Birds of East Africa - 1980
Birds of East Africa - 1980
Birds of East Africa - 1980
OF EAST Africa
J.G. Williams • N. Arlott
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Birds of Galapagos
M Harris
Birds of New Zealand
RA Falla, R B Sibson and E S Turbott
Birds of Australia
Graham Pizzey and Roy Doyle
John G. Williams
Foreword by
Roger Tory Peterson
Originally published by
William Collins Sons and Co Ltd
London Glasgow Sydney Auckland
Toronto Johannesburg
Expanded from A Field Guide to the Birds of East and Central Africa,
©John Williams 1963
ISBN 0 00 219179 2
The Authors assert their moral right
to be identified as the authors of this work
All rights reserved
© J. G. Williams and N. Arlott, 1980
Reprinted 1981
Reprinted 1983
Reprinted 1984
Reprinted 1985
Reprinted 1986
Reprinted 1988
Reprinted 1989
Reprinted 1992
Reprinted 1993
Reprinted 1995
Foreword 9
Preface 1
Map of Africa 13
Ostrich: Struthionidae 19
Grebes: Podicipidae 19
Pelicans: Pelecanidae 20
Cormorants: Phalacrocoracidae . . 21
Darters: Anhingidae 22
Herons, Egrets and Bitterns: Ardeidae . . 22
Whale-headed Stork: Balaenicipitidae . 28
Hamerkop: Scopidae 28
Storks: Ciconiidae 29
Ibises and Spoonbills: Threskiornithidae 31
Flamingos: Phoenicopteridae 33
Ducks and Geese: Anatidae 33
Secretary Bird: Sagittariidae 39
Vultures, Eagles, Hawks and Allies: Accipitridae 39
Falcons: Falconidae 56
Game Birds: Phasianidae 60
Button Quails: T urnicidae 67
Cranes: Balearicidae 68
Crakes, Rails and Coots: Rallidae 69
Finfoots: Heliornithidae 73
Bustards: Otididae 74
Jacanas or Fily-trotters: Jacanidae 76
Stone Curlews or Thicknees: Burhinidae 76
Plovers: Charadriidae 77
Painted Snipe: Rostratulidae 84
Snipe, Sandpipers and Allies: Scolopacidae 85
Coursers and Pratincoles: Glareolidae . . 86
Gulls and Terns: Laridae 89
Sandgrouse: Pteroclididae 92
Doves and Pigeons: Columbidae 93
Parrots: Psittacidae 99
Turacos: Musophagidae 102
Cuckoos and Coucals: Cuculidae 106
Owls: Strigidae 110
Nightjars: Caprimulgidae 114
Swifts: Apodidae 117
Mousebirds or Colies: Coliidae . 121
Trogons: Trogonidae 122
Kingfishers: Alcedinidae 123
Bee-eaters: Meropidae . 127
Rollers: Coraciidae 132
Hoopoes: Upupidae 134
Wood Hoopoes and Scimitar Bills: Phoeniculidae 135
Hornbills: Bucerotidae 136
Barbets: Capitonidae 141
Honey-guides: Indicatoridae 149
Woodpeckers: Picidae 152
Broadbills: Eurylaimidae 157
Pittas: Pittidae 157
Larks: Alaudidae 158
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Colour plates
When 1 first set foot in East Africa in May, 1957, a pleasant, friendly man
greeted me as I stepped from the ramp at the Nairobi airport. had met him
several years before in London at the British Museum, and it was then that he
urgedme to see for myself the bird wonders of East Africa.
Two reporters who also met the plane asked me whether my visit to Kenya
meant that I was planning to Guide to the Birds of East Africa.
do a Field I
replied, ‘Oh no! But the man who should do such a book is standing here
beside me - John Williams.’ Whether that was the moment when John
Williams first conceived the idea of a Field Guide 1 do not know, but we soon
talked earnestly of such a book. I urged him to feel free to use my well-known
Field Guide system which had proved so practical in both Europe and North
America, but I regretted that I could not paint the colour plates because of
the overwhelming pressure of other commitments. However, John Williams
had already tried his hand at painting the sunbirds, the Nectarimidae, a
gorgeous galaxy of feathered gems, on which he is the world authority. He
decided to undertake the drawings himself and estimated that it would take
perhaps a year or two to bring such a work to completion. I knew better, for I
had gone through the ordeal several times, and gave him a minimum of four
exception of Jim Chapin, who during fifty years of his life collected in the
forests of the Congo.
I vividly remember my first field trip with John Williams. Only a few hours
after my arrival, we took the landrover over the Ngong hills and down to
Lake Magadi near the Tanganyika border where we were joined by Sir
Evelyn Baring then the Governor of Kenya, and himself a fine field orni-
thologist. Like other great field men have known, John Williams was able
to identify almost every bird, with amazing certainty, at the snap of a finger.
He knew their identification tags, their ‘field marks.’ But here I was, thrown
into a completely new avifauna. I could only say, when he ticked off another
one, ‘I’ll take your word for it, old boy.’ Our list for that week-end was well
over 200 species. John Williams assures me that with a little planning a single
‘big day’ or ‘century run’ in East Africa could easily exceed 250 - more
species than most active bird watchers see in a whole year in the British Isles
or in the north-eastern United States.
In the past, Africa, to the traveller, meant the large game animals and
primitive tribes. And the object of going on safari was to shoot. To-day
shooting is being replaced by the more civilised sport of photographing - or
just looking. The herds of big game are dwindling fast outside the parks and
preserves. The once picturesque native peoples, except for the Masai and
certain marginal groups, are now so westernised that they are as com-
monplace in their dress and activities as Europeans. The tourist, on the other
hand, will find increasing pleasure in the spectacular bird life. People from
temperate Europe and North America who are accustomed to the ‘little
brown jobs’ will marvel at the iridescent sunbirds, bizarre hornbills, and gem-
like bee-eaters, rollers and touracos. But half the fun is knowing what they
are - to be able to put names to things.
John Williams has made it possible to put a name to most of the birds one
will encounter, and I predict that the tourist offices will be swamped with
requests about the birding spots of East and Central Africa. Already Lake
Nakuru, ninety miles north of Nairobi in the Rift Valley is becoming a mecca
for tourists from all parts of the world who are drawn by the spectacle of the
flamingos. But the marabous, stilts, and waterfowl that populate the shore
also merit attention, and so do the ground hornbills, secretary birds, emerald
cuckoos and other fascinating birds that haunt the acacia groves. This field
guide will give you their names.
This foreword was originally written for the author’s earlier book A Field
Guide to the Birds of East and Central Africa which was greatly enlarged and
newly illustrated to form the present volume.
This book is Guide to the Birds, of East Africa and its scope is
a Field
epitomised in its title. The region specifically covered consists of Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar and Pemba Islands,
Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. However, its value as a field
reference work extends far beyond the political boundaries since distri-
butions of all the species treated are given for the entire African Conti-
The greatest difficulty confronting an author ofany book concerned with
the birds of East Africa is one of selecting those species to be illustrated from
a region with such a rich avifauna. To give an example of this super-
abundance, no fewer than 1,033 species of birds are known from the rela-
tively small country of Kenya.
This volume has its origins in my Field Guide to the Birds of East and
Central Africa, first published in 1963 and many times reprinted, which it
now replaces. That guide concentrated upon the most common species of
birds to be found in the vast region covered and those which drew attention
by their spectacular appearance or loud calls. This new book greatly expands
the coverage to include over 500 more species and entirely new artwork
illustrates a much number of species depicting in full colour those
which were originally shown in black and white. In the pages that follow 665
species are fully described and illustrated and the essential field characters of
a further 633 species are enumerated in the text under the heading ‘Allied
The data upon which this Field Guide is based have been compiled from
many sources. They are drawn primarily from field-notes and specimens
personallycollected in all from information 'and speci-
the regions covered;
mens supplied by resident and visiting naturalists and from a study of all the
available literature. I am especially indebted to Messrs P. A. Clancey, Tony
Archer, Tim Barnley, Daphne Ball, Ivan Bampton, Steve Collins, Rob Glen,
Tony Start and Alec Forbes-Watson for East African records; and to Messrs
C. W. Benson, M. P. Stuart Irwin and Reay H. N. Smithers for data on
relative abundance and distribution of certain species found in central
It is the author’s pleasure to record his deep appreciation and gratitude to
the many persons - too numerous to mention individually - who have
assisted in so many ways, especially during his zoological field trips.
Norman Arlott would particularly like to thank Basil Parsons, Jack Block
and Robert Gillmor for their help and advice during the preparation of the
The Unknown: There are still many places in eastern Africa which have never
been explored zoologically. There can be no doubt that there still remain a
small number of undescribed species of birds awaiting discovery. In the heart
of the Impenetrable Forest of south-western Kigezi, Uganda, there exists a
green turaco with very little red on the wings. This bird has never been
collected, although seen by two ornithologists of repute besides the author. A
very large all black swift has been observed on Marsabit Mountain in the
Northern Frontier Province of Kenya; and a greyish, long-tailed bird with
red or chestnut under tail-coverts has been glimpsed in the nearby Mathews
The topography of a bird
21 22 23 24 1
field recognition.
Written descriptions of birds’ and song leave much to be desired, and
there can be no doubt that the only satisfactory method of depicting voice is
with the aid of bird recordings made in the field. Everyone interested in
African bird-life owes a debt of gratitude to one of Africa’s leading ornitholo-
gists, the late Mr M. E. W. North, for his work in this sphere. His first record,
on which forty-two species of African birds may be heard, has been released
by Cornell University.
Size: A bird's size is not easy to indicate in a species’ description so that it
means the same thing to everyone. The measurements given in the section
from tip of bill to tip of
‘Identification’ indicate the average length of the bird
longest tail feather. The following are a few comparative bird lengths which
may be useful for those persons familiar with European or North American
birds: European Willow Warbler 4T'; House Sparrow 54"; European Song
Thrush 9"; Wood Pigeon 16"; Rook 18". Most of the American Wood
Warblers measure between 44" and 54"; Cardinal 84"; American Robin 94";
and Blue Jay 4". In addition to size it is important to observe whether a bird
1 1
is plump-looking like members of the thrush family or slim like the wagtails
and bee-eaters.
Habits and Flight: A bird’s field habits often provide good clues to its
some other weavers. Modes of progression offer useful pointers. In the case
of ground frequenting species the gait may be a hop or a walk. Among water
birds the swimming level may be high in the water like a moorhen, or low like
a diving duck, cormorant or darter. When taking off from water a bird may
need to run along the surface before rising, like a moorhen, coot or diving
duck; or spring clear in one jump like a surface feeding duck. The flight may
be undulating as in the case of woodpeckers and honey-guides; rapid but
erratic and given to changes of direction, typical of the sunbirds; or direct and
fast as in the swifts. The wing-beats may be slow, as in the herons; or rapid as
is the case with ducks and parrots. The bird may hover in the air like a kestrel,
augur buzzard or pied kingfisher; or indulge in alternate glides on motionless
wings and a period of rapid wingbeats, like the swifts.
Wing patterns should always be noted, espeeially in the ease of waders and
dueks. Head markings, espeeially erown and eye stripes, are important in
identifying many perehing birds. Sueh stripes may be pale or dark, and
situated on the erown, or above, through or below the eye. There may be pale
or white feather rings around the eyes, as in the White-eyes and the White-
eyed Slaty Flyeatehcr.
Adult S ^nd $ Ostrich
OSTRICH: Struthionidae
The largest living bird; flightless; two toes only on eaeh foot.
seldom heard.
Distribution and Habitat. North African race, Sudan and north-eastern
Ethiopia; Somali race, Somalia, eastern and southern Ethiopia and northern
Kenya south to Voi. Masai race, southern Kenya and Tanzania. Although
still common in eastern Africa, the ostrich is now extinct over much of its
former range. Habitat, plains, open thorn-bush country and semi-desert. The
Somali Ostrich is still common in northern Kenya and in the Meru National
Park. The Masai Ostrich is found in Nairobi National Park, in Mara and on
the Serengeti Plains, Tanzania.
GREBES: Podicipidae
Duck or teal-sized aquatic birds with slender pointed bills; tail-less ap-
pearance characteristic of family; expert divers; feet lobed, not webbed;
sexes similar.
paler and lacks head frills and tufts. The other two grebes found in Africa are
much smaller than this species.
Voice. Usually a silent bird but utters a low ‘keek, keek, keek’ during
breeding season.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident from Ethiopia southwards on both
fresh and alkaline inland waters; sometimes on relatively small dams.
BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis Plate 1
Identification. lOin, 25cm. Adult a small, dark grebe with chestnut-red face
and throat patch and pale green gape. Immature brownish-grey, much paler
and lacks chestnut on face and throat.
Voice. A loud and often prolonged trill.
Distribution and Habitat. A common resident throughout Africa in suitable
localities. Occurs on fresh and brackish lakes, dams, ponds and slow-flowing
rivers. Abundant on the Rift Valley lakes in East Africa.
PELICANS: Pelecanidae
Very large water birds with long, hook-tipped bills and a naked pouch
suspended from the lower mandible and upper part of the throat. Sexes
Identification. 60-70in, 152-1 80cm. White except for black and grey flight
feathers; in breeding plumage suffused salmon-pink. Immature pale buffish-
brown, becoming whiter with successive moults. Pink-backed Pelican smaller
and pale grey. White Pelicans are extremely gregarious, fishing in tightly
packed flotillas, all the birds submerging their heads and necks at the same
moment. They rest on shore in large groups and soar in thermal currents in
flocks. The Pink-backed Pelican is a solitary fisher, catching fish with a
heron-like striking action.
Voice. Generally silent except at nesting colonies when utters a guttural
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs commonly throughout Africa on large areas
of inland water; uncommon on the coast. In East Africa vastnumbers breed
in the Rukwa swamps, southern Tanzania; also very abundant on Lake
Nakuru in Kenya.
I Pclccanus rujescens Plate I
CORMORANTS: Phalacrocoracidae
in larger size, relatively shorter tail and in adults white neck and chest.
Voice. Various guttural croaks uttered at the nest, otherwise silent birds.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs commonly throughout eastern Africa,
frequenting lakes, dams and larger rivers; less frequent on the coast. A
gregarious breeder, nesting in colonies in trees, on rocky islands of in reed
DARTERS: Anhingidae
Large, long-necked, cormorant-like water birds with long tails. Differ from
cormorants in having sharply-pointed, not hooked bills. Darters swim low in
the water with only the head and neck showing, giving a good imitation of a
snake swimming: hence the name ‘snake-bird’ often bestowed upon this
Inhabits inland waters, favouring slow-flowing rivers and fresh and alkaline
lakes. Common in East and Central Africa, especially on Kenya’s Rift Valley
lakes and lakes in western Uganda.
Identification. 14in, 35cm. Adult d' greenish-black on crown and mantle, butf
below; wing with a contrasting and conspicuous buffy-white wing-patch,
specially noticeable in flight. Adult 9 streaked dark brown and butf with
a dark crown; wing-patch less conspicuous; immature similar but more
streaked. Two races of Little Bittern occur in East and Central Africa,
the nominate European race with a rather pale huffy neck and the African
resident race, /. m. payesii, with the neck chestnut-buff.
Voice. A sharp ‘kaaaa’ when Hushed from a reedbed, and various frog-like
Distribution and Habitat. The nominate European race is a winter visitor and
passage migrant between October and March, most frequently encountered
on spring migration. The African race is an uncommon and local bird
throughout most of Africa. Both are skulkers in dense reed and papyrus beds
where they are often overlooked.
Identification. 24in,61cm. A thickset grey and white heron with crown and
upperparts black; two long, slender white nape plumes; eye large, red.
Immature pale brown with heavy buffish-white^spots on upperparts and wing
coverts; eye orange-brown. Mainly nocturnal, keeping to dense waterside
cover during the day.
Voice. A loud harsh ‘aaark’ uttered at dusk while flying to feeding grounds.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and winter visitor to suitable lo-
calities throughout eastern and central Africa. Frequents marshes, swamps,
lakes, rivers and coastal mangrove swamps where there is suitable cover to
suit its nocturnal habits. Spends day in shelter of dense reed-beds, papyrus
swamps or thickly foliaged trees near water. In Kenya it occurs commonly at
Lakes Naivasha, Nakuru and Baringo, and several hundred pairs breed in
Identification. 24in, 61cm. Less thickset than the Night Heron. Upperparts
dark brown with a concealed white streak down the back; crown and nape
blackish with short dark plumes; neck and breast rufous-brown. Immature
browner with whitish streaking and spots; lacks the white back streak.
Widely distributed but rare in most places and not often seen; nocturnal.
Voice. A very harsh rasping croak.
Distribution and Habitat. Occursfrom Ethiopia southwards but very uncom-
mon except in the mangrove swamps on Pemba Island north of Zanzibar.
Besides mangrove swamps it occurs in papyrus and reeds, and also along
streams and rivers overhung with forest, such as occur in the Usambara Mts,
north-eastern Tanzania. It is also reported to be not uncommon on the
Barotse Plain, Zambia.
coast. Many pairs breed in the great heron colony near Garsen on the Tana
River, Kenya.
Identification. 26in, 66cm. Plumage entirely white; legs black except for small
yellow area above tibia-tarsus joint {not a good field character); bill yellow.
Smaller than the Great White Egret, but may be confused at a distance when
the stumpy-looking bill is a better field character than size. Little Egret is
smaller and has yellow toes. Non-breeding Cattle Egret has yellowish legs.
Voice. Generally silent but sometimes utters a short ‘kwark.’
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs locally throughout eastern and central
Africa. Frequents swamps, margins of lakes, flooded areas and the coast.
Identification. 22-24in, 56-6 1cm. Plumage entirely white except in the rare
grey phase when the plumage is entirely pale grey or parti-coloured. Bill
black merging to blue-grey towards oase; legs black with conspicuous yellow
toes. Combination of black or black and grey bill and yellow toes distinguish
Little Egret from other egrets and non-breeding Cattle Egrets. The Reef
Heron has a longer bill than a Little Egret and in its white plumage phase the
bill is yellow or orange-yellow.
Voice. A short hoarse croak.
Distribution and Habitat. Common resident throughout Africa, locally very
numerous. Inhabits marshes, swamps, shallow lakes, flood plains, mangrove
swamps and the sea shore. The grey phase of the Little Egret has been
recorded in coastal areas of Kenya and Tanzania and on Lake Baringo,
Kenya Rift Valley.
Allied Species. The Reef Heron ( 62cm, has yellow toes like
E. gularis), 25in,
the Little Egret but is larger with a noticeably longer bill. There are two
plumage phases, a dark grey phase and an all white, or white with some grey
feathers. In the grey phase the species generally possesses a white throat and a
black bill; in the white phase the bill is yellow in the race found in East Africa.
It occurs mainly on the Kenya coast south into northern Tanzania; there are
also records of the species on Lakes Turkana (RudolO and Nakuru in Kenya.
The Black Heron ( E. ardesaica), 22in, 56cm, is very similar in size and
proportions to the Little Egret and also has black legs and yellow toes; its
entire plumage is slaty-black. This species is often called the umbrella bird on
account of its habit of spreading the wings above the head whilst fishing.
Local and uncommon in Kenya and further north, most frequent in coastal
areas and at Lake Jipe on the Kenya-Tanzania border. Further south it is a
much commoner bird.
Identification. 38in, 96cm. A grey, white and black heron, slightly smaller
than a Grey Heron from which it may be distinguished by its black crown and
neck. Lack of rufous in the plumage distinguishes it from Goliath and Purple
Herons. Immature has crown and neck grey.
Voice. A loud nasal ‘kuark' and various croaking squawks at nest.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident throughout Africa in suitable areas and
often common. Frequents pasture-land in addition to inland and coastal
waters; its prey includes rodents and large insects.
pale rufous, mottled on the mantle; below buff. Distinguished from the much
larger Goliath Heron by black crown and black stripes on face and neck.
Voice. Usually silent, but sometimes utters a short ‘aark’ when flushed or
when flying in to alight at nest. Utters various croaks when nesting.
Distribution and Habitat. Residentand winter visitor throughout East and
Central Africa. Inhabits swamps and reed and papyrus beds bordering large
lakes. It is common on lakes in the Kenya Rift Valley and on Lake Kyoga in
HAMERKOP: Scopidae
Another monotypic family. The Hamerkop is a brown water bird about the
size of a Cattle Egret, having a superficial resemblance to both the Herons
and the Storks. Flies with neck extended. It is remarkable for its gigantic nest,
a stick structure with a side entrance hole, built in a tree fork near water.
Feeds largely on frogs and tadpoles.
Identification. 22-24in, 56-61 cm. Entire plumage dusky brown with a thick
square crest - the origin of the bird’s name. Bill resembles that of heron but is
STORKS: Ciconiidae
Large, long-legged, long-necked birds with usually straight bills: necks ex-
tended in flight, not drawn back as in the heron family.
Identification. 34in, 86cm. A glossy black stork with metallic sheen on mantle
and wing coverts, easily recognised by its white woolly neck and black crown
patch. Immature similar but browner.
Voice. Usually silent, but reputed to utter harsh, raucous cry when nesting.
Distribution and Habitat. An uncommon species but with a wide range in
eastern and central Africa. In East Africa most frequent on some of the
Uganda lakes, the Mara River in southern Kenya and in coastal districts of
Kenya and Tanzania. Eocal in Zambia and Rhodesia. Normally encountered
singly or in pairs, along the margins of shallow lakes in inland localities and
on old exposed coral reefs along the coast.
SADDLEBILL STORK Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Plate 3
Identification. 66in, 168cm. Easily recognised by its large size, black and
white plumage (the flight feathers are white) and its massive red and
black bill
with a yellow saddle across its base. Sexes similar but eye of <3
brown, of 9
yellow. Immature duller.
presence of certain large water snails and bivalve molluscs which form
Tanzania; several hundred pairs breed at the Tana River heronry at Garsen
on the Tana River, Kenya.
Identification. 60in, 152cm. A very large stork, grey above and with grey
neck; adults
wings; white below with a white ruff at the base of its flesh-pink
develop a large air-filled pink pouch which hangs from the front of the
and a reddish-pink fleshy growth at the back of the neck. Gregarious, often
associated with vultures at carrion or lion kills.
Voice. Generally silent, except for bill rattling, but utters a variety of
Ibises are characterised by their relatively thin, decurved bills: spoonbills lose
this character when the young bird develops the spatulate tip. Ibises and
Spoonbills fly with the neck straight out, not tucked in like the herons.
81cm. General colour dark grey with a lax nape crest and
Identification. 34in,
white wing-coverts; throat with a distinctive pendent wattle. Occurs in large
flocks which stalk across grassland with almost military precision.
Voice. Various raucous calls, some of which are not unlike those of the
Hadada Ibis.
Identification. 36in, 91cm. May be recognised by its long spatulate bill, bare
red face and legs and all white plumage. Immature similar but pale brown tips
to flight feathers and colours of soft parts duller. The European Spoonbill has
a feathered face and black legs.
Voice. A double ‘aark-ark’ but normally silent.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs locally in East and Central Africa, frequent-
ing fresh water and brackish lakes, swamps, marshes and sandbars in rivers.
Allied Species. The European Spoonbill ( P. leucorodia ) 36in, 91cm, is a rare
winter visitor to East Africa but breeds along the Red Sea and Somaliland
coasts. It differs in having black legs and lacking the red face of the African
FLAMINGOS: Phoenicopteridac
large flocks on brackish lakes. Their bills are characteristic, flattened above
with the tip bent down at an angle; plumage mainly pink and white.
Identification. 40in, 101cm. Plumage deep pink, much darker and brighter
than Greater Flamingo; bill dark carmine-red with black tip. Immature paler
and greyer with little or no pink in plumage. A much smaller and more richly
coloured species than Greater Flamingo; its dark carmine bill is a good field
Voice. Deep murmurations and honks.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common on alkaline lakes in East and
Central Africa, sometimes present in vast numbers on favoured lakes such as
Nakuru and Elmenteita in Kenya. Very infrequent in coastal areas..
The Ducks and Geese are an easily recognised group of birds, characterised
by webbed feet and their bill structure with its nail-like tip and row of
lamellae along the edges. Wing pattern in flight is an important field charac-
our with a number of cream stripes along the flanks; in flight white rump
conspicuous. Flies with slow wing beats for a duck and legs extend beyond
tail.Immature similar.
Voice. Loud, two-noted whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and local migrant from the Chad region
and the Sudan and Ethiopia south to Natal. In East and Central Africa
occurs locally on inland lakes and swamps; less common than the White-
faced Tree Duck on the coast.
Identification. 18in, 46cm. Both species of tree ducks, or whistling teal as they
East Africa its numbers and appearances any given locality vary from year
to year; it may be absent for several years and then turn up in abundance. Its
numbers are more stable in Central Africa where it is common. It frequents
inland lakes and marshes and the coast and islands off the coast.
Goose has metallic glossed black upperparts and a white belly; bill dark flesh-
red. $ smaller than 3'. Immature duller and browner.
Voice. Generally silent, but sometimes utters a whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and local migrant throughout Ethiopian
Region: usually in small parties and often absent from apparently suitable
haunts. In East Africa occurs on most of the Rift Valley lakes and is also
common in western Uganda and in western Tanzania.
Identification. S 24in, 61cm, $ 20in, 51cm. A large black and white duck, the
back and wings washed with metallic green and copper; the knob at base of
the drake's bill is a good field character.
Plate 4
CAPE TEAL A nas capensis
Identification. Min, 35cm. A pale brownish and white duck with a bright pink
bill and a pale crown; speculum emerald green,
bordered above and below by
It may be
a white stripe. A characteristic bird of alkaline and brackish lakes.
confused with the Redbilled Duck, but that species has a dark crown and a
patch of orange-buff in the wings.
Voice. Usually a silent bird, but sometimes utters a short soft whistle;
reputed to quack.
Distribution and Habitat. Widespread in East Africa, locally common,
Kenya it may be found on many of the Rift Valley lakes including Nakuru,
Elmenteita, Magadi and Turkana.
Allied Species. The European Wigeon (A. penelope), Min, 46cm,
may be
recognised by its small goose-like bill, chestnut head with biscuit-buff
and conspicuous white forewing; $ greyish-brown with a white belly. It is an
uncommon winter visitor to East Africa. The Gadwall (A. strep€ra) 20in,
It has
5 cm, is a brownish-grey duck with a chestnut and white speculum.
been recorded on the Ritt Valley lakes ot Kenya and more frequently in
Ethiopia. The well-known European Mallard (A. platyrhynchos) 23in,
general coloration with a blackish-brown cap which contrasts with the bulTy-
white cheeks; sides of bill blue. Immature duller with less blue on bill. It is not
unlike a very small Red-billed Duck at a distance, but is easily distinguished
by its blue-sided bill. Wide white band in the wings, very conspicuous in
Distribution and Habitat. A common bird in East and Central Africa; resident
and local migrant. In East Africa numbers increase from October on-
wards, the birds leaving again in early December. It occurs on both fresh-
water and alkaline lakes, especially where there is a good growth of papyrus
and sedges.
Allied Species. The European Pochard ( A. ferina), 18in, 46cm, is an uncom-
mon winter visitor to Ethiopia, the Sudan and Kenya. The drake may be
recognised by its red head, pale grey back, blackish chest and white flanks;
duck dark brown in front, mantle and flanks greyish. The White-eyed Poch-
ard or Ferruginous Duck ( A. nyroca), 16in, 41cm, is a small edition of the
African Pochard but is more chestnut and has a conspicuous white, not red,
eye. It is a very uncommon winter visitor to East Africa. The Tufted Duck
( A J'uligula j ,
1 Tin, 43cm, is another uncommon winter visitor to East Africa.
The c? is black with white flanks, the ? brown with brownish-white flanks;
Identification. 16in, 41cm. A mottled dark brown and fulvous diving duck
with a crescent-shaped white patch between the bill and the eye. Has a white
back but this character is seen only when the bird is in flight away from the
observer. tame duck and like
It is a the Maccoa it is reluctant
to fly.
Voice. Usually silent but sometimes utters a short whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident on inland waters, often small dams,
where there is an abundance of aquatic vegetation. Local in East and Central
Africa; in Kenya common on Lake Naivasha.
conspicuous crest is often raised like a halo by the bird whilst hunting. Sexes
similar; immature buffy-grey.
Voice. Generally silent, but in breeding season produces some remarkable
croaks and even a lion-like cough.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed but uncommon in East and
Central Africa on open plains, bush country and farmlands. Feeds largely on
snakes and other reptiles, rodents and large insects.
Vultures are large or very large eagle-like birds with long wings, relatively
short tails and small naked or down-covered heads. Usually observed soaring
or at carrion. Eagles are medium-sized or large birds of prey with legs
appear larger than vultures’ heads. Buzzards resemble small eagles but have
bare legs and much broader wings; all buzzards with the exception of the
Mountain Buzzard perch frequently on telegraph poles. Kites have angular
wings and are best distinguished by the more or less deeply forked tails and
buoyant flight. Sparrow-Hawks and allies are smaller than buzzards and
have short rounded wings and long tails. Harriers are slimly built hawks with
long wings and long tails; flight buoyant. They hunt by quartering the ground
from a few feet up.
