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Homework Practice and Problem-Solving Practice Workbook

Homework Practice
and Problem-Solving
Practice Workbook

Contents Include:
• 119 Homework Practice worksheets-
Visit us online at ISBN: 978-0-02-111968-4
MHID: 0-02-111968-6 one for each lesson

• 119 Problem-Solving Practice worksheets-

one for each lesson to apply lesson
concepts in a real-world situation
Homework Practice
and Problem-Solving
Practice Workbook
TO THE TEACHER These worksheets are the same ones found in the Chapter
Resource Masters for California Mathematics, Grade 4. The answers to these
worksheets are available at the end of each Chapter Resource Masters booklet.

Copyright © by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act, no part of
this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any
means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written
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ISBN: 978-0-02-111968-4
MHID: 0-02-111968-6 Homework Practice/Problem Solving Practice Workbook, Grade 4

Printed in the United States of America.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 HES 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Place Value and Number Sense 5-2 Algebra: Multiplication and
1-1 Place Value Through Hundred Division Properties ...........................................59
Thousands............................................................... 1 5-3 Multiply and Divide Facts
1-2 Place Value Through Millions ........................... 3 Through 5 ...........................................................61
1-3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Use 5-4 Problem-Solving Skill: Choose
the Four-Step Plan ............................................... 5 an Operation ......................................................63
1-4 Compare Whole Numbers ................................. 7 5-5 Multiply and Divide Facts
1-5 Order Whole Numbers........................................ 9 Through 10 .........................................................65
1-6 Round Whole Numbers ....................................11 5-6 Multiply with 11 and 12 ................................67
1-7 Problem-Solving Investigation: 5-7 Problem-Solving Investigation:
Choose a Strategy ..............................................13 Choose a Strategy ............................................69
Chapter 2 Addition and Subtraction 5-8 Multiply Three Numbers ................................71
2-1 Algebra: Addition Properties and 5-9 Factors and Multiples ......................................73
Subtraction Rules................................................15 5-10 Prime and Composite Numbers .................75
2-2 Estimate Sums and Differences .....................17 Chapter 6 Algebra: Use Multiplication and
2-3 Problem-Solving Skill: Estimate Division
or Exact Answer ..................................................19 6-1 Multiplication and Division
2-4 Add Numbers.......................................................21 Expressions ...........................................................77
2-5 Subtract Numbers .............................................23 6-2 Problem-Solving Strategy: Work
2-6 Problem-Solving Investigation: Backward ...............................................................79
Choose a Strategy ..............................................25 6-3 Order of Operations...........................................81
2-7 Subtract Across Zeros ........................................27 6-4 Solve Equations Mentally .................................83
Chapter 3 Algebra: Use Addition and 6-5 Problem-Solving Investigation:
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Subtraction Choose a Strategy ..............................................85

3-1 Addition and Subtraction 6-6 Algebra: Find a Rule ..........................................87
Expressions ...........................................................29 6-7 Balanced Equations ...........................................89
3-2 Solve Equations Mentally .................................31 Chapter 7 Multiply by One-Digit Numbers
3-3 Problem-Solving Skill: Extra 7-1 Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 ....................91
or Missing Information......................................33 7-2 Problem-Solving Skill:
3-4 Algebra: Find a Rule ..........................................35 Reasonable Answers .........................................93
3-5 Problem-Solving Investigation: 7-3 Use Rounding to Estimate Products.............95
Choose a Strategy ..............................................37 7-4 Multiply Two-Digit Numbers ...........................97
3-6 Balanced Equations ...........................................39 7-5 Problem-Solving Investigation:
Chapter 4 Statistics: Data and Graphs Choose a Strategy ..............................................99
4-1 Collect and Organize Data...............................41 7-6 Multiply Multi Digit Numbers ...................... 101
4-2 Find Mode, Median, and 7-7 Multiply Across Zeros ..................................... 103
Outliers...................................................................43 Chapter 8 Multiply by Two-Digit Numbers
4-3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Make 8-1 Multiply by Tens ............................................... 105
a Table ...................................................................45 8-2 Estimate Products............................................ 107
4-4 Line Plots...............................................................47 8-3 Problem-Solving Strategy:
4-5 Bar and Double Bar Graphs ............................49 Act it out ............................................................. 109
4-6 Problem-Solving Investigation: 8-4 Multiply Two-Digit Numbers ........................ 111
Choose a Strategy ..............................................51 8-5 Multiply Three-Digit Numbers
4-7 Interpret Line Graphs ........................................53 by Two-Digit Numbers ................................... 113
4-8 Analyze Graphs....................................................55 8-6 Problem-Solving Investigation:
Chapter 5 Multiplication and Division Facts Choose a Strategy ........................................... 115
5-1 Relate Multiplication and 8-7 Multiply Greater Numbers ............................ 117
Division ..................................................................57

Chapter 9 Divide by One-digit Numbers Chapter 13 Fractions
9-1 Division with Remainders ............................. 119 13-1 Parts of a Whole ............................................ 183
9-2 Divide Multiples of 10, 100, 13-2 Parts of a Set .................................................. 185
and 1,000 ........................................................... 121 13-3 Problem-Solving Strategy:
9-3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Draw a Picture ............................................... 187
Guess and Check ............................................. 123 13-4 Equivalent Fractions ..................................... 189
9-4 Estimate Quotients.......................................... 125 13-5 Simplest Form ................................................ 191
9-5 Two-Digit Quotients........................................ 127 13-6 Problem-Solving Investigation:
9-6 Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy ......................................... 193
Choose a Strategy ........................................... 129 13-7 Compare and Order Fractions .................. 195
9-7 Three-Digit Quotients ..................................... 131 13-8 Add and Subtract Like Fractions .............. 197
9-8 Quotients with Zeros ...................................... 133 13-9 Mixed Numbers ............................................. 199
9-9 Divide Greater Numbers................................ 135 Chapter 14 Decimals
Chapter 10 Geometry 14-1 Tenths and Hundredths .............................. 201
10-1 Solid Figures ................................................... 137 14-2 Relate Mixed Numbers and
10-2 Plane Figures .................................................. 139 Decimals .......................................................... 203
10-3 Problem-Solving Strategy: 14-3 Problem-Solving Strategy:
Look for a Pattern ......................................... 141 Make a Model ................................................ 205
10-4 Lines, Line Segments, and Rays ............... 143 14-4 Compare and Order Decimals .................. 207
10-5 Angles ............................................................... 145 14-5 Problem-Solving Investigation:
10-6 Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy ......................................... 209
Choose a Strategy ......................................... 147 14-6 Fraction and Decimal
10-7 Triangles ........................................................... 149 Equivalents ...................................................... 211
10-8 Quadrilaterals ................................................. 151 14-7 Decimals, Fractions and
10-9 Parts of a Circle ............................................. 153 Mixed Numbers ............................................. 213
Chapter 11 Geometry and Measurement Chapter 15 Decimals: Addition and

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

11-1 Geometry: Congruent .................................. 155 Subtraction
15-1 Round Decimals ............................................ 215
11-2 Geometry: Symmetry ................................... 157
15-2 Estimate Decimal Sums and
11-3 Measurement: Perimeter ............................ 159
Differences ...................................................... 217
11-4 Problem-Solving Strategy:
15-3 Problem-Solving Skill:
Solve a Simpler Problem ............................ 161
Work Backward .............................................. 219
11-5 Measurement: Area ...................................... 163
15-4 Add Decimals ................................................. 221
11-6 Problem-Solving Investigation:
15-5 Problem-Solving Investigation:
Choose a Strategy ......................................... 165
Choose a Strategy ......................................... 223
11-7 Measurement: Area of Complex
15-6 Subtract Decimals ......................................... 225
Figures .............................................................. 167
Chapter 16 Probability
Chapter 12 Algebra and Graphing
16-1 Probability and Outcomes ......................... 227
12-1 Negative Numbers ........................................ 169
16-2 Probability and Fractions ............................ 229
12-2 Find Points on a Grid ................................... 171
16-3 Problem-Solving Strategy:
12-3 Graph Ordered Pairs .................................... 173
Make an Organized List .............................. 231
12-4 Problem-Solving Strategy:
16-4 Find Probability .............................................. 233
Use Logical Reasoning ................................ 175
16-5 Problem-Solving Investigation:
12-5 Functions ......................................................... 177
Choose a Strategy ......................................... 235
12-6 Graph Functions ............................................ 179
16-6 Tree Diagrams ................................................ 237
12-7 Problem-Solving Investigation:
Choose a Strategy ......................................... 181

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.1
Place Value Through Hundred Thousands

Chapter Resources
Write each number in standard form.

1. three hundred twenty-six thousand, four hundred fifty-one.

2. one hundred forty-five thousand, two hundred thirty-seven.

Write each number in word form and expanded form.

3. 87,192

4. 413,750
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Complete the expanded form.

5. 91,765 = 90,000 + + 700 + +5

6. 798,054 = 700,000 = + 8,000 + +4

Write the value of each underlined digit.

7. 645,802 8. 271 ,385

Divide. (Previous Grade)

9. $10 ÷ 2 15. 7 
10. 16 ÷ 4 16. 5 

11. 9 ÷ 3 17. 3 


12. 25 ÷ 5 18. 9 


13. 8 ÷ 1 19. 7 


14. 36 ÷ 6 20. 8 


Grade 4 1 Chapter 1
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.1
Place Value Through Hundred Thousands


1. Michael says he has used 42,567 pencils since he started school.

Maria wants to be sure she heard the number correctly. Write
42,567 in word form and in expanded form for Maria.

2. Emily and Inez found a treasure map that shows the location of
gold coins. They want to show their friends how much gold they
can find. Write the number in standard form. 200,000 + 70,000 +
4,000 + 600 + 90 + 3

3. Javier and Nick want to start a dog-walking business after school.

They made 1,236 flyers to hand out around their neighborhood.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write the number in word form and in expanded form.

4. Union Township has a population of 172,650. What is the value of

the underlined digit?

5. Jan’s grandfather was a pilot. He estimates that he has flown

460,500 miles in his life. When Jan told her mother about this, Jan
said 406,500 miles. Jan’s mother said she should get her numbers
right. What mistake did Jan make? How can Jan fix it?

Grade 4 2 Chapter 1
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.1
Place Value Through Millions

Chapter Resources
Write each number in standard form.

1. four hundred thirty-two million, five hundred eighty-six thousand,

six hundred twelve.
2. nine hundred fifty-seven million, two hundred four thousand, three
hundred eighty-one.
Write each number in word form and expanded form.

3. 103,721,495

4. 682,364,518
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Write the value of each underlined digit.

5. 561,754,908 6. 498,749,013

7. 7,020,154 8. 398,216,045

Write the number in standard form. (Lesson 1-1)

9. two hundred forty-three thousand, seven hundred eighteen

10. six hundred ninety-five thousand, eighty-seven

Complete the expanded form.

11. 198,045 = 100,000 + 90,000 + + 40 +

12. 982,105 = 900,000 + + 2,000 + +5

Grade 4 3 Chapter 1
Name Date
1–2 4NS1.1
Problem-Solving Practice
Place Value Through Millions


1. Hannah read that 11,765,825 people saw the L.A. Lakers play last
season. Chris wants to be sure he heard the number correctly.
Write 11,765,825 in word form and in expanded form for Chris.

2. There are approximately 200,000,000 + 90,000,000 + 8,000,000 +

800,000 + 60,000 + 9,000 + 500 + 2 people living in the United
States. Write the number in standard form.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Approximately 37,124,871 people live in California. Write the
number in word form and in expanded form.

4. The pirate movie made $135,634,554 in one weekend. What is

the value of the underlined digit?

5. American car makers produce 5,650,000 cars each year. In a

report, Ben wrote that Americans made 6,550,000 cars. What
mistake did Ben make? How can he fix it?

Grade 4 4 Chapter 1
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the four-step plan.

1. Luis can ride his bike to school three different ways. When he goes
with Christina, it takes 22 minutes. When he goes with Devin, it
takes 17 minutes. When he goes by himself, it takes 12 minutes.
How much faster can Luis get to school when he rides by himself
than with Christina?

2. Marissa wants to buy her brother a present. The store has a $10
soccer ball, a $9 baseball bat, an $18 baseball glove, a $13 tennis
racket, and a $21 helmet. If Marissa has $15, which presents could
she buy?

3. Inez can carry 2 bags of groceries into her home with each trip
from the car. Her brother can carry the same amount. How many
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

trips will it take them to carry 28 bags of groceries?

4. Carlos wants to go to Happy Land Park with 4 friends at the end

of summer. Tickets are $18 for children. How much will it cost for
Carlos and his friends to go to Happy Land Park?

Write each number in standard form. (Lesson 1-2)

5. five hundred eighty-seven million, one hundred forty-two
thousand, eight hundred sixty-six

6. one hundred twenty million, five hundred seventy-four thousand,

two hundred seventy-five

Write the value of each underlined digit.

7. 316,113,276 8. 67,512,327

Grade 4 5 Chapter 1
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.2, 4NS1.1
Compare Whole Numbers

Chapter Resources
Compare. Use >, <, or =.

1. 1,347 1,317 8. 234,582 23,458

2. 5,781 5,872 9. 366,438 366,843

3. 8,091 8,901 10. 672,809 672,809

4. 11,654 1,654 11. 702,593 702,359

5. 77,215 77,215 12. 894,710 89,470

6. 97,604 96,407 13. 1,436,721 1,346,721

7. 111,280 112,800 14. 23,086,543 23,806,543

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15. 527,308,516 523,708,500

16. fifty-two thousand, four hundred sixty-seven 502,467

17. 800,000 + 60,000 + 400 + 60 + 2 97,642

18. four million, two hundred twelve thousand, thirty-two

4,000,000 + 9,000 + 50 + 9

19. 6,821,054 sixteen million, five hundred twelve thousand,

eight hundred fourteen

Solve. (Lesson 1-3)

20. Jake delivers 234 newspapers a week. Miranda delivers
477 newspapers a week. How many more newspapers does
Miranda deliver than Jake?

Grade 4 7 Chapter 1
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.2, 4NS1.1
Compare Whole Numbers


1. Charles is moving from Springfield, which has 482,653 people, to

Greenville, which has 362,987. Is he moving to a larger or smaller
city? Explain.

2. The Denver Mint made 2,638,800 pennies. The Philadelphia Mint

made 2,806,000 pennies. Which mint made more pennies?

3. About 450,000 people lived in Maryville in 2000. In 2005, about

467,000 people lived in Maryville. Did the number of people
living in Maryville get larger or smaller?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. In 1950, bike stores sold about 205,850 bikes. In 2000, bike
stores sold about 185,000 bikes. Is the number of bikes being sold
getting larger or smaller?

5. In 2000, about 290,000,000 cans of soda were sold each day. In

1970, about 65,000,000 cans were sold each day. Were more cans
of soda sold in 2000 or 1970? Explain.

6. Allison found out that the average American works about 2,100
hours a year. The average French worker works about 1,650 hours
a year. Who works more hours?

Grade 4 8 Chapter 1
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.2, 4NS1.1
Order Whole Numbers

Chapter Resources
Order the numbers from greatest to least.

1. 5,827; 5,628; 5,835; 5,725

2. 17,472; 18,451; 19,629; 17,784

3. 34,893; 37,230; 29,167; 38,173

4. 273,280; 267,902; 275,784; 270,562

5. 478,024; 478,165; 475,907; 477,281

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6. Christine is writing a report about the world’s largest animals.

Order these animals by weight from greatest to least to help her
decide which animal to write about first.
Blue whale: 418,878 lb African elephant: 11,023 lb
White rhinoceros: 4,850 lb Indian elephant: 8,818 lb

7. Nicole wants to learn more about the islands of the world. Order
these islands from greatest to least.
Borneo 287,300 mi Madagascar 227,000 mi
New Guinea 309,000 mi Greenland 839,999 mi

Compare. Use >, <, or =. (Lesson 1-4)

8. 907,654 987,421 9. 1,235,903 1,237,903

Grade 4 9 Chapter 1
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.2, 4NS1.1
Order Whole Numbers


1. For the state high school basketball tournament, the teams are
divided into groups based on the size of their high school. Order
these high schools from most students to least. Then name the
two teams that are from the largest high schools.

Fremont: 2,759 Kingsville: 1,865

Jefferson: 2,341 La Plata: 2,056

2. Madison wants to know which sports are most popular in

California. She reads a list that shows how many kids play each
sport. Order the sports from most players to least to help show
Madison which sports are popular.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Soccer: 3,875,026 Lacrosse: 900,765
Surfing: 250,982 Basketball: 2,025,351

3. Tyler wondered how many people voted in the United States

Presidential elections. He wants to know which year had the
fewest voters in the last four elections. Order the election years
from least to greatest number of voters.

2004: 122,295,345 1996: 96,456,345

2000: 105,586,274 1992: 104,405,155

4. Rosa’s science teacher challenged the class to reduce the amount

of electricity they used. First, students needed to find out how
much they were using. Order the students from who used the
most electricity to who used the least.

Rosa: 3,056 kwh Anna: 3,098 kwh

Austin: 3,125 kwh Robert: 3,105 kwh

Grade 4 10 Chapter 1
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.3
Round Whole Numbers

Chapter Resources
Round each number to the given place-value position.
1. 623; ten 9. 23,876; thousand
2. 435; ten 10. 31,098; thousand
3. 581; hundred 11. 44,872; ten thousand
4. 870; hundred 12. 65,281; ten thousand
5. 1,302; hundred 13. 124,830; ten thousand
6. 1,447; hundred 14. 237,524; hundred thousand
7. 2,398; thousand 15. 497,320; hundred thousand
8. 4,628; thousand 16. 1,567,438; hundred thousand
17. 2,802,746; hundred thousand
18. 3,458,321; thousand
19. 4,872,018; ten thousand
20. 6,873,652; thousand
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21. There are 572 beans in the jar. Carolina guesses there are
600 beans in the jar. Steven estimates there are 500 beans in the
jar. Rounding to the hundred, who estimated correctly?

Order from greatest to least. (Lesson 1-5)

22. 564; 623; 276

23. 3,560; 3,542; 3,498; 3,589

24. 64,890; 65,032; 64,217; 64,578

25. 213,093; 212,764; 213,570; 213,435

Grade 4 11 Chapter 1
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.3
Round Whole Numbers


1. Taipei 101 in Taiwan is 1,673 feet tall. How tall is this building
when rounded to the nearest hundred? the nearest thousand?

2. The Golden Gate Bridge spans about 4,224 feet. Brian says
the bridge spans about 4,000 feet. Samantha says it spans about
4,200 feet. Their teacher says they are both correct. How is
this possible?

3. The Lake Mead reservoir at the Hoover Dam covers 157,900 acres.
How large is Lake Mead rounded to the nearest hundred thousand?

4. Ricardo estimates there are 10,000 balls in the ball pit at the park.

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His father helps him count the 12,345 balls. Is Ricardo’s estimate
good if he rounds to the nearest ten thousand? Is it good if he
rounds to the nearest thousand? Explain.

5. Experts estimate that there are 500,000 leopards living in the wild. If
we were able to count all the leopards and found 527,863 leopards,
would the 500,000 estimate be a good estimate? Explain.

6. Gabriella has 15,467 coins she has collected from around the world.
Her friends asked her about how many coins were in her collection.
What would be a good answer for her to tell them? Explain.

Grade 4 12 Chapter 1
Name Date
1–7 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Homework Practice
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy shown below to solve. Tell which one you used.
• Use the four-step plan • Look for a pattern
• Draw a picture • Make a table

1. Alexis and Tyler are getting a dog. They like labradors,

golden retrievers, and dalmatians. Their mother said they
can get the smallest dog. The average labrador is 70 pounds.
The average golden retriever is 65 pounds. The average
dalmatian is 55 pounds. Which dog will Alexis and Tyler get?

2. Marisol sells candy bars to raise money for her softball team. Each
day she sells more. The first day she sells 5. The second day she
sells 6. The third day she sells 8. The fourth day she sells 11. The
fifth day she sells 15. The sixth day she sells 20. How many will
she sell on the tenth day?
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3. Erica was searching for her sunglasses. She walked 2 blocks north,
3 blocks south, 4 blocks east, and 3 blocks west. How many blocks
did she walk? How far is Erica from where she began her search?

4. Paige and her 3 friends want to go to the movies on Saturday. If

tickets are $6 each, how much will it cost for all 4 friends to go to
the movies?

Round each number to the given place-value position. (Lesson 1-6)

5. 4,563; hundred 9. 137,654; ten thousand

6. 7,412; hundred 10. 472,917; hundred thousand

7. 12,763; thousand 11. 2,348,915; thousand

8. 67,924; ten thousand 12. 4,712,634; ten thousand

Grade 4 13 Chapter 1
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.0
Algebra: Addition Properties and Subtraction Rules

Chapter Resources
Complete each number sentence. Identify the property or rule used.

1. 15 + 0 =

2. 6 + 13 = 13 +

3. -0=7

4. (5 + 3) + 7 = 5 + ( + 7)

5. 7 + 9 + 3 = 9 + 3 +
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6. 12 - = 12

Solve. (Lesson 1–7)

7. Alonso earns $6 each day walking his aunt’s dog. He is saving to
buy a mountain bike helmet for $24. How many days will Alonso
need to work to buy his mountain bike helmet?

8. Every night Anna reads for 10 minutes before going to sleep. How
many minutes does Anna read in 2 weeks?
9. Marta’s sunflower is 12 inches taller than her sister Vanessa’s
plant. If Vanessa’s plant is 4 inches tall, how tall is Marta’s

10. Sarah’s basketball games are 4 quarters that are each 12 minutes
long. Is it possible for Sarah to play 45 minutes in a game? How
do you know?

Grade 4 15 Chapter 2
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.0
Algebra: Addition Properties and Subtraction Rules


1. While bird watching, Gabrielle saw 6 robins, 4 cardinals, and 3

blue jays. Chase saw 3 robins, 6 blue jays, and 4 cardinals. Who
saw more birds?

2. For homework, Brooke has 15 math problems, 5 social studies

problems, and 9 science problems. Use mental math to determine
how many problems she has for homework. Tell what property
you used.

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3. Jose needs to leave in 85 minutes to go to a movie. Before he
leaves, he has to finish his homework, which takes 22 minutes;
clean his room, which takes 18 minutes; walk the dog, which
takes 35 minutes; and take out the trash, which takes 5 minutes.
Does Jose have enough time to do all of these before he leaves?
Find the sum mentally. Tell what property you used.

4. A soccer team scored 2 goals in the first half. If they won the
game by a score of 2 to 1, how many goals did they score in the
second half? Tell what property you used.

Grade 4 16 Chapter 2
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS2.1
Estimate Sums and Differences

Chapter Resources
Round to the indicated place value.
1. 4,854 + 8,138; hundreds 2. 7,327 - 2,678; tens

3. 8,752 + 3,269; thousands 4. 7,799 - 3,431; thousands

5. 436 - 218; tens 6. 9,118 + 1,615; hundreds

7. $163.18 + $387.69; tens 8. $442.87 - $259.14; hundreds

9. $6,841.18 + $2,152.69; thousands 10. $9,326.54 + $6,971.48; thousands

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

The table shows the driving distances between some major U.S. cities.

New York City, NY to Chicago, IL 800 miles

Chicago, IL to Los Angeles, CA 2,090 miles

11. Austin is planning a trip over summer vacation. About how many
miles will his family drive if they go from New York City to Chicago
and then to Los Angeles? Round your answer to the nearest hundred.

Complete each number sentence. Identify the property or rule

shown. (Lesson 2–1)

12. 25 - =0 13. 54 + = 54

14. 9 + 3 + 7 = 7 + 9 + 15. (12 + ) + 11 = 12 + (7 + 11)

Grade 4 17 Chapter 2
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS2.1
Estimate Sums and Differences


1. The parking lot in front of the school has 53 parking spaces.

The parking lot in the back of the school has 38 spaces. About
how many parking spaces are there? Round your answer to the
nearest ten.

2. A total of 691 people attended the school play. 521 people

attended the band concert. About how many more people
attended the play than the concert? Round your answer to the
nearest hundred.

3. A sweater costs $18.95. A skirt costs $32.35. About how much

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does a sweater and a skirt cost? Round your answer to the
nearest ten.

4. On Wednesday, 37 students played kickball. On Thursday,

28 students played kickball. About how many students played
kickball on Wednesday and Thursday? Round your answer to the
nearest ten.

