Final M.E. Production Engg
Final M.E. Production Engg
Final M.E. Production Engg
Program outcomes
Acquire fundamental knowledge and understanding of Production and Industrial Engineering.
Acquire abilities and capabilities in the areas of advanced manufacturing methods, quality assurance
and shop floor management.
Formulate relevant research problems; conduct experimental and/or analytical work and analyzing
results using modern mathematical and scientific methods.
Review and document the knowledge developed by scholarly predecessors and critically assess the
relevant technological issues.
Design and validate technological solutions to defined problems and write clearly and effectively for
the practical utilization of their work.
First Semester
Second Semester
Fourth Semester
List of Electives-1
List of Electives-II
Detail contents:
Elementary Theory of Plasticity: Stress / strain / strain-rate characteristics, Von-Mises and
Tresca Yield Criteria, Levy Mises and Prandtl – Reuss stress-strain relationship, Experimental
investigation, Plastic potential theory and plastic work, Kinematically admissible velocity field,
Upper bound solution, Slab method, Slip line field theory.
Drawing: Analysis of 2D frictionless drawing, Analysis of wire and sheet drawing process by
Slab method, Upper bound and Slip line field theory.
Rolling: Analysis of cold rolling by Slab method, Rolling pressure, torque and power
Forging: Determination of forces in disc forging considering sticking and slipping, Forging
Extrusion: Analysis of direct cold extrusion process through conical dies by Slab method, Upper
bound and Slip line field.
Research Assignment:
Assignment containing the full analysis with appropriate boundary conditions (and coding to
solve equations, if needed) for bulk or sheet metal forming processes to obtain the variations of
force, torque, power etc. with process parameters. Students may refer recent journal publications
to borrow the idea for the problem and analysis approach. Student should submit individual report
with derivations of equations and results of parametric analysis..
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
The students will be able to
decide yielding of a material according to different yield theory for a given state of stress,
develop the kinematically admissible velocity field for different forming processes
analyze the different bulk metal forming process mechanics using different analysis approach and
calculate the force, power requirements etc.
evaluate the effect of process parameters on the process mechanics during bulk metal forming.
Recommended Books:
1. Rowe, G.W., Principles of Industrial Metal Working Process, CBS Publishers (2004).
2. Avitzur, B., Metal Forming Analysis, McGraw Hill (1998).
3. ASTME, High Velocity Forming of Metals, Prentice Hall (1995).
4. Ghosh, A. and Malik, S., Manufacturing Science, Affiliated East-West Press (2001).
5. Johnson, W. and Mellore, P.B., Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, Van Nostrand (1995).
6. Narayan, S.R., Metal Forming Technology, Ahuja Book Publishers (2001).
7 Haffmann, O., Introduction to the Theory of Plasticity-Metal Forming Applications,
McGraw Hill (1995).
Evaluation Scheme:
Detail contents:
Mechanical Processes: Development and classification, Considerations in process selection,
Mechanism of material removal in: Ultrasonic machining, Abrasive jet machining, Abrasive flow
machining, Magnetic abrasive finishing, Parametric analysis: Effect of process parameters on
material removal rate, surface finish, Process capabilities, Engineering applications, Development
of Hybrid processes.
Thermal Metal Removal Processes: Historical background and classification, Characteristics of
process , Mechanism of material removal in: Electric discharge, Wire electric discharge, laser
beam, Plasma arc, Electron beam advanced machining processes, Parametric analysis, advantages
and limitations, applications
Electrochemical Machining and other Processes: Introduction, Mechanics, Tool design,
Electrochemistry of ECM process, Kinematics and Dynamics, Effect of heat and H2 bubble
generation, Calculation of material removal rate, Parametric analysis, advantages and limitations,
applications, Microwave processing, Explosive forming: Principle, Process parameters,
Equipment, Mechanics and applications.
Laboratory Work
Experimental determination of Material removal rate, Tool wear rate, Ovality of the machined
surfaces for the Ultrasonic, Electric discharge, Laser beam machining processes, Determination
of impact strength of shot blasted surfaces, Use of dynamometer, Surface finish measurement
Micro Project/ Research assigmment : Students will be divided in groups comprising of 4–5
students. Each group will be assigned with a separate research topic related to parametric analysis
and optimization of process parameters involved in various advanced manufacturing processes.
Students will be required to go through the topics from sources like reference books, journals etc.
in the relevant field. Each group will be required to submit a report (and presentation) containing
review of literature, summary, gaps in the existing literature, key findings etc.
Course Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Model the material removal in various modern manufacturing processes
Analyze the processes and evaluate the role of each process parameter during machining of
various advanced materials.
Solve the various problems for the given profiles to be imparted on the work specimens.
Select the best process out of the available various advanced manufacturing processes for the
given job assignment.
understand requirements to achieve maximum material removal rate and best quality of machined
surface while machining various industrial engineering materials.