Identification. 34in, 86cm. A large dark brown vulture with a dark back;
feathers, especially of underparts and wing coverts, broadly edged with
Identification. 32in, 81cm. A large dark or pale brown vulture with a con-
spicuous white rump some examples, apparently very old birds, are
in flight;
pale creamy-brown. Immature very dark without white rump patch. Adults
may be distinguished by uniform colour and white rump; immature much
darker than Ruppell’s Vulture. For underside patterns in flight see illus-
Voice. Harsh croaking squawks when at carrion.
Distribution and Habitat. Common East Africa and the most frequently
seen vulture in the National Parks; local in Central Africa. Soars above big
game country; nests in forest or riverside trees, not on cliff's. Species pre-
viously known as G. africanus, but is now considered to be a face of the
Indian G. bengalensis.
Identification. 40in, cm. The largest of the African vultures with a massive
1 01
bill; folds of naked skin on head and face purplish-grey. Immature similar but
face lappets less developed and duller. For underside pattern in flight see
Voice. Silent birds; utter a low squawk when fighting over carrion.
Distribution and Habitat. In East and Central Africa an uncommon resident,
most frequent in the Kenya National Parks. Nests in isolated acacia trees.
Like most of the vultures it is most frequent in big game country.
Allied Species. The Black Vulture ( A. monachus) 101cm, is a Palearctic
species which wanders to the Sudan in the non-breeding season. It is a huge
all black vulture with bare blue-grey skin on the head and neck. In
flight it
Identification. 32in, 81cm. This vulture differs from all others in having a
striking white head, white secondaries (in the adult), a white belly and a red
and blue bill. Immature recognised by its white belly, the secondaries being
brown or particoloured and the head pale greyish-brown.
Voice. Silent except for hissing squeals when at carrion.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs locally in East and Central Africa but
nowhere numerous. In East Africa most frequent in the Kenya and Tanzania
National Parks. Nests in isolated trees on open plains. Sometimes kills its
own prey including francolins and monitor lizards.
Identification. 26in, 86cm. A small, entirely dark brown vulture with a rather
short rounded tail and a thinbare skin of face reddish pink.
weak bill;
Immature similar but face skin whitish. Differs from immature Egyptian
Vulture in having a rounded, not wedge-shaped tail.
Voice. A silent bird, no call recorded.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed throughout the Ethiopian Re-
gion,found both on open plains and in big game country, and also in forested
areas and cultivation. It is a common bird throughout the settled parts of
Uganda, less common but far from rare in Kenya and Tanzania and wide-
spread in Central Africa.
EGYPTIAN VULTURE Neophron per cnopterus Plate 5
tipped white and with a broad white band; face bare, bright lemon yellow or
pinkish-yellow; feathers of nape long, forming a lax crest; belly barred black
and white. The immature may be dark brown, rufous or rufous-buff: birds in
this plumage best identified by small head, lax crest and
rather floppy flight.
savannah woodland, especially in localities where there are baobab trees and
in cultivated areas where the trees have not been felled. Sparsely distributed
in Central Africa.
Identification. 27-28in, 68-7 1cm. The Harrier Eagles, and also the Bateleur,
all have large, lax-feathered, owl-like heads and
unfeathered legs. The Black-
chested Harrier Eagle has dark grey upperparts and blackish throat
chest; remainder underparts and below wings immaculate
white; tail with
entirely pale
three whitish bands and a pale tip. Immature brown above with
rufous underparts, quite unlike the adult. In flight the unmarked white
and wings distinguish this species from the adult Martial Eagle which has
black spotting on belly and below wings. Some Augur Buzzards,
perched facing the observer, have a slight resemblance to a Black-chested
Harrier Eagle, but may be distinguished by their bright yellow legs,
whitish, and their red tails.
Voice. Silent birds as a rule, but sometimes utter single or double
Distribution and Habitat. A local resident in small numbers in East and
Distribution and Habitat. A local and uncommon and
resident in forests
wooded areas throughout much of the Ethiopian region. In East Africa most
frequent in forests of the Kenya highlands.
Identification. 1 1-1 3in, 28-33cm. A pale grey hawk without a white rump;
underparts barred pale rufous or grey. Immature pale grey above with
underparts blotched pale rufous. Lack of white rump distinguishes the
Shikra from Little Sparrowhawk and Gabar Goshawk; the African Gos-
hawk has slaty-black upperparts.
Voice. A high-pitched ‘keek, ee, ee, keek.’
Distribution and Habitat. Resident throughout most of Africa except West
African type rain forest and southern South Africa. Occurs in park-like
country, semi-desert bush, acacia thickets, riverine and savannah woodland
and in East Africa in coastal forest.
Allied The Ovampo Sparrowhawk (A. ovampensis), 12-14in,
30-35cm, resembles a Shikra and has underparts barred grey and white. The
conspicuous white shaft spots on the central tail feathers are a good field
character. It has a similar distribution and inhabits a similar habitat to the
Shikra but is a much rarer bird. The Levant Sparrowhawk (A. brevipes),
13-15in, 33-38cm, a rare Palearctic winter visitor to the Sudan. It re-
sembles the European Sparrowhawk but has grey not rufous cheeks and an
orange-red eye. The European Sparrowhawk ( A. nisus), 1-1 5in, 28-38cm, 1
south. The S has rufous not grey cheeks and rufous-barred underparts; ?
darker and browner than Shikra with brown barring on underparts. The
Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk (A. rufiventris), 12-14in, 3l-36cm, is dark
slaty-grey above with the underparts rufous, paler on the throat. It is a forest
hawk most frequent in the highland forests of East Africa, rare in Central
LITTLE SPARROW HAWK Acripilcr minullus Plate 6
throat white, remainder underparts white narrowly barred grey and rufous.
Immature brown above with white underparts, dark brown drop-like spots
on breast and flanks. The Little Sparrow Hawk is a miniature edition of a J
African Goshawk except for its white rump. Adult <3 Gabar Goshawk has a
grey throat and chest; the Shikra lacks the white rump.
Voice. Silent woodland species; at nest sometimes utters a sharp ‘kee, kee,
kee, kee.'
Distribution and Habitat. A resident woodland and forest hawk throughout
East and Central Africa, but everywhere uncommon and local.
25-3 cm, differs from the Little Sparrowhawk in having the chest and upper
breast bright rufous. It occurs in the Bwamba Forest in western Uganda, west
to Cameroons, south to Angola.
white as in the adult. The Dark Chanting Goshawk is darker grey, the rump is
vermiculated black and white and the cere is orange-red not yellow.
Voice. A curious piping call, heard most often during nesting, which may be
mistaken for the call of some species of small hornbill.
Distribution and Habitat. A resident in dry bush and acacia country in East
Africa from Somalia, eastern Ethiopia and eastern Kenya south to central
Tanzania. This is a well-known bird of the semi-desert bush areas of eastern
and north-eastern Kenya; it is common in the Samburu country and near
Lake Magadi.
Chanting Goshawk but darker, the cere orange-red and the rump vermicu-
lated black and white. The two Chanting Goshawks overlap in the area of
Lake Baringo, Kenya but do not interbreed. Immature distinguished also by
itsbarred rump.
Voice. A prolonged fluting chant but normally silent.
Distribution and Habitat. Ranges from western Ethiopia and the Sudan,
south through Uganda and western Kenya, south to Central Africa. Inhabits
bush country, acacia woodland and savannah woodland. Not uncommon
where it occurs.
Identification. 14-1 Sin, 35-38cm. A thickset pale grey hawk with barred
black and white belly and white throat with a conspicuous vertical black
streak; rump white; cere and legs pinkish orange; tail black with a wide white
bar. The Gabar Goshawk is not such a thickset hawk and has the throat grey
without a black streak. Immature similar to adult. Hunts from a perch
scanning the ground for lizards and large insects, its main tood.
Voice. A clear ringing whistle, followed by a quick succession of notes ‘chu,
chu, chu, chu, chu, chu, chu.’
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed and locally common in East and
Central Africa. Frequents open park-like country, cultivation, coconut plan-
tations, woodland, edges of forests and areas where there are baobab trees.
mRDS OF prf:y 49
GRASSHOPPER BUZZARD Butastur rufipennis Plate 7
Underparts variable, entirely white, white with a black throat and chest or
entirely black. Immature has underparts white, streaked or blotched with
blaek, and the tail barred black and brown: immatures of the black phase are
blackish-brown below, also with a barred tail. In flight the broad, mainly
white wings and the chestnut tail are good field characters. The adult dark
phase might be mistaken for a Bateleur but has a much longer tail.
rarer, visitor from the north is the Long-legged Buzzard ( Buteo rujinus),
24-26in, 61 -66cm, a large pale rufous buzzard, rarely melanistic. Tail un-
barred rufous in the adult. In looks very pale below, except for black
wing patch, wing tips and dark thighs. Very uncommon winter visitor to East
and Central Africa, most frequent northern Kenya and Karamoja, Uganda.
isperhaps most frequent in the highland forests of Kenya and in Zaire. Its
presence is usually governed by the presence of monkeys which form its main
item of diet.
spots; crest rounded, not always conspicuous. The adult Black-chested Har-
rier Eagle resembles this species but is smaller, has unfeathered legs, and
Identification. 24-28in, 6 1-7 1cm. A black and white eagle, larger than an
Augur Buzzard; upperparts blackish with white feather bases showing
through to a greater or lesser extent; underparts white with narrow black
streaks on throat and breast. The adult Ayres’ Hawk Eagle has heavy black
drop-like spots on the underparts. The immature African Hawk Eagle is
brown above and unspotted pale rufous-buff below; immature Ayres’ Hawk
Eagle has the rufous-buff concentrated on breast not over entire underparts,
and has v/hitish tips to feathers of upperparts giving a speckled appearance.
In flight the African Hawk Eagle has a black patch at wing joint otherwise
underside of wings white; Ayres’ Hawk Eagle has barred flight feathers and
lacks the black patches below wings.
Voice. A loud yelping cry and a double or treble whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. A local and uncommon eagle in suitable localities
throughout the Ethiopian Region. It frequents forested and savannah wood-
lands, baobab country and coastal forests, usually away from the haunts of
humans. In East Africa it is most likely to be seen in the National Parks and in
the coastal forests of Kenya and Tanzania.
Allied Species. Ayres’ Hawk Eagle ( H. duhius), 20-24in, 5 -6 1cm, has heavy
drop-like spots on the underparts. It is a rare forest eagle in East and Central
now considered to be con-specific with the Tawny Eagle. Some examples are
not distinguishable with certainty in the field, but immature birds are rather
pale brown with an olive tinge, have conspicuous creamy wing-bars and a
white or whitish rump; the adults are blackish-brown, darker than most
Tawnys, with a golden nape patch. It is the sub-adult birds which are
often confused with adult Tawny Eagles. The Brown Harrier Eagle is easily
Allied Species. The Spotted Eagle (A. clanga) 26-29in, 66-74cm, and the
Lesser Spotted Eagle (A. pomarina), 24-26in, 61 -66cm, are rare to uncom-
mon (most frequent in Ethiopia) winter visitors to East Africa and are
difficult to identify. Adults are very dark purplish-brown, slightly paler
below, usually with some white on the upper tail-coverts. The immature
Spotted Eagle has many large white spots on upperparts and wings and a
noticeable white V at the base of the tail. The immature Lesser Spotted Eagle
is much less spotted and ismarked with white at the base of the tail.
At close quarters its best character is a buff patch on the nape. The Imperial
Eagle (A. heliaca), 31-33in, 78-84cm, is a brown eagle, more massive than a
Tawny, with more or less conspicuous white shoulder patches; nape and hind
neck paler than rest of plumage. A very uncommon winter visitor, but
frequent in Ethiopia and the Sudan.
VERREAUX’S EACiLF^ A quila verreauxii Plate 7
Identification. 30 32in, 76 81cm. A large black eagle with centre of back and
rump while; in flight whitish patch at base of flight feathers conspicuous;
silhouette distinctive, see illustration. Immature dark with pale brown lips to
feathers above and below. Species may be confused with certain Tawny Eagle
plumages at this stage, but build, size and silhouette are distinctive.
Voice. A loud yelping cry, especially at nest.
Distribution and Habitat. An uncommon and very local eagle, resident in the
Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia south to Central Africa and South Africa. It is
associated with rocky crags and inland cliff's upon which it breeds. It is most
frequent in Ethiopia and in Kenya, where there are several pairs within a
hundred miles radius of Nairobi.
sounds of the African wilds. When calling the bird throws its head back-
wards, even in flight.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed and common through most of
the Ethiopian Region; numerous in many places in East and Central Africa.
Occurs in the vicinity of water - lakes, swamps, rivers, flooded areas, dams
and the coast. It feeds largely on fish but will sometimes take large rodents
and also waterbirds such as coots.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and local migrant throughout East and
Central Africa, frequenting savannah and open country, cultivated areas,
towns, lakes and rivers and the coast. Often found in numbers when attracted
by carrion or insect swarms. Often seen quartering roads for road kills. The
European Black Kite is a winter visitor and passage migrant in East Africa; in
Central Africa appears mainly as a passage migrant.
lethargic flight. Frequents wooded and forested areas and has the habit of
robbing bees’ and wasps’ nests.
small and laterally compressed, gape huge like that of a nightjar. The bird
appears at dusk and catches bats and late roosting swallows on the wing
which it then proceeds to swallow whole. It is widely distributed in East and
Central Africa but is everywhere rare. In East Africa the most likely localities
are at Voi and Makindu in Kenya, and at the coast; the Bat Hawk is often
recorded at dusk flying at or near Malindi.
Identification. 1 30cm. One of the most graceful birds of prey, almost tern-
like in its appearance. Pale grey above, white below with a deeply-forked tail;
black patch at angle of wing from below. Extremely buoyant in flight.
Gregarious and nesting in acacia trees in colonies.
Voice. A soft mewing cry uttered at the nesting colony.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in the arid northern districts of Kenya and
northern Uganda, to the Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia. Appearances in the
Northern Frontier Province and Turkana m Kenya vary greatly from year to
year, but in some years it may be locally common. Feeds on rodents, lizards
and large insects.
FALCONS: Falconidae
Falcons are characterised by their thickset build, sharply pointed wings and
often extremely fast flight. They generally kill their prey by swooping on it at
high speed.
Distribution and Habitat. Rare resident in suitable localities through East and
Central Africa, more frequent in the north. Also winter visitor and passage
migrant in varying numbers. Occurs in a variety of habitats, including open
country and the vicinity of lakes, bush country, inland cliffs and cultivation.
Distribution and Habitat. In East Africa occurs in the Sudan and Ethiopia
south to southern Tanzania; no records from Zambia. It frequents water
courses where there are trees, wooded areas and cultivation. Crepuscular in
its habits and feeds to some extent on bats. Nests in unoccupied hamerkops’
nests and may often be seen perched near these. Everywhere local and
Allied Species. The darker slate-grey or blackish-grey Sooty Falcon ( Falco
concolor), 13- Min, 32-35cm, has the two central tail feathers protruding
beyond the others and its flight and tail feathers are unbarred. It is a rare
species in East Africa, nesting in the central Sudan and probably along the
coasts of the Red Sea; elsewhere a non-breeding visitor and passage migrant.
Identification. 1 3in, 32cm. This is another grey kestrel, distinguished from the
Grey Kestrel by its blackish-grey back and contrasting greyish-white rump
which is very conspicuous when the bird flies. Wings and tail feathers barred.
Immature browner than adult.
Voice. Normally a silent bird, but sometimes utters a one or two note whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs locally in Tanzania, including Pemba Is-
(Miombo) but will frequent almost any type of wooded area. Often seen
perched on telegraph poles and dead trees; feeds largely upon insects.
KESTREL Fiilco tinnunculus Plate 8
Identification. 13-14in, 33-36cm. The true kestrels are generally less thickset
than other falcons and hunt their prey by hovering. The adult <S of the
present species may be recognised by presence of black spots on its chestnut
back; tail grey with a broad black subterminal bar. 9 less brightly plumagcd
than S a barred brownAfrican races of the kestrel are in general
darker and usually have barred grey tails. The European Lesser Kestrel is
smaller and the S lacks black spotting on mantle; at close quarters its white
not dark grey claws are distinctive. It may also be distinguished by its method
of feeding, carrying its food to its mouth with one loot whilst the Kestrel
holds prey with two feet in the normal falcon manner. Both sexes of the
Voice. Normally silent but African races utter a shrill Tee, kee, kee, kee, kee’
at their nesting cliffs.
Distribution and Habitat. African resident races occur very locally in East and
Central Africa, normally in the vicinity of inland cliffs. The European race is
an abundant winter visitor and passage migrant in open country and culti-
with a chestnut abdomen and thighs and white under wing-coverts; legs
orange-red. 9 has buff underparts streaked with black. The Western Red-
footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) 12in, 30cm, is a much rarer winter visitor,
in East Africa most frequently observed in the Sudan, but sometimes not
uncommon in Central Africa. The S differs in having the underside of the
wings dark slate-grey, not white.
This family includes the quails, francolins, guineafowls and their allies. All
are chicken-like terrestrial birds with moderate or short tails; sexes usually
alike in African species.
white; legs dull yellow. $ with greyish-rufous upper breast. The underparts
barring in this species is variable, in some races the barring is confined to the
upper breast and flanks, in others it extends all over the belly.
Voice. A shrill ‘qui-kit, qui-kit,’ heard most often at dawn and in the evening.
Distribution and Habitat. A local resident throughout much of East and
Central Africa. Frequents grasslands, savannah woodlands, Brachystegia
woodland and hillsides where there issome bush cover.
Allied Species. Two forest francolins Coqui occur
about the same size as the
in the forests of Uganda and the southern Sudan. These are Nahan's Forest
Francolin (F. mihani) and the Forest Francolin (F. lathami). Both species
have black underparts with conspicuous white spots. The former has the
upperparts dark brown with black bases to the feathers, without white shaft
streaks. The Forest Francolin has brown upperparts with distinct white shaft
streaks. Like other forest game birds these species are very shy and are best
looked for on forest paths immediately after rain. Both occur in the Bwamba
Forest, western Uganda.
legs. When pairs or family parties are encountered the striking difference in
plumage between the sexes is a good field character.
Voice. A three note, loud ‘kok, kok, kok’ repeated over and over again, often
very rapidly. Calls mainly at dawn and dusk.
Distribution and Habitat. A very local and generally uncommon species in
hilly country in East Africa. Occurs in Kenya and southwards to Zambia. It
frequents well-wooded hill country, scrub covered hillsides and sometimes on
hillsides where the only cover is a little grass and rocks. In Kenya it is most
frequent in the Loita Hills.
Allied Species. Clapperton’s Francolin (F. clappertoni) Min, 35cm, occurs in
the Sudan, northern Uganda and the Mt Elgon area, western Kenya. It is
dark in colour without pale shaft streaks on upperparts; on the wing it shows
a pale buff wing patch, very like the wing patch of the Yellow-necked
H E U G LI N ’ S E R A N C () UN Franco/ inns ictcrorhymhus Pla(e 9
Voice. Birds call loudly at dusk, prior to roosting in bamboo clumps and
forest trees; call, a harsh ‘grrr, grrr, grrr.’
Distribution and Habitat. Confined to mountain foreston Mt Kenya, the
Aberdare Mts, the Kinangop plateau, the Mau forest and the Cherengani
Mts, Kenya. In parts of the Aberdare forest the species is abundant. Moun-
tain forest, mixed forest and bamboo are the bird's normal habitat.
Allied Species. The Handsome Francolin Francolinus nobilis), 13-14in,
33-36cm, of the Ruwenzori and Kivu mountain forests, western Uganda and
Zaire is similar to Jackson’s Francolin but with a rich purplish-chestnut back
and grey crown; below the feathers chestnut edged with grey; throat greyish-
white. It occurs in bamboo and mountain forest and is very shy and seldom
observed. The Chestnut-naped Francolin (Francolinus castancicollis)
14-1 Sin, 36-38cm, is another large francolin with a white throat and a great
deal of chestnut red in the plumage and with red bill and legs. It differs from
Jackson’s Francolin by its buffy-white belly. It is confined to mountain areas
in Ethiopia and Somalia where there is plenty of cover.
Identification. 13- Min, 33-36cm. This is a very variable species which may
have the underparts vermiculated grey and white, with or without chestnut
streaks, or the belly feathers may be black, edged with greyish-white. All
races have greyish-brown upperparts with dark shaft stripes, a bare red
throat and red legs. The Grey-breasted Spurfowl has a bare orange throat,
chestnut-margined feathers above and below and a grey chest with dark shatt
stripes. Swainson’s Spurfowl has a red bare throat but blackish-brown legs.
Voice. A loud, shrill ‘kraaek, kraaek’ uttered from thick cover, either early in
the morning or just before the birds take up their roosts at dusk.
Red-necked Spurfowl but has blackish not red legs. It occurs in woodland
and neglected cultivation.
Voice. A loud, grating ‘graark, grak, grak,’ especially vocal in the early
morning and towards dusk.
Distribution and Habitat. This commonest francolin throughout its
is the
range in East Africa, in north-eastern Uganda, Kenya and northern Tan-
zania. Frequents open bush country, margins offorests, woodland and dry
bush country.
Allied Species. The European Quail ( Colurnix colurnix) Tin, 8cm, occurs as,
back, chestnut wing coverts and white throat markings. $ rufous-brown with
chest and flanks barred with black. Immature similar to $.
Voice. Normally silent but sometimes utters a weak flute-like whistle.
Distribution and tiabitat. Local and very uncommon in East Africa, more
frequent in Central Africa where relatively frequent in Zambia and Malawi.
Inhabits damp grasslands, neglected cultivation and open plains. To some
extent a local migrant.
Allied Species. The Stone Partridge ( Plilopachus pelrosus) lOin, 25-26cm, is
a small dark brown game bird mottled with pale buff with a creamy-white
belly. Best identified by its characteristic habits: occurs on small rocky hills in
small parties; when walking holds its tail cocked up over its back like a tiny
bantam fowl. Legs red. Its call is a shrill peeping ‘weet, weet, weet, weet’
and is especially noisy at dusk. It occurs in the southern Sudan, Ethiopia,
northern Uganda and north-western Kenya.
clucking notes.
Distribution and Habitat. A very local and decreasing resident in forested and
thickly wooded areas in southern Somalia, Kenya east of the Rift Valley,
north-eastern Tanzania and Zanzibar. The from the Jombeni moun-
tains, Kenya, are larger than Kenya coastal specimens. Species shy and
seldom seen unless heavy rain has driven them to the relative dryness of forest
paths and tracks. Most frequent in the Sokoke-Arabuku Forest. Kenya coast.
(;AM1i birds and BU I ION quail's ^7
Button Quails superficially resemble the true Quails but differ in lacking a
hind toe. They occur in areas of tall grass and when flushed rise at one’s feet;
dropping into the grass again a short distance away, they are very difficult to
flush a second time.
grassy plains.
Distribution and Habitat. A sometimes common, throughout
local resident,
suitable areas of Ethiopian Region. Common in many parts of East and
Central Africa. Frequents bush country where there is abundant grass cover,
in old neglected cultivation, in sisal cultivation and savannah bush where
there is long grass. In many places at least partially migratory and its
numbers in any locality may vary greatly.
Allied Species. The Black-rumped Button Quail ( T. nana), 5in, 13cm, occurs
in western Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and southwards. It is less common than
the Button Quail except perhaps in parts of Zambia where it occurs around
the edges of dambos where the Button Quail is not found. In flight its dark
rump is conspicuous. The Quail Plover ( Ortyxe/os meiffrenii ) 44in, 12cm, is
a tiny lark-like bird with noticeable black ar\d white wings. It is found only in
areas where the silvery ‘Heskanit’ grass grows. It is most frequent in the
Sudan but also occurs in northern Uganda and very locally in northern and
eastern Kenya.
CRANES: Balearicidae
The Cranes are large, stately terrestrial birds, superficially resembling storks,
from which they differ externally in having the nostrils in a long groove, and
the hind toe short. The various open country, cultivation and
species inhabit
marshes. Voices loud, trumpet or goose-like. Long neck and legs extended in
flight. Gregarious outside breeding season.
possible to mistake the trill of a Little Grebe for the call of a Black Crake.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs throughout the Ethiopian Region where a
combination of water and fringing vegetation exists. It is common in East
and Central Africa. In the Amboseli National Park, Kenya, these crakes have
become very tame and may be observed at close quarters without being
Allied Species. The Kaffir Rail ( Rallus caerulescens) is a local but widespread
resident in rank vegetation in permanent swamps in East and Central Africa,
but is shy and difficult to observe. It is in, 28cm, in length with a slender bill;
1 1
upperparts dark brown, flanks barred black and white. The European Corn
Crake ( Crex crex), lOlin, 27cm, is a passage migrant and winter visitor to
East and Central Africa, found in dry open grasslands. Seldom observed
unless flushed at one’s feet. Plumage buff-brown with blackish streaks on
underparts; throat greyish. Rufous wings conspicuous in flight. In East
Africa mainly a passage migrant and many records are of birds which have
killed themselves by flying into telegraph wires. The African Crake ( Crex
egregia), lOin, 25cm, has dark olive and black upperparts and black and
white barred flanks and belly. It is a resident, locally migratory, throughout
East and Central Africa. Occurs both in rank grass in dry areas and in rank
vegetation near water. It is a shy bird and its presence is usually indicated by
its call, a high-pitched chittering trill. Rouget’s Rail ( Rallus rougetii), 1 lin,
yellow bill and much smaller size. A more skulking species than the
Moorhen, locally an intra-African migrant and at least partly nocturnal.
Voice. Various soft clucking sounds.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs locally in East and Central Africa, frequent-
ing overgrown pools near forest, dams with plenty of aquatic vegetation and
flooded grasslands. Shy and skulking, most frequently encountered in the
early morning and at dusk.
46cm. Larger than a coot with long bright pink legs and a
Identification. 18in,
red head-shield and bill; back deep green merging to bright purple-blue on
wings, head and underparts; face and throat washed bright blue; white
feathers below tail. Immature dusky bluish-grey with horn-coloured legs.
Climbs among reeds and papyrus beds in water; shy. In flight dangling red
legs very conspicuous. The Red-knobbed Coot is slaty-black with white
frontal shieldand bill and grey legs. The Moorhen is much smaller with white
flank streaks and green legs.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and local migrant in many parts of East
and Central Africa, but not a common bird. Frequents dense swamps and
papyrus and reed beds, especially where there is an abundant growth of
water-lilies, the buds of which it eats.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and local migrant in East and Central
Africa; common on Rift Valley lakes in East Africa. Frequents lakes and
swamps and dams where there is an abundance of aquatic vegetation and
reed and papyrus beds.
The European Coot ( F. atra), 5in, 38cm, is a winter visitor in
Allied Species. 1
small numbers to the Sudan and Ethiopia, south to northern Kenya. It lacks
the redknobs at the base of the frontal shield and has an ill-defined whitish
wingbar in flight.
FINFOOTS: Heliornithidae
BUSTARDS: Otididae
Large or very large terrestrial birds with three-toed feet and long necks;
mainly buff with dark vermiculations. Frequent open plains, dry bush coun-
try and semi-desert. Gait a stately walk. Behaviour varies, sometimes very
shy, running or crouching at the first sign of danger; at other times completely
fearless of humans. Flight powerful with slow deliberate wing-beats.
then stalling and descending to the ground like a pricked balloon with the
wings held at an angle.
Voice. A long drawn-out whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in dry bush country and open woodlands
through East and Central Africa. It is locally common in the arid bush of the
Northern Frontier Province, Kenya.
Allied Species. The Little Brown Bustard f Heterotctrax liumilis), 1 Sin, 45cm,
is the smallest African bustard, the size of a Yellow-necked Francolin with
buff upperparts and a white belly. It is now a rare bird found locally in arid
bush country in northern Somalia.
the same range as the African Jacana but is much rarer; small size, white wing
patch and lack of frontal shield are best field characters.
Voice. A sharp ‘kruup.’
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs widely in East and Central Africa, local and
uncommon in East Africa but commoner in Zambia. More skulking than
larger relative, inhabiting areas of grass in flooded pans, dams, swamps and
PLOVERS: Charadriidae
The Plovers are small or medium-sized birds of the wading-bird type al-
though some species occur on dry plains. They are more thickset than the
sandpipers and allies, with thicker-looking necks and relatively larger heads.
Distribution and Habitat. A local resident from the southern Sudan, Uganda
and Kenya, southwards to Malawi and Zambia. It frequents lakes and
swamps where there is an abundance of floating vegetation, but in some
localities, for example at Entebbe, Uganda and the Kafue Flats, Zambia, it
may be seen on the shores of rivers and lakes. It is numerous and tame in the
Amboseli National Park, Kenya.
white and grey plumage. The crown is white, there is a black patch on the
mantle and the cheeks and underparts are black. Immature duller with buff
edgings to feathers of upperparts.
Voice. A loud ‘tik, tik, tik, tik’ call, resembling two pieces of metal being
knocked together.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common from southern Kenya to Central
Africa. Occurs on the shores of both fresh and alkaline lakes, swamps and
rivers and also on cultivated land such as ploughed fields.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident in the Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia, south
to Uganda and Kenya. It frequents the vicinity of water and marshes,
preferring areas of short grass. It occurs alongside the Blacksmith Plover in
southern Kenya.