5. The highest point in Texas, Guadalupe Peak, is 8,749 feet high.

The highest Point in California, Mount Whitney, is 14,494 feet high.
About how much higher is Mount Whitney then Guadalupe Peak?
Round your answer to the nearest thousand.

6. Christina spent $20.25 on 3 tickets to the fair. She also spent

$15.78 on food and $33.25 for the rides. About how much did
Christina spend at the fair? Round your answer to the nearest ten.

Grade 4 18 Chapter 2
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.5, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Skill

Chapter Resources
Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed.
Then solve.

1. Carlota is going to her friend’s house after her soccer game. It

takes her 18 minutes to shower and change clothes. Then it takes
her 31 minutes to get to her friend’s house. If her game is over at
2:00 p.m., about what time will she arrive at her friend’s house?

2. Monica and her family went to the movies on Saturday. Adult tickets
cost $7.50 and children’s tickets cost $4.25. How much did they
spend if they bought two adult tickets and one children’s ticket?

3. A minor league baseball team wanted to determine if they set

a new attendance record for a weekend. The first game had
an attendance of 13,209 people. The second game had an
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

attendance of 12,489 people. What was the combined attendance

for both games?

Estimate. Round to the nearest hundred. (Lesson 2–2)

4. 886 - 174 =

5. 612 + 914 =

6. 826 - 590 =

Estimate. Round to the nearest thousand.

7. 7,378 - 5,903 =

8. 22,358 - 14,699 =

9. 8,723 - 4,235 =

10. 2,799 + 11,089 =

Grade 4 19 Chapter 2
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.1
Add Numbers

Chapter Resources
Find each sum.
1. 651 5. 5,239
+ 274 + 2,794

2. $727.75 6. 169,748
+ $657.35 + 355,470

3. 219 7. $41.89
+ 566 + $54.32

4. 12,887 8. $2,991
+ 8,364 + $3,799
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Tell whether an estimate or an exact answer is needed. Then solve.

(Lesson 2–3)

9. John and his father are building a birdhouse. They need one
12-inch long piece of wood, one 17-inch long piece of wood, and
one 9-inch long piece of wood. How many inches of wood do
John and his father need to buy?

10. Mercedes and her mom spent $12.00 for tickets to a soccer game.
They also spent $16.87 on food and $23.36 on souvenirs. About
how much did they spend?

11. John wants to build a model car. The kit for the car costs $19.34,
glue costs $10.30, and paint costs $11.25. About how much money
does he need to build the car?

Grade 4 21 Chapter 2
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.1
Add Numbers


1. In 2003 the population of Cedar Park, Texas was 41,482 and the
population of College Station, Texas was 73,536. What was the
combined population of Cedar Park and College Station?

2. A school fundraiser made $877.21 on pizza sales and $487.36 on

wrapping paper sales. How much money did the fundraiser make?

3. A zoo has two elephants, Sally and Joe. Sally weighs 7,645 pounds
and Joe weighs 12,479 pounds. How much do Sally and Joe
weigh in all?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. In December, New York City had 3 inches of snow. In January and
February the city had 8 inches of snow each month. In March, the
city has 2 inches of snow. How many inches of snow fell during
December, January, February, and March?

5. At a library 1,324 children’s books, 1,510 fiction books, and

912 non-fiction books were checked out. How many books were
checked out of the library?

6. Colin spent 35 minutes mowing the lawn, 22 minutes trimming

the bushes, and 12 minutes watering the flowers. How long did it
take Colin to do the yard work?

Grade 4 22 Chapter 2
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.1
Subtract Numbers

Chapter Resources
Subtract. Use addition to check.
1. 940 3. $821.13 5. 9,516
- 271 - $569.74 - 7,228

2. $61.48 4. 644 6. 33,539

- $15.75 - 361 - 31,649

7. $98.54 - $52.79

8. 6,637 - 2,846
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


9. John Stennis was a senator from Mississippi. He was first elected

to the U.S. Senate in 1947. He served in the Senate until 1989.
How long was he a senator?

Find each sum. (Lesson 2–4)

10. 651 13. $39.12

+ 274 + $21.99

11. 9,446 14. $23.58

+ 4,187 + $9.65

12. 366 15. 41,927

+ 749 + 53,157

Grade 4 23 Chapter 2
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.1
Subtract Numbers


1. There are 635 people in the stadium when the football game
starts. Before the game is over, 213 people leave early. How many
people remained to see the end of the game?

2. Miranda buys lunch for herself and a friend for $13.57. If she
hands the cashier $20.17, how much change will she get back?

3. In 2006, it had been 230 years since the United States became
a nation. In what year did the United States become a nation?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Sierra took 83 free throws during the basketball season. If
she missed 34 of them, how many free throws did she make?

5. Alicia had $112.78 in her bank account. She bought a present for
her sister for $22.54 and a present for her brother for $24.69. How
much money does she have in her account now?

6. As a promotion, a minor league baseball team is giving out 1,250

free hats. If 2,359 people attended the game, how many did not
get a hat?

Grade 4 24 Chapter 2
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Tell whether an estimate or exact answer is needed. Then solve.

1. Thomas has 324 coins in his coin collection. Mia has 297 in her
coin collection. About how many do they have together?

2. Mrs. Ramirez bought sweaters for her children. She spent $23,
$28, and $34 on the sweaters. About how much did she spend on

3. Maya had $45. She bought a skirt for $25 and a book for $14. How
much money does she have left?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Fernando’s class has 25 students in it. Will’s class has 5 more than
Fernando’s. How many students does Will’s class have?

5. Niko has bought 7 pairs of socks in the last year. If each pair of
socks costs about $4, how much has he spent?

Find each difference. Use addition or estimation

to check. (Lesson 2–5)

6. 780 - 456

7. $45.90 - $33.99

8. 459 - 83

9. 1,405 - 222
10. $598.33 - $330.54

Grade 4 25 Chapter 2
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.1
Subtract Across Zeros

Chapter Resources
Subtract. Use addition to check.

1. 500 6. 3,300
- 360 - 1,892

2. 800 7. 8,000
- 279 - 6,313

3. $13.00 8. 3,000
- $6.37 - 1,811

4. 1,100 9. $140.00
- 628 - $108.92
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. 4,000 10. 9,000

- 1,731 - 5,281

Tell whether an estimate or exact answer is needed. Then solve.

(Lesson 2–6)

11. The flowers cost $9, the clay pot costs $29, and the bag of soil
costs $7. About how much does it cost to plant the flowers in all?

12. Jamal had 17 baseball cards. After he gave some of the cards to
his brother, he had 9 cards left. How many baseball cards did
Jamal give to his brother?

Grade 4 27 Chapter 2
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.1
Subtract Across Zeros


1. In a 90-minute soccer game Jorge played 72 minutes. How long

was he on the sideline?

2. If 700 tickets were sold to a concert and only 587 people

attended, how many people bought a ticket but did not go?

3. In a chess tournament, 400 players take part in the first round.

During the second round, 274 players take part. How many players
did not make the second round?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. The Amazon River is 4,000 miles long. The Snake River is 1,038 miles
long. How much longer is the Amazon River than the Snake River?

5. Logan has a gift card for $200. He spends $45.89 on Monday and
$61.30 on Tuesday. How much money is left on his gift card?

6. Luisa takes $75 to the amusement park. She spends $29.95 on a

ticket, $13.21 on food, and $22.78 on a T-shirt. How much money
does she have left?

Grade 4 28 Chapter 2
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.1
Addition and Subtraction Expressions

Chapter Resources
Find the value of each expression if y = 7 and b = 2.
1. y + 6 4. 14 - b 7. (y - 1) + 3

2. b + 8 5. y + 18 8. 19 - (b + 3)

3. y - 2 6. 12 + b 9. y + (14 - 9)

Write an expression for each situation.

10. four more than j
11. v minus fifteen

12. the sum of k and twelve

13. twenty-three subtracted from x

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write an expression for each situation. Then find the value of the
expression to answer the question.

14. John walks 5 minutes longer to school than Rosa. If Rosa walks
24 minutes to school, how long does John walk to school?

15. Caroline is 7 inches shorter than Kevin. Kevin is 56 inches tall.

How tall is Caroline?

Find each difference. (Lesson 2–7)

16. 200 − 106 = 19. $80.00 - $23.21 =

17. 6,000 − 3,265 = 20. 7,000 - 5,936 =

18. 500 - 483 = 21. 300 - 129 =

Grade 4 29 Chapter 3
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.1
Addition and Subtraction Expressions


1. Ming and Amy count the total number of beads they have. Ming
has 21 beads. Write an expression to show the total number of
beads that Ming and Amy have all together.

2. Julie has 16 paper clips. She gives away x number of paper clips.
Write an expression for the number of paper clips she has left.

3. Each week, Hector sends 2 E-mails to his friend Chet. He also

sends E-mails to other friends each week. Write an expression to
show how many E-mails Hector sends each week.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. George and his brother have a total of 8 CDs. If George has n CDs,
write an expression to show how many CDs his brother has.

5. Delia saves $2 from her weekly allowance. She also saves the
money she earns from delivering newspapers each week. Write
an expression to show her total weekly savings. If she earns $5
delivering newspapers this week, how much money does she save
in all this week?

Grade 4 30 Chapter 3
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.1
Solve Equations Mentally

Chapter Resources
Solve each equation mentally.

1. 3 + d = 11 6. 15 - r = 2

2. f + 4 = 10 7. 20 = t + 7

3. 13 - h = 4 8. 9 = w - 12

4. j - 2 = 19 9. 12 = 3 + z

5. 6 + m = 17 10. 17 - b = 4

Write and solve an equation for each situation.

11. A number plus 5 equals 13. What is the number?

12. Twelve less than a number equals 25. What is the number?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

13. The sum of 4 and a number is 27. What is the number?

14. Seven subtracted from a number is 15. What is the number?

Find the value of each expression if x = 6 and c = 4. (Lesson 3-1)

15. x + 3 18. 10 + c

16. c + 12 19. (x - 2) + 7

17. x - 5 20. 22 - (c + 3)

Write an expression for each situation.

21. seven more than d

22. w minus 12

23. the sum of f and seventeen

24. twenty-one subtracted from p

Grade 4 31 Chapter 3
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.1
Solve Equations Mentally

Write and solve an equation for each situation.

1. Tad had $10. He spent some of his money on a model car. If Tad
has $4 left, how much money did the model car cost?

2. A large puzzle costs $12. A small puzzle and a large puzzle

together cost $18. How much would you pay for 1 small puzzle?

3. Nadine bought some new CDs. She has 15 other CDs. She now
has 20 CDs. How many CDs did she buy?

4. Emma collected 18 rocks. She gave some to her sister. Emma has
12 rocks left. How many rocks did she give her sister?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. Tony rented some movies. He watched 2 movies over the
weekend. He has 6 movies left. How many movies did Tony

6. Kameko scored 12 points in the first half of a basketball game.

At the end of the game, he had a total of 25 points. How many
points did Kameko score in the second half of the game?

7. Laura planted 20 flowers in her garden. A rabbit ate some of the

flowers. Laura has 11 flowers left. How many flowers did the
rabbit eat?

Grade 4 32 Chapter 3
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4AF1.1
Problem-Solving Skill

Chapter Resources
Identify any missing or extra information. Then solve if possible.

1. At the kennel, the staff walks each dog 2 times per day. They walk
3 dogs at a time. How many dogs do they take for a walk each

2. Each week, Michelle will invite 1 girl from her class to come home
with her. There are 17 boys in her class and 16 (including Michelle)
girls. How many weeks will it take to invite every girl in her class?

3. Patrick loves vegetables. Every day for school he packs a small bag
of carrots, a small bag of celery, and a small bag of broccoli. He
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

also likes apple juice. How many small bags of vegetables does
Patrick bring to school in a week?

4. Nicole wants to buy a turkey sandwich, chips, and a bottle of

water for lunch. She has $5.00 with her. Does she have enough?

Solve each equation mentally. (Lesson 3-2)

5. 5 + d = 9 10. 22 - r = 7

6. f + 7 = 20 11. 24 = t + 6

7. 16 - h = 5 12. 12 = w - 11

8. j - 7 = 12 13. 9 = 4 + z

9. 5 + m = 14 14. 18 = 11+ t
Grade 4 33 Chapter 3
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.5
Algebra: Find a Rule

Chapter Resources
Complete the input/output table for each equation.

1. 2.

Rule: e + 7 = f Rule: g - 4 = h
Input (e) Output (f ) Input (g) Output (h)

Input (s) Output (f ) 3. A dance studio offers lessons to

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

students. It costs $25 to rent the

2 $27 studio plus $1 per student. Use
4 $29 the table to write an equation for
this situation.
4. Find how much it will cost if 6, 8,
and 10 students take lessons.

Identify any missing or extra

information. Then solve if possible. (Lesson 3-3)

5. Every day Pedro wears a different baseball cap to school. He has

red hats, black hats, and blue hats. How many weeks will it take
for him to wear all of his hats?

Grade 4 35 Chapter 3
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.5
Algebra: Find a Rule

The table shows how many people will be going on a field trip.

Input (s) Output ( p)

25 29
27 31
29 33

1. Jessica’s class is going on a field trip. The school will bring all the
students who are there that day plus 4 chaperones. Use the table
to write an equation for this situation.
2. Find how many people will go if there are 31 and 33 students

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Write a new equation if the school will bring the students and
6 chaperones.

4. Create a table for the new equation. How many people will go if
35 students go on the trip?

Input (s) Output ( p)

Grade 4 36 Chapter 3
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy shown below to solve. Tell which strategy
you used.
• Draw a picture • Make a table
• Look for a pattern

1. Allison can read 4 pages of her book in 8 minutes. How many

minutes will it take her to read 16 pages of her book?


2. Richard can clean his room in 22 minutes. Corey can clean

his room in 25 minutes, and Brooke can clean her room in 21
minutes. If they have to clean their rooms twice a week, how
many minutes do all three spend cleaning their rooms each week?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


3. Complete the number pattern.

45, 43, 42, 40, 39, , , ,


Create an input/output table for each equation. (Lesson 3-4)

4. e + 5 = f 5. g – 8 = h

Rule: e + 5 = f Rule: g - 8 = h
Input (e) Output (f ) Input (g) Output (h)

Grade 4 37 Chapter 3
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF2.1
Balanced Equations

Chapter Resources
Find the missing number in each equation.

1. 7 + 5 = 7 + 5. 36 + 3 = 20 + 16 +

2. 12 + 9 = 12 + 6. 27 + 6 = 15 + 12 +

3. 15 + 6 = 4 + 11 + 7. 48 + 4 = 22 + 26 +

4. 20 + 8 = 13 + 7 + 8. 16 + 9 = 8 + +9

9. Tyrone spins a spinner numbered 0 through 5. He spins a 3 and

a 5 for a total of 8 points. Gloria spins a 5 on her first try. What
number does Gloria need to spin to get a total equal to Tyrone?
10. Bonnie earned $14 and $18 dollars the last two times she babysat.
Kara earned $10 and $4 the last two times she babysat. How
much more money does Kara need to earn to equal the total

amount Bonnie earned?

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Use any strategy shown below to solve. Tell which strategy you
used. (Lesson 3-5)

• Draw a picture
• Look for a pattern
• Make a table
11. Sarah can make 4 sandwiches in 10 minutes. If Sarah needs to
make 16 sandwiches for a picnic, how long will it take her?

12. Josh, Kayla and Anthony are volunteering at the pool for the summer.
Josh can fold 3 towels in 10 minutes. Kayla can fold 5 towels in 10
minutes, and Anthony can fold 7 towels in 10 minutes. If they all fold
towels together, how many towels can they fold in one hour?

Grade 4 39 Chapter 3
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF2.1
Balanced Equations

The table below shows the price of David’s favorite activities.

Activity Price
skate park $4
movies $9
go-carts $13
pizza dinner $17
amusement park $34

1. The sum of going to the skate park and go-carting equals the price
of another activity. Write an equation for this situation.

2. David picks a movie and pizza dinner. His friend picks a movie and
go-carts. Write an equation for this situation. Tell if it balanced.

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The table below shows how many students voted for each

Activity Number of Votes

kickball 12
pizza lunch 15
extra recess 20
art time 8

3. The difference in votes between extra recess and art time equals
the votes for another activity. Write an equation for this situation.

4. One class votes 6 for kickball and 14 for pizza. Another class votes
7 for art time and 11 for extra recess. Write the equation for this
situation. Tell whether the equation is balanced.

Grade 4 40 Chapter 3
Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP1.1
Collect and Organize Data

Chapter Resources
Organize the set of data in a tally chart.

1. While Ryan waited for his bus, he watched cars go by and

recorded the color of the cars. Here is what he saw.

Color of cars: red, white, blue, white, tan, red, tan, blue, red, tan,
blue, white, tan, red, tan, white, tan, tan, white, tan, blue, tan, blue,
white, blue, tan

Color of Cars
Color Tally
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Organize the set of data in a frequency table.

2. Alyssa records what her friends say is their favorite day of the
school week. Place this information in a frequency table.

Day Votes Day Votes


Find the missing number in each equation. (Lesson 3–6)

3. 8 + 3 + 9 = 8 + 6. 16 + 8 = 7 + 9 +

4. 4 + 16 = 8 + 8 + 7. 18 + 6 = 5 + 13 +

5. 9 + 10 = 9 + 6 + 8. 19 + 5 = 11 + 8 +

Grade 4 41 Chapter 4
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP1.1
Collect and Organize Data
Solve. Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.

1. Make a tally chart for the number of students in the third-, fourth-,
and fifth-grade classes: 26, 25, 27, 27, 26, 28, 27.

2. Use the data in your tally chart from Exercise 1. Which class size is
most common?

3. Make a tally chart and a frequency table for the number of books
read by students during the summer: 4, 5, 7, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 5, 3.
How many students took part in this survey?

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4. If another student is added to the survey and says she read 7
books, how would you change your tally chart and frequency table
to show this?

5. Make a tally chart and a frequency table for the data showing
amount of time it takes students to do their homework: 35
min., 1 hour, 1__
hours, 45 min., 60 min., 30 min., 45 min., 90
min., 2 hour. According to your frequency table, what is the
longest time it takes the students to do their homework?

6. What is the difference between the greatest amount of time and

the least amount of time spent doing homework?

Grade 4 42 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP1.2
Find Mode, Median, and Outliers

Chapter Resources
Find the mode and median of the set of data. Identify any

1. Movie ticket prices

Theaters Plex Multi Cine Matinee Center Theater Main

Price $8 $9 $9 $9 $8 $7 $6

Mode: Median: Outlier:

2. Scores in basketball games

Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Score 45 57 62 59 57 55 60

Mode: Median: Outlier:

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Organize the data in a tally chart and a frequency table.

(Lesson 4–1)

3. Katherine watched students choose lunch from among four

choices. Here is what she saw. Make a tally chart and frequency
table of Katherine’s data.

Lunch Choices: pizza, salad, taco, pizza, sandwich, salad, taco, taco,
pizza, taco, sandwich, taco, salad, pizza, taco, sandwich, salad, taco,
pizza, taco, salad, pizza, sandwich, taco, pizza, taco, salad, taco, pizza

Lunch Tally Frequency Table:

Grade 4 43 Chapter 4
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP1.2
Find Mode, Median, and Outliers

Normal Temperatures in January (ºF)

Texas Nebraska Minnesota Michigan Illinois
43 21 12 23 21
Oklahoma S. Dakota Iowa Indiana Missouri
36 22 19 26 26
Kansas N. Dakota Wisconsin Ohio Arkansas
25 9 20 26 39

Use data from the table to solve.

1. Find the median and the mode of the data.

2. What is the difference between the greatest temperature and the

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

least temperature?

3. Which three states have the same normal temperature in January?

4. Are there any outliers in this data? Explain.

5. Find the median and mode for the five states with
the lowest temperature.

6. Find the median and mode for the five states with
the highest temperature.

Grade 4 44 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the make a table strategy.

1. Rosa knits sweaters to sell. Each sweater takes 4 balls of yarn.

How many balls of yarn will she need to make 8 sweaters?

2. Each ball of yarn costs $6. How much money will Rosa earn selling
all 28 sweaters if she sells each sweater for $35? Remember, she
has to pay for the yarn she used to make the sweaters.
3. Josh is a photographer. For every 7 pictures he takes, he has one
portrait he can sell for $15. If Josh made $180 selling portraits,
how many photographs did he take?
4. Hannah practices her gymnastics routine 12 times at each practice.
If she practices 5 days a week, about how many times does
Hannah practice her routine in 4 weeks?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Find the mode and median of the set of data. Identify any outliers.
(Lesson 4-2)

5. Students absent because of the flu

Month Students
September 25
October 125
November 125
December 175
January 175 Mode:
February 225 Median:
March 175 Outlier:
6. Average travel time to school

Student Javier Daniel Lourdes Kayla William Amber Kyle Mode:

Time 10 15 10 20 10 20 40 Median:

Grade 4 45 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP1.3, 4SDAP1.2
Line Plots

Chapter Resources
Organize each set of data in a line plot.

1. Number of books checked out per 2. Number of homeruns hit per game.
person at the library.

Number of Game Homeruns

People 1 3
2 3 2 2
3 2 3 0
4 2 4 1
5 1 5 3
10 1 6 2
7 2
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Identify the mode, median, and any outliers for the data set.

3. Number of books checked out per person.

Mode: Median: Outlier:

4. Number of homeruns hit per game.

Mode: Median: Outlier:

Solve. (Lesson 4-3)

5. Aaron is selling popcorn to raise money for the band. He sells

1 box of popcorn for every 3 houses he visits. How many houses
will he need to visit to sell 9 boxes of popcorn?

6. Kimberly babysits 3 hours on weekends. For every 3 hours she

works, she earns $25. If she wants to earn $165, how many
weekends must she work?

7. If Kimberly starts working 5 hours on weekends and earns $42,

how many weekends must she work to earn the $165?

Grade 4 47 Chapter 4
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP1.3, 4SDAP1.2
Line Plots

Jennifer wants to know how hard her friends thought the extra credit
math problem was. She asked them how many tries it took them to
solve the problem. She made a chart of her information.

Friends Answer
Dylan 3
Allison 5
Jose 12
Olivia 4
Jesse 6
Chelsea 4
Logan 6
Maria 7
Trevor 4

1. Organize the data in a line plot.

2. How many tries was the most common answer?
3. What was the median number of tries?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. One friend’s answer was very different from the other friends. How
many tries did the one very different friend take?
Hunter wants to know how old his classmates were when they learned
how to swim. He took a survey and made a chart of his data:

2 3 4 5 6 7 10
5. What age was the most common age to learn to swim?
6. What ages had the same number of students learn to swim?

7. What age was very different from all the other students’ ages?

Grade 4 48 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP1.3
Bar and Double Bar Graphs

Chapter Resources
For Exercises 1–3, use the bar graph below.

This graph shows the number of students using the school gym
after school.
Students Using School Gym
Number of Students

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
Day of Week

1. Which day had the most number of students using the gym?

2. Did more girls or boys use the gym after school?

3. Estimate how many boys used the gym.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Organize the set of data in a line plot. (Lesson 4-4)

4. Number of books checked out per person at the library.
Number of Books People
4 8
6 6
7 6
8 6
19 1

Identify the mode, median, and any outliers for the data set.
5. Number of books checked out per person.


Grade 4 49 Chapter 4
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP1.3
Bar and Double Bar Graphs
For Exercises 1–2, use the bar graph below.
Class Election Results
Number of Votes

Josh Ada Megan Roger Liam
1. How many more votes did Josh get than Roger? Explain how you


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2. How many votes did Ada and Roger get? Explain how you know.

Use a separate sheet of paper to make a bar graph. Then solve.

3. Maurice made a bar graph to show the number of people wearing

sneakers, boots, and regular shoes in his classroom. Fifteen
students are wearing sneakers. Eight are wearing regular shoes,
and six students are wearing boots. Make a bar graph to show the
data. How many students are in Maurice’s class?

4. Betina looked at Maurice’s bar graph. She guessed that the

number of students who are wearing regular shoes and boots is
greater than the number of students wearing sneakers. Is Betina’s
guess correct?


Grade 4 50 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS2.1
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy shown below to solve. Tell what strategy
you used.

