A Study of Dermatoglyphics, Blood Groups PDF

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SHILLONG-793 014

Dated: 7th March, 2002


Certified that the thesis entitled " A Study of Dermatoglyphics, Blood

Groups and Other Genetic Traits of the Kochs of Meghalaya" is the record
of the original work done by Shri Murali Kotal. To the best of my
knowledge, the contents of this thesis did not form a basis of the award of
any previous degree to him, and that the thesis has not been submitted by
him for any research degree in any other University, or Institute.
In habit and character, shri Murali kotal is a fit and proper person for
the degree of doctor ofphilosophy.

(R. Khongsdier)
n~ted, Shillong, the \.S:f4March, 2002


I, Shri Murali Kotal, hereby declare that this thesis entitled "A Study
of Dermatoglyphics, Blood Groups and Other Genetic Traits of the Kochs
of Meghalaya" is my bona fide research work, and that the thesis has not
been submitted by me for award of any research degree in any other

(Shri Murali Kotal)

No words are adequate to express my deepest gratitude to my Supervisor,

Dr. R. Khongsdier, Reader, Department of Anthropology, North Eastern Hill University,
Shillong for his he~ suggestion, encouragement and constant guida1zce throughout this
work. This work would have remained incomplete without his keen interest

I am very gmte/Ul to the Director, Anthropological Survey of India,

Kolkata, for giving pennission and providing necessary facilities.

I am also gratefUl to Prof H Lamin, Head of the Department of

Anthropology, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong for helping and providing necessary
facilities to canyout this research work. I am also expressing my sincere gratitude to my
co-supervisor Dr. S. Sengupta, Reader, Department of Anthropology, Dibrugarh University,
Dibrugarh, Assam for his help, valuable suggestions and guidance to canyout this work. I
would also like to express my gratitude to Pro[ TB. Subbha, Department of Anthropology,
for his valuable suggestions. I am also very thankfUl to Pro[ A.K Ghoslz for his
inspiration of doing this work.

I am greatly indebted to the Head of Office, Anthropological Survey of

India, Sh1llong for his kind consideration and necessary tacilities.

My sincere thanks are due to Slui. Sumit Mukheijee and Mis:,: P. Bail11lh
for the keen interest shown by them in the thesis and rendering necessary help as and
wizen required

Finally I must express my deep gratitude to the many Koch people,

specially Shri. Gonesh Koch, Shri. Bikash Koch and Shri Manik Koch who offered me
hospitality and comfortable shelter duni1g my field Iiivestigation I must be very thankfUl
to all my colleagues, !Hends and well wishers from witluiz mzd outside of the Department
of Anthropology, North Eastern Hill Univer:,ity and Anthropological Survey of India,
Sl11llong, for their encouragement and interest in the present work.

Last but not least, I am very gratefUl to all my fimuly members who
have render sustained help aJJd moral support.

Dated : Shillong
The \CO~arch 2002 ( Murali Kotal )

Table No.

2.1 Degree of opportunity for selection 25

2.2 Probabilities of the two offspring genotypes in the mating 27

between hetrozygotes.

4.1 Total population of the five Koch subgroups by age and sex . 46

4.2 Marital status of individuals by age groups. 52

4.3 Mean age at marriage. 53

4.4 Mean age at first child birth. 55

4.5 Ever-pregnant and never pregnant woman by age groups. 55

4.6 Live births and surviving children by age groups of mothers living 57
continuously in wedlock.

4.7 Live births and surviving children by age groups of all married 58

4.8 Age specific fertility rates. 59

4.9 Infant, child and juvenile mortality rates. 60

4.10 Reproductive wastage. 61

4.11 Marriage within and outside the village. 62


Table No.

4.12. Admixture rate between villages. 63

4.13 Breeding size, effective population size, co-efficient of breeding 64

isolation and variance due to genetic drift.

4.14 Parameters used m calculating index of selection intensity. 66

4.15 Indices of opportunity for selection. 66

5.1. Phenotype frequencies of the ABO blood groups. 68

5.2. Allele frequencies of ABO blood groups. 68

5.3. Phenotype and allel frequencies of the Rh-blood groups. 69

5.4. Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) taste sentivity. 69

5.5. PTC phenotypes and allele frequencies. 71

5.6. Chi - square (x ) tests between populations in respect of PTC taste 71

5.7 Phenotypes and allele frequencies of colour blindness. 72

5.8 Percentage of the ABO bloodgroups and PTC taste sensitivity in the 74
Koch subgroups of Garo Hills and other populations.

5.9 Chi- square values between the Koch subgroups and other populations 74
in respect of ABO blood groups.

5.l 0 Chi - square values between the Koch subgroups and other populations 75
In respect of PTC taste sensitivity.

Table No.

5.11 Allele frequencies of the ABO and Rh blood groups. PTC' taste 75
blindness in populations of Meghalaya and Assam.

5.12 Nei's standard genetic distance (0 x 10) on the basis of the ABO 76
blood groups and PTC taste sensitivity.

6.1 Means and standard deviations of Anthropometric measurements and 79


6.2 Anthropometric characteristics (Mean) of adult males for seven 82

populations of Meghalaya and Assam.

6.3 Anthropometric distance/co~efficient of relationship between populations.83

7.1 Percentage distribution of hand clasping. 86

7.2 Percentage distribution of ann folding. 87

7.3 Percentage distribution of tongue rolling. 8~

7.4 Percentage distribution of tongue folding. 89

7.5 Percentage distribution of earlobe attachment. 90

7.6 Percentage distribution of individuals with mid- phalangeal hair. 91

7.7 Hand clasping, arm folding and tongue rolling in the Kochs and 92
other populations.

7.8 Chi- square values between the Koch subgroups and other populations 93
in respect of hand clasping, arm folding and tongue rolling.
.. '
Table No.

7.9 Earlobe attachment among the Kochs of Garo Hills and other <>4

8.1 Percentage distribution of finger patterns. 97

8.2 Finger patterns indices. 97

8.3 Total finger ridge count. 98

8.4 Percentage distribution of mainline fonnulae. 99

8.5 C-line termination. I00

8.6 Dermatoglyphic traits among Koch subgroups and other populations. 102

8.7 Test of differences between the Koch subgroups and other populations.103


Table No. Title Pages

1.1 Location of studied villages in West Garo Hills DistJict of 10


4.1 Population pyramid of Chapras. 47

4.2 Population pyramid of Sangas. 48

4.3 Population pyramid of Satparis. 49

4.4 Population pyramid of Tintikiyas. 50

4.5 Population pyramid of Wanangs. 51

5.1 Distribution PTC tastes blindness among the five subgroups of 70

Koch population.

5.2 Genetic distance on the basis of the ABO blood groups and PTC 77
taste sensitivity among 14 populations.

6.1 Dendogr~ based on Anthropometric measurement of 12 populations. 84


List of Tables

List of Figures 1X

Chapter Title Page











Traditionally, physical anthropology is primarily concerned with the taxonomic

classification of human population at both· micro and macro levels with a view to
understanding the processes of human evolution in space and time. As such, it deals
with the phylogenetic position of human populations in terms of their differences and
similarities mainly in respect of morphological or anthropometric characters. Indeed,
"ascertaining this history has always been and remains one of the main goals of physical
anthropology" (Harrison, 1977). However, it has been realised that most of the
anthropometric or morphological characters like height, weight, skin colour, etc., are to
great extent influenced by environmental conditions in which the population lives. Thus,
attempt to establish the evolutionary phylogenetic affinity of human populations in
respect of continuous traits like anthropometric characters may not become so
meaningful because of the complexity in their genetic basis. Accordingly, it has been
felt necessary to use discrete characters or genetic markers like blood groups, red cell
enzymes, serum proteins, etc., for understanding the evolutionary processes of human
populations. With this end in view, physical anthropologists have been largely involved
in the study of the genetics of human populations since the middle of the present century.
In fact, population genetics is now considered the backbone of physical anthropology
(Kirk, 1978).
As the term suggests itself, population genetics refers to the genetics of
Mendelian population, or a breeding community whose members share in a common
gene pool (Dobzhansky, 1951). According to Li (1955), "Population genetics is
concerned with the statistical consequences of Mendelism in a group of families, or
individuals, it studies the hereditary phenomenon on population level''. While doing
population genetic studies, physical anthropologist generally look for small endogamous

and/or isolated populations since they are likely to represent the Mendelian populations.
According to Keith ( 1950) these population groups are the "evolutionary units" which are
very useful for studying all micro-evolutionary processes. Moreover, social or cultural
structures are also more integrated in small isolated populations as compared with urban
or advanced societies. Thus the WHO scientific Group (1964, 1968) has recommended
that there is an urgent need to carry out population genetic studies among these isolated
populations since many of them are undergoing cultural disintegration due to increasing
contact with more sophisticated peoples.
It is well acknowledged that each population consists of individuals with a
different genotype, or genetic constitution. The number of individuals with a particular
genetic trait that is controlled by a pair of alleles at a given locus in a chromosome can be
counted and thereby the frequency of such a gene can be calculated in a population. The
'array of gene frequencies over all loci' in a population is known as gene pool, or genetic
constitution. However, understanding of the genetic constitution/composition of a
population depends largely on our understanding of the genetic structure of such a
· population. The genetic structure of a population is concerned with the mechanism in
which genes are 'distributed and combined' within a population (Roberts, 1993 ). The
distribution and combination of genes within populations are due to a number of factors
or evolutionary forces like mutation, selection, genetic drift, effective population size,
migration, fusion-fission process, inbreeding, mating patterns, etc. As such these
evolutionary forces are to great extent responsible for the changes in the genetic
composition of the population. In fact, population genetics is concerned not only
with the counting of genes in a given population, but also with these evolutionary forces.
Thus, according to Vogel and Motulsky ( 1986), "Population genetics deals with the
behaviour of genes in large groups and is concerned with the evolutionary forces .... " The
observable variation or similarities in gene frequencies in human populations 'are the
product of the forces of evolution, acting not one at a time but simultaneously'
(Crawford, 1973 ).
If evolution is a 'process of change or movement', a change in the genetic
composition of a population is nothing but an evolution. Thus, human evolution may be
considered a change in the allele frequencies of human population from one generation to

another. If the gene frequencies in a population remain unchanged from generation to

generation, such a population is said to be in genetic equilibrium. Aecording to Hardy-
Weinberg law, the genetic equilibrium is supposed to take place when the population is
large and the mating is at random along with the absence of other evolutionary forces like
selection, mutation, drift, migration, etc. For example, in the case of natural selection, it
can be assumed that the individuals of the different genotypes have an equal chance of
reproduction in such a population of genetic equilibrium. Thus, it is clear that no
population, or genetic locus, in the world confirms to the assumptions of this law, but it is
astonishing how close most gene frequencies are to those expected in the Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium (Livingstone, 1973). Under these circumstances, it may be said
that the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium depicts a static form of evolution, i.e. "in revealing
the conditions under which evolutionary change cannot occur, it brings to light the
possible forces that cause a change in the genetic composition of a population" (Volpe,
1985). Therefore, understanding of the Hardy-Weinberg law is a prerequisite for making
out the evolutionary forces that are operating in human populations.
The operation of various evolutionary forces mentioned above is undoubtedly
responsible for the changes in the genetic composition of a population. In its simplest
way of interpretation, whether the change is due to mutation or any other evolutionary
forces, the fact is that the genes transmitted by individuals who are better adapted to a
particular environment would be increasing from generation to generation. The degree
of an individual's ability to adapt to his or her environment can be measured in terms of
reproductive performances/differential fertility and mortality. As a matter of fact,
individuals of different genetic characters (genotypes) have differential reproductive
capacities, thereby contributing their genes differently to individuals of the next
generation. Consequently, genes that enhance the ability of an individual to survive and
reproduce in his or her environment tend to increase in frequency in a population from
one generation to another. For instance, suppose the individuals with too short or tall
stature are not favoured in a given environment and thereby they are always eliminated
by the natural selection. As a result, their number will be reduced in a population.
Similarly, "the relative frequencies of homozygotes and heterozygotes for certain grov•th
genes and for genes located in the same chromosomes would be altered; some genetic

factors which were previously eliminated because of their harmfulness might become
neutral or even favourable; after some generations the genetic constitution of the whole
species may be changed" (Dobzhansky, 1951). "This is the dynamic process that has
occurred in the past, occurs today, and will continue to occur as long as inheritable
variation and differing reproductive abilities exist. Under these circumstances, the
genetic composition of a population can never remain constant" (Volpe, 1985).
Genetic variation is primarily attributable to hereditary characters, or genes,
which are transmitted by parents to their offspring through egg and sperm, or sex cells.
The outline of the causes of such genetic variation has been well documented since the
rediscovery of Mendel's laws of inheritance in 1900. It may however be made it clear
that, although we inherit genes from our parents and other ancestors, this does not mean
that we inherit our obvious physical and/or mental traits. Our physical and/or mental
characters are collectively known as phenotype. The phenotype of an individual arises
during the long process of growth and development in response to the environmental
conditions in which the individual lives. In fact, it is not only the genes carried by the
· fertilized egg, or zygote, but the environments as well, which determine the phenotype of
individuaL In other words, the phenotype of an individual is attributable to the interplay
between genetic and environmental factors. Dobzhansky (1970) writes, "The genotype
does not, therefore, determine the phenotype; it determines a range of potentially possible
phenotypes. The range of phenotypes that can develop with a given genotype is
technically known as the norm of reaction of that genotype. Which potentialities of the
norm of reaction will in fact be realised in a given individual at a certain stage of his
development is decided by the sequence of the environments in which the development
takes place.... The norm of reaction is the entire range, the whole repertoire, of the
variant paths of development that may occur in the carriers of a given genotype in all
environments, favourable and unfavourable, natural and artificial". For example, it may
not be true to say that we inherit a given disease like diabetes. In fact, the disease is due
to the interaction between a particular genotype and a given environment, which lacks a
particular substance, known as insulin. The disease will not be produced, provided
insulin is given to the individual with such a genotype. So what we inherit is the result of
the self-reproducti<?n of the genes which determines the norm of reaction to the

environmental conditions. The varied environments, m which the individual or

population lives, modify, to a great extent, the phenotypic expression of the genes.
Some genetic variants, or genetic combinations of traits, are more conducive to survival
and reproductive success than the others in certain environments, whereas some others
are unfavourable, diminishing and become extinct. The end result is that different
populations show adaptations to their respective environmental conditions. Adaptation as
such may be thought as a process by which a population is becoming better adapted to the
environmental pressures so as to maintain itself in a given environment (Johnston, 1973).
In fact, the biological study of man has established that the observable differences
between and within populations are the evolutionary processes by which populations are
able to adapt to the different environmental conditions.
In view of the above circumstances, knowledge of genetics particularly of
population genetics is of considerable importance in understanding the processes of
ongoing human evolution and variation. Besides, population genetics contributes to a
great extent in '·'removing misunderstanding among various population groups" as it
· explains the facts and nature of population variation (Das, 1997). Population genetics is
also very useful in the field of medical sciences. tf9Pulation genetics contributes to our
knowledge of the health and disease problems as it is concerned with the genetic
constitution of the populations and the factors responsible for the incidence of certain
genetic traits in such populations. For example, it is commonly cited that the frequency
of the sickle cell trait in Africa is higher in the agricultural communities than in those
communities, which depend largely on hunting or animal husbandry. It has been
observed that the clearing of forests for cultivation has created the new breeding areas for
the mosquitoes (anopheles gambae), the vectors of plasmodium falciparum (malarial
parasite). As a result, there is a wide spread of malaria in those populations, which
depend on agriculture. The question is that how these populations are maintaining
themselves? It is found that the spread of malaria due to agricultural practices in these
populations is responsible for the selective advantage of the heterozygotes for the sickling
gene, i.e. the heterozygous individuals (HbAHbS) are more resistant to malarial parasites
than the normal homozygotes (HbAHbA) and homozygous affected individuals
(HbSHbS). Accordingly, the frequency of the sickle cell trait is very high in these

populations of malarial prone areas. So although the sickle cell gene is harmful, if it is
expressed in homozygous condition, it is also beneficial to the carriers of the trait
(heterozygotes) since they have better resistance to malarial parasites. Under these
circumstances, the population geneticists and anthropologists have suggested that the
frequency of the sickle cell gene will be declined, if malaria is eradicated. Similarly, if
the sickle cell disease could be completely cured by means of medical aids, the selective
advantage of the heterozygotes would be thwarted, thereby increasing the frequency of
the gene in both heterozygous and homozygous conditions.
What we would like to point out here is that the incidence of hereditary diseases
and their modes of inheritance in populations can be better understood with a knowledge
of population genetics. As in the case of example cited above, population genetics is of
considerable importance in understanding the health hazards due to the interplay between
genetic and environmental factors, despite certain limitations. In fact, an individual, or a
population is constantly subject to the interplay of these influences. There should be
always a 'delicate balance' between genetic and environmental influences. Nowadays,
the rapid change in environment is likely to affect the genetic make up of different
populations. Knowledge of population genetics is essential for estimating the genetic
consequences of such changes concerning the health aspects of populations. For
example, population geneticists may be interested in knowing the genetic consequences
of modern family planning programme. If the genetic composition of a population also
depends on differential fertility and mortality, the control of such differentials is likely to
have genetic consequences. It is already suggested that natural selection is relaxed to a
great extent through the adoption of modern family planning method (Matsunaga, 1966).
Similarly, it is observed that the frequency of certain genetic disorders like Down's
syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, haemolytic diseases, etc. increases with the increasing
age groups of mothers. In such cases, adoption of family planning methods may be of
considerable importance in avoiding the risks of having children with such genetic
disorders. Moreover, population geneticists are also interested in knowing the
association/relationship between certain diseases and genetic markers. For instance, it is
generally reported that persons of blood types A and AB are more susceptible to small
pox, and those with 0 type are more susceptible to duodenal ulcer and so on.

Accordingly, like other branches of genetics, population genetics is also occupying an

important position in researches that are of special interest to the health and family
welfare programmes. Basu (1994) writes, "Population genetic studies play an important
role in the health and family welfare programmes by providing vital information on the
incidence of various hereditary disorders ... genetic aspects of fertility, effects of radiation
on the genetic endowment of the population, genetic effects of contraceptives, optimal
age for child bearing, empirical risks of having defective children, which may be utilised
for the prevention of various genetic and genetico-environmental disorders through pre-
and post-marital genetic counselling".
Another important field of population genetic research is concerned with the
genetic and health aspect of inbreeding. According to Reid ( 1973 ), "Inbreeding is the
genetic consequences of biologically consanguineous matings, and the offspring of
biologically consanguineous matings are said to be inbred". The incidence of genetic
anomalies or congenital malformations is known to be associated with the high frequency
of consanguineous marriages (Schull and Neel, 1962, 1965; in India see review Basu,
1994 ). Among the Hopi Indians in the United States, the high frequency of albinism is
commonly cited as a result of the high rate of consanguineous marriages. Similarly,
infant mortality rate is reported to be associated with consanguineous marriages (see
reviews Reid, 1973, Basu, 1994). Knowledge of population genetics may be essential to
have a better understanding of these problems in human populations. It has been
suggested that the adoption of family planning methods is required for reducing the
frequency of consanguineous marriages. "For small size of sibships in a family means
fewer relatives or fewer cousins. The frequency of hereditary diseases due to recessive
genes is likely to be reduced by the decrease in the frequency of consanguineous
marnages. Thus family planning is helpful in reducing the frequency of hereditary
defects and diseases" (Roychoudhury, 1988).


It is obvious from the above that the scope and importance of population genetics is very
vast, and it is hardly possible for an individual researcher to master all the areas of
population genetics. Therefore, it may be very important for us to limit our area of study,
taking into consideration the main objective of physical anthropology as mentioned at the
outset. As such, we propose to undertake a genetic study among the Kochs of Garo Hills
entitled A Study of Dermatoglyphics, Blood Groups and Other Genetic Traits of the
Kochs ofMeghalaya, taking into consideration the following objectives of study:

l. To describe the demographic structure the Koch population, taking into consideration
all the five subgroups, namely, Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs.
2. To describe the genetic composition of each of the subgroups of the Koch population
with the help of some genetic markers like ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, PTC taste
blindness and colour blindness.
3. To study the morphological characteristics of the study population with the help of
somatometric, dermatoglyphic, and some somatoscopic and behavioural traits.
4. To find out how evolutionary forces like selection and drift are operating in all the
subgroups of the Koch population.
5. To find out the phylogenetic position of the study population in relation to other
neighbouring populations including the Kochs of Assam.

The present study is concerned mainly with dermatoglyphic, anthropometric and

morphological characters with few genetic markers as what generally done in
anthropological genetic study of populations. As such, it may be more appropriate to
mention these characters in the title rather than to use a broad title, say, a study of
population genetics in the Koch population.

Meghalaya is essentially a small tribal state in the north - eastern region of India. It was
officially created as a full-fledged state on January 21, 1972. It lies between 25° 45' and

26° 10'N latitude and 89° 45' and 92° 47' E. longitude. The state covers an area of about
22,429 square kilometers. It is bounded by Assam on the north, east and north- west, and
by Bangladesh on the south and southwest. Meghalaya comprises seven district viz.,
Jaintia Hills, East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, Ri-Bhoi, East Garo Hills, West Garo
Hills and South Garo Hills districts. According to 2001 census, the total population of
Meghalaya is 2, 306, 069. The density of population is approximately 103 persons per
square kilometer. The overall sex ratio is 975 females per 1000 males. Literacy rate is
63.31. It is a tribal state with several major tribes, although the Garos and Khasis are the
major tribal populations of the state.
The present study was carried out in five villages of West Garo Hills district. The
West Garo Hills district is situated in the North-western part of Meghalaya (Figure 1.1 ).
It lies between 25° 8' and 26° 1' N latitude and between 89° 50' and 90° 59' E longitude.
The district is bounded by Bangladesh on the south and southwest, Goalpara district of
Assam on the north and northwest, and by South and East Garo Hills districts on the east.
The West Garo Hills district covers an area of 3,715 sq. km with a total population of
5,15,813 of which 2,59,440 are males and 2,56,373 females (Census of India, 2001).
Thus, the density of population per square km is 139 persons with the sex ratio of 988
females per 1000 males. The total literary rate is 51.03%.
Figure 1.1 also shows the location of five villages belonging to the five subgroups
of Koch, namely, Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs. The villages selected
for the present study are Andherkona for the Chapras, HarigQQn for the Sangas, Kari4tilotfor the
Satparis, Sangkopara for the Tintikiyas and Merriangapara for the Wanangs. Andherkona and
Kariatola are situated on the foothill of Ronggira range about 5 to 6 kilometers away
from Garobadha Police Station. Harigao.n village is situated on the right side of the
Ganol river about 30 km to the west ofTura, while Sangkopara is situated on the left
side of Garobadha about 5km away from Selsella. On the other hand, Merriangapara
village is located on the right side of the river bank of Singwil - Galwang river
about 8 km away from Selsella.






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The entire Garo Hills is hilly terrain which constitutes an extension of the famous
"Shillong Plateau." The altitude varies from 15 metres to 1,412 metres above sea level.
The important physiographic features in this part of Meghalaya are the Tura range, the
Moheshkhola-Adaguri range and the Simsang valley (Bhakta, 1992). The Tura range is
about 50 km above sea level and extends in east-west direction from Siju to Tura, the
headquarters of the West Garo Hills district. The highest peak of this range is Nokrek
(1412 m), which is about 13 km southeast ofTura. The Tura range is known as a typical
horst (Block mountain) bounded by two faults and it is along the northern faults that the
Simsang river flows towards the east for about 45 km and thereafter it flows towards
south through a gorge that separates the Tura and Kylas ranges. The Kylas range which is
located to the east of Simsang river rises abruptly as a hog-back mass and it is higher than
the other surrounding hills of the area. The Arbela peak (999 m) and the hills lying to the
north of Tura range are low but gradually increase in height in the south. The remaining
parts of Garo hills are composed of hill ranges, which run from north to south with peaks
ranging in height between 450 and 600 metres.

West Garo hills district which is relatively lower in altitude than Khasi hills experiences a
fairly high temperature from February to October with April as the hottest month of the
year. The average maximum and miru., temperatures during this period are about 33° C
and 22° C, respectively. May is the next hottest month with the average maximum and
minimum temperatures of 31 o C and 23° C, respectively, while January is the coldest
month when the temperature drops to as low as 12° C. The average annual rainfall in
West Garo Hills district is 330 em (Bhakta, 1992) of which more than two-third occurs
during the period between May and August. Winter is practically dry with little or more
than 2 em of rainfall.

Flora and Fauna

The West Garo Hills district is very rich in flora and fauna. The important flora of the
district include sal (Shorea robusta), teak (Tectona grandis), gamari (Gmelina arborea),

simul tree (Bombax malabaricum), jackfruit (Atrocarpus integrifolia), champa (Michelia

champa), pine (Khasiya pinus), different types of bamboo, mushrooms, ferns and orchids.
Different species of mammals are found in the district. Some imporatnt fauna
include hoolock gibbon (Hylobates hoolock) stump-tailed macaque (Macaca specisosa),
loris (Myeticebus coucang), tiger (Panthera tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus), golden
cat (Felis tenmincki), deer (Cercuus), bear (Ursus), fox (Galeopithecus) squirrel
(Hylopetes a/boniger), bamboo rat (Cannonmys bodius bodius), wild pig (Sus), elephant,
etc. Different types of reptiles and snakes are also found in the district.


The people of Meghalaya are mostly tribals, among which the Khasis and Garos are the
major tribal groups. Other tribal populations like the Kochs, Hajongs, Dalus, Rabhas,
Manns, Biates, Naga and Mizo tribes, etc., have also settled in the state along with
Nepalis and some Hindu caste populations. The Koch population consists of seven major
sub-groups, namely, the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas, Wanangs, Banais or
· Dashgaiyas and Shankars. Their main concentration in the state is in West Garo hills.
According to Waddell (1901) the term "Kochs" has become more of a "caste
title than a tribal appellation, so that individuals of the Kachari, Garo, Rabha, Lalung and
allied Indo-Chinese tribes are admitted as members ... (and) anyone of these tribes can
become a Koch by establishing a Brahmanical priest and giving up eating beef, though he
need not necessarily adjure animal food altogether. In this stage he called "Saraniya"
usually pronounced in the Assmese fashion "Horoniya" which means a "refugee"
implying that he has taken refuge in Hinduism. The more advance stage can be gained
by leaving off beef and swine's flesh, strong drink together, when he assumes the full
eternal status of Hindu." Thus in Assam, the term "Kochs" is applied in various senses to
indicate various groups of Assam as well as the members of the Hindu caste society
(Majumdar, 1972). They are also known as Rajbanshis (Sengupta, 1990).
From the physical anthropological point of view, the physical features of the
Kochs may be described as having flat faces of square type with prominent cheek-bone.
Their eyes are black and oblique. Their hair is black and straight to curly, their noses are

flat and short. They have scantly beards and moustache and dark brown complexion
(Dalton, 1872).
Different scholars are different in opinion regarding the ethnic affinity of the
Kochs. Some scholars hold that they are the Dravidians (Dalton, 1872), while others are
of the opinion that they are the Mongoloid origin (Haddon, 1924~ Das, 1962~ Sengupta,
1982). For the Kochs ·of Garo hills, there are two stories regarding their original
homeland. Some sections of the Kochs of Garo hills believe that their original home was
in Arabela range of the central part of Garo hills, and thereby they are much older than
the Garos who believe to have come from Tibet. Another legend says that the Kochs
came from Kamrup district of Assam. According to this legend, the Kochs of Garo hills
are the descendants of two daughters of the sun, namely, Hira nad Jhira, who were
married to a man named Hojo in Kamrup district of Assam (Bhattacharya, 1994).
Beisdes Assam and Meghalaya, the Kochs are also found in Manipur, Tripura,
North Bengal, Chittagong and Naokhali districts in Bangladesh. In Meghalaya, they are
mainly distributed in western and south-western parts of West Garo hills district. Their
total population has not been available for the last two national censuses, but according to
1971 Census it is about 13,520 of which 6,712 are males and 6,808 are females. They
speak a language which belongs to the Tibeto-Burman Origin (Gait, 1905). The influence
of both Bangali and Assamese languages is reflected in their dialect.
The Kochs of West Garo hills diSnict are divided into seven endogamous
subgroups, namely, Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas, Wanangs, Banais and
Shankars. Each subgroup lives in a separate village or a group of villages. The Sangas
or Harigavas are named after their village Harigoan, while the Satparis and Banais are
known as the inhabitants of seven and ten villages, respectively (Bhattacharya, 1994). On
the other hand, the Chapras are known as the inhabitants of lowland areas, while the
Wanangs are named after the clan-name, i.e., Wanang, and the Tintikiyas are so named
on the basis of the dress that the women of the clan use to wear, viz., Iujan (cloth
covering the waist), kambang (cloth covering the body) and paga (cloth covering the
head). The Shankars are known as those Koch people who were excommunicated for
committing social offences such as practice of group exogamy.

Each subgroup of the Kochs in Garo hills consists of several exogamous clans
known as nikiny. The clan is very strong and united. Widows, orphans, aged and
disabled persons are taken care by the clan members. Monogamy is the general practice
among the Kochs of Meghalaya. Divorce and re-marriage are permitted but the
remarriage of the widow is not favoured by the people. Unlike the Kochs of Assam, the
Kochs of Garo hills follow the matrilineal system of society, in which the line of descent
is traced through females. With the exception of Banais, parental property is also
inherited by the daughters only. The youngest daughter or the daughter who looks after
the aged parents gets the lion's share of property.
Koch religion is believed to be a blend of tribal and Hindu religion (Bhattacharya,
1994). They worship Siva, Kamakhya, Kali and Pagla and each clan has its own deity
known as nikiniya. Kamakhya is believed to be the most sacred goddess and Padma is a
family goddess, which is worshipped on the Sraban Sankriti day. They also perform
different types of pujas like Bastu Puja and Lakshmi puja. Their important festivals
include Holi, Asthapraha, Saraswati Puja, Kiti-Bihu, Katigasa. Magh-Bihu and Pushna.
Agriculture is the mainstay of the people and land is owned individually. Their
major agricultural produce include rice, jute, pulses, mustard seeds, etc. Many also are
engaged in labour work. Besides working as daily labourers, weaving and fishing are the
subsidiary occupations practiced by many of them. Some Kochs also work in government
and private organizations. A few of them have joined the military services. Some are
teaching and others are employed in other private jobs.

