Library Teacher Observation Form
Library Teacher Observation Form
Library Teacher Observation Form
The Springfield Public School System’s Library Teacher Performance will be based on the roles and responsibilities of
the Library Teacher presented in National and State standards and rubrics developed by the American Association of
School Librarians and the Massachusetts School Library Association.
An observer will determine if the standards are met by the Library Teacher and if the indicators do not meet (D), meet
(M), or exceed (E) expectations, not observable (NO), or not applicable (NA). Non-observable indicators will be
discussed at the pre and post observation conferences. A library teacher may be required to submit evidence for non-
observable indicators as may be necessary.
All non-observable indicators that would potentially lead to a Does Not Meet (D) in a principle must be indicated at the
2nd post observation conference.
The Library Teacher shall be provided with a copy of the observation form prior to the pre-observation conference.
Observable and/or measurable data to support any “Does not meet” determination for an indicator:
Recommendations for improvement for an indicator – must be observable and/or measurable:
A Professional Improvement Plan is attached to this Observation Form when a Library Teacher does not meet one of the
Principles of Effective Library Teaching.
________________________________________________ _____________________________
Observer’s Signature Date
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Library Teacher’s Signature Date
The Library Teacher’s signature does not necessarily indicate agreement with the contents of the Observation Form. The Library
Teacher has the right to make a written statement within 15 school days after the post-observation conference. Said statement shall
become part of the Final Evaluation Report. The teacher shall be provided with a copy of the observation form at the post observation