Rishna Ajendren: P S U I I T
Rishna Ajendren: P S U I I T
Rishna Ajendren: P S U I I T
Redesigned Tax Engine for Verizon as part of Billing Modernization for migration from mainframe to C++ / Java
Achieved 2000 X improvement in speed by designing and building an in-memory database replacing IGNITE
Optimized consumption of memory over 50 X using appropriate OOP and reference semantics over value semantics
Outperformed the POC which was taking 16 hours and 100 GB for a task to deliver a product that takes 25 secs and < 2 GB space
Developed software (recipes) contributing towards $ 2 Billion revenue from the manufacturing of 10 nm technology node
Automated data analysis and manipulation using 25 Shell and Python scripts saving 6 months of manual labor
Designed algorithms and data structures to perform optical proximity correction enabling about 1 Billion transistors on a chip
Optimized photolithographic masks for a given optical source and set of design rules to improve resolution significantly
Languages & Libraries: C++, Python, Bourne Again & Z Shell Scripting, Callibre SVRF, Mazama
Design Paradigms: Mazama Golden Architecture - Factory, Marching Squares, Correctors, Conflict Resolution, PID
Interviewed 25 Penn State student gym users and 5 trainers to define core features and the minimum viable product
Designed a user experience and graphical user interface for the app using Sketch App, Photoshop and Illustrator
Developed the app with Object and Protocol-Oriented Design principles using Swift & Objective-C in Xcode IDE
Pitched the business idea to various seed funding companies like Y Combinator and other Venture Capitalists in Silicon Valley
Recruited potential Cofounders for short-term projects to evaluate potential fit from Penn State Computer Science department
Pivoted from an Uber-pool business model to a standalone Uber model based on feedback from VC partners in Silicon Valley
Languages & Frameworks: Swift, Objective-C, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Cocoa Pods, iOS Facebook SDK, Google Firebase
Design Paradigms: Observer, Singletons, Key Value Observing, Object & Protocol Oriented Programming
Libraries: UIKit: Table and Collection Viewcontrollers, MapKit, Core Graphics, Core Location, Alamofiire
Architectures: Model View Controller, Model View View-Model-Coordinator, RIBS
Automated the software process, in Accelrys, to calculate molecular descriptors using Perl Scripting
Developed and screened a database of 5000 chemicals with 450 key metrics and recommended the top 10 to business for plant trial
Proposed molecular simulations for clay-process-aid-bitumen interactions and secured funding of 500,000 USD
Python Swift Objective C C++ C HTML5 CSS JavaScript
Pandas Numpy MatplotLib PyTorch Tensor Flow Spark Scikit-Learn Caffe Keras
React Redux j Query Node. js Angular Mongo Gulp Express Flask Ruby -on-Rails Django