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In the present chapter, we shall make a review of related literature with special reference
to those works carried out in populations of Northeast India. It may be made it clear that
the following review is far from being complete and exhaustive, but its main purpose is to
have a glance at those related literature with a view to understanding of the genetic
structure of the study population

Phylogenetic Affinity
Establishing the genetic relationship between and within human populations is one of the
major focuses of anthropological population genetics. Along with genetic markers of the
blood, morphological (including dermatoglyphic, somatometric, somatoscopic and
behavioural traits) characters have been widely used for this purpose. Of course, it is
generally believed that morphological and behavioural traits like arm-folding, hand-
clasping, earlobe attachment, tongue rolling, mid-phalangeal hair, etc., are not as valuable
as genetic markers from the genetic point of view. In the present study, however, we
agree with Salzano ( 1961) that such traits may be useful in population genetic studies for
several reasons. One of such reasons is that the findings on the genetic affinity of human
populations in respect of known loci are still not as clearly understood as were in the case
of these traits. In several cases, the findings on genetic markers corroborate those on
anthropometric and other morphological and behavioural traits (Harrison, 1977).
Moreover, it is also realized that even the so-called non-adaptive traits like blood groups
are completely non-adaptive. According to Boyd (1952 from Crawford, 1973), 'it is
doubtful if any hereditary characters are completely non-adaptive, and . . . probably we
can deal only with different degrees of adaptive value'.
As mentioned earlier, anthropologists before 1950s and even in the late 1960s took
great interest in the racial classification of populations. However, after 1950s a new
development in anthropological research had emerged because of the advancement in

population genetic research. It has been realized that the use of genetic markers is very
helpful in understanding the genetic variation and affinity between populations. Also, the
genetic variation does exist not only between races but also within a race. For this
reason, genetic relationship of populations within a particular racial group in respect of
various genetic markers has attracted a great deal of attention among the physical
anthropologists (see review, Dobzhansky eta!. 1973; Crawford, 1973; Majumder, 1991).
The main purpose of this short review is not to mention all those important works in the
field of anthropological genetics, but to make a glance at the overall scenario that has
developed in this field. In fact, we would like to point out that the population genetic
researches in Northeast India have also reflected the overall interest in the field of
population genetics all over the world. Therefore, it may be necessary to have a glance at
the development in this field with regards to populations of Northeast India.
Like in other parts of the globe, scholars in Northeast India have used the various
genetic markers with a view to understanding the evolutionary relationship between
populations of the region. Perhaps, Mitra (1938) for the first time reported data on the
ABO blood groups for the Plains Assamese, Angami and Lushai populations of this part
of the country. It was then followed by two sets of data among the Khasi (Basu, 1938;
Macfarlane, 1941 ), and those data reported by the British Research Association
Committee (1939) for the Angami, Konyak and Ao tribes of Nagaland. But a large
number of data on the ABO blood groups were published after India's Independence,
though most of the works have been carried out in Assam only (see reviews Das, 1974;
Phookan, 1975; Chakfavarty, 1990).
As just mentioned above, for the purpose of this presentation, an attempt has been
made to give a general picture rather than giving a detail of all the works carried out by
different scholars. One of the important general characteristics, relating to the gene
frequencies of the ABO blood groups in the population of Northeast India, is that the B
allele occurs more frequently than the A allele in the tribal populations. While among
the Hindu caste populations, the frequency of A allele is higher than that of B. In fact,
this is one of the general differences between the Mongoloid (tribal) and Caucasoid (non-
tribal) populations in Northeast India. In the case of 0 allele, there is not much
difference between tribal and non-tribal populations. It may be noted that the Hindu and

Muslim populations of Assam are similar in respect of the ABO blood group system,
occurring in the pattern of 0 > B >A > AB (Ahmed Das, 1980), though the Muria
Muslims show more resemblance to the tribal population (Danker-Hopfe et al., 1988).
According to Das (1984), "No doubt that among the tribal population of Northeast India
0 gene predominates. The other two genes, i.e. A and B also occur in considerably
higher numbers. But among most of the groups like the Khasi, Naga and Lushai- Kuki A
(allele) is much more frequent than B. On other hand, among the Boro B (allele) is
slightly more frequent than 0. The reverse is true in the case of certain Arunachal
With respect to the phylogenetic position of population, various studies have
made a comparison of their findings with those reported for other populations. Some
studies try to find out the differences and similarities between the so-called Mongoloid
and Caucasoid populations (Das et al., 1987; Sengupta, 1987; Danker-Hopfe et at.,
1988); others deal with the genetic variation within these populations (Phookan, 1975;
Das, 1978; Das et al., 1985a, 1985b, 1986a, 1986b; Singh et al., 1986), and some others
made a comparison of these populations with other populations living outside the region
(Flatz et at., 1972; Das, 1978). For comparison within and between populations, some
studies have used only ABO blood groups, and others have considered with
anthropometric traits and other genetic markers like PTC, colour blindness, and other
blood group polymorphisms.
Danker-Hopfe et al. (1988) have made an attempt to show the phylogenetic
relationship of 13 endogamous Assamese-populations on the basis of certain genetic
markers, finger ridge patterns, anthropometric and behavioural traits. It was assumed
that the two major population groups, namely, Mongoloids and Caucasoid, would form
two distinct clusters as revealed by the distribution of five ABO blood group
polymorphisms (Das et al., 1987). The distance analyses of Sanghvi (1953), Hiemaux
(1965) and Nei (1972) were taken into consideration. "It appears that distance analyses
of data of different natures produce different results. The population exhibits differences
and similarities among themselves in different manners with regard to different traits ....
With regard to genetic traits the populations present a dendrogram which is difficult to
explain" (Danker-Hopfe et a!., 1988). In fact, many studies have revealed the existence

of such a difficult situation. For example, Walter et al. (1986) have reported the
distribution of haptoglobin, transferin (Tf) and Gc sub-types among the Brahmin, Kalita,
Kaibarta, Rajbanshi, Muslim, Ahom, Chutia, Kachari and Sonowals. It is evident from
this study that the Sonowals belong to one sub-cluster with the Ahom and Chutia.
Accordingly, the authors have suggested that the Chutia and Ahom are from the same
racial stock and thereby these populations "show a close genetic relationship". It may,
however, be noted that these two populations are distant from each other with respect to
the distribution ofGM and Km allotypes (Walter et al., 1987). Walter et al. (1986) have
also shown that the Brahmin, Kaibarta and Rajbanshi form another sub-cluster with the
Brahmin showing a 'somewhat different position'. They have explained that the
Braiu,tins are different from the Kaibarta and Rajbanshi because of the absence of
enough gene flow due to caste marriage system. It is, however, surprising to find that
the Brahmin show a close genetic relationship to the Sheik Muslims and the Kalita
(Danker-Hopfe et al., 1988), which is difficult to explain. Similarly, according to the
Nei's distance analysis of genetic traits carried out by Walter et al. (1987) and Danker-
Hopfe et al. (1988), the Kaibarta and Kalita are very close to each other. But these two
populations are quite different from each other in respect of the distribution of
haptoglobin, transferin and Gc polymorphisms (Walter et al., 1986).
Without going into detail of all the contradictory results, it may be pointed out
here that different results are shown according to different studies. Consequently, the
interpretation of the phylogenetic affinity of the populations in Northeast India has
become more complicated. In most cases, the results of the analyses of genetic traits are
more or less similar to those of traditional anthropometry. Harrison (1977) has also made
such an observation on the over-all picture of population genetic study. In other parts of
the world there has been an increasing interest in DNA polymorphisms so as to have a
better understanding of the origin of modern humans and the phylogenetic relationship
between various human populations. It may be noted that biologists, especially the
molecular anthropologists, have recently given more attention to mitochondrial DNA
analysis with a view to understanding the origin and divergence of human populations
(Johnson et a!., 1983; Cann et a!., 1987; Stoneking, 1993; Hagelberg, 1996). Human
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a self replicating circular molecule of approximately

16,569 base pairs in length, which is located in the cellular cytoplasm (Anderson et al.,
1981). It has only 37 genes, no introns, and codes for 13 polypeptides that are essential
to the energy metabolism of the cell (Hagelberg, 1996; Bertranpetit et a/., 1996). The
mother to her offspring always transmits it. As such, there is no recombination during
meiosis and thereby every individual (male or female) receives identical copies of the
mother's DNA genome. This is important in constructing the phylogenetic relationship
of human populations. Being inherited in maternal fashion, any variation in mtDNA
through generations should be due to mutation. Thus, evolution in this sense takes place
by the accumulation of mutations from generation to generation. Since mtDNA evolves
about 10 times faster than nuclear DNA, it implies that deleterious mtDNAs are
important in understanding not only genetic differentiation between and within
populations, but human diseases and ageing as well (Wallace, 1995;). Similarly, there
are numerous neutral or harmless mutations, which can provide useful genetic
information of the human populations. Since each human cell consists of thousands of
mtDNA copies, it is possible that mtDNA sequences should persist for a long time in
biological samples of archaeological sites, thereby providing useful information
concerning paleoanthropological interests (Hagelberg, 1996).
Since the early 1980s, mtDNA analysis has occupied an important position in the
study of the evolutionary relationship of human populations. Perhaps, the most notable
example of such works is that carried out by the late Allan Wilson and colleagues at the
University of California in Berkeley (Cann et al., 1987). Using a high resolution
mapping of mtDNA of 147 women from Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and New
Guinea; these scholars (Cann et al., 1987) have found that there is little variation in the
mtDNA types of all the women, despite the differences in their geographical origins.
Moreover, women with an African ancestry show more variation in the mtDNA types,
suggesting that the African origin was the oldest and had more time to accumulate
mutations. Therefore, it is suggested that all modern mtDNA types could be traced to a
single female ancestor, known as the 'African Eve', who lived in Africa about 200,000
years age, or between 290,000 and 140,000 years ago. Interestingly, the concept of an
African Eve seems to be consistent with the fossil record, which suggests that all modem
human populations trace their origin to Africa (Poirer et al., 1994 ). In other words, it has

been interpreted that the finding of Cann et a!. ( 1987) is in confirmation with the
SingleReplacement Hypothesis,which states that all modem humans originated in
Africa only, and then replaced the archaic humans throughout the Old world in a recent
expansion from Africa. This hypothesis is in contrast to the Multi-regional Transition
Hypothesis, or Regional Continuity Model, which states that although Homo erectus
originated in Africa, the archaic Homo sapiens evolved independently into modem
humans in different parts of the world with enough hybridization to produce a single
biological species of modem Homo sapiens (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Hagelberg,
1996). Although the present work are not concerned with DNA analysis, we just mention
to acknowledge and appreciate the latest development in population genetics, which in
future, we hope that such studies would be carried out in this part of the country with a
view to having a better understanding the phylogenetic position of populations
Khongsdier, 2001 ).

According to Roberts (1973), "No is it satisfied with counting genes in populations.
Instead, being aware of differences in gene frequency between peoples, human
population genetics has endeavoured to understand the processes responsible for these
differences and the mechanisms by which the observed frequencies are maintained and
regulated". Thus, genetic markers are used not only to understand the genetic
composition and population affinity but also to quantify the evolutionary processes of
various evolutionary forces. "Following these applications of the concept of genetic
constitution, the frequencies of genes in the array that characterises a given population,
there came a new concept, that of genetic structure. Where as genetic constitution is
concerned essentially with individual loci, genetic structure concerns the way in which
genes are distributed and combined within populations. As such it is concerned not with
gene frequencies but with measures of gene relationships (linkage disequilibrium
coefficients of inbreeding, coefficients of kinship, parameters of the decline of kinship
with distance). For all these, factors are of relevance that do not enter the simple concept
of genetic constitution - the effective population size, population distribution, population

density, assortative mating, migration. These all affect the evolution and differentiation
of populations, and are themselves affected by social, cultural, as well as natural .
environmental, factors" (Roberts, 1991 ). Thus, the aim of population genetics is now not
only to understand the genetic constitution of a population but also to make out. the
genetic structure of such a population.
Population structure is characterised by a colossal number of interrelated
components or characters that may be arranged in terms of genetic, taxonomic,
demographic, social and ecological hierarchical orders of relatedness for the expediency
of a given study at a given point of time. Basu (1995) writes," While (1) in genetics we
have the hierarchy of endogamous groups ... , (2) in demography we have the hierarchy of
segmentation as well as the hierarchy of age groups, (3) in social science we have the
hierarchy of social groups arranged in ascending/descending order of social
status/economic condition/power (authority) as in the case of caste, class and community~
(4) in ecology we have the hierarchy of populations inhabiting niches, subniches, and so
forth within the broad range of distribution of the group ... ~ (5) in taxonomy we have the
hierarchy of categories, i.e. phylum, class, order, etc. whether or not we accept the
existence of infra-specific taxa in the case of humans". Each of these structures is closely
interrelated (Harrison and Boyce, 1972~ Yablokov, 1986). The relationship between
demography and genetic structure, i.e. demographic-genetic structure, has been a focus of
attention in population genetics (Neel and Salzano, 1967~ Basu, 1969~ Roberts, 1968~

Salzano, 1972).
From the genetic point of view, endogamous groups are known as Mendelian
populations. "A Mendelian population is a community of individuals of a sexually
reproducing species within which matings take place. There is a hierarchy of Mendelian
populations. The most inclusive Mendelian population is the species. The lowermost
member of the hierarchy is a panmictic unit, within which matings take place"
(Dobzhansk-y,. 1970). Despite a number of problems, it is believed that an understanding
of the concept of the hierarchy of Mendelian populations is a vital requisite to
understanding the genetic structure of human population (Harrison and Boyce, 1972;
Basu, 1995). Let us have a glance on some of the works carried out in this respect

among the populations of Northeast India, taking into consideration the demographic-
genetic structure of a population.
In his book entitled Microevolution, Das (1981) has described the micro-variation
in the Boro, Chutia and Khasi populations. He has observed that each of these
populations is divided into different sub-populations/subgroups, which are different from
one another in respect of anthropometric, somatoscopic, dermatoglyphic and genetic
traits. Such differences within a given population have also been observed in other
populations like the Brahmin (Das et al., 1986a) and Kalita (Das et al., 1986b). All these
studies have revealed that scholars in this part of the country have also made an attempt
to understand how the genes are maintained and regulated within a population. Of course
most of the works have been carried out in the populations of Assam with stray
researches in other populations of the different states in the region. It may also be
worthwhile to mention that the classification of these populations has been based mostly
on the frequencies of certain genes and anthropometric traits in view of the geographical
location, linguistic affinity, or ethnohistoric background of the population concerned.
For example, the Garo, Rabha and Kachari are known as Boro mainly because of their
linguistic affinity (i.e. since they speak the Boro language of the Tibeto-Burman group).
On the other hand, the Khasi population consists of five major sub-divisions, namely,
Khynriam, Pnar, Bhoi, War and Lyngngam. The question of how the Khasi population is
known by different names is not fully understood, though it is likely that these five
groups are known according to the names of their geographical locations (Khongsdier,
1996). Das (1981, 1984) has suggested the importance of both hybridization and
geographical isolation in bringing about the differences between the K.hasi sub-groups.
He is of the opinion that the Bhoi, who show the greatest deviation from the other Khasi
sub-groups, inhabit in a lower attitude area in the northern part of Meghalaya towards
Assam. Therefore, intermarriage with the other groups like Khynriam, who are living in
the higher altitude, is infrequent. Instead, there is a possibility of gene flow to the Bhoi
from other neighbouring populations in Assam. This sort of speculation has also been
given in connection with the micro-variation in anthropological traits within the Boro,
Chutia, Brahmin and Kalita (Das, 1981, 1984; Das eta!., 1986a, l986b). So it appears
that studies in Northeast India have taken anthropometric, dermatoglyphic and genetic

traits along with geographical and socio-cultural (including linguistic) factors with a view
to understanding the hierarchy of Mendelian populations.
Recently, demographic data have also been taken into consideration to define the
hierarchy of Mendelian populations. Demographic data on marital distance, i.e. the
distance between the birth places of spouses, and village endogamy are believed be very
important in making out the boundary of endogamous groups and the extent of gene flow
into the local populations. A bio-demographic study among the War Khasi has revealed
that the Khasi population as a whole is not only divided into four or five sub-groups.
Instead, each sub-group, like the War Khasi, is again subdivided into several endogamous
units comprising a village, or a group of few villages (Khongsdier, 1994, Khongsdier and
Ghosh, 1994, 1996). It is observed that among the War Khasi there is a very high
tendency to village endogamy with low admixture rate and marital distance.
Accordingly, it is suggested that each village, or a number of few villages, is likely to
form a separate deme, which is different from one another in respect of anthropometric
and genetic traits. The findings on anthropometric characters seem to confirm such a
hypothesis (Khongsdier, 1997). It is also suggested that village endogamy is largely
responsible for the active operation of natural selection and genetic drift. It may be noted
that the rate of village endogamy seems to vary from one population to another in this
part of the country (Barna, 1986, 1993). Interestingly, among the Semsa, a sub-group of
the Dimasa in North Cachar hills of Assam, the rate of village endogamy is 100 %
(Limbu and Khongsdier, 2000).
Bes.ides the study of the hierarchy of Mendelian populations, an attempt has also
been made to show how demographic variables like fertility, mortality, population size,
mating, etc. are indispensable for understanding the evolutionary mechanisms that are
operating in human populations of Northeast India. An overview of the works done in
this respect may be summarised under the following headings:

Natural Selection: Natural selection is one of the important evolutionary forces, which
brings about changes in gene frequencies of a population from generation to generation.
It occurs wh~n individuals of the different genotypes in a population are different from
one another in their fitness known as Darwinian fitness, or genetic fitness. Darwinian

fitness is defined as the "reproductive capability of an individual or class of individuals,

in terms of the number of offspring they contributed to the next generation" (Johnston,
1973 ). Thus differential fertility and mortality are the fundamental events of natural
selection. From the demographic-genetic point of view, "differences in rates of reaching
maturity, mating, fecundity, fertility, mortality and emigration are the raw materials of
natural selections"(Spuhler, 1973).
Natural selection is believed to operate at four different levels: (i) Total or
individual selection, which is measured through differential fertility and mortality
(Crow, 1958), assuming that some phenotypic variation in reproduction has a genetic
basis and fitness is heritable; (ii) Phenotypic selection, which is concerned with the
selective differential of the optimum set of phenotypes in relation to the overall fitness,
e.g. birth weight and survival to 28 days after birth (Haldane, 1954); (iii) Genotypic
selection, which is concerned with the selective differentials of certain genetic markers,
e.g. selective advantage ofHbS over HbA; and (iv) Genic selection, which is concerned
with the selective differential at molecular level (Tanaka and Nei, 1989).
The total selection, which is believed to measure the maximum opportunity for
the changes in the genetic composition of a population, has been widely studies in several
populations ofNortheast India. Many scholars have followed the Crow's (1958) formula,
and some others have also taken into consideration its modified version (Johnston and
Kensinger, 1971). According to reviews (Sengupta and Gogoi, 1995; Sengupta and
Kalita, 1996), the Index of opportunity (I), according to Crow's formula varies between
0.1070 for the Punjabi Sonar of Shillong and 1.0700 for the Gallong of Arunachal
Pradesh. It is observed that, in many populations of Northeast India, the mortality
component due to selection contributes more towards the Index of opportunity for
Reddy and Chopra (1990) have reported that the mean value of the 'Index of
opportunity for selection', according to Crow's formula, for 96 Indian populations is
0.665 with a standard deviation of 0.316. Considering these figures, the population mean
was estimated as lying between 0.600 and 0.730, following the 95% confidence interval
suggested by Snedecor and Cochran (1967). Accordingly, Khongsdier (2000) has
suggested that the different degrees of the total opportunity for selection for the Indian

populations may be arbitrarily classified as shown in Table 2.1. It may be noted that
when there is no change in the genetic composition of the population, the value of I is
zero (Livingstone and Spuhler, 1965).

Table 2.1. Degree of opportunity for selection.

Degree of intensity Crow' s index of opportunity for selection

Low Below 0.340

Moderate 0.340 - 0.470
Mild 0.470 - 0.600
Average 0.600 - 0.730
High 0.730 - 0.860
Very high Above 0.860

Source: Khongsdier (2000)

Following the above classification, the intensity of natural selection is observed to

be very low in populations like the Ahom (0.2180), Kachari (0.2500) and Khamti
(0.3120) of Assam (see review Sengupta and Gogoi, 1995~. Natural selection operates
with moderate to average intensity in Sonowal (0.3640) and Kaibarta (0.3360) of Assam,
Pnar (0.4012), Christian War Khasi (0.3592), Non-Christian War Khasi (0.4463), Semsa
(0.6165) and Hajong (0.6310) ofMeghalaya. It is likely that natural selection plays an
important role in regulating the genetic composition of the populations of Arunachal
Pradesh like the Apatani (0.8890), Gallong (0.1.070) and Khamti (0.9340).

Genetic Drift: Another important factor, which brings about changes in the genetic
composition of a population, is genetic drift. Brooks (I 899) first gave the idea about
genetic drift. Then, it was systematically developed mostly by Wright since 1921.
That's why, it is often referred to as the Sewall Wright effect. Genetic drift is a random

fluctuation in gene frequencies in a population from one generation to another. It is

very effective in small populations because of the greater random sampling error in such
populations. Accordingly, one of the basic assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg law is
that a population should be large. In fact, genetic drift largely depends on the effective
population size, which is a measure of the actual numbers of breeding individuals in a
population (Wright, 1938, 1940; Nei, 1965; Crow and Kimura, 1970; Cavalli-Sforza and
Bodmer, 1971 ). Since the gene pool of each generation represents a sample drawn from
the previous generation, the smaller the population the greater the fluctuations will be.
Thus, the allele frequencies of the new generation may not be totally representative of the
parental population in a small population. For example, if the frequency of allele d is q in
a parental population, the probability that q should take a particular value in the next
generation is given by

2N !

K !(2N -K)!

Where N = total number of individuals, k = expected number of alleles, and q = allele

frequency in the parental population. Suppose, the frequency of q in a population of 5
diploid individuals is 0.5, the probability that the same frequency of q (0.5) will occur in
the next generation is 24.61 %, whereas in the case of a population with only 2
individuals, it is about 37.50 %.
For simplicity, let us consider the mating between two heterozygotes, i.e.
individuals who carry 50 % of allele D and 50 % of allele d. This type of mating would
produce three types of genotypes with probabilities: ~ DD, l/2Dd, 1/4 dd. Substituting
the above formula, we get,
- - - - (1/4)0 (l/4)d (l/2f
D !d !x !

Where N = total number of individuals, D = expected number of individuals with DD

genotypes, d = expected number of individuals with dd genotypes, and x =N - (D + d),
i.e. expected number of individuals with Dd genotypes. Assuming these two parents
have only two children, the genetic constitution, or gene pool of the next generation
would be either one of the six combinations of genotypes (3 x 2), that is, if there are three
children, it would be 3 x 3 and so on. It is seen from Table 2.2 that the probability that
both the children would be DD genotypes is 6.25 %. Similarly, the probability that the
two children of dd genotypes would form the genetic composition of the next generation
is 6.25 %. Consequently, in the absence of mutation, selection and migration, either one
of the alleles would be lost or fixed in small population due to random sampling process.
As a result, the fate of small population is either extinction or fixation of the
advantageous allele.

Table 2.2. Probabilities of the two offspring genotypes in the mating between
Offspring genotype Allele frequency Probability (%)
D d
DD,DD 1.00 0.00 6.25
DD,Dd 0.75 0.25 25.00
DD, dd 0.50 0.50 12.50
Dd,Dd 0.50 0.50 25.00
Dd, dd 0.25 0.75 25.00
dd, dd 0.00 1.00 6.25

Thus, it is believed that in small population the role of genetic drift is more
important than that of mutation and selection, i.e. an allele may be lost or fixed with little
reference to selection and mutation pressures. In the case of the population shown in
Table 2.2, there is a chance of 6.25 % that an allele d will be lost or fixed, though such an
allele is favoured by the natural selection. So it means that the intensity of natural

selection will become either zero or I 00 % in such a population. However, selection is

more effective in large population than the genetic drift. Suppose, for example, the
selection coefficient (s) against the allele dis 0.001. In a population with the effective
population (Ne) of 100 individual, the product ofNe and sis 100 x 0.001 = 0.1, whereas
in the population with the Ne of 10,000, the product is 10. Therefore, the changes in
allele frequencies are largely due to genetic drift in small isolated populations, but the
situation is just reverse in large populations where selection is more important. Similar
phenomenon is in the case of mutation. According to Dobzhansky (1970), the mutation
and selection rates may be regarded as small if the product 4NJ..L and 4Nes is less than
unity. In fact, the role of genetic drift in regulating the genetic composition of a
population is enhanced by the neutral theory of protein evolution postulated by Kimura
(1968, 1983) and others. The exponents of this theory have proposed that most of the
polymorphisms found in natural populations are neither useful nor harmful to their
carriers, but simply neutral so that natural selection has little role to play. The frequency
of such neutral mutants in populations largely depends on chance and random sampling.
In Northeast India, there are hardly studies, which are concerned with the effect of
genetic drift on the genetic composition of the population. The findings among the War
Khasi (Khongsdier and Ghosh, 1994, 1996) and the Semsa (Limbu and Khongsdier,
2000) indicate that genetic drift plays a very important role in regulating the genetic make
up of these populations. It is likely that there are still several small and isolated
populations in different states of Northeast India where genetic drift plays an active role.
Thus, it may be necessary to carry out thorough studies in this field with a view to having
a better understanding of the evolutionary effectiveness of genetic drift in natural

Gene Flow: According to Johnston (1973), "The process by which genetic variation is
introduced into a population is called gene flow, migration, or admixture". It occurs
when genes from outside are introduced in the gene pool of a native population, or when
a hybrid population is formed owing to the admixture of the gene pools of two or more
populations. It is expressed as m = ( qa - qn)/( qa - qb ), where m stands for the admixture
rate, q is the allele frequency in population n, and qa and qb are the frequencies of the

same allele in the populations a and b, respectively. In Northeast India, no report has
been published in this respect, though it is always mentioned that gene flow is very
important factor for regulating the gene frequencies in the populations. An attempt has,
however, been made in some studies (Barua, 1986; Khongsdier, 1994, Khongsdier and
Ghosh, 1994, 1996) to estimate the admixture rate on the basis of the number of gamates
introduced from outside into the native population. These studies have revealed that the
admixture rate in populations of Northeast India varies from zero per cent onwards.
Thus it is obvious from the present review that many studies have been carried out
in Northeast India to find out the genetic variation between and within populations, but
there are hardly any studies, which deal with the causes of such genetic variation. The
speculation that the micro-genetic variation within a given population is due to either
mating patterns or geographical isolation is always possible, but hardly meaningful
without empirical evidence. Therefore, it warrants further in-depth studies with a view to
understanding the causes of genetic variation between and within populations in
Northeast India.

In this chapter we shall discuss the materials collected for the present study and the
methods that have been applied.

The present research study on population genetics among the Koch of West Garo
Hills, district, Meghalaya, has been carried out in two phases. The first phase of the
study was carried during April - May 1996, and the second phase was carried out during
the period between September and December 1996. Data were collected from five
subgroups of the Koch population of Garo Hills, namely, Chapras, Sangas, Satparis,
Tintikiyas and Wanangs. No statistical sampling technique was applied for data
·collection of the present study. Instead, it is considered to be convenient to select one
major village from each Koch sub group. The villages selected for the present study are
Andherkona for the Chaaw.~s, Harig. aon for the Sangas, Kari(tilla for the Satparis, Sansko
Para for the Tintikiyas and Marriangapara for the Wanangs.
Data on demographic parameters, adult anthropometry, genetic traits viz, ABO
and Rh blood groups, P.T.C. taste blindness, colour blindness, earlobe attachment,
middle-phalangeal hair, behaviour traits like hand clasping, arm folding, tongue rolling
and tongue folding and dermatoglyphics were collected from each of the above
mentioned village. The nature and methods of data collection may be described briefly as

Demographic data were collected from each ofthe five selected villages through in-depth
interview with each of the married woman or head of the household, using household and
fertility schedules, taking into consideration those demographic data as suggested by the
World Health Organisation (WHO, 1964, 1968), which are as follows:

Individual Records: Individual records include information on name, age, sex, marital
status, occupation, education, religion, community affiliation, place of birth, place of
residence, clan, tribe, etc., were collected through structured household schedule.
The reproductive history: Information on reproductive performance of each married
woman was collected through fertility schedule and pedigree. Special attention was given
to collect data on age at marriage, age at first birth, number of pregnancies, number of
live births, number of abortions (spontaneous and induced abortion), still-birth, birth
order, age, sex and marital status of each offspring, if death- age at death, etc.
Mating Patterns: Data on mating patterns include number of marriages, mamages
within the village, marriages with other subgroups and other populations, marital distance
in the case of marriage with other subgroups or populations, i.e., distance between the
place of residence and birth place of the spouses, and consanguineous relationship
between spouses were also collected.
Age: Age of each member of the household was recorded. But in the present study we
also faced certain difficulty in collecting data on age of individuals especially those
elderly individuals because they were not aware of their real age. Consequently, we had
to estimate the age of individuals in certain cases with reference to some important local
events. Consequently some amount of error might have occurred in estimating the age of
persons. However, these data were cross-checked on several occasion, at the time of
collecting pedigrees from various people, including relations and neighbours. For
younger generations, the child's deciduous as well as permanent dentition was also
considered for assessing age./
The anthropometric measurements were taken on 250 adult males aged from 20 years to
60 years. Sixteen measurements were considered for the present study. They are as
follows: Height vertex, sitting height, height tragus, height acromion, head length, head
height, head breath, upper facial lenbrth, total facial length, nasal height, nasal breadth,
head circumference, chest girth, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth and
bigonial breadth, on all the subjects. An effort had been made to take into consideration
those methods and techniques of measurements suggested by the International Biological

Programme given in Weiner and Lourie ( 1981 ) and Sen ( 1994 ). A brief description of
the anthropometric measurements may be given as follows:
It means the vertical distance between the floor and the landmark vertex. While taking
the measurement, the subject was asked to stand erect a wall with his/her heels joined
together and touching the wall, the arms hanging loose on his/her sides, the palms
touching the thighs and the head resting on the eye - ear or Frankfurt horizontal plane.
The subject was not allowed to wear any kind of foot wear. Standing on the front of the
subject, the anthropometer was placed vertically in the mid - sagittal plane. Then the
cross - bar fitted to the movable socket was lowered to touch the vertex gently and the
reading was noted.
Sitting Height
It measures the vertical distance from the vertex to the plane. The subject was made to sit
on a stool keeping the thighs horizontally and the knees unbending. The vertebral
column was made to stretch to the maximum and the head resting on the Frankfurt
horizontal plane. The anthropometer was held vertically at the back of the subject in the
mid- sagittal plane allowing the instrument to rest on the surface where the subject was
sitting. The cross- bar on the movable socket was lowered to touch the vertex gently and
the reading was recorded.
Height Tragus
It measures the vertical distance from the tragion to the floor. While taking the
measurement, the subject was asked to stand erect against a wall with his/her heels joined
together and touching the wall, and hands hanging loose on his/her sides, the palms
touching the thighs and head resting on Frankfurt horizontal plane. The subject was not
allowed to wear any kind of foot-wear. Standing on the front of the subject, the
anthropometer was placed vertically in the mid - sagittal plane. Then the cross - bar
fitted to the movable socket was lowered to touch the tragion point gently and reading
was noted.
Height Acromion
It measures the vertical distance from the acromion to the floor. The arm of the subject
was positioned in such a manner beside the body that it was parallel to the anthropometer
rod. Anthropometer is placed on the right side with the left hand palpating to locate the

landmark and the right hand sliding the movable cross - bar to touch the acromion. The
subject was not allowed to sink or elevate his/her shoulders, while taking the
Bead Length
It measures the straight distance between glabella and opisthocranion, i.e., the most
projecting point on the dorsal surface of the head in the mid-sagittal plane. The
measurement was taken with a spreading caliper. One tip of the caliper was placed on the
glabella point with the help of left hand and the other tip of caliper on the opisthocranion
with the right hand. While taking the measurement, less pressure was applied so as not to
create discomfort to the subject.
Bead Breadth
It measures the straight distance between the two ewya (eu) i.e., maximum breadth taken
at right angle to mid-sagittal plane wherever found. The measurement was taken by
holding the spreading caliper in such a manner behind of the subject, and that the joint of
the caliper was in the mid-sagittal plane of the head. Then, the tips of the caliper was
sliding forward and backward to get the maximum breadth.
Bead Height
It measures the projective distance between tragion and vertex. It was obtained by
substracting the height tragus from the height vertex.
Horizontal Bead Circumference
It measures the maximum circumference of the head taken horizontally. The
measurement was taken by holding the tape with left hand on glabella and then rotating
horizontally over the opisthocranion back to glabella.
Minimum Frontal Breadth
It measures the straight distance between the two fronto-temporalia. Before taking the
measurement, the two points were marked and the instrument was placed on the temporal
bone to get the accurate measurement.
Bizygomatic Breadth
It measures the straight distance between the two Zygia, i.e., the most lateral points on
the zygomatic arch. The greatest breadth of the bizygomatic arch is usually found near
the ear and not on the cheek. The spreading caliper was gently moved forwards and

backwards in such a manner that its two ends touched gently the zygomatic arches. The
maximum value was recorded.
Bi-gonial Breadth
It measures the straight distance between the two gonia, i.e., the most lateral points on the
posterior inferior angle of the lower jaw. The tips of the spreading caliper were placed
gently on the two gonion points with the help of the tips of the index finger.
Total Facial Length
It measures the straight distance between nasion and gnathion. The measurement was
taken by holding the sliding caliper in such a manner that the upper arm of the caliper
fixed the nasion point, while the lower arm touched the gnathion point.
Upper Facial Length
It measures the straight distance between nasion and prosthion. The subject was asked to
grin and show his/her teeth. Then the measurement was taken in such a manner that the
upper arm of the caliper was fixed on the nasion point and the lower arm on the prosthion
Nasal Height
It measures the straight distance between nasion and subnasale. The measurement was
taken by holding the sliding caliper in such a manner that the lower arm of the caliper
touched the sub-nasale point and its upper arm was held between the thumb and first
finger on nasion.
Nasal Breadth
It measures the straight distance between two alare points. The measurement was taken
from the front side of the subject. The flat surface of the fixed cross-bar was placed in
such a manner to touch the alare point ofthe right side of the nose and then the movable
cross-bar was sliding to touch the left alare in order to obtain the measurement.
Chest Girth
It measures circumference of the chest of subject when he is breathing normally. This
measurement was taken with a steel tape (Precision-lmm) at the level of the
mesosternale, at the right angle to the axis of the body and reading was taken.