• Draw a picture • Look for a pattern • Make a table

1. Each night, Sabrina spends 15 minutes more doing homework

than her sister Tiffany. If Tiffany spends 50 minutes in a 5-day
week doing homework, how many minutes does Sabrina spend
doing homework in that same week?

2. Caleb is organizing his shirts. He is following a pattern: white,

blue, white, red, white, blue… What color is next if this pattern

3. Corey has 56 people to whom he would like to send a card. If the

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

cards come in packages of 6, how many packages does he need

to buy?

For Exercises 4-6, use the graph shown.

(Lesson 4–5)

World’s Longest Rivers




Huang He



4. Which river is the longest?

5. About how long is the Yangtze River?

6. Estimate the difference in length between the Nile and the

Amur Rivers.
Grade 4 51 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP1.3
Interpret Line Graphs

Chapter Resources
For Exercises 1–5, use the graph that shows the number of
students completing their homework.

Completed Homework

Number of Students





1. On what day did the greatest number of students complete their


2. How many students completed their homework on Tuesday?

3. On what day did the least number of students complete their

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. How many more students completed their homework on Monday
than on Wednesday?
5. What is the total number of students completing their homework
on Tuesday and Friday?

Use any strategy shown below to

solve. Tell what strategy you used (Lesson 4–6).
• Look for a Pattern • Draw a Picture • Make a Table

6. Emma can borrow tables for her party. Each table can seat 6
guests. If she invites 45 people, how many tables will she need?


7. The Pizza Palace sells 2 pizza slices for $3.00, 3 pizza slices for $4.50,
and 4 pizza slices for $6.00. At this rate, what is the cost of 1 slice of

pizza? Strategy:

Grade 4 53 Chapter 4
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP1.3
Interpret Line Graphs

For Exercises 1–2, use the line graph.

Attendance at Drama Club Meetings
Number of Students





1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10

1. Use the line graph to answer this question. What is the

greatest number of students at Drama Club meetings? least?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. The first meeting on the line graph was the first Monday in January.
Did attendance decrease or increase after the beginning of the year?

Use a separate sheet of paper to make a line graph. Then solve.

Make a line graph of the data. Title it, “Days Jon Practiced Piano.”

Month Days Practiced

July 17
August 15
September 12
October 13
November 12
December 19

3. During which month did Jon practice the greatest number of days?

4. During which two months did Jon practice the fewest number of days?

Grade 4 54 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP1.3, 4SDAP1.1
Analyze Graphs

Chapter Resources
For Exercises 1–4, use the bar graph.

Pizzas Sold by Ronaldo’s


Number of Pizzas
20 Pizzas





Days of the Week

1. Which day did Ronaldo’s sell the most pizzas?

2. How many pizzas were sold on Thursday?

3. What was the total number of pizzas sold on Monday and

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. How many more pizzas were sold on Saturday than Wednesday?

For Exercises 5–8, use the graph. (Lesson 4–7).

Number of Bus Riders

Number of Riders












Hour of Day

5. Which hour had the greatest number of riders?

6. How many people rode the bus at 3:00?

7. Which two hours had a combined 125 riders?

8. How many more people rode the bus at 7:00 than at 10:00?

Grade 4 55 Chapter 4
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP1.3, 4SDAP1.1
Analyze Graphs

Determine the best graph to show the data.

1. You ask your friends about their favorite kinds of books. You want
to show the data. Should you make a bar graph or a line plot?

2. Your family takes a vacation. You write down the number of miles
you drive each day. Then, you want to make a graph that shows
this data. Should you make a line graph or a line plot?

3. You want to make a graph of your math test scores. Choose the
best type of graph for the data. Explain your choice.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. You want to make a graph that shows the number of times you
have ridden your bicycle in the last six weeks. Choose the best
type of graph for the data. Explain your choice.

5. Julio wants to make a graph that shows the profits from his paper
route during the past year. Which type of graph should he make?
Explain why.

6. Kim wants to make a graph that shows the scores of her softball
team’s games and the scores of the teams they have played this
season. Which is the best type of graph to make for the data?
Explain why.

Grade 4 56 Chapter 4
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS3.0
Relate Multiplication and Division

Chapter Resources
Write a fact family for each set of numbers.

1. 3, 6, 18 2. 2, 5, 10

3. 3 × = 21 21 ÷ 7 =

7× = 21 21 ÷ 3 =

Divide. Use a related multiplication fact.

4. 25 ÷ 5 = 6. 56 ÷ 8 =

5. 72 ÷ 9 = 7. 42 ÷ 7 =
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Use the line graph below to answer Exercises 8 and 9.

Fruit Smoothies Sold
Number of Smoothies


July Aug.Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
8. What two months does the Fruit Smoothie Store have the most

9. How many more fruit smoothies were sold in September than

in December?

Grade 4 57 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS3.0
Relate Multiplication and Division


1. Min has 10 photos. She separates them into 2 equal groups. How
many photos are in each group?

2. Kara has 12 photos. She wants to put an equal number of photos

on each of 3 pages. How many photos should she put on each

3. Carl took 48 photos on his camping trip. He wants to put an equal

number of photos on 8 pages of his photo album. How many
photos should he put on each page?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Eduardo has 63 photos of his friends. He wants to give an equal
number of photos to 7 of his friends who are in the pictures. How
many photos will each friend get?

5. Helena has a box of 78 family photos and a photo album with

10 pages. How many photos must she fit onto each page of the
album to keep all of the family photos in one album?

Grade 4 58 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.0
Algebra: Multiplication and Division Properties

Chapter Resources
Identify the property shown by each number sentence.

1. 5 × (2 × 4) = (5 × 2 ) × 4

2. 8 ÷ 8 = 1

3. 33 × 1 = 33

Complete each number sentence. Identify each property shown.

4. 5 ÷ =1
5. 9 × 8 = 8 ×

6. ÷ 12 = 0
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Complete each fact family. (Lesson 5-1)

7. 6×5=
5× = 30

30 ÷ 5 =

30 ÷ 6 =

Divide. Use a related multiplication fact.

8. 20 ÷ 2 =

9. 72 ÷ 9 =

10. 42 ÷ 7 =

Grade 4 59 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.0
Algebra: Multiplication and Division Properties


1. Multiply. 3 × 5 =

Then use the Commutative Property to write a different

multiplication sentence.

2. Multiply. 6 × 8 =

Then use the Commutative Property to write a different

multiplication sentence.

3. There are 3 balls in a can of tennis balls. Write a multiplication

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

sentence to show how many balls are in 4 cans.

4. Karly has 2 model cars that are blue. She has 2 model cars that
are red. She has 2 model cars that are silver. Write a multiplication
sentence to show how many model cars she has.

5. Inga has 3 packs with 2 pens in each pack. She has 2 packs with
3 pencils in each pack. Write two multiplication sentences to show
how many pens and pencils she has.

6. Ellie is using beads to make 7 bracelets. She puts 9 beads on 4 of

the bracelets. She puts 8 beads on 3 of the bracelets. How many
beads does she use?

Grade 4 60 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0
Multiply and Divide Facts Through 5

Chapter Resources
Multiply or divide.

1. 4 × 4 5. 10 × 4 9. 3 ÷ 1

2. 2 × 6 6. 2 × 3 10. 12 ÷ 4

3. 5 × 1 7. 7 × 2 11. 8 ÷ 2

4. 0 × 7 8. 4 × 5 12. 15 ÷ 3

ALGEBRA Complete each number sentence.

13. × 2 = 16 15. ÷5=4

14. 3 × 5 = 16. 33 ÷ =3
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Complete each number sentence. Identify the property shown.

(Lesson 5-2)

17. 5 × (2 × 7) = (5 × )×7

18. ÷ 11 = 0

19. 8 × =8

20. 2 × 7 = 7 ×

Grade 4 61 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.0
Multiply and Divide Facts Through 5


1. If you have 5 four-wheel trucks, how many total wheels are there?

2. If there are 4 books to a set and you have 5 sets, how many
books do you have?

3. There were 4 schools that each had 7 classes attend a seminar.

How many total classes were there?

4. There are 3 students on each relay team. How many teams would
15 students make?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. If 2 boys each make 12 muffins for a bake sale, and there are
2 other people making 12 muffins each, how many total muffins
will be for sale?

6. If you have a class of 24 children, how many groups of 4 can you


7. If you have a class of 35 students, how many groups of 5 can

you make?

8. A teacher gave out 10 stickers a week for 4 weeks. How many

stickers did she give away?

Grade 4 62 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Skill

Chapter Resources
Practice the Strategy
Tell which operation you would use to solve each problem. Then solve.

1. Alejandro works at a soup kitchen each week. He works for

3 hours at a time. How many hours does he work in 12 weeks?

2. There are 4 acrobats in the circus act. If they each have 5 routines,
how many routines do they perform altogether?

3. Mario collects baseball cards. If he buys 4 cards a week, how

many total cards will he have after 8 weeks?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Ann invited 4 friends over to play. They made muffins for a snack.
If they made 40 muffins to divide evenly, how many will each

person have?

5. Rob bought the three items below. If he paid with three $10 bills,

how much change will he get back?

Item Cost
Swimsuit $12.95
Goggles $5.95
Towel $8.95

Multiply or divide. (Lesson 5-3)

6. 6 × 4 = 8. 8 × 4 = 10. 7 × 5 =

7. 15 ÷ 5 = 9. 18 ÷ 3 = 11. 3 × 4 =
Grade 4 63 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR3.2, 4NS3.0
Multiply and Divide Facts Through 10

Chapter Resources
Multiply or divide.

1. 8 × 2 2. 42 ÷ 7
3. 7 × 7 4. 72 ÷ 8
5. 6 
60 6. 5 
7. 3 
21 8. 100 ÷ 10
9. 4 
40 10. 50 ÷ 10

11. 10 12. 10 13. 5 14. 8 15. 6

×7 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×3
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Solve. (Lesson 5-4)

16. You buy 3 tickets to a park, but you end up inviting 7 friends to
go. Each ticket is good for 2 people. How many more tickets do
you need to buy?

17. Jessica downloads 3 songs each week. If she has 24 songs, how
many months has she been downloading songs?
(Remember: 4 weeks = 1 month)

18. Look back over this page and circle every number that has a 0 in
the ones place. Draw a box around every number with a 4 in the
tens place.

Grade 4 65 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MR3.2, 4NS3.0
Multiply and Divide Facts Through 10


1. If you have 8 dogs, how many total legs are there? How many
total eyes and ears?

2. If you have 4 pens to a set and you have 9 sets, how many pens
do you have altogether?

3. There were 4 siblings that each visited the dentist twice a year.
How many total times did they visit the dentist in 7 years? 8 years?
10 years?

4. There are 5 kids on each relay team. How many teams would
35 kids make?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. If the boys make 7 toy cars to sell at a fundraiser for $5 each, how
much money will they raise?

6. If you have a belt that is 10 inches long, how long would

7 belts be?

7. If you have a basket of 9 strawberries, and you pick 5 more

baskets with the same amount, how many berries are there

8. If you have 8 toy dinosaurs in a box, and you have 5 boxes, how
many total toy dinosaurs do you have?

Grade 4 66 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR3.3, 4NS3.0
Multiply with 11 and 12

Chapter Resources
Multiply or divide.
1. 11 × 6 2. 12 ÷ 3 3. 5 

4. 3 × 12 5. 44 ÷ 4 6. 12 

7. 5 × 11 8. 99 ÷ 9 9. 11 

10. 12 × 8 11. 96 ÷ 12 12. 5 


13. 11 14. 11
×5 ×3
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15. 12 16. 12
×2 ×9


17. Consuela has 95 people invited to her family reunion. Each table
can hold 12 people. How many tables will be needed?

18. Juanita is painting a fence. She is painting 12 boards an hour. How

many hours will it take her to paint 108 boards?

Multiply or divide. (Lesson 5-5)

19. 12 ÷ 6 = 21. 7 × 2 = 23. 18 ÷ 3 =

20. 4 × 5 = 22. 30 ÷ 6 = 24. 6 × 4 =

Grade 4 67 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MR3.3, 4NS3.0
Multiply with 11 and 12

Multiply or divide.

1. How many legs do 11 dogs have?

2. If you have 11 backpacks with 5 books in each one, how many

total books are there?

3. There were 4 math tutors who each had 12 students to tutor in a

day. How many students did they see altogether?

4. You have 11 packs of gum. Each pack has 8 sticks of gum. How
many sticks of gum do you have in all?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. For every 12 cans you recycle, you receive $0.50. If your family
collected 144 cans, how much money would you receive?

6. If you measure a room that is 11 feet × 12 feet, how many total

square feet are there?

7. If you have a basket of 11 blueberries and you pick 8 more

baskets with the same amount, how many berries are there

8. You have 12 model cars in a box. If you have 3 boxes, how many
total cars do you have?

Grade 4 68 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Solve. Tell the strategy that you used.

1. Jayden has read 22 pages of the newspaper. Adrian has read

42 pages. How many pages have they read altogether?

2. Sergio was building a model plane. It took 6 days to build the

model. If he worked for 4 hours a day, how many total hours did
he take to complete the model? What if it took 7 days? 8 days?

3. If there are 24 pieces of popcorn in a serving, and you eat

72 pieces, how many total servings have you consumed?

How many pieces of popcorn will you need for 4 people allowing
1 serving per person?
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4. Catalina, Jose, and Diego went to get a pizza. If they spent $18
altogether and they split the bill evenly, what did they each pay?

Multiply or divide. (Lesson 5-6)

5. 60 ÷ 5 = 8. 24 ÷ 12 =
6. 4 × 11 = 9. 33 ÷ 3 =
7. 7 × 12 = 10. 9 × 12 =

11. A school bus can fit 4 passengers in each row. If you have a bus
with 12 rows, how many students can fit on it?

12. Look back over this page. Circle all the answers on this page that
are less than 20.

Grade 4 69 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.0
Multiply Three Numbers

Chapter Resources

1. 5 × 2 × 7 7. 7 × 2 × 6

2. 8 × 3 × 2 8. 9 × 4 × 2

3. 4 × 2 × 5 9. 10 × 12 × 1

4. 5 × 3 × 4 10. 6 × 2 × 5

5. 6 × 3 × 1 11. 5 × 4 × 2

6. 4 × 2 × 4 12. 0 × 12 × 1

ALGEBRA Copy and complete each number sentence.

13. 4 × × 8 = 64 17. 5 × 3 × 4 =

14. 2 × 4 × = 80 18. 10 × 11 × =0
15. 4 × × 5 = 60 19. 5 × 1 × 4 =
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16. 3 × 3 × = 72 20. 10 × 5 × = 100

21. If you walk 3 miles a day 3 days a week, how many miles will you

walk in 9 weeks?

Use the make a table strategy or choose an operation to solve

each problem. (Lesson 5-7)

22. Donas earned 267 points on the first level of a video game.
He earned 38 more points on the second level than the
first. How many total points did Donas earn after two levels?

23. A boat can fit 2 passengers in each row. How many people can fit

in a boat with 8 rows?

24. If you and 3 friends go to a movie and pay $36 for your tickets,

how much do you each pay?

Grade 4 71 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.0
Multiply Three Numbers


1. If you have a pet snake that eats 2 times a week, how many times

will you feed it in 6 weeks?

2. A teacher wants to buy 4 new basketballs for each class in

2 schools. Each school has 4 elementary classes and 5 middle-
school classes. How many basketballs does the teacher need

to buy?

3. Jose rides 5 miles on his bike one way to school. How many miles

will he ride in 10 days to and from school?

4. If 8 people fit in a row on an airplane, and there are 12 rows, how

many people would fit into the plane?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. A boat can carry 6 people and allows 2 suitcases per person. How
many suitcases can 4 boats hold?

6. If you and 6 friends go on a roller coaster ride 5 times, and it is $2

per person per ride, what is the total price you pay for rides?

How much would you spend if you went on a roller coaster 6 times

with the same group of friends for the same price?

Grade 4 72 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS4.1
Factors and Multiples

Chapter Resources
Find all of the factors of each number.

1. 2 4. 20

2. 4 5. 33

3. 14 6. 37

Identify the first five multiples for each number.

7. 2 , , , ,

8. 3 , , , ,

9. 6 , , , ,

10. 8 , , , ,
11. If you eat 1 banana each day, how many
bananas will you eat in 12 days? In 10, 11,
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

and 13 days? , , ,

Multiply. (Lesson 5–8)

12. 4 × 1 × 3 14. 5 × 2 × 4

13. 3 × 2 × 12 15. 5× 1 × 12

Grade 4 73 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS4.1
Factors and Multiples


1. If you eat 2 eggs each day, how many eggs

will you eat in 6 days? In 7, 8, and 9 days?
, , ,

2. A bird eats 7 berries a day. How many berries does it eat in 4

days? 5 days? 1 week?

, ,

3. A golf cart with two rows can carry 2 passengers in each row. If
you have 6 carts, how many people can fit in them?

4. If you and a friend go to the park and pay $18 to rent bicycles,

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

how much do you each owe?

5. Ramon is organizing the desks in his classroom. He wants them in

straight rows and columns. How many ways can he organize the
15 desks in the classroom? List the factors.

How many ways can he organize 32 desks? List the factors.

How many ways can he organize 27 desks? List the factors.

6. A pet store has 4 dogs for sale. They have three times as many
fish for sale, twice as many birds for sale, and half as many cats for

sale. How many total animals are for sale?

Grade 4 74 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS4.2
Prime and Composite Numbers

Chapter Resources
Find the factors of each number. Then tell whether the number is
prime, composite, or neither.

1. 3

2. 7

3. 12


4. Arrange 6 model race cars. You want to order them in equal rows
and columns. How many ways can you arrange them?

5. List the factors for 3, 9, and 18.

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Find all of the factors of each number. (Lesson 5–9)

6. 8

7. 24

Identify the first five multiples for each number.

8. 7

9. 5

Grade 4 75 Chapter 5
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS4.2
Prime and Composite Numbers


1. Arrange books on your desk so that 4 books are in equal rows.

Decide if 4 is a prime or composite number. If it is a composite
number, list all the ways to present the books.

2. You decide you are going to arrange 8 pictures hanging on the

wall. You want them in equal rows and columns. How many ways

can you arrange them?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. There are 18 members in a dance class and they are performing
in a parade. How many ways can they dance if the rows and

columns are equal?

4. If you are making a quilt with square fabric pieces, and you are
making equal rows and columns, list the ways you can use

48 pieces.

5. Isabel is organizing a section of the classroom library. Is there any

way that she can organize the 31 books with cassettes equally?
Why or why not?

6. How many ways can you organize your 40 toys on a series of

shelves with equal rows and columns?

Grade 4 76 Chapter 5
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.0
Multiplication and Division Expressions

Chapter Resources
Find the value of each expression if j = 12 and k = 6.

1. j ÷ 3 2. k ÷ 2 3. 3 × j

4. 5 × k 5. j × k 6. j ÷ k

7. 5 × ( j ÷ 4) 8. (18 ÷ k) ÷ 3 9. ( j ÷ k) × 5

Write an expression for each situation.

10. a number multiplied by 3

11. the product of 5 and a number

12. 16 divided by a number

13. a number divided by 8

14. Three times a week, Savannah does yard work for her neighbors
for 2 hours. If she is paid $5 per hour, how much does she earn
each week? Write an expression using m for money and solve.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Identify the factors of each number.

Decide whether the number is composite or prime. (Lesson 5–10)

15. 4

16. 7

17. 18

18. 29

19. 36

20. 41

21. Mrs. Hernandez is hanging 17 posters in the gym. Is there any way
she can arrange the posters so that they are in even rows? Tell
whether 17 is a composite or prime number. Explain.

Grade 4 77 Chapter 6
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.0
Multiplication and Division Expressions


1. Ming and Amy have 6 bags of beads. Each bag contains 14 beads.
Define a variable and write an expression for the number of beads
Ming and Amy have. Then find the total number of beads.

2. If Ming buys 3 more bags of beads, how many beads will Ming
and Amy have altogether?

3. Julie’s mother is 40 years old. She is 4 times as old as Julie. To

find Julie’s age, solve the equation 40 ÷ a = 4, where a equals
Julie’s age.

4. Andrew has three boxes of holiday decorations. There are 12

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

decorations in each box. Write and solve an expression for the
number of decorations in each box. Then solve the expression.

5. George and his brother have a total of 8 CDs. Each CD has the
same amount of songs. If there are 88 total songs, how many
songs are on each CD? Write an expression to find the number of
songs on each CD. Then solve the expression.

6. Each of Mrs. Fairview’s children needs 3 books for school. She has
4 children. If each book costs $8, what will be the total cost for
all of the books? Write an expression to find the total amount the
books will cost. Then solve the expression.

Grade 4 78 Chapter 6
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the work backward strategy.
1. Paige gave 12 barrettes to her sister. Jordan gave Paige 5 more
barrettes. Then Paige gave 6 barrettes to Maria. Now Paige has
8 barrettes. How many barrettes did Paige have to start with?

2. Luis bought 6 new baseball cards on Tuesday. On Thursday he

bought three times as many. He now has 35 baseball cards. How

many cards did he have originally?

3. Mary practiced playing the piano twice as long Monday than Tuesday.
Tuesday she practiced 20 minutes less than Wednesday. Wednesday
she practiced for 30 minutes. How long did Mary practice playing

the piano on Monday?

4. In Jared’s school, 6 more fourth-graders use blue pens than black.
Four times as many fourth-graders use pencils than blue pens.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

If 5 fourth-graders use black pens, how many fourth-graders use


Find the value of each expression if

q = 15 and r = 5. (Lesson 6-1)
5. q ÷ 5
6. 4 × r
7. 5 × (q ÷ 5)
8. (20 ÷ r) ÷ 2
Write an expression for each situation.
9. 6 multiplied by a number
10. a number divided by 5
11. Each of three friends can decorate 3 pencil boxes a day. Write
an expression to show how many pencil boxes the friends can
decorate in d days.

Grade 4 79 Chapter 6
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.3
Order of Operations

Chapter Resources
Find the value of each expression.
1. (3 + 2) × 5 7. 4 × 3 - 7

2. (13 - 5) ÷ 4 8. 8 - 9 ÷ 3

3. 7 × (12 - 9) 9. 6 ÷ 3 + 8

4. 18 ÷ (4 + 5) 10. 15 - 3 × 3

5. (24 ÷ 8) + (5 × 6) 11. 2 × 4 + 5 - 6

6. (8 × 6) - (25 - 7) 12. 21 ÷ 7 + 8 - 5

13. Juan collects shells. He had 15 before he went on vacation. On

vacation he found 4 shells per day for 3 days. Then he found
6 shells on the fourth day. Write an expression and solve it to find
out how many shells he has after vacation.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

14. Michelle practices dribbling the soccer ball for 10 minutes each
day during the school week. She practices for 30 minutes each day
on the weekend. How many minutes does she practice during a
whole week?

Solve. Use the work backward

strategy. (Lesson 6-2)
15. Hunter gave his sister $3. He earned $12. Then he paid $6 for
lunch. Now Hunter has $18. How much money did Hunter have to

start with?

16. Mark downloaded 8 new songs on Tuesday. On Thursday he

downloaded four times as many. He now has 45 songs. How

many songs did he have originally?

Grade 4 81 Chapter 6
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.3
Order of Operations

Write which operation should be done first. Then solve.

1. Tod buys 4 packs of batteries. Each pack has 4 batteries. He gives

6 batteries to his sister. How many batteries does he have left?

4×4-6= batteries

Which operation should be done first?

2. Ryan has 36 stickers. He buys 6 more stickers. Then he divides the
stickers into 6 groups. How many stickers are in each group?
(36 + 6) ÷ 6 = stickers
Which operation should be done first?

Use the proper order of operations to solve.

3. Jen had 6 blank CDs, but needed to buy more. She bought

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2 packs of blank CDs. Each pack has 8 CDs. How many blank CDs
does she have now?

6+2×8= CDs

4. Sara has 20 stickers. She buys 5 packs of stickers. Each pack has
8 stickers. She adds the stickers to her collection. How many
stickers does she have in her collection now?

20 + 5 × 8 = stickers


5. Coach Coleman has 32 softballs left from last season, but 3 are
torn and cannot be used. He buys 2 boxes of softballs to start the
new season. Each box has 12 softballs. How many good softballs
does he have in all? Show your work.

6. Coach Coleman is ordering hats for this year’s teams. There

are 6 teams. Each team has 12 players on the roster. He orders
12 more hats for the team managers. How many hats does he
order in all? Show your work.

Grade 4 82 Chapter 6
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.0
Solve Equations Mentally

Chapter Resources
Solve each equation mentally.

1. 5 × q = 45 4. 5 × r = 60 7. y ÷ 8 = 9

2. h × 4 = 32 5. 11 × c = 77 8. k ÷ 7 = 5

3. 6 × u = 36 6. 56 ÷ j = 7 9. 27 ÷ d = 9

Write an equation for each situation. Then solve.

10. A number multiplied by 9 equals 36. What is the number?

11. 8 times a number equals 48. What is the number?

12. A number divided by 7 equals 4. What is the number?

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13. 132 divided by a number equals 11. What is the number?

14. Devin has saved twice as much money as Gabrielle. Devin has saved
$20. Write and solve a multiplication equation to find how much

Gabrielle has saved.

15. Mark takes 4 times as long to get to school as Alicia. Mark takes
28 minutes to get to school. Write and solve an equation to find

how long it takes Alicia to get to school.

Find the value of each expression. (Lesson 6-3)

16. (4 + 3) × 6 19. 5 × 2 – 6

17. (12 – 8) ÷ 2 20. 7 – 18 ÷ 3

18. (7 × 3) – (23 – 7) 21. 16 ÷ 4 + 7 – 2

22. Miguel found T-shirts for $6 each. His mother bought him 5 shirts.
Then she used a coupon for $7 off the total price. Write an
expression and solve it to find how much the 5 T-shirts cost.

Grade 4 83 Chapter 6
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.0
Solve Equations Mentally

Write an equation for each situation. Then solve.

1. Mrs. Jones needs to say how many people, including chaperones,

will be on the school trip. Each of the 4 fourth-grade classrooms
is sending 11 students. The school is sending 5 chaperones. Write
and solve an equation to find how many total people are going on

the school trip.

2. Nathan went hiking for 2 hours with his older brother. He covered
n miles at a speed of 4 miles each hour. Write and solve an
equation to find how many miles Nathan hiked.

3. Tiffany can hold her breath 5 times longer than Marcus can. Tiffany
held her breath for 60 seconds. Write and solve an equation to

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

find how long Marcus held his breath.

4. Four friends went apple picking. Each friend picked the same
number of apples. The whole group picked a total of 44 apples.
Write and solve an equation to find how many apples each friend


5. Ricardo has 5 times as many perfect papers in math as Sean does.

Sean has 7 perfect papers. Write and solve an equation to find

how many perfect papers Ricardo has.

6. Cheyenne baked 48 cookies. It is enough for a number of friends

to have 4 cookies each. Write and solve an equation to find how

many friends can have cookies.

Grade 4 84 Chapter 6
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy below to solve. Tell what strategy you used.

Problem-Solving Strategies

• Make a table
• Choose an operation
• Work backward

1. Christina and her 3 friends want to play mini golf. It costs $4 per
person per round of golf. The friends all play 3 rounds of golf. How
much change will the friends get back if they pay with $50?


2. A playground has three times as many swings as monkey bars.

There are 4 more monkey bars than slides. There are 3 slides
at the playground. How many swings are at the playground?
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3. Carlos gets to choose the family dinner 3 times for every week
that he completes his homework each night. There are 4 weeks
each month and 9 months in the school year. How many times

could Carlos get to choose the dinner?


Solve each equation mentally. (Lesson 6-4)

4. 6 × q = 48 7. 6 × r = 72 10. y ÷ 9 = 9

5. h × 3 = 27 8. 11 × c = 77 11. k ÷ 4 = 8

6. 7 × u = 42 9. 56 ÷ j = 8 12. 24 ÷ d = 8

Grade 4 85 Chapter 6
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.5
Algebra: Find a Rule

Chapter Resources
Write an equation that describes the pattern. Then use the
equation to find the next three numbers.

1. 2.
Rule: Rule:
Input (v) Output (w) Input (x) Output (y)

8 4 5 15
12 6 6 18
16 7
20 8
24 9

3. Shannon found out there are four yellow pencils for every one blue
pencil. Make a table to find how many yellow pencils there would
be if she found 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 blue pencils.
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Blue Pencils Yellow Pencils

Input (x) Output (y)

Use any strategy to solve. Tell what

strategy you used. (Lesson 6-5)

4. In Alexa’s neighborhood, there are 3 times as many dogs as birds.

There are 5 more cats than birds. There are 24 cats. How many

dogs are there? Strategy:

Grade 4 87 Chapter 6
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.5
Algebra: Find a Rule

Jorge and his dad make sandwiches for a party. The table shows grilled
cheese and turkey sandwiches.

1. Write an equation that describes
the relationship between grilled
Grilled Cheese Turkey cheese and turkey sandwiches.
Input (c) Output (t )

4 1
12 3 2. How many turkey sandwiches will
Jorge make if he is making 28
20 5
grilled cheese sandwiches?

Chloe is helping plan the class field trip. Her teacher asked her to figure
out how many students can come. The table shows the students and

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chaperones for the field trip.


Chaperones Students
Input (c) Output (s)

3 18
5 30
7 42

3. Write an equation that describes the relationship between

chaperones and students.

4. How many students can come if 9 chaperones go on the field trip?

5. How many people in all will go if 66 students go on the trip?

Grade 4 88 Chapter 6
Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF2.2
Balanced Equations

Chapter Resources
Tell whether each equation is balanced. Explain.

1. 4 × 4 = 2 × 2 × 4

2. 4 × 6 ÷ 8 = (8 × 2) ÷ 8

3. 8 × 3 × 2 = 6 × 4 × 2

4. 48 ÷ 4 = (8 × 3) ÷ 2

Complete each equation to make it balanced.

5. 4 × (7 - 3) = ×2

6. ÷ (8 - 5) = (3 - 2) × 4

7. Megan scores 5 baskets every quarter. Alexis scores 3 baskets

every quarter. Megan played 6 quarters this week. Use the
equation 5 × 6 = 3 × q to find how many quarters Alexis must
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

play to score the same number of baskets.

Write a rule as an equation for the

pattern in each table. Then find the next two numbers in each
pattern. (Lesson 6-6)

8. 9.
Rule: Rule:
Input (a) Output (b) Input (c) Output (d )

3 1 3 12
6 2 6 24
9 3 9 36
12 12
15 15

Grade 4 89 Chapter 6
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF2.2
Balanced Equations

Michael and Jessica are going shopping.

Item Cost
Apple $1
Milk $3
Pizza $6
Chicken Meal $12

1. Jessica’s bill is $35. How many milks did she buy?

Chicken meal + Pizza + Milk + Apple
$12 + (2 × $6) + (m × $3) + (2 × $1)

2. Michael’s bill is $49. How many pizzas did he buy?

Chicken meal + Pizza + Milk + Apple
(1 × $12) + ( p × $6) + (5 × $3) + (4 × $1)

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3. Michael and Jessica want to spend the same amount
of money. What can Jessica buy to equal Michael’s bill?

Hannah does certain activities at different speeds.

Activity Speed
jogging 5 mph
walking 3 mph
hiking 2 mph
bicycling 6 mph

4. If Hannah walks 1 hour one day and rides her bike 2 hours
another day, did she travel the same distance? Explain.

5. Hannah jogged for 1 hour. On her way back, she walked and
hiked. If Hannah walked for 1 hour, for how long did she hike?

Grade 4 90 Chapter 6
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.2
Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000

Chapter Resources
Multiply. Use basic facts and patterns.

1. 4 × 1 = 2. 6 × 7 =

4 × 10 = 6 × 70 =

4 × 100 = 6 × 700 =

4 × 1,000 = 6 × 7,000 =

Multiply. Use mental math.

3. 2 × 70 = 4. 9 × 500 =

5. 7 × 4,000 =
ALGEBRA Find the value of each variable.

6. 30 × n = 120 7. 6 × n = 3,600

ALGEBRA Find the value of each expression if k = 2.

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8. 20 × k = 9. k × 500 =

10. Joe bought a house. His payments are $1,000 a month. How much

will he pay for 5 months?

Tell whether each equation is balanced. Explain. (Lesson 6–7)

11. 48 ÷ 8 = (4 × 3) ÷ 2

12. 6 × 5 × 2 = 2 × 7 × 3

13. 3 × 9 × 2 = 6 × 3 × 3

Complete each equation to make it balanced.

14. (16 - 4) × =3×8 15. 3 × (10 - 3) = ×7

Grade 4 91 Chapter 7
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR3.2
Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000


1. There were 20 pirates on a ship. Each one had 1 eye patch.

How many eye patches were on the ship in all?

2. The pirates had 6 treasure chests with gold coins. Each chest had
9,000 gold coins. How many gold coins did the pirates have in all?

3. The pirates traveled 50 miles every day. They have been at sea for
8 days. How many miles have they traveled altogether?

4. One day the pirates sighted 2 whales every hour for 10 hours.
How many total whales were sighted?

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5. Over the 8 days that they have been at sea, the pirates ate 20 fish
each day. How many fish were eaten in all?

6. The pirates plan to explore 3 islands which will require walking

20 miles per day. How many miles will they have walked if it takes
4 days to explore all 3 islands?

7. Four of the pirates have been away at sea for 200 days. How
many days total have these four pirates been away at sea?

Grade 4 92 Chapter 7
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR3.1, 4NS3.0
Problem–Solving Skill: Reasonable Answers

Chapter Resources
Decide whether each answer is reasonable. Explain your reasoning.

1. Sam travels from Baltimore to Boston each year. It takes him

10 hours to get to Boston. He stops 3 times, for an hour each
time. If he only stopped once, is it reasonable to say that he could
get there in 6 hours?
2. The table below shows Sam’s expenses for his trip to Boston. Was
it reasonable for Sam to say that the trip cost him close to $400?

Expenses Amount Spent

Food $103
Gas $252
Tolls $36
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Write a problem that would have $1,000 as a reasonable answer.

Multiply. Use mental math. (Lesson 7–1)

4. 2 × 4,000 = 5. 3 × 80 =

6. 9 × 600 = 7. 4 × 5,000 =

8. 5 × 50 = 9. 6 × 900 =

10. 6 × 200 = 11. 8 × 1,000 =

12. 9 × 30 = 13. 5 × 70 =

ALGEBRA Find the value of each variable.

14. n × 20 = 60

15. t × 8 = 56,000

Grade 4 93 Chapter 7
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0, 4NS1.3
Use Rounding to Estimate Products

Chapter Resources
Estimate each product.

1. 2 × 36 = 6. 5 × 423 =

2. 96 × 3 = 7. 6 × 523 =

3. 6 × 28 = 8. 3 × 667 =

4. 68 × 4 = 9. 2 × 366 =

5. 5 × 41 = 10. 4 × 712 =


11. An airline pilot travels about 6,457 miles a week. About how many
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

miles would she travel in a month?

12. If the L.A. Dodgers win about 21 games a month, about how many
games would they win after three months?

Decide whether each answer is reasonable. Explain your

reasoning. (Lesson 7-2)

13. Ted Williams had about 30 home runs a season. Is it reasonable

to say that he had 300 home runs within a 6-year period?

14. Roger Clemens pitched about 16 winning games per year. After he
had played 8 years for the Boston Red Sox, is it reasonable to say
that he had about 130 wins?

Grade 4 95 Chapter 7
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.0, 4NS1.3
Use Rounding to Estimate Products

Estimate each product.

1. Each fourth-grade class has 28 students. There are three classes in

the school. About how many fourth-grade students are there in all?

2. Pizzas cost $11 each. Miss Adams buys 4 pizzas. About how much
does she spend on pizzas?

3. Chad’s family wants to buy 6 different board games. Each

board game costs $17.99. About how much will all of the

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

board games cost?

4. Habib buys 3 books that cost $9 each. About how much money
does he spend on books?

5. Mr. Bell buys 4 shirts that cost $17 each. He has $50 to spend.
Does he have enough money? Explain.

Grade 4 96 Chapter 7
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.1
Multiply Two-Digit Numbers

Chapter Resources
1. 73 × 3 = 2. 88 × 4 =

3. 44 × 5 = 4. 74 × 5 =

5. 31 × 7 = 6. 85 × 4 =

7. 68 × 8 = 8. 77 × 6 =

9. 32 × 9 = 10. 97 × 2 =

11. 65 × 5 = 12. 66 × 8 =

13. 33 × 6 = 14. 94 × 3 =

15. 96 × 3 = 16. 59 × 7 =


17. A rectangle is 5 tiles wide by 13 tiles high. How many tiles are in
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

the rectangle?

18. Books are stacked in 3 stacks with 17 books in each stack. How
many books are in the stacks?

Estimate each product. (Lesson 7-3)

19. 89 × 2 = 20. 396 × 4 =

21. 6 × 105 = 22. 3 × 412 =

23. 4 × 209 = 24. 3 × 970 =


25. A football player runs about 104 yards each game. After he has
played 2 games, about how many yards has he run?

Grade 4 97 Chapter 7
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.1
Multiply Two-Digit Numbers

1. There are 3 birds on the ground. Each bird eats 10 worms. How
many worms are eaten all together?

2. Simon has 12 CDs. He burns 3 copies of each. How many CDs did
Simon make?

3. The school auditorium has 4 rows of seats. There are 18 seats in

each row. How many students can sit in the auditorium?

4. The school cafeteria has 6 rows of tables. Each row has 22 places
to sit. How many students can eat in the school cafeteria?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. Scott is playing a game of memory with some picture cards. He
makes 4 rows and puts 23 cards in each row. How many picture
cards is Scott using in this game?

6. Kate would like to play the memory game, too. She adds her cards
to the game. Now, there are 8 rows, and 24 cards in each row.
How many cards are there now?

7. John wants to buy birthday gifts for 8 friends. He can spend $19
for each gift. How much will he spend in all?

8. Caroline makes $5 an hour pet-sitting for the neighbors. Last

summer she worked 31 hours. How much money did Caroline

Grade 4 98 Chapter 7
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.0, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy to solve.

1. Joe has 5 new notebooks for school. Two of those notebooks have
3 sections and three have 5 sections. Joe needs 20 sections in all.

Does he have enough?

2. Each class uses 1,000 sheets of paper every week. The school uses
a total of 9,000 sheets of paper every week. How many classes are

in the school?

3. Write a problem that you can solve by looking for a pattern.

Explain the pattern you used.
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Multiply. (Lesson 7–4)

4. 55 × 5 = 10. 4 × 52 = 16. 9 × 22 =

5. 75 × 6 = 11. 63 × 7 = 17. 72 × 8 =
6. 8 × 47 = 12. 29 × 9 = 18. 33 × 5 =

7. 6 × 39 = 13. 32 × 5 = 19. 2 × 90 =

8. 2 × 98 = 14. 4 × 60 =

9. 84 × 6 = 15. 66 × 8 =


20. There are 26 teams in the basketball league. Each team has
9 players on its roster. How many players are there all together?

Grade 4 99 Chapter 7
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.1
Multiply Multi–Digit Numbers

Chapter Resources

1. 416 × 6 = 6. 5,216 × 6 =

2. 293 × 5 = 7. $3,591 × 3 =

3. 153 × 4 = 8. $4,325 × 9 =

4. 310 × 3 = 9. 2,135 × 2 =

5. 2,135 × 4 = 10. 5,112 × 4 =

ALGEBRA Find the value of each expression if n = 3.

11. n × 6,421 =

12. n × 1,913 =

13. There are 9 children in the scout troop. Each of them contributed
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

127 hours to community clean-up projects. What is the total

number of hours the scout troop contributed?

14. Five people donated to the school library this year. Each person
donated $225. How much money did the library get in donations
this year?

Use any strategy to solve. (Lesson 7-5)

15. For the past 6 weeks, fourth-grade safety guards have worked
after school and waited with first-grade students until their parents
came for them. The first week they waited with 5 first-graders,
the second week with 7, the third week with 9. If the pattern
continued, how many first-graders did they wait with for the
fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks?

16. Twenty babysitters in the babysitters club earned a total of $400

for the club each month. How much would 40 babysitters earn?

Grade 4 101 Chapter 7

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.1
Multiply Multi–Digit Numbers

1. The first floor of an apartment building has space for 112 small
apartments. The next 5 floors are the same. The first 6 floors of
the apartment building have space for how many apartments?

2. Each year 6,578 people eat lunch in a certain restaurant. During

a period of 5 years, how many people will eat in this restaurant?

3. The maximum number of people that can be on the top of

a building at one time is 400. By 10 A.M. one morning there
had already been 4 groups of 398 people to the top. How
many people have been to the top of the building already?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. In one greenhouse, there were 427 plants. If there were
5 greenhouses growing the same number of plants, how
many plants would there be altogether?

5. A famous concert hall seats 9,551 people. Every seat

was filled for the 9 concerts that took place in June. How
many people heard a concert in this concert hall in June?

6. A taxi driver kept track of how many people were friendly

to him in a day. Sixteen people told him what they were
doing in the city, 8 asked him if he had a family, 23 told
him what they liked best about the city, and 3 asked if they
could buy him coffee. The taxi driver wanted his friends to
believe that people are friendly, so he tripled his numbers.
How many people did the taxi driver say were friendly to him?

Grade 4 102 Chapter 7

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.1
Multiply Across Zeros

Chapter Resources
1. 460 × 6 = 6. 3,056 × 6 =
2. 308 × 8 = 7. 7,501 × 4 =
3. 6,404 × 3 = 8. 7,810 × 8 =
4. 5,060 × 5 = 9. $2,058 × 3 =
5. 7,032 × 4 = 10. $8,040 × 2 =
For exercise 11, complete the table.
11. Multiply by 5,809.

Input 5 6 7 8 9

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12. Jaime has 8 boxes of beads. Each box has 50 beads in it. How

many beads does she have in all?

Solve (Lesson 7-6)

13. 9,732 × 9 =
14. 2,581 × 2 =

15. There are 182 bulletin boards throughout the school. Each bulletin
board is covered by 8 large pieces of colored paper. Every summer
the colored paper is replaced. How many sheets of paper does it

take to cover the bulletin boards?

16. The school bulletin boards display at least 1,000 students’ papers.
The bulletin boards are changed 9 times during the school year. At

least how many student papers are displayed over the year?

Grade 4 103 Chapter 7

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.1
Multiply Across Zeros


1. The school has 206 boxes of chalk. Each box has 8 pieces of chalk
inside. How many pieces of chalk are there in all?

2. There are 401 windows in the school. Each window has 9 panes.
When Mr. Parker washes each window pane by hand, how many
panes does he wash?

3. The art teacher ordered 201 sets of markers for her students to use.
Each set has 32 markers. How many markers did she order in all?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Each time the art class paints pictures, 108 brushes must be
cleaned. If the art class paints pictures 9 times during the year,
how many brushes will be cleaned?

5. Brent rode his bicycle 4 miles during the last day of August. His
bicycle has an odometer that measures how far in miles and yards.
Each mile has 1,760 yards. How many yards did Brent ride on the
last day of August?

6. Cassandra ran 7 miles during the week. She wears a pedometer

that measures how far she runs in miles and yards. Each mile has
1,760 yards. How many yards did Cassandra run in the week?

Grade 4 104 Chapter 7

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.3, 4NS3.2
Multiply by Tens

Chapter Resources

1. 51 × 30 = 2. 712 × 30 =

3. 39 × 80 = 4. 116 × 10 =

5. 67 × 20 = 6. 185 × 80 =

7. 325 × 60 = 8. 490 × 90 =

9. 608 × 40 = 10. 111 × 70 =

11. 999 × 10 = 12. 740 × 50 =


13. There are 40 rows of lockers. There are 12 lockers in each row.

How many lockers are there?

14. Pablo found out that every classroom has 34 desks. There are
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

30 classrooms. How many desks are in the school?

Multiply. (Lesson 7–7)

15. 604 × 3 = 16. 6,005 × 8 =

17. 3,100 × 9 =


18. Mr. Sims printed 303 museum trip notices for the students in each
grade. The museum trip was for 3 grades. How many notices did
he print?

19. It costs $5 for each student to enter the museum. How much
money did Mr. Sims need for 909 students to enter the museum?

20. 600 students from another school joined the 909 students who
were with Mr. Sims. The museum provided a study guide for each
student. The study guides cost the museum $2 each to print. How
much did it cost the museum to provide study guides for all of the
Grade 4 105 Chapter 8
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.3, 4NS3.2
Multiply by Tens


1. Teams of 16 students are helping the town clean the park. There
are 20 teams in all. How many students are cleaning the park?

2. Students are going on a field trip in 10 buses. Each bus carries

35 students. How many students can go on the field trip?

3. Mr. Parker arranged 1 van for every 12 students to travel to the

zoo. A total of 40 vans were needed. How many students went on
the trip?

4. It cost $14 to buy tickets for each students to go to the petting

zoo. Mr. Parker bought tickets for 30 students. How much did the

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

tickets cost?

5. The 32 caretakers make sure that all of the animals are checked
on each day at the zoo. How many animals are at the zoo if each
caretaker checks on 30 animals?

6. 27 students run in a charity race to raise money for the zoo.

Thirteen of the students each raise $20. The rest of the students
each raise $30. How much did the students raise in all?

Grade 4 106 Chapter 8

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.3, 4NS1.3
Estimate Products

Chapter Resources
Estimate each product.

1. 37 × 22 2. 878 × 41

3. 49 × 16 4. 250 × 12

5. 68 × 22 6. 688 × 19

7. 36 × 81 8. 563 × 29

9. 714 × 11 10. 141 × 78

Estimate to solve.

11. The price of a bus ticket is $39. About how much will tickets cost
for a group of 58 passengers?

12. An airline ticket costs $285. About how much will tickets cost for a
group of 37 people?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Multiply. (Lesson 8–1)

13. 35 × 10 14. $723 × 20

15. $58 × 40 16. 448 × 40

17. $89 × 30 18. 58 × 60

19. 54 × 80 20. 98 × 80

21. 43 × 40 22. $51 × 50

23. 45 × 80 24. $663 × 30

25. 99 × 90 26. 39 × 70

27. 75 × 50 28. 87 × 20

29. 658 × 50 30. 52 × 60

Grade 4 107 Chapter 8

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.3, 4NS1.3
Estimate Products


1. Each of 32 classrooms has 4 computers. About how many

computers are there in all?

2. A new keyboard for the computer costs $49. The school is buying
18 keyboards. About how much will they cost?

3. There are 42 times for students to work in the computer lab

during one week. If 19 students can work in the computer lab at
one time, about how many students can work in the computer lab
during one week?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. The school is buying 28 new computers for the computer lab.
One computer costs $812. About how much will all of the
computers cost?

5. The school district is buying laser printers for 62 schools. Each

printer costs $898. About how much will all the printers cost?

6. The school district is buying software for virus protection. Each

software package costs $48. There are 685 computers all together
in the district’s schools. About how much will the software cost?

Grade 4 108 Chapter 8

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.0, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the act it out strategy.

1. The Diving Club offers 4 beginning diving classes each day. Each
class has room for 6 people. How many people can take classes in
30 days?

2. A fishing guide charges $25 per hour. He works 6 hours per day
for 5 days. How much money does the guide earn?

3. During one week, 5 sailboats are rented for a total of 16 hours

each. The rental cost is $25 per hour. Altogether, how much is
paid for these rentals?

4. The aquarium charges $12 admission and $6 for a tour. A group

of 20 people goes to the aquarium and takes the tour. How much
money does the group spend?

5. Amanda rents a canoe and a life preserver from 2:00 P.M. to

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5:00 P.M. A canoe costs $12 per hour. A life preserver costs $2 per
hour. How much does Amanda spend?

6. Jenny rented a rowboat for 2 hours in the morning. After lunch,

she rented another rowboat for 3 hours. For how many minutes
did she rent the boat?

Estimate each product. (Lesson 8–2)

7. 26 × 3 8. 478 × 41

9. 23 × 7 10. 850 × 12

11. 78 × 32 12. 618 × 19

13. 96 × 11 14. 275 × 29

15. 211 × 5 16. 325 × 52

17. Circle all of the numbers on this page that are multiples of tens.

Grade 4 109 Chapter 8

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.2, 4NS3.3
Multiply Two-Digit Numbers

Chapter Resources

1. 26 2. $46 3. 79
× 35 × 35 × 73

4. 73 5. 59 6. 94
× 51 × 47 × 61

7. 44 8. 77 9. $63
× 87 × 22 × 58

10. 18 × 92 = 11. 74 × 33 = 12. 77 × 94 =

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13. 28 × 19 = 14. 48 × 26 = 15. 88 × 62 =

16. 86 × 43 =
17. 31 × $18 = 18. 27 × 34 =

Solve. (Lesson 8–3)

19. George had 3 fewer basketball cards yesterday than he does

today. Yesterday he had 9 basketball cards. How many basketball

cards does George have today?

20. Judy, Lakesha, and Tina each like a different color, either red,
green, or blue. Judy likes green. Tina does not like blue. What color

does Lakesha like?

Grade 4 111 Chapter 8

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.2, 4NS3.3
Multiply Two-Digit Numbers


1. There are 15 students in each school club. There are 20 clubs in

all. How many students are in all of the clubs? Multiply. Tell which
method you used.

2. There are 15 students in the art club. By the end of the school
year, each student had made 23 pictures. How many pictures did
the students make in all? Multiply. Tell which method you used.

3. The fourth-grade students at Tremont School receive a ribbon if

they read 50 books during the school year. There are 69 ribbons
given out at the end of the year. How many books did the
students read in all? Multiply. Tell which method you used.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. There are 27 students in Mr. Jacob’s class. By the end of the
school year, each student will have completed 72 tasks on the
class schedule. How many tasks will have been completed?
Multiply. Tell which method you used.

5. The town’s camera store bought 98 cameras for school

photography clubs to use. Each camera cost $57. How much did
the cameras cost in all? Multiply. Tell which method you used.

6. There are 35 students in the photography club at

Columbus School. Each student was given enough rolls
of film to take 72 photos. How many photos did the
students take in all? Multiply. Tell which method you used.

Grade 4 112 Chapter 8

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.2, 4NS3.3
Multiply Three-Digit Numbers by Two-Digit Numbers

Chapter Resources

1. 185 × 18 2. 152 × 83

3. 525 × 63 4. 467 × 81

5. 149 × 21 6. 555 × 28

7. 542 × 25 8. 336 × 92

9. 342 × 19 10. 521 × 52

11. 417 × 23 12. 643 × 26

13. 950 × 48 14. 311 × 11

15. 322 × 35 16. 229 × 45
17. 661 × 78 18. 738 × 22

19. 120 × 42 20. 620 × 33

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Multiply. (Lesson 8–4)

21. 25 × 62 22. 19 × 38

23. 95 × 82 24. 22 × 17

25. 85 × 21 26. 49 × 11

27. 62 × 45 28. 79 × 63

29. 38 × 26 30. 45 × 18

31. 75 × 85 32. 66 × 27

33. 92 × 37 34. 42 × 79

35. Look back at exercises 21–34 and circle all factors that are
multiples of 5.

Grade 4 113 Chapter 8

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.2, 4NS3.3
Multiply Three-Digit Numbers by Two-Digit Numbers


1. Each art class uses 231 pipe cleaners for a project. How many
pipe cleaners will 15 classes use? Multiply. Check that the answer
is reasonable.

2. A box of art supplies costs $202. How much do 22 boxes cost?

Multiply. Check that the answer is reasonable.

3. Each week, 989 cars drive through the wildlife park. How many
cars drive through the park in 24 weeks? Multiply. Check that the
answer is reasonable.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. A classroom set of books about space exploration costs $234.
There are 16 classes. How much will books for all of the classes
cost? Multiply. Check that the answer is reasonable.

5. The tile crew can lay 878 tiles in one day. How many tiles can the
crew lay in 62 days? Multiply. Check that the answer is reasonable.

6. There are 981 floor tiles in one classroom in the school. How
many floor tiles will it take to replace the tiles in 28 classrooms?
Multiply. Check that the answer is reasonable.

Grade 4 114 Chapter 8

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.0, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy to solve. Tell what strategy you used.

1. It costs $216 to buy 24 tickets to the water park. How much does
each ticket cost? Tell which method you used.

2. There are 156 beads. They are divided into 12 equal groups. How
many beads are in each group? Tell which method you used.

3. For a long-distance race, $175 was collected from each of 9 runners.

How much was collected in all? Tell which method you used.

4. For a bicycle race, there are 432 cyclists. Each cyclist paid $12 to
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

enter the race. How much money did the cyclists pay in all? Tell
which method you used.

5. The owner of the hobby store pays $92 for an order of 23 model
car kits. How much does each model car kit cost? Tell which
method you used.

6. There were 200 model car kits delivered to the hobby store. They
were packed in 25 boxes. How many model car kits were in each
box? Tell which method you used.

Multiply. (Lesson 8–5)

7. 801 × 86 = 8. 631 × 12 = 9. 511 × 59 =

10. 775 × 24 = 11. 362 × 42 = 12. 933 × 96 =
13. 339 × 33 = 14. 460 × 71 = 15. 823 × 69 =

Grade 4 115 Chapter 8

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.3, 4MR2.1
Multiply Greater Numbers

Chapter Resources

1. 1,560 × 27 = 2. 5,883 × 39 =

3. 3,442 × 32 = 4. 16,846 × 21 =

5. 6,251 × 54 = 6. $31,067 × 40 =

7. 3,166 × 21 = 8. $40,724 × 32 =

9. 4,351 × 67 = 10. $25,331 × 48 =

11. 2,909 × 44 = 12. $37,550 × 38 =

13. Antonio runs 2 miles a day. In one mile there is 5,280 feet. How

many feet does he run in 2 weeks?

14. If a panda bear eats 84 pounds of fresh bamboo sprouts every day,
how many pounds of bamboo do 12 pandas eat in two weeks?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

15. There are 2,734 miles between Seattle, Washington and Miami,
Florida. If Consuelo travels round trip from Miami to Seattle
6 times, how many miles does she travel altogether?

Solve. (Lesson 8–6)

16. Brady is counting the money in his piggy bank. He has $0.56. He
has 3 kinds of coins and 8 coins in all. What coins does he have?

17. Sara is thinking of two numbers that have a sum of 15 and a

product of 56. What are the two numbers?

18. Marc has 15 trophies. Four of the trophies are for track. He has two
times as many swimming trophies as track trophies. The rest of the
trophies are for soccer. How many soccer trophies does he have?

Grade 4 117 Chapter 8

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.3, 4MR2.1
Multiply Greater Numbers


1. Jamie travels 3,056 miles each year. How many miles does
Jamie travel in 15 years?

2. Fourteen members of the crafts club are making necklaces.

It takes 202 beads to make each necklace. How many
beads will they need if they each make 5 necklaces?

3. An elephant weighs 13,500 pounds. How much

would 25 elephants the same size weigh all together?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Jason is taking a bus to visit his grandparents. The bus trip is 113
miles each way. How many miles will Jason travel to and from his
grandparents’ house? Write the multiplication sentence and solve.

5. Jack is a pilot for a large airline. He plans on retiring in 11 years.

Every week, he follows the same schedule of flights. He knows
that he flies 78,434 miles each year. How many miles will he fly

before he retires?

6. The city parks commission wants to build a new park. The model
has 6 tennis courts. Each tennis court will cost $92,378. The city
does not want to pay more than $550,000 for all 6 courts. How

much will the tennis courts cost?

Will the city be able to build all of them?

Grade 4 118 Chapter 8

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.4
Division with Remainders

Chapter Resources
Divide. Check each answer.

1. 6 
56 6. 9 
53 11. 72 ÷ 8

2. 5 
42 7. 6 
54 12. 15 ÷ 7

3. 6 
25 8. 6 
34 13. 64 ÷ 7

4. 2 
32 9. 8 
21 14. 49 ÷ 3

5. 5 
41 10. 7 
35 15. 28 ÷ 3

16. Andy’s mom would not tell her age, but she did give these clues:

Divide my age by 4, and it is 10. I am between 50 and 30.

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(Lesson 8-7)


17. 2,363 × 99

18. 4,144 × 33

19. 26,706 × 67

20. 34,371 × 42

21. Through his telescope, Jose identified 12 stars each night for

64 nights. How many different stars has Jose seen?

22. Look back over this page. Circle all of the numbers on the page that
can be divided by 2 without a remainder.

Grade 4 119 Chapter 9

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.4
Division with Remainders

Divide. Check each answer.

1. The zoo gives the nature club 47 wildlife posters. There are
8 members in the club. They want to divide the posters evenly
among the members. How many posters will each member get?
How many posters are left?

2. The science club has 43 members. Ms. Reed wants to divide them
into groups of 6. How many groups of 6 will there be? How many
groups will have an extra member?

3. Nine members of the ecology club are writing reports about trees.
They have chosen 53 kinds of trees. Each member writes a report
about the same number of trees. How many reports will each one
write? How many members will have to write an extra report?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Seven members of the ecology club are also making leaf books.
They will gather information about 44 kinds of leaves. How many
leaves will each of the 7 members study? How many members
will study an extra kind of leaf?

5. There are 63 endangered mammals in the U.S. Five students plan

to research each mammal. If each student takes an equal number
of mammals to research, how many mammals will they study?
How many students will have an extra mammal to research?

6. Nine students want to learn more about endangered birds in the

U.S. There are 76 endangered birds. If each of the students takes
an equal number of endangered birds, how many birds will each
student study? How many students will have an extra bird to study?

Grade 4 120 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0
Divide Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000

Chapter Resources
Divide. Use patterns.

1. 6 
300 6. 5 
1,000 11. 4 

2. 5 
2,000 7. 2 
1,800 12. 3 

3. 4 
3,600 8. 8 
4,000 13. 5 

4. 2 
1,000 9. 9 
2,700 14. 6 

5. 6 
1,200 10. 8 
3,200 15. 7 

Complete the table.

16. Divide by 5

Input Output
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Divide. Check each answer. (Lesson 9-1)

17. 61 ÷ 3 20. 12 ÷ 5 23. 28 ÷ 6

18. 21 ÷ 5 21. 14 ÷ 6 24. 72 ÷ 3

19. 80 ÷ 7 22. 51 ÷ 7

25. Mrs. Jones has 36 calculators. She has to divide them between 3
groups of students. How many calculators will each group get?

Grade 4 121 Chapter 9

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.0
Divide Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000

Divide. Use patterns.

1. There are 8 people taking a trip to New York City. The total price
of the trip is $8,000. How much will the trip cost each person?

2. The bus will travel 4,500 miles. Five people will take turns driving.
If each person drives the same amount, how many miles will each

person drive?

3. When the trip is over, they will have spent a total of 80 hours
driving in the bus, over a total of 10 days. How many hours will

they average driving each day?

4. The plan is for 8 people to be gone 20 days. 10 days will be spent

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

sight seeing in New York City. They set aside $3,200 for spending
money in New York City. How much does each person have to
spend each day?

5. For the 10 driving days, the 8 people will spend a total of $1,600
on hotel rooms. How much will each person spend each night on
hotel rooms?

6. For the 10 days in NYC, the 8 people will spend a total of

$2,400 on hotel rooms. How much does each room cost per night if
4 people stay in each room?

Grade 4 122 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the guess and check strategy.

1. Jim’s baseball team has played 5 games so far this season. Jim hit
5 home runs. Justin hit twice as many home runs as Jim hit.
They are the only boys who have hit home runs this season. How many

home runs have been hit?

2. Joe’s parents have used 29 gallons of gasoline this month. Last

month, June, they used twice that amount. The month before,
May, they used twice what they did in June. How many gallons of

gasoline did they use in May?

3. 510 is the total number of tickets that can be sold for the baseball
game. If the school bought 25 tickets and a neighborhood club
bought twice as many tickets as the school, how many tickets can

still be sold?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Linda bought three items from the list below.

peanuts $1, a ring $5, a coloring book $3, a stuffed animal $6

She gave the cashier $10 and got no change. Which three items
did she buy?

Divide. Use patterns. (Lesson 9-2)

5. 2 
200 8. 2,400 ÷ 6

6. 8 
400 9. 3,600 ÷ 6

7. 3 
1,500 10. 5,600 ÷ 7

Grade 4 123 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.4
Estimate Quotients

Chapter Resources
Estimate. Check your estimate.

1. 8 
242 2. 8 

3. 5 
402 4. 6 

5. 7 
563 6. 4 

7. 3 
273 8. 5 

9. 8 
161 10. 7 
11. 9 
184 12. 9 

13. 3 
301 14. 9 
15. 6 
331 16. 2 

17. 6 
422 18. 5 

19. 9 
625 20. 8 
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Solve. Use the guess and check strategy. (Lesson 9–3)

21. Phil had 3 baseball cards. One of them cost twice as much as the
other two. If the total amount that he paid for the cards was $40,

how much did each card cost?

22. Jan’s mother said that Jan could have 2 tickets to a movie, 5
tickets for fruit smoothies, or 7 tickets for rides at an amusement
park. Jan had to choose what she wanted. Each ticket was worth
$5. Jan’s mother spent a total of $10. What did Jan choose?

23. Look back over this page and circle all the numbers that can be
rounded to 300. Then draw a box around any numbers that can
be rounded to 600.

Grade 4 125 Chapter 9

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.4
Estimate Quotients

Estimate. Check your estimate.

1. 2,670 people attended rock concerts in a huge arena. There were

5 different bands playing with about the same number of people
watching each band. About how many people attended each

2. Jill earned 1,690 points in math class. Half of the points were for
8 tests. Jill scored about the same on each test. About how many
points did she score on each test?

3. One project is worth 550 points. There are 8 parts to the project.
If each part is worth the same number of points, about how many

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

points is each part worth?

4. Mr. Kirk graded 4,212 word problems. Each problem took about
the same amount of time to grade. Mr. Kirk graded about 4 word
problems per minute. About how many minutes did he spent

5. A test is worth 639 points. If each question is worth 8 points,

about how many questions are on the test?

6. Mary is practicing for a math competition. She should be able to

calculate about 9 problems within 180 minutes. About how long
will she have for each problem?

Grade 4 126 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.4, 4MR2.1
Two-Digit Quotients

Chapter Resources

1. 21 ÷ 4 11. 324 ÷ 9

2. 89 ÷ 6 12. 364 ÷ 7

3. 170 ÷ 3 13. 498 ÷ 5

4. 442 ÷ 5 14. 642 ÷ 7

5. 712 ÷ 8 15. 432 ÷ 8

6. 145 ÷ 3 16. 681 ÷ 7

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7. 165 ÷ 9 17. 251 ÷ 8

8. 368 ÷ 7 18. 219 ÷ 7

9. 125 ÷ 7 19. 868 ÷ 9

10. 219 ÷ 4 20. 765 ÷ 8

Estimate. Check your estimate.

(Lesson 9-4)

21. 254 ÷ 5

22. 349 ÷ 7

23. 639 ÷ 8

24. 487 ÷ 7

25. Look back over the page. Circle all dividends that can be divided in
half with no remainder.

Grade 4 127 Chapter 9

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.4, 4MR2.1
Two-Digit Quotients


1. Pat earned $65. He worked 5 days. How much did he earn each


2. Pat’s job was to feed and walk his neighbors’ dog while they were
on vacation. During the 5 days that he worked, he spent a total of
150 minutes with the dog. How many minutes each day did he


3. Matt earned $60. He worked 4 days. How much did he earn each


Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Matt’s job was to rake leaves. Each day it took him a total of
180 minutes to rake 2 yards. How long did he spend raking each


5. Sam earned $70 helping his father paint the garage. He was paid
per hour. If he spent 7 hours total helping his father, how much
was he paid for each hour he worked?

6. Jason worked a total of 77 hours mowing lawns, pulling weeds,

and raking leaves for the 7 houses on his street. How long did it
take him to mow the lawn, pull the weeds, and rake each yard?

Grade 4 128 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.0, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy to solve.

1. Ellie has 8 coins that equal 92 cents. What are the coins?

2. Meg is going to a birthday party at 6 p.m. She gets home from

school at 3 p.m. It will take her 1 hour to do her homework,
30 minutes to get dressed, and 30 minutes to get to the party.
How much extra time does she have?

3. Sandy is creating a flower basket with 12 white, yellow, and

orange flowers in it. The order she wants the flowers in is white,
orange, yellow. If she always has a white beside an orange and a
yellow beside an orange, how many orange flowers will she need
to have?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. What is the next number in the pattern 20,000; 4,000; 800;

160; ____
What is the pattern?

Divide. (Lesson 9–5)

5. 2 
6. 4 

7. 5 

8. 2 

9. 3 

10. 8 

Grade 4 129 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.4, 4NS3.2
Three-Digit Quotients

Chapter Resources

1. 5 
569 2. 3 

3. 5 
675 4. 5 

5. 3 
334 6. 7 
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

7. 8 
895 8. 6 

9. 9 
999 10. 3 

Use any strategy to solve. (Lesson 9–6)

11. What is the next number in the pattern 16, 32, 64, 128, ___ ?
What is the pattern?

12. Janice has 8 coins that total 80 cents. What are the coins?

Grade 4 131 Chapter 9

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.4, 4NS3.2
Three-Digit Quotients


1. Ann needs to read 417 pages in 3 days. How many pages should
she read each day?

2. Jamal has read 564 pages in 5 hours. How many pages of the
book did he read per hour?

3. Kendra was awarded $250 for her hard work. She put half in the
bank. How much did she put in the bank?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Eric and his company collected 840 children’s books to give to a
community center. The books were then divided equally between
7 families. How many books did each family receive?

5. Before Ann and John graduated from high school, they had read
1,520 stories to children. They read the same number of stories
each time that they read to children. For 8 years they read to
children. How many stories did they read each year?

Grade 4 132 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.4, 4NS3.2
Quotients with Zeros

Chapter Resources

1. 5 
512 2. 5 

3. 4 
837 4. 3 

5. 3 
926 6. 6 

7. 2 
612 8. 4 
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

9. 4 
436 10. 2 

Divide. (Lesson 9-7)

11. 7 
878 12. 6 


13. 4 plums fit in a box. How many boxes can be filled with
968 plums?

Grade 4 133 Chapter 9

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.4, 4NS3.2
Quotients with Zeros


1. The camping club spent $202 on 2 tents. How much did each
tent cost?

2. The animal park sold 315 tickets in 3 days. If the same number of
tickets were sold each day, how many tickets were sold?

3. Ms. Jones took 9 children to the water park. The children’s tickets
cost $180. How much did each ticket cost?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. The water park had 1,320 visitors on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
There were an equal number of visitors each day. How many
visitors were there each day?

5. There are 2 large gym classes with 3 teams in each class. Each
team needs an equal number of balls to play a game. There are
300 balls in all. How many balls will each team use?

Grade 4 134 Chapter 9

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.4, 4NS3.2
Divide Greater Numbers

Chapter Resources

1. 5 
5,098 10. 2 

2. 6 
6,485 11. 3 

3. 2 
$3,458 12. 5 

4. 6 
7,349 13. 3 

5. 7 
8,655 14. 2 
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

6. 5 
5,437 15. 4 

7. 9 
$9,950 16. 3 

8. 8 
8,349 17. 4 

9. 3 
6,980 18. 4 
Divide. (Lesson 9-8)

19. 4 
427 22. 3 

20. 6 
641 23. 7 

21. 2 
815 24. 3 

25. Look back over the page. Circle all the numbers that can be
rounded to a number greater than 90,000.

Grade 4 135 Chapter 9

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS3.4, 4NS3.2
Divide Greater Numbers


1. The hobby store had 3,126 beads. They put them into bags of
6 beads each. How many bags did they have?


2. The hobby store had 4,212 beads. They put an equal number of
beads into 8 boxes. How many beads were in each box?


How many beads were left over?

beads left over

3. The community center is putting new floor tiles in 6 rooms. They

have 2,250 floor tiles for all of the rooms. Each room is the same

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

size. How many floor tiles will be used in each room?


4. Best Floor Company has 8 orders for the same number of floor
tiles. They have 18,965 tiles in stock to fill the orders. How many
floor tiles are in each order?

How many floor tiles will they have left?
tiles left

5. The owner of the garden store ordered 12,635 packets of flower

seeds. He stored the seeds by putting an equal number of packets
into each of 6 bins. How many packets went into each bin?

6. The garden store owner paid $62,472 for flower bulbs. She made
4 equal payments for the flower bulbs. How much did she pay
each time?

Grade 4 136 Chapter 9
Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.6
Solid Figures

Chapter Resources
Identify each figure. Then tell the number of faces, edges and vertices.

1. 2.

Identify the solid figure each net makes.

3. 4.
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5. This solid figure has 0 faces, 0 edges, and 0 vertices. What is it?

Divide. Use estimation to check.

6. 7 

7. 50,250 ÷ 5 =

8. Raul pays $1,008 total for lunch over 8 months. If he pays the same
amount each month, how much does he pay each month?

Grade 4 137 Chapter 10

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.6
Solid Figures


1. Molly has a set of wooden blocks. This is one of her blocks. Tell
how many faces, edges, and vertices the block has.

2. Molly’s set of wooden blocks also has a block that is in the shape
of a cylinder. How many bases does the cylinder block have?
Describe the shape of the bases.

3. Natasha bought a large bead to hang from a necklace. The bead

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

has 5 faces, 9 edges, and 6 vertices. What kind of figure was the bead?

4. Mel has a board game that uses 10 pieces shaped like the one
below. How many bases does each game piece have? Describe
the shape of the bases.

5. Iman and his father are making an end table for their living room.
When they are done, the end table has 6 faces, 12 edges, and
8 vertices. What kind of figure did Iman and his father make?

Grade 4 138 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.0
Plane Figures

Chapter Resources
Identify each polygon.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Identify the shapes in the figure.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Tell whether the shape is a polygon.

6. 7.

Identify each figure. Then tell how

many faces, edges and vertices it has. (Lesson 10–1)

8. 9.

Identify the solid figure each net would make.


Grade 4 139 Chapter 10

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.0
Plane figures
1. Nick and his brother are building a tree house. It will have 2 windows. One
window is shaped like a square, and the other is shaped like a rectangle.
What do these two shapes have in common?

2. Nick’s brother draws a 3-sided shape to show what the roof of the tree house
will look like. Is it a polygon? If so, what kind of polygon?

3. Sara is playing a chalk game on the sidewalk. She draws a large quadrilateral
first. Inside the quadrilateral, she draws the same figure 10 times. The figure
is not a polygon. What figure did she draw?

4. Sara uses her chalk to draw a line diagonally through her quadrilateral. Now,
instead of one quadrilateral, she has two of the same polygons. What shapes

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

did she make?

5. For a homework assignment, Dina must find polygons around her town and
draw them. She goes down to the harbor, where she sees a boat like the one
below. She draws it, but the teacher says it is not a polygon. Why?

6. Sean used toothpicks to make the following shapes: 2 triangles, 3 pentagons,

4 quadrilaterals, and 6 hexagons. How many toothpicks did he use?

Grade 4 140 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.0, 4MR1.1
Problem-Solving Strategy: Look for a Pattern

Chapter Resources
1. ALGEBRA: Copy and complete the table. What is the pattern?

Input Output
4 16
9 36
2 8


2. Describe the pattern below. Then find the missing number.

1, 3, 9 , , 81

Identify each shape.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Identify the shapes in the figure.


Tell whether the shape is a polygon.

8. Q 9. 10.

Grade 4 141 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.1
Lines, Line Segments, and Rays

Chapter Resources
Identify each figure.

Describe the figure.



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6. I J

Draw an example of each.

7. ray CD 8. line segment FG

9. Melissa is planting flowers in a pattern. If she continues to plant
a red, then pink, then yellow flower, what color will be the eighth


10. Describe the pattern below. Then find the missing number.

1, 4, 16, , 256

Grade 4 143 Chapter 10

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.1
Lines, Line Segments, and Rays


1. During Hillary’s softball game, she ran from first base and stopped
at second base. Did her path form a line, line segment, parallel
lines, or intersecting lines?

2. Jenna looks at the letter T. Does the letter T form a line segment,
parallel line segments, or perpendicular line segments?

3. Ryan’s ski instructor tells him that he should keep his skis parallel.
Draw how Ryan’s skis should look.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Ryan accidentally crosses the tips of his skis and falls down. What
word describes the type of line that Ryan’s crossed skis created?

5. Louis gets lost on the way to Josh’s house. He calls and says he is
on Main Street. To get to Josh’s house from Main Street, Louis must
turn left on First Avenue. Is First Avenue parallel to Main Street?

6. Josh lives at the corner of First Avenue and Maple Street. How
might he describe the way the streets meet at his house?

Grade 4 144 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.5

Chapter Resources
Write the measure of the angle in degrees and as a fraction of a full turn.

1. 2.

Classify each angle as right, acute, or obtuse.

3. 4. 5.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Describe the figures. (Lesson 10–4)

6. M 7.


9. T U


Grade 4 145 Chapter 10

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.5


1. Matt looks at the clock and sees that it is 12:55. What type of
angle do the hands of the clock form?

2. Now the hour is 1: 00. Matt wants to wait until the hands of
the clock form a right angle. Until what hour must he wait?

3. The clock in Ms. Alston’s classroom reads 2:15. She tells the
students that class will be over when the hands on the clock next
form an obtuse angle, and the minute hand is pointing directly to
a number on the clockface. What time will class be over?

4. Jake goes to a friend’s house at 2:30. He stays until the hands on

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

the clock form an acute angle. What is the earliest time he could
have left?

5. Elise set her alarm clock for 50 minutes after 2 on the morning
she was leaving for her camping trip. She fell back asleep for 10
minutes. She finally left the house at 3:25. What type of angle did
the hands on the clock form when her alarm went off?

What type of angle did the hands on the clock form when she
woke up the second time?

What type of angle did the hands on the clock form when she left

the house?

6. Elise left her house at 3:25. She arrived at the trail head at 6:00.
In the time it took Elise to arrive at the campsite, how many times
did the hands on a clock form right angles?

Grade 4 146 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.0, 4MG3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any method shown below to solve. Tell what method you

• Work backward • Guess and check

• Reasonable answers • Look for a pattern
• Act it out

1. Justin can run 2 blocks in 1 minute. If he is 8 blocks from home, is

it reasonable to say he can run home in 5 minutes?


2. Sarah watched the band march by in a pattern. She saw a

trumpet, flute, saxophone, drum, trumpet, flute, saxophone, drum
pattern. What are the next three instruments she will see?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Write the measure of the angle in

degrees and as a fraction of a full turn. (Lesson 10–5)



Classify each angle as right, acute, or obtuse.

5. 6.

Grade 4 147 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.7

Chapter Resources
Classify each triangle. Use isosceles, equilateral, or scalene and
acute, right, or obtuse.

1. 2.
8 yd 8 yd
8 cm 10 cm

8 yd
6 cm

3. 10 ft 4. 5 cm
9 cm
9 ft 6 ft
13 cm
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Use any strategy shown below to solve. (Lesson 10-6)

Tell what strategy you used.

• Work backward • Guess and check
• Reasonable answers • Look for a pattern
• Act it out

5. A number is multiplied by 3. Then 8 is subtracted from the

product. The result is 4. What was the original number?


6. Rebecca wants to bake banana bread, do her homework, call

her friend, and clean her room before soccer practice. It takes
65 minutes to make banana bread, 35 minutes to do her
homework, 20 minutes to call her friend, and 15 minutes to clean
her room. Her soccer practice starts in 2 hours. Does she have

enough time to do everything she wants to do?


Grade 4 149 Chapter 10

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.7


1. Jon’s garden has 3 sides. None are equal sides and there are no
equal angles. What type of shape is his garden?

2. Santi has 3 sticks; two of them are 3 centimeters and one is

6 centimeters. Will he be able to make a triangle with them?

3. Brianne is making a design with geometric shapes. She draws

a triangle that has 2 sides, 2 centimeters long. The triangle has
2 angles that are 70°. On a separate sheet of paper, draw a
triangle like the one Brianne has drawn. What kind of triangle is

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

it—isosceles, equilateral, or scalene?

4. If you draw an equilateral triangle and two sides are 3 inches what
is the length of the third?

5. Bruno is making a drawing of the Pentagon. How many triangles

will he need to draw to make this polygon, and how many sides
will it have?

6. Alison is cutting out fabric. One side of the material is 10 feet,

another side is 6 feet, and the third side is 8 feet. What shape is
she cutting?

Grade 4 150 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.8

Chapter Resources
Classify each quadrilateral in as many ways as possible.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Classify each triangle. Use isosceles,

equilateral, or scalene and acute, right, or obtuse. (Lesson 10–7)
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

7. 8. 6m
4 in. 5 in.
10 m

3 in.

9. 10. 3 ft
5 ft
8 ft
2 ft 2 ft
6 ft

11. 12.
4 ft 4 ft
12 ft 12 ft
3 ft

12 ft

Grade 4 151 Chapter 10

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.8


1. Bonnie draws a quadrilateral with 4 equal sides, and 4 right

angles. What quadrilateral is it?

2. Santi’s wallet is in the shape of a rectangle. Two sides are 2 inches

long. The other two sides are 3 inches long. Chaz’s wallet has the
same measurements but is not a rectangle. What other shape
could it be?

3. Marcus draws a quadrilateral that has 4 equal sides, but no right

angles. What quadrilateral might it be?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Andy draws a square. Peter draws another shape that has 4 equal
sides. Peter says his shape is square. Andy says it is not. What
other shape might Peter have drawn?

5. Kelly draws a shape with 4 sides of equal length. The shape has
2 obtuse angles and 2 acute angles. What shape does Kelly draw?

6. Alison is cutting out fabric. The top of the material measures 1 ft,
and the bottom measures 3 ft. Each side measures 2 ft. What shape
is she cutting?

Grade 4 152 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.2
Parts of a Circle

Chapter Resources
Identify the part of the circle shown.

1. 3. 5.

2. 4. 6.

Name the parts of the circle.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

7. GH 9. O
8. OK 10. GO

Classify each quadrilateral in as many ways as

possible. (Lesson 10-8)
11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16.

Grade 4 153 Chapter 10

Name Date
Problem–Solving Practice 4MG3.2
Parts of a Circle


1. Beth looks at the clock when the school bell rings at 3:30. What
part of a circle is the minute hand on the clock?

2. Beth notices that the clock has a straight crack on the left side. It
reaches from the top to the bottom and through the center. What
part of a circle is the crack?

3. Coach Spano wears a sports watch for soccer practice. She checks
the time and sees that it is 6:00, time for practice to end. What is
the part of a circle that is formed by the hands of the watch?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. At soccer practice, the teammates stood in a circle and took turns
kicking the ball to the person in the center. If the ball traveled in a
straight line, what part of a circle did it make?

5. Joan made a pie that she cut into six pieces. She began by cutting
the pie in half across the middle. What is the name of the line
segment of her first cut?

6. After Joan cut the pie through the middle, she cut each half into
3 wedges. What part of a circle is one side of a wedge of the pie?

Grade 4 154 Chapter 10

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.3
Geometry: Congruent

Chapter Resources
Tell whether the figures are congruent. Write yes or no.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Identify the part of the circle shown.

(Lesson 10–9)
7. 8. 9.

Name the parts of the circle. V

10. SW 11. WV

12. W 13. ST

Grade 4 155 Chapter 11

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.3
Geometry: Congruent

Tell whether the figures are congruent. Write yes or no.

1. Amy drew these two figures 2. Hamid looked at the ends of
on dot paper. Look at the two wooden blocks.
figures. Are they congruent? Are they congruent?

Copy each figure on dot paper. Then draw one congruent figure.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Next, Amy drew the right 4. Hamid traced the end of
triangle below. On a separate another wooden block onto
sheet of dot paper, copy dot paper. The figure he
the figure. Then, draw one traced looks like this. On a
congruent figure. separate sheet of dot paper,
copy the figure. Then, draw
one congruent figure.

5. Inez wants to make two pentagons. On a separate sheet of dot

paper, draw two congruent pentagons.

Grade 4 156 Chapter 11

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG3.4
Geometry: Symmetry

Chapter Resources
Tell whether each figure has line symmetry. Write yes or no.
Then tell how many lines of symmetry the figure has.
1. 3.

2. 4.

Tell whether the figure has rotational symmetry. Write yes or no.
5. 7.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

6. 8.

Tell whether the figures are congruent .

Write yes or no. (Lesson 11-1)
9. 10.

11. 12.


Grade 4 157 Chapter 11

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG3.4
Geometry: Symmetry


1. The pattern on Beth’s floor is in the shape of a plus sign. She

copies the shape onto paper and draws a dotted line through the
center. Is the dotted line a line of symmetry?

2. Sam is painting a picture of his mother. If he wants to make sure

her face is symmetrical in the painting, what can he do to the
canvas before he begins?

3. Sheila draws this flower with 6 petals. Then she draws a dotted
line through the center of her flower as shown here to find out
whether the flower is symmetrical. Is the dotted line a line of

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

symmetry on Sheila’s flower?

4. How many lines of symmetry can you draw through a square?

5. Mirabel is drawing a picture of a flower she found near their campsite.

The flower has 5 petals. She draws a dotted line through her flower.
There are 3 petals on one side of the line. Is the dotted line Mirabel
drew a line of symmetry? How can you tell without drawing it?

Grade 4 158 Chapter 11

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG1.4, 4AF1.4
Measurement: Perimeter

Chapter Resources
Find the perimeter of each figure.

1. 3 ft 2. 12 ft 3. 2 yd
3 ft 3 ft 6 ft
5 yd
3 ft

Find the perimeter of each figure in units.

4. 5. 6.
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Tell whether each figure has line symmetry. Write yes

or no. If yes, tell how many lines of symmetry the figure has.
7. 8.

Tell whether the figure has rotational symmetry. Write yes or no.

9. 10.

Grade 4 159 Chapter 11

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG1.4, 4AF1.4
Measurement: Perimeter

Find the perimeter of each figure.

1. Jorge is drawing a design for a box 2. The Hitoshi family plans to make
car. He draws this rectangle to use a short sidewalk and patio in their
as the base of the car. Find the backyard. First, they will need to
perimeter of the rectangle. place a frame around the space.
This drawing shows the shape and
2 ft dimensions of the frame they need to
place. What is the frame’s perimeter?

4 ft 20 ft

10 ft 10 ft

20 ft

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Jorge uses this rectangle as a pattern 4. Mrs. Hitoshi decides to plant a flower
for a picture of a building. What is the bed next to the patio. She wants to
perimeter of his rectangle? use an iron border around the flower
bed. She uses this grid to find out
how many sections of iron border she
will need. Find the perimeter of the
flower bed.
y y

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
x x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Grade 4 160 Chapter 11

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.2, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Strategy: Solve a Simpler Problem

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the solve a simpler problem strategy.

1. Nicholas had to make 6 cakes for the party. Each cake takes
12 minutes to mix, 21 minutes to bake, and 27 minutes to cool

and decorate. How many hours will it take to make all 6 cakes?

2. Ricardo grows tomatoes in his garden. Each tomato plant yields

22 tomatoes each week. He has 5 tomato plants. How many

tomatoes does he have after 4 weeks?

Find the perimeter of each figure. (Lesson 11–3)

3. 7 ft 4.
15 yd
3 ft
15 yd
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. 6. 1 m
9 ft 5m

9 ft

Find the perimeter of each figure in units.

7. 8.
2 in.
3 ft
4 in.
8 ft

Grade 4 161 Chapter 11

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG1.4
Measurement: Area

Chapter Resources
Find the area of each figure.

1. 2. 6 mm

25 mm

Use the grid to draw each of the following squares or rectangles. Tell whether
the figure is a square or rectangle. Then find the area.

3. Length: 6 units; width: 2 units: 4. Length: 4 units; width: 4 units:

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Solve. Use the solve a simpler

problem strategy. (Lesson 11–4)

5. Maria found a store that sells handmade sweaters for $37. She
wants to buy one for everyone in her family. She will buy

6 sweaters. How much will this cost?

6. James took a job delivering groceries in his neighborhood. He can

carry 8 bags with each trip. If he takes 28 trips a day, how many

bags does he deliver?

7. There are 32 students in Marissa’s class. Each student started the

year with 15 pencils. How many pencils did the class start with?

Grade 4 163 Chapter 11

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG1.4
Measurement: Area

Find the area of each figure.

1. Lin and her sister are getting a new 4. Helena makes a canvas for an
rug for their bedroom. The rug is oil painting. Use graph paper to
3 feet wide and 5 feet long. Find the draw the shape of her canvas with
length 12 centimeters and width
area of the rug.
6 centimeters. Tell what shape
Helena’s canvas is, and find the area.
2. Lin wants to use blue tissue paper
to decorate the top of a box that is
4 inches square. What is the area of
the piece of tissue paper Lin needs? 5. Mike’s sister wants to make a cover
for the gas grill on the deck. She has
a piece of waterproof fabric that is
4 feet long and 1 foot wide. Use graph
3. Ms. Charles wants to carpet the paper to draw a figure with length 4 ft
reading nook shown here. How and width 1 ft. Tell what the figure

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

many square meters of carpet is, and find the area. Then tell what
will Ms. Charles need for the shape the section of the deck with the
reading nook? gas grill is and find the area. Will the
piece of waterproof fabric cover the

Grade 4 164 Chapter 11

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose the Best Strategy

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy shown below to solve.
Tell what strategy you used.

• Reasonable answers • Look for a pattern

• Act it out • Solve a simpler problem
• Guess and check

1. A conference center has six rooms. Each room can hold up to 248
people. About how many people can fit in the conference center?

2. Ryan’s school is going on a field trip. If all six classrooms have
27 students going on the trip, how many students from the

school are going?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Cole has 26 trophies. Julia has eight more than Cole. Eric has
seven more than Julia. How many trophies does Eric have?


Find the area of each figure. (Lesson 11–5)

4. 1 yd 5.

3 yd

6. Mrs. Sanchez’s room has an area of 1295 square feet. Her room is

35 feet long. How wide is her room?

7. Chelsea wants to know the area of the pool deck she scrubs. It is

25 feet wide by 42 feet long. What is the area?

Grade 4 165 Chapter 11

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG1.4
Measurement: Area of Complex Figures

Chapter Resources
Find the area of each figure.

1. 15 ft 2. 16 cm

5 cm
7 ft
12 ft

15 cm

2 ft 20 cm

3. 16 in. 4. 10 in.
4 in.

18 in.
10 in.

2 in.
6 in. 2 in.

5. 4 yd 4 yd 6. 6 ft
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2 ft
5 yd
12 yd

7 ft

14 ft
15 yd

Use any strategy shown below to solve.

Tell what strategy you used. (Lesson 11– 6)
• Reasonable answers • Guess and check
• Act it out • Look for a pattern
• Solve a simpler problem

7. My school has 17 classrooms. Each room can hold up to

35 students. How many students can come to my school?

8. Justin walks 16 dogs a day. Is it reasonable to say that he walks

about 100 dogs in a week? Strategy:

Grade 4 167 Chapter 11

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG1.4
Measurement: Area of Complex Figures

Find the area of each figure.

1. Amanda needs to wrap a gift. The box she has to wrap has 6 sides
that are each 4 inches × 4 inches. How much paper does she
need to wrap this box?

2. Tony’s family wants to figure out how big an area of their home is.
They discovered they have a large room that is 20 feet × 17 feet
and a room that is 12 feet × 15 feet. How large is this area of
their home?

3. Rosa placed a box that is 25 inches × 36 inches on a table. She

discovered that the table is exactly 1 inch larger on all sides. What
is the area of the table’s top?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Patrick broke his neighbor’s window with a baseball. He wanted to
find out how much it would cost to replace it. The window was
27 inches × 34 inches on top and 27 inches × 16 inches on the
bottom. The store charges 10¢ per square inch for the glass.
How much will the glass cost?

5. Emily is helping wallpaper her bathroom. She has a 3 feet × 5 feet

wall and a 2 feet × 8 feet area to cover. How much wallpaper
does she need?

6. Dan has to figure out how much fertilizer he needs for his lawn.
His front lawn is 35 feet × 17 feet. His side lawn is 9 feet ×
17 feet. His back lawn is 35 feet × 12 feet. How large is his lawn?

Grade 4 168 Chapter 11

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.8
Negative Numbers

Chapter Resources
Write the number that represents each situation. Then show the
number on a number line.

1. 75 feet above sea level

2. owe $18

3. 2 feet behind
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. reduced by 7 pounds

Write the number of each letter on the number line.

5. J K L M

-8 -7 -5 -4 -3 -1 0 1 2 5 6

Find the area of each figure. (Lesson 11-7)

6. 7 ft 7. 4 in.
7 ft

16 ft
12 in.
7 in.
15 in.
17 ft

Grade 4 169 Chapter 12

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.8
Negative Numbers


1. Frederico located -5 on a number line. Marge located the

opposite. What number did Marge locate?

2. The temperature on a cold day in Columbus, Ohio, is four degrees

below zero. Where would this temperature be found on a number

3. Valerie lives in a small community in California. The elevation of

this community is 300 feet below sea level. Write an integer to
represent this elevation.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Simon lives in a cold climate. He measures the low temperatures
for one week. These temperatures are 0°F, -2°F, 1°F, 4°F, -6°F,
-7°F, and 2°F. Write these numbers from least to greatest.

5. Lan keeps temperature records for the weather station at his

school. He recorded a low temperature of 15°F on Monday. The
low temperature on Tuesday was seven degrees lower than the
low temperature on Monday. The low temperature on Wednesday
was ten degrees less than the temperature on Tuesday. Use a
number line to find the low temperature on Wednesday.

6. Adam earned $45 at an afterschool job. He received an allowance

of $10. He went to the store with his mother and wanted to
purchase a CD player for $60. He did not have his money with
him, so his mother loaned him enough to make his purchase.
He will pay her back. Write an integer to represent the amount of
money Adam had to borrow.

Grade 4 170 Chapter 12

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG2.1
Find Points on a Grid

Chapter Resources
Identify the object or letter that is located at each ordered pair.

6 House 1. (2, 2)
5 Hospital House
2. (3, 4)

Bike 3. (0, 5)
4 Store
4. (5, 1)
Grocery Video
3 Store Store

2 Deli

1 Station
0 Library
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

B 5. (3, 6)
8 E
F 6. (10, 8)
6 C
A 7. (4, 9)
4 8. (7, 1)


0 2 4 6 8 10

Write the number that represents each situation. Then

show the number on a number line. (Lesson 12-1)
9. ran 100 yards

10. earns $8

Grade 4 171 Chapter 12

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG2.1
Find Points on a Grid

Use the grids to solve.

10 1. Lindsay made a grid of the transportation
9 centers in her town. Give an ordered pair to
8 tell the location of the boat dock.
4 2. Use the grid. Name the place located at (2, 3).
3. Five students made a grid for a group project.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 They mapped the location of each of their
homes and their school. Use the grid. Give an
ordered pair for the location of Carlos’ house.
Give an ordered pair for where Kimi lives.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Carlos Jason
5 4. Use the grid to name the location for each of
4 these ordered pairs:
3 (2, 2); (6, 4); (1, 8)
Layton School
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .

Make a grid on a separate sheet of paper to solve.

5. Graph these ordered pairs on graph 6. If each grid line stands for 10 feet,
paper: (3, 2); (4, 4); (5, 2); (5, 7); how far is it from the lowest point on
(6, 4); (7, 2). What do you notice the right to the lowest point on the
about the numbers you graphed? left?

Grade 4 172 Chapter 12

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG2.2, 4MG2.3
Graph Ordered Pairs

Chapter Resources
Graph and label each point on the grid.

5 1. point G: (4, -5)

3 2. point H: (-2, 2)
1 3. point I: (2, 3)
-5 -4-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4. point J: (-4, -4)
5. point K: (1, 0)
6. point L: (-1, 5)

Find the length of the horizontal or vertical line segment formed

by each set of ordered pairs.
7. (2, 4), (2, -2) 8. (4, 6), (2, 6)
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write the ordered pair that names each point. (Lesson 12-2)

P R 9. Q

4 10. R
3 Q 11. S
12. U
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

B F 13. B
14. H
6 15. E
4 16. C

0 2 4 6 8 10
Grade 4 173 Chapter 12
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG2.2, 4MG2.3
Graph Ordered Pairs


4 Mark’s

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Mark went to the left 8 units and down 3 units to the library. Label

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

this point.

2. Then he went to the right 5 units and down 3 units to school.

Label this point.

3. After school, Mark went to the right 3 units and up 5 units to the
basketball courts. Label this point.

4. After basketball, Mark went home with Jane to finish their

homework. They walked to the right 2 units and up 3 units to
Jane’s house. Label this point.

5. Mark’s mother picked him up, and they went to dinner. They went
to the left 9 units and down 3 units to the pizza place. Label this


6. Mark’s mother had to stop at the grocery store while they were
out. They went to the left 3 units and down 6 units to the grocery

store. Label this point.

Grade 4 174 Chapter 12

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4SDAP1.1
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Logical Reasoning
Solve. Use the logical reasoning strategy.

1. Kristen, Josh, and Dan all play on soccer teams. One team is green,
one is blue, and one is silver. Kristen’s team is silver, and Dan’s
team is not green. What color team does each person play for?

2. Jasmine, Courtney, Taylor, and Inez are all on the same basketball
team. Their jersey numbers are 4, 5, 8, 11. Inez’s number equals
the number of letters in her name. Jasmine’s number is a two-digit
number. Courtney’s number is not a prime. What is Taylor’s
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Three labrador retrievers play at the park. One is yellow, one is

black, and one is chocolate. Their names are Emma, Newton,
and Sheldon. Sheldon is not yellow. The black dog’s name is the
shortest. What are the colors of each dog?

Graph and label each point on the grid.

(Lesson 12-3)
5 4. point A: (3, -5)
5. point B: (-1, 3)
2 6. point C: (2, 5)
7. point D: (-5, -3)
-5 -4-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
-1 8. point E: (2, 0)
9. point F: (-3, 5)

Grade 4 175 Chapter 12

Name Date
Homework Practice 4AF1.5

Chapter Resources
Complete each function table.

1. 3.
Rule: multiply 4 Rule: x + x = y
Input (x) Output (y) Input (x) Output (y)

0 0 0 0
2 8 2 4
5 7
6 9
8 12

2. 4.
Rule: 2x + 1 = y Rule: x ÷ 3 + 6 = y
Input (x) Output (y) Input (x) Output (y)
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

1 3 0 6
3 7 3 7
5 6
7 9
9 12

Solve. Use the logical reasoning strategy. (Lesson 12-4)

5. Katherine watches the neighborhood children as they learn to ride

their bikes. Some ride with training wheels, others do not. If there
are 5 children riding their bikes, and there are 16 wheels, how
many are riding with and without training wheels?

Grade 4 177 Chapter 12

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4AF1.5

1. A falcon flies 3 times as fast as a 4. Milo is making brownies. For every

hummingbird. Complete the function tablespoon of water, he adds 5
table. Write an equation for the teaspoons of flour. Make a function
function table. table showing this. Then write an
equation for the function table.

h 1 2 3 4 5 w 1 2 3 4 5
f 3 6 f

2. For every instrument in the band 5. Each house number is 2 less than 4
room, there are 4 students learning to times the number of the house next
play it. Complete the function table to door. Make a function table showing
show this. Then write an equation for this. Then write an equation for the

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

the function table. function table.

i 1 2 3 4 5 n 1 2 3 4 5
s h

3. For every hour of homework, Maya 6. Rey is playing a game. For every 2
plays for 2 hours. Complete the steps forward he takes, he takes one
function table to show Maya’s step back. Complete the function
schedule. Then write an equation for table to show Rey’s steps. Then write
the function table. an equation for the function table.

h 1 2 3 4 5 f 2 4 6 8 10
p b

Grade 4 178 Chapter 12

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MG2.1
Graph Functions

Chapter Resources
Graph ten points on the graph of the function.

1. y = 2x + 2 2. y = 7

30 20
28 18
26 16
24 14
22 12
20 10
18 8
16 6
14 4
12 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Copy and complete each function table.

(Lesson 12-5)

3. 4.
Rule: x - 5 = y Rule: x + 1 = y
Input (x) Output (y) Input (x) Output (y)

5 0 2 3
9 4 5 6
12 10
15 12
18 17

Grade 4 179 Chapter 12

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4MG2.1
Graph Functions
Solve. Graph the functions where indicated on another piece of paper.

1. In a school food drive, Foodmart (f) 2. Write an equation for the function
will donate 1 can for every 2 cans (c) table. Then, graph the function.
purchased. Complete the function table.

f 1 2 3 4 5
c 2 4 6
4. For every can the school (c) collects,
a parents’ group (p) will donate four
3. Suppose Foodmart donates 3 cans for additional cans. Complete the function
each can of food collected. Complete table.
the function table.

c 1 2 3 4 5
c 1 2 3 4 5
p 4 8
f 3 6 9

Write an equation for the function

Write an equation for the function

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

table. Then, graph the function.
table. Then, graph the function.

6. A town service club (c) agrees to help.

5. The school (s) also collected blankets.
This club will match the number of
For every 3 blankets donated (d),
blankets donated (b) and will give
the school (s) will buy 1 additional
one additional blanket as well. Copy
blanket. Complete the function table.
and complete the function table.
Then, graph the function.
Then, graph the function.

d 3 6
b 1 2 3 4 5
s 1 2 3 4 5
c 2 3

Grade 4 180 Chapter 12

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4AF1.5
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy shown below to solve each problem.

• Act it out • Solve a simpler problem

• Guess and check • Logical reasoning
• Look for a pattern

1. For every day that everyone in class does his homework, Mrs.
Ramirez puts two pebbles in a bowl. When she has 178 pebbles,
the students will have no homework. How many days must
everyone complete his homework before Mrs. Ramirez assigns no


2. Alexis, Danielle, and Victoria each want to make a bracelet from

beads. There are blue glass, purple plastic, and yellow clay beads.
Alexis uses purple beads. Danielle prefers clay beads. What beads
will each girl use?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Graph ten points on the graph of the function. (Lesson 12-6)

3. y = x + 4 4. x = 3
20 20
18 18
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Grade 4 181 Chapter 12

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.5
Parts of a Whole

Chapter Resources
Draw a picture and shade part of it to show a fraction.

1 3 2
1. _
4. _
7. _

3 7 4
2. _
5. _
8. _

5 5 3
3. _
6. _
9. _

10. A pizza is cut in 8 pieces. Maria ate two of the pieces. Her friends
ate the remaining pieces. What fraction of the pizza did Maria eat?

11. A recipe to bake biscuits calls for 2 cups of milk and 4 cups of
flour. What fraction of the ingredients is milk?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

12. A recipe for crunchy treats calls for 1 cup of chocolate and 3 cups
of crunchy cereal. What fraction of the ingredients is chocolate?

Use any strategy to solve. (Lesson 12–7)

13. Mr. Benson spends $48 on two tickets to the concert. At this rate,

how much would 12 tickets cost?

14. Marcus downloads 17 songs on his computer. He downloads two
additional songs each day for a week. How many more songs

does he need to download to have 50 songs?

15. Jaclyn has a collection of books. She has two mystery books for
every science-fiction book. She has three times as many adventure
books as mystery books. Jaclyn has four mystery books. How many
science-fiction and adventure books does she have?

Grade 4 183 Chapter 13

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.5
Parts of a Whole

Solve. 2. Ciro has finished 1 part of his

homework assignment. There
1. Tony lost a button off his
are 3 parts to the assignment.
shirt. He measures one of the
What fraction of his assignment
remaining buttons to find out
has he completed?
what size button to buy to
replace the one he lost. Use grid paper to draw a
rectangle and shade it to
0 1 2 show how much of the
assignment Ciro has finished.

4. Megan has read 4 chapters of

Find the width of Tony’s a book about electricity. There
button and write a fraction for are 8 chapters in the book. Use
the part of an inch. grid paper to draw a rectangle

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

and shade it to show how
much of the book Megan has
3. Diallo baked a pumpkin pie. read. If she reads two more
He sliced it into 6 pieces. His chapters, what fraction of the
family ate 5 of the pieces. book will she have read?
Write a fraction to show what
part of the pie the family ate. of the book

of a pie

Write a fraction to show how

much of the pie is left.
6. Jesse has a block of cheddar
of a pie cheese. He cuts it into 12 equal
chunks and puts toothpicks
5. Alani has a pizza that is cut into them to serve at a party.
into 8 slices. After she and After the party, Jesse discovers
her friends finish eating, that 11 cheese chunks have
there are 3 slices left. Write a been eaten. Write a fraction to
fraction that names the part show what part of the block of
of the pizza that is left. cheese was eaten.
of a pizza
of the cheese
Grade 4 184 Chapter 13
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.5, 4NS1.7
Parts of a Set

Chapter Resources
Draw a picture to show each set.
1. __
of a set of shapes are circles.
2. __
of a set of shapes are squares.
3. __
of a set of shapes are rectangles.
4. __
of a set of lines are zigzag.
7 3
5. ___
of a group of whales are grownups, ___
of the group are babies.
6. Miguel’s mom brought home a bag of 15 hats for his birthday
party. 6 of the hats are pointed shiny red hats. What fraction of the
hats are pointed hats? 6.

7. The other hats are striped and have bells. What fraction of the
15 hats are striped hats? 7.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

8. Miguel’s mom also has a bag of 16 toys. 9 of the toys are balls.
What fraction of toys are balls? 8.

9. There are also 7 whistles in the bag of toys. What fraction of

16 toys are whistles? 9.

10. The last bag Miguel’s mom brought home has 18 noisemakers.
Miguel took 3 of the blowers out of the bag and started using
them before the party. What fraction of the noisemakers are left
for the party guests? 10.

Draw a picture and shade part of it to

show a fraction. (Lesson 13-1)
1 5 4
11. __
13. __
15. __

5 3 7
12. ___
14. __
16. ___

17. Look back over the page. Circle every fraction that shows more
than one half.

Grade 4 185 Chapter 13

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.5, 4NS1.7
Parts of a Set


1. Lara saw 3 snowmen on her way to school. She noticed that

2 of the three snowmen were smiling. On a separate sheet of
paper, draw a picture of the snowmen that Lara saw. Then write a
fraction that describes the number of snowmen who are smiling.

2. Ali has a group of 9 game pieces. Some of them are white and
some of them are not.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write a fraction that shows the part of Ali’s game pieces that are

3. Diane has laid out 12 game cards. She put 7 of the cards face up
and 5 of the cards face down. Write a fraction that names the part
of Diane’s cards that are face up.

4. James spends 2 hours a day doing homework. What fraction of

the day does James spend on homework?

5. There are 8 students in the chess club. Only 7 of the members

attended the last meeting. Write a fraction that tells what part of
the chess club missed the meeting.

6. There are 32 bottles of milk on the grocery store shelf. Carrie buys
5 of the bottles and Heather buys 11 of them. What fraction of
the original number of milk bottles is left after Carrie and Heather
make their purchases?

Grade 4 186 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.3, 4NS1.7
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the draw a picture strategy.

1. Janice bought her mother a bunch of 12 flowers. 2 of the flowers

are daisies. The others look like big cotton balls. Which flower are

there the most of?

2. There are 6 books on the table. __

of them are reading books. 1 of
them is a math book and the rest are science books. How many

are science books?

3. Mrs. Jones has 6 pine trees in her backyard. The tree closest to the
house is __
as tall as the trees against the fence. The height of each
of the 5 trees against the fence is 12 feet. How tall is the tree near

the house?

4. Marty’s friend Eugene lives 3 streets north of Marty’s street. Marty

walked over to Eugene’s street and together they walked to
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

school. The school is 6 streets to the east of Eugene’s street. What

directions can the boys follow to return to Marty’s street?

Draw a picture to show each set.

(Lesson 13-2)
5. __
of a set of shapes are rectangles.

6. __
of a set of lines are zigzag.
7. ___
of a group of elephants are grownups, ___
of the group are babies.

8. Andrew’s dad brought home a group of 25 parts to build boxcars.
4 of the parts are steering wheels. What fraction of the parts are

steering wheels?
9. Andrew’s dad also had 16 small tires. What fraction of the group

of 25 parts are tires?

Grade 4 187 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.5
Equivalent Fractions

Chapter Resources
Find an equivalent fraction for each fraction.

1. _ 5. _
3 6
4 12

2. _ 6. _
3 8
5 16

3. _ 7. _
2 7
5 8

4. _ 8. _
4 3
6 9


9. A Ferris wheel has 10 seats. 5 of the seats are red. Write

two fractions that describe the part of the cars that are red.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Solve. Use the draw a picture strategy. (Lesson 13-3)

10. There are 16 dolphins in the aquarium. _

are fully trained. 3 are in
training. The rest will be trained in the spring. How many dolphins
will be trained in the spring?

11. The bus that brings Lisa to school stops 12 times. _

of the stops
are made before the bus gets to Lisa. After the bus stops to pick
up Lisa, how many more stops are there?

12. Look back over the page and circle every fraction that is equal to
one half.

Grade 4 189 Chapter 13

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.5
Equivalent Fractions

1. Ms. Andrews has an umbrella 4. There are 32 students in Mr.
that is gray and white. Look at Simon’s class. Four of the
the top of her umbrella. students are on the soccer
team. Write the fraction that
shows how many of Mr.
Simon’s students are on the

What fractional part of the 5. Ms. Ashton’s class set 9 major

umbrella is gray? goals for their school year.
They have reached 6 of their
goals. Write a fraction that
Write an equivalent fraction. names the goals that have

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

been reached.

Then write 2 equivalent


2. Dean has 10 marbles. He

gives 2 of them to Jamie. Write
a fraction for the number of
marbles Dean has left. 6. There are 72 players in the
soccer league and 54 of the
players are new this year.
3. Lainie delivers newspapers. Write a fraction that shows
She spends _
of her the number of players who
earnings on a new CD. Write are new this year.
an equivalent fraction to
show the amount of Lainie’s
earnings that she spends.

Grade 4 190 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.5
Simplest Form

Chapter Resources
Write each fraction in simplest form. If it is in simplest form,
write simplest form.

3 6
1. __
6. ___

5 20
2. ___
7. ___

1 7
3. __
8. ___

24 15
4. ___
9. ___

7 16
5. ___
10. ___

ALGEBRA Find the value of x to simplify each fraction.

9 x
11. ___
= __
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

7 x
12. ___
= __

15 3
13. ___
= __

Write as a fraction in simplest form.

14. Six of the 12 muffins in a bag are blueberry. What fraction of

muffins are blueberry?

Find an equivalent fraction for each

fraction. (Lesson 13-4)

9 5
15. ___
19. ___

6 3
16. ___
20. __

12 4
17. ___
21. ___

2 4
18. __
22. __

Grade 4 191 Chapter 13

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.5
Simplest Form


1. Ryan has 8 kittens. 2 of the kittens are white. Write a fraction for
the number of kittens Ryan has that are not white in simplest

2. Laura has 10 marbles. After she gives 2 of them to Emma, she

has ___
of her marbles left. Write a fraction for the number of
marbles Laura gave away in simplest form.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. Aidan likes to build with his 12 blocks. He used 8 blocks to build a
house. Write a fraction in simplest form that tells what fraction of
Aidan’s blocks were used in the house.

4. Ellen has 6 cousins. 2 of her cousins live nearby. Write a fraction

for the number of cousins that do not live near Ellen in simplest

5. Nick wants to run 9 miles in a week. So far he has run 3 miles.

Write a fraction in simplest form that names how many Nick has

Grade 4 192 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR2.2, 4NS1.7
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Choose a Strategy

Use any strategy shown below to solve.

• Use Logical Reasoning • Guess and Check

• Look for a Pattern • Draw a Picture
• Solve a Simpler Problem
1. Mark has some coins. He has 2 more quarters than nickels and
4 more dimes than quarters. If he has 6 nickels, how much money

does he have?
1 1
2. Jerry owns 30 sports posters. __
of them are small posters. __
medium posters. The rest are large posters. How many are large


3. Linda bought 5 new jerseys. The long sleeved ones cost $15, and
the striped ones cost $10. She spent a total of $60. How many of
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

each type of shirt did she buy?

Write each fraction in simplest form. If

it is in simplest form, write simplest form. (Lesson 13-5)
4. ___
5. ___ 14
6. ___
54 28
7. ___
8. ___ 28
9. ___
40 49
10. ___
11. ___ 7
12. ___
30 10
13. ___
14. ___ 3
15. __
55 4

ALGEBRA Find the value of x to simplify each fraction.

8 X 6 X
16. ___
= __
17. __
= __
6 X 16 X
18. ___
= __
19. ___
= __

Grade 4 193 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.9
Compare and Order Fractions

Chapter Resources
Compare. Write >, <, or =.

1 2 5 3 8 1
1. __
5. __
9. ___

2 2 4 5 7 9
2. __
6. __
10. __
5 4 2 1
3. ___
7. __
6 3 4 8
4. ___
8. __

Order from least to greatest.

5 _ 8 1 4 ___
11. ___ , , __
10 12 3
, , 13. __ , 7 , __
9 11 8
, ,

12. __ , 8 , ___
1 __
3 1 11
, ,

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

14. Joe worked on his woodworking project for __
of an hour Monday
evening. Tuesday evening, he worked for 8 of an hour. Which day
did he work longer?

Use any strategy shown below to

solve. (Lesson 13-6)
• Use logical reasoning • Look for a pattern
• Solve a simpler problem • Guess and check
• Draw a picture

15. Jack and Frank shared the cost of renting a boat. It cost $20 an
hour and they used it 5 hours. How much did each friend pay?

16. Janice leaves to walk to her friend’s house at 3:30. She arrives at
her friend’s house at 3:45. How many minutes did it take her to

walk to her friend’s?

17. Look back over the page and circle all the fractions with a
denominator of 9.

Grade 4 195 Chapter 13

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.9
Compare and Order Fractions

2 3
1. Lon can have __
cup of orange juice or __
cup of milk. Which
amount is more?

2. Patti has three glue sticks that are partially used. One has __
__ 3
one has 5 left, and one has 10 left. Order the fractions from least
to greatest.

3 3
3. Eduardo has three cans of paint. One can is __
full, one is __
and one is 16 full. Order the cans from greatest to least amounts
of paint.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Samuel is making bread and needs __ 8
cup of flour. Jason is
making a different kind of bread and needs __
cup of flour. Who
needs the greater amount of flour?

5. Lola measures three buttons to find one which will fit the
buttonhole on the shirt she is making. One is ___
inch, one
__ 1
is 8 inch, and one is 4 inch. Order the button sizes from largest to

6. Jerilyn has finished ___
of her math problems. Matt has
finished 8 of his math problems. Who has finished the greatest
number of math problems?

Grade 4 196 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 3NS3.2
Add and Subtract Like Fractions

Chapter Resources
Find each sum or difference. Write in simplest form.
2 1 5 2
1. _ + _ = 7. _ - _ =
4 4 6 6
6 4 8 1
2. _ - _ = 8. _ + _ =
12 12 11 11
3 2 4 3
3. _ + _ = 9. _ + _ =
10 10 12 12
5 1 4 4
4. _ + _ = 10. _ + _ =
7 7 9 9
6 3 10 8
5. _ - _ = 11. _ - _ =
8 8 12 12
4 4
6. _ - _ = 8 5
12. _ - _ =
9 9 15 15
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3 2
13. Summer watched __ 6
of a movie. Then, she watched another __
What fraction of the movie does she have left to watch?

14. John is hitting baseballs at a batting cage. He used ___
of the
baseballs the first time he batted. Then, he used 12 more. What
fraction of the baseballs does he have left?

Compare. Write >, <, or =.

(Lesson 13–7)

3 2 1 6 3 7
15. __
16. __
17. __

Order from least to greatest.

18. __ , 3 , __
2 ___
3 12 6
5 4 ___
19. __ , 7 , __
5 10 2

20. Look back over the page. Circle all of the fractions with a
denominator of 6.

Grade 4 197 Chapter 13

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 3NS3.2
Add and Subtract Like Fractions

Solve. Write the result in simplest form.

1. Sam has a set of 6 wildcat animal cards. The set of cards is made
2 1 3
up of __
tigers, __
pumas, and __
lions. If Sam gave away the tiger
and puma cards, how many cards would he have left?

2. Amber sliced a watermelon into 12 wedges. She ate 1 wedge, her

brother ate 2 wedges, and her uncle ate 3 wedges. What fraction
of the melon did they eat?

3. There are 8 pieces of fruit in a bowl. If you removed __
of the fruit,
how many pieces would remain?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. There are 6 students in a group. One student wrote a science
report on animals. One student wrote a science report on trees.
Four students wrote social studies reports. What fraction of the
group wrote science reports?

5. Rachel baked a blueberry pie. She ate __
. How much pie is left for
her family?

6. Brice and his younger sister, Carla, share 21 chores each week.
They do 3 chores each day. What fraction of the week’s chores do
Brice and Carla do on 2 days?

Grade 4 198 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.5, 4NS1.9
Mixed Numbers

Chapter Resources
Identify the points on the number line below. Write each point as
a mixed number.

1. A
1 2 3 4 5

2. B
1 2 3 4 5
Identify the points on the number line below. Write each point as
an improper fraction.

3. C 1 2 3 4 5

4. D 1 2 3 4 5

Write each mixed number as an improper fraction.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3 3 2
5. 2__
6. 5__
7. 6__

Write each improper fraction as a mixed number.

15 16 23
8. ___
9. ___
10. ___

Find each sum or difference. Write in

simplest form. (Lesson 13–8)

1 2 3 2
11. __
+ __
= 12. __
+ __

7 5 9 3
13. __
- __
= 14. ___
- ___

5 2 3 3
15. __
- __
= 16. __
7 7

3 1 11 7
17. __
+ __
= 18. ___
- ___

2 1
19. Angie used __
of the paints in her paint set. Her sister used __
Angie’s paints. How much of the paints did they use in all?

Grade 4 199 Chapter 13

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.5, 4NS1.9
Mixed Numbers

1. Ana has 13 crayons that are only __
as long as they used to be.
Rename 3 as a mixed number in simplest form.

2. Vic needs 1__
cups of flour to bake bread. How many halves is that?

3. Pedro uses __
of a sheet of art paper to make one paper crane. He
makes 75 cranes. How many sheets of art paper does Pedro use to
make the cranes? Rename ___ 9
as a mixed number in simplest form.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Jenny needs 3__
cups of flour to bake bread. How many thirds is that?

5. The hardware company uses __ 8
of a roll of wire to make a hook.
The company made 338 hooks on Tuesday. How many rolls
of wire did they use? Write your answer as a mixed number in
simplest form.

6. Tamika uses __
of a block of wax to make a candle. How many
blocks of wax does she use to make 22 candles? Write your
answer as a mixed number in simplest form.

Grade 4 200 Chapter 13

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.6
Tenths and Hundredths

Chapter Resources
Write a fraction and a decimal for each shaded part.
1. 3. 5.

2. 4.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write the fraction as a decimal.

3 68 1
6. ___
8. ___
10. ___
45 5
7. ___
9. ___

Write as a decimal.

11. Marty caught ___

of an inch of rain in his rain gauge.

12. ___
of the students were girls.

13. thirty-seven hundredths

14. twenty-five hundredths

15. seven-tenths

Write each as an improper fraction or mixed number. (Lesson 13–9)

17. _ 18. _
45 37
16. 4 __
9 6 5

Grade 4 201 Chapter 14

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.6
Tenths and Hundredths


1. Three-tenths of the students who use the recreation center play in

the softball league. What is this fraction as a decimal?

2. About half of the students who play soccer also play basketball.
What is this number as a fraction? As a decimal?

3. It has been a dry summer in Texas. Last Thursday, nine-hundredths

of an inch of rain finally fell in the town of Conway. What is this as
a decimal?

4. Tony spent _
as much time practicing on his piano as he spent

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

practicing soccer. How much time is that in decimal form?

5. Last winter, it snowed two and a half inches in the town of Pratt.
When the snow melted, the weather station recorded the total
precipitation as twenty-three hundredths of an inch. How could
they have expressed this as a decimal?

6. Liam called 10 parks one Sunday. He discovered that 3 of them

were being used for soccer matches. What would that be as a

As a decimal?

Suppose Liam had called 100 parks. If he discovered _

of them
were being used for soccer matches, how many parks would that be?

Grade 4 202 Chapter 14

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.6
Relate Mixed Numbers and Decimals

Chapter Resources
Write each as a mixed number and decimal.
1. 2.

3. two and thirty-one 4. seventy-eight hundredths


Write each as a decimal.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

8 1 90 19
5. 4___
6. 11___
7. 8___
8. 9___

Write a fraction and a decimal for each shaded part.

9. 10.

Write as a fraction and as a decimal.

11. twenty-two hundredths 12. sixty-four hundredths

Grade 4 203 Chapter 14

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.6

1. The school bell rings for 7 and ____
of 4. Jana used graph paper to show how
a second. What is the decimal form many miles it is from her house to
for how long the bell rings? school. If each grid is equal to one
mile, how far is Jana’s house from
2. In a speed-skating race, the winning
skater’s time was ____
seconds faster
than the second-place skater. What is
the decimal for this fraction?

3. Alan used graph paper to show the

length of the ring on his cell phone. Write the answer as a mixed number
If each grid is equal to one second, and as a decimal.
what is the length of the ring? Write

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

the answer as a mixed number in
simplest form and as a decimal. 5. Judy and Trish read that the total
rainfall in their town was, “two and
thirty-four hundredths of an inch.”
Judy wrote that fraction as 2____
inches. Trish wrote it as 2___
Who was right? Explain.

Using decimal form, how much

rainfall did their town receive?

Grade 4 204 Chapter 14

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS3.0, 4MR2.3
Problem-Solving Strategy: Make a Model

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the make a model strategy.

1. Manuel makes and sells birdhouses. He uses 7 pieces of wood

for each birdhouse and he pays $1.59 for each piece of wood. If
he makes a $4.87 profit per birdhouse, how much is he charging
for each birdhouse? How much would a larger birdhouse using
12 pieces of wood with the same profit cost?

2. Marsha collects dolls. She has 18 dolls with brown hair, 14 dolls
with black hair, and 4 dolls with blonde hair. What fraction of the
dolls have black hair?

3. You are having a family reunion and 5 dozen people will be

attending. If you figure two ears of corn per person, how many
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

ears of corn will you need?

4. Mark’s older brother does lawn care. He charges $22 to mow a

lawn up to 500 square feet. For lawns more than 500 square feet,
he charges an additional $5 for each 100 additional square feet.
How much will it cost to have Mark’s brother mow a lawn that is
20 feet long and 25 feet wide? What is the cost for a lawn that is
30 feet long and 30 feet wide?

Write each as a mixed number

and decimal. (Lesson 14–2)

5. five and nineteen hundredths

6. two and forty-five hundredths

7. eighty hundredths

Grade 4 205 Chapter 14

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.2, 4NS1.9
Compare and Order Decimals

Chapter Resources
Compare. Write >, <, or =.

1. 0.85 8.50 3. 1.35 3.15 5. 2.65 2.65

2. 5.72 57.2 4. 0.17 0.87 6. 8.41 8.4

Order from greatest to least.

7. 0.3, 0.38, 0.31, 0.40 9. 1.9, 0.09, 0.19, 1.19
, , , , , ,

8. 8.2, 0.82, 8.02 10. 3.1, 0.13, 0.03, 3.03

, , , , ,

Order from least to greatest.

11. 24.06, 2.41, 24.1, 24.16 13. 6.10, 6.01, 6.11, 6.14
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

, , , , , ,

12. 4.98, 49.8, 4.08 14. 5.05, 5.5, 0.55, 5.15

, , , , ,

Solve. Use the make a model strategy. (Lesson 14–3)

15. Amir’s high school track is 400 meters. He runs 8,000 meters at the track, four
times a week. How many laps around the track does Amir run in one week?

16. Jake is painting his kitchen. The kitchen has 2 walls that are 14 feet long and
10 feet high. If one gallon covers 100 square feet, how many gallons will Jake need
to paint his kitchen?

Grade 4 207 Chapter 14

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.2, 4NS1.9
Compare and Order Decimals

1. Enrique averages 6.8 assists per game. Lorena averages 7.2 assists
per game. Gilberto averages 5.9 assists per game. Who averages
the most assists?

2. Many kids grow an average of 1.4 inches a year. If you grew

2.8 inches and your friend grew 1.2 inches, who grew more? Who
was closer to the average amount? How much more did you grow
than the average amount?

3. If California received 2.1 inches of rain in January, 2.4 inches of

rain in February, and 1.8 inches of rain in March, how much total rain
did they receive? List the months in order of the most to least rain.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Martina plays tennis for 3.5 hours a day. Jenna plays tennis for
3.75 hours a day, and Marcus plays for 2.8 hours a day. List the
number of hours played from greatest to least.

5. Olivia scored an average of 15.8 points a game, James scored

an average of 17.1 points, and Joaquin scored an average of

18.4 points per game. Who had the best average?