Identification. lOin, 25cm. This is a rather small dry-country plover with pale
greyish-brown upperparts, a black crown with an upturned crest and under-
parts white but cheeks, neck and a streak down middle of breast black; a
small red wattle in front of each eye. Bill red with black tip, legs maroon red.
Voice. A shrill, two or three note whistle, heard usually at dusk or at night.
Identification. 1 lin, 28cm. This species is remarkable for the long pendent
yellow wattles of eyes; plumage brown and white with a white crown
in front
and black shoulders. Wings with long spurs. Immature similar but duller.
Voice. A very noisy plover, uttering a rapid ‘tak, tak, tak, tak, tak, tak.’
Distribution and Habitat. Very localand uncommon south-western Sudan,
northern Uganda and western Tanzania, more frequent Central Africa. This
is a bird of sandbanks in the larger rivers such as the Zambesi, Sabi and
Limpopo. In Tanzania it occurs along the margins of lakes and swamps but is
and head; forehead white; chin white, merging to grey on the throat and black
on the upper breast; remainder underparts white, under wing-coverts white.
From the smaller Senegal Plover it may be distinguished by its white under
wing-coverts which are conspicuous in flight and when the bird raises its
wings on alighting.
Voice. Usual call a loud ‘cee-che'e-chee-reek,’ quite unlike the plaintive
whistle of the Senegal Plover. Often very noisy when its breeding grounds are
Distribution and Habitat. This is a highlands species found usually above
140m. It ranges from the eastern Sudan and Ethiopia to Kenya and
7,000ft, 2,
northern Tanzania. It is an abundant species on the Kinangop Plateau in
Distribution and Habitat. In East Africa the Wattled Plover is a local resident
in the southern Sudan, Uganda and western Kenya and I’anzania south to
Distribution and Habitat. A rare and little-known species which has been
recorded on grassy plains, often in company with the Senegal Plover, in
a common winter visitor and passage migrant in East Africa, less frequent in
Central Africa. In spring plumage black below and mottled silvery-white and
black above. Winter and immature birds have upperparts more uniform
greyish-brown and white below; black axillaries conspicuous in flight in all
waters. It is often found in small flocks on grassy flats along the margins of
inland lakes and is usually tame and without fear of man.
Allied Species. The White-fronted Sand Plover ( C. marginatus ) 5^in, 14cm,
occurs as a breeding bird on sandy parts of the East African coast and
sandbanks of the larger lakes and rivers in Central Africa. It is pale tawny
above with a white forehead; below white with rufous wash on chest and
upper breast. The Ringed Plover (C. hiaticula), l\m, 19cm, is a common
winter visitor to East Africa, rarer in Central Africa. Its black and white
forehead bands, broad black band through eye and black chest band are
distinctive; white wing bar conspicuous in flight; bill orange with black tip;
legs orange-yellow. Immatures have a dusky breast band, often not complete
in front and less black on head. The similar Little Ringed Plover ( C. dubius),
6in, 15cm, has no white wing-bar and its legs are pinkish-flesh, not yellow or
orange. It is a winter visitor to East Africa, mainly on inland waters. The
Kentish Plover ( C. alexandrinus ) 64in, 16cm, is a resident on the coast of the
Red Sea and Somalia, rare southwards. It is similar to a Ringed Plover but
the black chest band is incomplete and the hind half of the crown is pale
the ? chest band mottled grey. Somewhat similar to Mongolian Plover but
inhabits open grassy plains, not tidal flats. A winter visitor to East and
Central Africa; normally in flocks.
Identification. 17in, 43cm. Contrasting black and white plumage, thin black
upturned and blue-grey legs enable this species to be identified with ease.
Immature with brownish dark markings not black. During flight legs extend
beyond tail. Wades in shallow water and feeds gracefully with a side to side
scything motion of its bill; sometimes swims, especially when a hatch of
aquatic insects is in progress. In East Africa sometimes seen in very large
flocks,hundreds and occasionally even thousands strong.
Voice. A loud ‘kleep’ or ‘kloop,’ uttered whilst on the wing.
Distribution and Habitat. Winter visitor and also resident, breeding in small
numbers in East and Central Africa. Avocets frequent both fresh and al-
kaline lakes, exposed mud-flats, estuaries and sand banks. In East Africa
sometimes abundant in winter on lakes Naivasha, Elmenteita and Nakuru
and a regular breeder at Lake Magadi.
Allied Species. The European Oyster-Catcher ( Haemantopus ostralegus),
17in, 43cm, is an uncommon winter visitor to the coast of Kenya and
Tanzania. Its black and white plumage, orange bill and pink legs make it
Identification. 15in, 38cm. Unmistakable: in flight very long pink legs trail
immature and sub-adult birds, black, white and grey. Black undersides of
sharply pointed wings conspicuous in flight.
This very distinctive bird combines the field appearance of a snipe and a rail.
When flushed from thick sedges at the edge of water its slow flight, rounded
buflf-spottedwings and dangling legs give a very rail-like impression. It is
further remarkable in that the $ is more brightly coloured than the S ^ind it is
the $ who initiates courtship and the <3 who incubates and hatches the
Identification. 10- llin, 25-28cm. When flushed dangling legs and rounded
wings (with large round buff spots) present an appearance nearer rails than
SHORinn RDS «5
snipe. $ largerand more brightly coloured with chestnut on back of neck and
throat; white ring around eye, extending as a streak behind eye, conspicuous
when bird observed on the ground. Bill slightly down-curved and reddish-
brown in colour. much paler and greyer.
Voice. Normally silent birds even when flushed, but reputed to utter a
guttural croak and a short trill.
Distribution and Habitat. Found locally in East and Central Africa but
nowhere really common. Frequents swamps, and sedge-lined margins of
lakes and marshes; also areas where there are mudflats overgrown with
marsh grass. Often overlooked unless flushed.
mon Snipe in the field, but upperparts are darker and tail feathers are much
narrower, mainly white without chestnut patches; it also has a slower more
direct flight than the European bird. The Great Snipe is a heavier looking
bird with a relatively short bill and conspicuous white spots on the wing-
coverts. In the hand the African Snipe may be recognised by its white belly
and tail of 16 feathers, the outer ones being narrow and mainly white.
Voice. Usually a silent bird, sometimes uttering a rasping Tssp’ when flushed.
In the breeding season it utters a constantly repeated ‘chok, chqk, chok,
chok.’ In diving flight during courtship display produces a vibrating drum-
ming sound.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident, local and largely confined to higher
The Coursers and Pratincoles are small or medium-sized birds allied to the
Plovers with relatively short arched bills. In the Coursers the hind toe is
absent and the birds resemble small, long-legged plovers. Pratincoles have
short legs and possess a hind toe; their field appearance is somewhat tern-like
and like terns they are found near water, while coursers inhabit arid areas and
Voice. A metallic piping call usually uttered as the bird takes wing; otherwise
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in East and Central Africa but
subject to localmovements. It frequents short grass areas such as open plains
and aerodromes, and is attracted to such places after a grass fire.
Allied Species. The Cream-coloured Courser (C. cursor), 9in, 23cm, is a
resident in Ethiopia, Somalia and south to central Kenya. It occurs in arid,
semi-desert country. The Violet-tipped Courser ( Rhinoptilus chalcoplcrus)
12in, 30cm, is similar in general appearance to a Crowned Plover but has a
more upright stance and on the throat and below the
the blackish patches
eyes distinguish it. It is mainly nocturnal and is often seen on roads at night. It
is a very local resident in East and Central Africa, often spasmodic in its
20cm. Mottled black and buff above, pale buff below with
Identification. 8in,
two conspicuous black bands across the chest. Immature similar but paler
and greyer.
Voice. A weak piping call.
Identification. lOin, 25cm. A tern-like brown bird with a long forked tail,
white rump and sealing-wax red base to the bill; legs black and short; throat
warm buff with narrow black border. Immature duller and has breast band of
narrow dusky streaks. Flight erraticand tern-like; chestnut under wings
conspicuous in flight. The Madagascar Pratincole lacks the black collar
around throat and has much shorter outer tail feathers. The White-collared
Pratincole is a smaller bird with a white collar round back of neck. Gre-
garious and may often be seen hawking insects like huge swallows over or
near water.
Voice. Noisy in flight, birds in flocks keeping up a harsh, rather tern-like
‘keeyak’ or a rapid chattering call.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in East and Central Africa. Fre-
quents lakes and other inland waters but uncommon on coast. Much subject
movements and in Sudan and Ethiopia, and perhaps further south,
to local
numbers augmented during winter months by visitors from Europe. Nearly
always in flocks.
Allied Species.The Black-winged Pratincole (G. norcimatmi) differs only in
having under wing-coverts and axillaries black not chestnut. Recorded only
in Sudan and Ethiopia, rare. The much shorter-tailed Madagascar Pratincole
( G. ocularis) ,9 24cm, occurs as a non-breeding visitor to coastal districts
of East Africa, mainly along the Kenya coast between Mombasa and Lamu
where in some years it may be observed in large flocks. Distinguished from
the Pratincole by its lack of the thin black collar round throat. The White-
collared Pratincole ( Galachrysia nuchalis). Sin, 20cm, also lacks the black
throat collar, but has a white collar round back of neck. It is a very local little
bird associated with rocks on lakes and rivers in East and Central Africa. It
may be seen on rocks off Entebbe, Uganda, and on the Zambezi in Central
The Gulls and Terns are medium-sized or larger swimming birds, (iulls are
more robust and wider-winged than the Terns with slightly hooked bills; tails
usually square or rounded; gregarious. Terns are more slender and graeeful
than gulls and usually have forked tails; also gregarious.
plumaged Black-headed Gulls have the primaries mainly black with a longi-
tudinal white streak.
Voice. Normally silent except at nesting colonies when utter series of loud
cackling calls.
Allied Species. The European Lesser Black-backed Gull (L. fuscus), 22in,
56cm, is an uncommon winter visitor to East and Central Africa, most
frequent on inland waters. The adult has blackish-grey upperparts and
yellow legs; the immaturemottled brown and has pale brown legs. The
Identification. 17-1 Sin,43-46cm. This is the common gull along the East
African coast. Above dark greyish-brown on mantle, head and throat; hind
neck with a white collar; below brownish on chest and flanks, rest white; bill
green with black and red tip; legs dusky olive. The much rarer White-eyed
Gull is smaller with a blackish head, a white eye-ring and a red, black-tipped
East Africa. A common species in harbours along the East African coast and
atAden. Nests on offshore islands. The birds often compete with kites for
visitor to the Sudan but is rare further south. It is greyish-black with white
under wing-coverts in summer, and in winter dress may be distinguished by
black patch on each side of the breast. The Little Tern (Sterna alhifrons
23cm, is a winter visitor and passage migrant in East Africa on both inland
and coastal waters. It is pale grey above with a black cap and white forehead;
bill yellow with black tip, feet yellow. The Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon
nilotica), 15in, 38cm, is thickset with pale grey upperparts and a stout black
bill. Crown black in summer plumage, white with indistinct grey streaks in
possible the species nests in East Africa, perhaps in the Lake Rudolf (Tur-
kana) region where it is common and in
plumage in summer. The Caspian
Tern Hydroprogne tschegrave ) 21 in, 53cm, occurs along the East African
coast and also on inland waters; rare in Zambia. It occurs in breeding dress
throughout the summer on Lake Rudolf (Turkana), Kenya, but nesting has
not been confirmed. This very large tern has a heavy bright orange-red bill;
cap black in summer, heavily streaked black in winter. The Lesser Crested
Tern ( Sterna bengalensis ) Min, 36cm, and the slightly larger Swift Tern ( S.
bergii), Min, 48cm, both occur on the East African coast. The former has an
orange-yellow bill, the latter a lemon-yellow bill. Both often associate at rest
with Sooty Gulls. The White-cheeked Tern ( S. repressa), 13in, 33cm, is a
marine species which nests on islands off the East African coast. It is medium
grey, including the underparts, with a black cap and a broad white streak
below the eye to the nape; bill black to dusky red towards base; tail strongly
forked and outer tail feathers long and slender. The Roseate Tern ( S.
dougallii), 15in, 38cm, which also nests on offshore islands in East Africa has
rosy-white underparts, whiter appearance and long white tail streamers. The
European Common Tern (S. hirundo), Min, 35cm, is a spasmodic visitor
along the East African coast. It is paler grey than the White-cheeked Tern
and white below. Other marine terns which sometimes turn up along the East
African coast are the Noddy (Anous stolidus), 16in, 40cm, which is sooty-
brown above and below with a grey cap, the Sooty Tern ( Sterna fuscata )
16in, 40cm, blackish-brown above with a white forehead and underparts and
the Bridled Tern ( S. anaethetus) Min, 35cm, a similar species which may be
SANDGROUSE: Pteroclididae
Pterocles exustus Plate 13
Sudan, Ethiopia and northern Somalia. It also possesses long central tail
feathers. Both sexes may be distinguished from the Chestnut-bellied Sand-
grouse in having bright orange-buff throats and in the S the lack of a black
chest band.
on face and throat (^) and broad white band across chest are good field
characters. This is a rather small, stumpy-looking sandgrouse; less gre-
garious than other species, but does form flocks when flighting to water in the
early morning and often associated with Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse.
Voice. A series of chuckling whistles of three notes ‘chucker, chucker,
chucker.’ Also utters a series of short notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident through Somalia and eastern Ethiopia
through Kenya to central Tanzania. Inhabits dry thorn-bush areas and semi-
desert scrub. Locally common in the Tsavo National Park, Kenya.
Allied Species. Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse (P. lic/itcnstcinii ) lin, 28cm, is
deep buff unspotted neck and buff, chestnut, white and black bands across
the chest in the J, a white throat and orange buff neck and chest in the $. It
occurs in the Sudan, southern Ethiopia, northern Uganda and north-western
Kenya. Both it and Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse flight to water at dusk, even
arriving after dark. The Double-banded Sandgrouse (P. hicinctus), lOin,
25cm, has two distinct narrow bands, white and black, across the chest in the
d', and both sexes have black and white barred bellies. It occurs in dry
Pterocles gutturalis Plate 13
Voice. Guttural calls ‘guttar, guttar, guttar,’ not unlike calls of Chestnut-
bellied Sandgrouse but louder and harsher.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and partial intra-African migrant in
Ethiopia southwards to Central Africa. This species frequents open grassy
plains, such as the Athi Plains in Kenya and the Serengeti Plains in northern
Tanzania, but sometimes seen in open acacia country. Flights to drink in
early mornings, often in large flocks. Often spasmodic in its appearances in
many localities in East Africa; in some years abundant, in others absent.
Medium-sized, plump birds with small rounded heads and the base of the bill
swollen; flight rapid. Many species have characteristic deep cooing calls. The
terms ‘dove’ and ‘pigeon’ are used loosely to indicate size, the smaller species
being called doves, the larger pigeons.
SPECKLED PIGEON Columha guinea Plate 13
rarer White-naped Pigeon has the back of the head white, not grey, and the
bill and feet red, not yellow.
Voice. A deep,
quavering double coo, followed by other cooing notes.
Distribution and Habitat. An extremely rare pigeon with a restricted distri-
bution in Zaire and adjacent areas in western Uganda. It is most frequent in
the Bwamba Forest on the western side of the Ruwenzori mountains. It can
usually be seen at the Mongiro hot springs which it visits to drink.
uniform blackish slate with a white collar across the back of the nape and
neck from ear to ear. This is a little-known bird inhabiting remote cliffs and
gorges in northern and central Ethiopia.
AFEP PIGEON Coliimha imicincta Plate 13
Identification. 13in, A
dark grey forest pigeon; S
33cm. a broad white
patch on the base ofthe hindneck; $ without this white patch but with a pale
rufous head and greenish-rufous on the hindneck. It is a shy and elusive
species, often overlooked.
Voice. A distinctive 'coo-co-coo, coo, coo, coo, coo.’
Distribution and Habitat. Ranges from the southern Sudan south through
Uganda and Kenya to Tanzania and Malawi. Inhabits mountain forests;
uncommon and local. In East Africa it is perhaps most frequent in the forests
of Mt Kenya. Its flight is swift and direct.
dark grey dove with a chestnut patch on the side of each wing and a black
patch on each side of the neck.
Voice. A deep four-note 'coo, coo, coo, coo.’
Distribution and Habitat. This is a high altitude species, found in or near
forested areas. It occurs in the Sudan and Ethiopia southwards through
Uganda and Kenya Malawi and Zambia. In East Africa it is a common
species on the South Kinangop, the Aberdare Mts and around’ Nairobi,
Identification. 1 lin, 28cm. A rather pale grey dove with a pink flush over the
underparts; basal half of the outer tail feathers black; black collar on hind
neck; bare skin around eyes carmine; iris pinkish-white. The similar but
smaller, greyer Ring-necked Dove has a very dark brown eye and has a quite
different call.
Voice. A deep growling ‘garoow’followed sometimes by shorter notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs locally in acacia woodland in East and
Central Africa, especially stands of acacias along rivers. Its pale eye and
distinctive call are good field characters.
Identification. 8^in, 2 1 cm. A very small dove with a long tail; sexes unalike. S
with black face, throat and chest; upperparts greyish-brown, greyer on the
crown; belly white. ? lacks black on face, throat and chest. In flight wings
show much cinnamon-rufous. Immature like $ but with rufous, black and
white spotted upperparts. The long graduated tail ensures easy identification.
Voice. Normally silent; utters a weak ‘koo, koo’ when breeding.
Distribution and Habitat. Common resident in East and Central Africa.
Frequents arid and semi-desert bush country, acacia stands, especially in
sandy areas, and open dry woodlands.
having a bright yellow breast and abdomen. It occurs in the Sudan, Ethiopia,
northern Uganda and northern Kenya, in relatively arid regions especially
along dry water-courses where there are fig trees.
PARROTS: Psittacidae
This group of vividly coloured birds with large heads and powerfully
is a
hooked bills. First and tourlh toes are directed backwards; llight rapid and
direct with short wing-beats. Many species are noisy uttering loud squawking
and screeching calls.
orange wash. She is best identified by the associated S. The species is almost
always seen in pairs or family groups. Imm.ature birds resemble the adult 9 -
with green, with a yellow band across the crown and a blue or green rump;
underparts green. The somewhat similar Brown-headed Parrot has no yellow
on the crown. The Yellow-fronted Parrot of Ethiopia has the crown and
cheeks yellow.
Voice. A series of harsh parrot-type squawks.
Distribution and Habitat.Widespread and often common in East and Central
Africa, but distribution patchy and birds often absent from apparently
suitable localities.
Allied Species.The Brown-headed Parrot ( P. cryptoxanthus) lOin, 25cm, is
all green with a greyish-brown head; no yellow on crown. In East Africa
mainly a coastal bird found in mangroves along the Kenya coast; it also
occurs in Tanzania and Malawi south to the Zambesi. In Malawi it occurs in
acacia woodland. The rare and little-known Niam-Niam Parrot ( P. crassus),
1 lin, 28cm, which occurs in the south-western Sudan is very similar but has
the greyish-brown of the head extended on to the chest; eye red. The Yellow-
fronted Parrot ( P. flavifrons) another green parrot but with
lOin, 25cm, is
bright yellow crown and cheeks. It is known only from northern and central
Ethiopia. The Rose-ringed Parrakeet (Psittacula krameri), 14in, 36cm, is a
long-tailed parrot, yellowish-green with a bluish-grey nape, a dull red half
collar and a black throat. The $ lacks the black throat. It occurs in the
southern Sudan and northern Uganda, in open savannah woodland and
stands of acacia. A small billed race is also found in northern districts of
Ethiopia and Somalia.
Identification. 5in, 13cm. Plumage bright green with forehead and throat
bright red; rump blue; tail tomato red with subterminal black bar and green
tips, central tail feathers green; bill red. 9 similar but red on head and throat
Agapornis personata Plate 16
Agapornis swinderniana Plate 16
Identification. 5in, 1 3cm. A green lovebird with a black and orange collar on
the hindneck; rump blue; tail red at base, a black subterminal band and green
tips; below yellowish-green with an orange wash on the chest.
Voice. Subdued twittering calls, softer and less sustained than other love-
Distribution and Habitat. A West
African and Zaire species which just enters
the East African area in the Bwamba forest in western Uganda. It is a rain
forest species which feeds mainly upon fig seeds.
TURACOS: Musophagidae
thick crest and a bright blood-red patch on the nape and hindneck; flight
feathers mainly crimson.
Voice. A far-reaching, croaking Taw, kaw, kaw, kaw’ but less vocal than
many other species of turacos.
and wooded areas along
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident in forested
the Kenya and Tanzania coast, from the Tana River to Tanga and the
Usambara Mts; also resident on Zanzibar Island. Common in the Shimba
Hills National Park, Kenya.
Identification. 28-30in, 71 -76cm. This is the finest and largest of the turacos.
Upperparts and throat verditer-blue, breast pale apple green, abdomen
chestnut; no red in wings; tail very long, pale greenish-yellow with a wide
black terminal band; head with rounded black crest; bill orange-red and
yellow. This tree-top species frequently fans and closes its tail, rendering itself
most conspicuous.
Voice. A series of loud croaking 'kok, kok, kok, kok, kok’ calls terminating in
a series of bubbling croaks.
Distribution and Habitat. A
West African species which extends eastwards to
the southern Sudan, Uganda and western Kenya. It is a forest species, most
frequent in the great Zaire forests. It also occurs in strips of riverine forest
and sometimes into savannah woodland near forest margins.
Voice. Very noisy birds, uttering a variety of loud cackling or laughing call
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common resident in Sudan, Ethiopia,
Uganda, western Kenya and Tanzania. Inhabits savannah woodlands, culti-
vation where there are trees and riverine vegetation. Usually in small noisy
WHITE-BELLIED GO-AWAY-BIRD Corythaixoides leucogaster
Plate 15
Identification. 20in, 51cm. This is a grey, black and white dry country turaco
without red in the wings. It is a very noticeable bird with its long tail,
pronounced crest and white belly; black tips to wing coverts, forming black
bars across the wings.
Voice. A very loud and penetrating sheep-like bleating call ‘gaarr, warrrr'
which has been rendered ‘go awayaaaa’ - hence the bird’s common name.
Distribution and Habitat. A local resident, often common, from the southern
Sudan and central Ethiopia and Somalia, south through Uganda, Kenya and
the northern half of Tanzania. Inhabits dry thorn-bush country and belts of
acacia woodland and riverine acacias.
Allied Species. The Common Go-Away-Bird ( C. concolor), 19in, 48cm, is an
entirely grey bird with a pronounced crest and long tail. It occurs from
southern Tanzania south through Malawi and Zambia to South Africa, in
dry woodlands.
The Cuckoos are medium-sized, slim birds with long tails;one of their chief
external characters is that their first and fourth toes are directed backwards.
Most species are parasitic in their breeding habits, laying their eggs in the
nests of foster parents. However, the Coucals and Green Coucal or Yellow-
bill ( Centropus and Ceuthmochares) build their own nests and rear their own
R E D - C H E S 4’ E I) CUCKOO Cuculus solitarius Plate 14
East and Central Africa. It is partial to stands of acacia trees, riverine forest
and coastal scrub. The Great Spotted Cuckoo (C. glamiarius) is a scarce
resident in East and Central Africa and also a Palearctic winter visitor and
passage migrant. Length 16in, 41cm, greyish-brown above boldly spotted
with white; head crested; chest and belly white; tail long and graduated with
white tips. Immature with crown black and primaries chestnut. The well-
known European Cuckoo (C. canorus), 13in, 33cm, is a common winter
visitor and passage migrant. The African Cuckoo ( C. gularis) may be
distinguished from the European bird by a conspicuous yellow base to bill
and complete white bars, not spots, across tail. Occurs locally in East and
Central Africa. The Lesser Cuckoo ( C. poliocephalus) is much smaller, lOin,
26cm, and occurs as a migrant in Zambia, Tanzania and eastern Kenya. The
Black and White Cuckoo (C.jacohums), 13in, 33cm, is a crested species with
black upperparts and a short white wing-bar which is noticeable in flight;
underparts variable, white, greyish or washed buff in immature birds.
Levaillant’s Cuckoo ( C. levaillantii) Min, 36cm, is similar but may be
distinguished by its whitish underparts and heavy black streaking on throat
and chest. A melanistic phase also occurs which can be recognised in the field
only on size. Both occur locally in East and Central Africa. The Thick-billed
Cuckoo ( Pachycoccyx audeberti), Min, 36cm, is a large-billed, long-tailed
cuckoo, dark grey above, white below; tail white-tipped. Everywhere very
uncommon, usually in Brachystegia woodland and often associated with
wood-hoopoes and helmet shrikes.
EMERALD CUCKOO Chrysococcyx cupreus ^ Plate 14
Identification. 9in, 23cm. Although the S one of the most brightly coloured
birds in Africa and the species is widespread, the Emerald Cuckoo is far
oftener heard than seen. The S is brilliant metallic green all over, including
wings and tail, except for the lower breast and belly which are bright canary
yellow. The 9 has the upperparts metallic green with rufous bars and the
underparts are white, barred dark metallic green. It is much darker below
than the allied Didric and Klaas’ Cuckoos.
Voice. A loud clear whistle, ‘choo, choo - too, wee,’ which can be rendered as
‘Hello Georgie.’
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and intra-African migrant throughout
most of East and Central Africa. Although mainly a forest tree-top bird it
occurs also in scrub, acacia woodlands and coastal thickets. It is not an easy
bird to observe and its presence is usually revealed only when the S is calling:
at other times it is easily overlooked.
Identification. 7^in, 19cm. A metallic green cuckoo with mainly white under-
parts; above metallic green with coppery gloss; tail mainly blackish with
round white spots on the outer feathers. $ more heavily washed rufous-
copper above and mottled rufous on underparts. Klaas’ Cuckoo is smaller
and greener and has white outer tail feathers with a few black markings. The
Didric Cuckoo is parasitic upon weaver-birds and it is most in evidence where
weaver colonies exist.
Voice. A plaintive whistle ‘dee, dee, dee, DEE, dric.’
Identification. 6^in, 16cm. A small bright green cuckoo with very white
underparts and a patch of green on each side of the chest; outer tail feathers
white with a few black markings. The Didric Cuckoo has black outer tail
feathers spotted with white.The ? Klaas’ Cuckoo is bronze-brown above
with some green bars; underparts washed buff with sparse dark brown
barring. Immature similar but more heavily barred green above.
Voice. A series of plaintive two or three note whistles, repeated slowly at
intervals, ‘twee-teu' or ‘too-hee-tee.’
Distribution and Habitat. A commonand partial intra-African mi-
grant, in East Africa and Malawi present throughout the year, in Zambia and
southwards most records are between October and April. Frequents a variety
of habitats from forests and forest margins, woodland, bush country and
acacia stands to coastal thickets. It is often much in evidence in fruiting fig
trees. Its white outer tail feathers are conspicuous in flight and if the green
colour of the plumage is not seen clearly the bird can be mistaken for a honey-
Allied Species. The Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx fiavi-
gularis), 7in, 18cm, is bronzy-green above; throat with broad yellow streak
bordered with green; breast and belly barred green and pale brown. $ has
sides of face and underparts pale brown, barred dark green. A West African
forest species, in East Africa known only from the Bwamba Forest, western
birds with an awkward floundering flight when flushed out of cover. One’s
impression is a mainly chestnut-plumaged bird with a long broad tail. The
present species may be recognised by a wide whitish stripe over the eye and in
having the crown and hindneck earth-brown, the latter streaked creamy-
white. Eye ruby-red, conspicuous at close quarters.
Voice. A very distinctive bubbling call, which has been likened to water being
poured out of a bottle, and which has given rise to a common name for this
species - ‘water-bottle bird.’
Distribution and Habitat. A locally common resident in East and Central
Africa. Inhabits grassy bush country, areas of rank undergrowth, coastal
scrub and similar thick cover. Uncommon in thickets of papyrus and other
swamp vegetation inhabited by the Blue-headed and Black Coucals.
Allied Species. The Blue-headed Coucal (C. monachus), 18in, 4^cm, has a
dark chestnut back and a shiny navy-blue crown and nape. It occurs in thick
cover near or over water in East Africa. The Black Coucal ( C. grillii), 15in,
38cm, is also confined to swamps and marshes, uncommon in East Africa but
locally common in Central Africa. S in breeding plumage oily-black, $ and
non-breeding d' streaked tawny and black. The black are conspicuous
sitting on some vantage perch over the swamp vegetation.
no CUCKOOS and'owls
SENEGAL COUCAL Centropus senegalensis ^ Plate 14
13in, 33cm, is a slim greenish-grey coucal with a long broad tail and a
conspicuous yellow bill. Instead of living in undergrowth it is a skulker
amongst creepers and dense foliage of forest trees and is often overlooked
unless one hears its distinctive calls. These are a series of harsh clicking notes
culminating in a devilish chuckling scream; it also utters a querulous ‘oo -
weee,’ not unlike a kite’s call note. It is local and uncommon in East and
Central Africa.