ABO Blood Groups: Blood samples on 462 individuals 250 males and 212 females were
collected from the five sub groups of Koch. The Chapra sample consisted of 103
individuals, Sangas-75 individuals, Satparis- 75 individuals, Tintikiyas - 105 individuals
and Wanangs- 104 individuals. The standard slide method suggested by Lawler and
Lawler (1951) and Bhatia (1977) was followed for collection of blood samples in the
present study, which may be summarised as follows:
(a) A clean glass slide marked A and B was used for blood testing.
(b) Anti-A and anti-B, supplied by Span Diagnostic Ltd (Surat), were dropped on the
glass side which was marked A and B, respectively.
(c) Before taking the blood sample from the subject, his/her finger was cleaned with
90% alcohol. Then, the clean finger was pricked with the help of sterilised
disposable lancet, and then squeezing it gently till the blood came out for about two
drops or so.
(d) One drop of the blood was then added to the anti-A antisera and another drop of
blood to anti-B antisera on the glass slide. The mixture was then stirred thoroughly
with a rod stirrer, and allowed it to stand for about 3 to 4 minutes. A drop of saline
water was also added as a precaution against coagulation.
(d) The results were noted after five minutes. If agglutination took place at A, a person
was treated as belonging to the A blood group, and if agglutination was present at
B, a person was treated as belonging to the B blood group. If agglutination did not
take place on both A orB, a person was categorized as belonging to 0 blood group.

Rh(D) Blood Groups

For Rh blood grouping one drop of anti D serum was taken in a glass side and a one drop
of packed red cell was mixed thoroughly with the anti sera. If agglutination occurred, it
was taken as positive reaction, i.e., Rh-positive and lack of agglutination was taken as
negative result, i.e., Rh-negative.

Phenylthiocarbamide Test Sensitivity (PTC)

The serial dilution method~ suggested by Harris and Kalmus ( 1949) was followed to
collect data on P.T.C. taste sensitivity. Total 462 individuals were tested 250 males and
212 females.
A stock solution containing 0.13% of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) was prepared
with distilled water following Mohr (1951). From this stock solution, 12 additional serial
solutions were made by diluting half of the solution with equal quantity of boiled tap
water, starting from the first solution to the solution No.l3. In this way a serial dilution
of PTC was prepared, in which the concentration of the solution in each bottle become
half of the previous bottle. In the last bottle i.e., bottle No. 14 contains simple plain water.
The subjects were asked to wash their mouths before tasting the solutions,
specially to those who were found chewing tobacco or smoking. First of all a few drops
of plain water from the bottle No.14 were dropped into the mouth of the subject, and then
the solution No. 13, 12, 11 etc. were given in descending order. When the subject got the
taste, the number of the solution was noted as his/her threshold value.
Colour blindness
The Ishihara chart (1959) was used to collect date on 250 male individuals among the
five sub-groups. The subjects were examined in adequate day light. The chart was kept
open and plates were held at a distance, approximately two and half feet from the
subjects. The subjects were asked to read number of the plates numbering 1 - 25 within
three seconds for each plate.
Illiterate subjects were asked to trace the snake like figure or X' of the plates 26 to
38 by means of a brush supplied to each of the subjects. The test was made utilising the
instructions attached along with the Ishihara plates .

.Computation of Allele Frequencies and Goodness of Fit

In the present study we have followed the following methods for calculating the gene
frequencies in respect of the ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, PTC taste sensitivity, and
colour blindness.
ABO Blood Groups: For calculating the allele frequencies of the ABO blood groups, we
have followed the method suggested by Bt"'flstein ( 1930), which is as follows:

p=1-..f(at-a2) ....... (1)
r = 1-..fat
Where a~, a2 and a3 are the phenotype frequencies of the blood groups 0, A, and B,

respectively; whereas p, q and r are the allele frequencies of the genes A, B and 0,
respectively. If the sum of p, q and r are not equal to unity or 1, Betntein (1930) has
suggested a simple method by which the allele frequencies defined by equation ( 1) can be
adjusted as follows:
p(1+ D/2)=
q' = q(l + D/2) ....... (2)
r' = (r + D/2)(1 + D/2)
Where D =1 - (p + q + r)
The standard errors of allele frequencies were calculated according to the method
suggested by Balakrishnan (1988). In the case of the allele frequencies for the ABO
blood groups, the following quantities were first calculated to obtain the variance in p, q
and r alleles:
. lpp = :E(A2/E) ..................... (3)

Iqq = :E(B2/E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)

lpq = lqp = :E{(A)(B)/E} .............. (5)

Where E, A and B are obtained as follows:

Phenotype E A B
A P + 2pr 2r -2p
AB 2pq 2q 2p
B q2 + 2qr -2q 2r
0 r2 -2r -2r

Thus, the variances for p, q and r alleles are calculated as follows:

Vtp) = Iqq!IG ............. (6)

v(q) = IppiiG ............. (7)

V(r) = (Iqq + Ipp - 2 Ipq)/IG .... (8)

Where G is the total number of samples, and I = {(Ipp)( Iqq) - (lpq/ } . . . . . (9)

Thus the standard error of the allele frequencies are the square root of the
variances obtained as per equations (6), (7) and (8).
The Goodness of Fit Chi-square is obtained as follows:
2 2
Chi-square ti) = G{a/1 r2 + a/I(P + 2pr) + a/l(q + 2qr) + al/2pq}- 1
Where the observed and expected frequencies are worked out as follows:
Phenotype Observed frequency (0) Expected frequency (E)
0 a1 r2

A a2 P2 + 2pr
B a3 q2 + 2qr
AB ~ 2pq

Rh(D) Blood Groups: The allele frequencies for the Rh(D) blood groups were obtained
by the following formula:
d= ..Jrut-
D= 1-d
Where Rh- is the proportion of individuals with Rh-negative and d stands for the allele
frequency Rh-negative factor. The standard of error (SE) the d allele is obtained as
SE = ...J( 1- d2/4G), where G is the total number of sample individuals.
PTC Taste Sensitivity: The allele frequencies for PTC Taste Sensitivity were obtained by
the following formula:
T= 1-t
Where Nt is the proportion of non-tasters to PTC and t stands for the allele frequency.
The standard of error (SE) for t allele is obtained as
SE = ...J(l- t2/4G), where G is the total number of sample individuals.


Data on morphological and behavioural traits like earlobe attachment, hand clasping,
hand folding, tongue rolling, tongue folding, digital formulae of fingers and toes and mid-
phalangeal hair were collected from a sample of 462 individuals. The sample comprises
103 Chapras (51 males and 52 females), 75 Sangas (41 males and 34 females), 75

Satparis (41 males and 34 females), 105 Tintikiyas (61 males and 44 females), and 104
Wanangs (56 males and 48 females). Individuals of close blood relation were excluded
from the sample. The methods of data collection for morphological and behavioural traits
may be briefly described as follows:
Hand Claspin~ Data on hand clasping was collected following the technique suggested
by Lutz (1908). The subjects were asked to clasp their hands in natural way. The subjects
were classified as R>L (right over left) and L >R (left over right), depending on how they
clasped their hands. The phenomena were repeated at least thrice to ascertain the
Arm folding: The type of arm folding were categorised following Weiner (1932). The
subjects were asked to fold their arms in a natural way. The subjects were classified as
R>L (right over left) or L>R (left over right), depending on how they folded their arms
naturally. The subjects were asked to do it least three times so as to make sure of their
behavioural habit of folding their arms.
Tongue Rolling: Standard methods (Sturtevant~:, 1940) were adopted in recording the
ability for tongue rolling. The subjects were asked to roll their tongue so that the "left
side is upward and the right remains either stationary or is lowered, and vice versa"
(Montagu, 1945). The observation was recorded as positive and negative respectively for
those individuals who were able and not able to roll their tongue.
Tongue Folding: The subjects were asked to extend the tongue to fold in without
touching the lips. The observation was recorded as positive and negative respectively for
those individuals who were able and not able to fold their tongue without touching the
lips (Liu and Hsu, 1949).
Earlobe Attachment: The twofold classification of earlobe attachment of Powell and
Whiteney (1937) was followed in the present study. Left and right ears of all the subjects
covered under the present investigation were examined. The observation was recorded as
attached or free. The individuals with an earlobe attached towards the gonion region of
the zygomatic arch were classified as having attached earlobe.
l\fiddle Phalangeal hair: Information on manual middle phalangeal hair was collected
after the subjects had cleaned their hands with soap and dried them carefully with a cloth.
All fingers of both the hands of subjects were examined with the help of a hand lens of

low manifestation (10-X) in a bright day light, whether the hair was present or not in the
middle phalangeal region of the fingers. In some cases, the hair was missing but the
follicle was present and these fingers were classified as having hair. The thumb is
exclud~d as it is devoid of middle phalanges.

Fingers ball (Digital) and Palmar Dermatoglyphics: The standard methods suggested
by Cummins and Midlo ( 1961) were followed to collect finger ball and Palmar prints.
The materials, required for taking prints were white paper, printing ink, a plate of
spreading ink, pencil, soap, thin piece of cloth, cotton and rectified spirit.
The ink printing method, as suggested by Cummins and Midlo ( 1961 ), was
adopted. The subjects were asked to wash their hand with soap and water in order to
remove all dust, hairs, grease, etc., from hands, and in the case of stubborn grease the
hands were cleaned with a piece of cotton dipped in rectified spirit. The palm and fingers
were allowed to dry for some time. A small quantity of ink was placed on the inking plate
and spread evenly all over it with a view to making a thin film by a cotton pad (Das and
Deka, 1993 ).
Digital prints~ To make a rolled impression, the bulb of the fingers was smeared evenly
by the inked cotton pad. The finger was then placed upon the paper with the nail at right
angel to the plane of the paper, and it was slowly turned over until the bulb surface
(which was originally facing to the left) turned to the right. In this way a clear rolled
impression of the finger surface was obtained.
Palmar Prints~ The subjects palm was smeared with the inked cotton pad in such a way
that all the ridges of the palmar surface would be properly inked. In this process, the
palmar surface from first bracelet area to the first phalangeal crease was properly inked
and then the palm was placed on the paper. To transfer the print on the paper, a little
pressure was exerted on the ulnar and radial borders, inter digital areas and mid-palmar
Precautions: Following precautions were taken on order to avoid the errors in printing:
(a) Care was taken. not to press the finger to hard on the paper, (b) the plate used for
spreading ink was made clean to make it free from dust, hair or any other foreign bodies,

(c) a very thin film of ink was applied with a view to getting a clean and sharp print, and
(d) the persons with depression or severe cuts were not included in the present sample.
In the subsequent chapters we shall present the results of our findings on
demographic, anthropometric measurements, genetic markers, behavioural traits and
dermatoglyphics characters among the Koch.

The statistical analyses, which are adopted in the present study, may be briefly described
as follows:
Mean: The mean is also known as arithmetic average. It is defined as the value which
can be obtained by dividing the total values of various items in a series by the total
number of items. It is worked out .as under:
Mean ( X)= I:X/N = ( x 1 + x 1 + ... + Xn)IN, where is the value of the i-th item X1, i =1,
2, ... , n, and N stands for the total number of items.
In the case of frequency distribution, the mean is obtained as follows:
Mean ( X)= I:fix/fiN = (f1x 1/f1+ f2x 2/f2 + ... + fnxn/fn)IN, where fixi is the product of
the mid value (xi) ofi-th class-interval and the frequency (fi) of the i-th item.

Standard Deviation (SD): Standard deviation is defined as the square root of the mean
of the squares of the deviation of observations from their arithmetic mean. It is computed
as follows:
_/ - 2
SD = ~ {(Xi - X) IN - 1}
Where Xi is the value of the i-th item, X stands for the mean, and N is the total number
of cases. In the case of frequency distribution, the SD is obtained as follows:
SD = -.J{(I:fd2/N -1)- (Lfd/N-1)
} X c
Where fd is the product of the deviation from the assumed mean (d) and the frequency (f)
of item in the i-th class-interval~ while C stands for class interval.
The divisor was taken as (N - 1) but not as N because we did not know the true
mean and standard deviation of the population. So the mean and standard deviation were
estimated through samples collected for the present study, and in doing so we lost what is
known as a degree of freedom (Parker, 1973).

Standard Error of Mean (SE): It is calculated as SD/"N-1.

Differences between two means: ln the present study, the number of observations in two
sample means are almost more than 50. Therefore, the statistical difference between two
means is worked out according to standard t-test given as follows:

where X 1 and SE 1 are the mean and standard error of a given variable for the first
sample, while X1 and SE2 are the mean and standard error of the same variable for the
second sample of the same population or different populations.
Differences between proportions: In the present study, the differences between
proportions were tested by using the chi-square ( --/). It is obtained as follows:
·l = L(Oi- El/Ei 2
= (01- Ed! E1 + (01- EI) /E1 + ... +(On- En)2/En
where Oi and Ei are the observed and expected frequencies of the i-th character in each
The value obtained is then compared with that given in the Table of Chi-square
distribution with (N -1) degree of freedom (d. f.). ln the case of2 x C contingency Table,
the number of d.f is (Row -I )(Column - I). The expected frequency is calculated as
(Row Total)(Column Total)/(Grand Total) OR (Column Total)/(Grand Total) multiplied
by Row TotaL
Analysis of Variance (ANOV A): One way analysis of variance was used for testing the
differences between the means of more than two samples (Snedecor and Cochran, I967).
The basic procedure consists in examining the amount of variance "Within Samples" in
relation to the amount of variance "Between Samples". Following are the steps followed
for computing this test:
1. Correction factor (C)= (LXiiiN, where Xi is the total number of ith item in all the
samples, and N is the total number of items in all the samples.
2. Total sum of squares (TSS) = LX12 - C, where Xi 2 is the square of each ith item in all
the samples.
3. Sum of squares for variance between samples (SSB) =fit( X1- X)+ n2( X2- X)

where X = Overall mean for all items in all samples

- - -
X1, X2 , ... , Xt.: =Sample means 1, 2, ... , k
n~, n2, ... , Ilk= Number of items in samples 1, 2, ... , k.
4. Sum of squares for variance within samples (SSW)= (TSS- SSB)
5. Mean squares for variance between samples (MSB) = SSB/(K- 1), where (K- 1) is
the degree of freedom between samples, i.e., K =Number of samples compared.
6. Mean square for variance within samples (MSW) = SSW/(N- K), where (N- K) is
the degree of freedom for all individual items for all samples, i.e., N =Number of
individual items for all samples.
7. F- ratio= MSB/MSW
The value obtained is then compared with that in the Table ofF -distribution with
(K - 1) as larger variance and (N - K) as smaller variance, taking 95% confidence
Correlation and Regression Analysis: Regression analysis has many applications. The
main purpose is the regression analysis is to know if Y (dependent variable) does depend
on X (independent variable), or to make a prediction of Y from X. In the present study,
we are also concerned with with the error in Y-variable after adjustments were made for
the effects of X-variable. The regression coefficient (b) of Y on X is worked out as
b = "f.xyf'f.x2
where "f.xy = "f.XY - ("f.X)( "f.Y)/N
:Ex2 = "f.X2 - ("f.XiiN

The regression of Y on X is expressed as

- - - -
Y =a+ bX, where a= Y- Xb, and Y =Estimated value

Correlation coefficient(r): The correlation coefficient was computed as follows:

The correlation coefficient is usually taken when there is no reason to think of one
variable as dependent variable and the other as the independent variable. It is taken as a
simple measure of the degree of relationship, but not to make out the nature of
relationship between two or more variables.

In this chapter we shall describe the results of data on demographic parameters collected
from all the five subgroups of the Koch population ofGaro Hills in Meghalaya.

Age and Sex Structure

According to Sundbarg's classification of population, a population is said to be
progressive when the number of persons in relation to the total population are 40.00%,
50.00% and 10.00% in the age groups 0-14, 15-49 and 50 + years, respectively. The
population is referred to as stationary if these frequencies are 33.00%, 50.00% and
17.00%, respectively; while the frequencies of 20.00%, 50.00% and 30.00%,
respectively, are the characteristics of regressive population (Khongsdier, 2001). Thus
according to this classification of population, Table 4.1 shows that the Chapra population
tends to be regressive in which the base of the population pyramid constricted (Figure
4.1) indicating the low fertility rates in the population. On the other hand, the Sanga,
Satpari and Tintikiya populations are of stationary types of population (Figures 4.2, 4.3,
and 4.4), which are by and large an indication of low fertility rates that may be due to
either adoption of family planning methods or high infant and child mortality rates. On
the other hand, the Wanang population approaches to be of progressive type, which is
characterized by high fertility rates. The population pyramid (Figure 4.5) shows that the
base is broad, although it tends to be constricted in the case of females, i.e., it indicates to
a certain extent that infant and child mortality rates are higher in males than in females
among the Wanangs.
Table 4.1 also shows that the overall sex ratio (i.e., the number of males per 100
females) is more or less according to the ideal sex ratio of 1:1 among the Wanangs
(101.02), and it is tilt in favour of males in the case of the Chapras (106.67), though it is
not significant <l = 0.32, DF = 1, P >0.05). Among the Sangas (81.65), Satparis (96. 75)

and Tintikiyas (93.84), the sex ratio is low, especially in the former. However, the Chi-
square values indicate the sex ratios do not deviate significantly from the ideal sex ratio
of 1:1 in all the three populations, namely, the Sangas (J} = 2.93, DF = 1, P > 0.05)
Satparis ('l= 0.07, DF = 1, P > 0.05) and Tintikiyas ('x.,2 = 0.41, DF = 1, P > 0.05). Also,
the differences in sex ratio between populations are found to be statistically insignificant
(x2 = 3.04 DF = 4, P > 0.05). In comparison with the sex ratio among the War Khasi
(109) ofMeghalaya (Khongsdier and Ghosh, 1994), the overall sex ratio is lower in each
of these Koch subgroups. In fact, it indicates that male mortality is higher than female
mortality in the Sangas (81.65), Satparis (96.75) and Tintikiyas (93.84).
In the age group 0-14 years, the sex ratio is high among the Chapras (108.33), but
it is lower in the Wanangs (97.47), Tintikiyas (90.28), Satparis (92.50) and Sangas
(66.07), although the chi-square values indicate that the deviation from the ideal sex ratio
of 1:1 is not statistically significant for all populations (P >0.05), except for the Sangas
where the sex ratio is significantly low (x2 = 3.88, DF = 1, P < 0.05). It is also found that
the differences in sex ratio between populations are not statistically significant (X2 = 3.05,
DF = 4, P> 0.05).
In the middle age group 15-49 years, the sex ratio among the Wanangs (101) and
Chapras (103) is more or less according to the ideal sex ratio, but it is again lower in the
Sangas (89), Satparis (95) and Tintikiyas (94), although it is not significant (P > 0.05).
Table 4.2 shows the marital status of individuals in all the subgroups of the Koch
population. It is found that in the Sangas, Satparis and Tintikiyas none of the male
individuals get married at the age of 24 years and below. On the other hand, about
16.67%, 18.60% and 14.93% of the married females have got married by the age of 24
years and below, in the Sangas, Satparis and Tintikiyas, respectively. Among the
Chapras and Wanangs, about 4.62% and 7.06% of the married males get married at the
age of~ 24 years, respectively. In the case of married females, about 18.46% of them in
the Chapras and 28.00% in the Wanangs are married by the age of 24 years and below.
Thus, it indicates that the marriage is much more delayed in males than in females as
generally observed in many India populations (Khongsdier, 2001 ).

.. T0 tal populanon
T a ble 41 t e five KOCh SUblgroups bJY age and sex
. o fh
Age Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas Wanangs
group Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
0-4 ll 14 7 17 ll 16 26 25 22 29
5-9 11 12 15 20 18 13 25 26 31 29
10-14 17 10 15 19 8 11 14 21 24 21
0-14 75 93 77 137 156
% 24.19 32.40 31.82 33.50 39.39
SR 108.33 66.07 92.50 90.28 97.47

r! 0.12 3.88* 0.12 0.36 0.03

15- 19 16 18 18 13 15 13 25 26 21 26
20-24 16 20 11 15 6 17 21 24 12 18
25-29 19 12 14 17 16 13 18 22 22 15
30-34 18 13 12 10 10 10 9 16 12 16
35-39 18 13 8 15 7 6 21 13 18 . 14
40-44 8 8 9 7 6 8 9 ll 8 6
45-49 5 13 6 11 10 7 9 7 12 9
15-49 197 166 144 231 209
% 63.55 57.84 59.50 56.48 52.78
SR 103.09 88.64 94.59 94.12 100.96
xz 0.05 0.60 0.11 0.21 0.01
50-54 8 6 2 4 3 5 6 7 7 3
55-59 4 7 6 5 4 3 7 8 3 7
60+ 9 4 6 5 5 1 8 5 7 4
50+ 38 28 21 41 31
% 12.26 9.76 8.68 10.02 7.83
SR 123.53 100.00 133.33 105.00 121.43
xz 0.42 2.29 0.43 0.03 0.29
Total 160 150 129 158 119 123 198 211 199 197
Persons 310 287 242 409 396
% 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
SR 106.67 81.65 96.75 93.84 101.02
x2 0.32 2.93 0.07 0.41 0.01


y 60+

l 50-54
I 45-49

I 40-44


l 25-29
15- 19
l 10- 14
10 9 8 7 6 s 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4
s 6 7 8 9 10

Percentage Percentage
Males f- ~Females

Fig.-4.1. Population Pvranzid o(Chapras




I 50-54
I 40-44
I 35-39
I 30-34
r 25-29
I 20-24
I 15- 19
10- 14
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
I2 0

0 I 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Percentage Percentage
Males f- -7 Females

Fig.-4.2. Population Pyramid o{Sangas












15- 19

10- 14


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 9 10

Percentage Percentage
Males ~ Females

Fig.-4.3. Population Pyramid o{Satparis




I 35-39
I 25-29
I 20-24
I 15- 19
I 10- 14
I 5-9
10 9 8 7
6 5 4 3 2 0
0 I 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Percentage Percentage
Males f- ~Females

Fig.-4.4. Population Pyramid o(Tintikivas












15- 19

10- 14


10 9 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Percentage Percentage
Males f--- --7 Females

Fig.-4. 5. Population Pvranzid o( Wanangs


T a ble 4.2. Man.tal status of"mdtVI

..dual s b>y age groups
Population < 24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years ~ 35 years
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Married 3 12 6 11 8 12 48 30
Unmarried 68 62 13 1 9 1 2 2
DSW 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 19
Total 71 74 19 12 18 13 52 51
Married 0 8 7 7 10 7 30 26
Unmarried 66 66 7 9 2 2 2 4
DSW 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 17
Total 66 74 14 17 12 10 37 47
Married 0 8 7 10 9 8 27 17
Unmarried 58 62 9 3 0 1 1 2 -
DSW 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 11
Total 58 70 16 13 10 10 35 30
Married 0 10 6 14 7 12 54 31
Unmarried Ill 112 12 8 2 2 4 1
DSW 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 19
Total 111 122 18 22 9 16 60 51
Married 6 24 16 13 11 15 52 33
Unmarried 104 99 5 I I 0 2 0
DSW 0 0 I I 0 I 1 IO
Total liO 123 22 15 12 I6 55 43

Table 4.3. Mean age at marriage (years)

Male Female
Population Number Mean SE Number Mean SE
Chapras 68 25.03 0.47 84 18.12 0.36
Sangas 52 24.98 0.56 67 19.27 0.43
Satparis 50 23.18 0.59 56 17.43 0.50
Tintikiyas 68 25.21 0.57 89 17.42 0.43
Wanangs 87 23.41 0.46 94 16.97 0.33
F-ratio 3.41, p < 0.05 4.65, p < 0.05

Mean age at Marriage

The mean age at marriage for both males and females are shown in Table 4.3. It
indicates that there are significant differences between the subgroups of the population in
mean age at marriage for both males (F = 3.41, P < 0.05) and females (F= 4.65, P < 0.05).
In the case of males, the mean age at marriage among the Chapras (25.03 ± 0.47 years),
Sangas (24.98 ± 0.56 years) and Tintikiyas (25.21 ± 0.57 years) is more or less same, but
it is higher in these subgroups when compared with the Satparis (23.18 ± 0.59 years) and
Wanangs (23 .41 ± 0.46 years). In other words, the mean age at marriage among the
Satparis males is significantly different from those in the Chapras (t = 2.48, P < 0.01),
Sangas (t = 2.21, P < 0.03) and Tintikiyas (t = 2.43, P < 0.02). Also, the Wanangs males
deviate significantly in mean age at marriage from their counterparts in the Chapras (t =
2.43, P < 0.02), Sangas (t = 2.13, P < 0.03) and Tintikiyas (t = 2.49, P < 0.01). Among
the females, the mean age at marriage is highest among the Sangas (19.27 ± 0.43 years)
followed by the Chapras (18.12 ± 0.36 years). But among the Tintikiyas (17.42 ± 0.43
years), Wanangs (16.97± 0.33 years) and Satparis (17.43 ± 0.50 years) women, the mean
age at marriage is more or less similar, and it is significantly different from the Sangas
and Chapras (P < 0.05). The one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) also shows that the
population differences in mean age at marriage are statistically significant (F = 4.65, P <

According to the review made by Sengupta and Gogoi ( 1995a), the mean values
(±SE) of age at marriage in women of the populations of Assam like the Lalungs,
Morans, Deuris, Mishings, Chutias, Ahoms, Kalitas, and Brahmins are 14.59±0.18,
18.51±0.23, 18.47±0.27, 18.43, 18.06±0.16, 17.98±0.29, 16.44±0.15and 16.51 ±0.25
years, respectively. Khongsdier (2001) has reported that the mean age at marriage among
the Christian and Non-Christian females of the War Khasi is 20.04 ± 0.32 and 19.44 ±
0.25 years, respectively. Thus, the mean age at marriage among the Chapras is more less
similar to that among the Morans, Deuris, Mishings and Chutias, but higher than that
among the Lalungs, Ahoms, Kalitas and Brahmins, and it is lower than that reported for
the Christian and Non-Christian War Khasis. The mean age at marriage among the
Sangas is, however, higher than all the above mentioned populations of Assam, but it is
lower than that reported for the Christian and Non-Christian War Khasis. With regard to
the Satparis and Tintikiyas, it is observed that the mean age at marriage is similar to the
Ahoms, but lower than that reported for many populations, except the Lalungs. On the
other hand, the Wanangs are similar to the Brahmins and Kalitas in mean age at marriage,
although they are lower than many populations.
Mean age at first childbirth
The mean age at first childbirth is given in Table 4.4. Like in the case of the mean age at
first marriage, the differences in mean age at first birth between the different divisions of
the Koch subgroups are found to be significant for both males (F = 4.59, P < 0.05) and
females (F = 5.72 P < 0.05). Among males, the mean age at first child birth is highest in
the Tintikiyas (27.60 ± 0.61 years) followed by the Chapras (27.34 ± 0.57 years) and the
Sangas (26.60 ± 0.50 years), whereas the Satpari (25.37 ± 0.69 years) and Wanang males
(25.03 ± 0.43 years) are more or less similar in mean age at child birth. Both Satpari and
Wanang males differ significantly from the other subgroups except the Sangas and
Satparis (t = 1.46, P > 0.05).
In the case of females, the ANOVA indicates that there are significant differences
between the Koch subgroups in mean age at first child birth (F = 5.72, P < 0.05). The
mean age at first child birth is highest in the Sangas (21.02 ± 0.41 years) followed by the
Chapras (20.08 ± 0.40 years) and Tintikiyas (19.40 ± 0.42 years). The Satpari and
Wanang females are found to be more or Jess similar in mean age at first childbirth.

Table 4.4. Mean age at first child birth (years)

Male Female
Population Number Mean SE Number Mean SE
Chapras 56 27.34 0.57 71 20.08 0.40
Sangas 47 26.60 0.50 62 21.02 0.41
Satparis 43 25.37 0.69 50 18.70 0.50
Tintikiyas 65 27.60 0.61 85 19.40 0.42
Wanangs 72 25.03 0.43 85 18.68 0.34
F-ratio 4.59, p < 0.05 5.72, p < 0.05

Ta ble 4..
5 Ever-y.q;wwt and never pregnant women b>y age groups.
Pregnancy status Age groups of married women Total
< 24 years 24-33 years 34-43 years ~ 44 years
Ever-pregnant 4 20 19 28 71
Never pregnant 6 4 1 2 13
Total 10 24 20 30 84
% of never pregnant 60.00 16.67 5.00 6.67 15.48
Ever-pregnant 6 14 18 23 61
Never pregnant 0 2 1 2 5
Total 6 16 19 25 66
% of never pregnant 0.00 12.50 5.26 8.00 7.85
Ever-pregnant 6 13 14 18 51
Never pregnant 2 3 0 1 6
Total 8 16 14 19 57
% of never pregnant 25.00 18.75 0.00 5.26 10.53
Ever-pregnant 9 24 22 30 85
Never pregnant 1 1 2 0 4
Total 10 25 24 30 89
% of never pregnant 10.00 4.00 8.33 0.00 4.49
Ever-pregnant 12 27 23 24 86
Never pregnant 10 2 0 0 12
Total 22 29 23 24 98
%of never pregnant 45.45 6.90 0.00 0.00 12.24

Frequency of Never-pregnant women

Table 4.5 shows the frequency of never-pregnant women at the time of survey in all the
subgroups of the Koch population. It is seen that about 15.48%, 7.58%, 10.53%, 4.49%
and 12.24% of the married women are never pregnant in the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis,
Tintikiyas, and Wanangs, respectively. Although it shows that there are variations
between subgroups, the chi-square value indicates that the differences are not statistically
significant (X}= 5.74 P > 0.05). Moreover, most of the never-pregnant women are in the
lower age groups, who may still have the chance to reproduce. The Table shows that
among the Tintikiyas and Wanangs, there are no women who are never pregnant in the
age group 44 years and above. But in the Chapras, Sangas and Satparis, the frequency of
never-pregnant women in the age group 44 years and above is found to be 6.67%, 8.00%
and 5.26%, respectively. Thus from this point of view, it may be suggested that the
number of never-pregnant women is more in the Chapras, Sangas and Satparis when
compared with the Tintikiyas and Wanangs.

