2016 Fullyear Cash Flow Statement
2016 Fullyear Cash Flow Statement
2016 Fullyear Cash Flow Statement
In millions of CHF
Investing activities
Capital expenditure 8 (4,010) (3,872)
Expenditure on intangible assets 9 (682) (422)
Acquisition of businesses 2 (585) (530)
Disposal of businesses 2 271 213
Investments (net of divestments) in associates and joint ventures 14 (748) (44)
Inflows/(outflows) from treasury investments (335) 521
Other investing activities (34) (19)
Investing cash flow (6,123) (4,153)
Financing activities
Dividend paid to shareholders of the parent 17 (6,937) (6,950)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (432) (424)
Acquisition (net of disposal) of non-controlling interests 2 (1,208) —
Purchase (net of sale) of treasury shares (a)
760 (6,377)
Inflows from bonds and other non-current financial debt 1,695 1,381
Outflows from bonds and other non-current financial debt (1,430) (508)
Inflows/(outflows) from current financial debt 1,368 643
Financing cash flow (6,184) (12,235)
00-030Extract from the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Nestlé Group 2016