ACLS Manual 2015
ACLS Manual 2015
ACLS Manual 2015
The American Heart Association thanks the following people for their contributions to the development of this manual:
Michael W. Donnino, MD; Kenneth Navarro, MEd, LP; Katherine Berg, MD; Steven C. Brooks, MD, MHSc; Julie
Crider, PhD; Mary Fran Hazinski, RN, MSN; Theresa A. Hoadley, RN, PhD, TNS; Sallie Johnson, PharmD, BCPS;
Venu Menon, MD; Susan Morris, RN; Peter D. Panagos, MD; Michael Shuster, MD; David Slattery, MD; and the AHA
ACLS Project Team.
To find out about any updates or corrections to this text, visit, navigate to the
page for this course, and click on “Updates.”
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Part 1
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to
• Apply the Basic Life Support (BLS), Primary, and Secondary Assessment
sequences for a systematic evaluation of adult patients
• Perform prompt, high-quality BLS, including prioritizing early chest compressions
and integrating early automated external defibrillator (AED) use
• Recognize respiratory arrest
• Perform early management of respiratory arrest
• Discuss early recognition and management of ACS, including appropriate
• Discuss early recognition and management of stroke, including appropriate
• Recognize bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias that may result in cardiac arrest
or complicate resuscitation outcome
• Perform early management of bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias that may
result in cardiac arrest or complicate resuscitation outcome
• Recognize cardiac arrest
• Perform early management of cardiac arrest until termination of resuscitation or
transfer of care, including immediate post–cardiac arrest care
• Evaluate resuscitative efforts during a cardiac arrest through continuous
assessment of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) quality, monitoring the
patient’s physiologic response, and delivering real-time feedback to the team
• Model effective communication as a member or leader of a high-performance team
• Recognize the impact of team dynamics on overall team performance
• Discuss how the use of a rapid response team or medical emergency team may
improve patient outcomes
• Define systems of care
Course Design
To help you achieve these objectives, the ACLS Provider Course includes practice
learning stations and a Megacode evaluation station.
The practice learning stations give you an opportunity to actively participate in a variety
of learning activities, including
In these learning stations, you will practice essential skills both individually and as part
of a high-performance team. This course emphasizes effective team skills as a vital part
of the resuscitative effort. You will have the opportunity to practice as a member and as
a leader of a high-performance team.
At the end of the course, you will participate in a Megacode evaluation station to
validate your achievement of the course objectives. A simulated cardiac arrest scenario
will evaluate the following:
• BLS skills
• Electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm interpretation for core
ACLS rhythms
• Knowledge of airway management and adjuncts
• Basic ACLS drug and pharmacology knowledge
• Practical application of ACLS rhythms and drugs
• Effective high-performance team skills
BLS Skills The foundation of advanced life support is strong BLS skills. You
must pass the high-quality BLS Testing Station to complete the
ACLS course. Make sure that you are proficient in BLS skills
before attending the course.
ECG Rhythm The basic cardiac arrest and periarrest algorithms require
Interpretation for students to recognize these ECG rhythms:
Rhythms • Sinus rhythm
• Atrial fibrillation and flutter
• Bradycardia
• Tachycardia
• Atrioventricular (AV) block
• Asystole
• Pulseless electrical activity (PEA)
• Ventricular tachycardia (VT)
• Ventricular fibrillation (VF)
Basic ACLS Drug You must know the drugs and doses used in the ACLS
and Pharmacology algorithms. You will also need to know when to use which drug
Knowledge based on the clinical situation.
Course Materials
ACLS The ACLS Provider Manual contains the basic information you need for
Provider effective participation in the course. This important material includes the
Manual systematic approach to a cardiopulmonary emergency, effective high-
performance team communication, and the ACLS cases and
algorithms. Please review this manual before attending the course.
Bring it with you for use and reference during the course.
The manual is organized into the following parts:
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Systems of Care
Part 3 Effective High-Performance Team
Part 4 The Systematic Approach
Part 5 The ACLS Cases
Appendix Testing Checklists and Learning Station
ACLS Pharmacology Basic ACLS drugs, doses, indications and
Summary Table contraindications, and side effects
2015 Science Summary Highlights of 2015 science changes in the
Table ACLS Provider Course
Glossary Alphabetical list of terms and their
The AHA requires that students complete and pass the Precourse
Self-Assessment found on the Student Website and print their scores for
submission to their ACLS Instructor. The Precourse Self-Assessment
allows students to understand gaps in knowledge required to participate in
and pass the course. Supplementary topics located on the Student Website
are useful but not essential for successful completion of the course.
Call-out Boxes
The ACLS Provider Manual contains important information presented in
call-out boxes that require the reader’s attention. Please pay particular
attention to the call-out boxes, listed below:
Critical Pay particular attention to the Critical
Concepts Concepts boxes that appear in the ACLS Provider
Manual. These boxes contain the most important
information that you must know.
FYI 2015 FYI 2015 Guidelines boxes contain the new 2015
Guidelines AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care (ECC) information.
Foundational Foundational Facts boxes contain basic information
Facts that will help you understand the topics covered in the
Life Is Why Life Is Why boxes describe why taking this course
Student Website
Pocket The Pocket Reference Cards are 2 stand-alone cards that are included
Reference with the ACLS Provider Manual.These cards can be used for quick
Cards reference on the following topics:
Topic Reference Cards
Cardiac arrest, • Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithms
arrhythmias, and • Table with drugs and dosage
treatment reminders
• Adult Immediate Post–Cardiac
Arrest Care Algorithm
• Adult Bradycardia With a Pulse
• Adult Tachycardia With a Pulse
Resuscitation study.
To analyze these findings, a “back-to-basics” evidence review refocused on the
essentials of CPR, the links in the Chain of Survival, and the integration of BLS with
ACLS. Minimizing the interval between stopping chest compressions and delivering a
shock (ie, minimizing the preshock pause) improves the chances of shock success 3 and
patient survival.4 Experts believe that high survival rates from both out-of-hospital and
in-hospital sudden cardiac death are possible with strong systems of care.
High survival rates in studies are associated with several common elements:
When trained persons implement these elements early, ACLS has the best chance of
producing a successful outcome.
Critical Optimization of ACLS
Concepts ACLS is optimized when a team leader effectively integrates high-quality
CPR and minimal interruption of high-quality chest compressions with
advanced life support strategies (eg, defibrillation, medications, advanced
Quality Assessment, Every emergency medical service (EMS) and hospital system
Review, and should perform continuous quality improvement to assess its
Translational resuscitation interventions and outcomes through a defined
Science process of data collection and review. There is now widespread
consensus that the best way to improve either community or in-
hospital survival from sudden cardiac arrest is to start with the
standard “quality improvement model” and then modify that
model according to the Chain of Survival metaphor. Each link in
the chain comprises structural, process, and outcome variables
that can be examined, measured, and recorded. System
managers can quickly identify gaps that exist between observed
processes and outcomes and local expectations or published
“gold standards.”
Life Is Life Is Why
Why At the American Heart Association, we want people to experience more of
life’s precious moments. What you learn in this course can help build
healthier, longer lives for everyone.
1. Abella BS, Alvarado JP, Myklebust H, et al. Quality of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA. 2005;293(3):305-310.
2. Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, et al; on behalf of the American Heart
Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Heart
disease and stroke statistics—2015 update: a report from the American Heart
Association. Circulation. 2015;131(4):e29-e322.
3. Edelson DP, Abella BS, Kramer-Johansen J, et al. Effects of compression depth
and pre-shock pauses predict defibrillation failure during cardiac
arrest. Resuscitation. 2006;71(2):137-145.
4. Edelson DP, Litzinger B, Arora V, et al. Improving in-hospital cardiac arrest process
and outcomes with performance debriefing. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(10):1063-
Systems of Care
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Quality Improvement in CPR is a series of lifesaving actions that improve the chance
Resuscitation Systems, of survival after cardiac arrest. Although the optimal
Processes, and approach to CPR may vary, depending on the rescuer, the
Outcomes patient, and the available resources, the fundamental
challenge remains how to achieve early and effective CPR.
A Systems Approach In this part, we will focus on 2 distinct systems of care: the
system for patients who arrest inside of the hospital and the
one for those who arrest outside of it. We will set into context
the building blocks for a system of care for cardiac arrest,
with consideration of the setting, team, and available
resources, as well as continuous quality improvement (CQI)
from the moment the patient becomes unstable until after the
patient is discharged.
Healthcare delivery requires structure (eg, people,
equipment, education) and process (eg, policies, protocols,
procedures), which, when integrated, produce a system (eg,
programs, organizations, cultures) leading to outcomes (eg,
patient safety, quality, satisfaction). An effective system of
care comprises all of these elements—structure, process,
system, and patient outcomes—in a framework of CQI
(Figure 1).
While the care for all postresuscitation patients, regardless of where the arrest occurred,
converges in the hospital, generally in an intensive care unit (ICU), the structure and
process elements before that convergence vary highly for the 2 patient populations.
Patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) depend on their community for
support. Lay rescuers are expected to recognize a patient’s distress, call for help, and
initiate CPR and public-access defibrillation (PAD) until a team of professionally trained
EMS providers assumes responsibility and transports the patient to an emergency
department (ED) and/or cardiac catheterization lab before the patient is transferred to
an ICU for continued care.
In contrast, patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) depend on a system of
appropriate surveillance and prevention of cardiac arrest. When they do arrest, they
depend on the smooth interaction of the institution’s various departments and services
and on a multidisciplinary team of professional providers, which includes physicians,
nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, counselors, and others.
Summary Over the past 50 years, the modern-era BLS fundamentals of early
recognition and activation, early CPR, and early defibrillation have
saved hundreds of thousands of lives around the world. However,
we still have a long road to travel if we are to fulfill the potential
offered by the Chain of Survival. Survival disparities presented a
generation ago appear to persist. Fortunately, we currently possess
the knowledge and tools—represented by the Chain of Survival—to
address many of these care gaps, and future discoveries will offer
opportunities to improve rates of survival.
Starts “On the Prompt diagnosis and treatment offers the greatest potential
Phone” With benefit for myocardial salvage. Thus, it is imperative that
Activation of EMS healthcare providers recognize patients with potential ACS to
initiate evaluation, appropriate triage, and management as
expeditiously as possible.
Hospital-Based • ED protocols
Components o – Activation of the cardiac catheterization laboratory
o – Admission to the coronary ICU
o – Quality assurance, real-time feedback, and healthcare
provider education
• Emergency physician
o – Empowered to select the most appropriate reperfusion
o – Empowered to activate the cardiac catheterization team as
• Hospital leadership
o – Must be involved in the process and committed to support
rapid access to STEMI reperfusion therapy
Acute Stroke
The healthcare system has achieved significant improvements in
stroke care through integration of public education, emergency
dispatch, prehospital detection and triage, hospital stroke system
development, and stroke unit management. Not only have the
rates of appropriate fibrinolytic therapy increased over the past 5
years, but overall stroke care has also improved, in part through
the creation of stroke centers.
EMS The integration of EMS into regional stroke models is crucial for
improvement of patient outcomes.6
Hemodynamic and Although providers often use 100% oxygen while performing the
Ventilation initial resuscitation, providers should titrate inspired oxygen
Optimization during the post–cardiac arrest phase to the lowest level required
to achieve an arterial oxygen saturation of 94% or greater, when
feasible. This helps to avoid any potential complications
associated with oxygen toxicity.