Table 4.6 shows the number of live births and surviving children by age groups of
mothers living in wedlock up to 45 years of age for all the Koch populations. With the
exception of few cases, the mean number of live births and surviving children tends to
increase with the increasing age groups of the mothers for all the populations covered
under the present study. It is found that the mean number of live births to women of all
ages living in wedlock varies between 2.08 ± 0.24 for the Chapras and 3.42 ± 0.33 for the
Wanangs, and the mean number of surviving children varies from 1.41±0.17 among the
Chapras to 2.75 ±0.26 among the Tintikiyas. The ANOVA test indicates that these
differences between the Koch populations are statistically significant for both live births
(F = 3.11, P < 0.05) and surviving children (F = 4.06, P < 0.05). Since the present study is not
concerned with the determinants of fertility rates, data on socio-economic factors of the
present populations were not collected. Considering the findings on other populations, it
may be suggested that the differences in number of live births to the women living in
wedlock may be associated with the variation between populations in respect of socio-
economic conditions, or adoption of family planning methods.

Among the War Khasi, Khongsdier (200 I) has reported that the mean number of
live births per mother living continuously in wedlock is 4.08 among the Christians and
3.99 among the Non-Christians. Thus, it indicates that the Koch subgroups of the present
study have lower mean live births when compared with the Christian and Non-Christian

Table 4.6. Live births and surviving children by age groups of mothers living continuously in
Population < 24 years I 25-29 years I 30-34 years I 35-39 years I 40-44 years Total I
No. mothers 12 11 11 12 5 51
Live births 11 23 25 36 11 106
Mean±SE 0.92 ±0.30 2.09 ±0.49 2.27 ±0.53 3.00 ±0.49 2.20 ±0.44 2.08 ±0.24
Surviving 9 14 20 20 9 72
Mean±SE 0.75 ±0.24 1.27 ±0.29 1.82 ±0.48 1.67 ± 0.30 1.80 ±0.33 1.41 ±0.17
No. mothers 8 7 7 10 4 36
Live births 15 I1 13 39 18 92
Mean±SE 1.88 ±0.28 1.57 ± 0.40 1.86 ±0.24 3.90 ±0.70 4.50 ±1.82 2.56 ±0.37
Surviving 8 8 13 32 16 77
Mean±SE 1.00 ±0.25 1.14 ±0.24 1.86 ±0.24 3.20 ±0.69 4.00 ± 1.46 2.14 ±0.33
No. mothers 9 9 8 6 5 37
Live births 8 18 32 33 26 117
Mean±SE 0.89±0.25 2.00 ±0.63 4.00 ±0.68 5.50 ±1.02 5.20 ± 1.03 3.16 ± 0.43
Surviving 7 17 24 26 20 94
Mean±SE 0.78 +0.26 1.89 +0.60 3.00 +0.50 4.33 +0.90 4.00 +0.89 2.54 ±0.35
No. mothers 11 13 12 11 8 55
Live births 20 29 49 56 32 186
Mean±SE 1.82 ±0.40 2.23 ±0.39 4.08 ±0.64 5.09 ±0.62 4.00 ± 1.00 3.38 ±0.32
Surviving 17 25 40 42 27 151
Mean±SE 1.55 ± 0.32 1.92 + 0.30 3.33 ± 0.51 3.82 ±0.53 3.38 + 1.01 2.75 + 0.26
No. mothers 24 13 14 14 6 71
Live births 22 44 53 87 37 243
Mean±SE 0.92 ±0.24 3.38 ± 0.56 3.79 ±0.66 6.21 ±0.53 6.17 ±0.80 3.42 ±0.33
Surviving 15 36 43 57 34 185
Mean±SE 0.63 +0.16 2.77 +0.44 3.07 +0.49 4.07 +0.40 5.67 +0.93 2.61 +0.26
F-raho: Ltve btrths = 3.11, P < 0.05; SurvtVtng chtldren = F = 4.06, P < 0.05.

Table 4. 7. Live births and surviVln~ children by age groups of all married mothers
Population < 24 y I 25-29 y I30-34 y I
35-39 y 40-44 y I I > 45 v I Total
No. mothers 12 11 11 13 9 28 84

Live births 11 23 25 42 30 146 277

Mean± SE 0.92±0.30 2.09±0.49 2.27±0.53 3.23±0.50 3.33±0.70 5.21±0.50 3.30±0.28
Surviving 9 14 20 24 23 105 195
Mean± SE 0.75±0.24 1.27±0.29 1.82±0.48 1.85±0.32 2.56±0.42 3.75±0.41 2.32±0.21
No. mothers 8 8 8 12 6 25 67
Live births 11 12 14 50 24 128 239
Mean± SE 1.38±0.30 1.50±0.35 1.75±0.23 4.17±0.68 4.00±1.33 5.12±0.48 3.57±0.32
Surviving 8 9 14 41 20 99 191
Mean± SE 1.00±0.25 1.13±0.21 1.75±0.23 3.42±0.72 3.33±1.07 3.96±0.39 2.85±0.27
No. mothers 9 9 6 6 18 57
Live births 8 18 .34 33 31 88 212
Mean± SE 0.89±0.25 2.00±0.63 3.78±0.64 5.50±1.02 5.17±0.86 4.89±0.52 3.72±0.34
Surviving 7 17 26 26 24 63 163
Mean± SE 0.78±0.26 1.89±0.60 .~.89±0.46 4.33±0.90 4.00±0.75 3.50±0.58 2.86±0.30

No. mothers 11 13 14 12 11 27 88
Live births 20 29 61 46 164 373
Mean± SE 1.82±0.40 2.23±0.39 3.79±0.59 5.08±0.57 4.18±0.76 6.07±0.50 4.24±0.29
Surviving 17 25 43 46 36 131 298
Mean± SE 1.55±0.32 1.92±0.30 3.07±0.47 3.83±0.48 3.27±0.78 4.85±0.50 3.39±0.25
No. mothers 24 14 15 15 6 23 97
Live births 22 45 :i7 93 37 137 391
Mean± SE 0.92±0.24 3.21±0.55 L80±0.61 6.20±0.49 6.17±0.80 5.96±0.48 4.03±0.29
Surviving 15 37 '7 62 34 100 295
Mean±SE 0.63±0.16 2.64±0.42 \.13±0.46 4. 13±0.38 5.67±0.93 4.35±0.45 3.04±0.23 I
F-ratio = 3.11, P < 0.05 for live births; F-1 ;tio = 2.59, P < 0.05 for surviving children

Table 4.8 Age specific fertility rates

Age groups of mothers at the time of birth (years) TFR
Population 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40 +
Chapras 0.52 1.12 0.97 0.74 0.39 0.1 I 3.85
Sangas 0.42 1.01 1.07 0.82 0.53 0.26 4.1 I
Satparis 0.84 1.15 1.04 0.82 050 0.10 4.45
Tintikiyas 0.82 1.22 1.18 0_98 0.58 0.20 4.98
Wanangs 0.87 1.31 1.22 1.05 0.74 0.22 5.43

Like in the case of married women living in wedlock, the mean number of live
births and surviving children to all married women also increases with the rise in age
group of the mothers for all populations. Table 4. 7 shows that the mean number of live
births per married woman varies from 3.30 ± 0.28 in the Chapras to 4.24 ± 0.29 in the
Tintikiyas. The mean number of surviving children is also found to be lowest among the
Chapras (2.32 ± 0.21) and highest among the Tintikiyas (3.39 ± 0.25). The ANOV A test
indicates that the differences are statistically significant for both the live births (F = 3.11,
P < 0.05) and surviving children (F = 2.59, P < 0.05). In comparison with other
populations of Assam and Meghalaya, the mean number of live births per married woman
of all ages in each of these Koch subgroups is lower than that among the Pnars (6.04) of
Jaintia hills (Khongsdier, 1992), Christian (4.81) and Non-Christian (4_66) War Khasis
(Khongsdier (2001), Dalus (5.83) of West Garo hills (Patra and Kapoor, 1996), Hajongs
(4.94) of West Ga.hills (Barua, 1983), Brahmins (4.86), Kalitas (5.11 ), Kaibartas (4.39)
and Ahoms (4.47) of Assam (Das and Das, 1992).
In order to have a better understanding the fertility rate in the present populations,
an attempt has also been made to show the age-specific fertility rate (ASFR) and total
fertility rate (TFR) in Table 4.8. The Table shows that the ASFR tends to increase till it
reaches its peak, and thereafter it declines with the increase in age of the mothers. With
the exception of Sangas, the ASFR reaches it peak when the mothers are aged 20-24
years. In the case of the Sangas, the highest ASFR is found to take place when the
mothers are in the age group 25-29 years. The Table further shows that the TFR is
highest among the Wanangs (5.43), and lowest among the Chapras (3.85). Thus, this
measure of fertility rate (i.e., TFR) is also similar to that number of live births to women

living continuously in wedlock, which indicates that fertility rate is highest among the
Wanangs and lowest among the Chapras. The TFR in other populations varies from 4.11
in the Sangas to 4.98 in the Tintikiyas.

Table 4.9. Infant, child and juvenile mortality rates

Parameters Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas Wanangs

Number of mothers 84 67 57 88 97
Number of live births 277 239 212 373 391
Number of infant deaths 30 13 8 15 28
(death < 1 year of life)
Number of child deaths (death 38 20 16 32 54
between 1 and 4 years of
Juvenile deaths (death 17 15 21 27 14
between 5 and 14 years of
Infant mortality rate (%) 10.83 5.44 3.77 4.02 7.16
Child mortality rate (%) 13.72 8.37 7.55 8.58 13.81
Juvenile mortality rate(%) 6.14 6.28 9.91 7.24 3.58

Table 4.9 shows that the infant, child and juvenile mortality rates in the populations covered
under the present study are fairly high. It is found that the infant mortality rates, that is, the
number of deaths before 1 year of life per 100 live births, are 10.83%, 5.44%, 3.77%,
4.02% and 7.16% in the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs, respectively.
Thus, it indicates that the infant mortality rates in the present populations are high
especially among the Chapras and Wanangs. The differences between populations in
respect of infant mortality rates are also found to be significant (x2 = 13.86, DF = 4, P <
0.01), which may be associated with the differences in socio-economic conditions of the
populations as has been pointed out in the case of the differences in fertility rates. Of
course, it warrants further studies to understand the determinants of infant mortality in
these populations.
Like in the case of infant mortality rate, the child mortality rate, i.e., number of
child deaths aged between 1 and 4 years of life per 100 live births, is found to be very

high among the Wanangs (13.81%) and Chapras (13.72%), and it is followed the Sangas
(8.37%), Satparis (7.55%) and Tintikiyas (8.58%). The chi-square value indicates that the
these inter-population differences in child mortality rates are significant (X = 9.56, DF =
4, p < 0.05).
With regard to juvenile mortality rate i.e., number of child deaths aged between 4
and 14 years of life per 100 live births, it is found to be highest among the Satparis
(9.91%) and lowest among the Wanangs (3.58%). Thus it indicates that there is a wide
variation between populations in juvenile mortality as well, although it is not significant
(x2 = 8.91, DF = 4, P > 0.05).

Table 4.10. Reproductive wastage

Parameters Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas Wanangs

Number of mothers 84 67 57 88 97
Number of pregnancies 297 247 226 395 400
Number of live births 277 239 212 373 391
Number of abortions 14 3 11 14 8
Number of still births 11 7 3 8 8
Abortion rate(%) 4.71 1.21 4.87 3.54 2.00
Still birth Rate(%) 3.70 2.83 1.33 2.03 2.00
Reproductive wastage (%) 8.42 4.05 6.19 5.57 4.00

Reproductive wastage
The reproductive wastage (abortions and still births) for the Koch populations of the
present study is given in Table 4.10. It is seen that the rate of reproductive wastage is
fairly high in the present populations, although it is lower in the Wanangs (4.00%) and
Sangas (4.05%). It is highest among the Chapras (8.42%), followed by the Satp~ris
(6.19%) and Tintikiyas (5.57%). These differences in reproductive wastage is found to be
insignificant (x2 = 6.83, DF = 4, P > 0.05). The abortion rates are found to be 4.71 %,
1.21 %, 4.87, 3.54% and 2.00% in the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs,
respectively. The frequencies of still births to these populations are found to be 3.70%,
2.83%, 1.33%, 2.03% and 2.00%, respectively. Thus it indicates that the still birth rate is

higher than the abortion rate in the Sangas, and it is more or less same in the case of the
Wanangs. In other populations, the abortion rate is higher than the still birth rate.

. M arrtage
T a ble 411 . wtt m an outst"de th e vt"ll age
Marriage Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas Wanangs
Within village 23 25 27 39 28
% 27.06 I
37.31 47.37 43.33 28.28
Outside village 62 42 30 51 71
% 72.94 62.69 52.63 56.67 71.72
Total 85 67 57 90 99
Chi-square value 17.89** 4.31 * 0.16 1.60 18.68**
Mean marital distance 28.99±43.56 21.60±33.74 7.75 ± 15.75 40.39±47.02 22.61±45.09
Chi-square value= 10.88, DF = 4, P < 0.03
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.001

Village Endogamy
Table 4.11 shows the frequency of village endogamy in terms of the number of marriages
taking place within the village and outside the village. The Table shows that the
frequency of marriage outside the village, i.e., one of the spouses is from outside the
village, is more than 50% in all the subgroups, and it is very high among the Chapras
(72.94%), Wanangs (71.72%) and Tintikiyas (55.67%). This variation in village exogamy
between the subgroups is highly significant ('·t} = 10.88, DF = 4, P < 0.001), i.e., it varies
from 53% for the Satparis to 73% for the Chapras. The Chi-square values for each
subgroup indicate that village exogamy is significantly higher than village endogamy in
the Chapras ('·J} = 17.89, DF = 1, P < 0.001), Sangas (·i = 4.31, DF = 1, P < 0.05) and
Wanangs (x_2 = 18.68, DF = 1, P < 0.001). In the case of the Satparis and Tintikiyas,
there is no difference between village endogamy and village exogamy, i.e., about 50% of
the marriages in these two groups may be considered as taking place within the village,
although village exogamy is higher than village endogamy. Nevertheless, it is obvious
from the present findings that village endogamy is very low in comparison with other
populations ofMeghalaya like the War Khasi (Khongsdier, 2001). As such it is expected
that the genetic variation between these populations should be low as there should be a
continuous gene flow among themselves.

In fact, Table 4.12 shows that the admixture rate, calculated according to Lasker
(1952), is very high in all the Koch subgroups of the present study. It varies from
28.72% among the Satparis to 45.20% among the Wanangs. It may be mentioned that the high
admixture rate (Table 4.12) was based on the number of individuals migrated from one village to
another village within and between the Koch subgroups through marital relationship. The marital
relationship with other populations like the Garos, Hajongs, Rabhas, Dalus, Manns, etc., is found
to be 11.76%, 7.46%, 3.51%, 4.44% and 4.04% in the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and
Wanangs, respectively. Thus, it clearly indicate that most of the marriages take place within and
between the Koch subgroups only.
Ta ble 4. 12 . Admixture rate between viiiages
Marriage JChapras I
Sangas ISatparis 1 Tintikiyas 1 Wanangs
Both parents from the same 128 133 133 206 109
One of the parents from 120 112 79 152 216
another village
Both of the parents from 62 42 30 51 71
another village
Total number of persons 310 287 242 409 396
Admixture rate (%) 39.35 34.15 28.72 31.05 45.20

Genetic Drift
From an evolutionary point of view, clli..nges in gene frequencies due to random genetic
drift or random sampling are considered to be important in small isolated population. In
the present study we have calculated the variance due to genetic drift according to Wright
(1931, 1943), which is as follows:
/ dq = ~ q ( 1 - q) ~/ 2Ne

Where i dq is the variance due to drift, q stands for the gene frequency (here taken as
0.5), and Ne is the effective population size.
Following the above method, the results are presented in Table 4.13. It may
however be noted that variances shown in Table 4.13 are based on the assumption that all
the Koch subgroups of the present study are endogamous. But we have already seen that
the admixture rates between and within the Koch subgroups are fairly high. Thus, drift
may not play much role in these Koch subgroups of Garo hills. In fact, Wright ( 1931) has
clearly pointed out the importance of migration in neutralizing the effect of genetic drift
in human populations. According to Wright ( 1940), the differentiation in gene frequency

due to genetic drift depends on the coefficient of breeding isolation, i.e. the product of
effective population size and admixture rate. In a population with an allele frequency of
0.5, genetic differentiation due to drift is very great where NeM is less than 0.5, genetic
differentiation is still important where NeM is less than 5, but differentiation due to
genetic drift is slight where Ne M is greater than 50. In the present study, Table 4.13
shows that the coefficient of breeding isolation varies from 16 among the Satparis to 44
among the Wanangs. Thus, it suggests that differentiation in allele frequency due to
genetic drift is not so important in all the Koch subgroups of the present study, although
it may still important in the Satpari population.

Table 4.13. Breeding size, effective population size, coefficient of breeding isolation and
vanance due to genetic
. drift
Population Breeding size Effective Coefficient of Variance due to
(N) population size breeding genetic drift
(Ne) isolation (Nem ) (where q = 0.5)
Chapras 121 100.10 39.3894 0.001249
Sangas 105 75.70 25.8524 0.001651
Satparis 86 55.20 15.8530 0.002265
Tintikiyas 149 94.33 29.2887 0.001325
Wanangs 151 97.26 43.6903 0.001285

Selection Intensity
Natural selection is one of the most powerful evolutionary forces, which brings about
changes in the genetic composition of a population. It is operating in human populations
through differential fertility and mortality. Assuming that some phenotypic variation in
reproduction has a genetic basis and fitness is heritable, Crow (1958) has proposed an
index which is known as Index of Total Selection Intensity (now called the Index of
Opportunity for Selection), taking into consideration the differential fertility and
mortality. In the present study, we have followed the method suggested by Crow (1958) for
calculating the total selection intensity. We have also followed the modified version
suggested by Johnston and Kensinger ( 1971 ).
Table 4.14 shows the parameters used in calculating the index of selection
intensity. It may be noted that for calculating this index, \ve have taken into

consideration only those mothers who are aged 40 years and above since fertility declines
drastically when the mothers reach this age. It may be noted that this has been observed
in other populations as well (Das and Ghosh, 1988; Khongsdier, 2001). Table 4.14
shows that the mean number of live births per mother varies from 4.76 among the
Chapras to 6.00 among the Wannags, whereas the proportion of child deaths (i.e., deaths
before reproductive age) varies from 0.2048 for the Tintikiyas to 0.2727 among the
Chapras. The proportion of embryonic deaths is found to vary from 0.0318 among the
Sangas to 0.0708 among the Tintikiyas.
On the basis of these parameters, we have calculated the selection intensity
according to the methods suggested by Crow (1958) and Johnston and Kensinger (1971).
Table 4.15 shows that the index of total selection intensity (I), calculated according to
Crow's formula, varies from 0.4776 among the Wanangs to 0.7999 among the Chapras.
It indicates that the differential mortality contributes more towards the total selection
intensity among the Chapras (0.3749), Satparis (0.3678), Tintikiyas (0.2575) and
A<0.2985), but in the case of Sangas it is differential fertility which contributes more
towards total selection intensity. Nevertheless, it indicates by and large that differential
mortality contributes more towards selection intensity in the Koch population as
generally observed in other Indian populations (Reddy and Chopra, 1990).
Table 4.15 also shows the index of total selection intensity calculated according to
the method suggested by Johnston and Kensinger (1971). It is seen that, like in the case
of Crow's formula, the value of I varies from 0.5284 among the Wanangs to 0.9022
among the Chapras. It indicates that the I values according to Johnston and Kensinger's
method are higher than those calculated according to Crow's formula for all the Koch
subgroups of the present study. This may be due to the fact that in the modified version
of Johnston and Kensinger, we have taken into account the embryonic deaths, t.e.,
reproductive wastage which include abortions and still-births.
Having reviewed the values of I calculated according to Crow's formula for
various Indian populations, Khongsdier (2000) has suggested different degrees of the
intensity of opportunity for natural selection, viz., low - < 0.340, moderate - 0.340 to
0.470, mild- 0.470 to 0.600, average - 0.600 to 0.730, high - 0.730 to 0.860, and very
high - > 0.860. Taking into consideration these suggested degrees of I, it is likely that

opportunity for natural selection is very high among the Chapras, and it is in moderate
intensity in the Sangas and Satparis. On the other hand, the opportunity for natural
selection seems to be mild in the case of Tintikiyas and Wanangs. In comparison with
populations of Northeast India, the total selection intensity in the Koch subgroups of the
present study are found to be higher than the Christian (0.3592) and Non-Christian
(0.4463) War Khasis (Khongsdier, 200 I), Ahoms (0.2180), Kacharis (0.2500) Khamtis
(0.3120), Sonowals (o.3640) and Kaibartas (0.3360) of Assam, but it is lower than that
reported for the Apatanis (0.8890) and Khamtis (0.9340) of Arunachal Pradesh (Sengupta
and Gogoi, 1995b).

Tabe I 414. • Parameters used.m cal cuIating index of selection intensity

Parameters Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas Wanangs
Number of mothers aged 40 years and 37 31 24 38 29
Number of conceptions 186 157 126 226 180
Number oflive births 176
152 119 210 174
Number of embryonic deaths 10 5 7 16 6
Mean number oflive births per woman 4.7568 4.9032 4.9583 5.5263 6.0000
aged 40 years and above ( X )
Variance in number oflive births due to 6.9949 6.9261 4.7899 7.4072 4.9655
fertility ( V r)

Proportion of child deaths (i.e. deaths 0.2727 0.2171 0.2689 0.2048 0.2299
before 15 _years of aRe) Pd
Proportion of survivors, birth to 0.7273 0.7829 0.7311 0.7952 0.7701
reproductive age ( P. = 1 - Pd)
Proportion of embryonic deaths (Ped ) 0.0538 0.0318 0.0556 0.0708 0.0333
Proportion of survivors, birth to 0.9462 0.9682 0.9444 0.9292 0.9667
reproductive age ( Pb = 1 - Ped)

Table 4.15. Indices of opportunity for selection.

Population I According to Crow ( 195 8) I According to Johnston and Kensinger( 1971)
I lm I lr I I I lmc I 1mc l Ir I I
Chapras 0.3749 0.3091 0.7999 0.0569 0.3749 0.3091 0.9022
Sangas 0.2773 0.2881 0.6453 0.0328 0.2773 0.2881 0.6993
Satparis 0.3678 0.1948 0.6343 0.0589 0.3678 0.1948 0.7305
Tintikiyas 0.2575 0.2425 0.5625 0.0762 0.2575 0.2425 0.6815
Wanangs 0.2985 0.1379 0.4776 0.0344 0.2985 0.1379 0.5284

In the present chapter, we shall deal with four genetic markers, namely, ABO and
Rh (D) blood groups, PTC taste sensitivity and colour blindness. The first three traits are
autosomal characters, while the last one is an X-linked trait.

ABO Blood Groups

The percentage distribution of the ABO blood groups is given in Table 5.1. It is seen that
the blood types A and B are more common in all the populations. In the case of Sangas
and Satparis, the frequency of blood type A is more than B, whereas in other populations
the blood type B is higher than A The frequency of 0 blood type is more or less similar
in all populations covered under the present study, although it is lower in the Wanangs
(1827%). With respect to blood type AB, it is seen from the Table that the frequency is
very low in the Sangas (8%) in comparison with the other populations of the present
study. It may however be noted that these differences between populations in respect of
the phenotype distribution of ABO blood groups are not statistically significant (x 2 =

10.97, D.F. = 12, P > 0.05).

The allele frequencies of the ABO blood groups given in Table 5.2 are shown in
Table 5.2. Following the methods suggested by Balakrishnan (1988), it is found that the
allele frequencies of p (A), q (B) and r (0) are not statistically significant in all
populations. Thus, it indicates that all populations covered under the present study are in
genetic equilibrium in respect of the ABO blood group system. It is also observed that
the differences between these populations are not statistically significant (x2 = 10.97, OF
= 12, P > 0.05). We shall discuss this subject matter in the chapter of discussion.

Rh (D) blood groups

The distribution of the Rh (D) blood groups is shown in Table 5.3. It is found that Rh-
negative blood type is absent in the Chapras and Tintikiyas, and it is very low in other
populations. Thus the present findings seem to support the general observation that Rh-
negative allele is almost absent in Mongoloid populations, or it presents in a very low
dose in Mongoloid populations of Northeast India (Das, 1974 ).

Table 5.1. Phenotype frequencies of the ABO blood groups_

Population 0 A B AB

Chapras (n = 103) 24 26 38 15
% 23.30 25.24 36.89 14.56
Sangas (n = 75) 17 31 21 6
% 22.67 41.33 28.00 8.00
Satparis (n = 75) 18 29 19 9
% 24.00 38.67 25.33 12.00
Tintikiyas (n = 105) 24 33 34 14
% 22.86 31.43 32.38 13.33
Wanangs (n = 104) 19 31 36 18
% 18.27 29.81 34.62 17.30

x2 = 10.97, DF = 12, P > 0.05.

T a ble 5 2 All ee
l frequenctes o fABObl 0 od groups
Population Allele frequencies x2- value
p±SE q±SE r+SE (DF=l)
Chapras 0.2231 ± 0.0312 0.3018 ± 0.0354 0.4751 ± 0.0390 0.1723
Sangas 0.2934 ± 0.0407 0.2036 ± 0.0348 0.5030 ± 0.0457 1.7324
Satparis 0.2982 ± 0.0409 0.2088 ± 0.0352 0.4930 ± 0.0459 0.0296
Tintikiyas 0.2571 ± 0.0325 0.2635 ± 0.0328 0.4794 ± 0.0389 0.0063
Wanangs 1 0.2718±0.0319 0.3056 ± 0.0349 0.4126 ± 0.0349 2.0000

. a e e requenc1es o f t he Rh - bl 00d 1,-JfOups.

Table 53 . Ph enotype andlllfi
Population Pheno~ freQuency Allele frequencies
Rh- Per cent D d
Chapras (n = 103) 0 0.00 1.0000 0.0000
Sangas (n =75) 1 1.33 0.8845 0.1155
Satparis (n = 75) 1 1.33 0.8845 0.1155
Tintikiyas (n = 105) 0 0.00 1.0000 0.0000
Wanangs (n = I04) 2 1.92 0.8613 0.1387

Table 5.4. Phenylthiocarbmide (PTC) taste sensitivity

Population No PTC solution number
0 I 2 -'" 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Chapras 103 9 5 2 3 8 13 I2 21 26 2 1 0 0 I
Sangas 75 1~ 2 2 1 6 12 15 14 5 3 0 1 0 0
Satparis 75 6 2 3 10 12 9 11 12 8 2 0 0 0 0
Tintikiyas 105 28 1 6 5 12 8 21 17 5 1 0 1 0 0
Wanangs 104 33 6 8 8 10 8 14 10 6 1 0 0 0 0

PTC Taste Sensitivity

Table 5.4 shows the distribution of individuals who have the taste sensitivity to PTC,
which follows a binomial distribution for all the populations. The graph (Figure 5.1)
shows that the anti-mode (which demarcates the non-tasters and tasters) varies for
different populations. Among the Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs, the anti-mode falls
on 1, whereas among the Chapras and Sangas it falls on 2 and 3, respectively. Following
the method suggested by Harris and Kalmus ( 1949), the individuals were divided into
tasters and non-tasters on the basis of anti-mode (i.e., the anti-mode was considered the
cut-off point for determining the tasters and non-tasters). The percentage distribution of
tasters and non-tasters is given in Table 5.5. It is found that the frequency of non-tasters
is lowest among the Satparis (10.67%) and highest among the Wanangs (37.50%). The
Chi-square value indicates that the inter-population differences are statistically significant




E 30

N 25




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Fig. 5.1. Dist.-ihution PTC taste blindness among the five subgroups of Koch
popu Ia tion.

(x2 = 22.56, DF = 4, P < 0.05), but the differences between two populations shows that
the Koch subgroups of the present study are by and large similar in respect of PTC taste
sensitivity, although the Satparis deviate significantly from all the other subgroups except
the Chapras (Table 5.6). Thus, data on PTC taste sensitivity are to .a certain extent
different from those on the ABO blood group, which indicate that all the subgroups are
similar in ABO allele frequencies. However, it may be noted that PTC taste sensitivity is
rather a weak genetic marker in comparison with the ABO blood groups.

Table 5.5. PTC phenotypes and allele frequencies

Population Phenotypes Allele frequencies

Tasters Non-tasters T t
Chapras (n = 103) 87 (84.47) 16 (15.53) 0.6059 0.3941
Sangas (n = 75) 56 (74.67) 19 (25.33) 0.4967 0.5033
Satparis (n = 75) 67 (89.33) 8 (10.67) 0.6734 0.3266
Tintikiyas (n = 105) 76 (72.38) 29 (27.67) 0.4745 0.5255
Wanangs (n =104) 65 (62.50) 39 (37.50) 0.3876 0.6124

Figures within parentheses indicate percentage

x2 = 22.56, DF = 4, P < 0.05.

Table 5.6. Chi-square (:x:') tests between populations in respect ofPTC taste sensitivity
Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas
Chapras 0.00
Sangas l.75,P=0.19 0.00
Satparis 0.68, p = 0.41 3.81, p = 0.05* 0.00
ITintikiyas 2.90, p = 0.09 0.07, p = 0.79 5.22, p = 0.02* 0.00
lWanangs 7.49, p = 0.006* 1.53, p = 0.22 9.91, p = 0.002* 1.18, p = 0.28

Table 5.7. Phenotypes and allele frequencies of colour blindness

Population Pheno~s Allele frequencies

Normal Colour blind c c
Chapras (n =51) 48 (94.12) 3 (5.88) 0.9412 0.0588
Sangas ( n= 41) 41 (100.00) 0 1.0000 0.0000
Satparis (n= 41) 40 (97.56) 1 (2.44) 0.9756 0.0244
Tintikiyas (n = 61) 59 (96.72) 2 (3.28) 0.9672 0.0328
Wanangs (n = 56) 53 (94.64) 3 (5.36) 0.9464 0.0536
Figures within parentheses indicate percentage.

Colour Blindness
Table 5.7 shows the frequency of colour blindness. No colour blind individual was
detected in the Sangas. Among the Chapras, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs, the
frequencies of colour blindness are found to be 5.88%, 2.44%, 3.28% and 5.36%,
respectively. Although it is higher in the Chapras and Wanangs, the frequency of colour
. blindness seems to be low in all the populations covered under the present study.
On the basis of the data presented above, it indicates that the Koch subgroups of
the present study are by and large similar in respect of ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, and
colour blindness, although a subgroup like the Satparis deviate significantly from the
other subgroups in respect ofPTC taste sensitivity. We shall discuss this in Chapter IX.