OWLS: Strigidae
and immediately below roofs. Nocturnal; feeds almost entirely upon rats and
Allied Species. The Cape Grass Owl (T. capensis), 13in, 33cm, may be
distinguished from the Barn Owl by its blackish-brown upperparts, which
may or may not be peppered with white. This is a very uncommon bird in East
and Central Africa which frequents open moorland and extensive marshes,
usually at high altitudes. Like the Barn Owl it is nocturnal and also preys
upon small rodents. In Kenya it is most frequently encountered on the
moorlands ol Mt Kenya and the Aberdare Mts, the South Kinangop plateau
and marshes in the highlands of western Kenya.
Identification. Min, 36cm. Short ear tufts present. Often starts hunting,
quartering the ground manner, before dusk. This bird is a
in a harrier-like
dark brown and buff edition of the European Short-eared Owl which is an
uncommon winter visitor to northern parts of East Africa. Upperparts rather
dark brown with slight buff mottling; below whitish, heavily mottled dull
brown and buff.
Voice. Sometimes produces a hoarse croaking note, but generally a silent
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident East and Central Africa. Frequents
open moorlands, grasslands, swamps and marshes.
Allied Species. The Abyssinian Long-eared Owl ( A. abyssmicus) Sin, 46cm, 1
resembles a larger edition of the European Long-eared Owl and has the same
upright stance. Sooty-brown with some buff markings; below blotched and
barred dark brown and white on a buff ground; ear-tufts well developed. A
rare and little-known owl recorded from the highlands of Ethiopia, Mt
Kenya in Kenya and the Ruwenzori mountains in western Uganda.
Voice. A mournful ‘hu, hu, hu, hu, hu, hu, hu’ in ascending scale.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in many parts of East and Central
Africa. It frequents wooded water courses, acacia and Brachystegia wood-
lands and bush and savannah country. In Kenya it is more than usually
common in the Amboseli National Park and the Samburu Game Reserve.
Allied Species. Pel’s Fishing Owl (Scotopelia peli), 25-30in, 64— 76cm, in-
habits wooded and forested water-courses where there is thick cover; feeds on
fish. Head large and plumage lax, bright rufous-buff barred and spotted with
dark brown. It is a rare bird in East Africa, most frequent on the Tana and
Mara rivers in Kenya, but commoner and more widespread along the larger
rivers and swamps of Central Africa.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in many parts of East and Central
Africa. Occurs in dry bush country, savannah woodlands, acacia stands and
riverine vegetation.
Allied Species. The Red-chested Owlet 20cm, has
(G. teplironofum ) Sin,
umber-brown upperparts, a white collar on the hindneck and rufous-brown
chest and flanks. It is known from the Kakamega Forest and Mt Elgon in
western Kenya and the forests of western Uganda. The Barred Owlet (G.
capense ) ,9in, 23cm, differs from the Pearl-spotted Owlet in having the breast
barred rich brown, not streaked. It occurs in bush and wooded country, often
along rivers, in eastern Kenya, Tanzania and Central Africa; uncommon.
Pale desert races of the Little Owl ( Athene noctua), lOin, 25cm, occur in the
Sudan, northern Ethiopia and Somalia. They resemble a larger, paler edition
of the Pearl-spotted Owlet but with a shorter tail. They live in holes in termite
Identification. 7in, 1 8cm. This tiny owl may be recognised by the combination
of very small size and well-developed ear Plumage finely vermiculated
pale grey, or rarely rufous, with heavier brov/n and white markings; black
and white markings on breast. The Pearl-spotted Owlet is larger, lacks ear
tufts and has a longer tail, and the underparts are white with brown streaks,
not vermiculated. The European Scops Owl is a winter visitor to East Africa.
Voice. The call of the African Scops Owl is one of the characteristic sounds of
the African night, a soft two note ‘kee- 00 run together to sound as one note.
Distribution and Habitat. Common in many parts of East and Central Africa,
frequenting bush country, acacia belts along dry river beds, savannah wood-
land and localities where there are baobab trees.
Allied Species. The White-faced Scops Owl ( O. leucotis), lOfin, 27cm, has a
conspicuous white facial disc bordered black on each side, long black-tipped
ear tufts and brilliant orange eyes; below whitish with rather narrow dark
streaks. This is a local species in East and Central Africa; it occurs in
woodland and bush and acacia country. Its call is distinctive, a rather dove-
II4 OWLS AND nightjars .
NIGHTJARS: Caprimulgidae
These are nocturnal insectivorous birds with small weak bills but huge gapes,
large eyes, tiny feet and long wings. Plumage of ‘dead-leaf pattern which
gives excellent camouflage when the bird is resting during the day.
Ethiopia and Somalia south to southern Kenya. It inhabits arid bush country
and semi-desert areas.
Allied Species. The European Nightjar ( C. europaeus), 10-1 lin, 25-28cm, is
a common winter visitor and passage migrant in East Africa, less frequent in
Central Africa. Best recognised by black streaks in middle of back, white tips
to the two outer pairs of tail feathers, white spots (buff in 9) to three outer
flight feathers and lack of a rufous collar on hindneck. The Fiery-necked
Nightjar ( C. pectoralis), 9|in, 24cm, is warm vinous-brown with bold black
and buff markings, a broad rufous collar on hindneck and rufous extending
to sides of neck; apical third of outer tail feathers white. It has a beautiful
liquid call, ‘too, dee - he, he, heeer,’ repeated slowly over and over again. It
occurs locally in Uganda, Tanzania and Central Africa along roads through
forest, open woodland and thick bush country.
Identification. 9^in, 24cm. Best field characters for this species are very dusky
plumage and white two outer pairs of tail feathers. These tail feathers have
dusky outer webs but when the bird is in llighl they appear entirely white.
Rufous collar on hindneck.
Voice. A plaintive, drawn-out ‘pee, 000 wee,’ not unlike the call of a grey
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and partial migrant south-eastern
Sudan and Ethiopia south through highland areas Uganda and Kenya to
Tanzania and the Nyika Plateau Malawi and Zambia. Normally occurs in
areas over 5,000ft, 1,530m. Inhabits forest edges, bush, woodland and culti-
vated areas.
Allied Species. The Dusky Nightjar (C. fraenatus), lOin, 25cm, is a dusky
nightjar boldly mottled blackish-brown and with orange-buff spots on back
and wing coverts and a rufous collar on hindneck. It differs from the
Abyssinian Nightjar in having broad white tips to the outer tail feathers; in $
Dusky Nightjar tail tips are greyish. Local resident in East Africa south to
Tanzania. The White-tailed Nightjar (C. natalensis) 9|in, 24cm, has the
apical half of the tail and the upperparts handsomely mottled
feathers white
orange-buff and black. It is a species associated with water, found near
swamps, marshes and streams. It is a local resident and partial migrant in
western Kenya and Uganda south to Zambia. The Plain Nightjar ( C. in-
ornatus), 9in, 23cm, has rather a small head and slim appearance; upperparts
grey or buffy-grey without conspicuous spots. Best field characters are lack of
white patch on throat and reduction or absence of white spots on primaries;
outer tail feathers broadly tipped white or grey in $. It occurs locally in East
Africa in arid areas. The Star-spotted Nightjar ( C. stellatus), 9in, 23cm, is
Caprimulgus donaldsoni Plate 20
Identification. 7in, 18cm, This species is so much smaller than other species
that size is its best field character. It is rich rufous, more rarely grey, in general
colour with dark brown and cream markings; bright rufous collar on hind-
neck; wing coverts and breast spotted creamy-white; two outer pairs of tail
feathers with broad white tips and white spots on four outer flight feathers.
Voice. A series of short churring calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident Ethiopia and Somalia south through
Kenya to north-eastern Tanzania. A bird of bush and arid bush country,
locally common in parts of eastern and northern Kenya.
Allied Species. The Freckled Nightjar ( C. tristigma), lin, 28cm, is a large, 1
heavily built nightjar with a noticeably large head; it is associated with rocky
outcrops. dark and uniformly-coloured withourthe cream-coloured
It is
another large and dark nightjar but with more buff spotting which is found in
West African type rain forest. In East Africa it is known only from the
Bwamba Forest, western Uganda.
long and strongly graduated, the central feathers projecting \-\ in, 1 2-25mm,
beyond others; outer web of two pairs outer tail feathers white.
Voice. An even, rather slow ‘tok, tok, tok, tok, tok.’
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in Ethiopia and Somalia, south through
Kenya to northern Tanzania. Frequents arid and semi-arid bush country and
often concentrated along rivers and near swamps and marshes. Perhaps the
commonest nightjar to be found in Kenya.
Allied Species. The Long-tailed Nightjar (C. climacurus), 1H-I7in,
29-43cm, is very similar to the Mozambique Nightjar but has a much longer
tail in the S, the central feathers protruding up to 6in, 18cm, beyond the
others. Ranges from the Sudan south through northern and western Uganda,
in bush and savannah woodland; call a prolonged soft churr. The Gaboon
Nightjar (C. fossil), lOin, 25cm, also resembles the Mozambique Nightjar
but not graduated, but square or sometimes even slightly forked. It
its tail is
has a clucking call. Ranges from Uganda and western Kenya south to
Central Africa.
SWIFTS: Apodidae
Identification. 83in, 22cm. A very large brown and white swift with a wing-
span of 21 in, 53cm; easily recognised by its white underparts and brown
chest band.
Voice. A loud trill.
Distribution and Habitat. In East Africa breeds on cliff's on Mt Kenya and the
Ruwenzori Mts, western Uganda. Elsewhere a non-breeding visitor. In the
Kenya Highlands it is to be seen flying low in the wake of thunderstorms.
Identification. 6in, 15cm. Plumage sooty brown with whitish throat; tail
rather short, forked. The Black Roughwing Swallow is black with a very long
forked tail and has a characteristic swallow flight. Horus and White-rumped
Swifts have white rumps. The European Swift and Mouse-coloured Swift are
larger; both are difficult to distinguish in the field, but are not associated with
inland cliffs as is the Nyanza Swift.
Voice. A typical swift-type screech at nesting cliffs.
tral Africa. In Kenya recorded from Ml Kenya and the Aberdare Mis, from
the Cherengani Mts and Ml Elgon in weslern Kenya; in Uganda il occurs on
iheRuwenzori range and in soulh-weslern Kigezi. This is a highlands species
which flies high, seen only when Ihunder-slorms or cloud force ihem lo fly
lower lhan usual.
Identification. Sin,3cm. A black swifl with a square, not forked, tail, a white
rump and a white patch on the chin. The Horus and White-rumped Swifts
have forked tails.
Voice. A shrill, sharp twittering call, usually when flying in flocks around
nesting sites.
Identification. 53in, 14cm. A slimly built black swift with a sharply contrast-
ing white rump and white throat patch; tail deeply forked and the outer pairs
of tail feathers long and slender. The Horus Swift also has a white rump and a
white throat but has the tail less deeply forked and the outer tail feathers are
broad, not attenuated.
Voice. Low twittering call, less shrill than most swifts.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in East and Central Africa; a
partial migrant some areas.
in When breeding it takes over the mud nests of
swallows, unlike the Horus Swift which nests in tunnels in earth banks and
the Little Swift which builds its nests of airborne debris. Occurs in the vicinity
of nesting swallows and often over inland swamps and lakes.
Identification. 6in, 1 5cm. A thickset black swift with a white rump, forked tail
and white on the throat extending on to the chest and forehead; tail not so
deeply forked as White-rumped Swift and outer pairs of tail feathers broad,
not attenuated.
Voice. A shrill, twittering scream, usually when in flocks at nesting colony.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident migrant from the Sudan
and partial
and Ethiopia southwards to Central Africa and South Africa. Breeds in
colonies in holes excavated in earth or sandy banks of rivers or cliff's. Aerial,
often seen over water and in the wake of thunderstorms.
120 swifts'
PALM SWIFT Cypsiurus parvus
Plate 21
Identification. Sin, 1 3cm. A very slim swift with slender wings; tail deeply
forked and outer pairs of tail feathers attenuated. Pale greyish-brown, in-
distinctly paler on throat. Slim build and greyish-brown plumage render it
easy to identify.
Voice. A very high-pitched twittering call on the wing. uttered
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in East and Central Africa in
suitable habitats where palms exist. Associated with various kinds of palms
coconut palm, borassus and dom palms in which it nests. It is especially
common along the East African coast and in Malawi.
Identification. 4|in, 1 l^cm. A glossy blue-black swift with a white rump and
white upper tail coverts which reach almost to the tip of the tail; underparts,
throat and chest blue-black, breast, belly and under tail coverts white.
Voice. A high pitched call similar to that of a Palm Swift.
Distribution and Habitat. This is a rare West African and Congo forest swift,
in East Africa known from the Kakamega Forest, western Kenya, and the
Budongo and Bwamba Forests in western Uganda. It flies high over the tree-
tops and is attracted low only when termites or some other food supply is on
the wing near ground level.
Telacanthura ussheri Plate 21
Identification. 4in, 10cm. A very small species of spinetail with a very short
wings strongly angled and flight bat-like. Plumage blackish with a white
the vicinity of baobab trees in which it nests. It is a very uncommon and local
species known from Kenya and Tanzania south to Malawi and Zambia and
Identification. 6in, 15cm. Not unlike a large edition of Boehm’s Spinetail and
like that species tail very short; wings notched and flight erratic and bat-like.
Narrow white band across rump and white belly. A forest species which
normally flies high but visits forest pools for drinking.
Voice. Not recorded.
Distribution and Habitat. In East Africa known only from the Budongo
Forest and other forested areas in western Uganda. Uncommon and little-
The Mousebirds are a family endemic to Africa. Among their characters they
are able to move the outer toes backwards or forwards; claws strong and
hooked, adapted for climbing branches; plumage hair-like and lax; tail long
and slender, graduated, composed of ten stiff feathers; bill thick and rather
finch-like; usually found in small flocks or family parties. Their habit of
climbing and running about amongst branches with their long tails pointed
downwards gives them a very rodent-like appearance.
Voice. A series of short twittering call notes and a harsher single or double
TROGONS: Trogonidae
The Trogons are medium-sized forest birds with long broad plum-tails, soft
age, brilliantly green above, vivid red on the belly; their first and second toes
turned backwards. Although so brightly coloured they are easily overlooked
as they remain motionless when settled.
usually single or in pairs; sometimes they are members of mixed arboreal bird
parties. The Bar-tailed Trogon is smaller and darker and has the outer tail
feathers barred black and white.
Voice. A rather dove-like, soft ‘coo, coo’ repeated over and over again. The S
raises and lowers the tail as it calls and this movement often gives away the
bird’s whereabouts.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally distributed in forested or thickly wooded
areas throughout most of Africa. In East Africa occurs in rain forest, riverine
forest, coastal bush and woodland and dry highland forest. In Central Africa
1 I-: RS I 23
Identification. 1 28cm. Smaller than Narina’s Trogon and darker with the
1 in,
head and throat bluish-black washed with bronzy-green; chest violet and
green; breast and belly deep scarlet; tail bluish-black, the three outer pairs of
feathers barred black and white. $ has the head, throat and chest brown,
otherwise similar to the S-
Voice. A series of clear double whistles 'klu, klu.'
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in damp mountain forests in East Africa,
Zambia and Malawi. Much less common than Narina’s Trogon.
KINGFISHERS: Alcedinidae
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in East and Central Africa with
exception of northern Somalia. Frequents permanent inland water where
there- is Iringing vegetation; feeds largely upon small fish and dragonfly
Allied Species. The White-breasted Kingfisher ( A. leuco^astcr ) Sin, 13em, is
a small ultramarine-blue species with a dusky red bill; below, throat and belly
white; band across chest and flanks bright fiery-chestnut. It inhabits swamp
forest and streams in dense forest. In East Africa it is known from several
forests in Uganda and there is a single record for the species from north-
western Zambia.
bill red. Lack of conspicuous head crest and general darker appearance
distinguish this species from the Malachite Kingfisher.
Voice. A squeaky peep.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident most of East and Central Africa.
This is essentially a forest or woodland kingfisher and it is often found far
from water in East African coastal bush. Its main diet consists of crickets and
other insects. It does, however, also occur along wooded streams and dams
where it will prey upon fish fry.
forehead black; below rufous; bill flattened and squared at tip,- red. The
Pygmy Kingfisher differs in having a barred black and ultramarine-blue
crown and the bill is not specially flattened or square tipped.
Voice. A weak but high-pitched peep.
Distribution and Habitat. In East Africa known from western Uganda where
it inhabits dense forest, not always near water. Feeds largely upon crickets.
of the wings and tail are very conspicuous when the bird flies. Often found in
open woodland along rivers.
Voice. A weak, chattering ‘ji, ji, ji-jeeee.’
Distribution and Habitat. Common locally in East and Central Africa. Fre-
quents wooded areas, acacia country and dry semi-desert bush.
BEE-EATERS: Meropidae
Bee-eaters are medium-sized, slim birds of brilliant plumage; bills long and
and wings sharply pointed; very graceful fliers.
slightly decurved; legs short
Named bee-eaters on account of their diet, made up largely of bees, wasps
and hornets which the birds swallow with impunity.
Identification. 1 1-1 Uin, 28-29cm. A dull green bee-eater with long central
tail feathers; crown and cheek streaks;
dull olive-brown; white forehead
chestnut on throat; rest of underparts pale green. A much duller and browner
looking bird than the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and dark crown conspicuous in
Voice. A distinctive, liquid ‘pruuk’ not unlike that of the European Bee-eater.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and intra-African migrant. Breeds in
coastal districts of Kenya and Tanzania and occurs in East and Central
Africa as an uncommon visitor. Inhabits open bush country and savannah
woodlands; often roosts in mangrove swamps alongside Carmine Bee-eater.
Allied Species. The Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (M. persicus), 12in, 30cm, is a
winter visitor and passage migrant to East and Central Africa. It is sometimes
considered to be conspecific with the Madagascar Bee-eater. It is bright green
with long central tail feathers; top of head green with a bluish wash; forehead
and cheeks, above and below black eye streak, blue; chin yellow to chestnut
on throat. It is more often found in the vicinity of water than the Madagascar
Bee-eater. The European Bee-eater (M. apiaster), 11 in, 28cm, is another
winter visitor and passage migrant. It has yellowish-chestnut upperparts,
darker on the crown; forehead white; throat yellow bordered black; breast
and belly greenish-blue.
Identification. 14-1 Sin, 36-38cm. Central tail feathers very elongated; head
and throat dark greenish-blue; upperparts and belly bright carmine red;
rump pale cobalt-blue; wings and tail deep carmine red. This brilliant
carmine-red bee-eater with its contrasting dark head is easy to recognise.
Gregarious, often in large flocks, especially at roosts, and also breeds in large
colonies. The Southern Carmine Bee-eater has the throat carmine-pink like
the rest of the underparts.
Voice. A
rdther metallic, double call-note ‘took, took.'
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and partial intra-African migrant from
the Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia south to northern Uganda, north-western
and eastern Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. The species is common
along the Kenya coast between November and the end of March. It frequents
coastal bush, savannah country and arid bush country. Numbers often
concentrate around grass fires. This bee-eater has developed a special method
of hunting its prey in some localities, especially in Turkana, north-western
Kenya. There it is often seen using sheep and goats as animated perches, and
it also perches on the back of Kori Bustards for the same purpose.
B E K - li A 1 ERS I 29
Allied Species. The Southern Carmine Bee-eater ( M. nuhicoiJes ) 5in, 38cm, 1
is an even more beautiful bird than the northern species, from which it differs
in having the throat as well as the rest of the underparts bright carmine pink.
It is an intra-African migrant, moving between South Africa and the
southern half of eastern Tanzania and to south-western Lake Victoria. In the
northern part of its range it appears in April, moving southwards in Septem-
ber. In Zambia there are records of the species throughout the year; it breeds
between September and November; in Malawi nesting takes place between
August and November. The Little Green Bee-eater ( M. orientalis), 9in,
23cm, is golden-green with greatly elongated central tail feathers; black stripe
through eye and black band across lower neck. It is a local and uncommon
species in the Sudan, north-western Uganda and northern Ethiopia. Inhabits
open savannah woodland and bush country.
Identification. 72in, 18cm. Central tail feathers not elongated, tail square.
Smaller than the Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater; above bright green, throat
yellow with a broad blue and black chest-band; white patch below black eye
stripe conspicuous; cinnamon-chestnut below chest-band to pale greenish-
buff on belly.
Voice. Loud sharp of Little Bee-eater.
‘teeep,’ similar to call
Distribution and Habitat. Uncommon and local in southern Sudan and
Ethiopia, south through Uganda and extreme western Kenya and north-
western Tanzania and Zambia. Its usual habitat is in tall grasslands or mixed
grasslands and bush. The birds commonly settle on thick grass stems.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and partial migrant through most of East
and Central Africa. Favours a variety of habitats including coastal bush,
light woodland, open plains with scattered small bushes, waterside vege-
tation and the edges of swamps and marshes.
does occur, from central Kenya to South Africa. In East Africa it is most
frequent in the Rift Valley near Lakes Naivasha and Nakuru, Kenya, and in
the highlands near Iringa, Tanzania. Locally common in Central Africa. It
occurs in bush country and in cultivation near water in Kenya, and in scrub
and on hillsides in Tanzania.
Distribution and Habitat. Ranges through the southern Sudan and western
Ethiopia south to northern Uganda. Inhabits open grassland savannah;
partial to the banks of larger rivers and to deep eroded gullies.
Voice. A sustained clear liquid trill, interspersed with sharp high pitched
Distribution and Habitat. A
West African and Zaire species which ranges to
the forests of western Uganda. Inhabits forests, usually found in the vicinity
of forest swamps and streams rather than in glades.
ROLLERS: Coraciidae
Identification. 18in, 46cm. Plumage bright azure blue with a pale chestnut
back; outer pair of tail feathers greatly lengthened to form long streamers.
Voice. Harsh, querulous ‘kar, aaark’ and similar calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in the southern Sudan, Ethiopia,
northern Uganda and north-western Kenya. Occurs in open country, savan-
nah woodland and bush country, nearly always where there are large termite
hills in which it nests.
Voice. Call less harsh than most other querulous ‘kaak, kaak.’
rollers, a
Distribution and Habitat. Local but widespread resident and partial intra-
African migrant in East and Central Africa. It occurs in wooded areas, bush
country where there are scattered trees and in cultivatecTcountry. Single birds
are the rule, but small parties occur when food supply (grasshoppers) is
unusually plentiful.
Allied Species. The Broad-billed Roller ( Eurystomus glaucurus) lOin, 25cm,
isa rather small thickset roller, bright vinous-chestnut and with a con-
spicuous yellow bill; wings blackish with a bright purplish-blue gloss notice-
able in flight. Partly crepuscular in its habits, indulging in flights above tree-
top level at dusk. Its call is a loud cackling chatter. It is a local resident and
migrant over East and Central Africa and occurs in wooded areas, riverine
forest and coastal forests. The closely related Blue-throated Roller ( E.
gularis), lOin, 25cm, may be distinguished by its conspicuous blue throat
patch and forked West African species which occurs in the forests
tail. It is a
of south-westen Sudan and western Uganda. Like the Broad-billed Roller it
favours trees with dead branches which afford lookout posts. The Blue-
bellied Roller (Coracias cyanogaster), 14in, 41cm, has a distinctive colour
pattern; head, neck and breast pale pinkish-grey; back black; belly deep blue;
wings ultramarine with band of pale blue; tail greenish-blue, forked. Inhabits
savannah woodlands in southern Sudan and north-western Uganda.
HOOPOES: Upupidae
white on upperparts; wings and tail black barred white except for primaries
which are all black; long black-tipped erectile crest; bill slightly curved. Flight
rather butterfly-like, slowish and undulating. European and Senegal Hoop-
oes differ in having a white bar across the primaries.
Voice. A low, penetrating ‘hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
which might be mistaken for the call of a dove when first heard.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident in East and Central Africa. Occurs in
bush country, savannah woodland and stands ot acacia.
Allied Species. The European and Senegal Hoopoes (V. epops) 28cm,
which are races of the same species, may be distinguished by the white bar
across the flight feathers; in the African Hoopoe the primaries are black. The
European Hoopoe is a winter visitor and passage migrant in East Africa,
south to southern Tanzania and Malawi; the Senegal Hoopoe is a resident in
western Kenya, northern Uganda and southern Sudan.
The Wood Hoopoes and Scimitarbills are medium-sized, slender birds with
long graduated tails; plumage black with green, blue or purple gloss; bills
long and more or less decurved. Arboreal, usually in small parties except the
smaller Scimitarbills; noisy birds keeping up a constant chatter.
Identification. 15-1 bin, 38-4 1cm. A slender black bird, highly glossed green
above and below, with a long graduated tail, a slightly curved red bill and red
legs; a white bar across wing feathers and white tips to tail feathers except
central pair. Occurs in noisy family parties, climbing over tree trunks and
branches and exploring cracks for insects. The Violet Wood Hoopoe is
similar but is glossed with purple and violet.
Voice. A of harsh chattering notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in East and Central Africa. Fre-
quents various types of woodlands especially acacias.
Allied Species. The Wood Hoopoe ( Ph. damarensis),
Violet 15in, 38cm, is
very similar to the Green Wood Hoopoe, differing mainly in having the
upperparts and belly glossed with violet or purple; green on throat. Occurs in
stands of riverine acacias in bush country in southern Ethiopia and in Kenya.
The White-headed Wood Hoopoe ( Ph. bollei), 14-1 5in, 36-38cm, has black
body plumage glossed with green; wings and tail glossed purplish-blue; head
white; no white markings on wings and tail. A forest species found in the
southern Sudan, Uganda and western and central Kenya. The Forest Wood
Hoopoe ( Ph. castaneiceps), 11 in, 28cm, differs from the White-headed
Wood Hoopoe in its smaller size and blackish bill and feet. It is found in the
southern Sudan and in Uganda. The head may be either white or blackish
glossed green. The Black-billed Wood Hoopoe ( Ph. somaliensis) 15in, ,
38cm, is simnlar to the Violet Wood Hoopoe but has a blackish bill and dusky
red feet. It is found in eastern Ethiopia and Somalia south to north-eastern
Kenya. The Black Wood Hoopoe ( Ph. aterrimus), 9in, 23cm, is a violet-
black species with a white bar across the flight feathers, a dull yellow bill and
blackish feet. It occurs in savannah and acacia woodland in the southern
Sudan, south-western Ethiopia and northern Uganda.
AFRICAN SCIMITARBILL Phoeniculus cyanofhelas Plate 14
their very slender, greatly curved bills. The present species has the bill and
legs black; plumage black glossed purple with a white bar across flight
feathers and white tips to some of the tail feathers.
Voice. A low whistle ‘hooee, hooee, hooee.’
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident in East and Central Africa in open
woodland, savannah and bush country.
HORNBILLS: Bucerotidae
The Hornbills are a very distinctive group of birds of medium or large size
characterised by their large curved which often possess casque-like
structures on the culmens. The Family has remarkable breeding habits, the
female in most cases being imprisoned during incubation, plastered up in the
nesting hole with mud and animal droppings brought by the male, leaving
only a narrow slit through which she is fed by her mate.
Voice. A two note piping whistle ‘phee-hoo’ repeated rather slowly over and
over again.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common through East and Central Africa.
This is a bush country species, usually seen in pairs or small family parties. In
Central Africa it inhabits open acacia woodland and Brachystcgia woodland.
The Palc-billcd Hornbill T. pallidirostris) 8in, 46cm, occurs
Allied Species. ( 1
a double white wing-bar; and the Black Dwarf Hornbill T. hartlaubi), Min,
36cm, with black upperparls, a white streak from above eye to nape, and a
red and black bill; below grey on throat to whitish on belly.
Tropicranus albocristatus Plate 19
Identification. 26in, 66cm, tail 1 Tin, 43cm. A black hornbill with an unmistak-
able long, graduated, white-tipped black tail; forehead to nape white, the
feathers long and lax forming a crest; white tips to greater wing coverts
forming a wing-bar.
Voice. A plaintive ‘oo-oo-oo-oo-ah,' soft but far-carrying; also reputed to
utter chicken-like squawks.
Distribution and Habitat. Another West African forest hornbill which ex-
tends eastwards to the Bwamba Forest, western Uganda. Arboreal and often
associated with troops of colobus monkeys, preying upon insects disturbed
by the animals.
Identification. ^ 32in, 81cm; ? 30in, 76cm. A large black hornbill with broad
white tips to the tail feathers; bill with a high-pointed casque; bright cobalt
blue neck wattles; ? differs in having a rufous-brown head and neck.
Voice. A loud nasal squawk and drawn-out whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. This is West African hornbill which
yet another
occurs in the Bwamba forest, western Uganda. The species inhabits rain
forest and is much attracted to fruiting fig trees. It attracts attention by the
loud swishing noise made by its wings in flight.
Identification. 22-24in, 56-61 cm. A relatively small black and white hornbill
with an ivory-white bill with blackish patch on side; a low casque present in
S- Plumage black on back and chest; large white wing-patch; rump, breast
and abdomen white; tail, central pair of feathers black, rest white. Small size
and white outer tail feathers best field characters.
Voice. A shrill, high-pitched ‘keep, keep, keep, keep’ and more guttural ‘ark,
ark, ark’ noises.