Avoid excessive ventilation of the patient because of potential
adverse hemodynamic effects when intrathoracic pressures are
increased and because of potential decreases in cerebral blood
flow when partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood
(PaCO2) decreases.
Healthcare providers may start ventilation rates at 10/min.
Normocarbia (partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
[PETCO2] of 30 to 40 mm Hg or PaCO2 of 35 to 45 mm Hg) may
be a reasonable goal unless patient factors prompt more
individualized treatment. Other PaCO2 targets may be tolerated
for specific patients. For example, a higher PaCO2 may be
permissible in patients with acute lung injury or high airway
pressures. Likewise, mild hypocapnia might be useful as a
temporary measure when treating cerebral edema, but
hyperventilation could cause cerebral vasoconstriction.
Providers should note that when a patient’s temperature is below
normal, laboratory values reported for PaCO2 might be higher
than the actual values.
Healthcare providers should titrate fluid administration and
vasoactive or inotropic agents as needed to optimize blood
pressure, cardiac output, and systemic perfusion. The optimal
post–cardiac arrest blood pressure remains unknown; however,
a mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg or greater is a reasonable
The Need for Teams Mortality from IHCA remains high. The average survival rate is
approximately 24%, despite significant advances in treatments.
Survival rates are particularly poor for arrest associated with
rhythms other than VF/pVT. Non-VF/pVT rhythms are present in
more than 82% of arrests in the hospital.10
Many in-hospital arrests are preceded by easily recognizable
physiologic changes, many of which are evident with routine
monitoring of vital signs. In recent studies, nearly 80% of
hospitalized patients with cardiorespiratory arrest had abnormal
vital signs documented for up to 8 hours before the actual arrest.
This finding suggests that there is a period of increasing
instability before the arrest.
Cardiac Arrest Cardiac arrest teams are unlikely to prevent arrests because
Teams their focus has traditionally been to respond only after the arrest
(In-Hospital) has occurred. Unfortunately, the mortality rate is more than 75%
once the arrest occurs.10
Over the past few years, hospitals have expanded the focus to
include patient safety and prevention of arrest. The best way to
improve a patient’s chance of survival from a cardiorespiratory
arrest is to prevent it from happening.
Poor-quality CPR should be considered a preventable harm.4 In
healthcare environments, variability in clinician performance has
affected the ability to reduce healthcare-associated
complications,11 and a standardized approach has been
advocated to improve outcomes and reduce preventable
harms.12 Doing so requires a significant cultural shift within
institutions. Actions and interventions need to be proactive with
the goal of improving rates of morbidity and mortality rather than
reacting to a catastrophic event.
Rapid assessment and intervention for many abnormal
physiologic variables can decrease the number of arrests
occurring in the hospital.
Rapid Response The wide variability in incidence and location of cardiac arrest in
System the hospital suggests potential areas for standardization of
quality and prevention of at least some cardiac arrests. More
than half of cardiac arrests in the hospital are the result of
respiratory failure or hypovolemic shock, and the majority of
these events are foreshadowed by changes in physiology, such
as tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypotension. As such, cardiac
arrest in the hospital often represents the progression of
physiologic instability and a failure to identify and stabilize the
patient in a timely manner. This scenario is more common on the
general wards, outside of critical care and procedural areas,
where patient-to-nurse ratios are higher and monitoring of
patients less intense. In this setting, intermittent manual vital sign
monitoring with less frequent direct observation by clinicians may
increase the likelihood of delayed recognition.
Over the past decade, hospitals in several countries have
designed systems to identify and treat early clinical deterioration
in patients. The purpose of these rapid response systems is to
improve patient outcomes by bringing critical care expertise to
patients. The rapid response system has several components:
• Threatened airway
• Respiratory rate less than 6/min or more than 30/min
• Heart rate less than 40/min or greater than 140/min
• Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg
• Symptomatic hypertension
• Unexpected decrease in level of consciousness
• Unexplained agitation
• Seizure
• Significant fall in urine output
• Subjective concern about the patient
Medical Emergency Teams and Rapid Response
RRTs, or METs, were established for early intervention in
patients whose conditions were deteriorating, with the goal of
preventing IHCA.13,14 They can be composed of varying
combinations of physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists.
These teams are usually summoned to patient bedsides when
an acute deterioration is recognized by other hospital staff.
Monitoring and resuscitation equipment and drug therapies often
accompany the team.
The rapid response system is critically dependent on early
identification and activation to immediately summon the team to
the patient’s bedside. These teams typically consist of healthcare
providers with both the critical care or emergency care
experience and skills to support immediate intervention for life-
threatening situations. These teams are responsible for
performing a rapid patient assessment and initiating appropriate
treatment to reverse physiologic deterioration and prevent a poor
Role of the Team members must be proficient in performing the skills authorized by
Team their scope of practice. It is essential to the success of the resuscitation
Member attempt that members of a high-performance team are
Team • Neglect to assign tasks to all available team
leader members
• Assign tasks to team members who are unsure of
their responsibilities
• Distribute assignments unevenly, leaving some
with too much to do and others with too little
Team leader • Reject offers from others to carry out an
and team assigned task you are unable to complete,
members especially if task completion is essential to
Constructive Interventions
During a resuscitation attempt, the leader or a member of a high-
performance team may need to intervene if an action that is about to
occur may be inappropriate at the time. Although constructive
intervention is necessary, it should be tactful. Team leaders should
avoid confrontation with team members. Instead, conduct a debriefing
afterward if constructive criticism is needed.
Team leader • Ask that a different intervention be started if it
has a higher priority
Team leader • Fail to reassign a team member who is trying to
function beyond his or her level of skill
Team • Fail to change a treatment strategy when new
leader information supports such a change
• Fail to inform arriving personnel of the current status
and plans for further action
Team • Assign another task after receiving oral
leader confirmation that a task has been completed, such
as, “Now that the IV is in, give 1 mg of epinephrine”
Team • Close the loop: Inform the team leader when a task
members begins or ends, such as, “The IV is in”
Team • Give more tasks to a team member without asking
leader or receiving confirmation of a completed
Clear Messages
Clear messages consist of concise communication spoken with
distinctive speech in a controlled tone of voice. All healthcare
providers should deliver messages and orders in a calm and direct
manner without yelling or shouting. Unclear communication can lead
to unnecessary delays in treatment or to medication errors.
Yelling or shouting can impair effective high-performance team
interaction. Only one person should talk at any time.
Team leader • Encourage team members to speak clearly
Team leader • Mumble or speak in incomplete sentences
• Give unclear messages and drug/medication
• Yell, scream, or shout
Mutual Respect
The best high-performance teams are composed of members who
share a mutual respect for each other and work together in a collegial,
supportive manner. To have a high-performance team, everyone must
abandon ego and respect each other during the resuscitation attempt,
regardless of any additional training or experience that the team leader
or specific team members may have.
Team leader and • Speak in a friendly, controlled tone of
team members voice
• Avoid shouting or displaying aggression if
you are not understood initially
Team leader and • Shout or yell at team members—when one
team members person raises his voice, others will respond
• Behave aggressively or confuse directive
behavior with aggression
• Be uninterested in others
The Systematic Approach
• BLS Assessment
• Primary Assessment (A, B, C, D, and E)
• Secondary Assessment (SAMPLE, H’s and T’s)
Foundational Starting CPR When You Are Not Sure About a Pulse
Facts If you are unsure about the presence of a pulse, begin cycles of
compressions and ventilations. Unnecessary compressions are less
harmful than failing to provide compressions when needed. Delaying or
failing to start CPR in a patient without a pulse reduces the chance of
Overview of the The BLS Assessment is a systematic approach to BLS that any
trained healthcare provider can perform. This approach
stresses early CPR and early defibrillation. It does not include
Assessment advanced interventions, such as advanced airway techniques or drug
administration. By using the BLS Assessment, healthcare providers
may achieve their goal of supporting or restoring effective
oxygenation, ventilation, and circulation until ROSC or initiation of
ACLS interventions. Performing the actions in the BLS Assessment
substantially improves the patient’s chance of survival and a good
neurologic outcome.
Remember: Assess…then perform appropriate action.
• Agonal gasps are not normal breathing. Agonal gasps may be present in
the first minutes after sudden cardiac arrest.
• A patient who gasps usually looks like he is drawing air in very quickly.
The mouth may be open and the jaw, head, or neck may move with gasps.
Gasps may appear forceful or weak. Some time may pass between gasps
because they usually happen at a slow rate. The gasp may sound like a
snort, snore, or groan. Gasping is not normal breathing. It is a sign of
cardiac arrest.
For more details, watch the High-Quality BLS video on the Student Website
PETCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in exhaled air at the end of the exhalation phase.
Conditions and The H’s and T’s are a memory aid for the most common and
potentially reversible causes of periarrest and cardiopulmonary
arrest (Table 4).
Cardiac and Acute coronary syndromes involving a large amount of heart muscle
can present as PEA. That is, occlusion of the left main or proximal
left anterior descending coronary artery can present with cardiogenic
Conditions shock rapidly progressing to cardiac arrest and PEA. However, in
patients with cardiac arrest and without known pulmonary embolism
(PE), routine fibrinolytic treatment given during CPR shows no
benefit and is not recommended.
Massive or saddle PE obstructs flow to the pulmonary vasculature
and causes acute right heart failure. In patients with cardiac arrest
due to presumed or known PE, it is reasonable to administer
Pericardial tamponade may be a reversible condition. In the
periarrest period, volume infusion in this condition may help while
definitive therapy is initiated. Tension pneumothorax can be
effectively treated once recognized.
Note that cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax, and massive
PE cannot be treated unless recognized. Bedside ultrasound, when
performed by a skilled provider, may aid in rapid identification of
tamponade and PE. There is growing evidence that pneumothorax
can be identified by using bedside ultrasound as well. Treatment for
cardiac tamponade may require pericardiocentesis. Tension
pneumothorax requires needle aspiration and chest tube placement.
These procedures are beyond the scope of the ACLS Provider
Drug Overdoses Certain drug overdoses and toxic exposures may lead to peripheral
vascular dilatation and/or myocardial dysfunction with resultant
or Toxic
hypotension. The approach to poisoned patients should be
Exposures aggressive because the toxic effects may progress rapidly and may
be of limited duration. In these situations, myocardial dysfunction
and arrhythmias may be reversible. Numerous case reports confirm
the success of many specific limited interventions with one thing in
common: they buy time.
Treatments that can provide this level of support include
• Introduction
• Rhythms and drugs
• Descriptions or definitions of key concepts
• Overview of algorithm
• Algorithm figure
• Application of the algorithm to the case
• Other related topics
• Respiratory Arrest
• Acute Coronary Syndromes
• Acute Stroke
• Cardiac Arrest
o – VF/Pulseless VT
o – Asystole
o – PEA
• Bradycardia
• Tachycardia (Stable and Unstable)
• Immediate Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
• Oxygen
Normal and The average respiratory rate for an adult is about 12 to 16/min.
Abnormal Normal tidal volume of 8 to 10 mL/kg maintains normal
Breathing oxygenation and elimination of CO2.