Table 5.8 shows the Percentage distribution of the ABO blood groups and PTC taste
sensitivity in the present populations and other populations of Assam and Meghalaya.
The homogeneity test for the differences between two populations are given in Tables 5.9
and 5.10 for the ABO blood groups and PTC taste ability, respectively. It can be seen
from Table 5.9 that the present populations differ significantly from the Khynriams,
Pnars and Wars, but they are similar to the Lyngngams, Garos and Hajongs (although the
Chapras differ from the Hajongs) in respect of the ABO blood groups. Except the Sangas,
the present population groups also differ significantly from Kochs of Assam. On the other
hand, the Koch subgroups of the present study are by and large similar to the other
neighbouring populations, except the Wanangs, in respect of PTC taste sensitivity. Table

5.10 shows that the Chapras, Sangas and Tintikiyas are not statistically different from the
Kochs of Assam, and they are also similar to the Garos and Dalus of Meghalaya. So
unlike in the case of ABO blood groups, the Chapras, Sangas and Tintikiyas are similar
to the Kochs of Assam with respect PTC taste sensitivity. But the Satparis and Wanangs
deviate significantly from the Kochs of Assam in res~ct of both PTC taste sensitivity
and ABO blood groups.
Under the above circumstances, the Koch subgroups of the present study show, in
general, a different degree of affinity to the different populations of Assam and
Meghalaya with respect to the ABO blood groups and PTC taste sensitivity. In other
words, although data on ABO blood groups are to a certain extent relevant to those on
PTC taste sensitivity, there are also contmdictory results, which indicate that populations
which are related to one another in respect of the ABO blood groups are different with
respect to PTC taste sensitivity. It may be noted that this is the common observation
when one deals with the weak genetic markers like the ABO blood groups and PTC taste
ability. It has been suggested that strong genetic markers like serum proteins, red cell
enzymes and DNA polymorphisms may be more helpful to have a better understanding
of the phylogenetic position of populations in this part of the country (Khongsdier, 2000).
Besides, such contradictory results may also be attributed to sampling error that might
have taken place during data collection.
In order to have a better understanding of the genetic relationship of the present
populations with other neighbouring populations, an attempt has been made to calculate
the genetic distance according to the method suggested by Nei (1972). For calculating
Nei's genetic distance, we have taken into consideration two genetic loci, namely, ABO
groups and PTC taste ability (Table 5.11) because data on other genetic loci are not
available for all the populations taken for comparison. The results are summarized in
Table 5.12. The dendrogram based according to method suggested by Sokal and Sneath
(1963) is shown and Figure 5.2. It shows that the Tintikiyas and Sangas are close to each
other, forming a cluster with the Lyngngams and Wanangs. On the other hand, the
Satparis and Chapras are distant from each other, and both of them differ from the other
subgroups. The Dendrogram also shows that the Koch subgroups of the present study
stand far apart from the Kochs of Assam.

Table 5.8. Percentage distribution ofthe ABO blood groups and PTC taste sensitivity in
t he Koch sub>groups o fG aro h"ll
1 s an d other popu Iat10ns
Population ABO blood groups PTC taste sensitivity

N! 0
I AB N I Tasters INon-tasters
Chapras 1 103 23.30 25.24 36.89 14.56 103 84.47 15.53
Sangas 75 22.67 41.33 28.00 8.00 75 74.67 25.33
Satparis 1 75 24.00 38.67 25.33 12.00 75 89.33 10.67
Tintikiyas 105 22.86 31.43 32.38 13.33 105 72.38 27.62
Wanangs 1 104 18.27 29.81 34.62 17.30 104 62.50 37.50
Kochs 2 527 37.38 30.36 26.76 5.50 551 77.50 22.50
Lyngngams3 120 20.00 39.17 28.33 12.50 120 70.00 30.00
Khynriams4 222 49.00 29.20 18.70 2.09 222 88.74 11.26
Pnars4 197 52.97 33.50 11.61 2.10 170 82.94 17.06
Bhois4 192 38.69 30.43 23.04 7.84 210 78.09 21.90
Wars 4 230 55.72 28.64 11.97 3.67 236 87.71 12.29
Garos5 144 25.69 29.86 32.64 11.81 1257 78.40 21.60
Dalus6 145 35.86 17.24 35.17 11.72 132 82.58 17.42
Hajongs5 125 17.60 43.20 24.08 14.40
I z, 3 -,r, );
Sources: Present study, Sengupta (1993), Ahmed et al. (1997), Das (1978), Das eta/.
(1978), "Ueka (1978), ~orthakur et a/. (1997).

Table 5.9. Chi-square values (DF=3) between the Koch subgroups and other populations
. respect o fABObl ood groups
Population I
Chapras I
Sangas Satparis If Tintikiyas Wanangs 1
Kochs 18.88*** 7.23 9.18* 14.21 ** 27.44***
Lyngngams 4.99 1.08 0.51 1.49 3.06
Khynriams 33.83*** 16.90*** 19.10*** 28.72*** 41.89***
Pnars 53.25*** 26.22*** 28.34*** 44.79*** 58.97***
Bhois 13.11 *** 6.36 5.52 8.69* 17.53***
Wars 51.25*** 27.13*** 27.36*** 43.82*** 59.14***
Garos 1.27 3.13 2.04 0.12 2.17
Dalus 5.40 15.50*** 12.93** 8.94* 12.17**
Hajongs 8.83* 2.44 1.40 4.09 4.93

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001


Table 5.10. Chi-square values (DF=1) between the Koch subgroups and other
populations in respect of PTC taste sensitivity
Population 1 Chapras 1 Sangas I
Satparis Tintikiyas IWanangs I
Kochs 2.51 0.30 5.56* 1.29 10.52**
Lyngngams 6.47* 0.49 9.87** 0.15 1.41
Khynriams 1.17 8.80** 0.02 13.83*** 30.89***
Pnars 0.11 2.27 1.66 4.34* 14.45***
Bhois 1.76 0.37 4.54* 1.26 8.57**
Wars 0.66 7.41 ** 0.14 12.10*** 28.68***
Garos 1.36 0.37 3.88* 1.12 7.00**
Dalus 0.15 1.85 1.71 3.55 12.11***
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

Table 5.11. Allele frequencies of the ABO and Rh blood groups, PTC taste._ ·. : ..
blindness in ulations of Me ala a and Assam
Population ABO blood groups Rh (D) blood PTC taste

Chapras 103 0.0000 103
Sangas1 75 0.2934 0.5030 75 0.1155 75 0.5033
Satparis 75 0.2982 0.2088 0.4930 75 0.1155 75 0.3266
Tintikiyas 105 0.2571 0.2635 0.4794 105 0.0000 105 0.5255
Wanangs 1 104 0.2718 0.3056 0.4226 104 0.1387 104 0.6124
Kochs 527 0.2004 0.1781 0.6215 511 0.1466 551 0.4743
Lyngngams 120 0.3193 0.2459 0.4348 120 0.1292 120 0.5477
Khynriarns 202 0.1772 0.1161 0.7067 202 0.0000 222 0.3355
Pnars 197 0.1976 0.0713 0.7311 197 0.0000 170 0.4130
Bhois4 192 0.2155 0.1673 0.6172 192 0.0000 210 0.4679
Wars~ 230 0.1761 0.0814 0.7425 230 0.0000 236 0.3506
Garos 144 0.2364 0.2557 0.5078 144 0.0000 125 0.4647
Dalus 145 0.1550 0.2676 0.5774 145 0.1176 132 0.4174
Hajongs5 125 0.2300 0.2440 0.4120 125 0.0889 0.4080
Sources: Present study, -Sengupta ( 1993 ), -Ahmed et al. ( 1997), Das ( 1978), )Das eta/.
( 1978), 6Borthakur et a/. ( 1997)

Table 5.12. Nei'standard genetic distance (Dx 10) on the basis of the ABO blood
gr_oups, :ai! fi t u;and PTC taste sensitiVIty
Population I
Chapras Sangas ISatparis ITintiki-
Wa- IKochs j Lyng-
Chapras -
Sangas 0.223 -
Satparis 0.136 0.356 -
Tintikiyas 0.214 0.037 0.482 -
Wanangs 0.587 0.236 1.044 0.119 -
Kochs 0.268 0.127 0.390 0.189 0.546 -
Lyngngams 0.355 0.062 0.591 0.042 0.084 0.346 -
Khynriams 0.445 0.453 0.323 0.736 1.460 0.224 1.007
Pnars 0.570 0.433 0.488 0.616 1.211 0.133 0.834
Bhois 0.264 0.116 0.352 0.192 0.562 0.002 0.337
Wars 0.568 0.602 0.432 0.799 1.529 0.234 1.073
Garos 0.059 0.032 0.235 0.032 0.298 0.086 0.132
Dalus 0.092 0.238 0.267 0.235 0.648 0.099 0.454
Hajongs 0.158 0.180 0.136 0.253 0.573 0.438 0.242
Table 5. 12 Cond/
Population ~~yn-
l Pnars lBhois l Wars l Garos l Dalus
Khynriams -
Pnars 0.068 -
Bhois 0.208 0.132 -
Wars 0.012 0.032 0.217 -
Garos 0.419 0.396 0.085 0.493 -
Dalus 0.237 0.292 0.108 0.307 0.067 -
Hajongs 0.687 0.743 0.398 0.804 0.162 0.389

Fig. s.a. Genetic Distance (DXl 0) on the basis of the ABO blood groups and PTC tate
s~nsitivity~among 14 populations. -







In this Chapter, we shall describe the somatometric characters collected from all the Koch
subgroups of the present study.

Anthropometric Measurements
Table 6.1 shows the means and standard deviations of anthropometric measurements for
the adult males of Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs. On the average,
these subgroups of the Kochs of Meghalaya are similar in anthropometric characters,
although there are certain differences between them in respect of some measurements.
With respect to stature, the Table shows that the Sangas are the tallest, whereas the
Satparis are the shortest. As regards the other groups, the Tintikiyas are taller than the
Chapras and Wanangs, and the Wanangs are shorter than the Chapras. The one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA), however, shows that the differences between these
subgroups are not statistically significant in respect of stature.
Unlike the case of stature, the Wanangs have the highest mean value of sitting
height, while the lowest mean value is observed among the Tintikiyas. The Wanangs are
followed by the Satparis (81.40 ± 3.42), Sangas (80.90 ± 5.03) and Wanangs (80.49 ±
3.77). These differences in sitting height are however not statistically significant (F =
1.37, P > 0.05). In fact, the ANOV A test indicates that the differences between the Koch
subgroups of the present study in respect of anthropometric measurements like height
vertex, sitting height, height tragus, height acromion, head breadth, bizygomatic breadth,
bigonial breadth, upper facial length, nasal height and chest girth are not statistically
significant. However, the differences between these groups are significant in respect of

head length, head height, head circumference, minimum frontal breadth, total facial
length, and nasal breadth.

Table 6.1. Means and standard deviations of anthropometric measurements and indices

Character l
(n=51) I
_{n=41) l Satparis
(41) I
(n=61) I
l F-ratio

HV 159.41 ± 5.45 160.53 ± 5.69 158.04 ± 6.55 159.55 ± 5.29 158.77 ± 5.30 1.17
SHV 80.49 ± 3.77 80.90 ± 5.03 81.40 ± 3.42 80.34 ± 4.01 82.06 ± 5.68 1.37
HT 145.95 ± 5.41 147.26 ± 5.41 144.60 ± 6.29 145.57 ± 5.52 146.02 ± 5.22 1.24
HA 128.05 ± 5.14 130.67 ± 5.35 129.08 ± 5.84 128.44 ± 5.31 128.32 ± 4.53 1.80
HL 18.71 ± 0.69 18.43 ± 0.85 18.65 ± 0.53 18.96 ± 0.59 18.69 ± 0.49 4.59*
HB 14.16 ± 0.58 14.22 ± 0.53 14.05 ± 0.37 14.13 ± 0.52 13.99 ± 0.49 1.66
HH 13.46 ± 0.87 13.27 ± 1.08 13.45±1.17 13.81 ± 1.50 12.80 ± 0.96 5.79*
HC 53.24 ± 1.65 53.05 ± 1.41 53.33 ± 1.30 53.88 ± 1.30 53.01 ± 1.42 3.38*
MFB 10.16 ± 0.41 10.55 ± 0.54 10.34 ±0.39 10.52 ± 0.52 10.54 ± 0.81 4.49*
BGB 10.55 ± 0.67 10.56 ± 0.70 10.51 ± 0.48 10.69± 0.66 10.64 ± 0.51 0.87
BB 13.33 ± 0.53 13.34 ± 0.44 13.25 ± 0.40 13.44 ± 0.69 13.36 ± 0.42 0.86
TFL 12.45 ± 0.63 12.77 ± 0.81 12.21 ± 0.67 12.76 ± 0.79 12.67 ± 0.53 5.43*
UFL 7.87 ± 0.56 7.99±0.71 7.63 ±0.46 8.08 ± 1.36 7.84 ± 0.50 2.05
NH 6.02 ± 0.39 6.03 ± 0.57 5.94 ± 0.48 6.09± 0.34 6.10 ± 0.45 0.98
NB 3.72 ± 0.33 3.67 ± 0.30 3.56 ± 0.18 3.71 ± 0.27 3.77 ± 0.28 3.37*
CG 82.17 ± 3.22 83.40 ± 3.98 83.26 ±4.12 82.56 ± 3.80 81.58 ± 3.58 1.98
CI 75.59 ± 2.54 77.33 ± 4.18 75.48 ± 2.77 74.58 ± 3.03 74.87 ± 3.01 5.45*

NI 61.98 ± 5.95 61.44 ± 7.78 60.34± 5.64 60.89± 5.44 62.02± 5.94 0.67
93.59 ± 5.75 95.76 ± 6.47 92.24±5.48 95.20± 5.90 94.91 ± 4.44 0.96
72.01 ± 5.04 72.14 ± 6.23 72.20±5.94 72.95 ± 8.33 68.52 ± 5.40 0.98
95.31 ± 7.09 92.89± 6.84 95.78 ± 8.65 96.85 ± 8.86 91.93 ± 7.23 3.73*

With respect to head length the differences between the subgroups are found to be
statistically significant at 0.01% (F = 4.59). The Scheffe's multiple range test of the
differences between two populations, however, shows that it is only the difference

between the Sangas and the Tintikiyas, which is statistically significant (Difference
standard error of difference = 0.5338 ± 0.1273, P < 0.001). In other words, the
differences in head length between the Koch subgroups of the present study are mainly
due to the difference between the Sangas and the Tintikiyas, otherwise all other groups
are by and large similar. Similarly, the significant differences between the Koch
subgroups of the present study in respect of head height (F = 5. 79, P < 0. 000) and head
circumference (F = 3.38, P < 0.01) are mainly attributed by the differences between the
Tintikiyas and the Wanangs (1.0048 ± 0.2134, P < 0.000). According to Scheffe's
multiple range test, the difference in head height and head circumference between the
Tintikiyas and the Wanangs are found to be 1.0048 ± 0.2134 (P < 0.000) and 0.8601 ±
0.2632 (P < 0.033), respectively. With respect to minimum frontal breadth, it is found
that the Chapras deviate significantly from the Sangas (0.3900 ± 0.1191, P < 0.032),
Tintikiyas (0.3608 ± 0.1077, P < 0.026) and Wanangs (0.3769 ± 0.1099, P < 0.021). On
the other hand, the Satparis deviate significantly from the Tintikiyas (0. 5435 ± 0.1392, P
< 0.005) and Wanangs (0.4592 ± 0.1417) in respect of total facial length. As regards the
differences in nasal breadth among the five subgroups (F = 3.37, P < 0.01), it is found
that the multiple range test is significant only the difference between the Sangas and the
Wanangs (0.2044 ± 0.0580, P < 0.02). Thus, it is obvious that the differences among the
groups in respect of anthropometric measurements, as indicated by ANOVA test, are
mainly attributed by the differences between two groups, except in the case of minimum
frontal breadth and total facial length. Therefore, it may be concluded that the Koch
subgroups of the present study are by and large similar in anthropometric measurements.
Anthropometric Indices
In order to have a better understanding of the relationship between the Koch subgroups of
the present study, an attempt has also been made to calculate some indices which are
generally used for finding out the ethnic affinity of a population. The means and
standard deviations of such indices are given in Table 6.1. Of the five indices, the
ANOVA test shows that there are significant differences between the subgroups only in
respect of cephalic index and breadth-height index. According to Scheffe's multiple
range test, it is found that the Sangas deviate significantly from the Tintikiyas (2.7571±
0.6292, P < 0.001) and Wanangs (2.4617 ± 0.6404, P < 0.006) in cephalic index. Thus,

the Sangas deviate significantly from the Tintikiyas in both. head length and cephalic
index. With respect to breadth-height index, the multiple-range test is found to be
significant only in the case of the difference between Tintikiyas and Wanangs (4.9270 ±
1.4463, P < 0.023). In other words, the differences in cephalic index among the Koch
subgroups of the present study are mainly attributed by the difference between Tintikiyas
and Wanangs. In fact, the Tintikiyas seem to differ significantly from the Wanangs in
respect of head height, head circumference and bread-height index.
On the basis of the anthropometric characters, the Koch subgroups of the present
study are by and large similar. However, it is likely that the Tintikiyas deviate
significantly from the other subgroups especially the Sangas and Wanangs and the
In order to have a better understanding of the ethnic affinity of these Koch
subgroups of Garo hills with other neighbouring populations, we have also calculated the
coefficient of diversity (CD) as suggested by Najjar ( 1978). The data used for calculating
CD are given in Table 6.2 and the results are shown in Table 6.3. The dendrogram
(Figure 6.1 ), derived as per the method suggested by Sokal and Sneath ( 1963 ), shows
that all the Koch subgroups of the present study belong to the same cluster, and the
Tintikiyas and Chapras stand closer to each other. Thus, the dendrogram (Figure 6.1)
also shows that the present populations are by and large similar in anthropometric
characters, and they are distant themselves from the Kochs of Assam. All the five Koch
subgroups belong to one major cluster in which the Tintikiyas and Chapras belong to one
sub-cluster, and the Sangas, Satparis and Wanangs belong to another sub-cluster. Thus,
unlike the case of genetic markers, i.e., ABO blood groups and PTC taste sensitivity, the
dendrogram based on the anthropometric traits shows that all the Koch subgroups of the
present study are closer to one another. However, in the case of genetic markers, only
Tintikiyas, Sangas and Wanangs belong to one major cluster along with the Lyngngams.
Nevertheless, it is obvious that the Koch of Garo hills deviate significantly from the
Kochs of Assam. The same is true in the case of genetic markers.

Table 6.2. Anthropometric Characteristics (Mean) of adult males for seven Populations
0 fM egJhalayaandA ssam.
Population No. Stature Sitting Head Head Head Head M.F.B.
Height Length Breadth Height Circum-
Vertex ference
Chapras 51 159.41 80.49 18.71 14.16 13.46 53.24 10.16
Sangas 41 160.53 80.90 18.43 14.22 13.27 53.05 10.55
Satparis 41 158.04 81.40 18.65 14.05 13.45 53.33 10.34
Tintikiyas 61 159.55 80.34 18.96 14.13 13.81 53.88 10.52
Wanangs 56 158.77 82.06 18.69 13.99 12.80 53.02 10.54
256 164.43 84.34 18.33 14.56 13.57 54.92 -
Hajongs 100 159.03 81.41 17.81 13.96 12.67 54.53 11.13
Garos 200 160.70 83.50 18.75 14.14 12.03 54.90 10.55
Khynriams 100 156.62 82.36 18.82 14.64 12.29 54.60 10.41
Pnars 100 157.35 81.12 19.10 14.53 11.92 54.59 10.05
Bhois 100 157.00 82.36 18.34 14.24 12.77 51.79 10.46
Wars 1 100 155.68 81.57 18.67 14.43 11.90 54.16 10.51
Condl Table 6 2
Population No. Bizygo- Bigo- Total Upper Nasal Nasal
matric nial Facial facial height breadth
breadth breadth length length
Chapras 51 13.33 10.55 12.45 7.87 6.02 3.72
Sangas 41 13.34 10.56 12.77 7.99 6.03 3.67
Satparis 41 13.25 10.51 12.21 7.63 5.94 3.56
Tintikiyas 61 13.44 10.69 12.76 8.08 6.09 3.71
Wanangs 56 13.36 10.64 12.67 7.84 6.10 3.77
Kochs 256 13.39 - 11.30 6.48 4.84 3.60
Hajongs2 100 13.41 10.46 10.66 6.69 4.82 3.56
Garos 1 200 13.82 10.09 11.39 6.64 4.73 3.97
Khynriams 1 100 13.51 10.16 11.07 6.36 4.54 3.92
Pnars 1 100 13.51 10.22 11.40 6.56 4.79 3.72
Bhois 100 13.45 9.95 11.33 6.64 4.87 3.95
Wars 1 100 13.47 10.05 11.05 6.34 4.58 3.80
Sources: Das (1960, 1967); Phookan & Das (1973); Sengupta (1993).

Table 6.3. Anthropometric distance/Coefficient of relationship between populations

I Population I c1> I(2) I (3) I (4) 1(5) _I (6) I (7) l (8) l (9) 1 c1o) I(II)
j Chapras ( 1)

I Sangas (2) 0.126 -

Satparis (3) 0.272 0.074 -
Tintikiyas (4) 0.044 0.067 0.098 -
Wanangs (5) 0.263 0.095 0.127 0.019 -
Kochs (6) 0.409 0.405 0.384 0.425 0.432 -
Hajongs (7) 0.412 0.407 0.379 0.433 0.441 0.127 -
Garos (8) 0.452 0.462 0.457 0.467 0.465 0.202 0.229 -
Khynriams (9) 0.512 0.521 0.511 0.530 0.534 0.217 0.241 0.118 -
Pnars (10) 0.410 0.418 0.398 0.437 0.441 0.142 0.164 0.151 0.138 -
Bhois (11) 0.396 0.404 0.402 0.421 0.412 0.219 0.217 0.140 0.170 0.167 -
Wars (12) 0.487 0.493 0.476 0.506 0.512 0.183 0.183 0.134 0.069 0.167 0.157

Fig. 6.1 Dendogram based on Anthropometric measurements of~2 ;]Opulations.


0'44 I





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In this chapter, we shall deal with the morphological and behavioural traits like hand clasping,
arm folding, tongue rolling, tongue folding, earlobe attachment and middle phalangeal hair.

It may be noted that morphological and behavioural traits are not as reliable as genetic markers
from the genetic point of view. In the present study, however, we abrree with Salzano (1961) that
these traits may be useful in population genetics studies for several reasons. One such reason is
that the findings on the genetic affinity of human populations in respect of known loci are still not
as clearly understood as were in the case of these traits. In several cases, the findings on genetic
markers corroborate those on anthropometric and other morphological and behavioural traits
(Harrison, 1977). Moreover, there are also certain morphological characters, which are
considered to be strongly determined by genetic factors rather than by environmental factors like
dermatoglyphic and some other traits. For example, it was Lutz ( 1908) who for the first time
draws our attention that when an individual clasps his hands with finger interlocking, the right
thumb remains uppermost in some individuals, while the left thumbs in others. Lutz has
considered that the manner of hand clasping was heritable, but he was not able to state the exact
mode of its inheritance. Weiner (I 932) has supported that hand clasping is genetically determined
and the trait is not associated with sex or handedness. Other investigations on hand clasping
carried out by Kawabe (1949), Trankell (1955), Freire-Maia et al. (1958), Pons (1961) and
Quelce-8algado eta/. (1961) have all supported Lutz's hypothesis that this functional asymmetry
is genetically controlled, although no simple Mendelian mechanism has been offered to explain its
mode of Inheritance.
With regard to earlobe attachment, individuals can be classified into different categories.
Hilden (1922) was the first to study the earlobe types in man. Attachment of earlobe in man is
influenced by heredity, although the mode of its inheritance is not established (Carriere, 1937;
Quelprud, 1934, 1941 ). Hilden ( 1922) is of the opinion that the inheritance of free earlobe is
determined by an autosomal dominant gene. Powell and Whitney ( 1937) also supported the

hypotheses of autosomal dominance of the free type. With respect to mid-phalangeal hair,
Danforth ( 1921) has suggested that complete absence of middle phalangeal hair in man is a simple
recessive trait. Chopra (1953), Matsunaga ( 1956), Beckman and Book ( 1959) have supported the
hypothesis stated by Danforth with a few exceptions.
Thus, we have also taken into consideration some of the morphological traits that are
likely to be less influenced by the environmental factors for better understanding of the population
genetics of the Koch subgroups of the present study.
Hand Clasping
In the present study, the distribution of the hand clasping among the five sub-groups of Koch
population are presented in Table 7.1. In all the sub-groups under consideration, the right types of
hand clasping are very common in both the sexes. The right type of hand clasping occurs in
higher frequency among the males of Satparis (58.54%), Tintikiyas (68.85%), and Wanangs
(71.43%) when compared with those among the Chapras (54.90%) and Sangas (56.10%). In the
case of females, the right type of hand clasping occurs more among the Chapras (65.38%), and
Sangas (73.53%), when compared with the Satparis (55.88%), Tintikiyas (45.45%), and Wanangs
(50%). However, the Chi-square test shows a significant bi-sexual variation only among the
Tintikiyas (·/ = 5.7853, DF=1, P < 0.05) and Wanangs ('x} = 5.0171, OF =1, P < 0.05). It is also
found that the differences between the sub-groups of Koch are not statistically significant in
respect of hand clasping (J} = 0.84, OF= 4, P > 0.05).
T able 7 1. Percentage d.tstn.b utt.on o f hand cIaspmg
Sex I
Chapras ISangas I Satparis I Tintikiyas I Wanangs
R>L 28 23 34 42 40
% 54.90 56.10 58.54 68.85 71.43
L>R 23 18 17 19 16
% 45.10 43.90 41.46 31.15 28.57
R>L 34 25 19 20 24
% 65.38 73.53 55.88 45.45 50.00
L>R 18 9 15 24 24
% 34.62 26.47 44.12 54.55 50.00

l (DF=l) 1.18 2.45 0.05 5.79* 5.02*

R>L 62 48 43 62 64
% 60.19 64.00 57.33 59.05 61.54
L>R 41 27 32 43 40
% 39.81 36.00 42.67 40.95 38.46

-J! = 0.84, DF = 4, P > 0.05


T a ble 7 2. Percentage d"tst n"button
. o f arm £o ld"mg
Sex IChapras I Sangas 1 Satparis l Tintikiyas 1 Wanangs
R>L 25 17 21 34 31
% 49.02 41.46 51.22 55.74 55.36
L>R 26 24 20 27 25
% 50.98 58.54 48.78 44.26 44.64
R>L 25 14 18 29 23
% 48.08 41.18 52.94 65.91 47.92
L>R 27 20 16 15 25
% 51.92 58.82 47.06 34.09 52.08

x (DF=1)
0.001 0.001 0.02 1.10 0.057
R>L 50 31 39 63 54
% 48.54 41.33 52.00 60.00 51.92
L>R 53 44 36 42 50
% 51.46 58.67 48.00 40.00 48.08

x2 = 6.51, DF = 4, P > 0.05

Arm Folding
The percentage distribution of arm folding is presented in the table 7.2. In all the groups, the left
type of arm folding is more common than the right type. Left type of arm folding is more common
among the Chapras (male= 50.98%, female= 51.92%) and Sangas Koch (male= 58.54%, female
= 58.82%) and only in females for the Wanangs (52.08%). The reverse (R>L) is true among the
Satparis (male = 51.22%, female 52.94%), Tintikiyas (male = 55.74%, female = 65.91%) and
only in males for the Wanangs (55.36%). The lowest incidence of left type is found in Tintikiya
females (34.09%) while the highest frequency in Sanga females (58.82%). The Chi-square
however, shows that there is no significantly bi-sexual variation in this trait (Table 7.2). Also,
the inter-group differences are not statistically significant except the difference between the
Sangas and Tintikiyas, which is significant (x 2 = 6.1149, OF =1, P< 0.05).
Tongue Rolling
The per.centage distribution of tongue rolling among the Koch subgroups of the present study is
given in Table 7.3. The persons who are able to roll their tongue are categorized as positive,
while those unable are grouped as negative. It is observed that most of males and females are
unable to roll their tongue. It is true for all the population groups. In males, the frequency of
tongue rolling varies from 12.20% among the Sangas to 30.36% among the Wanangs, whereas in

females it varies from 8.82% for the Satparis to 31.25% for the Wanangs. Except in the case of
Chapras, these sex differences are not statistically significant, but it is obvious that the frequency
of tongue rolling is higher in both males and females of the Wanangs when compared with the
other groups. Pooling the data for both the sexes, the Chi-square value indicates that the inter-
group variation is highly significant in respect of tongue rolling (x_ = 11.66, DF = 4, P< 0.02). It
may, however, noted that this inter-group variation is mainly attributed by the differences between
the Wanangs and the Sangas (x_2 = 7.38, DF = 1, P < 0.01) as well as between the Wanangs and
the Satparis (x2 = 7.38, DF = 1, P < 0.01), since the differences between any other groups are not
statistically significant.
Tongue Folding
Table 7.4 shows the distribution of tongue folding. In the present study, positive individuals are
those who are able to fold their tongue, whereas those persons unable to fold their tongue are
categorized as negative. It is found that the incidence of tongue folding (positive) is more in males
than in females among the Satparis (34.15%), Tintikiyas (36.07%) and Wanangs (33.93%). On
the other hand, the frequency of tongue folding is higher in females than in males among the
Chapras (40.38%) and Sangas (44.12%). However, these sex differences are not statistically
significant for all the population groups. Likewise, the inter-group variation in respect of tongue
folding is not statistically significant (x2 = 2.0835, DF = 4, P > 0.05), which indicates that these
Koch subgroups of Meghalaya are by and large similar in this trait.
•. Percentage d"tstri"bution
Table 73 . o f tongue ro ll"mg
Sex/character Chapras Sangas Satoaris Tintikiyas Wanangs
Positive 14 5 7 10 17
% 27.45 12.20 17.07 16.39 30.36
Negative 37 36 34 51 39
% 72.55 87.80 82.93 83.61 69.64
Positive 6 5 3 11 15
% I 1.54 14.71 8.82 25.00 31.25
Negative 46 29 31 33 33
% 88.46 85.29 91.18 75.00 68.75
x2 (DF =1) 4.1725* 0.1029 1.0901 1.1834 0.0097
Positive 20 10 10 21 32
% 19.42 13.33 13.33 20.00 30.77
Negative 83 65 65 84 72 I
% 80.58 86.67 86.67 80.00 69.23 I
X2 = 11.6612~ DF.=4, P < 0.05~ *Significant at 5% level.

4 Percentage d1stn
T a ble 7•. . o f tongue o mg
. .b utiOn
Sex/character Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintik:iyas Wanangs

Positive 18 15 14 22 19

% 35.29 36.59 34.15 36.07 33.93

Negative 33 26 27 39 37

% 64.71 63.41 65.85 63.93 66.07


Positive 21 15 11 15 13

% 40.38 44.12 32.35 34.09 27.08

Negative 31 19 23 29 35

% 59.62 55.88 67.65 65.91 72.92

x2 (DF = 1) 0.2834 0.4394 0.0264 0.0429 0.5690


Positive 39 30 25 37 32

% 37.86 40.00 33.33 35.24 30.77

Negative 64 45 50 68 72

% 62.14 60.00 66.67 64.76 69.23

x.,2 = 2.0835, DF = 4, P > 0.05


5 PercentaLge d"IStrib uf IOnOf earo

T able 7•. 1 beattachment
Sex/character Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas Wanangs
Free 15 14 12 15 15
% 29.41 34.15 29.27 24.59 26.79
Attached 36 27 29 46 41
% 70.59 65.85 70.73 75.41 73.41
Free 15 9 12 16 13
% 28.85 26.47 35.29 36.36 27.08
Attached 37 25 22 28 35
% 71.15 73.53 64.71 63.64 72.92

x2 (DF =I) 0.0042 0.5175 0.3102 1.7035 0.0013

Free 30 23 24 31 28
% 29.13 30.67 32.00 29.52 26.92
Attached 73 52 51 74 76
% 70.87 69.33 68.00 70.48 73.08

X2 -0.6116,
- -
DF -4, P>0.05

Earlobe Attachment
Table 7.5 shows the percentage of earlobe attachment in five sub-groups of the Kochs of the
present study. The frequency of attached earlobe, irrespective of the sexes, predominates over free
earlobe in all the sub-groups. It varies from 68% for the Satparis to 73% for the Wanangs. It is
found that there is no significant difference between sexes as well as between the subgroups in
respect of the distribution of earlobe attachment. In other words, the present findings indicate
that the present subgroups of the Koch population are by and large similar in earlobe attachment.

