Legal medicine 8104
Biodiversity/Systematics 6806 General internal medicine
Ecology/Environment 6807 (including psychosomatic 8201
Physical anthropology 6901 medicine)
Applied anthropology 6902 Gastroenterology 8202
Science in genetics and breeding 7001 Cardiovascular medicine 8203
Plant production
Crop production science 7002 Respiratory organ internal
and 8204
Horticultural science 7003 medicine
A Kidney internal medicine 8205
agriculture Plant protection science 7004
B Neurology 8206
Plant nutrition/Soil science 7101 Clinical internal Metabolomics 8207
Applied microbiology 7102 medicine Endocrinology 8208
Agricultural dentistry, and
Applied biochemistry 7103 Hematology 8209
chemistry pharmacy
Bioorganic chemistry 7104 Collagenous pathology/
Food science 7105 Allergology
Forest and forest Forest science 7201 Infectious disease medicine 8211
products science Wood science 7202 Pediatrics 8212
A Embryonic/Neonatal medicine 8213
Applied aquatic Aquatic bioproduction science 7301
B Dermatology 8214
Aquatic life science 7302 Psychiatric science 8215
Agricultural Agricultural science in Radiation science 8216
science in management and economy General surgery 8301
Agricultural society and Agricultural science in rural Digestive surgery 8302
sciences economy society and development Cardiovascular surgery 8303
Rural environmental Respiratory surgery 8304
engineering/Planning Neurosurgery 8305
Agricultural environmental A Orthopaedic surgery 8306
engineering/Agricultural 7502 Anesthesiology 8307
B Clinical surgery
information engineering Urology 8308
A Obstetrics and gynecology 8309
Animal production science 7601
B Otorhinolaryngology 8310
Animal life A Ophthalmology 8311
Veterinary medical science 7602
science B Pediatric surgery 8312
A Plastic surgery 8313
Integrative animal science 7603
B Emergency medicine 8314
Insect science 7701 Morphological basic dentistry 8401
Environmental A Functional basic dentistry 8402
Boundary agriculture(including landscape 7702 Pathobiological dentistry/
B 8403
agriculture science) Dental radiology
Applied molecular and cellular Conservative dentistry 8404
biology Prosthodontics/ Dental
Chemical pharmacy 7801 Dentistry materials science and
Physical pharmacy 7802 Dental engineering/
Biological pharmacy 7803 Regenerative dentistry
Medicine, Pharmacology in pharmacy 7804 Surgical dentistry 8407
dentistry, and Pharmacy Natural medicines 7805 Orthodontics/Pediatric dentistry 8408
pharmacy Drug development chemistry 7806 Periodontology 8409
Environmental and hygienic Social dentistry 8410
pharmacy Fundamental nursing 8501
Medical pharmacy 7808 Clinical nursing 8502
Nursing Lifelong developmental nursing 8503
Gerontological nursing 8504
Community health nursing 8505