Achidram Aswamedham Importance PDF
Achidram Aswamedham Importance PDF
Achidram Aswamedham Importance PDF
Anbil Ramaswamy
The word “Chchidram” means “defect, blemish, flaw, imperfection” etc. The prefix “a” denotes
the absence of all these. The implication is that the life of the person as also those who
participate in the recitation will have a defect-less, blemish-less, flaw-less, wholesome,
perfect lives. In other words, they will be blessed with all that is fully happy and desirable and
possible and live “happily thereafter” and will have nothing wanting.
“Achchidram” means faultless or blemish less and “Aswamadham” relates to an ancient Yaj~nam
performed for the wellbeing of the world and for unity amongst people. The subhiksham or the well-
being of the people at large is sought as a goal. This portion of the Vedas has incredibly significant
important mantras relating to Soma Yagya and Prayascchittha mantras for the atonement of sins through
mere chanting of this portion of the Vedic text.
This is not a freakish event of some false enthusiast. From the first Avatara of Lord Hayagriva to the
apocalyptic last Avatara of Kalki, veneration of the “Aswam” is an integral part of any auspicious event in
our Sampradayam.
As you know, after 45th PaTTam Azhagiya Singhar started the Achchidra Aswamedha –KaaTaka
PaaraayaNams on Ekaadasi and Dwaadasi days, soon on his ascent to the PeeTam, the finances of the
Mutt transformed from a minus to a staggering plus in a very short while. I understand that the
PaaraayaNams are being done in other Mutts and Ashrmams. Anyway, I am aware that Sri
Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam is doing this inaugurated by Sri Paravakkottai Andavan Swami.
The untold Sastraic secret is that even if it is not possible / practicable to do Aswameda Yagjnam, the
very PaaraayaNam would confer the same Phalans as of performing the Yagjna.
The recitation of these mantras is considered as having the same effect as the
performance of the long and complex yaj~nam
The Chapters are called “PrapaaTakas” or “Saakhaas” even as the Chapters in Ramayanam are
called “KhaaNdams” and those in Mahabharata as “Parvas”. The chapters are populated with
Divisions and Subdivisions numbered by the names such as “Anuvakaas”, “Prasnaas”, and
“Panchaasats” etc.
Taittreeya BraahmaNa (Sri Krishna Yajur Veda) Contains in Third AshTakam, 7th, 8th, and 9th
Prasnams, meant for PaaraayaNam during Ekadasi-Dwadasi. There is a Patayana samithi
exclusively for Achidram, Aswamedham and Kadakam. On Ekaadasi and Dwaadasi days as
recommended by our Achaaryas. This tradition of chanting these Vedic Texts is an ancient one.
There is a Patayana samithi exclusively for Achidram, Aswamedham and KaaTakam. On Ekaadasi
and Dwaadasi days as recommended by our Achaaryas. This tradition of chanting these Vedic
Texts is an ancient one.
Another legend says that Vaisampayana taught Yaska and Yaska to TIttri, Yagjnavalkya learned
the texts from Sun God who acknowledged his homage by appearing in the form of a horse and
revealed to him again the Yajurveda. Hence, “Vaajasenaayi Samhita” is called “Sukla Yajurveda”
(White Yajurveda)
The word “KrishNa” is also derived from “aakarshaNam” (That which “attracts or draws near).
Thus “KrishNa Yajur Veda mantras” attract all auspiciousness. As this PaarayaNam occurs in
“KrishNa Yajurveda” it is deemed to “attract” auspiciousness on all those who recite / learn /
listen to it.
{In colloquial parlance, we find some ladies calling their husbands “Yajamaanars”. This is not
correct. Only he can be called “Yajamaanar” who performs “yagjna”!
And most of the men folk today have forsaken performing even “Sandhya-
Vandanam”- a basic Vedic ritual not to speak of “Yagjna” and thus have forfeited their
right to this appellation}
Several Rishis have attested to the efficacy of this through their commentaries called “Sutras”
which literally means “Threads” “Sruti” is another name for “Veda” and “Srouta Sutras” mean
“threads from the Veda”.
The more important of them are those of Aapasthambhar, BOdaayanar, Bharadwaajar,
Sathyasaadar, HiraNyakEsin, and Vaikhaanasar in their Srouta Sutras
Brahmaa was the first to perform this in Kanchi KshEtram. Ikshvaaku kings before Dasaratha,
Dasaratha himself and Rama are known to have performed the Yaagam in their times. In our own
days, Srimad Azhagiya Singhar arranged for the PaaraayaNam on Ekaadasi and Dwaadasi as soon
as he took over the ascetic order.
It will thus be seen that after Agni as Havya-vaahana, the first deity propitiated is the
Horse faced Haya-greeva and the last one is Horse itself.
That is why, it is known as “Aswa-mEDha Yaagam”
1. Welfare of humanity (LOka kshEmaartham)
2. IshTapraapti and
3. an-ishTa nivritti
4. Dheergha aayu: (sarata: satam) (90 AND 127Yagjna Rakshaka Mahaa VishNu)
5. Sons and Daughters, Cattle, House, and other properties (91(Gaarhaapatyam)
6. All round Happiness in life (95)
7. Success in all undertakings (96 and 97 Brihaspati)
8. Vanquishing enemies (Satru naasanam) (98 Prajaapati and 185 Hamsa Bhagavaan)
9. Satru DvEsha Nivrutti (185 Garutmaan)
10. To secure undiminishing prosperity (174 Agni purusheeyam)
11. Dhaanya Samriddhi (plenty of grains) 189( Purushayaagami)
12. Securing herbs (Oshadis) (190 Vanaspati)
13. Attaining the heavens (Svargam) (99)
14. Securing war horses (102)
15. Increasing virility and strength (104)
16. Leadership (93 and 107 Indra)
17 To secure pardon for sins committed (109)
18, Recognition through Royal honors (110)
19. To shine with royal regalia (121)
20. To secure the blessings of forefathers (111)
21. To acquire wealth like KubEra (119 (Soman)
22. To secure amity and peace (126 (SvashTakrit)
23. To secure the confidence of dEvas (132 Parjanya dEvata and Aryamaan)
24. Securing cattle wealth (140 Pasupati Rudra)
25. Becoming a law maker like Manu (160 Manu)
26 Freedom from disease (164 VaastOshpati)
27. Valor (166).