Recommended Books:
1. Pandey, P.C. and Shan H.S., Modern Machining Processes, Tata McGraw Hill (2004).
2. Mishra, P.K., Non Conventional Machining, Narosa Publications (2006).
3. Hofy, H.E., Advanced Manufacturing Process, B and H Publication (1998).
4. Jain, V.K., Advanced Machining processes, Allied Publishers Private Limited (2004).
5. Ghosh, A. and Mullik, A., Manufacturing Science, East –West private Limited (2010).
Evaluation Scheme:
Recommended Books:
1. Monks, J. G., Operations Management: Theory and Problems, McGraw Hill, New York
2. Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P. and Malhotra, M. K., Operations Management, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi (2009).
3. Ebert, J and Adams, D.J., Production/Operations Management, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi (2007).
4. Chase, R. B., Aquilano, N. J. and Jacob, F. R., Production and Operations Management:
manufacturing and services, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1999).
Evaluation Scheme:
Detail contents:
Introduction: Quality - meaning and significance, Essential components of quality, Phases or
elements for building quality, Evolution of the concepts of quality, Spiral of progress of quality,
Changing scope of quality activities, Ishikawa’s seven quality tools, Quality Circles, Quality
system economics, Hidden quality costs, Economic models of quality costs.
Taguchi’s Quality Loss Function: System approach for quality management, Juran’s quality
trilogy, Quality planning activities, Sporadic and chronic quality problems, Causes of variation,
General quality control methodology.
Statistical Quality Control: Control charts for variables: X bar-R, X bar-S, median, X-MR
charts, Control charts for attributes: p, np, c charts, Product reliability, Process capability
Acceptance Sampling: Plans and tables for attributes and variables, Sampling methods, Type of
plans, Operating characteristic curves, Quality improvement methodology, Just-in-time
ISO 9000 Philosophy: Documentation, Implementation and certification process.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
The student will be able to
Apply the tools and techniques of quality to resolve industrial engineering issues.
Estimate the obvious and hidden quality costs for a given production system.
Apply a system based approach for quality management
Prepare and analyze various charts/ methods for quality control and improvement.
Use plans for sampling and concepts of quality system management.
Recommended Books:
1. Juran, J.M. and Gryna, F.M, Quality Planning & Analysis, McGraw Hill (2001), Edition.
2. Grant, E.L., Statistical Quality Control, McGraw Hill (2008). Edition (7th)
3. Feignbaum, A.V., Total Quality Control, McGraw Hill (1991). Edition (4th)
4. Juran, J.M., Juran’s Quality Control Handbook, McGraw Hill (1988). Edition (5th)
Evaluation Scheme:
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0
Course Objectives: To inculcate the principle, thermal and metallurgical aspects during solidification
of metal and alloys. To impart knowledge about principles/methods of casting with detail design of
gating/riser system needed for casting, defects in cast objects and requirements for achieving sound casting.
To impart knowledge about welding behaviour of machine and process during welding, analysis of
common and newer welding techniques and metallurgical and weldability aspects of different common
engineering materials.
Riser Design: Risering curves, NRL, Caine method, Feeding distance, Gating systems and their
characteristics. Type of gates and design consideration, Chills pattern design consideration, Sand
testing, Advanced metal casting processes, Casting defects, Their causes & redressal
Metal Joining: Classification – Welding power source, Arc and arc characteristics, Behavior of
arc with variation in current and voltage, Welding electrodes, ISI specification of electrodes,
Electrode selection, Newer welding process- such as plasma arc, Laser beam, Electorate,
Ultrasonic welding
Welding Metallurgy: Heat flow is welding metallurgical transformation, Implication of cooling
rate, HAZ, Weldability of plain carbon steels, SS, Al and its alloys, Residual stresses and
distorting, Welding defects, Testing-destructive and NDT.
Laboratory work: Joints preparation, development of welding by SMAW, GMAW, GTAW,
Spot and Seam. Demonstration of SAW and flash butt welding, oxy-acetylene gas cutting.
Minor Project: Development of aluminum alloy casting through sand casting process and
investigation of metallurgical and mechanical properties of cast component. The students
will develop the defined pattern casting of a given alloy/material. Further, the cut section of cast
component will characterize for metallurgical and mechanical property investigation like
porosity, cracks, phases, microstructure and microhardness.Joining and characterization of
aluminum alloy through MIG process. The students will develop joining of aluminum alloy
through MIG process and will optimize the process parameters. Further, Students will
characterize for metallurgical and mechanical property investigation like porosity, cracks, phases,
microstructure and microhardness.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): The student will be able to
analyze the thermal, metallurgical aspects during solidification in casting and welding and their role on
quality of cast or weld objects.
design the gating and riser system needed for casting and requirements to achieve defect free casting.
analyze the welding process behavior for common and newer welding techniques
understand requirements to achieve sound welded joint while welding different similar and dissimilar
engineering materials.
