Table #1. Cash Flow Statement
Table #1. Cash Flow Statement
Table #1. Cash Flow Statement
Table #1 presents Inditex’s cash flow statement. Funds from operations increased by 2,317 mln
euros, comparing to 2018, and comprised 6,695 mln euros in 2019. Most of the change was caused
by the increase in amortization, which was a result of the acquisition of assets related to stores.
There was also a significant change in working capital; it grows by 159%, from -349 mln euros in
2018 to 205 mln euros in 2019, due to sharp increase in inventories and receivables. As for the
investing activity of the company, in 2019 Inditex invested more in current financial investments,
933 mln euros (204 %) higher than in 2018. Furthermore, in 2019 payments related to lease, which
were the part of cash outflows from financing activities, appeared.
Table #1. Cash flow statement.
(AMOUNTS IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2019 2018 Absolute change
Payments relating to investments in property, plant and equipment (914) (1,391) 477
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 4,866 4,931 (65)
Capital structure
Capital structure of the company in 2018, 2019 and 2020 is presented in the Table #3.
The most part of the capital accounts for equity, especially for equity attributable to the Parent. As at
31 January 2020, Inditex’s share capital amounted to €93,499,560.00 represented by 3,116,652,000
shares. Although the share of equity declines during the considered period from 0.67 % in 2018 to
0.53 %, the absolute amount remains practically the same over the period (see Graph #1).
5,383 5,173
1,618 1,536
The reason of this fact lies in a sharp increase in current and non-current liabilities in 2020, from
about 5,300 and about 1,500 mln euros in 2018-2019 to 7,306 and 6,136 mln euros in 2020
correspondingly. There are lease liabilities, already mentioned above, that contribute to the
significant growth. With the release of IFRS 16 “Leases”, Inditex has adopted the modified
retrospective transition method with the cumulative effect of the initial application of the standard,
recognized as an adjustment to reserves at 1 February 2019. This enables the asset to be valued
retroactively as if the standard had applied since the beginning of the lease or, for an amount equal
to the liability adjusted by the prepaid or accrued payments. Hence, these changes affected the
capital structure.
According to the Table #3, the greater part of the liabilities, except the lease liabilities, accounts for
trade and other payables (19 % of the total capital). The detail of Inditex's bank borrowings and
obligations under other financial operations is as follows:
- - - -
Non-current 1
0,8 2,5
Other Financial operations 13 3 4
0,3 1,7
Current 7 8 1
0,5 0,8
Non-current 6 5 3
Total 9 1 62,2 1
39 0 6 1
We can see that although the amount of debt fluctuates during the period from 2016 to 2020, its
share of total liabilities stays insignificant. The company mostly uses current loans. Inditex possess
also other financial liabilities that suggest finance leases. The debt to equity ratio equals to
39/14,949=0,0026 in 2020, which is quite low. It can be concluded that capital structure is funded
from equity, while its debt is negligible. The equity strategy of the company consists of reinvestment
of generated cash flows, the amount of which is quite good. The company concentrates on the
expansion, opening new stores.
Market position
Inditex shares closed at 30.37 euros per share on 31 January 2020, which is 24.7% higher than last
financial year. The average daily trading volume was approximately 6.1 million shares in the year to
that date. In the same period, the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Retail rose by 17%, while the Ibex 35 gained
3%. Inditex's market capitalization stood at 94.653 billion euros at the end of the period, up 933%
on 23 May 2001, when its shares were admitted to trading, while the Ibex 35 fell by 3% in the same
period. The dynamics of market capitalization is presented in Graph #2. It can be seen that there was
a decline in the 4th quarter of 2018.
Graph #2. Market capitalization.
100 10.00%
90 9.00%
80 8.00%
70 7.00%
60 6.00%
50 5.00%
40 4.00%
2016 2017 2018 2019