Selected Topics in General and Inorganic Chemistry

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 Topics  in  General  and  Inorganic  

Chemistry   Table of topics:
1.  Composition of the matter
2.  Basic chemical laws and rules, formulae, equations
3.  Structure of atoms
4.  Periodic table of elements
Lectures  notes  and  interac9ve  teaching  by     5.  Molecular structures & basic theories of chemical bonding
6.  Principles of thermodynamics
Jozef  Noga     7.  States of the matter
at  Faculty  of  Natural  Sciences,     8.  Introduction to chemical kinetics
9.  Acids and bases
Comenius  University,  Bra9slava   10.  Introduction to electrochemistry
11.  Elements and their basic compounds
12.  Coordination chemistry
13.  Organometallic compounds

Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu (Grading policy): What is Chemistry?

There will be two running written tests examinations
An introduction to chemical science
(maximum 20 points each) during the semester course.
Final exam will consist of a 60-point test. Only those students
will be admitted to final examination who achieve at least Chemistry is such a broad subject and one so full of
60 % of the points from tests and 60 % of laboratory work detail that it is easy for a newcomer to find it
evaluation. For grade A, it is necessary to obtain at least 92 %, somewhat overwhelming, if not intimidating. The best
for grade B at least 84 %, for grade C at least 76 %, for way around this is to look at Chemistry from a variety
grade D at least 68 % and for grade E at least 60 % of of viewpoints:
all points. Credits will not be assigned to a student, who will
•  How Chemistry relates to other sciences and to the world
not earn at least 60% from running tests, or who will not earn
in general
at least 60% from laboratory work and to student, who will not •  What are some of the fundamental concepts that extend
earn at least 60 % from final exam. throughout Chemistry?
•  What are some of the major currents of modern-day

The  scope  of  chemical  science  

Chemistry is too universal

physics might be
considered more dynamically-changing
major focus:
the structure and properties of
on the changes that they
The real importance of Chemistry is that it serves as
the interface to practically all of the other sciences

Chemist‘s view
Mainly  theore9cal     to Mainly  prac9cal    

Why  do  par9cular  combina9ons  of   What  are  the  proper9es  of  a  certain  
atoms  hold  together,  but  not   compound?  

How  can  I  predict  the  shape  of  a   How  can  I  prepare  a  certain  
molecule?   compound?  

Why  are  some  reac9ons  slow,  while   Does  a  certain  reac9on  proceed  to  
others  occur  rapidly? comple9on?  

Is  a  certain  reac9on  possible? How  can  I  determine  the  

Chemistry can be approached in different ways, each composi9on  of  an  unknown  
yielding a different, valid, (and yet hopelessly incomplete)
view of the subject.

Chemistry is the study of substances; their
properties, structure, and the changes they undergo.
Macroscopic Microscopic
Observation: Direct Indirect
Realm: Macroscopic Microscopic

Stochiometric ratio, structures  of  solids,  

formulae, mixtures ... molecules,  and  atoms ...
Thermal and other
Changes sta1s1cs  of  energy  
energetic effects,
(Energetics) distribu1on
(dynamics) Reaction rates Mechanisms

Dynamics refers to the HISTORY

details of that rearrangem-
ents of atoms that occur Chemistry is a branch of science that has been around for a
during chemical change, long time. In fact, chemistry is known to date back to as far as
and that affect the rate the prehistoric times. Due to the amount of time chemistry
at which change occurs. takes up on the timeline, the science is split into four general
chronological categories.
Energetics refers to the
thermodynamics of che- The four categories are:
mical change, relating to prehistoric times - beginning of the Christian era (black magic)
the uptake or release
of heat. beginning of the Christian era - end of 17th century (alchemy)

end of 17th century - mid 19th century (traditional chemistry)

mid 19th century - present (modern chemistry)

Milestones in the history of Chemistry History of Chemistry
Prehistoric Times – Beginning of the Christian Era ~300 BC - End of 17th Century (Alchemy)
Fire – Smoke – Ceramics 300 BC-300 AD the Advent of the Alchemists
~3300 BC Bronze Age (alloy consisting primarily of attempt to transmute cheap metals to gold. The
copper, with tin as the main additive) substance used for this conversion was called
the Philosopher's Stone
1700 BC 6th Babylonian king Hammurabi’s reign
– known metals were recorded and listed 13th-15th century intensive effort;
in conjunction with heavenly bodies pope John XXII (1316-34) issued an edict against
~1300 BC Iron Age gold-making
430 BC Democritus proclaims the atom to be the Despite the alchemists' efforts, transmutation of cheap
simplest unit of matter metals to gold never happened within this time period.
1493 – 1541 Paracelsus – (Philippus von Hohenheim)
300 BC Aristotle declares the existence of only four
Modern toxicology, pharmacology;
elements: fire, air, water and earth
Three principles: salt (solidity, inertness),
properties: hot, cold, dry and wet
sulfur (inflamability), mercury (fluidity, heaviness, metallicity)

History of Chemistry ~1700 – ~1850 (Traditional Chemistry)

16th century Alchemists not only wanted to convert metals to
Johann Joachim Becher – 1667 phlogiston theory
gold, but they also wanted to find a chemical
postulated a fire-like element called phlogiston,
concoction that would enable people to live
longer and cure all ailments. This elixir of life contained within combustible bodies, that is released
during combustion (rusting).
never happened either.
1774 Joseph Priestly heated calx of mercury, collect-
17th century – 1661 Robert Boyle ed the colorless gas and burned different substances
in this gas (discovery of oxygen)
hypothesis that matter consisted of
atoms and clusters of atoms in Antoine Lavoisier – oxygen (1778); hydrogen (1783)
motion and that every phenomenon disproved the phlogiston theory; list of elements
was the result of collisions of particles law of mass conservation - Father of Modern Chemistry
in motion
John Dalton – 1803 Atomic Theory which states
sometimes called that all matter is composed of atoms, which are small
founder of modern chemistry and indivisible

History of Chemistry ~1850 - present (Modern Chemistry) 2009, IBM scientists Imaging a real
in Switzerland
1854 Heinrich Geissler creates the first vacuum tube. molecule!
1879 William Crookes – plasma - ZnS fluorescence  cathode AFM:
rays atomic force microscopy

1885 Eugen Goldstein - positive particles - protons atoms-thin metallic probe

is drawn ever-so-slightly
1895 Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered X-rays above the surface of an
1896 Henri Becquerel - fluorescence of pitchblend – natural immobilized pentacene
radioactivity – Nobel Prize in Physics1903 molecule cooled to nearly
with Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie absolute zero.

1897 J.J. Thomson – discovery of the electron

Currents of modern Chemistry Synthesis is both one of the oldest areas of

chemistry and one of the most actively pursued:
few of the areas that have emerged as being
especially important in modern chemistry major threads
Synthesis thread: something acting as the
Separation science New-molecule synthesis -
continuous link or theme of a
Identification and assay Chemists
whole are always
challenged to come up
Materials, polymers, Biochemistry and with molecules
and nanotechnology Molecular biology containing novel features
Theoretical and computational such as new shapes or
chemistry unusual types of bonds.

Combinatorial chemistry
Materials, polymers, nanotechnologies
refers to a group of largely-
automated techniques for
generating tiny quantities of
huge numbers of different Materials science attempts to
molecules ("libraries") and relate the physical properties
then picking out those having
certain desired properties. and performance of engineering
Although it is a major drug materials to their underlying
discovery technique, it also
has many other applications. chemical structure with the aim
Green chemistry - synthetic methods of developing improved
that focus on reducing or eliminating materials for various
the use or release of toxic or non-
biodegradable chemicals or applications.

Polymer chemistry Organic semiconductors

polymeric number of potential
("plastic") advantages over
materials for conventional metalloid-
industrial uses.
based devices.
individual Nanodevice chemistry
molecules by constructing molecular-
cross-links (red) scale assemblies for
ordinary polyethylene is a fairly soft increases the specific tasks such as
material with a low melting point, but strength of the
computing, producing
the cross-linked form is more rigid and material.
resistant to heat.
motions, etc.

Fullerenes, nanotubes and nanowires, Biosensors and biochips
Fullerenes were first
identified in 1985 as products
of experiments in which
graphite was vaporized using
a laser

R. F. Curl, Jr., R. E. Smalley,

and H. W. Kroto shared the
1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
the surfaces of metals and semiconductors
Fullerene research is expected to lead to new "decorated" with biopolymers can serve as
materials, lubricants, coatings, catalysts, electro- extremely sensitive detectors of biological
optical devices, and medical applications
substances and infectious agents

Biochemistry and Molecular biology

Drug design
looks at interactions between enzymes
and possible inhibitors

modeling is
an essential
tool in this
ranging from the fundamental chemistry of gene express- work
ion and enzyme-substrate interactions to drug design

Proteomics Chemical genomics
This huge field focuses on the
relations between structure
and function of proteins
explores the
chain of events
there are about 400,000 in which
different kinds in humans. signaling
Proteomics is related to genetics in that the DNA regulate gene
sequences in genes get decoded into proteins expression
which eventually define and regulate a particular

Separation methods:
Identification tools:

Nature of the material world

Theoretical and computational

chemistry Matter (Substance) (Physical) Field

Internally discretized, Continuous internal

^ particles with non-zero rest
HΨ = EΨ mass

What is a substance composed of? Measures of the changes in material objects

(as related to Chemistry)