Distribution and Habitat. A
West African and Zaire species which extends
eastwards to the Bwamba forest, western Uganda, where it is not uncommon.
A forest hornbill most in evidence when figs and other trees are in fruit.
Allied Species. The White-thighed Hornbill ( B. albotibialis) 27-28in,
68-7 1cm, is a large black and white species best distinguished by its tail
pattern - entirely white with a black band across the centfe; bill greyish-white
and casque, in decurved and pointed; breast black, lower abdomen and
thighs white. Still another West African species, recorded from forests of
western Uganda, especially Bwamba and Budongo. Inhabits tree-tops, most
noticeable when fig trees are fruiting.
Identification. 24— 26in, 61 -66cm. This one of the commoner large black
and white hornbills with, in the q', well-developed casques on their bills. It
may be distinguished from the Black and White-casqued Hornbill and the
Silvery-cheeked Hornbill by its white breast and abdomen. In the other two
species the breast is black and only the lower abdomen is white.
Voice. An assortment of loud harsh braying cries and a grunting call.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident from southern Somalia, through
Kenya and Tanzania to Zambia, Malawi and Rhodesia. Frequents thickly
wooded and forest country, coastal scrub and riverine forest. It is common in
the forests of the Kenya coast and is the black and white hornbill which is
conspicuous in the mist forest at the Victoria Falls.
whitish casque and its secondaries are black. The Trumpeter Hornbill is
smaller and has the breast and abdomen white; its casque is flatfish and
Voice. A great variety of very raucous calls ‘raaak, raaak, raaak, raaak,
raaak’ and loud single notes such as ‘raaaaak.’
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common
southern Sudan, Uganda,
in the
western Kenya and north-western Tanzania. This is a true forest hornbill,
local, but common where it occurs. In Uganda it is numerous in most of the
large forests and it is also common in the Kakamega Forest, western Kenya.
developed casque which is horn coloured like the remainder of the bill; it is
Identification. 42in, 107cm. This species and the closely related Abyssinian
Ground Hornbill are the largest of the African Hornbills; both are largely
terrestrial. General plumage black with white flight feathers which are notice-
able only when the bird Skin of face and throat unfeathered, bright red;
Identification. 42in, 107cm. Very similar to the Ground Hornbill but dis-
tinguished by its curious casque which is truncated and open in front; in the
Ground Hornbill the casque is closed. Bare skin of face and neck mainly blue-
grey or red and grey.
Voice. Deep far-carrying grunting sounds.
Distribution and Habitat. A found in the southern Sudan,
local species
Ethiopia, northern Somalia, northern Kenya and northern Uganda, where it
is common in some areas.
BARBETS: Capitonidae
The Barbets are woodpeckers and like those birds have the first
related to the
and fourth toes directed backwards; thickset birds with large heads and short
142 BARBETS' *
are often numerous in fruiting fig trees and other fruit-bearing trees and
also has an ivory bill but in this species the throat and upper breast are black,
not crimson.
Voice. A rather wood hoopoe-like ‘cheks, cheeeks’ but often a silent bird for a
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and probably partial migrant in
Barbet (L. rubrifacies) has no red on the crown or throat and the bill is
Voice. A loud metallic ‘awk, awk, awk.’
Distribution and Habitat. A Sudan, Ethiopia,
local resident in southern
Uganda and western Kenya. Inhabits savannah woodlands, cultivation
where there are fig trees and bush country.
Identification. 63in, 163cm. A brown barbet with a red head and a wide pale
brown band across the chest; belly white; bill ivory-white with slight blue
tinge; wings and tail black. Its red head, pale bill, brown chest and white belly
are characteristic.
Voice. A harsh, nasal ‘aark, aark.’
Distribution and Habitat. A very local species which ranges from Somalia
south through eastern Kenya and Tanzania to Malawi. It frequents open
savannah woodlands, riverine forest and thick coastal scrub. It is most
common in eastern Kenya where it is partial to fig trees growing along rivers
such as the Tana.
and throat blue-black with a white stripe behind eye; mantle, rump and wing-
coverts blackish with white spots; underparts yellowish-white barred with
black. Occurs in woodland at medium and high altitudes.
Tricholaema lacrymosum Plate 22
yellow edging to feathers of wings and tail; forehead bright red; yellow stripe
above eye; below yellowish-white, more or less spotted with brown.
Voice. A plaintive, rather drawn-out 4wa, twa, twa, twa' or a harsh double
note ‘ki, waa.’
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common Sudan and
resident southern
southern Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and northern half Tanzania. The species
inhabits acacia woodland, scrub and dry bush country.
overlooked until one can recognise its call. Much attracted to fruiting fig
Pogoniu/us hilineatus Plate 22
Tinkerbird but with a scarlet, not yellow, rump patch. It is known from the
Bwamba Forest, western Uganda. The Lemon-rumped Tinkerbird (P. leuco-
laima), 4in, 10cm, may be conspecific with the Golden-rum ped Tinkerbird
from which it differs mainly in having a lemon-yellow rump. It occurs in
Uganda, western Kenya and western Tanzania in forest and woodland.
Voice. A
deep frog-like croaking, followed by sharp clinking notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Local and uncommon forest bird in the southern
Sudan, Uganda, western Kenya and north-western Tanzania. Very elusive
until its call notes are recognised.
chest, with a narrow white-spotted black band across the upper breast; the S
has a black streak down the centre of the throat.
Voice. A loud and unmistakable ‘toogel-de-doogle’ repeated over and over,
often by several birds in chorus.
Distribution and Habitat. A local resident Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and
north-eastern Tanzania. Frequents semi-arid bush country and open thorn-
bush areas, favouring localities where there are termite hills in which it
breeds. It is widely distributed and common in many parts of the Northern
Frontier Province of Kenya.
Allied Species. The Yellow-breasted Barbet (T. margaritatus) Sin, 20cm,
differs from Red and Yellow Barbet in having the sides of the head, throat
li 1 1) liS 149
and breast lemon-yellow with a blaek pateh at base of neck; narrow breast-
band mottled red, black and white. V has no black neck patch. Occurs in the
Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia in arid bush country.
HONEYGUIDES: Indicatoridae
A family of rather small birds, 4-8in, 10-20cm long, of sombre brown, olive,
grey and white plumage. All species have a considerable amount of white in
their three outer pairs of tail feathers, a conspicuous field character when the
birds are in flight. They are parasitic in their nesting habits, laying their eggs
in the nests of birds such as bee-eaters, barbets and woodpeckers. Honey-
guides feed largelyupon bees’ wax and bee larvae and are often encountered
near native bee-hives hung in trees. They can be attracted by nailing lumps of
bees’ comb to tree trunks. The Greater Honeyguide has developed a most
remarkable habit of guiding human beings to the nests of wild bees in order to
feed upon the honeycomb and grubs when the nest is chopped out.
plumage which white underparts are washed with orange-buff on neck and
chest. Best identified by size, pink bill of adult and black throat of adult c^.
Voice. A very distinct two note call ‘weet-eer’ repeated every few seconds.
Birds have special calling places where they sit at intervals for weeks on end.
When trying to draw attention to a bees’ nest the birds have an excited
chattering call ‘ke, ke, ke, ke, ke, ke, ke, ke, ke.’
Distribution and Habitat. widespread resident, but not common, in East
and Central Africa. Occurs in a variety of habitats, including margins of rain
forest, in highland dry forest, cultivation where there are trees, arid thorn-
bush and acacia woodland.
mainly white which are very conspicuous when the bird flies.
Voice. A continuous, monotonous ‘pew, pew, pew’ with an occasional in-
Distribution and Habitat. A common and widespread species through most of
East and Central Africa. Occurs in a variety of habitats from forest, savan-
nah woodland and cultivation to acacia woodland and bush country. Often
overlooked as it is conspicuous only in flight when attention is aroused by its
high above the forest then curving downwards to land in the tree-tops.
During this descent produces a nasal tooting and a sound similar to that of
a snipe in aerial display. It is known in East Africa only from the Bwamba
forest, western Uganda. The Least Honeyguide (Indicator exilis), 4fin,
1 1cm, is another forest species which occurs in Uganda, western Kenya and
distinguished by its lack of a malar stripe and in having the grey underparts
washed with green. Two very small honeyguides found in bush and acacia
country are the Pallid Honeyguide ( /. mcliphilus ) 4in, lOcm, also without a
malar stripe and with very pale greyish underparts; it occurs in Kenya,
Tanzania and Zambia. The second species the Narok Honeyguide (I. naro-
kensis), 3 jin, 9cm, also lacks a malar stripe and has pale underparts with a
trace of dusky streaking; it occurs in bush country of both western and
eastern Kenya.
looks like a small greenbul. It has been recorded once in the Bwamba Forest,
western Uganda.
Identification. 6in, 15cm. This is a woodpecker-like bird but lacks the pointed
stiff tail feathers of the true woodpeckers, its rectrices being soft and rounded.
Campethera ahingoni Plate 23
Distribution and Habitat. Resident, often common, through East and Central
Africa; occurs also inWest and South Africa. Frequents a great variety of
country from arid bush to woodlands and forests. Often found in pairs and as
members of mixed bird parties.
The Uganda Spotted Woodpecker (D. poccHolaemus) Sin,
Allied Species.
13cm, resembles a pale Cardinal Woodpecker but may be distinguished by
having the neck and chest finely speckled black, not streaked. It occurs in the
Africa, south to northern Tanzania. It favours country where there are many
isolated fig trees. It may be distinguished from the Cardinal Woodpecker in
having the mantle plain ash-brown, not laddered, and the fore half of the
crown brown with red on the hind crown in the d' only. The Gabon Wood-
pecker ( D. gabonensis ) 53in, 14cm, has bright olive-green upperparts, yel-
low below with heavy black streaking; crown and nape scarlet in the T, dark
brown in the $. It is a West African forest species known in East Africa only
from the Bwamba Forest, western Uganda.
and Zambia and Malawi. A mountain forest bird found both in the tree-tops
and near the ground.
Mesopicos xantholophus Plate 23
Identification. 9in, A large, dusky-looking woodpecker with a con-
spicuous red nape patch black in 9- Upperparts dusky olive-brown,
in c^,
barred and spotted white; black streak on each side of throat; centre of throat
white; rest of underparts finely barred and mottled olive-grey or blackish and
Voice. A of loud, harsh “'yaffling’ calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed and locally common in East and
Central Africa. Frequents highland forest areas, woodlands and especially
acacia woodlands. In Central Africa occurs chiefly in acacia and drier wood-
lands, less frequent in Brachystegia woodlands.
Allied Species. The African Peculet ( Verreauxia africana), 3in, 8cm, is a
diminutive species in East Africa known from the Bwamba Forest, Uganda.
BROADBILI.S: Eurylaimidac
This mainly an Asiatic Family with a few species in Africa. They are
PITTAS: Pittidae
A group of brilliantly coloured forest birds of thrush size; legs long, tails very
short; terrestrial; very shy and seldom observed alive in the wild state.
AFRICAN PITTA Pitta angolensis Plate 23
in having a green breast and a black patch on the throat. It is a West African
forest species which extends into Uganda, where it is most frequent in the
Budongo Forest.
LARKS: Alaudidae
Voice. Song uttered from post, termite hill or small bush; a clear whistle of
four or five notes ‘cee-wee-wee, cheee, weee’ repeated over and over again.
Distribution and Habitat. The Sudan, south through Kenya and Uganda to
Central Africa and South Africa. Locally common in many places especially
Kenya and Uganda. Occurs in open plains and grassy bush country.
Allied Species. The Collared Lark ( M. collaris), 5in, 3cm, is a bright rufous
Smaller than White Pelican; plumage pale grey with pink rump; droop-
ing crest.
Relatively small; plumage all black with long tail; immature whitish
neck white.
5b. Immature white below.
8a, 8b. Large size; chestnut and black head frills and black crown
tufts, lacking in immature.
I 62
. i
Adult with naked black head and neck; immature has neck and head
feathered, white with black spots.
Hagedashia hagedash 3
Brownish-grey; mantle and wings washed metallic green; distinctive
‘hah, dah, dah’ call.
i-iSS *?!
1 66
Black spotted breast. Immature whitish below; legs and thighs un-
S EAGLE Aquila wahlbergi 5
Brown; relatively narrow wings and long square-ended tail; small nape
Plates BIRDS OF PREY (3) *
. t
cocked up.
4 COQUI FRANCOLIN Francolimis coqiii 60
Underparts barred black and white; legs yellowish.
5 RING-NECKED FRANCOLIN Francolimis streptophorus 61
Ring of black and white barring around neck; flanks heavily spotted.
6 REDWING FRANCOLIN Francolimis levaillantii 61
Belly black; tail and rump pale brown, not black; $ with bufly-white
belly and light vermiculations on chest.
Pterocles exustm
Long slender central tail feathers.
Pterocles gutturalis
Large; yellowish buff throat.
I 84
. i
Plate 15 TURACOS
Corythaixoides leiicogaster
Mainly grey and white; long crest; white belly.
1 PIED KINGFISHER Ceryle nidis page 1 24
Large; plumage black and white; head crested.
1 WHITE-THROATED BEE-EATER Merops albicollis page 129
Long central tail feathers; throat white.
1 WATTLED BLACK HORNBILL Ceratogyma atrata page 139
Large; blue face and throat wattles; S all black; ? with rufous-brown
Plate 20 OWLS AND nightjars'
1 AFRICAN BARN OWL Tyto alba page 1 10
Golden-buff upperparts; heart-shaped facial disc.
Short ear tufts; frequents open country and quarters ground for prey
like a harrier.
Caprimulgus donaldsoni
Small size; rufous and buff markings on upperparts; white tips to outer
pairs of tail feathers.
Macrodipteryx longipermis
o' striking wing ‘standards’; no white spots on flight feathers; 9 lacks
‘standards’; no white spots on wings or tail.
A/ acrodipteryx vexillarius
Remarkable elongated 9th primary, the pennant. $ lacks ‘pennantsk
Inboth sexes breast mottled brown and grey but belly white.
Plate 21 SWIFTS
1 WHITE-RUMPED SWIFT Apus coffer page 1 19
Rump white; tail deeply forked and outer tail feathers strongly at-
1 GREY-THROATED BARBET Gynmobiicco honapartei page 1 45
Conspicuous tufts of bristles at base of bill.
1 AFRICAN BROADBILL Smithomis capensis page 157
Large broad bill; crown black in grey in ?.
2 THICK-BILLED HONEY GUIDE Indicator conirostris 150
Like Lesser Honeyguide but slightly larger and darker; bill relatively
thick and heavy.
Indicator variegatus
Spots over chest and belly.
4 LESSER HONEYGUIDE Indicator minor 1 50
White outer tail feathers; stumpv bill.
1 MOSQUE SWALLOW Hinindo senegalensis page 262
la, lb. Large; rufous rump and under tail-coverts.
1 SCHALOW’S WHEATEAR Oenanthe lugubris page 288
Black and white with pale crown; cinnamon rump and base of tail;
$ duller and browner.
r •
V. .
4 J
1 PARADISE FLYCATCHER Terpsiphone viridis page 325
la. (3 with extremely long tail; blue-black head and back.
lb. A white phase (in J only) occurs in some areas.
Plate 30 WARBLERS(l) %
Plate 33 SHRIKES
1 SLATE-COLOURED BOUBOU Lankinus fimebris page 282
Entirely slaty-black; skulker in thick bush.
Plate 34 SUNBIRDS (1)
Black belly; red breast band; yellow pectoral tufts; 9 uniform grey.
metallic green.
4 VARIABLE SUNBIRD Nectarinia venusta 33
Plate 36 SUNBIRDS (3)
1 GREY TIT Pams afer page 325
White cheeks and white nape patch; black cap and throat.
Plate 39 WAXBILLS (2)
Plate 41 WEAVERS (1)
Plate 42 WEAVERS (2)
Plate 43 WEAVERS (3)
13 BLACK BISHOP Euplectes gierowii
Large; yellow mantle; black face and throat; orange hind crown, neck
and chest band.
^44 .
Plate 44 WEAVERS (4)
Plate 47 STARLINGS (2)
Zavattariornis stresemarmi
Plumage grey and black; bare blue skin around eye.
tawny buff with a black band across chest; throat wlTite. A rare dry bush
country species known from north-eastern Kenya, eastern Ethiopia and
Somalia; very local and uncommon. The Singing Bush Lark ( M. ccmtillam).
Sin, 13cm, has outer pairs of tail feathers white; a fawn-coloured bird with
rufous wings. It indulges in a song flight in circles above its nesting ground.
Williams’ Bush Lark (M. williamsi). Sin, 13cm, also has white outer tail
feathers; above dark vinous-brown or dark vinous-grey with narrow pale tips
to the feathers;below whitish with heavy rufous and dark brown mottling
and spotting on the chest and flanks; bill heavy. This is a rare bird known at
present from three localities in Kenya; these are Mt Marsabit, the Dida
Galgalla desert and black lava desert 30 miles east of Isiolo, all localities in
the Northern Frontier Province. The even rarer Friedmann’s Bush Lark ( M.
pulpa), Sin, 13cm, is similar to the Singing Bush Lark but with a heavier bill
and much redder, black streaked plumage; known from northern and eastern
Kenya (Tsavo National Park) and southern Ethiopia.
mottled black and edged whitish; outer tail feathers pale rufous-buff; below
tawny rufous, spotted black on the chest. The species attracts attention
during its mating display flights when it produces a loud ‘brrrrr, brrrrr,
brrrrr, brrrrr’, sound high in the air.
Voice. A soft two note ‘tooee, toee'.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident from the Sudan and southern
Ethiopia south through East and Central Africa. Frequents open bush
country and plains where there is some bush cover.
Plate 24
Identification. 5^-6in, 14-1 5cm. Upperparts, wings and tail uniform ash-
brown; tail with pale cinnamon edges to outer feathers; bill large and heavy,
pink; black patch in front of and below eyes and black patch on each side of
chin; throat white; chest grey merging to warm vinous brown on belly and
under tail-coverts. Best field characters are black face mask and pink bill.
Voice. A series of liquid, far-carrying notes, not unlike those of Short-tailed
Distribution and Habitat. Very local and uncommon, recorded from northern
and southern Ethiopia and the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya. Most
frequent in the black lava desert of the Dida Galgalla, on Mt Marsabit and in
the Isiolo district.
Allied Species. The Lark ( Pseudalaemon fremant Hi) 5Vin, 14cm,
Short-tailed ,
occurs mainly in sandy areas, the Thekla Lark occurs mainly in black lava
desert. The Crested Lark occurs locally from West Africa across the Sudan to
Ethiopia and Somalia, south to northern Uganda and northern Kenya. The
Thekla Lark occurs in Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Kenya. The Sun Lark
( G. modesfa), 5Un, 14cm, has a very short crest; upperparts heavily streaked
Swallows and their allies are a well-marked group of birds which capture
their insect food on the wing. They bear a superficial resemblance to swifts,
but wing formation differs in being less slender and scythe-like. Build slim
and flight graceful, less direct and rapid than swifts. Many species possess
long and slender outer rectrices; feet small; bill short with wide gape.
Identification. 6in, 15cm. Outer tail feathers long and wire thin; upperparts
glossy purplish-black with a rufous crown; below white. Easily distinguished
from other black-backed swallows by its chestnut crown and very slender tail
Voice. A soft twittering warble.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely but locally distributed through East and
Central Africa; partial migrant in some areas. Not usually gregarious and
normally in pairs. Occurs around human habitations and bridges and along
rivers and lakes.
Identification. Tin, IKcm. Very similar to Mosque Swallow but much smaller
with black under tail-coverts, not red. The black under tail-eovcrts arc a
good field character. Ear-coverts rufous.
Voice. Various twittering calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident East Africa south to Malawi and
Zambia; a migrant in some areas. Frequents the vicinity of human dwellings,
open grasslands and sugarcane cultivation.
Distribution and Habitat. A local resident and partial migrant in the southern
Sudan, Uganda and western Kenya. Occurs near water, over sugarcane
cultivation and in open grasslands.
Identification. 7in, 18cm. A black rough wing with a deeply forked tail and a
very conspicuous white head in the The $ has a dark head but some white
This is a group of graceful, slender terrestrial birds which run and walk. The
pipits are generally brown above and usually streaked; they resemble larks
but are more slender and have a different and more upright carriage, and
their bills are slender. Wagtails have long tails and strikingly marked pat-
terns, often with considerable yellow. They fall into two groups, those which
occur singly or on or near water, and those which occur in flocks and
in pairs
are associated with cattle and herds of other domestic animals which disturb
insects upon which the wagtails feed.
and southwards but not in Malawi. Frequents streams, the edges of swamps
and pools and lake margins. Normally found in pairs or in family parties.
Identification. 6in, 15cm. A slim, long-legged pipit with much white on two
outer pairs tail tawny boldly streaked blackish; white
feathers; upperparts
stripe over eye; below pale buff with dark brown streaks on breast; hind claw
longer than hind toe. This is the commonest of the open country pipits in East
and Central Africa.
Voice. A sharp ‘tweep’ or ‘tsseep, tsseep.’ A brief, often repeated song when
Distribution and Habitat. Common resident and partial migrant throughout
the greater part of the Ethiopian Region in suitable localities. Locally com-
mon in many and Central Africa. Occurs on open plains,
parts of East
grazing land and semi-desert country, and in the vicinity of inland waters.
Occurs in pairs, single birds or family parties, not in flocks.
Allied Species. The Long-billed Pipit ( A. similis), 7in, 18cm, is found locally
in East and Central Africa, being most frequent in Brachystegia woodland in
southern Tanzania and Zambia. In the north of its range it occurs on grassy
slopes where there are rocky or gravel outcrops. It differs from Richard’s
Pipit in having the upperparts indistinctly streaked, lacks white in the outer
rectrices, has unstreaked flanks and the hind claw shorter than the hind toe.
The Plain-backed Pipit (A. leucophrys), 6|in, 16|cm, has the upperparts
dark earth-brown or dark rusty-brown without darker streaking; no white in
tail; below warm rufous or buffy-brown with a few indistinct streaks or spots
on chest. It is found on open plains in Ethiopia and the Sudan, south through
Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania to Malawi and Zambia; locally common. The
very similar Sandy Plain-backed Pipit A. vaalensis), 6^in, 16^cm, is a paler
more sandy bird with just a trace of indistinct streaking on chest. There are
also differences in structure of flight feathers between the two but this is not a
field character. It is a very local and uncommon bird in East and Central
The Sokokc Pipit { A. sokokcnsis) 5^in, 14cm, has unusual habits for a pipit,
living on the ground in glades and open forest in the coastal forests of Kenya
and Tanzania. It is warm bulT with heavy black streaking above; below
yellowish-white with black streaks on chest and Hanks. The Little Tawny
Pipit (A. caff er ), 4\in, 1 1cm, isa very small species, tawny-brown with heavy
dark streaking on upperparts and chest; outer tail feathers white on outer
edges and tips. Found in acacia and Brachystegia woodland in East and
Central Africa; very local and uncommon. The similar Short-tailed Pipit ( A.
bracliyurus) 4fin, 11cm, is very dark above with olive-brown streaking;
below whitish with heavy streaking on chest and flanks. Known from western
Uganda, north-western and southern Tanzania and Zambia. Inhabits mixed
acacia grasslands and dambos. The European Tree Pipit (A. trivialis), 6in,
15cm, is a common winter visitor and passage migrant in East and Central
Africa. It is best identified in its winter quarters by its habitat, woodland and
forest; it perches in trees readily. Upperparts black streaked, below creamy-
buff boldly streaked black on breast and flanks. The Red-throated Pipit ( A.
cervinus) 5^in, 14cm, is another winter visitor from the north. It is an open
country pipit, often in loose flocks and frequently associated with flocks of
Yellow Wagtails. It has streaked upperparts and a rufous-buff or rusty-red
throat; heavily streaked black on underparts.
when it becomes a strikingly yellow bird. The $ is much paler and duller than
the S- This species is remarkable among passerine birds in having the lower
third of the tibia bare, as if it were a wading bird, whereas in fact it is an arid
dry bush country species.
Voice. Utters a series of weak flute-like whistles, otherwise silent.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident from Ethiopia and Somalia south
through Kenya to north-eastern Tanzania. Occurs in dry bush country. It is
sometimes abundant in the dry country north of the Tana River in Kenya.
Usually seen singly, in pairs or in family parties.
Macronyx croceus Plate 24
Brachystegia woodland.
Allied Species. Fulleborn’s Longclaw ( M. fulleborni). Sin, 20cm, differs
from the Yellow-throated Longclaw in having the yellow of the breast
suffused with buff and the flanks brownish-buff. It occurs in the highlands of
southern Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia. Its habitat is montane grasslands
with scattered bushes. Sharpe’s Longclaw (M. sharpei), 6|in, 16|cm, is
smaller than related species, warm brown above with dark streaking, pale
yellow below with a band of black streaks across the chest. It occurs on short
grassland in the highlands of Kenya. The Pangani Longclaw ( M. aurantii-
gula), 7 jin, 19cm, has a bright orange-yellow throat, a band of streaks across
the chest and the yellow of the underparts confined to the centre of the breast;
flanks streaked brown. It is a local resident in central and eastern Kenya and
north-eastern Tanzania in grassy bush country. The Abyssinian Longclaw
(M flavicollis ) 7in, 18cm, is more dusky above than the Yellow-throated
Identification. lOin, 25cm. A pale blue-grey bird with a white breast and belly;
flight feathers and outer tail feathers black. 9 has grey of face and throat
paler than in c^. and flight it looks like a grey and white oriole.
In habits
Voice. A soft double whistle and a drawn-out trill.
Distribution and Habitat. Ranges from the Sudan and Ethiopia southwards
to Central Africa. Very uncommon Uganda and Kenya but becomes more
numerous in southern Tanzania and Central Africa. Found in savannah
woodland in the north and in Brachystegia in the south.
BULBULS: Pycnonotidae
The Bulbuls are a group of thrush-like birds of plain green, yellow, grey and
brown plumage; tarsus very short; arboreal in habits and most species are
inhabitants of forest and woodland; food mainly fruits with some insects;
many species are outstanding songsters.
above, grey below with a paler throat. It is a forest species known from
southern Sudan, Uganda, western Kenya and western Tanzania. The Little
Greenbul ( Andropadus virens), 6kn, 16km, is very like a smaller edition of
the Cameroun Sombre Greenbul but has a shorter and much broader bill. It
occurs in southern Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia;
another forest species.
Andropadus latirostris Plate 26
Identification. Tin, 18cm. This is a green bulbul with a clear grey head and
throat and a white eye-ring; yellowish in centre of belly.
Voice. Produces a variety of clucking noises and has a sustained thrush-like
Distribution and Habitat. Inhabits mountain and highland forests in Uganda
and Kenya. Found in undergrowth, in the foliage of smaller trees and
amongst creepers.
Allied Species. The similar Mountain Greenbul ( A. nigriceps). Tin, 18cm, is
found in mountain forests in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia. The northern
race from Kilimanjaro and Mt Meru, northern Tanzania, has a blackish
crown; other races possess grey crowns and are best distinguished from the
Olive-bellied Mountain Greenbul by lacking yellow in centre of belly.
Shelley’s Greenbul (A. masukuensis ) 6in, 15cm, is uniform olive-green,
darker on mantle. It occurs in mountain forest in western Kenya, Tanzania
and Malawi. The Stripe-cheeked Greenbul (A. milanjensis ) Tin, 18cm, is
also olive-green in colour with the ear-coverts striped grey and white. It is
found in highland forests of Tanzania and Malawi. The Honeyguide Green-
bul ( Baeopogon indicator), 8in, 20cm, is dark olive-green above with grey
cheeks and underparts; belly and under tail-coverts buff; three outer pairs
rectrices mainly white. A forest treetop species which has a close resemblance
to a honeyguide in life. Known from the southern Sudan, western Kenya and
Uganda, mainly in the west. The Spotted Greenbul ( Ixonotus guttatus) 6in,
15cm, is greenish-grey above and white below, with conspicuous white spots
on the upperparls. It is a forest treetops species usually found in small parties.
Occurs in southern Sudan and western Uganda.
brown on under tail coverts; throat whitish. Two races of Ph. fischeri are now
generally considered to be distinct species. These are Ph.f. placidus which is
greener above and slightly greyer below, and Ph.j. cabanisi which is darker
above and yellower below.
Voice. A series of short notes, ‘trip, trip, trip, trip;’ song a series of flute-like
Distribution and Habitat. The nominate race occurs in coastal areas of East
Africa from Somalia southwards. Ph.f. placidus is found in inland districts of
Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi, and Ph.f. cabanisi occurs in western Kenya,
Uganda south to Zambia. Fischer’s Greenbul inhabits woodland and scrub
areas and also forest undergrowth.