Tachypnea is a respiratory rate above 20/min and bradypnea is a
respiratory rate below 12/min. A respiratory rate below 6/min
(hypoventilation) requires assisted ventilation with a bag-mask
device or advanced airway with 100% oxygen.
Identification of Identifying the severity of a respiratory problem will help you decide
Respiratory the most appropriate interventions. Be alert for signs of
Problems by
Severity • Respiratory distress
• Respiratory failure
• Tachypnea
• Increased respiratory effort (eg, nasal flaring, retractions)
• Inadequate respiratory effort (eg, hypoventilation or
• Abnormal airway sounds (eg, stridor, wheezing, grunting)
• Tachycardia
• Pale, cool skin (note that some causes of respiratory distress,
like sepsis, may cause the skin to get warm, red, and
• Changes in level of consciousness/agitation
• Use of abdominal muscles to assist in breathing
• Marked tachypnea
• Bradypnea, apnea (late)
• Increased, decreased, or no respiratory effort
• Poor to absent distal air movement
• Tachycardia (early)
• Bradycardia (late)
• Cyanosis
• Stupor, coma (late)
Respiratory failure can result from upper or lower airway
obstruction, lung tissue disease, and disordered control of
breathing (eg, apnea or shallow, slow respirations). When
respiratory effort is inadequate, respiratory failure can occur
without typical signs of respiratory distress. Respiratory failure is a
clinical state that requires intervention to prevent deterioration to
cardiac arrest. Respiratory failure can occur with a rise in arterial
carbon dioxide levels (hypercapnia), a drop in blood oxygenation
(hypoxemia), or both.
Assess and The systematic approach is assessment, then action, for each step in
Reassess the the sequence.
Patient Remember: Assess…then perform appropriate action.
In this case, you assess and find that the patient has a pulse, so you
do not use the AED or begin chest compressions.
Ventilation In the case of a patient in respiratory arrest with a pulse, deliver
and Pulse ventilations once every 5 to 6 seconds with a bag-mask device or any
Check advanced airway device. Recheck the pulse about every 2 minutes.
Take at least 5 seconds but no more than 10 seconds for a pulse
Common Cause Figure 13 demonstrates the anatomy of the airway. The most
of Airway common cause of upper airway obstruction in the
Obstruction unconscious/unresponsive patient is loss of tone in the throat
muscles. In this case, the tongue falls back and occludes the airway
at the level of the pharynx (Figure 14A).
Basic Airway Basic airway opening techniques will effectively relieve airway
Opening obstruction caused either by the tongue or from relaxation of muscles
Techniques in the upper airway. The basic airway opening technique is head tilt
with anterior displacement of the mandible, ie, head tilt–chin lift
(Figure 14B).
In the trauma patient with suspected neck injury, use a jaw thrust
without head extension (Figure 14C). Because maintaining an open
airway and providing ventilation is a priority, use a head tilt–chin lift
maneuver if the jaw thrust does not open the airway. ACLS providers
should be aware that current BLS training courses teach the jaw-
thrust technique to healthcare providers but not to lay rescuers.
Airway Proper airway positioning may be all that is required for patients who
Management can breathe spontaneously. In patients who are unconscious with no
cough or gag reflex, insert an OPA or NPA to maintain airway
If you find an unconscious/unresponsive patient who was known to
be choking and is now unresponsive and in respiratory arrest, open
the mouth wide and look for a foreign object. If you see one, remove
it with your fingers. If you do not see a foreign object, begin CPR.
Each time you open the airway to give breaths, open the mouth wide
and look for a foreign object. Remove it with your fingers if present. If
there is no foreign object, resume CPR.
Providing Basic Ventilation
Basic Airway Basic airway skills used to ventilate a patient are
• Head tilt–chin lift
• Jaw thrust without head extension (suspected cervical spine
• Mouth-to-mouth ventilation
• Mouth-to-nose ventilation
• Mouth-to–barrier device (using a pocket mask) ventilation
• Bag-mask ventilation (Figures 15 and 16)
Figure 15. E-C clamp technique for holding the mask while lifting the jaw. Position
yourself at the patient’s head. Circle the thumb and first finger around the top of the
mask (forming a “C”) while using the third, fourth, and fifth fingers (forming an “E”) to lift
the jaw.
Figure 16. Two-rescuer use of the bag-mask device. The rescuer at the patient’s head
tilts the patient’s head and seals the mask against the patient’s face, with the thumb and
first finger of each hand creating a “C,” to provide a complete seal around the edges of
the mask. The rescuer uses the remaining 3 fingers (the “E”) to lift the jaw (this holds
the airway open). The second rescuer slowly squeezes the bag (over 1 second) until the
chest rises. Both providers should observe chest rise.
Bag-Mask A bag-mask ventilation device consists of a ventilation bag attached to a
Ventilation face mask. These devices have been a mainstay of emergency ventilation
for decades. Bag-mask devices are the most common method of
providing positive-pressure ventilation. When using a bag-mask device,
deliver approximately 600 mL tidal volume sufficient to produce chest rise
over 1 second. Bag-mask ventilation is not the recommended method of
ventilation for a single healthcare provider during CPR. (A single
healthcare provider should use a pocket mask to give ventilation, if
available.) It is easier for 2 trained and experienced rescuers to provide
bag-mask ventilation. One rescuer opens the airway and seals the mask
to the face while the other squeezes the bag, with both rescuers watching
for visible chest rise.
The universal connections present on all airway devices allow you to
connect any ventilation bag to numerous adjuncts. Valves and ports may
You can attach other adjuncts to the patient end of the valve, including a
pocket face mask, laryngeal mask airway, laryngeal tube, esophageal-
tracheal tube, and ET tube.
• Take care to insert the airway gently to avoid complications. The airway
can irritate the mucosa or lacerate adenoidal tissue and cause bleeding,
with possible aspiration of clots into the trachea. Suction may be
necessary to remove blood or secretions.
• An improperly sized NPA may enter the esophagus. With active
ventilation, such as bag-mask ventilation, the NPA may cause gastric
inflation and possible hypoventilation.
• An NPA may cause laryngospasm and vomiting, even though it is
commonly tolerated by semiconscious patients.
• Use caution in patients with facial trauma because of the risk of
misplacement into the cranial cavity through a fractured cribriform plate.
Introduction Suctioning is an essential component of maintaining a patient’s
airway. Providers should suction the airway immediately if there
are copious secretions, blood, or vomit.
Suction devices consist of both portable and wall-mounted units.
Soft vs Rigid Both soft flexible and rigid suctioning catheters are available.
Catheters Soft flexible catheters may be used in the mouth or nose. Soft
flexible catheters are available in sterile wrappers and can also be
used for ET tube deep suctioning.
Rigid catheters (eg, Yankauer) are used to suction the oropharynx.
These are better for suctioning thick secretions and particulate
Catheter Use for
Soft • Aspiration of thin secretions from the
oropharynx and nasopharynx
• Performing intratracheal suctioning
• Suctioning through an in-place airway (ie, NPA)
to access the back of the pharynx in a patient
with clenched teeth
Laryngeal The advantages of the laryngeal tube are similar to those of the
Tube esophageal-tracheal tube; however, the laryngeal tube is more
compact and less complicated to insert.
Healthcare professionals trained in the use of the laryngeal tube may
consider it as an alternative to bag-mask ventilation or ET intubation
for airway management in cardiac arrest. Only experienced providers
should perform laryngeal tube insertion.
See the Laryngeal Intubation section on the Student
Website ( for more information on this
• Open the airway by using a jaw thrust without head extension. Because
maintaining a patent airway and providing adequate ventilation are
priorities, use a head tilt–chin lift maneuver if the jaw thrust is not
• Have another team member stabilize the head in a neutral position
during airway manipulation. Use manual spinal motion restriction
rather than immobilization devices. Manual spinal immobilization is
safer. Cervical collars may complicate airway management and may
even interfere with airway patency.
• Spinal immobilization devices are helpful during transport.
Rhythms for Sudden cardiac death and hypotensive bradyarrhythmias may occur
ACS with acute ischemia. Providers will understand to anticipate these
rhythms and be prepared for immediate attempts at defibrillation and
administration of drug or electrical therapy for symptomatic
Although 12-lead ECG interpretation is beyond the scope of the ACLS
Provider Course, some ACLS providers will have 12-lead ECG reading
skills. For them, this case summarizes the identification and
management of patients with STEMI.
Drugs for Drug therapy and treatment strategies continue to evolve rapidly in the
ACS field of ACS. ACLS providers and instructors will need to monitor
important changes. The ACLS Provider Course presents only basic
knowledge focusing on early treatment and the priority of rapid
reperfusion, relief of ischemic pain, and treatment of early life-
threatening complications. Reperfusion may involve the use of
fibrinolytic therapy or coronary angiography with PCI (ie, balloon
angioplasty/stenting). When used as the initial reperfusion strategy for
STEMI, PCI is called primary PCI.
Treatment of ACS involves the initial use of drugs to relieve ischemic
discomfort, dissolve clots, and inhibit thrombin and platelets. These
drugs are
• Oxygen
• Aspirin
• Nitroglycerin
• Opiates (eg, morphine)
• Fibrinolytic therapy (overview)
• Heparin (UFH, LWMH)
Additional agents that are adjunctive to initial therapy and will not be
discussed in the ACLS Provider Course are
• β-Blockers
• Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) antagonists (clopidogrel, prasugrel,
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
• HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statin therapy)
• Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors
• Low-/intermediate-risk ACS
The ACS Case will focus on the early reperfusion of the STEMI
patient, emphasizing initial care and rapid triage for reperfusion
Important The ACS Algorithm (Figure 20) provides general guidelines that
Considerations apply to the initial triage of patients based on symptoms and the
12-lead ECG. Healthcare personnel often obtain serial cardiac
markers (CK-MB, cardiac troponins) in most patients that allow
additional risk stratification and treatment recommendations. Two
important points for STEMI need emphasis:
Application of the The steps in the algorithm guide assessment and treatment:
ACS Algorithm
• Identification of chest discomfort suggestive of ischemia (Step
• EMS assessment, care, transport, and hospital prearrival
notification (Step 2)
• Immediate ED assessment and treatment (Step 3)
• Classification of patients according to ST-segment analysis
(Steps 5, 9, and 11)
• STEMI (Steps 5 through 8)
Consider the likelihood that the presenting condition is ACS or one of its
potentially lethal mimics. Other life-threatening conditions that may
cause acute chest discomfort are aortic dissection, acute pulmonary
embolism (PE), acute pericardial effusion with tamponade, and tension
Foundational STEMI Chain of Survival
Facts The STEMI Chain of Survival (Figure 21) described by the AHA is
similar to the Chain of Survival for sudden cardiac arrest. It links actions
to be taken by patients, family members, and healthcare providers to
maximize STEMI recovery. These links are
Starting All dispatchers and EMS providers must receive training in ACS symptom
With recognition along with the potential complications. Dispatchers, when
Dispatch authorized by medical control or protocol, should tell patients with no
history of aspirin allergy or signs of active or recent gastrointestinal (GI)
bleeding to chew aspirin (160 to 325 mg) while waiting for EMS providers
to arrive.
Administer Providers should be familiar with the actions, indications, cautions, and
Oxygen and treatment of side effects.