Mid-Phalangeal Hair
Table 7.6 shows the percentage distribution of persons with mid-phalangeal hair on any of the
fingers. It is found that the mid-phalangeal hair is present more in males than in females among
the Chapras and Wanangs. In the case of Sangas, Satparis and Tintikiyas, the frequency is higher
in females than in males. However, these sex differences are found to be statistically insignificant

for all the subgroups. Pooling the data for both males and females, it is found that the most of the
individuals in the present study do not possess mid-phalangeal hair on any of the finger digits. It
holds true for all the divisions of the Koch population. The Chi-square value indicate that the
inter-group differences in respect of mid-phalangeal hair is not statistically significant c--l = 2.62;
DF =4, P >0.05). Thus, all the Koch subgroups of the present study are similar in respect of mid-
phalangeal hair.

6 Percentage d'tstn'button
T a ble 7.. . o f.md'tvt'duaIs Wit
. h mt'd-pihaIangeal hatr
Sex/character Chapras Sangas Satparis Tintikiyas Wanangs
Present 28 18 15 36 24
% 54.90 48.90 36.59 59.02 42.86
Absent 23 23 26 25 32
% 45.10 56.10 69.41 40.98 57.14
Present 23 19 14 15 25
% 44.23 55.88 41.18 34.09 52.08
Absent 29 15 20 29 23
% 55.77 44.12 58.82 65.91 47.92
x2 (DF= 1) 1.17 1.07 0.16 6.35* 0.88
Present 51 37 29 51 49
% 49.51 49.33 38.67 48.57 47.12
Absent 52 38 46 54 55
% 50.49 50.67 61.33 51.43 52.88
x = 2.62, DF = 4, P > 0.05


For comparison with other populations, we have taken into consideration only hand clasping, arm
folding, tongue rolling and earlobe attachment as data on other characters are not available for
other neighbouring populations including populations of Assam.
Table 7.7 shows the percentage frequency of hand clasping, arm folding and tongue
rolling in the populations of the present study and other populations of Assam and Meghalaya. In
the case of hand clasping, the Chi-square values indicate that all population groups of the present
study stand closer to the Chutias, Khasis and Dalus (Table 7.8). They are also similar to the

Kochs of Assam, but differ significantly from the Ahoms, Deuris, Mishings, Morans and Lalungs
of Assam.


Chapras 103 60.19 39.81 103 48.54 51.46 103 19.42

Sangas 75 64.00 36.00 75 41.33 58.67 75 13.33 86.67

Satparis 1 75 57.33 42.67 75 52.00 48.00 75 13.33 86.67
Tintikiyas 1 105 59.05 40.95 105 60.00 40.00 105 20.00 80.00
Wanangs1 104 61.54 38.46 104 51.92 48.08 104 J0.77 69.23
Ahoms 204 86.30 13.70 204 31.40 68.60 204 76.80 23.20
Deuris2 201 92.00 8.00 201 21.90 78.10 201 52.40 47.60
Mishings2 201 87.60 12.40 201 31.80 68.20 201 43.30 56.70
Chutias2 190 62.30 37.70 190 25.80 74.20 190 40.50 59.50
Morans 206 74.80 25.20 206 17.00 83.00 206 42.30 57.70
Lalungs 94 98.94 1.06 94 56.38 43.62 94 72.34 27.66
Khasis4 201 69.16 30.84 67 37.85 62.15 NA NA NA
Kochs 5 561 63.46 36.54 561 40.29 59.71 NA NA NA
Dalus6 145 69.66 30.34 145 68.28 31.72 145 20.69 79.31
NA =Not available
Sources: Present study~ et al.(l980,1985)~ 4Das and Barna (1974); 5 Sengupta (1993);
1 2 3
' Das
~orthakur et al. ( 1997).

Ahoms 26.72*** 24.50***

Deuris 45.35*** 32.68*** 45.82*** 48.21 *** 42.51 ***
Mishings 30.02*** 19.83*** 30.45*** 32.46*** 27.69***
Chutias 0.10 0.08 0.52 0.27 0.01
Morans 6.92** 3.14 7.96** 8.10** 5.79*
Lalungs 43.97*** 36.81*** 45.98*** 45.81 *** 42.04***
Khasis 2.44 0.67 3.40 3.13 1.79
Kochs 0.40 0.01 1.06 0.74 0.14
Dalus 2.39 0.73 3.32 3.02 1.79
Chi-square for arm folding(DF = I)
Population IChapras ISangas ·1 Satparis l Tintikiyas IWanangs
Ahoms 8.64** 2.42 10.02** 23.46*** 12.32***
Deuris 22.65*** 10.43** 23.56*** 44.03*** 28.34***
Mishings 8.11 ** 2.18 9.49** 22.52*** 11.65***
Chutias 15.46*** 6.17* 16.64*** 33.62*** 20.16***
Morans 34.30*** 18.12*** 34.74*** 59.60*** 41.20***
Lalungs 1.21 3.78 0.32 0.27 0.39
Khasis 1.91 0.16 2.93 8.42** 3.34
Kochs 2.45 0.03 3.74 14.00*** 4.87*
Dalus 9.77** 14.85*** 5.61* 1.83 6.83**
Chi-square for tongue rolling (DF =I)
Population I Chapras 1 Sangas I Satparis I Tintikiyas I Wanangs
Ahoms 92.81 *** 92.38*** 92.38*** 92.12*** 62.00***
Deuris 31.15*** 34.80*** 34.80*** 30.45*** 13.36***
Mishings 17.00*** 21.50*** 21.52*** 16.37*** 3.93*
Chutias 13.44*** 18.03*** 18.03*** 12.84*** 2.74
Morans 15.80*** 20.32*** 20.32*** 15.16*** 3.84*
Lalungs 55.69*** 58.47*** 58.47*** 54.96*** 34.15***
Dalus 0.06 1.80 1.80 0.02 3.29
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

With respect to arm folding, the five subgroups of the Kochs of present study deviate
significantly from the Deu7is · Chutias and Morans. With regard to the relationship with other
populations, each subgroup does not follow the same pattern of relationship. Table 7.8 shows that
the Chapras and Satparis are similar to the Lalungs, Khasis and Kochs, but they differ
significantly from the other populations like the Ahoms, Deuris, Mishings, Chutias, Morans and
Dalus. On the other hand, the Sangas stand closer to many other Mongoloid populations, although
they deviate significantly from the Deuris, Chutias, Morans and Dalus. Like in the case of
Chapras and Satparis, the Tintikiyas and Wanangs differ significantly from the Ahoms, Deuris,
Mishings, Chutias and Morans, but show a different pattern of relationship with other populations,
namely, Kochs of Assam, Lalungs, Dalus and Khasis. It is observed that the Tintikiyas are similar
to the Lalungs and Dalus, but different from the Kochs of Assam and Khasis; whereas the
Wanangs stand closer to the Lalungs and Khasis, but deviate significantly from the Kochs and
Dalus. To sum up, the populations of the present study are by and large different from the Ahoms,
Deuris, Mishings, Chutias, Morans and Dalus in respect of arm folding, but almost all stand closer
to the Lalungs and Khasis.
Unlike the case of arm folding, the present populations are similar to the Dalus in respect
of tongue rolling, but they differ significantly from the other populations like the Ahoms, Deuris,
Mishings, Chutias, Morans and Lalungs. Of course, the Wanangs are also similar to the Chutias
with respect to tongue rolling.
T able 7.. 1 beattachment amon_g the KochsofG aro h"ll
9 Earo 1 sand other pop1ulti
a ons
Population I Number I Free I Attached I Sources
Chapras 103 29.13 70.87 Present study
Sangas 75 30.67 69.33 Present study
Satparis 75 32.00 68.00 Present study
Tintikiyas 105 29.52 70.48 Present study
Wanangs 104 26.92 73.08 Present study
Kochs 2 561 65.25 34.76 Sengupta (1993)
Garos 200 27.00 73.00 Das (1967)
Rabhas 3 300 18.00 82.00 Das (1967)
Hajonrs 298 44.97 55.03 Barua (1985)
Dalus 145 22.76 77.24 Borthakur et a/. ( 1997)
Chi-square values (DF =I)
Population I Chapras I Sangas ; Satparis J Tintikiyas I Wanangs
j Kochs 47.16*** 33.28*** 30.82*** 46.86*** 53.36***
Garos 0.15 0.36 0.67 0.22 0.001
I Rabhas 5.75* 5.90* 7.14** 6.22* 3.80
I Hajongs 7.94** 5.03* 4.13* 7.66** 10.43**
I Dalus 1.29 1.63 2.20 1.46 0.57

In the case of earlobe attachment, Table 7.9 shows that the Koch subgroups of the present
study are all related to the Garos and Dalus, but they deviate significantly from the Kochs of
Assam, Rabhas (except with the Wanangs) and Hajongs.
Thus, when compared with other populations, the Koch subgroups of the present study are
by and large different from other populations of Assam and Meghalaya, but they are similar to the
Dalus in the case of earlobe attachment and tongue rolling. With respect to arm folding, they
stand closer to the Lalungs, but in respect of hand clasping they are similar to the Kochs of
Assam, Khasis and Dalus.

In this Chapter we shall describe some of the important dermatoglyphic traits collected for
the present study. We shall restrict our presentation on the frequency of finger patterns,
finger pattern indices, finger ridge counts, main line formulae and C-line termination taking
into consideration the whole population rather than finding out the bimanual and sex
differences in these traits within populations. Moreover, such a restriction has also been
done in accordance with the objectives of the present study, that is, to see how the Koch
subgroups of Garo hills are different or similar to one another, and to understand the
relationship of these subgroups with other Koch subgroups or other neighbouring populations
of Assam and Meghalaya in respect of dermatoglyphic traits.

Finger Patterns
Table 8.1 shows the percentage distribution of finger patterns among the five subgroups of
the Koch populations. It is seen that the frequency of whorls is highest among the Satparis
(45%) and lowest among the Chapras (34%). The Sangas and Chapras are more or less
similar in respect of loops. So are the Satparis and Tintikiyas. But the Wanangs are in the
middle of the Chapra-Sanga group and the Satpari-Tintikiya group. With respect to the
frequency of arches, Table 8.1 shows that it is highest among the Chapras (9%) and lowest
among the Satparis (4%). The overall differences between these Koch subgroups are found to
be highly significant in respect of finger patterns <l = 44.33, DF = 8, P < 0.000). The Table
also shows that the differences between any two subgroups are highly significant, except the
differences between the Sangas and Wanangs and between the Tintikiyas and Satparis and
Wanangs. In other words, the homogeneity test indicates that the Tintikiyas are closer to the
Satparis and Wanangs, and the Sangas are similar to the Wanangs in respect of finger
patterns, although the differences between any other subgroups are highly significant.

1 Percentage d"1stn"b ut10n

T a ble 8.. . offi n !er patterns
I Radial I Total

Chapras 102 33.92 54.51 2.35 56.86 9.22

Sangas 75 37.47 55.60 1.60 57.20 5.33
Satparis 75 45.07 49.47 1.60 51.07 3.87
Tintikiyas 104 42.50 50.19 0.96 51.15 6.35
Wanangs 104 39.62 52.60 1.54 54.13 6.25
Chi-square-values for the differences between any two subgroups
Population 1 Chapras 1 Sangas 1 Satparis 1 Tintikiyas

Sangas 10.14**
Satparis 34.36*** 9.61 **
Tintikiyas 18.47** 6.46* 5.71
Wanangs 11.10** 1.88 8.58** 1.94

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

.. . dices
T a ble 8 2 p·mger pattem m
Population Dankmeijer's index Furuhata's index Pattern intensity
Chapras 54.41 119.40 12.47
Sangas 28.46 135.80 13.21
Satparis 19.49 188.53 14.12
Tintikiyas 34.11 163.67 13.62
Wanangs 37.16 145.83 13.34

Finger Pattern Indices

Table 8.2 shows the frequency of finger pattern indices in all the sub-groups of the Koch
population covered under the present study. It is found that the pattern intensity index is
more or less similar in all the subgroups, but the Dankmeijer's index and Furuhata's index
are different from one subgroup to another. The Furuhata's index varies from 119.40 for the

Chapras to 188.53 for the Satparis, whereas Dankmeijer's index ranges from 19.49 among
the Satparis to 54.41 among the Chapras.

T a bl e 8..
3 T0 tal fimger n tg_e count
Population Number Finzer ridge count
Mean Standard deviation (SDl
Chapras 102 133.60 25.50
Sangas 75 144.95 21.42
Satparis 75 158.40 23.15
Tintikiyas 104 142.53 21.19
Wanangs 104 134.06 22.01
t-test for the differences between any two subgroups
Population 1 Chapras j Sangas JSatparis 1 Tintikiyas

Sangas 3.12*
Satparis 6.65** 3.87*
Tintikiyas 2.73* 0.75 4.75**
Wanangs 0.14 3.30* 7.14** 2.83*
*P < 0.01, **P< 0.000

Finger Ridge Count

The means and standard deviations of total finger ridge count are presented in Table 8.3. It is
found that the mean finger ridge count is lowest among the Chapras (133.60 ± 25.50) and
highest among the Satparis (158.40 ± 23.15). The t- test indicates that each subgroup deviates
significantly from the other, except the Chapras and the Wanangs and the Sangas and
Tintikiyas who are closer to each other. Nevertheless, it indicates that the present subgroups
of the Koch population are different from one another in respect of finger ridge count. Of
course, such differences between these subgroups in respect of finger ridge count may also
be attributed to large amount of individual variation in finger ridge count.

. o f mamrme £ormu ae
.. Percentatge d'tstn'butiOn
Table 84
Population Number 11.9.7 9.7.5 7.5.5
Chapras 102 33 (16.18) 73 (35.78) 94 (46.08)
Sangas 75 22 (14.67) 52 (34.67) 60 (40.00)
Satparis 75 20 (13.33) 57 (38.00) 69 (46.00)
Tintikiyas 104 43 (20.67) 76 (36.54) 68 (32.69)
Wanangs 104 31 (14.90) 83 (39.90) 86 (41.35)
Chi-square-values (DF=2) for the differences between any two subgroups
Population 1 Chapras 1 Sangas l Satparis JTintikiyas
Sangas 0.20
Satparis 0.24 0.35
Tintikiyas 5.12 3.12 6.16*
Wanangs 1.06 0.24 0.65 3.93
x2 = 9.16, D.F. = 8, P = 0.33

Mainline Formulae
Table 8.4 shows the percentage distribution of mainline formulae. It can be observed that the
percentage distribution of the mainline formula-11.9.7 is highest among the Tintikiyas (21%)
and lowest among the Satparis (13%). On the other hand, the percentage distribution of
mainline formula- 9.7.5 varies from 35% among the Sangas to 40% among the Wanangs,
whereas the frequency of mainline formula-7.5.5 ranges from 33% for the Tintikiyas to 46%
for the Chapras and Satparis. These differences between the Koch subgroups of the present
study are however not statistically significant (x2 = 9.16, DF = 8, P > 0.05). In other words,
it indicates that the Koch subgroups of the present study are by and large similar in frequency
of three mainline formulae, except the differences between the Satparis and the Tintikiyas,
which is statistically significant (l = 6.16, OF= 2, P < 0.05).

Table 8.5. C-line termination

Population Number Ulnar Radial Proximal Absent
Chapras 102 167 (81.86) 33 (16.18) 3 (1.47) 1 (0.49)
Sangas 75 114 (76.00) 21 (14.00) 6 (4.00) 9 (6.00)
Satparis 75 126 (84.00) 20 (13.33) 3 (2.00) I (0.67)
Tintikiyas 104 146 (70.19) 43 (20.67) 12 (5.77) 7 (3.37)
Wanangs 104 170 (81.73) 29 (13.94) 2 (0.96) 7 (3.37)
Chi-square-values for the differences between any two subgroups
Population J Chapras j Sangas 1Satparis JTintikiyas
Sangas 0.05
Satparis 0.51 0.19
Tintikiyas 2.41 2.57 4.42*
Wanangs 0.28 0.06 0.05 4.29*
*P < 0.05,

C-Line Termination
The percentage distribution of C-line termination is summarized in Table 8.5. It is found
that C-line termination towards ulnar side is very common in all the subgroups of the Koch
population of the present study. The Table shows that the percentage distribution of C-line
termination towards ulnar side varies from 70% among the Tintikiyas to 84% among the
Satparis. In the case of radial side, the frequency varies from 13% among the Satparis to
21% among the Tintikiyas. The Table further shows that the C-line tennination towards
proximal is highest among the Tintikiyas (6%) and lowest among the Wanangs (0.96%), and
the proportion of individuals without C-tennination is highest among the Sangas (6%) and
lowest among the Chapras (0.49%). Taking into consideration these differences in
distribution of C-line termination towards ulnar, radial and proximal sides, it is found that the
Chi-square value is significant (x2 = 16.34, DF = 8, P < 0.04). However, it can be noticed
that the number of samples is very small in the case of proximal side, thus the differences
may still be due to chance fluctuation. This can be justified if we take into consideration the
differences in C-line termination towards ulnar and radial sides only, which indicates that the
Chi-square is not significant (X 2 = 6.60, DF = 4, P > 0.05). The homogeneity test for the
differences between any two subgroups also indicate that the Koch subgroups of the present

study are by and large similar to one another in respect of the percentage distribution of C-
line termination towards ulnar and radial sides, although the Tintikiyas deviate significantly
from the Wanangs and Satparis (Table 8.5).
On the basis of the dermatoglyphic traits presented above, it indicates that the Koch
subgroups of the present study are by and large similar to one another in respect of pattern
intensity index, mainline formulae and C-line termination towards ulnar and radial sides.
However, they differ from one another in respect of finger patterns and total finger ridge
Table 8.6 shows the dermatoglyphic traits among the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas
and Wanangs in comparison with other populations of Assam and Meghalaya. Table 8. 7
indicates that these five subgroups of the Koch of Garo hills are different significantly from
the other populations in respect of finger patterns. However, although there are inter-group
differences, the Tintikiyas are closer to the Satparis and Wanangs, and the Sangas are similar
to the Wanangs in respect of finger patterns (Table 8.1) rather than to the populations of
Assam and Meghalaya (Table 8. 7). Therefore, it may be concluded that although there are
differences between the Koch subgroups, other groups like the Tintikiyas and the Satparis,
and the Sangas and Wanangs are similar in finger patterns rather than to the other
populations of Assam and Me~alaya (Sengupta, 1993).
With respect to finger partern intensity, Table 8.7 shows that the Koch subgroups of
the present study are by and large similar to the Kochs of Assam, Garos and Hajongs rather
than to the Khasi subgroups like the Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois and Wars. On the other hand,
the Koch subgroups of the present study show a different degree of affinity to other
populations with respect to finger ridge counts. Such a trend is indeed expected because the
subgroups are different from one another in respect of finger ridge count. For example,
Table 8.7 shows that the Chapras and Wanangs are different from the Kochs of Assam and
Garos, but they are similar to the Khasi subgroups like the Lyngngams, Khynriams, Pnars,
Bhois and Wars. On the other hand, the Satparis are similar to the Kochs and Garos but
deviate significantly from the Khasi subgroups. Again the Tintikiyas are similar to the other
groups except the Kochs, Khynriams and Bhois. This clearly indicates that the Koch

subgroups of the present study are different from one another in respect of finger ridge count,
thereby showing a different pattern of relationship with other neighbouring populations.
With respect to the frequency of mainline formulae. Table 8. 7 shows that almost all
the Koch subgroups are similar to the Hajongs despite the difference between the Tintikiyas
and the Hajongs. Also, they show a similar pattern of significant variation from the Kochs of
Assam and the Khasi subgroups of Meghalaya, except the Tintikiyas, who are by and large
similar to all neighbouring populations in respect of mainline formulae.

Table 8.6. Dermato l hie traits amon the Koch sub ou s and other
Population N P.I.I. T.F.R.C
Chapras 102 12.47 133.60± 2.52 16.18 35.78 46.08
Sangas 75 57.20 5.33 13.21 144.95±2.47 14.67 34.67 40.00
Satparis 75 45.07 51.07 3.87 14.12 158.40±2.67 13.33 38.00 46.00
Tintikiyas 104 42.50 51.15 6.35 13.62 142.53±2.08 20.67 36.54 32.69
Wanangs 104 39.62 54.13 6.25 13.34 134. 06±2. 16 14.90 39.90 41.35
Kochs 281 45.87 52.17 1.96 14.39 157.41±2.98 20.67 21.65 25.20
Garos 170 49.35 48.24 2.41 14.67 152.53±5.25 NA NA NA
Hajongs 75 44.67 53.73 1.60 14.30 NA 9.23 27.69 44.61
Khynriams 164 37.38 59.82 2.80 62.57 128.30±6.11 26.60 38.46 34.94
Pnars 187 38.77 58.88 2.35 66.67 132.06±5.20 31.10 33.54 35.37
Wars 165 38.91 58.24 2.85 66.92 131.51±5.41 22.67 "43.17 34.16
Bhois 71 45.63 53.38 0.99 91.82 139.78±6.13 22.73 43.94 33.33
Sources: Das (1959,1963, 1978) and Sengupta (1993)
NA- Not available; P.I.I. =Pattern Intensity Index; T.F.R.C =Total finger ridge count

7 Test o 1 erences between t he Koch sub1groups and other popul attons

T a ble 8.. .
Fimzer patterns (Chi-sauare test for homogeneity, DF= 2):
Population I Cha~as I Sangas I Satparis I Tintikiyas I Wanangs
Kochs 129.46*** 37.58*** 9.37* 48.59*** 52.16***
Garos 103.52*** 37.71 *** 15.84*** 33.18*** 42.43***
Hajongs 55.52*** 20.62*** 14.21 *** 28.55*** 24.58***
Khynriams 52.14*** 9.74** 16.40*** 31.80*** 22.65***
Pnars 69.73*** 15.32*** 23.04*** 37.62*** 29.84***
Wars 52.82*** 9.15* 11.23** 26.39*** 19.71***
Bhois 64.31 *** 28.26*** 12.64** 30.42*** 32.09***
Total finger ridge count (t-test):
Population 1 Chapras 1 Sangas 1 Satparis 1 Tintikiyas 1 Wanangs

Kochs 4.88*** 2.25* 0.18 3.13** 4.89***

Garos 2.99** 1.21 0.91 1.66 2.97**
Khynriams 0.75 2.37* 4.19*** 2.09* 0.84
Pnars 0.24 2.06* 4.10*** 1.75 0.33
Wars 0.32 2.14* 4.07*** 1.78 0.41
Bhois 0.87 0.73 2.59** 2.75** 0.84
Mainline formula(Chi-square test for homogeneity):
Population IChapras j Sangas ISatparis ITintikiyas 1 Wanangs

Kochs 8.97* 8.44* 13.10** 3.91 12.63**

Hajongs 2.22 2.66 1.38 11.01 ** 3.90
Khynriams 10.08** 6.53* 11.26** 0.76 9.11 **
Pnars 14.90*** 10.61 ** 9.99** 4.47 16.05***
Wars 8.87* 5.07 8.98* 0.35 8.15*
Bhois 6.32* 4.01 6.85* 0.40 4.27
* P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001

On the basis of the dennatoglyphic traits presented above, it indicates that the Koch
subgroups of the present study are by and large similar to one another in respect of pattern
intensity index, mainline formulae and C-line termination towards ulnar and radial sides.
However, they differ from one another in respect of finger patterns and total finger ridge
count. When compared with other neighbouring populations, all the subgroups differ from
other populations in respect of finger patterns, and they show a different pattern of
relationship with respect to finger ridge counts. On the other hand, data on pattern intensity
index and mainline formulae indicate that all the Koch subgroups of the present study are by
and large closer to the Kochs, Garos and Hajongs.

It has long been suggested that the biological variation between and within human
populations is due to the cumulative effect of various evolutionary forces like mutation,
selection, genetic drift and gene flow over a period of time. This is also the subject that
has become the main focus in the field of physical anthropology since the middle of the
twentieth century. Physical anthropologists are interested in this type of study with a
view to understanding the processes of human evolution, and a large number of
demographic, anthropometric, morphological, dermatoglyphic and genetic traits have
been used for this purpose. Their studies have revealed both positive and negative
results. The positive results are related to the fact that human populations are highly
polymorphic, thereby indicating that they are basically the unit of ongoing process of
evolution. Various studies especially those carried out by population geneticists and
molecular geneticists have documented that polymorphic traits are increasing in human
populations (Crawford, 1973). The hypothesis that human evolution is the ongoing
process of mutation, selection, genetic drift, gene flow, etc., has become more
indisputable. On the other hand, from the negative point of view, various population
genetic studies carried out by physical anthropologists are also of repetive in nature. This
is particularly so in developing countries because of the lack of infrastructure. In Chapter
I, we have mentioned that ascertaining the phylogenetic relationship of human
populations has remained the main objective of physical anthropology. Various
mathematical models and distance analyses have been suggested for this purpose. But the
results of various studies in this regard are still highly controversial and debatable. In
Northeast India, the study carried out by ·Danker-Hopfe et a/. ( 1988), as already
mentioned in Chapter II, is a good example how distance analyses of data of different
natures produce different results. The authors have rightly pointed out that "The

population exhibits differences and similarities among themselves in different manners

with regard to different traits.... With regard to genetic traits the populations present a
dendrogram which is difficult to explain" (Danker-Hopfe et a!., 1988). In fact, many
studies have revealed the existence of such a difficult situation in the interpretation of the
phylogenetic position of human populations. We have stressed this point in this
discussion because our present study has also indicated the same trend while trying to
find out the genetic relationship of the Koch subgroups, namely, Chapras, Sangas,
Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs, of Garo hills with other neighbouring populations.
Thus, it is likely that the study of phylogenetic relationship of human populations still
needs more systematic methods or models, especially in the case of study like the present
one which deals with limited and weak genetic markers. Unfortunately, this is not the
purpose of the present study, and no attempt has been made to develop such a method or
techniques-- instead we have also used the methods that are generally adopted for finding
out the phylogenetic affinity of the present populations.
In order to have a better understanding of what has been hinted above, it may be
necessary to take into consideration the findings of the present study on the Kochs of
Garo hills. The Kochs of Meghalaya are mainly concentrated in West Garo Hills district.
Historically, they migrated from Kamrup district of Assam, although some section of
them believe that their original homeland is in Arabela range of Central Garo hills.

Demographic Characteristics
On the basis of demographic data presented in Chapter IV, the Chapra population tends to be
regressive in which the base of the population pyramid is constricted indicating the low
fertility rates in the population. On the other hand, the Sanga, Satpari and Tintikiya
populations are of stationary types of population, which are by and large indicative of
low fertility rates that may be due to either adoption of family planning methods or high
infant and child mortality rates. On the other hand, the Wanang · population approaches
to be of progressive type, which is characterized by high fertility rates. The over all sex,
i.e., the number of males per 100 females is more or less according to the ideal sex ratio
of 1:1 among the Wanangs ( 101.02), and it is tilt in favour of males in the case of the
Chapras (106.67). Among the Sangas (81.65), Satparis (96.75) and Tintikiyas (93.84),

the sex ratio is low, especially in the former. In comparison with the sex ratio among the
War Khasi (109) of Meghalaya (Khongsdier and Ghosh, 1994), the overall sex ratio is
lower in each of these Koch subgroups. In fact, it indicates that mortality is higher in
males than in females among the Sangas, Satparis and Tintikiyas.
The mean age at marriage is found to significantly different among the Koch
subgroups. The subgroups like the Chapras and Sangas have more or less similar mean
age at marriage with the populations of Assam, like the Morans, Deuris, Mishings and
Chutias, although it is not as high as that among the Christian War Khasis. On the other
hand, the subgroups like the Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs have a lower mean age at
marriage when compared with other populations of Assam and Meghalaya.
With respect to fertility, three parameters were taken into consideration while
measuring the fertility rates in all the Koch subgroups of the present study. These
include:(i) mean number of live births and surviving children per mother living
continuously in wedlock till attainment of the age 45 years, (ii) mean number of live
births and surviving children per married woman of all ages and (iii) total fertility rate
With the exception of few cases, the mean number of live births and surviving
children tends to increase with the increasing age groups of the mothers for all the
populations covered under the present study. It is found that the mean number of live
births to women of all ages living in wedlock varies between 2.08 ± 0.24 for the Chapras
and 3.42 ± 0.33 for the Wanangs, and the mean number of surviving children varies from
1.41±0.17 among the Chapras to (2.75 ±0.26) among the Tintikiyas. It is found that these
differences in live births and surviving children between the Koch populations are
statistically significant. The same is trend is observed in the case of married women of
all ages, indicating perhaps the differences in socioeconomic status between these
subgroups. Since we are not concerned with socioeconomic determinants of fertility, we
are however not able to give proper explanation regarding the factors affecting fertility
rate in the Koch of the present study. We hope that further research will throw much
more light in this respect. However, it is observed that the mean number of live births per
married woman of all ages in each of these Koch subgroups is lower than that reported
for some populations of Northeast India (Patra and Kapoor, 1996; Khongsdier, 2001).

Infant, Child and juvenile Mortality

It is observed that the infant mortality rates are high especially among the Chapras and Wanangs,
although it is not as high as that reported for the Dalus (Patra and Kapoor, 1996). It is more or
less similar to that reported in the War Khasi!:(Khongsdier, 2001), but much lower than that
reported for the Muslim Khasis of Shillong (Langstieh, 2001 ). The differences between
subgroups in respect of infant and child mortality rates are also statistically significant, which
may be associated with the differences in socio-economic conditions of the populations as has
been pointed out in the case of the differences in fertility rates. Of course, it warrants further
studies to understand the determinants of infant mortality in all the Koch subgroups of Garo hills.
With respect to reproductive wastage, the frequency in the Koch subgroups of the present
is found to be lower when compared with the War Khasis (Khongsdier, 2001), but they are more
or less similar to the Dalus (Patra and Kapoor, 1996).

Mating Pattern
It has been observed that all the Koch subgroups of the present study are characterized by
high tendency to village exogamy. In other words, the village endogamy in the present
populations is not as high as that reported for the War Khasi (Khongsdier and Ghosh,
1994, 1996) and Semsa population (Limbu and Khongsdier, 2000). Besides, it is found
that about 94% of the marriages took place within the Koch subgroups only, i.e., only
about 6% of the total marriages took place with other populations like the Garos,
Hajongs, Dalus, Bengalis, etc. Also, the mean marital distance is high in these
population groups, except the Satparis, when compared with those reported for the War
Khasi of Meghalaya (Khongsdier, 2001 ). This clearly shows that the Koch population of
Garo hills as whole is highly endogamous in relation to other populations. In other words,
it may be assumed that the Koch population of Garo hills is divided into a number of
subpopulations like the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas, Wanangs, Banais and
Sankars, which inay exchange genes with one another with little effect of distance. Of
course, such a contention is based mainly on the marriage pattern observed in the
Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs. Unfortunately, data on mating
pattern of the Banais and Sankars are not available to support our suggestion here.
Genetic Markers
It is seen that the blood types A and B are more common in all the populations. In the
case of Sangas and Satparis, the frequency of blood type A is more than B, whereas in

other populations the blood type B is higher than A. The frequency of 0 blood type is
more or less similar in all populations covered under the present study, although it is
lower in the Wanangs (18. 27%). With respect to blood type AB, it is found that the
frequency is very low in the Sangas (8%) in comparison with the <.;;',:' other
subgroups. These differences between populations in respect of the phenotype
distribution of ABO blood groups are, however, not statistically significant (X} = 10.97,
D.F. = 12, P > 0.05). In other words, it indicates that the present Koch sub groups are by
and large similar in the percentage distribution of the ABO blood group system.
Following the methods suggested by Balakrishnan (1988), it is found that the allele
frequencies of p (A), q (B) and r (0) are not statistically significant in all populations,
thereby indicating that all the Koch subgroups of the present study are in genetic
equilibrium in respect of the ABO blood group system.
With respect to the Rh (D) blood groups, it is found that Rh-negative blood type is
absent in the Chapras and Tintikiyas, and it is very low in other subgroups. Thus the
present findings seem to support the general observation that Rh-negative allele is almost
· absent in Mongoloid populations, or it presents in a very low dose in Mongoloid
populations of Northeast India (Das, 1974). In the case of colour blindness, no clour blind
individual was detected in the Sangas. Among the Chapras, Satparis, Tintikiyas and
Wanangs, the frequencies of colour blindness are found to be 5.88%, 2.44%, 3.28% and
5.36%, respectively. Although it is higher in the Chapras and Wanangs, the frequency of
colour blindness does not vary significantly between the Koch subgroups of the present
With respect to PTC taste sensitivity, it is found that the frequency of non-tasters
is lowest among the Satparis (10.67%) and highest among the Wanangs (37.50%). The
Chi-square value indicates that the inter-population differences are statistically significant
(x = 22.56, DF = 4, P < 0.05), but the differences between two populations shows that
the differences between the Koch subgroups of the present study are mainly due to the
differences between the Satparis and other subgroups like the Sangas, Tintikiyas and
Wanangs. Thus, data on PTC taste sensitivity are to a certain extent different from other
genetic markers, since the Satparis deviate significantly from the other Koch subgroups
of the present study.

