DMA Piano Performance 2017-2018
DMA Piano Performance 2017-2018
DMA Piano Performance 2017-2018
Piano Performance
Program Guidelines
Revised March 30, 2017
Performance Projects
MUSC 7920 DMA Performance I (solo recital) 1
MUSC 7930 DMA Performance II (solo recital) 1
MUSC 7940 DMA Performance III (Chamber Music or Concerto with large 1
instrumental ensemble)
MUSC 7950 Lecture Recital 1
MUSC 6010 Music Bibliography (if not taken for requisite Master’s degree) (2)
Related Field DMA students are required to complete 12-13 hours in a Related 12-13
Field (see DMA Related Field Admission and Course Requirements)
Electives Six hours of electives must be taken if Music History or Music (6)
Theory is chosen as the Related Field. The hours must be in
academic courses approved by the Supervisory Committee.
Total Credit Hours 59-62
Program Purpose
The Doctor of Musical Arts is designed for students with interest and/or career aspirations as performers and post-
secondary educators. Goals include the advancement of performers to the highest level of technical mastery and
artistic expression, study in a related field, which could prepare students for teaching in a secondary area, and
refinement in the ability to engage in independent research. The curriculum is designed to allow students flexibility
in emphasizing particular interests while at the same time insuring a broad perspective of advanced knowledge and
skills development.
Subsequent live audition: The applicant should prepare a one-hour program. The piano faculty may choose
to hear all or any portion of the submitted repertoire. The choice of repertoire will be considered on musical
and technical merit as well as the artistic level of the performance.
Students who completed the Master of Music degree at the University of Utah may use their final solo
recital as the entrance audition with prior approval of the area. The recital program must be approved by
the Piano Area before commencing work on the program.
3. Complete an interview with one or more of the piano faculty.
Graduate Placement Exams
Placement examinations in Music History and Music Theory are taken after the student has been accepted by
Graduate Admissions. Preparation materials are available on the School of Music website. Placement examinations
must be taken prior to registering for Music History and Music Theory courses.
Results of graduate placement exams determine placement in graduate courses and identify areas in which remedial
work may be necessary. Students are encouraged to study diligently for these examinations. Poor performance
could result in the student being required to take a considerable number of remedial courses. Students recommended
for remedial courses must earn a B- or better in recommended courses before advancing to a higher-level course.
Music History: The graduate Music History diagnostic examination covers the breadth of Western art music from
the medieval period to the present through a variety of questions evaluating the student’s knowledge of important
composers, works, terms, and concepts.
Music Theory: The graduate Music Theory placement examination assesses the student's competence in harmony,
voice leading, counterpoint, form, and instrumentation.
The student's major performance teacher (if tenure-line) serves as the Chair of the Supervisory Committee. If the
performance teacher is not tenure-line he/she will serve as the “Director of Recitals.”
DMA Supervisory Committees consist of three faculty members, the majority of whom must be tenure-line faculty
in the School of Music. One member of the Supervisory Committee must be from the area of the student’s Related
Field. The Supervisory Committee must be chosen during the first year of study and before the student performs
any recitals.
1. Each student must perform two complete solo recital programs. The Supervisory Committee must approve
the program repertoire prior to the recital.
2. Each student must also complete either a concerto performance with a large instrumental ensemble or a
chamber music recital of 60 minutes of music.
3. Each student is required to perform a lecture recital based on the research of his/her dissertation essay
Students must fill out the proper recital forms and register for each recital prior to the semester of the scheduled
recital. Recitals should be a minimum of one hour in length, with the exception of the major work. Degree recitals
should be held in a School of Music performance venue; exceptions are rare and must be approved through an
Exception to Policy.
The Supervisory Committee comprises the Jury for the recitals. Students must be enrolled in private lessons during
semesters in which recitals are given. All incomplete grades must be made up prior to the first day of the semester
in which the lecture recital is scheduled. Recitals must be held before the last day of classes in the Fall and Spring
Qualifying Examinations
Written qualifying examinations are required of each DMA student. An examination, or parts of an examination,
may be repeated only once and only at the discretion of the Supervisory Committee. Prior to taking the
qualifying examination the student must have completed all course work in the subject area of the exam
(including required recitals, with the exception of the lecture recital) and no incompletes may be outstanding.
The student must be enrolled in at least one credit hour during the semester of the examination. Summer
administration of the examinations is allowed if approved through an Exception to Policy. At least two months
before the anticipated exam date, the student must notify the Supervisory Committee of their intent to take the
Piano Area Qualifying Exam. The qualifying exam must be passed before a student can register for the
Dissertation Essay.
DMA qualifying examinations will be given in the major area and the Related Field. The piano area examination
is compiled by the Supervisory Chair with questions submitted from other members of the Supervisory
Committee. Related Field questions are prepared by the Related Field faculty representative on the committee
(other faculty in the Related Field may be consulted as well).
The piano area examination will consist of five or six keyboard pieces to be identified and analyzed. Pianists will
be expected to convey detailed performance or teaching suggestions based on the analysis of one of the scores
from the exam. Students should plan on three hours to complete this examination. In addition, pianists will be
given a topic to research based on a genre from one of the pieces from his/her recital repertoire to be presented
to the monitor at the time of the qualifying exam (minimum 8 pages carefully footnoted).
Residency Requirement
At least two consecutive semesters (Fall-Spring or Spring-Fall) must be spent in full-time academic work at the
University of Utah. Summer semester does not count for this purpose.
The dissertation essay must conform to the standards set forth by the University Thesis Office; however, the Thesis
Office will not edit DMA Dissertation Essays. Editing is primarily the responsibility of the Supervisory Chair with
input from the rest of the committee.
The format is to serve as a defense of the dissertation essay, and to provide clarification or answer lingering
questions left over from the qualifying exams. The exam may also include questions on music history, music theory,
and the history and literature of the student's area of specialization. All defenses must be held before the last day of
classes in the Fall and Spring semesters. Defenses are not to be held during Final Exam or Reading Days or during
Summer semester.