Elementary particles
Mass (SI: kg) Energy (SI: J)
A measure of inertia of a body, A quantitative measure
... leptons quarks ...
(resistance to the motion of diverse forms of the
electrons composite particles motion; can be transferred
to other objects; converted
atoms neutron, proton (baryons) rest mass
A.  Einstein (1905)
Molecules – entities composed of atoms

light v.
entity – discrete unit with a defined unique structure
and properties, able of an The Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy
independent existence Σ m = const. Σ E = const.
... associates, crystals ... – condensed systems M. V. Lomonosov 1758
A. L. Lavoisier 1774-7 M. V. Lomonosov 1760

Atom (in a „nutshell“) Atomic mass: ~ 10-27 - 10-25 kg
Nucleus surrounded by: not practical → relative atomic mass Ar
Protons (+)
nucleons electrons (-) Unified atomic mass unit (or constant):
Neutrons (0)
Z – proton number A = Z+N mu = 12 m(126 C) = 1,660565.10-27 kg
N – neutron number
23 Ar ( AZ E) = m( ZA E )/mu
A – nucleon number 11 Na
Nuclide: atomic species characterized by a specific
constitution of its nucleus. more isotopes  weighted avarage
Isotopes: same Z, different A
54 56 57 58 Approval by: IUPAC
napr. 26
Fe , 26
Fe , 26Fe , 26 Fe International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Isobars: different elements, equal „A“

Molecules – entities composed of atoms, with Molar mass: M(A) = m(A)/n(A)

unambiguous structure and unique properties
Molar volume (Vm):
Relative molecular mass Mr
Avogadro‘s law – for an ideal gas
Mr = m(XaYb) /mu = a Ar(X) + b Ar(Y) - equal volumes of all gases, at the same
temperature and pressure, have the same
Molar fraction (n) (SI): mol - number of NA entities number of molecules
equal n(A)  equal volume
NA Avogadro‘s constant = number of atoms in 12g 12C
standard: (T=273.1 K; p=101.32 kPa; Vm =22.41 dm3mol-1 )
NA = 6,022140.1023mol-1
otherwise: Vm = V/n

Amedeo Avogadro, 1776-1856, Italian

Physical properties of materials Classification of material systems
Extensive Intensive
depend on the amount do not depend on the Homogeneous Heterogeneous
of a substance amount of a substance
uniform intensive two or more phases
properties throughout
mass, volume, density, colour, its volume
total energy content, boiling point,
total electric resistance electric conductivity, A phase Phase boundaries
total content of a given concentration, ...
element, ...
Used to characterize the colloids: no clear phase bondaries,
substance intesive properties vary within
the volume
Dichotomy – a unique classification is not always possible
e. g. pressure – both dependent and independent

Pure substances– Chemical individuals Pure substances

Unique physical and chemical properties Chemical elements Compounds
Melting point (temperture), boiling p., spectral properties, ... heteroatomic
isoatomic composition composition
Production: from mixtures by separation methods same proton number
Isomers – different
Destilation, crystalization, liquid extraction, alotropic modification modifications with
chromatography ... O: O2, O3 equal composition.
C: grafite, diamant,
Are they really pure? Different molecular
fulleren, amorfous carbon,
... pure For analysis Chemically pure structures (locations of
C-nanotubes, graphene, ...
atoms in space)
Extra chemically pure substances Gr. allos , different tropos kind
special – 99,999 % Si - number of 9s Jöns Jakob Berzelius 1779-1848, Swedish

Changes in the substances
Chemical formulae Chemical change - reaction
Stochiometric (empirical, summary)
Macroscopically: Microscopically:
H2PO3 process of creation reorganisation of
of new compounds atoms in the space
Molecular H4P2O6
Rational (OH)2OP-PO (OH)2O reactants products
Structural chemical equilibrium

Chemical equations, mass balance, charge balance

Empirical laws Empirical laws

Law of constant composition
Law of multiple proportions
(Law of definite proportions) (John Dalton – 1803)
(Joseph Luis Proust – 1799, Francúz)
(John Dalton – 1803, Angličan)
If two elements form more than one compound between
A chemical compound always contains exactly the same
them, then the ratios of the masses of the second
proportion of elements by mass, irrespective of the way of
element which combine with a fixed mass of the first
element will be ratios of small whole numbers.
H2 + Cl2 → 2 HCl H:Cl = 2.76%:97.24%
3 H2O + PCl3 → 3 HCl +H3PO3
MnO, MnO2 Mn = 1
daltonides bertholides – non-stochiometric O(MnO): O(MnO2)= 1:2
Claude Louis Berthollet
1748-1822 Francúz

Empirical laws
Law of combining volumes
(Joseph Luis Gay-Lussac – 1808, Francúz)

The ratio between the volumes of the reactant gases

and the products can be expressed in simple whole

H2 + Cl2 → 2 HCl
1l 1l 2l


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