Drugs Oxygen
High inspired-oxygen tension will tend to maximize arterial oxygen
saturation and, in turn, arterial oxygen content. This will help support
oxygen delivery (cardiac output × arterial oxygen content) when
cardiac output is limited. This short-term oxygen therapy does not
produce oxygen toxicity.
EMS providers should administer oxygen if the patient is dyspneic, is
hypoxemic, has obvious signs of heart failure, has an arterial oxygen
saturation less than 90%, or the oxygen saturation is unknown.
Providers should titrate oxygen therapy to a noninvasively monitored
oxyhemoglobin saturation 90% or greater. Because its usefulness has
not been established in normoxic patients with suspected or confirmed
ACS, providers may consider withholding supplementary oxygen
therapy in these patients.
Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)
A dose of 160 to 325 mg of non–enteric-coated aspirin causes
immediate and near-total inhibition of thromboxane A2 production by
inhibiting platelet cyclooxygenase (COX-1). Platelets are one of the
principal and earliest participants in thrombus formation. This rapid
inhibition also reduces coronary reocclusion and other recurrent
events independently and after fibrinolytic therapy.
If the patient has not taken aspirin and has no history of true aspirin
allergy and no evidence of recent GI bleeding, give the patient aspirin
(160 to 325 mg) to chew. In the initial hours of an ACS, aspirin is
absorbed better when chewed than when swallowed, particularly if
morphine has been given. Use rectal aspirin suppositories (300 mg)
for patients with nausea, vomiting, active peptic ulcer disease, or other
disorders of the upper GI tract.
Nitroglycerin (Glyceryl Trinitrate)
Nitroglycerin effectively reduces ischemic chest discomfort, and it has
beneficial hemodynamic effects. The physiologic effects of nitrates
cause reduction in LV and right ventricular (RV) preload through
peripheral arterial and venous dilation.
Give the patient 1 sublingual nitroglycerin tablet (or spray “dose”)
every 3 to 5 minutes for ongoing symptoms if it is permitted by medical
control and no contraindications exist. Healthcare providers may
repeat the dose twice (total of 3 doses). Administer nitroglycerin only if
the patient remains hemodynamically stable: SBP is greater than 90
mm Hg or no lower than 30 mm Hg below baseline (if known) and the
heart rate is 50 to 100/min.
Nitroglycerin is a venodilator and needs to be used cautiously or not at
all in patients with inadequate ventricular preload. These situations
Obtain a EMS providers should obtain a 12-lead ECG. The AHA recommends out-of-
12-Lead hospital 12-lead ECG diagnostic programs in urban and suburban EMS
ECG systems.
EMS Action Recommendation
12-Lead ECG if The AHA recommends routine use of 12-lead out-of-
available hospital ECGs for patients with signs and symptoms of
possible ACS.
Prearrival Prearrival notification of the ED shortens the time to
hospital treatment (10 to 60 minutes has been achieved in
notification for clinical studies) and speeds reperfusion therapy with
STEMI fibrinolytics or PCI or both, which may reduce mortality
and minimize myocardial injury.
Fibrinolytic If STEMI is identified on the 12-lead ECG, complete a
checklist if fibrinolytic checklist if appropriate.
The First 10 Assessment and stabilization of the patient in the first 10 minutes
Minutes should include the following:
Because these agents may have been given out of hospital, administer
initial or supplementary doses as indicated. (See the discussion of
these drugs in the previous section, EMS Assessment, Care, and
Hospital Preparation.)
Critical Oxygen, Aspirin, Nitrates, and Opiates
• Unless contraindicated, initial therapy with oxygen if needed, aspirin,
nitrates, and, if indicated, morphine is recommended for all patients
suspected of having ischemic chest discomfort.
• The major contraindication to nitroglycerin and morphine is hypotension,
including hypotension from an RV infarction. The major
contraindications to aspirin are true aspirin allergy and active or recent
GI bleeding.
Introduction Patients with STEMI usually have complete occlusion of an epicardial
coronary artery.
The mainstay of treatment for STEMI is early reperfusion therapy
achieved with primary PCI or fibrinolytics.
Reperfusion therapy for STEMI is perhaps the most important
advancement in treatment of cardiovascular disease in recent years.
Early fibrinolytic therapy or direct catheter-based reperfusion has been
established as a standard of care for patients with STEMI who present
within 12 hours of onset of symptoms with no contraindications.
Reperfusion therapy reduces mortality and saves heart muscle; the
shorter the time to reperfusion, the greater the benefit. A 47% reduction in
mortality was noted when fibrinolytic therapy was provided in the first
hour after onset of symptoms.
Critical Delay of Therapy
• Routine consultation with a cardiologist or another physician should not
delay diagnosis and treatment except in equivocal or uncertain cases.
Consultation delays therapy and is associated with increased hospital
mortality rates.
• Potential delay during the in-hospital evaluation period may occur
from door to data (ECG), from datato decision, and
from decision to drug (or PCI). These 4 major points of in-hospital
therapy are commonly referred to as the “4 D’s.”
• All providers must focus on minimizing delays at each of these points.
Out-of-hospital transport time constitutes only 5% of delay to treatment
time; ED evaluation constitutes 25% to 33% of this delay.
Early Rapidly identify patients with STEMI and quickly screen them for
Reperfusion indications and contraindications to fibrinolytic therapy by using a
Therapy fibrinolytic checklist if appropriate.
The first qualified physician who encounters a patient with STEMI
should interpret or confirm the 12-lead ECG, determine the risk/benefit
of reperfusion therapy, and direct administration of fibrinolytic therapy
or activation of the PCI team. Early activation of PCI may occur with
established protocols. The following time frames are recommended:
Use of PCI The most commonly used form of PCI is coronary intervention with
stent placement. Optimally performed primary PCI is the preferred
reperfusion strategy over fibrinolytic administration. Rescue PCI is used
early after fibrinolytics in patients who may have persistent occlusion of
the infarct artery (failure to reperfuse with fibrinolytics), although this
term has been recently replaced and included by the
term pharmacoinvasive strategy. PCI has been shown to be superior to
fibrinolysis in the combined end points of death, stroke, and reinfarction
in many studies for patients presenting between 3 and 12 hours after
onset. However, these results have been achieved in experienced
medical settings with skilled providers (performing more than 75 PCIs
per year) at a skilled PCI facility (performing more than 200 PCIs for
STEMI with cardiac surgery capabilities).
Considerations for the use of PCI include the following:
Adjunctive Other drugs are useful when indicated in addition to oxygen, sublingual
Treatments or spray nitroglycerin, aspirin, morphine, and fibrinolytic therapy. These
The target times and goals are recommended by the NINDS, which
has recommended measurable goals for the evaluation of stroke
patients. These targets or goals should be achieved for at least 80%
of patients with acute stroke.
Potential The ECG does not take priority over obtaining a computed
Arrhythmias tomography (CT) scan. No arrhythmias are specific for stroke, but the
With Stroke ECG may identify evidence of a recent AMI or arrhythmias such as
atrial fibrillation as a cause of an embolic stroke. Many patients with
stroke may demonstrate arrhythmias, but if the patient is
hemodynamically stable, most arrhythmias will not require treatment.
There is general agreement to recommend cardiac monitoring during
the first 24 hours of evaluation in patients with acute ischemic stroke
to detect atrial fibrillation and potentially life-threatening arrhythmias.
Figure 24. Types of stroke. Eighty-seven percent of strokes are ischemic and
potentially eligible for fibrinolytic therapy if patients otherwise qualify. Thirteen percent of
strokes are hemorrhagic, and the majority of these are intracerebral. The male-to-
female incidence ratio is 1.25 in persons 55 to 64 years of age, 1.50 in those 65 to 74,
1.07 in those 75 to 84, and 0.76 in those 85 and older. Blacks have almost twice the risk
of first-ever stroke compared with whites.
Goals of The Suspected Stroke Algorithm (Figure 26) emphasizes important elements
Stroke of out-of-hospital care for possible stroke patients. These actions include a
Care stroke scale or screen and rapid transport to the hospital. As with ACS, prior
notification of the receiving hospital speeds the care of the stroke patient
upon arrival.
The NINDS has established critical in-hospital time goals for assessment
and management of patients with suspected stroke. This algorithm reviews
the critical in-hospital time periods for patient assessment and treatment:
Activate EMS Stroke patients and their families must be educated to activate EMS
System as soon as they detect potential signs or symptoms of stroke.
Immediately Currently half of all stroke patients are driven to the ED by family or
EMS provides the safest and most efficient method of emergency
transport to the hospital. The advantages of EMS transport include
the following:
Stroke The AHA recommends that all EMS personnel be trained to recognize
Assessment stroke by using a validated, abbreviated out-of-hospital neurologic
Tools evaluation tool such as the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
(CPSS) (Table 5).
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
The CPSS identifies stroke on the basis of 3 physical findings:
Critical EMS To provide the best outcome for the patient with potential stroke, do
Assessments the following:
and Actions Identify Signs Define and Recognize the Signs of Stroke
(Step 1)
Support Support the ABCs and provide supplementary
ABCs oxygen to hypoxemic (eg, oxygen saturation
less than 94%) stroke patients or those patients
with unknown oxygen saturation.
Perform Perform a rapid out-of-hospital stroke
stroke assessment (CPSS, Table 5).
Establish time Determine when the patient was last known to
be normal or at neurologic baseline. This
represents time zero. If the patient wakes from
sleep with symptoms of stroke, time zero is the
last time the patient was seen to be normal.
Triage to Transport the patient rapidly and consider triage
stroke center to a stroke center. Support cardiopulmonary
function during transport. If possible, bring a
witness, family member, or caregiver with the
patient to confirm time of onset of stroke
Alert hospital Provide prearrival notification to the receiving
Check During transport, check blood glucose if
glucose protocols or medical control allows.
The patient with acute stroke is at risk for respiratory compromise
from aspiration, upper airway obstruction, hypoventilation, and
(rarely) neurogenic pulmonary edema. The combination of poor
perfusion and hypoxemia will exacerbate and extend ischemic brain
injury, and it has been associated with worse outcome from stroke.
Both out-of-hospital and in-hospital medical personnel should
provide supplementary oxygen to hypoxemic (ie, oxygen saturation
less than 94%) stroke patients or patients for whom oxygen
saturation is unknown.
Foundational Stroke Centers and Stroke Units
Facts Initial evidence indicates a favorable benefit from triage of stroke
patients directly to designated stroke centers, but the concept of routine
out-of-hospital triage of stroke patients requires continued evaluation.
Each receiving hospital should define its capability for treating patients
with acute stroke and should communicate this information to the EMS
system and the community. Although not every hospital has the
resources to safely administer fibrinolytics or endovascular therapy,
every hospital with an ED should have a written plan that describes how
patients with acute stroke will be managed in that institution. The plan
Neurologic Assess the patient’s neurologic status by using one of the more
Examination advanced stroke scales. Following is an example:
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
The NIHSS uses 15 items to assess the responsive stroke patient.
This is a validated measure of stroke severity based on a detailed
neurologic examination. A detailed discussion is beyond the scope of
the ACLS Provider Course.
Fibrinolytic Therapy
Introduction Several studies have shown a higher likelihood of good to excellent
functional outcome when rtPA is given to adults with acute ischemic
stroke within 3 hours of onset of symptoms, or within 4.5 hours of
onset of symptoms for selected patients. But these results are
obtained when rtPA is given by physicians in hospitals with a stroke
protocol that rigorously adheres to the eligibility criteria and
therapeutic regimen of the NINDS protocol. Evidence from
prospective randomized studies in adults also documents a greater
likelihood of benefit the earlier treatment begins.
The AHA and stroke guidelines recommend giving IV rtPA to
patients with acute ischemic stroke who meet the NINDS eligibility
criteria if it is given by
Evaluate for If the CT scan is negative for hemorrhage, the patient may be a
Fibrinolytic candidate for fibrinolytic therapy. Immediately perform further
Therapy eligibility and risk stratification:
Exclusion Criteria
• Significant head trauma or prior stroke in previous 3 months
• Symptoms suggest subarachnoid hemorrhage
• Arterial puncture at noncompressible site in previous 7 days
• History of previous intracranial hemorrhage
o – Intracranial neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation, or
o – Recent intracranial or intraspinal surgery
• Elevated blood pressure (systolic >185 mm Hg or diastolic
>110 mm Hg)
• Active internal bleeding
• Acute bleeding diathesis, including but not limited to
o – Platelet count <100 000/mm3
o – Heparin received within 48 hours, resulting in aPTT greater
than the upper limit of normal
o – Current use of anticoagulant with INR >1.7 or PT >15
o – Current use of direct thrombin inhibitors or direct factor Xa
inhibitors with elevated sensitive laboratory tests (such as
aPTT, INR, platelet count, and ECT; TT; or appropriate factor
Xa activity assays)
• Blood glucose concentration <50 mg/dL (2.7 mmol/L)
• CT demonstrates multilobar infarction (hypodensity >1/3
cerebral hemisphere)
Potential As with all drugs, fibrinolytics have potential adverse effects. At this
Adverse Effects point, weigh the patient’s risk for adverse events against the
potential benefit and discuss with the patient and family.
• Confirm that no exclusion criteria are present (Table 6).
• Consider risks and benefits.
• Be prepared to monitor and treat any potential complications.
Patient Is a If the patient remains a candidate for fibrinolytic therapy (Step 8),
Candidate for discuss the risks and potential benefits with the patient or family if
Fibrinolytic available (Step 10). After this discussion, if the patient or family
Therapy members decide to proceed with fibrinolytic therapy, give the
patient rtPA. Begin your institution’s stroke rtPA protocol, often
called a “pathway of care.”
Do not administer anticoagulants or antiplatelet treatment for
24 hours after administration of rtPA, typically until a follow-up
CT scan at 24 hours shows no intracranial hemorrhage.
Extended IV rtPA Treatment of carefully selected patients with acute ischemic stroke
Window 3 to 4.5 with IV rtPA between 3 and 4.5 hours after onset of symptoms has
Hours also been shown to improve clinical outcome, although the degree
of clinical benefit is smaller than that achieved with treatment within
3 hours. Data supporting treatment in this time window come from a
large, randomized trial (ECASS-3 [European Cooperative Acute
Stroke Study]) that specifically enrolled patients between 3 and 4.5
hours after symptom onset, as well as a meta-analysis of prior
At present, use of IV rtPA within the 3- to 4.5-hour window has not
yet been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
although it is recommended by an AHA/American Stroke
Association science advisory. Administration of IV rtPA to patients
with acute ischemic stroke who meet the NINDS or ECASS-3
eligibility criteria (Table 7) is recommended if rtPA is administered
by physicians in the setting of a clearly defined protocol, a
knowledgeable team, and institutional commitment.
Table 7. Additional Inclusion and Exclusion Characteristics of
Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Who Could Be Treated
With IV rtPA Within 3 to 4.5 Hours From Symptom Onset*
Inclusion Criteria
• Diagnosis of ischemic stroke causing measurable neurologic
• Onset of symptoms 3 to 4.5 hours before beginning treatment
Exclusion Criteria
• Age >80 years
• Severe stroke (NIHSS score >25)
• Taking an oral anticoagulant regardless of INR
• History of both diabetes and prior ischemic stroke
Intra-arterial rtPA Improved outcome from use of cerebral intra-arterial rtPA has been
documented. For patients with acute ischemic stroke who are not
candidates for standard IV fibrinolysis, consider intra-arterial
fibrinolysis in centers with the resources and expertise to provide it
within the first 6 hours after onset of symptoms. Intra-arterial
administration of rtPA is not yet approved by the FDA.
Endovascular Therapy
Introduction Substantial new high-quality evidence regarding the clinical
efficacy of endovascular treatments of acute ischemic stroke
has recently become available. To this end, while IV rtPA
remains as the first-line treatment, the AHA now recommends
endovascular therapy for select patients with acute ischemic
As with fibrinolytic therapy, patients must meet inclusion criteria
to be considered for this treatment. Similarly, better clinical
outcomes are associated with reduced times from symptom
onset to reperfusion, but these new treatment options offer the
added benefit of expanding the treatment window up to 6 hours
from the onset of symptoms.
Intra-arterial rtPA Improved outcomes from use of cerebral intra-arterial rtPA has
been documented. For patients with acute ischemic stroke who
are not candidates for standard IV fibrinolysis, consider intra-
arterial fibrinolysis in centers with the resources and expertise to
provide it within the first 6 hours after onset of symptoms. Intra-
arterial administration of rtPA has not yet been approved by the
Mechanical Clot Mechanical clot disruption or retrieval with a stent has been
Disruption/Stent demonstrated to provide clinical benefit in selected patients with
Retrievers acute ischemic stroke.
Patients should receive endovascular therapy with a stent
retriever if they meet all the following criteria:
Systems of Care Recent clinical trials suggest that all patients eligible for
endovascular therapy should be considered for this treatment in
addition to IV rtPA. Systems of care for acute ischemic stroke
need to be in place so that eligible patients can be quickly
transported to comprehensive stroke centers that offer these
Introduction The general care of all patients with stroke includes the following:
Begin Stroke Admit patients to a stroke unit (if available) for careful observation
Pathway (Step 11), including monitoring of blood pressure and neurologic
status. If neurologic status worsens, order an emergent CT scan.
Determine if cerebral edema or hemorrhage is the cause; consult
neurosurgery as appropriate.
Additional stroke care includes support of the airway,
oxygenation, ventilation, and nutrition. Provide normal saline to
maintain intravascular volume (eg, approximately 75 to 100 mL/h)
if needed.
• Citizen awareness
• Citizen and healthcare professional education and training
• Increased bystander CPR response rates
• Improved CPR performance
• Shortened time to defibrillation
Rhythms for VF/ This case involves these ECG rhythms:
Pulseless VT
• VF (example in Figure 30)
• VT
• ECG artifact that looks like VF
• New LBBB
Asystole/PEA The right side of the algorithm outlines the sequence of actions to
(Right Side) perform if the rhythm is nonshockable. You will have an opportunity to
practice this sequence in the Asystole and PEA Cases.
Deliver 1 Shock Step 3 directs you to deliver 1 shock. The appropriate energy dose is
determined by the identity of the defibrillator—monophasic or
biphasic. See the column on the right of the algorithm.
If you are using a monophasic defibrillator, give a single 360-J shock.
Use the same energy dose for subsequent shocks.
Biphasic defibrillators use a variety of waveforms, each of which is
effective for terminating VF over a specific dose range. When using
biphasic defibrillators, providers should use the manufacturer’s
recommended energy dose (eg, initial dose of 120 to 200 J). Many
biphasic defibrillator manufacturers display the effective energy dose
range on the face of the device. If you do not know the effective dose
range, deliver the maximal energy dose for the first and all
subsequent shocks.
If the initial shock terminates VF but the arrhythmia recurs later in the
resuscitation attempt, deliver subsequent shocks at the previously
successful energy level.
Immediately after the shock, resume CPR, beginning with chest
compressions. Give 2 minutes of CPR.
Purpose of Defibrillation does not restart the heart. Defibrillation stuns the heart
Defibrillation and briefly terminates all electrical activity, including VF and pVT. If
the heart is still viable, its normal pacemakers may eventually resume
electrical activity (return of spontaneous rhythm) that ultimately results
in a perfusing rhythm (ROSC).
In the first minutes after successful defibrillation, however, any
spontaneous rhythm is typically slow and may not create pulses or
adequate perfusion. The patient needs CPR (beginning with chest
compressions) for several minutes until adequate heart function
resumes. Moreover, not all shocks will lead to successful defibrillation.
This is why it is important to resume high-quality CPR, beginning with
chest compressions immediately after a shock.
Principle of The interval from collapse to defibrillation is one of the most important
Early determinants of survival from cardiac arrest. Early defibrillation is
critical for patients with sudden cardiac arrest for the following
The earlier defibrillation occurs, the higher the survival rate. When VF
is present, CPR can provide a small amount of blood flow to the heart
and brain but cannot directly restore an organized rhythm. The
likelihood of restoring a perfusing rhythm is optimized with immediate
CPR and defibrillation within a few minutes of the initial arrest (Figure
For every minute that passes between collapse and defibrillation, the
chance of survival from a witnessed VF sudden cardiac arrest
declines by 7% to 10% per minute if no bystander CPR is
provided.3 When bystanders perform CPR, the decline is more
gradual and averages 3% to 4% per minute.3-6 CPR performed early
can double3,7 or triple8 survival from witnessed sudden cardiac arrest
at most defibrillation intervals.
Lay rescuer AED programs increase the likelihood of early CPR and
attempted defibrillation. This helps shorten the time between collapse
and defibrillation for a greater number of patients with sudden cardiac
Figure 33. Relationship between survival from ventricular fibrillation sudden cardiac
arrest and time from collapse to defibrillation.
Foundational Clearing for Defibrillation
Facts To ensure safety during defibrillation, always announce the shock
warning. State the warning firmly and in a forceful voice before
delivering each shock (this entire sequence should take less than 5
• “Clear. Shocking.”
o – Check to make sure you are clear of contact with the patient, the
stretcher, or other equipment.
o – Make a visual check to ensure that no one is touching the patient
or stretcher.
o – Be sure oxygen is not flowing across the patient’s chest.
• When pressing the shock button, the defibrillator operator should
face the patient, not the machine. This helps to ensure coordination
with the chest compressor and to verify that no one resumed contact
with the patient.
You do not need to use these exact words, but you must warn others
that you are about to deliver shocks and that everyone must stand clear
of the patient.
Shock and For persistent VF/pulseless VT, give 1 shock and resume CPR
Vasopressors immediately for 2 minutes after the shock.
Immediately after the shock, resume CPR, beginning with chest
compressions. Give 2 minutes of CPR.
When IV/IO access is available, give epinephrine during CPR after
the second shock as follows:
Shock and Give 1 shock and resume CPR beginning with chest
Antiarrhythmics compressions for 2 minutes immediately after the shock.
Healthcare providers may consider giving antiarrhythmic drugs,
either before or after the shock. Research is still lacking on the
effect of antiarrhythmic drugs given during cardiac arrest on
survival to hospital discharge. If administered, amiodarone is the
first-line antiarrhythmic agent given in cardiac arrest because it
has been clinically demonstrated that it improves the rate of
ROSC and hospital admission in adults with refractory
VF/pulseless VT.
Cardiac Arrest The Adult Cardiac Arrest Circular Algorithm (Figure 35)
Treatment summarizes the recommended sequence of CPR, rhythm checks,
Sequences shocks, and delivery of drugs based on expert consensus. The
optimal number of cycles of CPR and shocks required before
starting pharmacologic therapy remains unknown. Note that
rhythm checks and shocks are organized around 5 cycles of
compressions and ventilations, or 2 minutes if a provider is timing
the arrest.
Figure 35. The Adult Cardiac Arrest Circular Algorithm. Do not delay shock. Continue
CPR while preparing and administering drugs and charging the defibrillator. Interrupt
chest compressions only for the minimum amount of time required for ventilation (until
advanced airway placed), rhythm check, and actual shock delivery.
Figure 37. Waveform capnography during CPR with ROSC. This capnography tracing
displays PETCO2 in millimeters of mercury on the vertical axis over time. This patient is
intubated and receiving CPR. Note that the ventilation rate is approximately 10/min.
Chest compressions are given continuously at a rate slightly faster than 100/min but are
not visible with this tracing. The initial PETCO2 is less than 12.5 mm Hg during the first
minute, indicating very low blood flow. PETCO2 increases to between 12.5 and 25 mm
Hg during the second and third minutes, consistent with the increase in blood flow with
ongoing resuscitation. ROSC occurs during the fourth minute. ROSC is recognized by
the abrupt increase in PETCO2 (visible just after the fourth vertical line) to greater than
50 mm Hg, which is consistent with a substantial improvement in blood flow.
Intraosseous Drugs and fluids during resuscitation can be delivered safely and
Route effectively via the IO route if IV access is not available. Important
points about IO access are
Introduction While there is evidence that the use of vasopressors favors initial
resuscitation with ROSC, research is still lacking on the effect of
the routine use of vasopressors at any stage during management
of cardiac arrest on the rates of survival to hospital discharge.
Vasopressors Vasopressors optimize cardiac output and blood pressure. The
Used During vasopressor used during cardiac arrest is
Cardiac Arrest
• Epinephrine: 1 mg IV/IO (repeat every 3 to 5 minutes)
Antiarrhythmic Agents
Introduction As with vasopressors, research is still lacking on the effect of routine
antiarrhythmic drug administration during human cardiac arrest and
survival to hospital discharge. Amiodarone, however, has been
shown to increase short-term survival to hospital admission when
compared with placebo or lidocaine.
Amiodarone • Consider amiodarone for treatment of VF or pulseless VT
unresponsive to shock delivery, CPR, and a vasopressor.
• Amiodarone is a complex drug that affects sodium, potassium,
and calcium channels. It also has α-adrenergic and β-
adrenergic blocking properties.
• During cardiac arrest, consider amiodarone 300 mg IV/IO push
for the first dose. If VF/pulseless VT persists, consider giving a
second dose of 150 mg IV/IO in 3 to 5 minutes.
Description of PEA
Introduction PEA encompasses a heterogeneous group of rhythms that are
organized or semiorganized but lack a palpable pulse. PEA includes
• Idioventricular rhythms
• Ventricular escape rhythms
• Postdefibrillation idioventricular rhythms
• Sinus rhythm
• Other
The PEA Pathway In this case, the patient is in cardiac arrest. High-performance
of the Cardiac team members initiate and perform high-quality CPR throughout
Arrest Algorithm the BLS Assessment and the Primary and Secondary
Assessments. The team interrupts CPR for 10 seconds or less for
rhythm and pulse checks. This patient has an organized rhythm
on the monitor but no pulse. The condition is PEA (Step 9). Chest
compressions resume immediately. The team leader now directs
the team in the steps outlined in the PEA pathway of the Cardiac
Arrest Algorithm (Figure 39), beginning with Step 10.
IV/IO access is a priority over advanced airway management
unless bag-mask ventilation is ineffective or the arrest is caused
by hypoxia. All high-performance team members must
simultaneously conduct a search for an underlying and treatable
cause of the PEA in addition to performing their assigned roles.
Decision Point: Conduct a rhythm check and give 2 minutes of CPR after
Rhythm Check administration of the drugs. Be careful to minimize interruptions in
chest compressions.
The pause in CPR to conduct a rhythm check
should not exceed 10 seconds.
Identification and Treatment of PEA is not limited to the interventions outlined in the
Correction of algorithm. Healthcare providers should attempt to identify and
Underlying Cause correct an underlying cause if present. Healthcare providers must
stop, think, and ask, “Why did this person have this cardiac arrest
at this time?” It is essential to search for and treat reversible
causes of PEA for resuscitative efforts to be potentially
successful. Use the H’s and T’s to recall conditions that could
have contributed to PEA.
Critical Common Underlying Causes of PEA
Concepts Hypovolemia and hypoxia are the 2 most common underlying and
potentially reversible causes of PEA. Be sure to look for evidence of these
problems as you assess the patient.
Approach to Asystole
Introduction Asystole is a cardiac arrest rhythm associated with no discernible
electrical activity on the ECG (also referred to as flat line). You should
confirm that the flat line on the monitor is indeed “true asystole” by
validating that the flat line is
Patients During the BLS, Primary, and Secondary Assessments, you should be
With DNAR aware of reasons to stop or withhold resuscitative efforts. Some of these
Orders are
• Rigor mortis
• Indicators of do-not-attempt-resuscitation (DNAR) status (eg,
bracelet, anklet, written documentation)
• Threat to safety of providers
Asystole as Often, asystole represents the final rhythm. Cardiac function has
an End diminished until electrical and functional cardiac activity finally stop and
Point the patient dies. Asystole is also the final rhythm of a patient initially in VF
or pVT.
Prolonged efforts are unnecessary and futile unless special resuscitation
situations exist, such as hypothermia and drug overdose. Consider
stopping if ETCO2 is less than 10 after 20 minutes of CPR.
Managing Asystole
Overview The management of asystole consists of the following
Adult Cardiac As described in the VF/Pulseless VT and PEA Cases, the Cardiac
Arrest Algorithm Arrest Algorithm consists of 2 pathways (Figures 31 and 39). The
left side of the algorithm outlines treatment for a shockable rhythm
(VF/pulseless VT). The right side of the algorithm (Steps 9
through 11) outlines treatment for a nonshockable rhythm
(asystole/PEA). In both pathways, therapies are designed around
periods (2 minutes) of uninterrupted, high-quality CPR. In this
case, we will focus on the asystole component of the
asystole/PEA pathway.
TCP Not Several randomized controlled trials failed to show benefit from
Recommended attempted TCP for asystole. The AHA does not recommend the
use of TCP for patients with asystolic cardiac arrest.
Bradycardia Case
Introduction This case discusses assessment and management of a patient with
symptomatic bradycardia (heart rate less than 50/min).
The cornerstones of managing bradycardia are to
In addition, you must know the techniques and cautions for using TCP.
• Atropine
• Dopamine (infusion)
• Epinephrine (infusion)
Description of Bradycardia
Definitions Definitions used in this case are as follows:
Term Definition
Bradyarrhythmia or Any rhythm disorder with a heart rate less
bradycardia* than 60/min—eg, third-degree AV block—or
sinus bradycardia. When bradycardia is the
cause of symptoms, the rate is generally
less than 50/min.
Symptomatic Signs and symptoms due to the slow heart
bradyarrhythmia rate
*For the purposes of this case, we will use the
term bradycardia interchangeably with bradyarrhythmiaunless
specifically defined.
Symptomatic Sinus bradycardia may have multiple causes. Some are physiologic
Bradycardia and require no assessment or therapy. For example, a well-trained
athlete may have a heart rate in the range of 40 to 50/min or
occasionally lower.
In contrast, some patients have heart rates in the normal sinus range,
but these heart rates are inappropriate or insufficient for them. This is
called a functional or relative bradycardia. For example, a heart rate of
70/min may be relatively too slow for a patient in cardiogenic or septic
This case will focus on the patient with a bradycardia and heart rate
less than 50/min. Key to the case management is the determination of
symptoms or signs due to the decreased heart rate. A symptomatic
bradycardia exists clinically when 3 criteria are present:
Are Signs or Step 3 prompts you to consider if the signs or symptoms of poor
Symptoms Caused perfusion are caused by the bradycardia.
by Bradycardia? The key clinical questions are
Critical Bradycardia
Concepts The key clinical question is whether the bradycardia is causing the
patient’s symptoms or some other illness is causing the bradycardia.
Decision You must now decide if the patient has adequate or poor perfusion.
Adequate • If the patient has adequate perfusion, observe and monitor (Step
Perfusion? 4).
• If the patient has poor perfusion, proceed to Step 5.
Transcutaneous Pacing
Introduction A variety of devices can pace the heart by delivering an electrical
stimulus, causing electrical depolarization and subsequent cardiac
contraction. TCP delivers pacing impulses to the heart through the
skin by use of cutaneous electrodes. Most manufacturers have added
a pacing mode to manual defibrillators.
The ability to perform TCP is now often as close as the nearest
defibrillator. Providers need to know the indications, techniques, and
hazards for using TCP.
Assess Rather than target a precise heart rate, the goal of therapy is to
Response to ensure improvement in clinical status (ie, signs and symptoms related
Treatment to the bradycardia). Signs of hemodynamic impairment include
hypotension, acutely altered mental status, signs of shock, ischemic
chest discomfort, AHF, or other signs of shock related to the
bradycardia. Start pacing at a rate of about 60/min. Once pacing is
initiated, adjust the rate based on the patient’s clinical response. Most
patients will improve with a rate of 60 to 70/min if the symptoms are
primarily due to the bradycardia.
Consider giving atropine before pacing in mildly symptomatic
patients. Do not delay pacing for unstable patients, particularly those
with high-degree AV block. Atropine may increase heart rate, improve
hemodynamics, and eliminate the need for pacing. If atropine is
ineffective or likely to be ineffective or if establishment of IV access or
atropine administration is delayed, begin pacing as soon as it is
Patients with ACS should be paced at the lowest heart rate that
allows clinical stability. Higher heart rates can worsen ischemia
because heart rate is a major determinate of myocardial oxygen
demand. Ischemia, in turn, can precipitate arrhythmias.
An alternative to pacing if symptomatic bradycardia is unresponsive
to atropine is a chronotropic drug infusion to stimulate heart rate:
• Epinephrine: Initiate at 2 to 10 mcg/min and titrate to patient
• Dopamine: Initiate at 2 to 20 mcg/kg per minute and titrate to
patient response
Standby Pacing Several bradycardic rhythms in ACS are caused by acute ischemia of
conduction tissue and pacing centers. Patients who are clinically
stable may decompensate suddenly or become unstable over
minutes to hours from worsening conduction abnormalities. These
bradycardias may deteriorate to complete AV block and
cardiovascular collapse.
Place TCP electrodes in anticipation of clinical deterioration in
patients with acute myocardial ischemia or infarction associated with
the following rhythms:
Rhythms for This case involves these ECG rhythms (examples in Figure 43):
Tachycardia • Sinus tachycardia
• Atrial fibrillation
• Atrial flutter
• Reentry supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
• Monomorphic VT
• Polymorphic VT
• Wide-complex tachycardia of uncertain type
Figure 43. Examples of tachycardias. A, Sinus tachycardia. B, Atrial fibrillation. C, Atrial
flutter. D, Supraventricular tachycardia. E, Monomorphic ventricular
tachycardia. F,Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
Drugs for Drugs are generally not used to manage patients with unstable
Unstable tachycardia. Immediate cardioversion is recommended. Consider
Tachycardia administering sedative drugs in the conscious patient. But do not
delay immediate cardioversion in the unstable patient.