On the basis of the data presented above, it indicates that the Koch subgroups of
the present study are by and large similar in respect of ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, and
colour blindness, although a subgroup like the Satparis deviate significantly from the
other subgroups in respect ofPTC taste sensitivity.
Anthropometric Measurements
On the average, these subgroups of the Kochs of Meghalaya are similar in anthropometric
characters, although there are certain differences between them in respect of some
measurements. With respect to stature, the Sangas are the tallest, whereas the Satparis are
the shortest. As regards the other groups, the Tintikiyas are taller than the Chapras and
Wanangs, and the Wanangs are shorter than the Chapras. However, the ANOVA test
indicates that the differences between the Koch subgroups of the present study in respect
of anthropometric measurements like height vertex, sitting height, height tragus, height
acromion, head breadth, bizygomatic breadth, bigonial breadth, upper facial length, nasal
height and chest girth are not statistically significant The only significant differences
between these groups are found in respect of head length, head height, head
· circumference, minimum frontal breadth, total facial length, and nasal breadth. But it is
also observed that the differences among the groups in respect of anthropometric
measurements, as indicated by ANOVA test, are mainly attributed by the differences
between two groups, except in the case of minimum frontal breadth and total facial
length. Therefore, it may be concluded that the Koch subgroups of the present study are -
by and large similar in anthropometric measurements. Similar observation is made in the
case of the anthropometric indices. It is found that the Koch subgroups of the present
study are by and large similar in respect of nasal index, total facial index and length-
height index, although there are significant differences between them in respect of
cephalic index and breadth-height index. Like in the case of anthropometric
measurements, it is also found that the differences in cephalic index among the Koch
subgroups ofthe present study are mainly attributed by the difference between Tintikiyas
and Wanangs. In fact, the Tintikiyas seem to differ significantly from the Wanangs in
respect of head height, head circumference and bread-height index.
On the basis of the anthropometric characters, the Koch subgroups of the present
study are by and large similar. However, it is likely tl)at the Tintikiyas deviate

significantly from the other subgroups especially the Sangas and Wanangs and the
In order to have a better understanding of the ethnic affinity of these Koch
subgroups of Garo hills with other neighbouring populations, we have also calculated the
coefficient of diversity (CD) as suggested by Najjar ( 1978). The data used for calculating
CD are given in Table 6.2 and the results are shown in Table 6.3. The dendrogram
(Figure 6. I ), derived as per the method suggested by Sokal and Sneath ( 1963 ), shows
that all the Koch subgroups of the present study belong to the same cluster, and the
Tintikiyas and Chapras stand closer to each other. Thus, the dendrogram also shows that
the present populations are by and large similar in anthropometric characters, and they
are distant themselves from the Kochs of Assam.
Dermatoglyphic Traits
In the present study, we have taken into consideration five dermatoglyphic traits, namely,
finger patterns, finger pattern indices, finger ridge counts, main line formulae and C-line
termination. The results on these traits arc presented in Chapter Vll. It is observed that
the frequency of whorls is highest among the Satparis (45%) and lowest among the
Chapras (34%). The Sangas and Chapras are more or less similar in respect of loops. So
are the Satparis and Tintikiyas. The homogeneity test indicates that the Tintikiyas are
closer to the Satparis and Wanangs, and the Sangas are similar to the Wanangs in respect
of finger patterns, although the differences between any other subgroups are highly
With respect to finger pattern indices, it is found that the pattern intensity index is
more or less similar in all the subgroups, but the Dankmeijer's index and Furuhata's
index are different from one subgroup to another. The Furuhata's index varies from
119.40 for the Chapras to 188.53 for the Satparis, whereas Dankmeijer's index ranges
from 19.49 among the Satparis to 54.51 among the Chapras. ln the case of finger ridge
count, it is found that the mean finger ridge count is lowest among the Chapras (133.60 ±
25.50) and highest among the Satparis ( 158.40 ± 23.15). The t- test indicates that each
subgroup deviates significantly from the other, except the Chapras and the Wanangs and
the Sangas and Tintikiyas who are closer to each other. Nevertheless, it indicates that the
present subgroups of the Koch population are different from one another in respect of finger

ridge count. Of course, such differences between these subgroups in respect of finger
ridge count may also be attributed to large amount of individual variation in finger ridge
With regard to mainline formulae, it is observed that the percentage distribution
of the mainline formula-11. 9. 7 is highest among the Tintikiyas (21%) and lowest among
the Satparis (13%). On. the other hand, the percentage distribution of mainline formula-
9.7.5 varies from 35% among the Sangas to 40% among the Wanangs, whereas the
frequency of mainline formula-7.5.5 ranges from 33% for the Tintikiyas to 46% for the
Chapras and Satparis. These differences between the Koch subgroups of the present
study are however not statistically significant (x2 = 9.16, DF = 8, P = 0.33). In other
words, it indicates that the Koch subgroups of the present study are by and large similar
in frequency of three mainline formulae, except the differences between the Satparis and
the Tintikiyas, which is statistically significant (x2 = 6.16, DF = 2, P < 0.05).
With respect to C-line termination, it is found that C-line termination towards.
ulnar side is very common in all the subgroups of the Koch population of the present
study. The percentage distribution of C-line termination towards ulnar side varies from
70% among the Tintikiyas to 84% among the Satparis. In the case of radial side, the
frequency varies from 13% among the Satparis to 21% among the Tintikiyas. The C-line
termination towards proximal is highest among the Tintikiyas (6%) and lowest among the
Wanangs (0.96%), and the proportion of individuals withoutC-Iine·termination is highest
among the Sangas (6%) and lowest among the Chapras (0.49%). The homogeneity test
for the differences between any two subgroups also indicate that the Koch subgroups of
the present study are by and large similar to one another in respect of the percentage
distribution of C-line termination towards ulnar and radial sides, although the Tintikiyas
deviate significantly from the Wanangs and Satparis (Table 8.5).
On the basis of the dermatoglyphic traits presented above, it indicates that the
Koch subgroups of the present study are by and large similar to one another in respect of
pattern intensity index, mainline formulae and C-line termination towards ulnar and
radial sides. However, they differ from one another in respect of finger patterns and total
finger ridge count.

In comparison with other populations, these five subgroups of the Koch of Garo
hills are different significantly from the other populations in respect of finger patterns.
With respect to finger pattern intensity, the Koch subgroups of the present study are by
and large similar to the Kochs of Assam, Garos and Hajongs rather than to the Khasi
subgroups like the Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois and Wars. On the other hand, they show a
different degree of affinity to other populations with respect to finger ridge counts. Such
a trend is indeed expected because the subgroups are different from one another in
respect of finger ridge count. For example, it is observed that the Chapras and Wanangs
are different from the Kochs of Assam and Garos, but they are similar to the Khasi
subgroups like the k; R~gMts, Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois and Wars. On the other hand,
the Satparis are similar to the Kochs and Garos but deviate significantly from the Khasi
subgroups. Again the Tintikiyas are similar to the other groups except the Kochs,
Khynriams and Bhois. This clearly indicates that the Koch subgroups of the present study
are different from one another in respect of finger ridge count, thereby showing a
different pattern of relationship with other neighbouring populations.
With respect to the frequency of mainline formulae, all the Koch subgroups are
similar to the Hajongs despite the difference between the Tintikiyas and the Hajongs.
Also, they show a similar pattern of significant variation from the Kochs of Assam and
the Khasi subgroups of Meghalaya, except the Tintikiyas, who are by and large similar to
all neighbouring populations in respect of mainline formulae.
On the basis of the dermatoglyphic traits presented above, it indicates that the
Koch subgroups of the present study are by and large similar to one another in respect of
pattern intensity index, mainline formulae and C-line termination towards ulnar and
radial sides. However, they differ from one another in respect of finger patterns and total
finger ridge count. When compared with other neighbouring populations, all the
subgroups differ from other populations in respect of finger patterns, and they show a
different pattern of relationship with respect to finger ridge counts. On the other hand,
data on pattern intensity index and mainline formulae indicate that all the Koch
subgroups of the present study are by and large closer to the Kochs, Garos and Hajongs.

Morphological Traits
In all the sub-groups under consideration, the right types of hand clasping are very
common in both the sexes. It is also found that the differences between the sub-groups of
Koch are not statistically significant in respect of hand clasping (·i = 0.84, DF = +, P >
0.05). With respect to arm folding, the left type of arm folding is more common than the
right type in all the groups. Left type of arm folding is more common among the Chapras
and Sangas. Like in the case of hand clasping, the inter-group differences are not
statistically significant despite the significant difference between the Sangas and
Tintikiyas. In the case of tongue rolling, it is observed that most of males and females
are unable to roll their tongue in all the Koch subgroups of the present study. The
frequency of tongue rolling is highest in the Wanangs (31%) and lowest among the
Sangas and Satparis (13%). The inter-group variation is highly significant in respect of
tongue rolling (x2 = 11.66, DF = 4, P< 0.02) due to the significant deviation of the
Wanangs from the Sangas (x2 = 7.38, DF = 1, P < 0.01) and Satparis (X,2 = 7.38, DF = 1,
p < 0.01).
With respect to the distribution of tongue folding, it is found be highest among the
San gas (40%) and lowest among the Wanangs (31% ). In the case of Chapras, Satparis
and Tintikiyas, it is found to be 38%, 33% and 35%, respectively. However, this inter-
group variation in respect of tongue folding is not statistically significant (x2 = 2.0835,
DF = 4, P > 0.05), which indicates that these Koch subgroups of Meghalaya are by and
large similar in this trait. Also, the Koch subgroups of the present study stand closer to
one another in respect of the frequency of earlobe attachment.
As for the distribution of mid-phalangeal hair, it is found that most of the
individuals in the present study do not possess mid-phalangeal hair on any of the finger
digits. It holds true for all the divisions of the Koch population. The Chi-square value
indicate that the inter-group differences in respect of mid-phalangeal hair is not
statistically significant (X,2 = 2.62; DF =4, P >0.05). Thus, all the Koch subgroups of the
present study are similar in respect of mid-phalangeal hair.
When compared with other populations, the Koch subgroups of the present study
are by and large different from other populations of Assam and Meghalaya, but they are
similar to the Dalus in the case of earlobe attachment and tongue rolling. With respect to

ann folding, they stand closer to the Lalungs, but in respect of hand clasping they are
similar to the Kochs of Assam, Khasis and Dalus.
In view of the present findings on Koch subgroups of Garo hills, it may be necessary to
look into three important aspects. The first aspect is related to inter-subgroup variation or
the differences within the Koch population of Garo hills, the second is concerned with the
relationship of all the Koch subgroups with other neighbouring populations, and the third
is related to the possible role of evolutionary forces like selection and genetic drift in all
the Koch subgroups. These may be briefly pointed out as follows:
Inter-Group Variation
On the basis of the genetic data presented in the previous chapters, the Koch subgroups of
the present study, i.e., Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs, are by and
large similar in respect of ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, and colour blindness, although
a subgroup like the Satparis deviate significantly from the other subgroups in respect of
PTC taste sensitivity. It has also been observed that the populations of the present study
are by and large similar in anthropometric, morphological and dermatoglyphic traits. In
other words, despite certain differences in respect of few traits, the Koch subgroups of
Garo hills are by and large similar in genetic, anthropometric, morphological, behavioural
and dennatoglyphic traits considered for the present study. Thus, these results are
according to our expectation on the basis of the findings on the mating pattern, which
indicate that most of the marriages took place within Koch subgroups only. As mentioned
earlier, data on mating patterns suggest that village exogamy is fairly high in all the
subgroups, but marriages with other populations like the Garos, Dalus, Hajongs, Rabhas,
etc., were not taking place frequently. Further, with the exception of Satparis, mean
marital distance is also fairly high in all the subgroups. Thus, the Island Model of
population proposed by Wright (1943) seems to be applicable to the Koch population of
Garo hills. "In Island Model every population exchanges gene equally with every other
and there is no effect of distance between populations" (Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer,
197 1). In other words, it may be assumed that the Koch population of the present study
is divided into a number of sub-populations like the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis,
Tintikiyas, Wanangs, Banais and Sankars, \vhich may exchange genes with one another

with little effect of distance. The absence of significant differences between the Koch
subgroups of Garo hills in respect of many genetic, anthropometric, morphological,
behavioural and dermatoglyphic traits is likely to support such a contention.
Nevertheless, even if this population does not follow the Island Model, it is obvious that
there is a continuous gene flow between the Koch subgroups of the present study. Of
course, the influence of environmental factors on the present qualitative and quantitative
traits may not be so significant because these Koch subgroups of the present study are by
and large living in a similar environmental condition.
Relationship with other populations
In comparison with neighbouring populations of Assam and Meghalaya, the Koch
subgroups of the present study show, in general, a different degree of affinity to the
neighbouring populations with respect to the ABO blood groups and PTC taste
sensitivity. There are also contradictory results, which indicate that populations which are
related to one another in respect of the ABO blood groups are different with respect to
PTC taste sensitivity. For example, the Chapras are similar to the Lyngngams and
different from the other populations like the Kochs of Assam, Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois,
Wars and Hajongs of Meghalaya in respect of the ABO blood groups. But in the case of
PTC taste sensitivity, they deviate significantly from the Lyngngams, and stand closer to
all other populations mentioned above. Similarly, the Tintikiyas are significantly
different from the Kochs of Assam, Bhois, and Dalus in respect of the ABO blood
groups, but they stand closer to the these populations with respect to PTC taste ability.
The same observation is made with regard to anthropometric dermatoglyphic and
morphological traits. It may be worthwhile to mention here that this is the common
observation in many population genetic studies (Danker-Hopfe et a!., 1988~ Khongsdier,
2000). Different models of distance analyses have been proposed to solve this problem
in the study of population affinity (Mahalanobis, 1936~ Bhattacharya, 1946~ Hiemaux,
1965~ Sanghvi, 1953~ Edwards and Cavali-Sofrza, 1964~ Balakrishnan and Sanghvi,
1968~ Morton et. a!., 1971~ Nei, 1972, and others). Then the dendrogram has been drawn
on the basis of the calculated distances, i.e., the closer populations are grouped into
clusters. Various methods have been used to obtain such clusters (Sokal and Sneath,
1963, Balakrishnan, 1988). In fact, these different distance and cluster analyses proposed

by various authors have been used extensively in population genetic studies. The results
are very helpful in certain studies, but they are also contradictory in others. There are
two major types of such contradictory results as pointed out earlier: one is related to the
different picture of relationship as shown by the dendrograms according to morphological
and genetic characters like in the case of the present study, and the other is the different
patterns of relationship, which may not be related to history, even when one uses only
genetic markers. Danker-Hopfe eta/. (1988) write, "The population exhibits differences
and similarities among themselves in different manners with regard to different traits ....
With regard to genetic traits the populations present a dendrogram which is difficult to
explain." Also, the data collected by one study are in many cases contradict those
collected by others from the same population(s). For example, Walter et al. (1986) have
shown that the Brahmins, Kaibartas, and Rajbanshis belong to one sub-cluster with the
Brahmins showing somewhat a different position. They have explained that the
Brahmins are different from the Kaibartas and Rajbanshis because of the absence of
enough gene flow due to the case marriage system. It is, however, surprising to find that
the Brahmins show a close genetic relationship to the Sheik Muslims and the Kalitas
according to the study conducted by Danker-Hopfe et al. (1988). In the present study, we
have observed that the dendrogram according to genetic markers is not consistent with
the dendrogram based on the anthropometric characters. But the Koch subgroups of the
present study deviate from the Kochs of Assam in respect of both genetic and
anthropometric characters.
The question arises, therefore, whether to depend on genetic markers like the
ABO blood groups and PTC taste ability, or on the anthropometric and morphological
characters which are polygenic in nature for the study of population affinity. This is also
a subject of debate among various scholars. Geneticists have emphasized to use genetic
markers as they are less affected by environmental factors. However, other evolutionists
and anthropologists have claimed that quantitative characters such as anthropometric and
dermatoglyphic, and morphological characters are more useful for the assessment of
evolutionary relationship of human populations than a few genetic traits because they
represent a large part of the genome of human populations (Rife, 1954; Sokal, 1959,
Hiernaux, 1972). It may also be noted that even the hypothesis of African Eve, which is

based recently on mtDNA analysis that man originated in Africa , is in confirmation with
the fossil records and earlier studies on morphological characters (see, review
Khongsdier, 2000). Therefore, the point is that we would like to make it clear is that both
genetic and anthropometric/morphological characters are very helpful in understanding
the evolutionary relationship of human populations. But the methods or models of using
them may still need of modifications. Of course, this is beyond the scope of the present
study. We hope that future studies of population genetics will throw much more light in
this regard with the device of more appropriate and systematic approaches or techniques
of international standard and uniformity. This is particularly important in the field of
physical anthropology, which is concerned with the study of evolutionary relationship of
human populations. In the present study, we have also dealt with only the weak genetic
markers like the ABO blood groups and PTC taste ability. It has been suggested that
strong genetic markers like serum proteins, red cell enzymes and DNA polymorphisms
may be more helpful to have a better understanding of the phylogenetic position of
populations in this part of the country (Khongsdier, 2000).
Despite the various limitations, it is obvious that the Koch subgroups of the
present study are by and large similar in genetic and other quantitative and qualitative
characters due to enough gene flow between them. However, when compared with the
Kochs of Assam and other populations, the present populations are by and large unique in
their demographic, genetic, somatometric, dermatoglyphic and morphological
characteristics. This is true if we take into consideration that each individual is
genetically unique, and a group of individuals or population is likely to follow the same
pattern when such a population is compared with other populations. When the
populations are genetically unique, it has been suggested that the role of chance factors is
very important in bringing about similarities and differences between populations. In
their study of the genetics of the Dibongiya Deurisof Assam, Khongsdier and Murry
(1999) writes, "sampling error in allele frequency do not only differentiate the
populations of the same ethnic group, but also bring about similarity between populations
of a different ethnic brroup." Besides the sampling error during data collection may also
contribute to such contradictory results. In such cases, interpretation of the genetic
relationship between populations is likely to be difficult.

The another point to make it clear here is that when a population is genetically
unique, its variation from other populations is likely to be similar to that of individual
variation. The only difference is that we ignore the individual variation while studying
population variation by assuming that the individual variation would be neutralized by
the number of individuals included in our sample. This may not always be possible, and
it is, of course, a subject of debate in anthropological researches that always lack of
appropriate sampling technique. The same is true with the present study, which considers
each village of each subgroup of the Kochs in Garo hills as representative sample of the
population. Nevertheless, we consider the sample of the present study as representative
ones because data on genetic markers as well as anthropometric, dermatoglyphic and
morphological characters are to a great ex1ent consistent with the demographic data on
mating patterns of each of the subgroups. In other words, the Koch subgroups of the
present study are by and large similar in genetic, anthropometric, dermatoglyphic and
morphological traits/chamcters due to an exchange of genes between them through inter-
Evolutionary Mechanisms
As mentioned earlier, evolutionists, population geneticists and physical anthropologists
have recognised the role of many evolutionary forces like mutation, selection, genetic
drift and gene flow in bringing about human variation. In the present study, we are
concerned mainly with total selection intensity, genetic drift and gene flow.
With respect to genetic drift, we have shown in Chapter N that the coefficient of
breeding isolation is relative high in all the subgroups, except the Satparis. This is due to
the fact that the migration rates are relatively high in all the subgroups. It is observed
that the migration mtes vary between 29% for the Satparis and 45% for the Wanangs. The
importance of migration is that even a very small admix1ure rate may produce an
important effect on genetic drift. Wright ( 1931) has clearly suggested that migration
neutralizes to a great ex1ent the effect of genetic drift in a population. He has suggested
that if the migration rate is 1/4Nc , many fixations would take place; the fixation of
alleles would slow do~n \vhere the migration rate is ~'2 Nc ; but genetic drift is not so
important when migration is 4/Nc. According to Dobzhansky ( 1970), 4/Ne is equivalent
to four immibrrant individuals per generation, and 1i4Ne to one immigrant for every two

generations, and 1/4Ne to one immigrant for four generations. In his later publications,
Wright (1940, 1943) has shown that the changes in a given allele frequency due to
genetic drift depends on the product of the effective population size and admixture rate.
Such a product is known as the coefficient of breeding isolation CNeM). In a population
with an allele frequency of 0.5, genetic differentiation due to drift is very great: where
NeM is less than 0.5, genetic differentiation is still important where NeM is less than 5,
but differentiation due to genetic drift is slight where NeM is greater than 50. Thus, in
view of the present findings on the Koch subgroups of Garo hills, one may suggest that
the action of genetic drift may not be so significant because of the high migration rate
among themselves. In the case of Satparis, it may be worthwhile to mention that they
have lower rate of village exogamy and lower mean marital distance in comparison with
the other subgroups. It has also been observed that they deviate significantly from the
other groups, except the Chapras, in respect of PTC taste sensitivity. Therefore, the role
of genetic drift may not be totally ruled out in this Koch subgroup.
But the differences and similarities between these Koch subgroups and other
populations are subjected to speculation. It is clear that they are by and large different
from the Kochs of Assam, but stand closer to the neigbouring populations like the Garos,
Lyngngams, Dalus and Hajongs. It may be speculated that the Koch subgroups of the
present study are different from the Kochs of Assam because of the action of genetic
drift, and their intermixture with the neighbouring populations may also be attributable to
their deviation from the Kochs of Assam.
Last but not least, the role of natural selection in these Koch subgroups may be
equally important. In Chapter IV, we have observed that the total selection intensity
calculated according to Crow's formula is likely to operate with moderate intensity in the
Wanangs, while it is mild in intensity among the Tintikiyas. The average intensity of
natural selection is observed in the Sangas and Satparis, and the intensity is fairly high in
the Chapras. It is also observed that the mortality component due to selection contributes
more towards the Index of opportunity for selection, which is in confirmation with earlier
studies in many populations in Northeast India. Thus, it is likely that natural selection
plays a very important role in bringing about changes in gene frequencies of the present

Population genetics is now considered the backbone of physical anthropology (Kirk,

1978). As the term suggests itself, population genetics refers to the genetics of
Mendelian population, or a breeding community whose members share in a common
gene pool (Dobzhansky, 1951 ). According to Li (1955), "Population genetics is
concerned with the statistical consequences of Mendelism in a group of families, or
individuals, it studies the hereditary phenomenon on population level". While doing
population genetic studies, physical anthropologists generally look for small endogamous
and/or isolated populations which are likely to represent the Mendelian populations.
According to Keith (1950) these population groups are the "evolutionary units" which are
important for studying all micro-evolutionary processes. Moreover, social or cultural
structures are also more integrated in small isolated populations as compared with urban
or advanced societies. Thus, the WHO scientific Group (1964, 1968) has recommended
that there is an urgent need to carry out demographic and population genetic studies
among these isolated populations since many of them are undergoing cultural
disintegration due to increasing contact with more sophisticated peoples.
From the physical anthropological point of view, the main interest in studying
population genetics is to understand the processes of human microevolution and
variation. In doing so, physical anthropologists have used genetic markers, demographic
and anthropometric data with a view to m:tderstanding the phylogenetic (evolutionary)
position of human populations. The differences or dissimilarities between generations
within a population, or between populations within a major racial group in respect of
genetic and anthropometric traits are considered the on-going process of human

evolution. On the other hand, the on-going process of human evolution is subject to a
number of evolutionary forces like mutation, natural selection, genetic drift and gene
flow, which act differently in different populations. Understanding of the operation of
these evolutionary forces in human populations is of great importance to the human
evolutionists, biologists and physical anthropologists. Thus, a large number of studies
have been carried out in different human populations all over the globe in order to
understand the phylogenetic position of human populations and the evolutionary
mechanisms operating in human populations. In such studies, different demographic,
morphological and genetic traits have been used. extensively by many scholars
(Crowford, 1973; Harisson, 1977).
With this end in view, we have undertaken a genetic study among the Kochs of Garo
Hills entitled A Study of Dermatoglyphics, Blood Groups and Other Genetic Traits of the
Kochs ofMeghalaya, taking into consideration the following objectives of study:
1. To describe the demographic structure of the Koch population, taking into
consideration all the five subgroups, namely, Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas
and Wanangs.
2. To describe the genetic composition of each of the subgroups of the Koch population
with the help of some genetic markers like ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, PTC taste
blindness and colour blindness.
3. To study the morphological characteristics of the study population with the help of
somatometric, dermatoglyphic, and some somatoscopic and behavioural traits.
4. To find out how evolutionary forces like selection and drift are operating in all the
subgroups of the Koch population.
5. To assess the phylogenetic position of the study population in relation to other
neighbouring populations including the Kochs of Assam.

The Koch population of Meghalaya consists of seven major sub-groups, namely, the
Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas, Wanangs, Banais or Dashgaiyas and Shankars. In
the present study we are dealing with the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and
Wanangs. They are mainly distributed in West Garo hills, and they are believed to be one

of the oldest inhabitants of Garo hills, i.e., older than the Garos (Koch, 1984). Some
section of the Kochs of Garo hills claim that their original place of residence is Arbela
hill in the central Garo Hills, but many scholars believe they have migrated from Kamrup
district of Assam. They peak a language which belongs to the Tebeto-Burman family.
The influence of both Bangali and Assamese languages is reflected in their dialect. They
can also speak Bengali, Assamese, Garo and Hindi. Unlike the Kochs of Assam, the
Kochs of Garo hills follow the matrilineal system of society in which the line of descent
is through females. Monogamy is the general practice among the Kochs of Meghalaya,
and residence is also matrilocal. Divorce and re-marriage are permitted, but re-marriage
of the widow is not favoured by the people. Agriculture is their mainstay of livelihood.


The present study was carried out in two phases among the Kochs of West Garo Hills
district, Meghalaya. The first phase of the study was carried during April - May I 996,
and the second phase was conducted during September and December I 996. Data were
collected from five subgroups of the Koch population, namely, Chapras, Sangas, Satparis,
Tintikiyas and Wanangs. No statistical sampling technique was applied for data
collection of the present study. Instead, it was considered convenient to select one major
village from each Koch sub-group. The villages selected for the present study are
Andherkona for the Chapras, Harig aon for the Sangas, Kariatola for the Satparis,
Sangkopara for the Tintikiyas and Merriangapara for the Wanangs.
Data on demographic parameters, anthropometry, genetic markers, morphological
and dermatoglyphic traits were collected from each of the above mentioned villages.
Demographic data were collected through in-depth interview with each of the married
woman or head of the household, using household and fertility schedules, taking into
consideration those demographic data as suggested by the World Health Organization
(WHO, 1964, 1968). Special attention was also given in collecting information on the
mating patterns including marital distance and consanguineous marriages.
Anthropometric Data: The anthropometric measurements were taken on 250 adult
males aged from 20 years to 60 years. These adult males were mostly the heads of
households. Sixteen measurements were considered for the present study. These are:

Height vertex, sitting height, height tragus, height acromion, head length, head height,
head breadth, upper facial length, total facial length, minimum frontal breadth,
bizygomatic breadth, bigonial breadth, nasal height, nasal breadth, head circumference
and chest girth on all the subjects. An effort was made to take into consideration those
methods and techniques of taking measurements suggested by the International
Biological Programme given in Weiner and Lourie (1981) and Sen (1994).
ABO Blood Groups: Blood samples on 462 individuals 250 males and 212 females were
collected from the five sub-groups of Koch, following the standard slide methods
suggested by Lawler and Lawler ( 1951) and Bhatia ( 1977). The Chapra sample consisted
of 103 individuals, Sangas-75 individuals, Satparis- 75 individuals, Tintikiyas - 105
individuals and Wanangs- I 04 individuals. The allele frequencies of the ABO blood
groups were calculated following the method suggested by Bernstein (1930), and the
variances in allele frequencies were computed according to the method suggested by
Balakrishnan ( 1988).

Phenylthiocarbamide Test Sensitivity (PTC) : The serial dilution method suggested by

Harris and Kalmus (1949) was followed to collect data on P.T.C. taste sensitivity.

Colour blindness : The Ishihara Chart (1959) was used to collect data on 250 male
individuals of the five sub-groups. The subjects were examined in adequate day-light.
The chart was kept open and plates were held at a distance, approximately two and half
feet from the subjects. The subjects were asked to read the number of plates numbering 1
- 25 within three seconds for each plate. Illiterate subjects were asked to trace the
snake like figure or X' of the plates 26 to 38 by means of a brush supplied to each of the
subjects. The test was made utilising the instructions attached with the Ishihara plates.

Morphological Data : Data on hand clasping were collected following the method
suggested by Lutz ( 1908), and the types of ann folding we:re categorized following
Weiner ( 1932). Standard methods suggested by Sturtevant ( 1940) were adopted in
recording data on tongue rolling. The subjects were asked to roll their tongue so that the
left side is upward and the right remains either stationary, or is lowered and vice versa.

The observation was recorded as positive and negative respectively for those
individuals who were able and not able to fold their tongue without touching the lips (Liu
and Hsu, 1949).

Earlobe Attachment : The twofold classification of earlobe attachment of Powell and

Whiteney ( 193 7) was followed in the present study. Left and right ears of ~ll the subjects
covered under the present investigation were examined. The observation was recorded as
attached or free. The individuals with an earlobe attached towards the gonion region of
the zygomatic arch were classified as having attached earlobe.

Middle Phalangeal hair: All fingers of both the hands of subjects were examined with
the help of a hand lens oflow manifestation (10-X) in a bright day light, whether the hair
was present or not in the middle phalangeal region of the fingers. In some cases, the hair
was missing but the follicle was present and these fingers were classified as having hair.
The thumb is excluded as it is devoid of middle phalanges.

Dermatoglyphics: The ink printing method, as suggested by Cummins and fv1idlo

( 1961 ), was adopted. The subjects were asked to wash their hand with soap and water in
order to remove all dust, hairs and grease from hands and in the case of stubborn grease
the hands were cleaned with a piece of cotton dipped in rectified spirit. The palm and
fingers were allowed to dry for some time. A small quantity of ink was placed on the
inking plate and spread evenly all over it with a cotton pad, making it a thin film (Das
and Deka, 1993).