Allied Species. Xavier’s Greenbul ( Ph. xavieri)., 6^in, l6+cm, is bright olive-
green above, bright yellow below. It occurs in forest undergrowth in western
Uganda. Alongside it is another almost identical species the Icterine Green-
bul (Ph. icterinus), 6in, 15cm, which differs only in its slightly smaller size. It
with dark centres to feathers giving scaly appearance, below throat white
merging to greyish on chest and white on belly with pale yellow streaks; tail
russet-brown with green edgings to outer feathers. An uncommon forest bird
known from southern Sudan and Uganda. The somewhat similar Yellow-
streaked Greenbul ( Ph.fiavostriatus), 7^in, 19cm, is olive-green above with a
grey head; throat greyish-white to very pale grey on the breast and belly,
streaked pale yellow; wings and tail green. Occurs locally in Uganda, south-
eastern Kenya, eastern and western Tanzania and Malawi and Zambia. A
forest undergrowth species. The Smaller Yellow-streaked Greenbul ( Ph.
debilis), 5in, 13cm, is similar but very much smaller. It occurs in south-
eastern Kenya, eastern Tanzania and southern Tanzania. Inhabits forest and
wooded country, usually in undergrowth.
B R I S T L E B II L > Blcda symiactyla l*late 26
A group of medium sized shrike-like birds with hooked bills. One of their
main characteristics is their extreme sociability, being found always in small
flocks, even during the nesting season. Flight graceful and butterfly-like.
Calls also distinctive, a loud communal chattering and bill-snapping. In
many species feathers of forehead project forwards and there is a fleshy wattle
around the eye.
Identification. Sin, 20cm. A distinctively patterned black and white bird with
lemon-yellow eye wattles: crown blue-grey with whitish bristly feathers of
forehead directed forwards; underparts white, feet orange. Always in small
compact flocks which draw attention to themselves by their chattering and
bill-snapping. Usually very tame and fearless of humans.
Voice. A chattering call, interspersed with occasional flute-like notes and bill
from Uganda, southern Ethi-
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed
opia and Kenya south to Central Africa. Inhabits bush country, acacia
woodlands and open Brachystegia woodland.
grey above with a curious pad of velvet-like chestnut bristles on the forehead;
tail tipped white; below slate-grey to white on abdomen. An uncommon local
resident in woodland, especially Brachystegia, in eastern districts of Kenya
and Tanzania. The Red-billed Shrike ( P. caniceps), 7in, 18cm, is a thickset
forest-treetops helmet shrike, always in small parties. Back, wings and tail
black with an oily dark green sheen; head pale blue with a large triangular
black patch on throat; chest greyish-white, breast and belly rich rufous; bill
Distribution and Habitat. Focal resident Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, south
through northern Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. A typical bird of acacia
bush country; common locally in Kenya.
Conspicuously coloured medium-sized birds with strong hooked bills. Some
species, members of the genus Lanius, perch on vantage points from which
they can pounce on their prey. The remainder, the genera Nilaus, Mal-
aconotus, Tchagra, Laniarius, Dryoscopus, Rhodophoneus etc. mostly feed
among foliage of trees and bushes. It is probable that these two groups are
not related very closely. Call notes usually harsh but songs sometimes
surprisingly musical.
the rump feathers are often puffed out when they are very noticeable. Hunts
insectsand larvae amongst foliage of trees in manner of a warbler. Usually
found in pairs and often members of mixed bird parties.
Voice. A loud, harsh ‘chik. weeooo - chik, weeoo’ frequently repeated;
sometimes a double clicking note followed by a clear whistle. Often produces
a loud ‘brrrrrrp’ with wings when flying from branch to branch.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed resident Uganda and Kenya
(except in extreme north) south through Tanzania to Malawi, Zambia and
Rhodesia. Inhabits forested areas, woodland, thicket, gardens, scrub and
acacia country.
SHRl KliS 279
Allied Species. Pringle's PulTbackD. prin^lii), 5in, 13cm, is the smallest ol'
the pullback shrikes with a glossy black head, mantle and tail; outer tail
feathers edged and tipped white; rump and underparts greyish-white; heavy
black bill with a yellow base to the mandible. A bird of arid bush country in
over eye. The Black-backed Puffback has white edgings to wings and its white
rump and underparts are tinged grey. Occurs in woodland and forest along
the Kenya and Tanzania coast, on Zanzibar Island and in the forests of
western Uganda. The Pink-footed Puffback (D. angolensis) bin, 15cm, ^
has the crown and upper back dark slate-grey; mantle, wings and tail ash-
grey; rump and underparts pale grey; feet pink. The $ has the crown and
upper back pale grey; mantle, wings and tail olive-brown and rump greyish
brown; below rufous-buff, centre of belly white and legs pink. A forest tree-
top species found in southern Sudan, Uganda, western Kenya and western
Tanzania. Usually in pairs.
Usually seen as it dives from cover into a bush, when red wings and white
tipped black tail are noticeable.
Voice. A series of clear piping whistles and a churring alarm call. Has
courtship flight, mounting sharply into air with crackling wings, then floating
down in a spiral uttering a clear piping.
Distribution and Habitat. Common most of East and Central
resident over
Africa. Inhabits desert scrub, bush, wooded areas, gardens and neglected
cultivation, undergrowth and scrub along rivers and mixed grass and bush.
Allied Species. The Brown-headed Tchagra ( T. australis), l\\n, 19cm, is very
similar to the Black-headed Tchagra but has the crown brown, not black.
Ranges from southern Sudan, Uganda and Kenya south through Tanzania
to Central Africa. Frequents scrub, woodland and undergrowth.
28 o shrikes
THREE-STREAKED TCHAGRA Tchagrajamesi Plate 33
white-tipped dark tail; narrow black streak down centre of crown and black
streak on each side of head; underparts pale grey, whiter on throat and belly.
Eye colour remarkable, the iris being brown with eight silver dots arranged
around pupil.
Voice. A
loud trill on a descending scale.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in arid bush country of Somalia, southern
Ethiopia, south-eastern Sudan, eastern Uganda and south through Kenya to
north-eastern Tanzania. Local and uncommon.
Identification. 9in, 23cm. A rather slim, long-tailed shrike with the general
appearance of a babbler; above pale pinkish-brown with a very conspicuous
rosy-red rump; tail with broad white tips to outer feathers; below white with a
rosy red patch from throat to breast; flanks and under tail-coverts buff. The
$ has a black gorget across the chest and a rosy-red patch from the gorget
down centre of belly. Favours acacia bushes and often settles and runs on the
Identification. Tin, 18cm. Upperparls, wings and tail black; crown chcslnul-
orange; white bar along wing; below, throat and breast orange-rufous, belly
Voice. A liquid ‘chee-oo-ch, chee,' perhaps uttered by a pair of birds.
Distribution and Habitat. Forests of southern Sudan, Uganda, western
Kenya and western Tanzania. Inhabits thick cover near forest or under-
growth in forest; shy and not often seen.
and nape golden-yellow, white tips to the wing coverts and a less heavy bill. It
inhabits dense papyrus beds. It is known from two localities in Uganda, the
Kazinga Channel in the Ruwenzori National Park and papyrus swamps in
south-western Kigezi; in Kenya it is recorded from papyrus swamps near
wings and tail dark green; below sulphur yellow with an olive wash on chest
and flanks. Occurs in forest tree-tops.
white with buff wash on chest and breast. A forest species which gathers
much of its insect food from branches and clumps of moss high in the tree-
tops. In East Africa known from Uganda and western Kenya.
Identification. 7in, 8cm. Bright green above with a crimson-red forehead and
throat, followed by a broad black breast band and a yellow belly. Immature
with less red on forehead and barred black above. A skulking species found in
forest undergrowth.
Voice. A series of clear bell-like whistles ‘kwik, kwik kwik’ and various flute-
like notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident in forests of the Kenya highlands; in
Uganda found in the Mt Elgon forests and forests in the south-west.
Identification. 7in, 18cm. Crown and upper back blue-grey, a black forehead
(absent in ? and immature) and a wide black stripe through the eye; under-
S I RI Kl -;s 285
parts extremely variable, four main colour phases exist; rich orange-yellow,
bright scarlet, salmon-pink and blackish-green. The orange-yellow phase is
the most usual and the blackish-green phase is the rarest. Lower back, wings
and tail green.
Voice. A loud whistle 'who-koo' and various harsh scolding calls.
Distribution and Habitat. A local and uncommon species in western and
central Kenya, south through Tanzania to Central Africa. Mainly a bird of
mountain or high level forest; frequents tree-top foliage and creepers; often a
member of mixed bird parties.
Allied Species. The Multicoloured Bush Shrike ( M. multicolor ) 7in, 18cm, is
closely related to the Black-fronted Bush Shrike and may be con-specific. It
differs mainly in having a green or black tail with broad yellow tips. It occurs
in three colour phases, a scarlet-breasted, an orange-breasted and a black-
breasted form. Occurs in forests of western Uganda where it also inhabits the
tree tops and the masses of creepers hanging from the trees.
land with scattered bushes and open plains. Common in coastal districts of
Kenya and on the Athi Plains, central Kenya.
Allied Species. The Grey-backed Fiscal {L. cxcuhitorius) lOin, 25cm, has
upperparts pale grey; forehead and broad streak through eye black; tail white
with broad black tip; underparts white. Immature lightly barred black and
tawny. Like the Long-tailed Fiscal this species sometimes collects in small
parties and is given to noisy chattering and tail waving. It occurs in southern
Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, western half of Kenya and western Tanzania in
bush and in acacia woodland.
above with fine black barring; white below with some barring.
Voice. Various churring notes and a flute-like whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident thornbush country in southern
Sudan, southern Ethiopia and southern Somalia, south to eastern Uganda
and Kenya to north-eastern Tanzania. Has the habit of perching at the very
top of acacia trees when it can be mistaken for a Pygmy Falcon.
Allied Species. The Somali Fiscal ( Lanius somalicus) Sin, 20cm, differs from
the Taita Fiscal mainly in having broad white tips to the secondaries so that
in flight the wings appear black and white. It occurs in Somalia, eastern
Ethiopia and northern Kenya.
Identification. 5in, 13cm. The Stonechats resident in Africa are races of the
well known European bird. S has distinctive black head and throat, a
conspicuous white half-collar, a white rump and a small white wing patch; a
patch of deep chestnut on the chest; $ tawny-brown with white wing-patch;
cinnamon brown below. Immature spotted buff above and on chest. Flight
jerky, perches on top of bushes, fences and on telegraph wires. S of Ethiopian
race has no chestnut on chest.
Voice. A scolding ‘tsk, tsk, tsk’ and a softer clicking note; song a rather rapid
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident, often common, in localities above
3,000ft, 914m, East Africa, at lower levels in Central Africa. Very adapt-
able, frequents mountain moorlands, cultivation, grassland with scattered
bush and lush marshy areas.
Allied Species. The European Whinchat (S. ruhetra). Sin, 12.5cm, is a winter
visitor to East and Central Africa.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed but local from Kenya and
eastern Uganda southwards In some areas a partial
to Central Africa.
migrant. Frequents open country IVom alpine moorlands and short cropped
grasslands to coastal flats. It is much attracted to grasslands which have been
Allied Species. The Red-breasted Wheatear ( Oe. hottac), 8in, 20cm, is russet
brown above with a white patch at base of tail; below russet, whiter on throat
and belly. A large and thickset wheatear found in rocky moorland in the
Ethiopian highlands. Heuglin’s Wheatear ( Oe. heuglini), 5^ in, 14cm, is very
similar but darker and much smaller. It is a rare bird found in rocky dry
country in the Sudan, northern Ethiopia and north-western Kenya. The
Somali Wheatear (Oe. phillipsi), 54in, 14cm, is pale blue-grey above with
forehead, stripe over eye and rump white; sides of face, throat and chest
black; remainder underparts white. 9 similar but duller. Occurs in central
and northern Somalia and the Ogaden region, Ethiopia. Inhabits dry rocky
scrub and bush country.
Identification. 6in, 1 5cm. A slimly built greyish-brown chat with a rich rufous
rump and rufous lateral tail feathers; paler brown below. An active and
confiding little on the
bird, often alighting ground. European bird-watchers
seeing it for the first time are reminded of a $ black redstart.
Voice. A series of whistles and a three-note alarm call.
Distribution and Habitat. Very local and uncommon resident in Kenya and
Uganda, becoming commoner southwards in Tanzania and Central Africa.
Frequents many types of country from arid bush and rocky hillsides to
lowland cultivated areas, but most frequent on rocky outcrops in Brachy-
stegia woodland.
Allied Species. The Brown-tailed Rock Chat (C. scotocerca). Sin, 13cm, is
uniformly ashy-brown with a brown tail. It is associated with rocky areas in
dry bush country in the Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Kenya. The
Black-tailed Rock Chat (C. melanura), 5+in, 14cm, is uniformly ash-grey
with a bronzy-black tail. It occurs in arid rocky country in the Sudan,
Ethiopia and Somalia.
Identification. Sin,20cm. S a striking bird with back, head, wings, tail and
chest glossy black; white wing shoulders; rump and belly chestnut-red; $ is
grey above and on chest and lacks white wing shoulders; rump and belly
Voice. A clear double whistleand a warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Widespread in East and Central Africa but local.
Confined to rocky cliffs, hillsides where there are rocky outcrops, quarries
and ruins. Usually in pairs.
Allied Species. The White-crowned Cliffchat (Th. coronata). Sin, 20cm,
differs from the Cliffchat in having the crown white in the Known from the
Darfur, Kordofan and Nuba areas in the Sudan. A bird of rocky gorges and
The White-winged Cliffchat (Th. semirufa), is similar to the Cliffchat
and is the same size but lacks white on the wing shoulders; instead both sexes
have the basal half of the primaries white. Known from the highlands of
Ethiopia in rocky places. The White-headed Black Chat, often called
Arnott’s Chat, (Th. arnotti), 7in, 18cm, is a thickset black and white chat
inhabiting Brachystegia and mopane woodland in Tanzania and Central
Africa. S glossy black with white crown and white wing patch; $ also has
white wing patch but is all black above, throat and chest white, belly black.
Immature like 9 but throat usually black. Conspicuous birds in Brachystegia
woodlands, in pairsor family parlies; feeds largely on ground but perehes
freely. The While-shouldered Black Chat ( Penilwlaca alhifrons) 5in, 13cm,
occurs savannah woodland in the Sudan, Ethiopia and northern Uganda.
Adult cJ black with white forecrown and white patch on wing shoulders; V
lacks white in plumage. Less terrestrial than most related species, perching
freely and often. The Little Rock Thrush ( Monticola rufocinerea 6in, 5cm, 1
black; white stripe over eye and white spots on wing coverts; below whitish to
buff on flanks and under tail coverts; indistinct dusky streaking on chest.
Occurs in western Uganda to central Kenya. Inhabits elephant grass and
thick undergrowth, often along rivers and the margins of forests.
Erylhropygia quadrivirgata Plate 28
white eye-stripes above and below eye, bordered by black stripes; below
buffy-white, rufous on flanks. A bird of forest undergrowth, in East Africa
known from the Bwamba Forest, western Uganda.
conspicuous. Feeds largely on the ground, often in shade of bushes and palm
scrub. It is a common bird of the semi-desert areas of northern Kenya.
Plate 28
FOREST ROBIN Stiphrornis erythrothorax
Voice. A rather harsh ‘tssst’ or ‘tsssp’ and a two-note call. Song a high pitched
flute-like whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. A local resident through much of East and Central
Africa. Inhabits forested areas, favouring bamboo and mixed bamboo and
montane forest.
Identification. 6fin, 16+cm. A rather small robin chat with the habits of an
English robin; often seen in gardens. Has well-marked white eye-stripe; may
be recognised by orange-rufous throat and chest and contrasting grey belly.
The White-browed Robin C hat also has a white eyc-stripe but its underparts
are entirely rufous. Usually shy and retiring, but becomes tame and confiding
in gardens where it is protected. Feeds largely on the ground,
where it
progresses by hopping, often raises and lowers the tail.
Voice. An outstanding warbling song; also a mimic of other birds’ calls and
Distribution and Habitat. A widespread resident in East and Central Africa in
lorests, wooded and scrub areas; most frequent in localities above 5,000ft
The Olive-flanked Robin Chat ( Alethe cmomala ) 6in, 5cm, is
Allied Species.
brown above with a grey forehead and eye-stripe; tail russet; below, throat
white, chest to belly grey, flanks olive-brown.It occurs in mountain forest in
south-western Tanzania, Malawi and eastern Zambia. The Iringa Alethe (A.
lowei), 5in, 1 3cm, is dark olive-brown above, pale dull brown below to white
on belly. It is known only from mountain forest in the Njombe area, southern
Tanzania. The Usambara Alethe ( A. montana ) 5in, 1 2.5cm, is similar with a
russet streak from the bill to above the eye; below olive-grey, white on centre
of throat, breast and abdomen. It is known only from the Usambara
Mountains forest in north-eastern Tanzania. Archer’s Robin Chat ^Co5.yy-
pha archeri), 6in, 15cm, is chestnut brown above with a chestnut tail; white
eye-stripe; sides of face blackish; underparts
orange-brown to buffy white in
centre of belly. In East Africa known from the Ruwenzori Mts and mountain
forest in Kigezi, western Uganda.
with a white eye-streak immediately below; back olive-brown; rump, tail and
underparts orange-rufous; wings grey to olive-brown.
Voice. A subdued warbling song and various clucking notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in forest undergrowth in the southern
Sudan, Uganda, western Kenya and north-western Tanzania.
Allied Species. The very similar Rufous-cheeked Robin Chat ( C. bocagei )
5^in, 14cm, differs in haWng the white eye-stripe partly concealed and no
black edging to grey crown. It occurs in wet forests in northern Zambia.
clear blue shoulders; white stripe over eye; below orange-buff, paler in centre
of belly; tail rufous with blackish central rectrices.
Voice. A
sustained warbling song of high quality; clucking notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in the forests of Uganda, southern Sudan
and western Kenya. Inhabits undergrowth of forests and thick cover along
whistles of great beauty; sings especially at dusk and again at dawn. Singing
birds difficult to locate and bird may be ventriloquial. Often mimics other
birds’ calls, such as Red-chested and Black Cuckoos.
Distribution and Habitat. A locally common resident over much of East and
Central Africa. Frequents scrub along forest margins, woodland where there
is thick undergrowth, gardens and coastal bush.
Identification. in, 22cm. Easily recognised by its black mantle, white crown
and orange-rufous underparts.
Voice. A loud and sustained warbling song interspersed with louder notes;
also an outstanding mimic.
Distribution and Habitat. A
West African forest species which ranges to
southern Sudan, Uganda, western Kenya and north-western Tanzania. In-
habits dense forest and margins of swamp forest, keeping to the undergrowth
and forest floor. Shy and elusive.
Allied Species. The Spot-throat ( Modulatrix stictigula), 5|in, 14cm, is a
small thrush-like bird, dark olive-brown above with a dark chestnut tail;
below, throat and chest buffy-white with black spots; flanks chestnut-brown,
belly white. A very local and uncommon species known from montane forest
in eastern and south-western Tanzania and in Malawi. The Dappled Spot-
throat ( M. orostruthus) 5^in, 14cm, was previously classified amongst the
bulbuls. It is brownish-olive above with a dark chestnut-brown tail; below
olive-white, the chest and upper breast mottled dark olive-green; flanks dark
olive. A rare and shy species known from montane forest in north-eastern
Tanzania. The Red-tailed Ant-Thrush ( Neocossyphus rufus). Sin, 20cm, is
dark rufous-brown above, paler and redder on the rump, tail, wings and
underparts; tail relatively long. Occurs in forests in western Uganda, eastern
Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania including Zanzibar. Inhabits coastal
scrub and dense woodland and forests. The White-tailed Ant-Thrush ( Neo-
cossyphus poensis), Sin, 20cm, is darker on the upperparts; below, throat
sooty-brown, remainder underparts dusky-chestnut; three outermost tail
feathers with broad white tips. In East Africa known from the forests of
western Uganda and the Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. The Rufous
Flycatcher-Thrush ( Stizorhina fraseri) 18cm, was previously classified
amongst the flycatchers. It is an all chestnut-brown bird, very similar to a
Red-tailed Ant-Thrush from which it differs in its smaller size, relatively
shorter tail and shorter and very much wider bill. It occurs in the southern
Sudan to western and southern Uganda. Inhabits rain forests. The White-
throated Robin ( Irania gut tur alls) 6^in, 16^cm, is a winter visitor to East
Africa as far south as northern Tanzania, coming from Asia Minor. It
resembles the Robin Chat but with a black tail; above grey with a white stripe
over eye; sides of face and neck black with a white stripe down centre of
throat; breast and flanks rufous, belly white. Inhabits dense scrub along dry
river beds in arid bush country; shy and skulking. The Nightingale ( Luscinia
megarhynchos and the Thrush Nightingale or Sprosser ( Luscinia luscinia)
are also winter visitors to East Africa.
Identification. Sfin, 2 Hem. A stocky greyish bird with a relatively long tail
upperparts and underparts dark chestnut-brown, the wings and tail darker;
head and throat grey. A West African forest species which is known from the
Bwamba Forest, western Uganda. Unlike the other species it occurs in dense
forest undergrowth and in swamp forest.
Identification. 5in, 13cm. The Hill Babbler looks and behaves like a large
thickset warbler. The back, wings and tail are olive-rufous; head and under-
parts grey. The southern Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi race has black
streaks on the throat; the western Uganda race has a black crown.
Voice. A clear two-note whistle, various clucking sounds and a melodious
warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Widespread in East Africa south to Malawi and
Zambia. Inhabits forests where it forages in the foliage of trees and amongst
hanging creepers.
Allied Mountain Illadopsis ( Malacocincla pyrrhopterus) 53in,
14cm. The Illadopsis group are rather small, relatively plump thrush-like
birds with shortish tails, rounded wings and long legs, which live on the forest
floor. All are drab plumaged in greys, browns and white; solitary and shy.
The present species may be recognised by its grey throat and breast; above
dark rufous tinged olive-brown, greyer on crown. In East Africa known from
the highlands of Uganda and western Kenya. Lives on the forest floor
amongst dense undergrowth; shy and seldom seen. The Brown Illadopsis
(M fulvescens ) 6in, 15cm, occurs in pairs in the forests of Uganda, western
Kenya and western Tanzania. It is tawny brown with a whitish throat. The
Pale-breasted Illadopsis (M. rufipennis), 5|in, 14cm, has a whitish throat
and abdomen; rest of plumage tawny-brown. Occurs in the forests of
Uganda, western Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. The Scaly-breasted
Illadopsis ( M. albipectus) 54in, 14cm, also has a white throat and belly, but
pale chest feathers edged blackish giving a scaly appearance. Found in
Uganda and western Kenya forests. The Grey-chested Illadopsis ( M. polio-
in the Kakamega Forest and Mount Elgon in western Kenya, and the
Ruwenzori range and the highland forests of south-western Kigezi in
WARBLERS: Sylviidae
brown above, whitish below with some blackish streaks on foreneck and
chest; Hanks olive-brown. Inhabits dense waterside vegetation locally
throughout East and Central Africa. Draws attention to itself by the sharp
‘brrr-brrr-brrr’ sound produced by rapid wing movements as it Hits about
reed beds. Grauer’s Rush Warbler B. ^raucri). Sin, 13cm, is similar but
brown above; below white with grey mottling on centre of neck and chest,
flanks and under tail coverts grey. Inhabits dense undergrowth on forest
margins; occurs in western Uganda and western Tanzania. The Broad-tailed
Warbler ( Sciwenicola platyum ) 6+cm; tail 34in, 9cm, is a small russet-
brown warbler with buffy-white underparts and a long and very broad black
tail. It draws attention by its distinctive call, a loud ‘whist, whist’ followed by
a rattle. Inhabits tall lush grasslands, especially marsh hollows and vege-
tation along streams and marshes. Tail very conspicuous when bird is
flushed. Widely distributed in East and Central Africa but very local. The
European Sedge Warbler ( AcrocephaJus schoeuohaenus) 5in, 13cm, with a
with a rusty rump; below yellow with brownish flanks. It occurs in swamps
around Lake George in western Uganda. The African Reed Warbler ( Acro-
cephalus baeticatus), 4|in, llicm, is pale brown on the upperparts, below
buff, white in centre of abdomen. Found very locally in East and Central
Africa; in addition to swamps it also occurs in thick bush and scrub, gardens,
mangrove swamps and coastal thickets. The Yellow Flycatcher- Warbler
(Chloropeta natalensis), 5in, 13cm, is a yellow-breasted green warbler with a
broad flycatcher-like bill; crown olive-brown. Local resident in East and
Central Africa, usually inhabits thick herbage often near forest margins. The
Mountain Yellow Flycatcher-Warbler (C. similis), 5in, 13cm, is uniformly
green above without a brown crown. It occurs in thick undergrowth at the
edges of montane forest in East Africa.
forehead and ear-coverts chestnut-brown; white stripe over eye; cheeks and
throat white with a distinct black malar stripe; breast to under tail-coverts
pale russet-brown.
Voice. A rasping and a rapid warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Widespread but local in East and Central Africa.
Inhabits ranks grass and mixed grass and bush.
Voice. A tinkling, warbling song, not unlike that of a Willow Warbler but
clearer. Also utters a series of short trills and a two-note call ‘tee, teewe.’
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident highlands Ethiopia and Somalia,
south through highlands of Uganda, Kenya and northern Tanzania to the
Uluguru Mts. Inhabits forested and woodland country.
Allied Species. The Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler ( Ph. ruficapilla )
3 2 9cm, has a russet-green head and green back; below throat bright
Identification. 33in, 9cm. A small leaf warbler with bright green upperparts,
wings and tail; forehead, stripe over eye, face and throat rufous-buff; belly
Voice. A
low warbling song; a double note call, ‘tssp-tssp.’
Distribution and Habitat. Mountain forest in western and south-western
Uganda. Active little birds, often in small parties, in foliage of forest trees and
in bamboos.
nape chestnut, the lores black; below, buffy-cream, the breast and flanks
dusky. Occurs in the highlands of southern Tanzania and Malawi, inhabits
grass and bush on hillsides. The Whistling Cisticola (C. lateralis), 5+in,
14cm, has the crown and mantle sooty-brown, below creamy-white, dusky on
flanks. In East Africa occurs in the southern Sudan and in Uganda; inhabits
moist and boggy areas in savannah woodland where there is an abundance of
lush vegetation. The Trilling Cisticola ( C. woosnami). Sin, 13cm, differs from
the Whistling Cisticola in having the crown dull chestnut and a finer bill. It
occurs in Uganda and Tanzania to Central Africa, occurs in savannah and
Brachystegia woodland.
crown dark rufous brown, more or less streaked dusky brown. A characteris-
tic bird of thorn-bush and Brachystegia scrub. In pairs or family parties.
Identification. 5in, 13cm. A rather slim cisticola with a rather long tail.
Above, very heavily and broadly streaked black so that mantle sometimes
appears blackish; crown, edges of wing feathers and edges of blackish tail
feathers bright rufous; below buflfy white.
Voice. A far-carrying tinkling whistle.
Distribution and Habitat. Found in the central highlands of Kenya, where it
inhabits the rank vegetation at the margins of swamps, dams and streams,
usually over 7,000ft, 2,140m.
Voice. A loud, churring 'chee, cheer’ often repeated, and a short piping song.
Distribution and Habitat. Common and widespread through most of East
and Central Africa. Frequents rank grass and other herbage, scrub along
streams, edges of forests, regenerating bush and scrub in old cultivation,
plantations and gardens.
Allied Species. The Pale Prinia ( P. somalica), 44in, 1 Hem, differs from the
Tawny-flanked Prinia in being pale ashy-grey above, creamy white below;
pale eye streak. Occurs in Somalia, southern Ethiopia, and eastern and
south-eastern Kenya in dry thorn-bush country.
Identification. S^in, 14cm. A grey warbler with a long slender tail; white or
buffy-white on throat, grey breast, buff abdomen.
Voice. A sharp two-note call; also has a quavering, warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Forest areas and adjacent secondary growth in
Uganda, western Kenya and north-western Tanzania. In pairs or small
parties in dense undergrowth or other lush vegetation along forest margins
and glades and in neglected cultivation near forest. S often raises tail high
over back; white chin conspicuous in field.
BANDED PRINIA Prinia bairdii Plate 31
yellow. Some races have yellow wash on underpants and head. Occurs in
Identification. 4Un, 1 1cm. Black throat and contrasting yellow breast and
white neck streak render identification easy; crown grey, mantle bright green.
Immature paler and duller.
Voice. A loud and distinct churning call.
Distribution and Habitat. A local and uncommon resident in highland forests
in southern Sudan, Uganda and western and central Kenya, and north-
western Tanzania. Frequents both forest treetops and the undergrowth; seen
usually in pairs.
Allied Species. The Masked Apalis (A. hinotata), 4in, 10cm, is green above
with green wings and tail; crown and face grey; breast and abdomen white,
greenish on flanks; throat and chest black with a white patch on each side of
the neck. A forest species known from highland forest locally in Uganda and
Mt Elgon, western Kenya. The Black-capped Apalis (A. nigriceps), 4in,
10cm, is one of the most beautiful African warblers; above, bright green with
a jet black crown and face and a bright yellow collar on the hind-neck; below
white with a black crescent on the lower throat. A forest treetops species in
some western and southern Uganda forests. The White-winged Apalis (A.
chariessa), 44in, l^cm, is a rare and little-known species recorded from the
Tana River forests in Kenya, the Uluguru Mts forests in Tanzania and from
Malawi. Upperparts, face, wings and tail and a patch on lower neck glossy
blue black; edges of secondaries white, forming a wing patch, and tips of tail
white; below, throat white, chest to belly bright yellow washed rufous on
chest. $ has face and neck patch grey not black.
green-backed with a grey crown; wings and tail green; below white with
broad greenish-yellow chest patch. Occurs in woodland and savannah coun-
try in Uganda, western and eastern Kenya and eastern and southern Tan-
zania. Often in small flocks in woodland trees, behaving like white-eyes.
Apalis porphyrolaema Plate 30
Identification. Sin, 13cm. Upperparts, wings and tail ash-grey; pale tips to tail
feathers; below, chestnut-red patch on chin and upper throat, grey on lower
throat, breast and flanks, white in centre of belly.
Voice. A single shrill ‘tsssp’ note.
Distribution and Habitat. Highland forest of western and south-western
Uganda, western and central Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. Feeds
mainly in the tree-tops.
Allied Species.The Grey Apalis (A. cinerea). Sin, 13cm, upperparts grey to
ashy-grey on crown and face; three outer tail feathers mainly white; under-
parts creamy-white. A forest treetop and undergrowth species known from
southern Sudan, Uganda to central Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. The
Brown-headed Apalis (A. alticola). Sin, 13cm, is very similar to the Grey
Apalis but head is browner and tail feathers grey not white. Occurs locally in
mountain forest in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia.
acacia bush and scrub in eastern Uganda and in northern Tanzania, south of
Lake Victoria. Upperparts pale ash-grey, tail black, underparts creamy
white; outer tail feathers white. The Buff-bellied Warbler ( Phyllolais pul-
chella), 34in, 9cm, is a tiny Apalis-like warbler, pale greyish-brown, under-
parts pale yellowish buff with no distinctive markings. Usually in pairs in the
tops of acacia trees. Locally not uncommon in East Africa south to northern
Tanzania. (Plate 30.)
Identification. Sin, 1 3cm. A rather thickset warbler with a medium long tail; S
has upperparts, wings, tail and sides of breast bright foxy-red; forehead, face,
throat, chest and streak down breast black. $ resembles S in pattern but is
but has a rather short tail; crown, cheeks and hind neck chestnut-brown,
mantle olive-brown, wings and tail greyer; below, chin to belly white, flanks
olive-brown. A bird of forest undergrowth in montane forest from north-
eastern to southern Tanzania. The Red-winged Grey Warbler ( Drymocichla
incana), 5in, 13cm, is pale grey with underparts slightly paler; basal three-
quarters of primaries tawny-rufous. A rather uncommon bird, in East Africa
known from Sudan and north-western Uganda. Occurs
the southern in
savannah woodland where there is rank grass and herbage.
Camaroptera brevicaudata Plate 30
Identification. 5in, 13cm. A dark grey bush warbler with a rather long tail
which is constantly cocked up and down. Underparts have a trace of pale
barring across belly. Immature paler.
Voice. A loud metallic clicking or bleating call ‘tk, tk’ repeated over and over
Distribution and Habitat. Common local resident from I^dhiopia and Somalia
south through Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania to Zambia. Inhabits dry bush
and acacia country and in south of range thickets in Brachystegia woodland.
Eremomela icteropygialis Plate 30
Eremomela fiavicrissalis Plate 30
Identification. 3in, 8cm. The Crombecs are plump little warblers with such
short tails that they appear almost tailless in the field. The present species has
a green back, wings and tail; crown and stripe through eye russet-brown;
a broad white streak above eye; below greyish-white; under tail-coverts
Voice. A brief soft trill.
Distribution and Habitat. Mountain and high level forest in central and
western Kenya, Uganda and western Tanzania. Frequents dense under-
growth of forest and margins of forest; white eye-stripe very conspicuous in
Allied Species. The Green Crombec (Sylvietta virens), 2fin, 7cm, is a dull,
dark greenish-grey species with greyish-white underparts, washed brownish-
buff on chest and throat. Occurs locally in forest undergrowth in Uganda and
in the Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. In some ways resembles a Grey-
backed Camaroptera but is smaller with a very much shorter tail.
Identification. 4in, 10cm. Is a larger species, lacks the dusky eye-streak and
has more extensive and darker rufous underparts.
Voice. Various ‘tsssp’ type calls.
Distribution and Habitat. It occurs locally over a wide area of East and
Central Africa and inhabits bush, acacia woodland and Br<ichystegia scrub
and woodland.
Allied Species.The Long-billed Crombec ( S. rufescens), 4in, 10cm, is similar
to the Red-faced Crombec but has a longer, decurved bill, and the ear-coverts
grey not rufous. It occurs in Zambia, Malawi and Rhodesia. The Somali
Long-billed Crombec (S. isahelliua), occurs in arid bush country in Ethi-
opia, Somalia and northern and eastern Kenya. It differs from the Red-faced
Crombec in having a longer bill and the underparts isabelline-grey, paler on
the throat. The Red-capped Crombec ( S. rufjcapilla ), 4'm, 10cm, is pale grey
above with a pale rufous forehead and the ear-coverts and patch on upper
chest chestnut, remainder underparts whitish. It occurs in Brachystegia
woodland and thickets in Zambia and Malawi.
Identification. 44in, 4cm. A rather plump little bird, tit or warbler-like in its
1 1
appearance and habits; upperparts grey; tail blackish, edged white on outer
feathers; below white with indistinct dusky spotting on throat and a black
band across chest; flanks tawny-rufous, eye yellow.
Voice. A short trilling song, often repeated, and loud double-note call Tik-
wirra, tik-wirra.’
Distribution and Habitat. Northern and eastern Kenya, south to central
Tanzania. Eound in acacia woodland and bush in drier areas.
Allied Species. The Grey Tit-Warbler ( P. plumbeurn) 44in, Hem, differs in 1
lacking the black chest-band and tawny flanks and has the outer, tail feathers
white. It also resembles the Ashy Elycatcher except for its white outer tail
feathers. It has a wide range in East Africa, inhabiting wooded country and
bush. The Brown Tit- Warbler (P. lugens), 4|in, ll^cm, is smoky-
a dark
brown, warbler-like bird with a whitish belly; outer tail feathers edged and
tipped with white. Occurs locally in Kenya and Tanzania, favouring acacia
woodland and savannah woodland. The Yellow-bellied Hyliota ( Hy Hot a
fiavigaster), previously classified among the flycatchers, is Sin, 13cm, irides-
cent blue-black above with a white wing stripe and bright tawny-yellow
underparts. $ grey above. Inhabits wooded areas, keeping to the foliage of
small trees; actions similar to those of a tit. Occurs in Uganda, Kenya and
Ethiopia, south to Zambia and Malawi. The Southern Hyliota ( H. aus-
3i8 warblers and flycatchers
trails ), 13cm, is dull velvety black above, not glossy blue-black; $
brownish-grey on upperparts. Occurs in western Kenya to western Uganda,
south to Malawi and Zambia. The Yellow Longbill ( Macrosphenus flavi-
cans). Sin, 13cm, is rather short-tailed with a straight long bill; above olive-
green, slightly darker on head; below, throat dusky-white merging to silky
lemon-yellow on belly to golden-yellow on flanks. Occurs in forest under-
growth in Uganda. The Grey Longbill ( M. concolor). Sin, 13cm, is similar
but has the underparts dull olive-grey. In both species feathers of lower back
and flanks very long, giving the birds a puffed out appearance. It occurs in
forest undergrowth in western Uganda. The Greenbul Warbler ( Suaheliornis
kretschmeri) also known as Suaheli Longbill, 6in, IScm, is generally dull
green with pale greyish-white underparts with a yellow wash; bill long and
straight. It occurs in forest undergrowth in north-eastern, eastern and south-
eastern Tanzania. In the field, except for its straight bill, it looks very much
like a greenbul with which, in the past, it has been classified.
yellow stripe over the eye; wings and tail green; below whitish olive-grey; bill
short and slightly curved. This is a bird of uncertain status, previously
classified among the sunbirds.
Voice. A harsh, grating ‘grr-grr’ quite unlike any sunbird call; also a loud
warbling song with high notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in southern Sudan, Uganda and western
Kenya. A locally common but shy forest bird, usually found in rank under-
growth but sometimes a member of bird parties in treetops.
FLYCATCHERS: Muscicapidae
Identification. 4in, 10cm. A small plump flycatcher with a rather short tail;
dark sepia or greyish-brown with a pale chin and belly. Immature heavily
M. YC'AK'm-RS 319
spotted bufly-whitc above and on chest. Usually seen perched on a dead twig
from which it makes short flights; very tame and confiding.
Voice. Usually silent, but sometimes utters a soft two-note call, or when at
nest a weak chatter.
Distribution and Habitat. A widely distributed and common resident in East
and Central Africa. In East Africa occurs in wooded and forest areas, also
common tree-shaded gardens. Further south
in it occurs both in evergreen
forest and Brachystegia woodland.
Allied Species. The European Spotted Elycatcher
Muscicapa striata). Sin,
streaked with blackish above; below white with wedge-shaped black spotting
on chest and flanks. It occurs in Brachystegia woodland in western and
southern Tanzania and in Zambia. The Ashy Flycatcher (Alseonax cin-
ereus), 5in, 13cm, occurs locally in wooded country in East and Central
Africa. rather slim, pale blue-grey above, whitish below with a wash of
It is
blue-grey on breast and flanks; a white streak above and below eye. The
Y ellow-footed Flycatcher ( A . seth-smithi j , 3din, 9cm, is dark slate with black
wings and below white; feet light yellow. In East Africa known only from
western Uganda; inhabits roads and clearings in forest. Cassin’s Grey Fly-
catcher ( A. Cassini), Sin, 13cm, is a thickset dark grey flycatcher with black
wings and tail and a white Occurs along forest streams and
belly. rivers in
Uganda and in north-western Zambia. The Dusky Blue Flycatcher ( Pedilo-
rhynchus comitatus), 1 Hem, also frequents forest streams and rivers
in southern Sudan, western and southern Uganda. Upperparts rich bluish-
slate with black wings and tail; below throat white, belly greyish-white, chest,
upper breast and flanks bHish-slate. The Sooty Flycatcher ( Artomyias fuli-
ginosa), 4in, 10cm, is dark sooty-brown, slightly paler below with some
dusky streaking. A forest species constantly perching on bare branches of
dead trees; flight more extended than most flycatchers and bird bears a close
resemblance to a sand martin when in flight. It occurs from southern Sudan
to Uganda. The Grey-throated Flycatcher (Alseonax griseigularis) 4in, ,
10cm, is dark slaty-grey with wings also grey; tail black. Frequents forest
undergrowth and sometimes banks of forest streams. Occurs in western and
southern Uganda.
Dioptrornis fischeri Plate 29
heavier and hooked bill. The d Black Cuckoo-Shrike also resembles a Black
Flycatcher but may be distinguished by its yellow gape.
Voice. A
low piping ‘tweee, tweee, tweee, eeeeee.’
Distribution and Habitat. Sparsely distributed resident in Kenya, Tanzania,
Malawi, Zambia and Rhodesia. Inhabits acacia and other woodlands and
bush country. In Kenya not uncommon in the Tsavo National Park.
Allied Species. The Black Flycatcher ( M. edolioides), 7|in, 19cm, is a West
African species which occurs in woodlands and cultivation in Uganda,
western Kenya and north-western Tanzania. Its plumage is dull blackish-
slatewithout the metallie blue gloss. The Yellow-eyed Blaek Flyeateher ( M.
ardesiaca) 7in, 18cm, dilTers from the South African Black Flycatcher in its
smaller size and bright yellow eye, the latter a good field character. It is a rare
bird, in East Africa known only from the Impenetrable Forest, south western
Identification. Sin, 13cm. Upperparts, wings and tail grey with dusky crown
streaks; below pale grey merging to white on throat and abdomen. Generally
resembles a plump Spotted Flycatcher but lacks that species’ breast streaks.
Usually encountered in pairs.
Voice. Normally silent, but sometimes utters a soft ‘tsssp.’
Distribution and Habitat. Occurs in dry bush and savannah woodlands from
Ethiopia and Somalia through Uganda and Kenya to southern Tanzania.
Allied Species. The Pale Flycatcher ( B. pallidus), 6in, 15cm, is similar to the
Grey Flycatcher but is larger with a relatively longer tail and is pale
brownish-grey no black streaks on crown. Locally common and
in colour;
widespread resident in East and Central Africa. Inhabits savannah wood-
land, acacia country, coastal scrub and cultivation.
Identification. 4in, 10cm. A small, short-tailed, rather stumpy black, grey and
white flycatcher. S has black band
across chest, ? has a chestnut band and
also a chestnut patch on the throat. Immature resembles $ but has buflf
speckling above and on chest. Species differs from the Wattle-eyed Fly-
catchers in lacking red eye-wattles. Occurs in pairs, usually in acacia trees.
produces a sharp ‘brrrrp’ with wings. Chestnut throat-patch of
In flight
9 conspicuous in field.
Voice. A squeaky ‘chrr - chrr’ and a louder double alarm call.
Distribution and Habitat. A common and widespread resident in East and
Central Africa. Inhabits bush country and woodland, especially acacia, and
also forest edges, cultivation and gardens.
Allied Species. The Cape Puff-back Flycatcher ( B. capensis ) 4|in, 1 1 f cm, is
having a very broad black chest band. This species occurs in mountain forest
in western and south-western Uganda. The Grey-headed Puff-back Fly-
catcher ( B. orientalis), 4in, 10cm, has a grey crown and a narrow black chest-
band; $ has a deep chestnut chest-band. It occurs in the Sudan, Ethiopia and
Somalia, south to extreme northern Kenya. The Pygmy Puff-back Flycatcher
( B. perkeo ) 3in, 8cm, is similar to the Grey-headed Puff-back Flycatcher but
is much smaller and the $ has a pale tawny chest-band, not deep chestnut. It
occurs in dry bush country in Ethiopia and Somalia south to Kenya. The
Black-headed Puff-back Flycatcher (B. minor), 4in, 10cm, has the crown
black, not grey; $ with dark chestnut breast-band. Occurs in the Sudan,
Ethiopia and Somalia southwards through eastern districts of Kenya and
Identification. 5|in, 14cm. A very beautiful small blue flycatcher with a long
graduated tail. Plumage cerulean blue, paler on throat and belly. Immature
spotted buff on upperparts. Tame and confiding, readily identified by colour
and habit of constantly fanning its tail.
breast and abdomen grey, tail dark. It frequents the forests of western and
southern Uganda. The Dusky Crested Flycatcher (T. nigromitratus ) 3fin,
9cm, is slate-grey with crown and crest dull black. It occurs in the Kakamega
Forest, western Kenya and in forests in Uganda.
PA RA I) I S K F L Y C A 'F C H F R rcrpsip/ionc viridis Plate 29
TITS: Paridae
black; a broad white stripe from base of bill down sides of neck and a white
326 TITS
patch on nape; belly greyish-white. The white streak down sides of neck is the
best field character.
Voice. A harsh ‘chiss, tch-tch-tch’ and a single ‘tseee.’
Distribution and Habitat. It is possible that East African population, P. a.
thruppi, with a broken white stripe down sides of neck, should be considered a
distinct species from the Central African birds with an unbroken white neck
stripe. Local resident through East and Central Africa. In the northern half
of its range it inhabits dry bush and acacia woodland, especially stands of
acacias along rivers. In the south it is mainly a bird of Brachystegia wood-
Allied Species. The White-backed Black Tit ( P. leuconotus ) 5in, 13cm, is a
little-known species found in high level wooded mountain valleys and gorges
in Ethiopia. It is black with a blue gloss and a contrasting buflfy-white mantle.
Identification. 5|in, 14cm. A black tit with a contrasting white belly; wing
feathersand wing coverts edged white. In pairs or family parties; very active
and always on the move.
Voice. A sharp ‘tss, tseee’ or ‘tss, tss, tss, tee;’ song a repeated warbling ‘chee,
chee, churr.’
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common resident southern Sudan,
Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Inhabits acacia country, woodlands, forests
and coastal bush.
Allied Species. The Cinnamon-breasted Tit (P. rufiventris), 54in, 14cm,
resembles a greyish edition of the White-breasted Tit but with a rufous-
cinnamon belly. It occurs in woodlands in Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and
Rhodesia. The Black Tit ( P. leucomelas ) 54in, 14cm, is glossy violet-black
with contrasting white shoulders and white edgings to the flight feathers. It
occurs very locally in bush, forest and woodland in Uganda, western Kenya,
Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Rhodesia. The Southern Black Tit (P.
niger), 54in, 14cm, has very narrow white edgings to wing feathers and
appears completely black in the field, not black with white shoulders. It is
found locally in scrub and woodland in Malawi, Zambia and Rhodesia. The
Dusky Tit ( P .
fimereus ) 5in, 13cm, is a common bird of forest tree-tops in
western Kenya and Uganda. It is entirely dark slate-grey with bright red eyes.
Usually in small flocks, often associated with mixed bird parties. The Stripe-
breasted Tit ( P. fasciiventer ) 44in, 114cm, is a grey-backed tit with a
blackish head and chest and a blackish stripe down the centre of the breast. It
is mountain forest bird found on the Ruwenzori Mts and the forested
mountains of south-western Uganda. The Red-throated Tit ( P.fringillinus),
44in, Hem, is a grey-backed tit with pale rufous-buff underparts and a
conspicuous rufous collar on hind neck; crown grey; wing feathers and tail
edged white. The Cinnamon-breasted Tit has no rufous collar on hindneck.
Inhabits acacia woodland and open plains with scattered trees and bush, in
pairs or family parties. Local and uncommon in southern Kenya and nor-
thern Tanzania, most frequent in Masai country.
Voice. A
squeaky two-note call, often repeated.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident in small numbers in southern
Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Rhodesia. Inhabits bush,
scrub, stands of acacia and Brachystegia woodlands.
Identification. 2|in, 63 cm. A tiny short-tailed tit with a short, tapering sharp
bill; above pale grey, below creamy-white with a slight tinge of buff on the
belly. The closely related African Penduline Tit has a pale buff forehead and
the underparts cinnamon-buff.
Voice. A high-pitched Teep, teep’ frequently repeated.
Distribution and Habitat. A very local species found in acacia bush and
woodland Kenya, northern Uganda, and north-eastern Tanzania. Usually
in small flocks or sometimes pairs.
There is only one species in this family, the Spotted Creeper of Africa and
Asia. A small tree-climbing bird with whitish or buff-spotted plumage.
Woodpecker-like in actions but tail is not specialised for climbing and is
rounded; held away from the bark when bird is climbing, thus resembling the
actions of nuthatches.
rounded tail as a support. Obtains its food from the bark of trees, flying to the
base and climbing upwards. Usually seen singly or in pairs.
Voice. A shrill whistle of several notes run together and sometimes a single
‘tseee’ not unlike a tit’s call.
Distribution and Habitat. An uncommon and local resident through East and
Central Africa, more frequent in the south of its range. Inhabits park-like
country, savannah and acacia woodland and in the south Brachystegia
woodland. Very uncommon in Kenya and Uganda, more frequent in Zambia
and Rhodesia.
SUNBIRDS: Nectariniidae
A distinct family of small birds with slender curved bills and, in most species,
brilliant metallic plumage in the males. In some species male has a dull
female-like non-breeding plumage. Some females are difficult to identify in
the field and are best recognised by their associated males. Flight very erratic
and Most species visit flowering trees, such as Erythrina, in which they
may be observed at close quarters. The best way to see several of the rarer
forest species is to wait in the vicinity of a flowering tree for the birds to
Identification. 3+in, 9cm. Sexes alike. A short-tailed all green sunbird without
pectoral tufts; underparts slightly paler and yellower than head and mantle.
Not metallic in any way.
Voice. Soft ‘tsssp’ call notes.
Distribution and Habits. In East Africa occurs in southern Sudan and
Uganda. A forest species normally found in the tree-tops. Much attracted to
Erythrina trees and to Loranthus flowers.
Identification. 5in, 3cm. Sexes similar. Crown, head, throat and chest metal-
streaked below.
Voice. A variety of loud ‘cheep’ or ‘tsssp’ calls and a loud warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and partial migrant southern Sudan,
Kenya, Tanzania and Central Africa. A common species, often called the
Black Sunbird, found in a variety of habitats from mountain forest to coastal
scrub and mangrove swamps, savannah and Brachystegia woodland, bush
country, cultivation and gardens.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and partial migrant in Last and
Central Africa. A common and conspicuous species found in a variety of
habitats from forest margins, woodland, savannah and park-like country to
bush, riverine acacias and cultivation; often visits gardens; specially attracted
to flowering Leonotis.
arid bush country. Much attracted to flowering acacia trees and bushes and
flowering Delonyx trees.
Voice. The usually soft sunbird ‘tssp’ and a warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Found
mountain forest, usually below 8,0()()ft,
2,440m, in the Kenya highlands, Mt Elgon and in western and south-western
Uganda. Best identified by its small size and very wide red breast band.
Loveridge’s Sunbird in having deeper red breast suffusion and sides of the
breast are yellow. The 9 is yellower below and has a metallic greenish-grey
wash on crown and mantle. Confined to mountain forest on the Nguru
Mountains and mountains south of the Uluguru range (where only N.
loveridgei is found).
REGAL SUNBIRD Nectarinia regia Plate 34
similar to the Little Purple-banded Sunbird and is also green with a black
belly, but has a broad band of deep violet-purple across chest, no maroon
band and no pectoral tufts. ? is paler below with a well-defined pale streak
behind eye. Occurs in Somalia and eastern districts of Kenya. The Pemba
Sunbird { N. pemhae) is very similar but has a relatively shorter tail and the
green metallic plumage is much brighter. It is confined to the island of Pemba,
north of Zanzibar.
Identification. Sin, 13cm. S brilliant metallic green, often with golden sheen
on mantle and throat; crown metallic purple-blue; bright red breast-band,
yellow pectoral tufts,black belly. $ uniform pale grey with whitish eye-stripe;
wings and tail grey with pale edgings.
Voice. Rather harsh sunbird Tsssps’ and a sustained warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident eastern Sudan, Ethiopia and Som-
alia south to north-eastern Uganda and northern Kenya. Inhabits dry thorn-
bush country and juniper forest in northern Somalia. It is much attracted to
flowering aloes, salvias, flowering acacia trees and bushes and to fruiting
Salvadora bushes. The red breast-band, yellow tufts and black abdomen are
good field marks.
Allied Species. The Splendid Sunbird (N. coccinigaster) 5+in, 14cm, is
similar to the Shining Sunbird but has a broader red breast-band suffused
with metallic violet, and the ? has indistinct greenish streaking on the chest.
It occurs in the southern Sudan and has been recorded from the north of West
Identification. 4^in, 1 Hem. Sexes alike. A grey sunbird with slight bluish-
green metallic wash on upperparts; below pale greyish-white; red and
creamy-yellow pectoral tufts. Bird has habit of constantly flicking its wings, a
habit also shared by Olive Sunbird.
Voice. A loud clear warbling song; call a rather drawn-out and plaintive
Ranges through coastal areas of southern Somalia,
Distribution and Habitat.
Kenya and Tanzania; also on Zanzibar Island. Inhabits dense coastal scrub,
woodland and forest and also mangrove swamps.
smaller and with a shorter tail and only (3 has yellow pectoral tufts.
Voice. Call note a sharp Tssssk;’ also has a jingling warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. A species confined to alpine moorlands. In Kenya
known from Mt Kenya and the Aberdare range; in Uganda on the Ruwen-
zori range and the Birunga volcanoes in south-western Kigezi; in Tanzania
on Mount Kilimanjaro in the north and on the Livingstone range in the
south; also on the Nyika plateau in Malawi and Zambia. Much attracted to
flowering protea bushes and giant lobelias.
night among bushes, when yellow wings and tail are very conspicuous.
Nectarinia purpureiventris Plate 35
yellow. Belly entirely black in race found east of the Rift Valley, metallic
green in race west of Rift Valley, except near Kisumir, Kenya, where black-
bellied birds are found. non-breeding plumage drab grey, whitish below
3 in
with retained metallic wing-coverts, rump and tail. $ ashy-grey with whitish
eye-stripe; below yellowish-white with trace of streaking on breast. Immature
like 9 but throat blackish.
Voice. A sharp clear ‘tsp’ and a soft warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident with restricted migratory move-
ments from the Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia southwards through Uganda
and Kenya to southern Tanzania, but not in coastal districts. Inhabits bush
country, savannah and open woodlands and stands of acacias. Especially
attracted to flowering acacias and aloes.
Allied Species. The Smaller Black-bellied Sunbird (N. nectarinioides ) , S
44in, l^cm; 9 3^in, 9cm; is the smallest of the long-tailed sunbirds; central
tail feathers extend 1 |-2cm beyond rest. Plumage metallic green with a bright
red breast-band, sometimes with a trace of yellow at edges, and a black belly.
The 9 is olive-grey with indistinct dusky-olive streaking on throat, chest and
flanks. The Black-bellied race of Beautiful Sunbird is larger and has a yellow
patch on each side of the red breast-band. It is a local and uncommon
resident in eastern districts of Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. Most
frequent along the Tana River in Kenya. Inhabits arid bush country and
most in evidence in acacias bordering rivers or dry river beds, where it feeds at
the orange and yellow flowers of Loranthus parasitic on the acacias.
centre of throat; breast and abdomen while; red pectoral tufts. ? grey above
with slight metallic wash, below greyish-white, tinged yellow in centre of
belly; no pectoral tufts.
Voice. Very weak ‘tssss’ calls and a soft warbling song of short duration.
Distribution and Habitat. A very uncommon and local sunbird known from
theSokoke-Arabuku forests on the Kenya coast and the forests of the eastern
Usambara Mountains, north-eastern Tanzania. A bird of the treetops,
warbler-like in its feeding habits.
Identification. 34in, 9cm. A thickset stumpy sunbird with a rather short tail. S
upperparts metallic golden-green; rump and upper tail coverts non-metallic
olive-green; wings and dark olive-brown; below, chin grey, throat and
chest metallic green with a narrow dull orange band across chest; remainder
underparts olive-grey, paler on belly; pectoral tufts yellow. $ uniform olive-
green, paler below; no pectoral tufts. This sunbird is placed as a race of the
Gambian T. rectirostris by some but it is unlikely that the two are conspecific.
Voice. A weak, zosterops-like ‘zeet, zeet,' frequently repeated.
Distribution and Habitat. A forest tree-top sunbird found locally in the
southern Sudan, Uganda and western Kenya. Often associates with Apalis
warblers, tits and other tree-top species. Visits fruiting fig trees and other
fruiting trees and feeds to some extent on fruit.
BANDED GREEN SUNBIRD Anthreptes rubritorques Plate 36
Identification. 4^in, ^cm. S metallic violet-blue above and on tail and chin;
wings grey; underparts white with yellow pectoral tufts; some metallic green
feathers on wing shoulders and rump. The 9 grey above with white streak
above eye; tail violet black; wings grey, underparts white; no pectoral tufts.
The Violet-backed Sunbird is larger and greyish below in the S. yellowish on
belly in $.
Voice. A high-pitched but not very loud chirping call and a sharper ‘teep;’ a
River and Taita Hills in Kenya and the forests on the eastern Usambara Mts,
Nguru and Uluguru Mountains in north-eastern Tanzania. A forest sunbird
which keeps largely to the tree-tops.
C () L 1. A R K I) S IJ N B R I) I Anthrcptcs collaris Plate 36
Identification. 3Un, 9cm. A liny thickset sunbird with a short tail. 3* metallic
yellowish-green above and on throat; a narrow violet band across chest; rest
of underparts yellow, slightly greenish on flanks; pectoral tufts yellow. $ and
immature are also metallic green on upperparts but not on the throat; throat
and chest olive-yellow, breast and abdomen bright yellow; no pectoral tufts.
The 3 Variable Sunbird resembles this species but has the plumage metallic
blue-green and has an extensive violet chest patch.
Voice. A weak Tsssp’ frequently uttered and a soft warbling song.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed and locally common in East and
Central Africa. Inhabits forests, woodland, scrub, bush country and in
coastal districts common in coastal scrub and also mangrove swamps; often
visits gardens.
Identification. 3 6^-7in, 16-1 8cm; tail 3T^in, 9-1 0cm; $ 3in, 8cm. 3
metallic golden-green sunbird with a bright yellow breast and abdomen and
very long spatulate-tipped central tail feathers; very short for a sunbird. 9
pale grey above, pale yellow below; tail feathers not elongated. 3 in non-
breeding dress moults long tail feathers and body plumage and resembles $
except for metallic wing coverts.
Voice. A warbler-like Teep, teep;’ song a soft warbling trill.