Pathophysiology of Unstable tachycardia exists when the heart rate is too fast for the
Unstable patient’s clinical condition and the excessive heart rate causes
Tachycardia symptoms or an unstable condition because the heart is
Signs and Unstable tachycardia leads to serious signs and symptoms that
Symptoms include
• Hypotension
• Acutely altered mental status
• Signs of shock
• Ischemic chest discomfort
Severity Assess for the presence or absence of signs and symptoms and
for their severity. Frequent patient assessment is indicated.
Indications for Rapid identification of symptomatic tachycardia will help you
Cardioversion determine whether you should prepare for immediate
cardioversion. For example:
• Hypotension
• Acutely altered mental status
• Signs of shock
• Ischemic chest discomfort
Summary Your assessment and management of this patient will be guided by the
following key questions presented in the Tachycardia Algorithm:
Your answers to these questions will determine the next appropriate steps.
Identify and Treat the Use the BLS, Primary, and Secondary Assessments to guide
Underlying Cause your approach.
Decision Point: Is the Assess the patient’s degree of instability and determine if
Persistent the instability is related to the tachycardia.
Tachyarrhythmia Causing Unstable
Significant Signs or If the patient demonstrates rate-related cardiovascular
Symptoms? compromise with signs and symptoms such as
hypotension, acutely altered mental status, signs of
shock, ischemic chest discomfort, AHF, or other signs of
shock suspected to be due to a tachyarrhythmia,
proceed to immediate synchronized cardioversion (Step
Serious signs and symptoms are unlikely if the
ventricular rate is less than 150/min in patients with a
healthy heart. However, if the patient is seriously ill or
has significant underlying heart disease or other
conditions, symptoms may be present at a lower heart
If the patient does not have rate-related cardiovascular
compromise, proceed to Step 5. The healthcare provider
has time to obtain a 12-lead ECG, evaluate the rhythm,
determine the width of the QRS, and determine
treatment options. Stable patients may await expert
consultation because treatment has the potential for
Foundational Treatment Based on Type of Tachycardia
Facts You may not always be able to distinguish between supraventricular and
ventricular rhythms. Most wide-complex (broad-complex) tachycardias
are ventricular in origin (especially if the patient has underlying heart
disease or is older). If the patient is pulseless, treat the rhythm as VF
and follow the Cardiac Arrest Algorithm.
If the patient has a wide-complex tachycardia and is unstable, assume it
is VT until proven otherwise. The amount of energy required for
cardioversion of VT is determined by the morphologic characteristics.
• If the patient is unstable but has a pulse with regular uniform wide-
complex VT (monomorphic VT):
o – Treat with synchronized cardioversion and an initial shock of 100 J
(monophasic waveform).
o – If there is no response to the first shock, increasing the dose in a
stepwise fashion is reasonable.*
• Arrhythmias with a polymorphic QRS appearance (polymorphic VT),
such as torsades de pointes, will usually not permit synchronization. If
the patient has polymorphic VT:
o – Treat as VF with high-energy unsynchronized shocks (eg,
defibrillation doses).
Determine the Width • If the width of the QRS complex is 0.12 second or more,
of the QRS Complex go to Step 6.
• If the width of the QRS complex is less than 0.12 second,
go to Step 7.
Introduction You must know when cardioversion is indicated and what type
of shock to administer. Before cardioversion, establish IV
access and sedate the responsive patient if possible, but do
not delay cardioversion in the unstable or deteriorating patient.
This section discusses the following important concepts about
• Unsynchronized shocks
• Synchronized shocks
• Unstable SVT
• Unstable atrial fibrillation
• Unstable atrial flutter
• Unstable regular monomorphic tachycardia with pulses
Energy Doses for Select the energy dose for the specific type of rhythm.
Cardioversion For unstable atrial fibrillation:
Stable This case reviews assessment and management of a stable patient (ie,
Tachycardias no serious signs related to the tachycardia) with a rapid heart
rate. Patients with heart rates greater than 100/min have a
tachyarrhythmia or tachycardia. In this case, we will use the
terms tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia interchangeably. Note that
sinus tachycardia is excluded from the treatment algorithm. Sinus
tachycardia is almost always physiologic, developing in response to a
compromise in stroke volume or a condition that requires an increase
in cardiac output (eg, fever, hypovolemia). Treatment involves
identification and correction of that underlying problem.
You must be able to classify the type of tachycardia (wide or narrow;
regular or irregular) and implement appropriate interventions as
outlined in the Tachycardia Algorithm. During this case you will
If the rhythm does not convert, you will monitor the patient and
transport or obtain expert consultation. If the patient becomes clinically
unstable, you will prepare for immediate unsynchronized shock or
synchronized cardioversion as discussed in the Unstable Tachycardia
Several agents are also used to provide analgesia and sedation during
electrical cardioversion. These agents are not covered in the ACLS
Provider Course.
Approach to Stable Tachycardia
Introduction In this case, a stable tachycardia refers to a condition in
which the patient has
BLS and ACLS Using the BLS, Primary, and Secondary Assessments to guide your
Assessments approach, evaluate the patient and do the following as necessary:
IV Access and If the patient with tachycardia is stable (ie, no serious signs or
12-Lead ECG symptoms related to the tachycardia), you have time to evaluate the
rhythm and decide on treatment options. Establish IV access if not
already obtained. Obtain a 12-lead ECG (when available) or rhythm
strip to determine if the QRS is narrow (less than 0.12 second) or
wide (0.12 second or more).
Decision Point: The path of treatment is now determined by whether the QRS is
Narrow or Wide wide (Step 6) or narrow (Step 7), and whether the rhythm is regular
or irregular. If a monomorphic wide-complex rhythm is present and
the patient is stable, expert consultation is advised. Polymorphic
wide-complex tachycardia should be treated with immediate
unsynchronized cardioversion.
Foundational Treating Tachycardia
• You may not always be able to distinguish between supraventricular
(aberrant) and ventricular wide-complex rhythms. If you are unsure,
be aware that most wide-complex (broad-complex) tachycardias
are ventricular in origin.
• If a patient is pulseless, follow the Cardiac Arrest Algorithm.
• If a patient becomes unstable, do not delay treatment for further
rhythm analysis. For stable patients with wide-complex tachycardias,
transport and monitor or consult an expert, because treatment has
the potential for harm.
• Monomorphic VT
• Polymorphic VT
Vagal maneuvers and adenosine are the preferred initial interventions for
terminating narrow-complex tachycardias that are symptomatic (but
stable) and supraventricular in origin (SVT). Vagal maneuvers alone
(Valsalva maneuver or carotid sinus massage) will terminate about 25%
of SVTs. Adenosine is required for the remainder.
If SVT does not respond to vagal maneuvers:
In this case, you will have an opportunity to use the 12-lead ECG
while using the assessment and action skills typically performed
after ROSC.
Rhythms for You will need to recognize the following rhythms:
Arrest Care • Rate—too fast or too slow
• Width of QRS complexes—wide versus narrow
Treat Box 3 directs you to treat hypotension when SBP is less than 90 mm
Hypotension Hg. Providers should obtain IV access if not already established.
(SBP Less Than Verify the patency of any IV lines. ECG monitoring should continue
90 mm Hg) after ROSC, during transport, and throughout ICU care until deemed
clinically not necessary. At this stage, consider treating any
reversible causes that might have precipitated the cardiac arrest but
persist after ROSC.
When IV is established, treat hypotension as follows:
STEMI Is Present Both in- and out-of-hospital medical personnel should obtain a 12-
or High lead ECG as soon as possible after ROSC to identify those patients
Suspicion of AMI with STEMI or a high suspicion of AMI. Once such patients have
been identified, hospital personnel should attempt coronary
reperfusion (Step 5).
EMS personnel should transport these patients to a facility that
reliably provides this therapy (Step 5).
Following Step 4 directs you to examine the patient’s ability to follow verbal
Commands commands.
If the patient does not follow commands, the high-performance team
should consider implementing TTM (Step 7). If the patient is able to
follow verbal commands, move to Step 8.
Targeted To protect the brain and other organs, the high-performance team
Temperature should start TTM in patients who remain comatose (lack of
Management meaningful response to verbal commands) with ROSC after cardiac
For TTM, healthcare providers should select and maintain a
constant target temperature between 32°C and 36°C for a period of
at least 24 hours. Although the optimal method of achieving the
target temperature is unknown, any combination of rapid infusion of
ice-cold, isotonic, non–glucose-containing fluid (30 mL/kg),
endovascular catheters, surface cooling devices, or simple surface
interventions (eg, ice bags) appears to be safe and effective.
Specific features of the patient may favor selection of one
temperature over another for TTM. Higher temperatures might be
preferred in patients for whom lower temperatures convey some risk
(eg, bleeding), and lower temperatures might be preferred when
patients have clinical features that are worsened at higher
temperatures (eg, seizures, cerebral edema). Of note, there are
essentially no patients for whom temperature control somewhere in
the range between 32°C and 36°C is contraindicated. Therefore, all
patients in whom intensive care is continued are eligible.
In the prehospital setting, routine cooling of patients after ROSC with
rapid infusion of cold IV fluids should not be done. Current evidence
indicates that there is no direct outcome benefit from these
interventions and that the IV fluid administration in the prehospital
setting may increase pulmonary edema and rearrest. Whether
different methods or devices for temperature control outside of the
hospital are beneficial is unknown.
Foundational Targeted Temperature Management
• TTM is the only intervention demonstrated to improve neurologic
recovery after cardiac arrest.
• The optimal duration of TTM is at least 24 hours. Comparative studies
of the duration of TTM have not been performed in adults, but
hypothermia for up to 72 hours was used safely in newborns.
• Healthcare providers should monitor the patient’s core temperature
during TTM by using an esophageal thermometer, bladder catheter in
nonanuric patients, or a pulmonary artery catheter if one is placed for
other indications. Axillary and oral temperatures are inadequate for
measurement of core temperature changes.
• TTM should not affect the decision to perform PCI, because
concurrent PCI and hypothermia are reported to be feasible and safe.