6. Sean played a game of cards in 14.3 minutes. He played a

second game in 13.8 minutes. Which game did he play faster?

7. Lauren, Kim, and Jackie each had different heights in centimeters.

Compare their heights and list them from the shortest to tallest.

Name Height (cm)

Lauren 167.64
Kim 152.4
Jackie 161.54

Grade 4 208 Chapter 14

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve using any strategy shown below.
• Use logical reasoning • Draw a picture
• Solve a simpler problem • Look for a pattern
• Make a model

1. Video Rentals What are the total video sales

Number of Videos

250 for August, September, and

200 October?
Aug. Sept. Oct.
2. Each morning, Mario walks with his dog. They walk for 1.5 miles.
How many miles do they walk in 1 week? How many miles do
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

they walk in 2 weeks?

3. What number comes next in this pattern?

What is the rule? 0, 2, 6, 3, 5, 9, 6, 8, , .

Compare. Write >, <, or =. (Lesson 14-4)

4. 0.5 0.50 5. 2.98 2.89 6. 0.04 0.4

Order from least to greatest.

7. 10.06, 10.16, 10.56, 11.06

8. 5.45, 5.25, 5.05

Grade 4 209 Chapter 14

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.7, 4NS1.6
Fraction and Decimal Equivalents

Chapter Resources
Write a fraction and decimal to describe the shaded part of
each model.

1. 3.

2. 4.
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write each fraction as a decimal.

77 12 1
5. ___
7. ___
9. __
4 5
6. __
8. ___

Use any strategy shown below to solve. (Lesson 14-5)

• Look for a pattern • Draw a picture

• Solve a simpler problem • Make a model
• Use logical reasoning

10. Nadia’s mom gave her $5 for lunch. Her two younger sisters each
received $4 for lunch. Nadia’s mom had $19 left over. How much

money did she start with?

11. What is the rule for the pattern shown? What number comes next?

12, 16, 15, 19,

Grade 4 211 Chapter 14

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.7, 4NS1.6
Fraction and Decimal Equivalents
1. Katarina made biscuits. She needed to use 2__
cups of flour for
12 biscuits. If she made 24 biscuits, how much flour did she use
written as a decimal?

2. Louis made a snack with bananas and crackers for his 2 friends
and himself. He used 2 bananas and 9 crackers. How much
banana did each person get if it was divided evenly? Write your
answer as a fraction.

3. If California received an average of 14.1 inches of rain in 2006,

Arizona received an average of 10.8 inches of rain, and Nevada
received an average of 9.9 inches of rain, which was the state that
received the most rain? Write the amount as a mixed number.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Thomas collects trains. He has 7 blue trains and ___
are other
colors. How many trains does Thomas have altogether?

5. Miriam has 100 buttons in her sewing basket. 28 of them are

red, 52 of them are white, 10 are blue, and 10 are black. Write a
fraction and a decimal to show how many red and white buttons
she has.

1 1 1
6. There are 52 cards in a deck. __
of them are hearts, __
are spades, __
are diamonds, and __4
are clubs. Write a fraction and decimal to
show all the cards that are hearts and diamonds.

Grade 4 212 Chapter 14

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS1.9, 4NS1.2
Decimals, Fractions, and Mixed Numbers

Chapter Resources
Compare. Write >, <, or =.

1. 3.05 3___
3. 0.04 ___
5. ___

2. ___
0.49 4. 1.35 1___
6. 9.1 9

Order from greatest to least.

7. 8.45, 8___
, 8.81, 8___
8. 0.27, __
, 0.52, __
9. 3.2, 2__
, 3.19, 2___
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Write a fraction or mixed number and decimal to describe the shaded part of
each model. (Lesson 14-6)

10. 11.

, ,

12. 13.

, ,

Grade 4 213 Chapter 14

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS1.9, 4NS1.2
Decimals, Fractions, and Mixed Numbers


1. Ana has a crayon that is 2.8 inches long. Monica has a crayon that
is 2 _
inches long. Who has the longer crayon?

2. Tori needs 1__
cups of flour to bake bread. Lance needs 1.45 cups
of flour. Who needs more flour?

3. Ramon surveyed 100 students and found _

of these surveyed
like soccer best. 20 of those surveyed like volleyball best, and
0.36 like basketball best. Order the sports from least liked to most

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


4. The hardware company has 100 tools. Of the tools _

hammers, 0.4 are saws, 5 are screwdrivers and the rest are
wrenches. Order the numbers from greatest to least.

5. Sandy uses 2 __
blocks of wax to make candles. Martha uses 2.3
blocks of wax to make candles. Who uses more wax?

Grade 4 214 Chapter 14

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS2.2
Round Decimals

Chapter Resources
Round to the nearest whole number.

1. 4.39 3. 17.42 5. 65.32

2. 6.56 4. 49.71 6. 80.47

Round to the nearest tenth.

7. 3.27 9. 17.46 11. 59.52

8. 8.23 10. 32.35 12. 71.88

Round to the nearest whole number.

13. Nick’s largest dog is a Newfoundland. It weighs 156.64 pounds. About how much

does Nick’s dog weigh?

14. Sarah wants to buy a new CD that costs $14.58. About how much money will she

need to buy the CD?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Use a number line to compare. Write >, <, or =. (Lesson 14-7)

15. 6.2 6__

16. 5.4 5__
17. 3.7 3__

Use a number line to order from greatest to least.

18. 7__
; 7.4; 7__
; 7.8

19. 8 ___
; 8.15; 8___
; 8.77
Write the letter that represents the approximate location of each
mixed number or decimal.


6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0

20. 6 __
22. 6 __

21. 6.3 23. 6 ___


Grade 4 215 Chapter 15

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS2.2
Round Decimals


1. Jennifer spent 6.34 hours at the beach today. Rounded to the

nearest whole hour, how long did she spend at the beach?

2. In the 1968 Olympics, Mike Burton from the U.S. swam the
400-meter freestyle race in 4.09 seconds. What is his speed
rounded to the nearest tenth?

3. Amy and Kate decide to count the sidewalk squares between their
houses. They count exactly 43.34. To the nearest tenth, how many
squares are between their houses?

4. The record for the discus throw at Westlake High School is

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

30.58 meters. What is this distance rounded to the nearest
whole number?

5. Jon is making a bookshelf unit the exact length of one wall. His
measurements show that the wall is 67.07 inches long. If Jon
rounds this number to the nearest and cuts pieces of wood that
long, how long will each piece of wood be?

Will the shelf fit in the room if he does this?

6. In the 2000 Olympics, Marion Jones from the U.S. ran the
200-meter race in 21.84 seconds. At her track meet, Sara runs it in
32.75 seconds. Round each speed to the nearest tenth.

seconds, seconds

Grade 4 216 Chapter 15

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS2.1
Estimate Decimal Sums and Differences

Chapter Resources
Estimate. Round to the nearest whole number.

1. 6.3 2. 3.7 3. 8.2 4. 17.8

+ 4.6 + 5.4 + 12.5 + 11.1

Estimate by rounding to the nearest whole number.

Then compare. Use >, <, or =.

5. 5.64 + 12.33 14.52 + 8.18 7. 16.21 - 7.45 18.83 - 9.13

6. 9.66 + 9.44 13.71 + 5.32 8. 17.53 - 5.31 15.45 - 6.54

9. Colin is 3.97 feet tall. Caroline is 3.15 feet tall. To the nearest
whole number, about how much taller is Colin than Caroline?

10. Ricardo has saved $23.46. Jasmine has saved $18.67. To the
nearest dollar, about how much more money has Ricardo saved
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

than Jasmine?

Round to the nearest whole number. (Lesson 15-1)

11. 3.26 13. 18.48 15. 73.33

12. 7.57 14. 53.61 16. 88.86

Round to the nearest tenth.
17. 2.13 19. 19.34 21. 57.53
18. 6.75 20. 33.46 22. 88.68
Round to the nearest whole number.

23. Jacob works 143.62 hours a year. Emma works 187.34 hours per
year. About how many more hours per year does Emma work

than Jacob?

24. Michelle’s family is buying pizza for delivery. It will cost $23.54.

About how much money will Michelle’s family need?

Grade 4 217 Chapter 15

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS2.1
Estimate Decimal Sums and Differences
Estimate. Round to the nearest whole number.

1. The train trip from New York, NY, to Washington, D.C., takes 3.4
hours. The trip from New York to Norfolk, VA, takes 7.6 hours.
About how much longer does it take to get to Norfolk?

2. Mr. Jones needs a bag of fertilizer and a bag of pine chips for his
garden. A bag of fertilizer costs $8.98 and a bag of pine chips costs
$5.13 at the garden store. About how much will Mr. Jones pay?

3. Ellie wants to practice skating in a straight line. She chalks a line

on the sidewalk that is 15.75 meters long. Then she adds another

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

14.25 meters to her line. About how long is Ellie’s line now?

4. Nadya has picked up $15.25 worth of art supplies at the hobby

store. She puts back a sketch pad that costs $4.98. About how
much money will the items cost now?

5. Jeannie wants to buy a jacket that costs $26.83. Her mother agrees
to pay $15.50 of the total amount. About how much money does
Jeannie need to buy the jacket?

6. Roger spent $43.07 on materials to build a small skate ramp. He

spent $76.83 on materials to build a large skate ramp. About how
much did Roger spend on the skate ramps altogether?

Grade 4 218 Chapter 15

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.1
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the work backward strategy.

1. A number is divided by 4. Then 2 is added to the quotient. Finally

the sum is multiplied by 3. The result is 12. What is the number?

2. Mrs. Washington can jog one mile in 9 minutes. She can walk one
mile in 15 minutes. She always stretches for five minutes before
exercising. She jogged 2 miles and walked 2 miles. If she finished
at 9:15 A.M., what time did she start?

3. Alejandro has 4 times as many crayons as markers. He has 6 more

markers than pencils. He has 12 pencils. How many crayons does
he have?

4. Emily bought a $5 sandwich. She then repaid her friend $6. Now
Emily has $8. How much money did she have originally?
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Estimate. Round to the nearest whole number. (Lesson 15-2)

5. 5.4 6. 2.8 7. 9.3

+ 5.7 + 7.3 + 13.6

Estimate by rounding to the nearest whole number.

Then compare. Use >, <, or =.

8. 6.72 + 11.54 13.33 + 9.44

9. 8.75 + 11.23 14.16 + 5.89

10. 18.46 - 8.29 14.95 - 5.26

11. Juan can throw a ball 23.47 yards. Michael can throw a ball
19.77 yards. To the nearest whole number, about how much
farther can Juan throw the ball than Michael?

12. Sydney can run a mile in 8.6 minutes. Melissa can run a mile in
7.4 minutes. To the nearest whole minute, about how much faster
can Melissa run a mile than Sydney?
Grade 4 219 Chapter 15
Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS2.1, 4MR2.1
Add Decimals

Chapter Resources

1. 0.5 2. 4.3 3. $9.32

+ 0.3 + 5.42 + 4.98

4. 0.9 5. 0.78 6. $12.61

+ 0.7 + 8.56 + 6.50

7. 1.5 8. 11.47 9. $13.01

+ 0.7 +10.78 + 5.12

10. 42.31 + 8.77 11. 6.4 + 4.2 + 2.7

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

12. 52.89 + 48.24 13. 4.2 + 3.33 + 8.1

14. $46.75 + $17.17 15. 7.1 + 2.54 + 3.48

Solve. Use the work backward strategy. (Lesson 15-3)

16. A number is multiplied by 4. Then 7 is subtracted from the product.

Finally the result is divided by 3. The result is 7. What is the number?

17. Pedro took 15 minutes to walk home. He played basketball for

30 minutes. Then he ate a snack for 20 minutes. Finally he sat down
to start his homework at 4:00 P.M. What time did he leave school?

18. Marissa has 5 times as many pairs of socks as DVDs. She has 4 more
DVDs than computer games. She has half as many computer games as
baseball caps. If she has 6 baseball caps, how many pairs of socks does

she have?
Grade 4 221 Chapter 15
Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS2.1, 4MR2.1
Add Decimals


1. Talia walked 0.36 miles to the store. Then she walked 2.3 more
miles to her grandmother’s house. How many miles did she walk

in all?

2. A small puzzle costs $2.06. A large puzzle costs $3.21. How much

would you pay for both puzzles?

3. Iris wants to buy a model airplane kit that costs $6.29. She also
wants to buy a model car kit that costs $3.89. How much will she
pay for both model kits?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. A ribbon company produces 31.46 meters of silk ribbon per hour
and 2.19 meters of velvet ribbon per hour. In all, how many
meters of ribbon do they produce in an hour?

5. The Winters family is going to a museum. It costs $0.90 for a

round-trip bus ticket. It costs $8.75 for a monthly bus pass.
Mr. Winters buys a monthly bus pass into the city for himself and
his wife because they use them to go to work. He buys his two
children round-trip tickets for that day. How much did he pay for
his bus tickets?

6. On Monday, Ms. Tipton braided 7.32 yards of material for a

handmade rug during her regular work hours. She braided another
0.97 yard when she worked an hour of overtime. How much
material did she braid on Monday?

Grade 4 222 Chapter 15

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4SDAP1.1
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Use any strategy shown below to solve.
Tell what strategy you used.

• Solve a simpler problem • Make a model

• Use logical reasoning • Work backward
• Draw a picture

1. Eric buys a ticket to the basketball game for $15. The bus fare to
the game and home is $3.50. Snacks at the game cost $6.37. If
Eric has $30, how much change will Eric have when he comes


2. Drew spent 20 minutes completing his reading homework. He

spent twice as long on science homework. He spent 10 minutes
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

less on his math homework than he did on his science homework.

How long did he spend on all of his homework?


Add. (Lesson 15–4)

3. 0.4 4. 1.8 5. 0.56
+ 0.2 + 0.4 + 7.43

6. 0.8 7. 3.7 8. 13.28

+ 0.5 + 6.37 + 11.12

9. 39.62 + 7.24 10. $37.53 + $18.64

11. 53.71 + 33.87 12. 5.3 + 3.8 + 1.9

Grade 4 223 Chapter 15

Name Date
Homework Practice 4NS2.1, 4MR2.1
Subtract Decimals

Chapter Resources

1. 3.6 5. 8.22 9. 19.65

- 2.3 - 4.49 - 13.42

2. 4.2 6. $8.15 10. $21.07

- 1.6 - 5.81 - 14.19

3. 5.4 7. 12.32 11. 41.26

- 4.8 - 9.76 - 19.72

4. 6.9 8. $15.76 12. 55.55

- 2.54 - 11.38 - 22.66
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

(Lesson 15–5)

Use any strategy shown below to solve.

Tell what strategy you used.
• Use logical reasoning • Draw a picture
• Make a model • Work backward
• Solve a simpler problem

13. Cody earns money selling lemonade. He earned $14.55 the first
week, $11.75 the second week, $18.54 the last week. How much
money did he make selling lemonade?


14. Samantha has 15 packages of 12 plates. How many plates does

she have?


Grade 4 225 Chapter 15

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4NS2.1, 4MR2.1
Subtract Decimals


1. Petra has $1.78 in her pocket. She spends $0.25 on a banana.

How much money does she have left?

2. Abu weighs his book bag. It weighs 11.65 pounds. He takes out
the dictionary and weighs it. The dictionary weighs 3.31 pounds. If
he leaves the dictionary out, how much will the book bag weigh?

3. Celia has $16.41 saved. She wants to buy a book that costs $8.56.
If she buys the book, how much money will she have left?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Andrea buys a roll of ribbon that is 13.85 meters long. She needs
2.9 meters of ribbon to decorate a picture frame. How much
ribbon will she have left?

5. The computer game that Parker wants to buy costs $21.07 with
tax. He has $17.86. How much more money does he need to buy
the game?

6. Clarissa uses 12.06 meters of string to weave a big bag. She uses
9.14 meters of string to weave a smaller bag. How much more
string does she use for the big bag?

Grade 4 226 Chapter 15

Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP2.2, 4SDAP2.1
Probability and Outcomes

Chapter Resources
Describe the probability of each outcome. Use certain, likely,
equally likely, unlikely, or impossible.

6 1

5 2

4 3

1. Spinning an even number

2. Spinning a 2
3. Spinning a 4, 5, or 6

4. Spinning a 7

5. Spinning a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Create a table to show the possible outcomes for the situation.

Then, use the table to describe the probability of the outcome.

6. Jorge is picking something for dinner. He has 2 boxes of pasta,

3 boxes of rice, and 5 types of meat. If he picks one randomly,
describe the probability of picking a meat.

Subtract. (Lesson 15–6)

7. 13.87 8. 21.66 9. 18.04
- 6.42 -13.56 - 9.75

10. $8.99 11. $16.05 12. $12.50

- 3.15 - 7.33 - 9.95

Grade 4 227 Chapter 16

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP2.2, 4SDAP2.1
Probability and Outcomes
Describe the probability of each outcome. Use certain, likely,
equally likely, unlikely, or impossible.

1. spinning a star or a sun 2. spinning a butterfly

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. spinning a baseball or bat 4. spinning a catcher's mitt

5. spinning a hot dog or a 6. probability of spinning a soda


Grade 4 228 Chapter 16

Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP2.2
Probability and Fractions

Chapter Resources
A shape is picked from the bag. Use a fraction and words to
describe the probability of each outcome.

1. Picking a square

2. Picking a circle

3. Picking a rectangle

4. Picking a triangle
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. Picking a square or triangle

Describe the probability of each

outcome. Use certain, likely, equally likely, unlikely, or impossible.
(Lesson 16–1)

6. If Patricia picks out 1 fruit without looking, what is the probability

that she will pick an apple?

7. If Jane picks out a fruit without looking, what is the probability that

she will pick a banana?

8. If Mike picks out a fruit without looking, what is the probability

that he will pick an orange?

Grade 4 229 Chapter 16

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP2.2
Probability and Fractions
Use the spinner to solve.

1. Rita and Jose are playing a game. 4. Jessica thinks she will land on a
They decide that the first person to square. What is the probability that
land on the star will go first. What is she will land on a square? Express it
the probability of landing on the star? as a fraction.

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Express the probability as a fraction.

5. Simon and Luis are playing a game

2. Rita and Jose take turns using the using the spinner. If the object of the
spinner. The first person to land on all game is to land on each shape before
four shapes wins the game. Rita goes the other player, what shape would
first. What is the probability that she be the most difficult to land on?
will land on a circle?
Express the probability as a fraction.
Express the probability of landing on
that shape as a fraction.

3. Jessica and Bianca are playing a game.

Each player has to name the shape
she thinks she will land on before 6. Simon goes first. What shape is he
spinning. Bianca thinks she will land most likely to land on?
on a triangle. What is the probability
that she will land on the triangle?
Express it as a fraction. Express the probability as a fraction.

Grade 4 230 Chapter 16

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4SDAP2.1
Problem-Solving Strategy

Chapter Resources
Solve. Use the make an organized list strategy.

1. Koko has red shorts and blue shorts, and a print shirt, a T-shirt, or a
tank top to wear. How many different outfits can he choose from?

2. Parker is handing out snacks. He has a large bag that is filled with
smaller snack-sized bags. There is one bag of each of the following:
peanuts, almonds, walnuts, mixed nuts, macadamia nuts, and
cashews. What is the probability of picking a bag of macadamia
nuts or almonds? How about cashews, almonds, or peanuts?

3. Martin’s older brother wanted to buy a leather bomber jacket.

It cost $190. He makes $38 each weekend mowing lawns and
weeding gardens for neighbors. How many weekends will he need
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

to work in order to buy the jacket?

4. Your teacher has 3 different stickers she can choose from

including smiley faces, animals, or hearts. What is the probability
of her choosing a heart if she picks one without looking?

One shape is picked. Use words and

a fraction to describe the probability of each outcome. Use
certain, likely, equally likely, unlikely, or impossible.
(Lesson 16-2)

5. Picking a triangle?

Grade 4 231 Chapter 16

Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP2.1, 4SDAP2.2
Find Probability

Chapter Resources
The grid shows the outcomes of two spinners. Use the grid to
answer each question.

Second Spinner Outcomes

1 2 3 4
First Spinner

1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4

2 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4
3 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4
4 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4

1. How many possible outcomes are there?

2. How many outcomes contain a pair of the same number?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. What is the probability of spinning two numbers that total 4?

4. What is the probability of spinning two numbers that have a

product of 6?
5. What is the probability of an outcome that contains the number 1?

6. What is the probability of spinning two numbers that are both

greater than 2?

You pick one card. Use a fraction and

words to describe the probability of each outcome. (Lesson 16-3)

7. Picking a pentagon?

Grade 4 233 Chapter 16

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP2.1, 4SDAP2.2
Find Probability

Use the spinner to solve.

1. Mr. Avery has a nature game in his 5. Maggie is conducting an experiment

classroom. The game has a spinner with the nature spinner. If Maggie
with a fish, a frog, and 2 turtles. spins the spinner 100 times, what is a
Paco uses the spinner to make reasonable prediction of the number
predictions. If Paco spins the spinner of times that she will land on a turtle
100 times, what is a reasonable or a frog?

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

prediction of the number of times that
he will land on a fish?
6. Maggie will spin the spinner 50 times.
She predicts that the spinner will land
2. If Paco spins the spinner 50 times, on the frog about 12 times. Is her
what is a reasonable prediction of the prediction reasonable?
number of times that he will land on Explain your thinking.
a turtle?

3. Jerome uses the nature spinner to

make predictions. If Jerome spins
the spinner 100 times, what is a
reasonable prediction of the number
of times that he will land on a turtle?

4. If Melanie spins the spinner 50 times,

what is a reasonable prediction that it
will land on a frog or a fish?

Grade 4 234 Chapter 16

Name Date
Homework Practice 4MR1.1, 4NS3.0
Problem-Solving Investigation

Chapter Resources
Solve using any strategy shown below.
• Use logical reasoning • Work backward
• Make a model • Make an organized list
• Draw a picture
1. Sydney is a receptionist and needs to make 28 phone calls. If she
can make 4 phone calls in an hour, will she be able to make all of
her calls in an 8 hour day? If so, how many additional phone calls
will she be able to make?
2. Wanda rides her bike to and from school 5 days a week. She rides
mile one way. How many miles will she bike in 1 week? 2 weeks?

3. Nora made 4 photo albums the first year, 4 photo albums the
second year, 3 photo albums the third year, and 3 photo albums
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

the fourth year. If the pattern continues, how many photo albums
will she make the fifth and sixth years?
4. Lola can choose from a blue sweatshirt, brown sweatshirt, or
green sweatshirt, with brown boots, black boots, or tennis shoes.
How many combinations can she wear?

The grid shows the possible outcomes

of tossing a coin and spinning a spinner. Use the grid to answer
the questions. (Lesson 16–4)

Spinner Outcomes
Coin Flips

Red Blue Green

Heads H, Red H, Blue H, Green
Tails T, Red T, Blue T, Green

5. How many possible outcomes are there?

6. What is the probability that you will flip a heads and spin a red or

7. What is the probability that you will spin a red and flip a tails?

Grade 4 235 Chapter 16

Name Date
Homework Practice 4SDAP2.1
Tree Diagrams

Chapter Resources
Draw a tree diagram.

1. What is the probability of choosing a white jacket and black shoes?

Jacket Shoes
White Black
Black Tan
Green White
Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

For Exercises 2–4, use the chart below. (Lesson 16–5)

Sandcastle-Building Contests
Location Number of People
Port Aransas, TX 1,250
Wenatchee, WA 1,675
Seal Beach, CA 1,775
Atlantic City, NJ 1,525
Malibu, CA 1,375

2. What location had the greatest number of people at the

sandcastle-building contest?
3. What location had the least number of people?

4. What was the difference in the number of people at the two

California locations?

Grade 4 237 Chapter 16

Name Date
Problem-Solving Practice 4SDAP2.1
Tree Diagrams

Make a tree diagram to solve.

Spinner 1 Spinner 2

1 2

1. Jared and Dimitri are playing a game with 2 spinners. How many
possible combinations are there if Dimitri spins both spinners?

possible combinations

Copyright © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Anna is deciding what she could wear to the zoo tomorrow. She
can choose a white shirt, a green shirt, or a blue shirt. She can
choose blue pants or green pants. How many different outfits can

she make? possible outfits

What are they?

Grade 4 238 Chapter 16

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