CBC Music Arranging 2015-2
CBC Music Arranging 2015-2
CBC Music Arranging 2015-2
I. Course Description
A guided study course in arranging music for varied settings. Basic areas covered will be
musical styles, forms, and techniques for worship band, instrumental or choral arranging.
Although all these areas will be discussed and analyzed, the student will be required to focus on
worship band or choral/instrumental arrangement and produce a piece of significant merit as a
final project. Further topics may include orchestration for winds/ strings/brasses/percussion,
instrumental writing techniques and choral styles and voicing.
Prerequisite - Contemporary Music Theory III & Keyboard Lab II & Applied Music.
1. Weekly written assignments. Students are expected to spend an average of 2 hours per week
on assignment outside of class.
- Ongoing 20%
3. Final Project
The student will be expected to arrange and perform music of significant length and depth. The
musical arrangement should include elements that have been worked on through the semester. It
should demonstrate variety in style and good orchestrations. The student will be expected to
present the finished project in a worship setting and submit a videotape or audio tape of the
- Final exam week.... 50%
Mark Distribution:
Weekly Assignments 40% As assigned in class
Midterm Exam 10% Midterm exam week
Final Exam 20% Last lesson of semester
Project 30% As assigned in class
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Students are expected to be informed about these policies, particularly the following:
Attendance Policy
Late Assignment Policy
Academic Integrity
Grading Grid
V. Special Instructions
- Only one unexcused absence is allowed which carried a 2% loss on student's semester grade.
After 2 absences, your letter grade will be reduced one step per absence (e.g. B- to C) and the
Registrar will be informed. After 3 unexcused absences the student will no longer be able to
pass the course and will receive a Withdrawn Failing mark but be able to continue the lessons as
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a audit.
- Students are responsible to advise the instructor about excused absences (max = ONE; e.g.
illness, athletics game, ministry team commitment or Academic Dean-approved field trip). For
any illness, the student should: contact the instructor at his/her office (telephone message at
CBC or email) the day of the absence. The instructor must be informed the day of the absence
for it to be considered as an excused absence. For games and other commitments the instructor
must be informed before the lesson date. It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with the
Class Participation Policy outlined in the Student Handbook.