The present thesis consists of ten chapters. The first and second chapters deal with the
introduction and review of related literature, respectively. In the third Chapter, we have
described the materials and methods of data collection adopted in the present study. The
findings of the study are presented in five chapters. Demographic characteristics
including mating patterns are presented in Chapter IV and results on genetic markers are
described in Chapter V. The findings on anthropometr;, morphological characters and

dennatoglyphics are presented in Chapters VI, VII and VIII, respectively. The discussion
and implications of the present findings are given in Chapter IX, and the summary of the
study is presented in Chapter X.
The findings on demography, genetic markers, anthropometric, morphological
and dennatoglyphic traits may be briefly given as follows:
Demographic Characteristics:
Age and sex composition
(1) Of the five Koch subgroups, the Chapra population tends to be regressive in which
the base of the population pyramid is constricted indicating the low fertility rates in
the population. On the other hand, the Sanga, Satpari and Tintikiya populations are
of stationary types, which are by and large indicative of low fertility rates that may
be due to either adoption of family planning methods or high infant and child
mortality rates. On the other hand, the Wanang population tends to be progressive,
which is characterized by high fertility rates.
(2) The over all sex ratio (i.e., number of males per 100 females) is more or less
according to the ideal sex ratio of 1:1 among the Wanangs (101.02), and it is tilt in
favour of males in the case of the Chapras (106.67). Among the Sangas (81.65),
Satparis (96.75) and Tintikiyas (93.84), the sex ratio is low, especially in the
fonner. In comparison with the sex ratio among the War Khasi (109) ofMeghalaya
(Khongsdier, 2001), the overall sex ratio is lower in each of these Koch subgroups.
In fact, it indicates that mortality is higher in males than in females among the
Sangas, Satparis and Tintikiyas.
(3) The mean age at marriage is found to significantly different among the Koch
subgroups (F= 4.65, P < 0.05). It is found to be 18.12 ± 0.36, 19.27 ± 0.43, 17.43 ±
0.50, 17.42 ± 0.43 and 16.97 ± 0.33 years in the Chapra, Sanga, Satpari, Tintikiya
and Wanang women, respectively. The subgroups like the Chapras and Sangas have
more or less similar mean age at marriage with the populations of Assam, like the
Morans, De uris, Mishings and Chutias (Sengupta and Gogoi, 1995a), although it is
not as high as that among the Christian War Khasis (Khongsdier 2001 ). On the
other hand, the subgroups like the Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs have a lower

mean age at mamage when compared with other populations of Assam and
Fertility: Three parameters were taken into consideration while measuring the fertility
rates in all the Koch subgroups of the present study. These include:(i) mean number of
live births and surviving children per mother living continuously in wedlock till
attainment of the age 45 years, (ii) mean number oflive births and surviving children per
married woman of all ages and (iii) total fertility rate (TFR). With the exception of few
cases, the mean number of live births and surviving children tends to increase with the
increasing age groups of the mothers for all the populations covered under the present
study. It is found that the mean number of live births to women of all ages living in
wedlock varies between 2.08 ± 0.24 for the Chapras and 3.42 ± 0.33 for the Wanangs,
and the mean number of surviving children varies from 1.41±0.17 among the Chapras to
2.75 ±0.26_ among the Tintikiyas. The ANOVA test indicates that these differences
betweenthe Koch populations are statistically significant for live births (F = 3.11, P <
0.05) and surviving children (F = 4.06, P < 0.05).
Like in the case of married women living in wedlock, the mean number of live
births and surviving children to all married women also increases with the rise in age
group of the mothers. It is found that the mean number of live births per married woman
varies from 3.30 ± 0.28 in the Chapras to 4.24 ± 0.29 in the Tintikiyas, and the mean
number of surviving children ranges from 2.32 ± 0.21 for the Chapras to 3.39 ± 0.25 for
the Tintikiyas. The ANOVA test indicates that the differences are statistically significant
for both live births (F = 3.11, P < 0.05) and surviving children (F = 2.59, P < 0.05). Tn
comparison with other populations of Assam and Meghalaya, the mean number of live
births per married woman of all ages in each of these Koch subgroups is lower than that
reported for some populations of Northeast India (Patra and Kapoor, 1996; Khongsdier,
In order to have a better understanding of the fertility rate in the present
populations, an attempt has also been made to show the age-specific fertility rate (ASFR)
and total fertility rate (TFR). With the exception of Sangas, the ASFR reaches its peak
when the mothers are aged 20-24 years. In the case of the Sangas, the highest ASFR is
found to take place when the mothers are in the age group 25-29 years. Further, the

highest TFR is observed in the Wanangs (5.43), and the lowest in the Chapras (3.85).
Thus, this measure of fertility rate (i.e., TFR) is also similar to that number of live births
to women living continuously in wedlock, which indicates that the fertility rate is higher
among the Wanangs when compared with the other subgroups. The TFR in other
subgroups varies from 4.11 in the Sangas to 4.98 in the Tintikiyas. In comparison with
other populations of Meghalaya, the TFR in the Koch subgroups are lower than that
reported for the Dalus (Patra and Kapoor, 1996) and War Khas~Khongsdier, 2001).
Since the present study is not concerned with the determinants of fertility, data on
socio-economic factors of the present populations were not collected. Considering the
findings on other populations, it may be suggested that the inter-group differences in
fertility rates may be associated with the inter-group variation in respect of socio-
economic conditions, or adoption of family planning methods.

Infant, Child and juvenile Mortality

It is found that the infant mortality rates, that is, the number of deaths before 1 year of life
per 100 live births, are 10.83%, 5.44%, 3.77%, 4.02% and 7.16% in the Chapras, Sangas,
Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs, respectively. Thus, it indicates that the infant mortality
rates are high especially among the Chapras and Wanangs, although it is not as high as
that reported for the Dalus (Patra and Kapoor, 1996). It is more or less similar to that
reported in the War Khasis(Khongsdier, 2001), but much lower than that reported for the
Muslim Khasis of Shillong (Langstieh, 2001 ). The differences between subgroups in
respect of infant mortality rates are also significant (J} = 13.86, DF = 4, P < 0.01), which
may be associated with the differences in socio-economic conditions of the populations
as has been pointed out in the case of the differences in fertility rates. Of course, it
warrants further studies to understand the determinants of infant mortality in all the Koch
subgroups of Garo hills.
Like in the case of infant mortality rate, the child mortality rate, i.e., number of
child deaths aged between 1 and 4 years of life per 100 live births, is found to be very
high among the Wanangs (13.81%) and Chapras (13.72%), followed by the Sangas
(8.37%), Satparis (7.55%) and Tintikiyas (8.58%). The chi-square value indicates that the

these inter-group differences in child mortality rates are significant (y} = 9.56, DF = 4, P
< 0.05).
With regard to juvenile mortality rate i.e., number of child deaths aged between 4
and 14 years of life per 100 live births, the highest frequency was found among the
Satparis (9.91%) and the lowest among the Wanangs (3.58%). Thus, it indicates that
there is a wide variation between populations in juvenile mortality as well, although it is
not significant (x2 = 8.91, DF = 4, P > 0.05).

Reproductive wastage
It is found that the rate of reproductive wastage (abortions and still births) is fairly high in
the Kochs of Garo hills, although it is lower in the Wanangs (4.00%) and Sangas
(4.05%). It is relatively high among the Chapras (8.42%), followed by the Satparis
(6.19%) and Tintikiyas (5.57%). These differences in reproductive wastage is found to be
insignificant (X2 = 6.83, DF = 4, P > 0.05). The abortion rates are found to be 4.71%,
1.21%, 4.87%, 3.54% and 2.00% in the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and
Wanangs, respectively, and the frequencies of still births are about 3.70%, 2.83%, 1.33%,
2.03% and 2.00%, respectively. Thus, it indicates that the still birth rate is higher than the
abortion rate in the Sangas, and it is more or less same in the case of the Wanangs. In
other subgroups, the abortion rate is higher than the still birth rate.
The Koch subgroups of the present study have lower rate of reproductive wastage
when compared with the War Khasis (Khongsdier, 2001), but they are more or less
similar to the Dalus (Patra and Kapoor, 1996).

Mating Pattern
It has been observed that all the Koch subgroups of the present study are characterised by
high tendency to village exogamy. In other words, the village endogamy in the present
populations is not as high as that reported for the War Khasis(Khongsdier and Ghosh,
1994, 1996) and Semsaspopulation (Limbu and Khongsdier, 2000). Besides, it is found
that about 94% of the marriages took place within the Koch subgroups only, i.e., only
about 6% of the total marriages took place with other populations like the Garos,
Hajongs, Dalus, Bengalis, etc. Also, the mean marital distance is high in these

population groups, except the Satparis, when compared with those reported for the War
Khas~ofMeghalaya (Khongsdier, 2001). This clearly shows that the Koch population of
Garo hills as a whole is highly endogamous in relation to other populations. In other
words, it may be assumed that the Koch population of Garo hills is divided into a number
of sub-populations like the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas, Wanangs, Banais and
Sankars, which may exchange genes with one another with little effect of distance. This
may also be associated with low frequency of consanguineous marriages (except two
cases-one among the Sangas and the other among the Tintikiyas ). However, such a
contention is based mainly on the marriage pattern observed in the Chapras, Sangas,
Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs. Unfortunately, data on mating pattern of the Banais
and Sankars are not available to support our suggestion here.

Genetic Markers
It is found that the blood types A and B are more common in all the populations. In the
case of Sangas and Satparis, the frequency of blood type A is more than B, while blood
type B is higher than A among the other subgroups. The frequency of 0 blood type is
more or less similar in all the Koch subgroups covered under the present study, although
it is lower in the Wanangs (18.27% ). With respect to blood type AB, the frequency is
very low in the Sangas (8%) in comparison with the other subgroups. These inter-group
differences in ABO blood groups are, however, not statistically significant ('y} = 10.97,
D.F. = 12, P > 0.05). Following the methods suggested by Balakrishnan (1988), the allele
frequencies of p (A), q (B) and r (0) are also not statistically significant in all the
subgroups. Thus, it indicates that all the Koch subgroups of the present study are in
genetic equilibrium in respect of the ABO blood group system.
With respect to the Rh (D) blood groups, it is found that Rh-negative blood type is
absent in the Chapras and Tintikiyas, and it is very low in other subgroups. Thus, the
present findings seem to support the general observation that Rh-negative allele is almost
absent in Mongoloid populations, or it presents in a very low dose in Mongoloid
populations of Northeast India (Das, 1974 ). In the case of colour blindness, no colour
blind individual was detected in the Sangas. Among the Chapras, Satparis, Tintikiyas
and Wanangs, the frequencies of colour blindness are found to be 5.88%, 2.44%, 3.28%

and 5.36%, respectively. Although it is higher in the Chapras and Wanangs, the
frequency of colour blindness does not vary significantly between the Koch subgroups of
the present study.
With respect to PTC taste sensitivity, the lowest frequency of non-tasters is found
among the Satparis (10.67%) and the highest among the Wanangs (37.50%). The Chi-
square value indicates that the inter-population differences are statistically significant c·l
= 22.56, DF = 4, P < 0.05), but such differences are mainly due to the differences
between the Satparis and other subgroups like the Sangas, Tintikiyas and Wanangs. Thus,
data on PTC taste sensitivity are to a certain extent different from other genetic markers,
since the Satparis deviate significantly from the other Koch subgroups of the present
On the basis of the data presented above, it indicates that the Koch subgroups of
the present study are by and large similar in respect of ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, and
colour blindness, although a subgroup like the Satparis deviate significantly from the
other subgroups in respect ofPTC taste sensitivity.
In order to have a better understanding of the genetic relationship of the present
populations with other neighbouring populations, an attempt has been made to calculate
the genetic distance according to the method suggested by Nei ( 1972). For calculating
Nei's genetic distance, we have taken into consideration two genetic loci, namely, ABO
blood groups and PTC taste ability because data on other genetic loci were not available
for all the populations taken for comparison. The dendrogram based on the method
suggested by Sokal and Sneath (1963) shows that the Tintikiyas and Sangas are close to
each other, forming a cluster with the Lyngngams and Wanangs. On the other hand, the
Satparis and Chapras are distant from each other, and both of them differ from the other
subgroups. The dendrogram also shows that the Koch subgroups of the present study
stand far apart from the Kochs of Assam.

Anthropometric Measurements
On the average, these subgroups of the Kochs of Meghalaya are similar in anthropometric
characters, although there are certain differences between them in respect of some
measurements. With respect to stature, the Sangas are the tallest, whereas the Satparis are
the shortest. As regards the other groups, the Tintikiyas are taller than the Chapras and
Wanangs, and the Wanangs are shorter than the Chapras. However, the ANOVA test
indicates that the ineter-group differences in respect of anthropometric measurements -
like height vertex, sitting height, height tragus, height acromion, head breadth,
bizygomatic breadth, bigonial breadth, upper facial length, nasal height and chest girth -
are not statistically significant. The only significant differences between these groups are
found in respect of head length, head height, head circumference, minimum frontal
breadth, total facial length, and nasal breadth. But it is also observed that the differences
among the groups in respect of anthropometric measurements, as indicated by ANOV A
test, are mainly attributed by the differences between two groups, except in the case of
minimum frontal breadth and total facial length. Therefore, these Koch subgroups are by
and large similar in anthropometric measurements. Similar observation is made in the
case of the anthropometric indices. It is found that they are by and large similar in
respect of nasal index, total facial index and length-height index, although there are
significant differences between them in respect of cephalic index and breadth-height
index. However, the differences in cephalic index among them are mainly attributed by
the difference between Tintikiyas and Wanangs. In fact, the Tintikiyas seem to differ
significantly from the Wanangs in respect of head height, head circumference and bread-
height index.
On the basis of the anthropometric characters, the Koch subgroups of the present
study are by and large similar. However, it is likely that the Tintikiyas deviate
significantly from the other subgroups especially the Sangas and Wanangs and the
In order to have a better understanding of the ethnic affinity of these Koch
subgroups of Garo hills with other neighbouring populations, we have also calculated the
coefficient of diversity (CD) as suggested by Najjar ( 1978). The dendrogram, derived as
per the method suggested by Sokal and Sneath ( 1963 ), shows that all the Koch subgroups

belong to the same cluster, and the Tintikiyas and Chapras stand closer to each other.
Thus, the dendrogram also shows that the present populations are on the average similar
in anthropometric characters, and they are distant themselves from the Kochs of Assam.

Dermatoglyphic Traits
In the present study, we have taken into consideration five dermatoglyphic traits, namely,
finger patterns, finger pattern indices, finger ridge counts, main line formulae and C-line
termination. The highest frequency of whorls is observed among the Satparis (45%) and
the lowest among the Chapras (34%). The Sangas and Chapras are more or less similar in
respect of loops. So are the Satparis and Tintikiyas. The. homogeneity test indicates that
the Tintikiyas are closer to the Satparis and Wanangs, and the Sangas are similar to the
Wanangs in respect of finger patterns, although the differences between any other
subgroups are highly significant.
With respect to finger pattern indices, the pattern intensity index is more or less
similar in all the subgroups, but the frequency of Dankmeijer's index and Furuhata's
index is different from one group to another. The Furuhata's index varies from 119.40
for the Chapras to 188.53 for the Satparis, whereas Dankmeijer's index ranges from
19.49 among the Satparis to 54.41 among the Chapras. In the case of finger ridge count,
the lowest mean value is among the Chapras (133.60 ± 25.50) and the highest among the
Satparis (158.40 ± 23.15). The t- test indicates that each subgroup deviates significantly
from the other, except the Chapras and the Wanangs and the Sangas and Tintikiyas who
are closer to each other. Nevertheless, it indicates that the present subgroups of the Koch
population are different from one another in respect of finger ridge count. Of course,
such differences between these subgroups in respect of finger ridge count may also be
attributed to large amount of individual variation in finger ridge count.
As regards mainline formulae, it is observed that the percentage distribution of the
formula-11.9.7 ranges from 13% among the Satparis to 21% among the Tintikiyas. On
the other hand, the percentage distribution of mainline formula- 9.7.5 varies from 35%
among the Sangas to 40% among the Wanangs, while the frequency of mainline formula-
7.5.5 ranges between 33% for the Tintikiyas and 46% for the Chapras and Satparis.
However, these differences between the Koch subgroups are not statistically significant

(x2 = 9.16, DF = 8, P > 0.05). In other words, it indicates that the Koch subgroups of
the present study are by and large similar in frequency of three mainline formulae, except
the differences between the Satparis and the Tintikiyas, which is statistically significant
(x2 = 6.16, DF = 2, P < 0.05).
With respect to C-line termination, it is found that C-line termination towards
ulnar side is very common in all the subgroups of the Koch population. The percentage
distribution of C-line termination towards ulnar side varies from 70% among the
Tintikiyas to 84% among the Satparis. In the case of radial side, the frequency varies
from 13% among the Satparis to 21% among the Tintikiyas. The highest frequency of C-
line termination towards proximal is found among the Tintikiyas (6%) and the lowest
among the Wanangs (0.96%), while the proportion of individuals without C-line
termination varies from 6% among the Sangas to 0.49% among the Chapras. The
homogeneity test, however, indicates that the Koch subgroups of this study are by and
large similar to one another in respect of C-line termination towards ulnar and radial
sides, although the Tintikiyas deviate significantly from the Wanangs and Satparis.
In comparison with other populations, the Koch subgroups differ significantly
from other populations in respect of finger patterns. With respect to finger pattern
intensity, they are by and large similar to the Kochs of Assam, Garos and Hajongs rather
than to the Khasi subgroups like the Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois and Wars. On the other
hand, they show a different degree of affinity to other populations with respect to finger
ridge counts. Such a trend is indeed expected because these Koch subgroups of Garo
hills are different from one another in respect of finger ridge count. For example, it is
observed that the Chapras and Wanangs are different from the Kochs of Assam and
Garos, but they are similar to the Khasi subgroups like the Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois and
Wars. On the other hand, the Satparis are similar to the Kochs and Garos but deviate
significantly from the Khasi subgroups. Again the Tintikiyas are similar to the other
groups except the Kochs, Khynriams and Bhois. This clearly indicates that the Koch
subgroups of the present study are different from one another in respect of finger ridge
count, thereby showing a different pattern of relationship with other neighbouring

With respect to the frequency of mainline formulae, all the Koch subgroups are
similar to the Hajongs despite the difference between the Tintikiyas and the Hajongs.
They also show a similar pattern of significant variation from the Kochs of Assam and
the Khasi subgroups of Meghalaya, except the Tintikiyas who are by and large similar to
all neighbouring populations in respect of mainline formulae.
On the basis of the dermatoglyphic traits presented above, it indicates that the
Koch subgroups of the present study are by and large similar to one another in respect of
pattern intensity index, mainline formulae and C-line termination towards ulnar and
radial sides. However, they differ from one another in respect of finger patterns and total
finger ridge count. When compared with other neighbouring populations, all the
subgroups differ from other populations in respect of finger patterns, and they show a
different pattern of relationship with respect to finger ridge counts. On the other hand,
data on pattern intensity index and mainline formulae indicate that they are by and large
closer to the Kochs of Assam, Garos and Hajongs.
Morphological Traits
In all the sub-groups under consideration, the right types of hand clasping are very
common in both the sexes. It is also found that the inter-group differences are not
statistically significant in respect of hand clasping (x} = 0.84, DF = 4, P > 0.05). With
respect to arm folding, the left type of arm folding is more common than the right type in
all the subgroups. Left type of arm folding is more common among the Chapras and
Sangas. Like in the case of hand clasping, the inter-group differences are not statistically
significant despite the presence of significant difference between the Sangas and
Tintikiyas. In the case of tongue rolling, it is observed that most of males and females
are unable to roll their tongue in all the subgroups. The highest frequency of tongue
rolling is observed among the Wanangs (31%) and the lowest among the Sangas and
Satparis (13%). The inter-group variation is highly significant in respect oftongue rolling
('x} = 11.66, DF = 4, P< 0.02) due to the significant deviation of the Wanangs from the
Sangas (X 2 = 7.38, DF = 1, P < 0.02) and Satparis (x2 = 7.38, DF = 1, P < 0.01).
With respect to tongue folding, the Sangas have the highest frequency (40%),
while the lowest frequency is observed among the Wanangs (31%). In the case of
Chapras, Satparis and Tintikiyas, it is found to be 38%, 33% and 35%, respectively.

However, this inter-group variation m respect of tongue folding is not statistically

significant ("J! = 2.0835, DF = 4, P > 0.05), thereby suggesting that these Koch subgroups
ofMeghalaya are by and large similar in respect of this trait. Also, the Koch subgroups of
the present study stand closer to one another in respect of the frequency of earlobe
As for the distribution of mid-phalangeal hair, most of the individuals in the
present study do not possess mid-phalangeal hair on any of the finger digits. It holds true
for all the divisions of the Koch population. The Chi-square value indicate that the inter-
group differences in respect of mid-phalangeal hair is not statistically significant C'i =
2.62~ DF =4, P >0.05). 'Thus, all the Koch subgroups of the present study are similar in
respect of mid-phalangeal hair.
When compared with other populations, the Koch subgroups of the present study
are by and large different from other populations of Assam and Meghalaya, but they are
similar to the Dalus in frequency of hand clasping, earlobe attachment and tongue rolling.
With respect to arm folding, they stand closer to the Lalungs, but in respect of hand
clasping they are similar to the Kochs of Assam, Khasis and Dalus.


In view of the present findings on Koch subgroups of Garo hills, it may be necessary to
look into three important aspects. The first aspect is related to inter-subgroup variation or
the differences within the Koch population of Garo hills, the second is concerned with the
relationship of all the Koch subgroups with other neighbouring populations, and the third
is related to the possible role of evolutionary forces like selection and. genetic drift in all
the Koch subgroups. These may be briefly pointed out as follows:
Inter-Group Variation
On the basis of the genetic data presented in the previous chapters, the Koch subgroups of
the present study, i.e., Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas and Wanangs, are by and
large similar in respect of the ABO and Rh(D) blood groups, and colour blindness,
despite few exceptions like the Satparis who deviate significantly from the other
subgroups in respect of PTC taste sensitivity. It has also been observed that all the
subgroups of the Koch population are by and large similar in anthropometric,

morphological and dennatoglyphic traits. In other words, regardless of certain differences

in respect of few traits, the Koch subgroups of Garo hills are by and large similar in
genetic, anthropometric, morphological, behavioural and dennatoglyphic traits
considered for the present study. Thus, these results are according to our expectation on
the basis of the findings on the mating pattern, which indicate that most of the marriages
took place within Koch subgroups only. As mentioned earlier, data on mating patterns
suggest that village exogamy is fairly high in all the subgroups, but marriages with other
populations like the Garos, Dalus, Hajongs, Rabhas, etc., were not taking place
frequently. Further, with the exception of Satparis, mean marital distance is also fairly
high in all the subgroups. Thus, the Island Model of population proposed by Wright
(1943) seems to be applicable to the Koch population of Garo hills. "In Island Model
every population exchanges gene equally with every other and there is no effect of
distance between populations" (Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer, 1971 ). In other words, it
may be assumed that the Koch population of Garo hills is divided into a number of sub-
populations like the Chapras, Sangas, Satparis, Tintikiyas, Wanangs, Banais and Sankars,
which may exchange genes with one another with little effect of distance. The absence of
significant inter-group differences in respect of many genetic, anthropometric,
morphological, behavioural and dennatoglyphic traits is likely to support such a
contention. Nevertheless, even if this population does not follow the Island Model, it is
obvious that there is a continuous gene flow between the Koch subgroups of the present
study. Of course, the influence of physical- environmental factors on the present
qualitative and quantitative traits may not be so significant because these Koch subgroups
of the present study are by and large living in a similar ecological condition.
Relationship with other populations
In comparison with neighbouring populations of Assam and Meghalaya, the Koch
subgroups of the present study show in general a different degree of affinity to the
neighbouring populations with respect to the ABO blood groups and PTC taste
sensitivity. There are also contradictory results, which indicate that populations, which
are related to one another in respect of the ABO blood groups, are different with respect
to PTC taste sensitivity. For example, the Chapras are similar to the Lyngngams and
different from the other populations like the Kochs of Assam, Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois,

Wars and Hajongs of Meghalaya in respect of the ABO blood groups. But in the case of
PTC taste sensitivity, they deviate significantly from the Lyngngams, and stand closer to
all other populations mentioned above. Similarly, the Tintikiyas are significantly
different from the Kochs of Assam, Bhois, and Dalus in respect of the ABO blood
groups, but they stand closer to these populations with respect to PTC taste ability. A
similar observation is made with regard to anthropometric, dermatoglyphic and
morphological traits. It may be mentioned here that this is the common observation in
many population genetic studies (Dank.er-Hopfe et al., 1988; Khongsdier, 2000).
Different models of distance analysis have been proposed to solve this problem ·in the
study of population affinity (Mahalanobis, 1936; Nei, 1972, and others). Then, the
dendrogram has been drawn on the basis of the calculated distances, i.e., the closer
populations are grouped into clusters. Various methods have been used to obtain such
clusters (Sokal and Sneath, 1963; Balakrishnan, 1988). In fact, these different distance
and cluster analyses proposed by various authors have been used extensively in
population genetic studies. The results are very helpful in certain studies, but they are
also contradictory in others. There are two major types of such contradictory results as
pointed out earlier. One is related to a different picture of relationship as shown by the
dendrograms according to morphological/anthropometric and genetic characters, like in
the case of the present study, and the other is the different patterns of relationship which
may not be related to history, even when one uses only genetic markers. In this
connection, Dai:lker-Hopfe et al. (1988) write, "The population exhibits differences and
similarities among themselves in different manners with regard to different traits ....
With regard to genetic traits the populations present a dendrogram which is difficult to
explain." Also, the data collected by one study are in many cases contradict those
collected by others from the same population(s). For example, Walter et al. (1986) have
shown that the Brahmins, Kaibartas, and Rajbanshis belong to one sub-cluster with the
Brahmins showing somewhat a different position. They have explained that the
Brahmins are different from the Kaibartas and Rajbanshis because of the absence of
enough gene flow, i.e., absence of intennarriage between them. It is, ho\vever, surprising
to find that the Brahmins show a close genetic relationship to the Sheik Muslims and the
Kalitas according to the study conducted by Danker-Hopfe et al. ( 1988). In the present

study, we have observed that the dendrogram according to genetic markers is not
consistent with the dendrogram based on the anthropometric characters. But the Koch
subgroups of the present study deviate from the Kochs of Assam in respect of both
genetic and anthropometric characters.
The question arises, therefore, whether to depend on genetic markers like the
ABO blood groups and PTC taste ability, or on the anthropometric and morphological
characters which are polygenic in nature for the study of population affinity. This is also
a subject of debate among various scholars. Geneticists have emphasized to use genetic
markers as they are less affected by environmental factors. However, other evolutionists
and anthropologists have claimed that quantitative characters such as anthropometric and
dermatoglyphic, and morphological characters are more useful for the assessment of
evolutionary relationship of human populations than a few genetic traits because they
represent a large part of the genome of human populations (Rife, 1954~ Sokal, 1959~

Hiernaux, 1972). It may also be noted that even the hypothesis of African Eve, which is
based recently on mtDNA analysis that man originated in Africa, is in confirmation with
the fossil records and earlier studies on morphological characters (see review Khongsdier,
2000). Therefore, the point that we would like to make it clear is that both genetic and
anthropometric/morphological characters are very helpful in understanding the
evolutionary relationship of human populations. But the methods or models of using
them may still need for further modifications. Of course, this is beyond the scope of the
present study. We hope that future studies of population genetics will throw much more
light in this regard with the device of more appropriate and systematic approaches or
techniques of international standard. This is particularly important in the field of physical
anthropology, which is concerned with the study of evolutionary relationship of human
populations. In the present study, we are also concerned with only the weak genetic
markers like the ABO blood groups and PTC taste ability. It has been suggested that
strong genetic markers like serum proteins, red cell enzymes and DNA polymorphisms
may be more helpful to have a better understanding of the phylogenetic position of
populations in this part of the country (Khongsdier, 2000).
Despite the various limitations, it is obvious that the Koch subgroups of the
present study are by and large similar in genetic and other quantitative and qualitative

characters due to enough gene flow between them. However, when compared with the
Kochs of Assam and other populations, the present populations are by and large unique in
their demographic, genetic, somatometric, dermatoglyphic and morphological
characteristics. This is true if we take into consideration that each individual is
genetically unique, and a group of individuals or population is likely to follow the same
pattern when such a population is compared with other populations. When the
populations are genetically unique, it has been suggested that the role of chance factors is
very important in bringing about similarities and differences between populations.
Besides the sampling error during data collection may also contribute to such
contradictory results. In such cases, interpretation of the genetic relationship between
populations may not be as simple as expected.
The another point to make it clear here is that when a population is genetically
unique, its variation from other populations is likely to be similar to that of individual
variation. The only difference is that we ignore the individual variation while studying
population variation by assuming that the individual variation would be neutralized by
the number of individuals included in our sample. This may not always be possible, and
it is, of course, a subject of debate in anthropological researches that always lack of ·
appropriate sampling technique. The same is true with the present study, which considers
each village of each subgroup of the Kochs in Garo hills as representative sample of the
population. Nevertheless, we consider the sample of the present study as representative
ones because data on genetic markers as well as anthropometric, dermatoglyphic and
morphological characters are to a great extent consistent with the demographic data on
mating patterns of each of the subgroups. In other words, the Koch subgroups of the
present study are by and large similar in genetic, anthropometric, dermatoglyphic and
morphological traits/characters due to an exchange of genes between them through inter-

Evolutionary Mechanisms
As mentioned earlier, evolutionists, population geneticists and physical anthropologists
have recognised the role of many evolutionary forces like mutation, selection, genetic
drift and gene flow in bringing about human variation. In the present study, we are
concerned mainly with total selection intensity, genetic drift and gene flow.
With respect to genetic drift, it is found that the coefficient of breeding isolation is
relatively high in all the subgroups, except the Satparis. This is due to the fact that the
migration rates are relatively high in all the subgroups. It is observed that the migration
rates vary between 29% for the Satparis and 45% for the Wanangs. The importance of
migration is that even a very small admixture rate may produce an important effect on
genetic drift. Wright ( 1931) has clearly suggested that migration neutra\ises to a great
extent the effect of genetic drift in a population. Wright (1943) has shown that the
changes in a given allele frequency due to genetic drift depends on the product of the
effective population size and admixture rate. Such a product is known as the coefficient
of breeding isolation (NeM). In a population with an allele frequency of 0.5, genetic
differentiation due to drift is very great where NeM is less than 0.5, genetic differentiation
is still important where NeM is less than 5, but differentiation due to genetic drift is slight
where NeM is greater than 50. Thus, in view of the present findings on the Koch
subgroups of Garo hills, one may suggest that the action of genetic drift may not be so
significant because of the high migration rate among themselves. In the case of Satparis,
it may be worthwhile to mention that they have lower rate of village exogamy and lower
mean marital distance in comparison with the other subgroups. It has also been observed
that they deviate significantly from the other groups, except the Chapras, in respect of
PTC taste sensitivity. Therefore, the role of genetic drift may not be totally ruled out in
this Koch subgroup.
But the differences and similarities between these Koch subgroups and other
populations are subjected to speculation. It is clear that they are by and large different
from the Kochs of Assam, but stand closer to the neigbouring populations like the Garos,
Lyngngams, Dalus and Hajongs. It may be speculated that the Koch subgroups of the
present study are different from the Kochs of Assam because of the action of genetic

drift, and their intennixture with the neighbouring populations may also be attributable to
their deviation from the Kochs of Assam.
Last but not least, the role of natural selection in these Koch subgroups may be
equally important. It is found that the total selection intensity calculated according to
Crow's fonnula is likely to operate with moderate intensity in the Wanangs, while it is
mild in intensity among the Tintikiyas. The average intensity of natural selection is
observed in the Sangas and Satparis, and the intensity is fairly high in the Chapras. It is
also observed that the mortality component due to selection contributes more towards the
Index of opportunity for selection, which is in confinnation with earlier studies in many
populations in Northeast India. Thus, it is likely that natural selection plays a very
important role in bringing about changes in gene frequencies of the present populations.


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