Recommended Books:
1. Ramana Rao, T. V., Metal Casting – Principles and Practice, New Age International Pvt.
Ltd. (2003).
2. Rao, P. N., Manufacturing Technology, McGraw Hill (2008).
3. Campbell, J., Castings, Butter Worth – Heinemann Publishers (2003).
4. Nadkari, S. V., Modern Arc Welding Technology, Oxford & India Book House Pvt. Ltd.
(2005) 2nd ed.
Evaluation Scheme:
Introduction to Work Study: Definition, Scope, Inter-relation between method study and work
measurement, Human aspects, Role in improving plant productivity and safety.
Method Study: Objectives and step-wise procedure for method analysis, Recording & evaluation
techniques, Micro-motion and macro motion study, Therbligs and Simo-charts, Principle of
motion economy, Normal work areas and design of work places, Principles of work design,
Multiple activity chart, Flow process chart, String diagram, Travel charts.
Work Measurement: Work measurement objectives, Techniques & criteria for selection of
technique, Stop watch time study, Systems of performance ratings, Calculation of standard time,
Introduction to allowances, Production study, Work sampling, MTN & Work Factor system,
Standard data usage, Engineered time standard, Predetermined motion time system (PMTS), Job
evaluation & merit rating.
Evaluation Scheme:
Detail contents:
The Process of Product Design: Design by evolution, Limitations of evolutionary method in
modern design situation, Structure of design process, Morphology of design, Specifications and
Standards of performance, Environmental factors, Creativity techniques in design problem.
Strategies for Search of Design Concepts: Physical realizability, Economic and financial
feasibility, Designing for function, Designing for production, Tolerance analysis, Use,
Maintenance, Designing for handling and installing, Economics of design, Human factors in
design, Optimization of design, Reverse engineering of ergonomic shape designs,Visual design
Use of CAD / CAM /CAE: Software for concurrent engineering design. Case studies in design of
products for manufacture, Aesthetics, Surface styling and shaping tools in modern CAD software,
Exercises in design, Reverse engineering and surface design and review software.
Research Assignments: Students will be divided in groups comprising of 4–5 students. Each
group will be assigned with a separate research topic/ case study in the field of product design
and development. Students will be required to go through the topics from sources like reference
books, journals etc. in the relevant field. Each group will be required to submit a report (and
presentation) containing review of literature, summary, major findings and gaps in the existing
literature. The topics may include design morphologies for product design, models for physical
realizability of design concept, case studies of products comparing products developed through
tradition design approach vs those developed through the modern systemic approach.
Detail contents:
Strengthening Mechanisms for Alloys: Strengthening by grain refinement, effect of grain size on
various mechanical properties, solid solution strengthening, strain hardening, precipitation
hardening mechanisms for alloys, especially steels and aluminium.
Failure Mechanisms: Ductile and brittle fracture, principles of fracture mechanics, impact fracture
testing, design for fatigue, stages of fatigue failure, factors affecting fatigue life, generalized creep
Phase Transformations in Steels: Kinetics of Phase Transformations, mechanisms of phase
transformations, isothermal transformation diagrams, continuous cooling transformation diagrams,
influence of alloying elements on these diagrams, heat treatment and surface hardening of steels
(plain carbon as well as special purpose steels). Effect of phase transformations on mechanical
properties of steels. Hardenability determination in steels. Modeling and simulation tools for
analysing phase transformations.
Characteristics, Applications, and Processing of Polymers: Mechanical behaviour of polymers,
mechanisms of deformation and for strengthening of polymers, glass transition phenomena in
polymers, stress–strain behaviour, fracture of polymers, degradation of polymers.
Characteristics, Applications, and Processing of Composites: Classification of composites,
factors affecting properties of composites, polymer-matrix composites, metal-matrix composites,
processing methods for composites.
Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive Applications: Dual Phase (DP) steels,
Transformation Induced Plasticity steels (TRIP), Complex Phase (CP) steels, Super Martensitic
Stainless Steels (SMSS), Super alloys.
Research Assignments: Students will be divided in groups comprising of 4–5 students. Each group
will be assigned with a separate research topic in the field of materials technology. Students will be
required to go through the topics from sources like reference books, journals etc. in the relevant
field. Each group will be required to submit a report (and presentation) containing review of
literature, summary, major findings and gaps in the existing literature. The topics may include
strengthening mechanisms for a given alloy composition, cases of famous engineering disasters
reflecting the failure mechanisms involved, kinetics and also mechanisms of phase transformations
in steels etc.
Recommended Books:
1. Joachim, R. Harders, S and Baker, M., Mechanical behaviour of engineering materials: metals,
ceramics, polymers, and composites, Springer (2007), Edition (1st)
2. Parton, V.Z., Fracture mechanics: from theory to practice, CRC Press (1992). Edition (6th).
4. Colling, D and Thomas, V., Industrial materials: polymers, ceramics, and composites,
Printice-Hall (1995), Edition (2nd).
Evaluation Scheme: