The Enneagram Personality Test - Truity
The Enneagram Personality Test - Truity
The Enneagram Personality Test - Truity
The Enneagram is a personality system that aims to reveal how emotions drive our lives and how we engage with others in an effort to get what
we want and need. The Enneagram defines nine personality types, each with its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for
personal growth.
Your Enneagram type reveals what motivates you on a very deep level, and illuminates the path you must take to achieve a higher level of self-
actualization. 1/10
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The graph below shows how you scored for each of the 9 types of the Enneagram. In this graph, the area of each section indicates your score,
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with larger sections being a better match for your personality.
7 3
5 4
Each of the nine types of the Enneagram has its own driving force, which is centered around a particular emotion. Some types experience strong
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emotions, while other types aim to avoid emotions in one form or another. However, whether running from emotions or diving into them, each
type describes some aspect of emotional experience. test-results/11957953)
Type 2
Type 2 can be described as The Giver. Twos want to be liked and find ways that they can be helpful to others so that they can belong. Read more
about Twos here (/enneagram/personality-type-2-giver).
Type 3
Type 3 is also known as The Achiever. Threes want to be successful and admired by other people, and are very conscious of their public image.
Read more about Threes here (/enneagram/personality-type-3-achiever).
Type 4
Type 4 is known as The Individualist. Fours want to be unique and to experience deep emotions. Read more about Fours here
Type 5
60% MATCH 3/10
12/6/2019 The Enneagram Personality Test | Truity
Type 5 is described as The Investigator. Fives seek understanding and knowledge, and are more comfortable with data than other people. Read
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more about Fives here (/enneagram/personality-type-5-investigator).
Type 6
Type 6 is also known as The Loyalist. Sixes are preoccupied with security, seek safety, and like to be prepared for problems. Read more about
Sixes here (/enneagram/personality-type-6-loyalist).
Type 7
Type 7 is described as The Enthusiast. Sevens want to have as much fun and adventure as possible and are easily bored. Read more about
Sevens here (/enneagram/personality-type-7-enthusiast).
Type 8
Type 8 is also known as The Challenger. Eights see themselves as strong and powerful and seek to stand up for what they believe in. Read more
about Eights here (/enneagram/personality-type-8-challenger).
Type 9
Type 9 is also called The Peacemaker. Nines like to keep a low profile and let the people around them set the agenda. Read more about Nines
here (/enneagram/personality-type-9-peacemaker). 4/10
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Type 1 can be thought of as The Perfectionist. Ones place a lot of emphasis on following the rules and doing things correctly. Read more about
Ones here (/enneagram/personality-type-1-perfectionist).
Your primary type is Three. In this section, we'll dive deep into the Three profile to understand how it drives your core emotions, fears, and
desires, as well as how it impacts you in relationships and at work.
In a Nutshell
Threes are defined by their desire to achieve. They want to advance in the world and will sacrifice almost anything for success; vigorously
pursuing tasks and becoming utterly absorbed in the pursuit of attainment. But they will only choose a task in the first place if it promises
rewards and brings prestige. Threes like to stand out. They have a burning need to be admired and see life as a game where winning is
At their core, Threes are enormously adaptable. They are adept at aligning themselves with the people and projects that matter, and this
predestines them to become ideal leaders and employees for any organization. Threes are competent and hardworking — they get a lot done
and they make it look easy, even as they are expending considerable effort. On the flip side, their interest in authenticity is low. Putting on the
right public face and maintaining a successful image are more important to Threes than developing good relationships and listening to their own
genuine feelings. What Threes are selling, the rest of us are buying, and they certainly know how to wear a mask and make a good impression.
Unlock your full report to see what being a Three means to your life. 5/10
12/6/2019 The Enneagram Personality Test | Truity
Why Threes can achieve great success...and still not feel satisfied
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Why Threes are sometimes accused of being "fake"—and how they can learn to be
more authentic test-results/11957953)
How Threes can learn to access their emotions to truly connect with people
The real solution to burnout and overwork for Threes
by Stephanie Medlock
Spot on and helps me understand more of my need to succeed. Very helpful!
December 6, 2019 - 2:01am
by Nate
While I believe that personality tests are useful as a general guide and not as an end-all-be-all, this was pretty darn close. It got me spot on in
quite a few areas as well as identified exactly what my desires were for moving forward on all sides (wings AND arrows). If you don't know what
those are then get the full report and read it.
December 5, 2019 - 10:41pm
by Barbara Wolfe 6/10
12/6/2019 The Enneagram Personality Test | Truity
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Wow, so much of me wrapped up in 9 numbers. Truly helps(
me understand where that perplexing and sometimes horrible anger comes from.
Also my extreme bossiness, although I do not find being bossy much of a problem. In large groups, inaction drives me nuts. I will read through
this several more times and begin working to moderate some of the obnoxious parts of me. Strangely I loved this. I have always been the one
that Gets Things Done, and I have worked hard all of my life to do the best I could
December 5, 2019 - 3:38pm
by Angela
December 5, 2019 - 2:37am
by Katie Bennett
I have taken this test several times before and got a very different response this time. Not sure how accurate this test is.
December 4, 2019 - 7:52pm
My question is: I belong to a facebook group (ISTJ) and they have asked for an enneagram ranking (for instance 6w8 or 4w6 or something akin). I
have no idea of this ranking. I know I'm a "1", but that's about all. 7/10
12/6/2019 The Enneagram Personality Test | Truity
by Reina Jaay
I have been having difficulty typing myself, I relate to all the types. I took the test here and typed as a 9 with balanced wings which seems like it
December 4, 2019 - 6:28am
by Tori C
I found it very interesting.
December 4, 2019 - 3:50am
by Shan
I took the test on kind of a lark, but was shocked at how accurate it was. I had a tough time answering some of the questions as I felt the
answers were not black and white and the semantics may impact the accuracy. That didn't happen and I was impressed. I laughed out loud at
the "In a nutshell" challenges. They were right on. I can be bossy, overbearing and confrontational; throwing my weight around but not so much
as I have aged, when I was younger, oh yeah.
I really appreciated this review and since you are never too old to try to live a better life, I will use it to do that. 8/10
12/6/2019 The Enneagram Personality Test | Truity
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(/) 9/10
12/6/2019 The Enneagram Personality Test | Truity 10/10