Advanced Critical After coronary reperfusion interventions or in cases where the
Care post–cardiac arrest patient has no ECG evidence or suspicion of
MI, the high-performance team should transfer the patient to an
• Shouts for nearby help/Activates the emergency response system and gets the AED
• Directs second rescuer to activate the emergency response system and get the AED
Checks breathing •
Administers oxygen
✓ if
Critical Performance Steps done
Team Leader
Bradycardia Management
Pulseless VT Management
Recognizes pVT
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
Identifies ROSC
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need for
endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Team Leader
Ensures high-quality CPR at all times
Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Asystole Management
Recognizes asystole
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need
for endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Team Leader
Ensures high-quality CPR at all times
Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
VF Management
Recognizes VF
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need
for endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
VF Management
Recognizes VF
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need
for endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Team Leader
Ensures high-quality CPR at all times
Assigns team member roles
Tachycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
PEA Management
Recognizes PEA
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need
for endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Team Leader
Ensures high-quality CPR at all times
Bradycardia Management
Starts oxygen if needed, places monitor, starts IV
VF Management
Recognizes VF
Verbalizes potential reversible causes of asystole and PEA (H’s and T’s)
Ensures BP and 12-lead ECG are performed, O2 saturation is monitored, verbalizes need
for endotracheal intubation and waveform capnography, and orders laboratory tests
Considers targeted temperature management
Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm—2015 Update
Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm—2015 Update
Adult Bradycardia With a Pulse Algorithm
Adult Tachycardia With a Pulse Algorithm
Adult Immediate Post–Cardiac Arrest Care Algorithm—2015 Update
ACLS Pharmacology Summary Table
Amiodarone Because its use is Caution: Multiple complex drug VF/pVT Cardiac
associated with toxicity, interactions Arrest
amiodarone is indicated Unresponsive to
for use in patients with • Rapid infusion may lead to CPR, Shock, and
life-threatening hypotension Vasopressor
arrhythmias when • With multiple dosing, cumulative
administered with doses >2.2 g over 24 hours are • First dose: 300
appropriate monitoring: associated with significant mg IV/IO push
hypotension in clinical trials • Second dose (if
• VF/pulseless VT • Do not administer with other needed): 150 mg
unresponsive to shock drugs that prolong QT interval IV/IO push
delivery, CPR, and a (eg, procainamide)
vasopressor • Terminal elimination is extremely Life-Threatening
• Recurrent, long (half-life lasts up to 40 days) Arrhythmias
hemodynamically Maximum
unstable VT cumulative
dose: 2.2 g IV over
With expert 24 hours. May be
consultation, amiodarone administered as
may be used for treatment follows:
of some atrial and
ventricular arrhythmias • Rapid
infusion: 150 mg
IV over first 10
minutes (15 mg
per minute). May
repeat rapid
infusion (150 mg
IV) every 10
minutes as
• Slow
infusion: 360 mg
IV over 6 hours
(1 mg per
• Maintenance
infusion: 540 mg
IV over 18 hours
(0.5 mg per
Epinephrine • Cardiac arrest: VF, • Raising blood pressure and Cardiac Arrest
Can be given pulseless VT, asystole, increasing heart rate may cause
via PEA myocardial ischemia, angina, • IV/IO dose: 1 mg
endotracheal • Symptomatic and increased myocardial (10 mL of 1:10
tube bradycardia: Can be oxygen demand 000 solution)
considered after • High doses do not improve administered
Available in atropine as an survival or neurologic outcome every 3 to 5
1:10 000 and alternative infusion to and may contribute to minutes during
1:1000 dopamine postresuscitation myocardial resuscitation.
concentrations • Severe dysfunction Follow each dose
hypotension: Can be • Higher doses may be required to with 20 mL flush,
used when pacing and treat poison/drug-induced shock elevate arm for
atropine fail, when
hypotension 10 to 20 seconds
accompanies after dose
bradycardia, or with • Higher
phosphodiesterase dose: Higher
enzyme inhibitor doses (up to 0.2
• Anaphylaxis, severe mg/kg) may be
allergic used for specific
reactions: Combine indications (β-
with large fluid volume, blocker or
corticosteroids, calcium channel
antihistamines blocker
• Continuous
infusion: Initial
rate: 0.1 to 0.5
mcg/kg per
minute (for 70-kg
patient: 7 to 35
mcg per minute);
titrate to
• Endotracheal
route: 2 to 2.5
mg diluted in 10
Bradycardia or
2 to 10 mcg per
minute infusion;
titrate to patient
1 to 4 mg per minute
(30 to 50 mcg/kg per
Magnesium • Recommended for use • Occasional fall in blood pressure Cardiac Arrest
Sulfate in cardiac arrest only if with rapid administration (Due to
torsades de pointes or • Use with caution if renal failure is Hypomagnesemia
suspected present or Torsades de
hypomagnesemia is Pointes)
present 1 to 2 g (2 to 4 mL of
• Life-threatening a 50% solution
ventricular arrhythmias diluted in 10 mL [eg,
due to digitalis toxicity D5W, normal saline]
• Routine administration given IV/IO)
in hospitalized patients
with AMI is not Torsades de
recommended Pointes With a
Pulse or AMI With
• Loading dose of
1 to 2 g mixed in
50 to 100 mL of
diluent (eg, D5W,
normal saline)
over 5 to 60
minutes IV
• Follow with 0.5 to
1 g per hour IV
(titrate to control
2015 Science Summary Table
Topic 2010 2015
Systematic • 1-2-3-4 • Check responsiveness
Approach: BLS • Check responsiveness: o – Tap and shout
Assessment o – Tap and shout • Shout for nearby help/activate
(name change) o – Scan chest for movement emergency response system/get AED
• Activate the emergency response • Check breathing and pulse
system and get an AED (simultaneously)
• Circulation: Check the carotid pulse. • Defibrillation: If indicated, deliver a
If you cannot detect a pulse within 10 shock with an AED or defibrillator
seconds, start CPR, beginning with
chest compressions, immediately
• Defibrillation: If indicated, deliver a
shock with an AED or defibrillator
Systematic • NA • SAMPLE
Approach: • H’s and T’s
BLS: High- • A rate of at least 100 chest • A rate of 100 to 120 chest
Quality CPR compressions per minute compressions per minute
• A compression depth of at least 2 • A compression depth of at least 2
inches in adults inches in adults*
• Allowing complete chest recoil after • Allowing complete chest recoil after
each compression each compression
• Minimizing interruptions in • Minimizing interruptions in
compressions (10 seconds or less) compressions (10 seconds or less)
• Avoiding excessive ventilation • Avoiding excessive ventilation
• Switching provddiac arrest with aiers • Chest compression fraction of at least
about every 2 minutes to avoid 60% but ideally greater than 80%
fatigue • Switch compressor about every 2
minutes or sooner if fatigued
• Use of audio and visual feedback
devices to monitor CPR quality
*When a feedback device is available,
adjust to a maximum depth of 2.4 inches [6
cm]) in adolescents and adults.
ACLS: Managing • For cardiac arrest with an advanced • For cardiac arrest with an advanced
the Airway airway in place, ventilate once every airway in place, ventilate once every 6
6 to 8 seconds seconds
Topic 2015
ACLS: Cardiac • Removed vasopressin from the Cardiac Arrest Algorithm
Arrest • Administer epinephrine as soon as feasible after the onset of cardiac arrest due to
an initial nonshockable rhythm
• Added Opioid-Associated Life-Threatening Emergency (Adult) Algorithm
• Healthcare providers tailor the sequence of rescue actions based on the presumed
etiology of the arrest. Moreover, ACLS providers functioning within a high-
performance team can choose the optimal approach for minimizing interruptions in
chest compressions (thereby improving chest compression fraction [CCF]). Use of
different protocols, such as 3 cycles of 200 continuous compressions with passive
oxygen insufflation and airway adjuncts, compression-only CPR in the first few
minutes after arrest, and continuous chest compressions with asynchronous
ventilation once every 6 seconds with the use of a bag-mask device, are a few
examples of optimizing CCF and high-quality CPR. A default compression-to-
ventilation ratio of 30:2 should be used by less-trained healthcare providers or if
30:2 is the established protocol.
• Consider using ultrasound during arrest to detect underlying causes (eg, PE)
• Extracorporeal CPR may be considered among select cardiac arrest patients who
have not responded to initial conventional CPR, in settings where it can be rapidly
• Consider administering intravenous lipid emulsion, concomitant with standard
resuscitative care, to patients who have premonitory neurotoxicity or cardiac arrest
due to local anesthetic toxicity or other forms of drug toxicity and who are failing
standard resuscitative measures
ACLS: Stroke • Endovascular therapy (treatment window up to 6 hours)
Acute Having a sudden onset and short course
Acute myocardial infarction The early critical stage of necrosis of heart muscle tissue caused by
(AMI) blockage of a coronary artery
Advanced cardiovascular Emergency medical procedures in which basic life support efforts of CPR
life support (ACLS) are supplemented with drug administration, IV fluids, etc
Atrial fibrillation In atrial fibrillation the atria “quiver” chaotically and the ventricles beat
Atrial flutter Rapid, irregular atrial contractions due to an abnormality of atrial excitation
Atrioventricular (AV) block A delay in the normal flow of electrical impulses that cause the heart to
Automated external A portable device used to restart a heart that has stopped
defibrillator (AED)
Basic life support (BLS) Emergency treatment of a victim of cardiac or respiratory arrest through
cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care
Capnography The measurement and graphic display of CO2 levels in the airways, which
can be performed by infrared spectroscopy
Cardiopulmonary A basic emergency procedure for life support, consisting of mainly manual
resuscitation (CPR) external cardiac massage and some artificial respiration
Coronary syndrome A group of clinical symptoms compatible with acute myocardial ischemia.
Also called coronary heart disease.
Coronary thrombosis The blocking of the coronary artery of the heart by a thrombus
Electrocardiogram (ECG) A test that provides a typical record of normal heart action
Endotracheal (ET) The passage of a tube through the nose or mouth into the trachea for
intubation maintenance of the airway
Esophageal-tracheal tube A double-lumen tube with inflatable balloon cuffs that seal off the
hypopharynx from the oropharynx and esophagus; used for airway
Hydrogen ion (acidosis) The accumulation of acid and hydrogen ions or depletion of the alkaline
reserve (bicarbonate content) in the blood and body tissues, decreasing
the pH
Hypothermia When the patient’s core body temperature is below 96.8°F (36°C)
Intraosseous (IO) Within a bone
Mild hypothermia When the patient’s core body temperature is between 93.2°F and 96.8°F
Moderate hypothermia When the patient’s core body temperature is from 86°F to 93.2°F
Nasopharyngeal Pertaining to the nose and pharynx
Oropharyngeal airway A tube used to provide free passage of air between the mouth and pharynx
Perfusion The passage of fluid (such as blood) through a specific organ or area of
the body (such as the heart)
Pulseless electrical activity Continued electrical rhythmicity of the heart in the absence of effective
(PEA) mechanical function
Recombinant tissue A clot-dissolving substance produced naturally by cells in the walls of
plasminogen activator blood vessels
Severe hypothermia When the patient’s core body temperature is below 86°F
Sinus rhythm The rhythm of the heart produced by impulses from the sinoatrial node
Synchronized cardioversion Uses a sensor to deliver a shock that is synchronized with a peak in the
QRS complex
Tachycardia Increased heartbeat, usually ≥100/min
Tamponade (cardiac) A condition caused by accumulation of fluid between the heart and the
pericardium, resulting in excess pressure on the heart. This impairs the
heart’s ability to pump sufficient blood.
Tension pneumothorax Pneumothorax resulting from a wound in the chest wall which acts as a
valve that permits air to enter the pleural cavity but prevents its escape
Unsynchronized shock An electrical shock that will be delivered as soon as the operator pushes
the shock button to discharge the defibrillator. Thus, the shock can fall
anywhere within the cardiac cycle.
Ventricular fibrillation (VF) Very rapid uncoordinated fluttering contractions of the ventricles
Ventricular tachycardia (VT) A rapid heartbeat that originates in one of the lower chambers (ventricles)
of the heart