Distribution and Habitat. Local, but not uncommon in some areas. Found in
WHITE-EYES: Zosteropidae
Identification. 4in, 10cm. The bird in East Africa known previously as the
Green White-eye is now lumped with Z. senegalensis. Plumage variable.
powdery yellowish-green to green above, below bright yellow to greenish-
yellow; best recognised by its narrow white eye-ring. *
Voice. Various peeping flock calls; song a series of soft warbling notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and migrant over much of
East and Central Africa. Inhabits a variety of habitats from open thornbush
country, acacia and savannah woodland to Brachystegia woodland, culti-
vation, forests and gardens.
species with a very large white eye-ring but has the breast, abdomen and
flanks grey. It occurs in forests on the Taita Hills, south-eastern Kenya. The
Pale White-eye ( Z. pallidus) has a small white eye-ring and a pale grey belly,
often yellowish in centre. It occurs in-the forests of Mt Kulal, northern
Kenya, and on the Pare Mts, north-eastern Tanzania.
BlIN'riN(iIS: Kmberi/idae
FINCHES: Fringillidae
The finches are thick-billed seed-eating birds which resemble weavers but
have nine visible primaries only, not ten. Nests open and cup-shaped, unlike
those of weavers.
known from western Kenya and central and southern Uganda. Usually
associated with papyrus swamps.
Identification. 4^in, 1
with or without a narrow black frontal band;
^cm. <3
green with a dull black head and neck; $ has head olive-green washed black
on crown and throat. A high altitude species confined to northern and central
Ethiopia. The Warsanglia Linnet (Warsanglia johannis), 5in, 13cm, is a
dusky grey linnet-like bird with a white forehead and stripe over eye; rump
and flanks chestnut; rest of underparts greyish-white. Known only from the
Eregavo area of northern Somalia.
wings and wing-coverts russet-brown; hindneck, rump, face, throat and chest
crimson; tail black with crimson wash; breast and belly black with round
white spots. $ paler and has chin to chest deep buff with crimson wash; breast
and belly grey, spotted with white.
Voice. A weak rather squeaky tril, but birds usually silent.
rump deep maroon-red; tail black; breast and abdomen black with maroon
red flanks speckled with white. A rare bird of highland forest undergrowth,
known from south-western Uganda.
Identification. 3Un, 9cm. A bright green waxbill with a blackish breast and
belly heavily marked with round white spots. S has the face and chin tomato-
red. ? with face green or with at most a wash of red.
Voice. Usually silent; a squeaky two note call.
Identification. 4 jin, Sexes alike. Head, nape, upper back and under-
1 Hem.
parts greyish-olive; back, rump, flanks and wing-coverts crimson-red; bill
leaden grey. Best distinguished from Red-faced Crimsonwing by lack of eye
Voice. A soft Teeeep.’
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in highland forest and bamboo
zone in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and north-eastern Tanzania. Inhabits
undergrowth of forest and bamboo; often seen on forest tracks feeding on
small seeds or picking up grit. Common on Mt Kenya and Aberdare Moun-
tains, Kenya.
R K D - F A C K I) C R IM SO IN W N (i
I CryUospiza rcichcnovH Plafe 38
4Un, 14cm. Sexes alike. Dark grey with crown, face, mantle,
Identification. 1
rump, flanks and wing coverts crimson; bill leaden grey. Easily distinguished
from other species by dark grey and crimson plumage.
Voice. Usually silent; call note a soft Tzeek.'
Ruwenzori range and highland forest
Distribution and Habitat. Forests of the
in Kigezi, Uganda. Inhabits dense undergrowth and bamboo, rarely ap-
parent but sometimes seen on road margins through forest. Most frequent in
the Impenetrable Forest, south-western Uganda.
Identification. 6in,5cm. T head, chest, flanks, rump and central tail feathers
Voice. A soft tinkling call note, but birds usually silent.
Distribution and Habitat. Found locally, but everywhere uncommon, in
Uganda and in the Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. Inhabits dense forest
undergrowth, especially the margins of forests and in glades; also in dense
scrub and secondary growth near water.
Allied Species. Rothschild’s Seed-cracker ( P. rothschildi ) 5+in, 14cm, differs
only in smaller size and smaller bill (width of lower mandible at base j^-|in,
12-1 3mm, 7mm). A rare bird known from western
against j^-j^in, 14-1
Uganda in forest undergrowth. The Large-billed Seed-cracker ( P. maximus),
64in, 6|cm differs in having a larger and heavier bill, |^-|in, 8-1 9mm, wide
1 1
Identification. 34 in, 9cm. A small, rather til-likc little bird with a slender bill
Identification. 6in, 15cm. A large black and red waxbill inhabiting forest
undergrowth. (3 head, chest, flanks and upper tail coverts bright crimson-red;
rest of plumage black; bill heavy, metallic blue to pink along cutting edges;
feet dark horn. 9 black replaced by dark grey and with round white spots on
the breast and belly. In the Usambara Mts, N.E. Tanzania race the S is grey
not black. The Black-bellied Seedcracker has a differently shaped blue-grey
bill and yellowish legs; the $ is brown and red and has no white spots on
Voice. A series of barely audible clinking notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally not uncommon in southern Sudan,
Uganda, western Kenya and northern and western Tanzania. Inhabits dense
forest undergrowth; sometimes comes to the forest edge to bask in sun,
especially following heavy rain storms.
Allied Species. Grant’s Bluebill (S. poliogenys) 5|in, 14cm, resembles the
Red-headed Bluebill but red much brighter and on crown red confined to
forehead; 9 has top and sides of head grey; chin to breast red; remainder
underparts grey with round white spots. A rare and seldom seen species
recorded from the Bwamba Forest, western Uganda.
Identification. 4Mn, 1 l^cm. Top of head and nape mantle and tail olive
green; cheeks white; throat and line around cheeks black; rest of underparts
grey to golden-yellow on flanks. This is another waxbill with warbler-like
habits, searching foliage for insect food.
Voice. Soft Tsssp’ calls but normally silent.
Another very uncommon species, known from
Distribution and Habitat.
north-western Uganda and southern Sudan. It frequents forest margins,
savannah bush and woodland.
disturbed the birds dive into the nearest thicket, leaving a fleeting impression
of a green bird with a red rump and tail.
Voice. Usually silent, but sometimes utters weak chirping calls.
another red-billed finch-like species with forehead, face, chin, rump and taill
feathers crimson-red; edges of flight feathers and wing coverts orange-red;;
crown and mantle olive green. Distinguished from the Green-winged Pytiliai
by its grey throat and orange-edged wings. Widely distributed in East Africai
but everywhere uncommon. Skulking in habits, in thick bush and thickets ini
savannah country.
Identification. 3+in, 9cm. A tiny greenish waxbill with a buff belly, black tail!
and crimson rump; bill colour distinctive and a good field character, upper
mandible black, lower mandible red; sexes alike; immature duller. Southern
birds have a black face mask. Usually in small flocks in lush undergrowth.
Voice. A weak ‘swee, swee.'
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident through most of' Last and Central
Africa. Occurs in rank herbage along forest margins and streams and in
grassy areas in wooded and forest country.
Allied Species. The Fawn-breasted Waxbill ( E. pa/udicola ) 4]in, ^cm, is a
pale brown waxbill with a greyish head, red bill and red rump; below creamy-
white with a strong pink wash on the belly. A local species found in western
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Central Africa; occurs in swampy grasslands
and bush, woodland and forest margins. General pale appearance, pinkish
belly and red bill are best field characters.
south to Malawi. Favours marshy areas where there is a lush growth of
grasses, forestmargins and open grasslands.
Allied Species. The Black-rumped Waxbill (E. troglodytes) 3|in, 9cm, is
easily distinguished from the Crimson-rumped and Common Waxbills by its
black rump and tail. It occurs in open savannah woodland and bush in
southern Sudan and north-western Uganda.
Identification. 4in, 10cm. A pale brown waxbill with a conspicuous vivid red
bill and a red streak through the eye; brown, not red, on the rump and tail; red
in centre of belly. Immature duller with dusky bill.
Voice. Constant weak twittering flock calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident, often abundant, through East and Cen-
tral Africa. Occurs in flocks in lush grasslands, neglected cultivation and rank
brownish-grey with the crown, rump, tail and chest maroon red; sides of face,
chin and throat black; the $ is and lacks the black face. Occurs in tall
grass savannah in northern Uganda and the southern Sudan. The Bar-
breasted Firefinch ( L. rufopicta), 4in, 10cm, is a small reddish waxbill with a
red dark brown back and crimson upper tail coverts; chin to breast
vinous-crimson with broken white bars across the chest. Found in open
savannah bush and around human habitations in north-western Uganda and
southern Sudan.
Identification. 44in, |cm. Small, deep red and brown finch-like birds, the 9
and immature paler and greyer. Best distinguished from Red-billed Firefinch
by blue-grey bill and blackish under tail-coverts. Occurs in pairs and feeds
largely on the ground. Much less common in gardens than the Red-billed
Voice. A bell-like trill, followed by several chirping notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Widely distributed but local in East and Central
Africa. Inhabits thick lush bush and rank grass, forest margins, thick bush
along streams and overgrown cultivation.
Allied Species. The very closely related Jameson’s Firefinch ( L. jamesoni )
4Un, 1 Hem, also has a blue-grey bill but is paler above, washed with rose-
pink. It inhabits more arid areas than the African Firefinch, favouring
thickets in dry thornbush country. The Black-bellied Firefinch ( L. rara), 5in,
13cm, has the head, upperparts, chest and flanks vinous-red; breast and
abdomen black; bill black, lower mandible pink. 9 has vinous-buff under-
parts. Similar to a large African Firefinch but has black extending on to
Occurs locally in Uganda and western Kenya, inhabiting mixed grass
and bush country and thick vegetation along streams.
WAX HI 1,1. 359
ZKBRA WAXB I LL A nuuula va suhfla va Plate 40
SILVERBILL Euodice malabarica Plate 39
Identification. 34in, 9cm. Tame, gregarious little birds feeding on grass seeds
and on the ground like sparrows. Above dusky with oily-green gloss, darker
on head, throat and breast; rump and flanks vermiculated black and white;
belly white; bill pale blue-grey. The immature is brown with a black tail.
Voice. A sharp low ‘tik, tik.’
Distribution and Habitat. A common resident in East and Central Africa.
Found in bush country, coastal scrub, cultivation, grasslands, edges of
swamps and lakes and around human habitations.
Identification. 4in, 10cm. Rather thickset, heavy billed seed-eater with upper-
parts, head, throatand chest glossy black; breast and abdomen white, barred
black on flanks. Gregarious, feeding on seeding grasses in small flocks. The
Bronze Mannikin differs in having a greyish-brown mantle; the Rufous-
backed Mannikin, which may be conspecific, has a bright chestnut back.
Voice. Various subdued chirping calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in Uganda, western Kenya and
north-western Tanzania. Frequents grassy margins and glades of forests and
in savannah woodland.
R U F() 1) S - B A C K P I) IM ANN K NI I Lonchura ni^riccps Plate 39
This is one of the largest bird families in Africa. Most but not all are seed-
eaters with short heavy bills. They resemble true finches in general ap-
pearance but have ten, not nine primaries. Finches build open nests; weavers
and allies weave domed structures with bottom entrance. Many
a side, top or
species are highly gregarious, nesting in colonies. In some species the males
have a female-like non-breeding plumage. The Whydahs and Indigo Birds
are parasitic in their nesting habits.
I N D G () - B R D
I I / lypochera dnilyhcala Plate 40
be distinguished by its white bill and its white or mauve-tinged white legs. It
occurs in dry bush country in East and Central Africa. The Variable Indigo-
bird ( H. amauropteryx ) 44in, fcm, has a pink or reddish bill and orange
1 1
of human habitations.
Allied Races. Nominate Baglafecht Weaver is a green-backed, yellow-
breasted species with a golden-yellow forehead and black ear-coverts; belly
white. Occurs in Ethiopia and northern Uganda. It frequents lush bush,
margins of forest and lush grass near water. Stuhlmann’s Weaver ( P. b.
stuhlmanni) has the crown and face black in both d' and 9; rest upperparts,
wings and tail green, mantle with black streaks; below bright yellow. Locally
common central Uganda southwards to southern Tanzania. A closely related
race occurs in highland forests in Malawi and Zambia.
Allied Species. Bertram’s Weaver ( Ploceus bertrandi), 6in, 15cm, has a
yellow crown and yellowish-green underparts, wings and tail; nape patch,
faceand chin black; below yellow. 9 has the crown black. An uncommon and
very local bird in the highlands of eastern and southern Tanzania, from the
Nguru and Uluguru Mts southwards. Favours vegetation along mountain
streams and hillsides with mixed grass, bush and trees.
Identification. 4^in, +cm. A small yellow weaver, greenish on the back, with
1 1
a black face, forecrown and throat; 9 and immature lack black face and are
Voice. Soft Tsssp’ notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident acacia woodland and scrub in East
Africa south to northern Tanzania. Not gregarious, normally seen in pairs or
family parties.
a greenish back, no black on face. The Little Weaver has a shorter and more
stubby bill and a different habitat - acacia woodlands.
Voice. Subdued chattering calls, but relatively quiet for a weaver.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in western Kenya, Uganda and
northern Tanzania around Lake Victoria. Inhabits lake shore vegetation,
swamps and swamp forest. Common at Entebbe, where often seen in gar-
dens. Slender black bill conspicuous in field.
WHAV I- RS 3^5
(iOLDKN WKAVER Floceus suhaurcus I’late 41
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident East and Central Africa. Inhabits a
variety of country where there is plenty of rank vegetation, including culti-
vation and gardens, woodlands, the vicinity of swamps and marshes.
mottled back; similar to Speke’s Weaver but with a conspicuous yellow rump
and shorter tail; $ olive-yellow above with dusky streaks; rump yellow;
underparts yellowish.
of Uganda.
Identification. 6in, 15cm. A thickset weaver with black upperparts, head and
chest; wings black with yellow edgings; dark olive; breast and abdomen
yellow, flanks rich chestnut. 9 and immature dark olive with indistinct dusky
streaking; below whitish with olive wash on throat, chest and flanks; wings
blackish-olive with pale yellow edgings; tail olive.
Identification. 5in, 13cm. a black weaver with a bright yellow breast and
abdomen; wings black, edged with yellow; rump and tail olive-green. 9
bright green above with black streaks on mantle; wings black with yellow
edgings; tail dark olive; underparts bright canary yellow, merging to buffy-
white on belly.
Voice. A high pitched twittering.
Distribution and Habitat. A very rare and local weaver, known only from the
Sokoke-Arabuku Forest on the Kenya coast. Found in small flocks in tree-
neck band and yellowish-green mantle; below, chestnut on breast and flanks,
yellow on belly. The S Golden-backed Weaver has black extending from
crown to nape and entire mantle is bright yellow. $ and immature pale brown
above, streaked dusky; below white, washed cinnamon on breast and flanks.
Gregarious; nearly always near water, especially papyrus and reed beds or
elephant grass.
Voice. Various churring call-notes, typical of weavers in flocks.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident southern Sudan and western Ethi-
bill; upperparts dark olive with very indistinct dark mottling; forehead
chestnut, merging to yellow on hind crown; wings dark brown; face and
throat black; remainder underparts yellow to white on belly. 9 like but
crown blackish and a golden-yellow stripe over eye.
Voice. A rather harsh ‘cheee,’ followed by a series of double notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally common in Uganda, western Kenya and
north-western Tanzania. Inhabits open park-like country and forest margins
where there is long grass. Gregarious in small flocks in grasslands.
Voice. A sharp ‘tssst’ or ‘chirr-it,’ but usually silent.
Distribution and Habitat. A very uncommon and local forest weaver found in
Uganda and in the Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. Habits woodpecker or
tit-like, climbing about over branches of tall trees searching for insects.
Usually in pairs or small family parties.
Identification. 5Un, 14cm. A black and yellow forest weaver, the S with a
bright chestnut cap. General colour bright yellow with black wings and tail, a
black face and chin and a yellow stripe down the middle of the back. 9 with
the cap black, not chestnut.
Voice. Usually silent, but sometimes utters a sharp Tssst.’
Distribution and Habitat. A
and uncommon forest species found in
Uganda, central and western Kenya and northern and western Tanzania.
Inhabits the treetops usually in pairs or family parties, searching the
branches manner of a tit. The broad yellow stripe down
in the the back
and the male’s chestnut crown are conspicuous in the field.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident forests southern Sudan, Uganda and
western Kenya in the Kakamega Forest. Inhabits forest treetops and the
vines and creepers hanging from forest trees.
Allied Species. Gray's Malimbe ( M. nitens), 64in, 164cm, is a black weaver
with a deep red throat and chest and a bluish-white bill. Found in the
Bwamba Forest, western Uganda. May be distinguished from the Crested
and Red-headed Malimbes by less extensive red and a bluish-white, not
black, The Red-bellied Malimbe ( M. erythrogaster ) ,1'm, 18cm, has a red
crown, breast and abdomen. It also has been recorded from the Bwamba
Forest, western Uganda.
CRESTED MALIMBE Malimhus malimbicus Plate 43
rank grass.
.Allied Species. The Red-headed Quelea (Q. erythrops), 5in, 13cm, is larger
with a blackish-crimson throat and a relatively longer tail; bill black. This is a
widely distributed species in East Africa south to Malawi and Zambia, but
very local and often absent from apparently suitable habitats. Inhabits rank
grasslands and marshes.
W i: A V It R s 375
and legs; in breeding dress has black face and is sulTiised pink on crown and
breast. $, non-breeding and immature lack black face and pink sufl'usion.
Distribution and Habitat. Resident and spasmodic migrant through East and
Central Africa. Inhabits dry thornbush country, scrub and acacia thickets, at
times entering cultivation where it is very destructive to wheat crops.
RED-COLLARED WIDOWBIRD Euplectes ardens Plate 45
Identification. S Hin, 28cm; $ Sin, 13cm. <3 entire plumage black with
crescent-shaped scarlet patch on upper breast. The Kilimanjaro, Kenya
Highlands and Ethiopian Highlands race has the crown and nape scarlet.
Some birds in Uganda, Tanzania and Central Africa, occurring alongside
normal (3 have the plumage entirely black without a red breast-patch. $, S
in non-breeding dress and immature streaked black and tawny on upper-
parts; below buff, washed yellowish on throat and chest. Breeds in loose
colonies of scattered pairs; in flocks in non-breeding season and when feed-
Voice. Various chirping callsand a metallic rasping song.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident and partial migrant in East and
Central Africa. Inhabits areas of rank grass and mixed grass and bush.
ing in small scattered colonics. Not uncommon in the Voi area of Tsavo
National Park.
Euplectes macrocercus Plate 45
20in, 51cm, $ Sin, 20cm; occurs in marshy valleys in the southern highlands
of Tanzania and the highlands of Malawi and Zambia. The S is black with a
very long tail and yellow and buff shoulders; ? dusky and sparrow-like. The
Long-tailed Widowbird is larger with an even longer tail and has red and buff
Euplectes macrounis Plate 45
Voice. Various ‘zeeting’ calls, not unlike those of some cisticola warblers.
Distribution and Habitat. Locally not uncommon
Uganda, western Kenya,
Tanzania and Zambia. Inhabits open grassy plains, marshes, bush and
margins of swamps and lakes.
Identification. 4fin, cm. One of the several species of bright red and black
1 I f
Identification. 4in, lOcm. A small black and red bishop distinguished by its
brown wings and tail, red crown and completely black underparts. 9, non-
breeding S iind immature sparrow-like, streaked above and distinguished in
field from Red Bishop only by smaller size. Usually in small flocks; breeds in
Identification. 4in,10cm. T a bright red bishop with crown, face and breast
black; wings and tail brown; red upper tail-coverts very long extending to end
of tail feathers. 9, non-breeding (S and immature sparrow-like.
Voice. Various zeeting call notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Ranges from the Sudan to Ethiopia, south to
Uganda and the Rift Valley, Kenya. A striking little bird, remarkable for its
long rump and tail coverts. Common at Lake Baringo, Kenya. Occurs in
open grasslands and reed beds along lake margins.
Identification. lOin, 25+cm. A very large thickset weaver, black except for
white-margined and white bases to body feathers; bill dull red
flight feathers
to the S- Ranges from Sudan and western Ethiopia south to northern half of
Uganda and western Kenya. Inhabits savannah woodlands and acacia coun-
try; also favours baobab trees for nesting.
Identification. 9in, 23cm. A large heavy brown and white weaver, rather
parrot-like in general appearance, with a most conspicuous orange-red rump
and under tail-coverts; especially noticeable during flight. Usually seen in
pairs or small flocks. Frequently feeds on the ground below acacia trees and
often associated with Superb and Hildebrandt’s Starlings.
Voice. A harsh, parrot-like call and a series of chattering notes.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident Somalia, Ethiopia
and Sudan south
through Uganda and Kenya to Tanzania. Inhabits acacia woodlands, dry
bush and thornbush scrub. One of the most noticeable birds in the dry
thornbush country of Kenya.
ish edgings to feathers giving a scaly effect; wings dark brown with inner webs
of flight feathers pale chestnut; tail pale chestnut except central feathers
which are brown; underparts creamy-white mottled with brown; eye pale
blue. Field appearance, a mottled brown buffalo weaver; rufous in wings and
tail conspicuous in flight.
Identification. Sin, 13cm. Sexes alike. A pale brown weaver with a black
crown and black tail; underparts white with black streak in centre of breast;
bill greenish-white. Immature pale brown.
Voice. Subdued chattering calls.
Distribution and Habitat. A very local bird in northern and eastern Kenya,
Ethiopia and north-eastern Tanzania. Inhabits dry bush country where there
wi;avi;ks 383
are acacias inwhich il nests in colonies. I his is a common bird in tlie
Sam bum Ciame Reserve, Kenya.
Streaked tawny-brown mantle and rufous rump; below greyish; bill very large
and heavy.
Voice. Typical sparrow chirping.
Distribution and Habitat. Centraland southern Ethiopia and eastern Kenya.
Inhabits open country with scattered trees and bushes; most frequent at the
Kenya coast.
Allied Species. Swainson’s Sparrow ( P. swainsonii) 6in, 15cm, is like a very
dark edition of the Grey-headed Sparrow with a chestnut-brown lower back.
Occurs from Port Sudan to Ethiopia and norihern Somalia in bush and
acacia country. The Swahili Sparrow (P. suaheliciis ) 5^ in, 14cm, differs
from the Grey-headed Sparrow in having the head, nape and mantle the same
colour, dusky grey. It occurs locally in open acacia and other woodland and
bush country in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania.
arid bush country, open savannah woodland and cultivation where there are
bushes and trees.
Allied Species. The Bush Petronia (P. dentata), 5in, 13cm, is smaller and
paler than the Yellow-spotted Petronia with a greyish crown and a pale
russet-brown mantle. It occurs in the Sudan, Ethiopia, northern Uganda and
north-western Kenya in arid bush country.
STARLINGS: Sturnidae
Identification. 12in, 30cm. A thickset starling with a long tail, entire plumage
glossy violet-black with flight feathers conspicuously rufous in $ has flight.
head, neck and throat washed grey; eyes red. Immature sooty-black with
little gloss. Occurs in pairs or flocks.
Voice. Loud, drawn-out whistles Tee-jeeoooo’ and shorter piping calls. Often
callson the wing.
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident through East and Central Africa.
Occurs usually on rocky hills, cliffs and precipices, wooded and forested areas
and in cultivation. In Nairobi, Kenya it is found on buildings in the city
Allied Species. The Chestnut-wing Starling { O. fulgidus) 1 lin, 28cm, is very
similar to the Red-wing Starling in general appearance but differs in having
386 starlihgs
forest treetops.
Voice. Various liquid whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. This is another high-level forest species found in
East Africa south to Malawi and Zambia. Occurs in mountain forest, usually
above 5,000ft, 1,530m.
Allied Species. The Narrow-tailed Starling ( Poeoptera luguhris). Tin, 18cm,
isa very slender blue-black starling with a long, graduated tail; 9 greyer and
with chestnut in the wing apparent in flight. A forest treetops starling known
from the southern Sudan and forests in western Uganda. Stuhlmann's Star-
ling (Stilbopsar stuhlmanni , 6in, 1 5cm, is another small slender species, blue-
black in 9 grey with mainly chestnut flight feathers. Differs from the
Narrow-tailed Starling in smaller size and thicker, shorter tail. Found in the
forests of western Kenya and Uganda; also in southern Sudan. Kenrick’s
Starling (Stilbopsar kenricki), 6in, 15cm, resembles Stuhlmann’s Starling
but is dull black without blue sheen. 9 has chestnut in flight feathers. Found
in mountain forests in Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania.
BRISTLE-CROWNED STARLIN(; (kilco/isar salvadorii Plate47
confined to rocky gorges and cliffs in northern and central Ethiopia. The
white conspicuous in the field.
bill is The Somali Chestnut-wing Starling
( 0?iychognathus hlythii) is very similar to the Redwing Starling but has a
longer and more graduated tail. It measures lin, 28cm. Confined to nor-
thern and north-eastern Ethiopia and northern Somalia; inhabits cliffs and
rocky gorges.
green and blue with a velvety-black band across the closed wing; tail violet-
black, broadly tipped metallic blue-green; underparts, chin to belly metallic
violet and coppery, the sides of chest and lower belly and under tail coverts
metallic blue; eye creamy yellow. In flight the bird produces a loud swishing
sound with its wings. Occurs in pairs or small flocks. Much attracted to
fruiting fig trees.
Voice. Loud single or double guttural ‘chark’ or ‘chark, chark’ and a variety
of liquid whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. A West African forest species which extends
eastwards to southern Sudan, western Ethiopia, Uganda, western Kenya,
western Tanzania and north-western Zambia. A partial migrant in some
areas. Numerous in the forests of Uganda and common at Entebbe.
VIOLET-BACKED STARLING Cinnyricinclus leucogaster P\ate 46
a white breast and abdomen; eye yellow; sexes alike. The similar Sharpe’s
Starling has the breast and abdomen rufous-buff
Voice. Various rather high-pitched whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. A local and very uncommon
found instarling
south-eastern Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. Inhabits mountain forest,
keeping to the treetops. Perhaps most frequent in forests on Mt Kilimanjaro,
Tanzania, where it associates with another treetop species, Kenrick’s Star-
Identification. 7fin, 19cm. S, upperparts, head, chest, wings and tail bluish-
black; white patch on flight feathers; breast and abdomen creamy-white; eye
bright red. $ differs in having head and chest grey, not black.
Voice. Various shrill whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. Local and often of irregular appearance in northern
arid districts of Kenya and north-eastern Uganda; also in southern Ethiopia
and southern Somalia. Most frequent in Turkana district, Kenya where it is
locally common, especially in those areas where large termite hills are a
feature of the landscape.
WH I T E- W N G K I)
I S'F A R UN (; Ncociclila ^utluralis Plate 46
belly and pale grey crown; eye pale cream. In shape and stance general
appearance that of Superb Starling but quite different in colour.
Voice. Various whistles and chattering calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Local and generally uncommon in southern Ethi-
opia, southern Somalia, eastern Kenya and north-eastern Tanzania. Often
settles and feeds on the ground. Common in the Tsavo National Park,
crown and abdomen white and white streaks on breast. Feeds largely on the
Voice. Chattering calls.
and chest; breast and belly rufous; under wing and under tail-coverts rufous;
eye orange-red. The somewhat similar Superb Starling has a white band
across breast and white under the wings and tail, and a cream coloured eye.
Voice. Various melodious whistles; song a series of drawn-out double
^ -f
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident southern half of Kenya
and northern
Tanzania; commonest in the Ukamba country of Keny3. Inhabits bush and
wooded savannah, riverine acacia belts and cultivation. Usually gregarious
and like the Superb Starling commonly feeds on the ground.
Allied Species. Shelley’s Starling (S. shelleyi), 6-lin, 16|cm, differs in having
the breast and dark rufous-chocolate. It breeds in Ethiopia and Somalia
and appears as a non-breeding migrant in eastern Kenya. It is common along
the Tana River when the Salvadora bushes are in fruit. It inhabits acacia
bordered dry river beds and thornbush country. The Chestnut-bellied Star-
ling (S. pulcher). Tin,18cm, resembles a very dull plumaged Hildebrandt's
Starling, greenish sooty-brown on the head and neck, dull green on mantle;
below chestnut. It occurs in central and eastern Sudan and northern Ethi-
opia. Found in dry acacia and bush country.
to identify in the field. Normally occurs in small flocks or pairs; usually shy
and wild.
Voice. Various loud whistling call notes.
and partial migrant Ethiopia and
Distribution and Habitat. Local resident
Somalia, south through eastern Kenya and northern half of eastern Tan-
zania. Inhabits dry bush and thornbush country; locally common in the
Tsavo National Park, Kenya.
S l ARUNCiS 393
I Cosmopsarus unicolor Plate 47
and open park-like country with baobab trees in Tanzania. The pale creamy
eyes are conspicuous in the field. Occurs in pairs or small flocks.
Identification. Tin,18cm. Rather slim, ash-brown birds with thick red bills
and a yellow eye-ring wattle; associated with domestic stock and large game
animals (but not elephants), perching upon and climbing all over the animals
searching for food - ticks and bloodsucking flies.
Voice. A hissing ‘tssssss’ and a shrill chattering call, often uttered in flight.
Oxpecker but with a much heavier chrome-yellow, red-tipped bill and a pale
buff rump-patch; lacks eye-wattles.
Voice. Hissing and chattering calls.
Distribution and Habitat. Has and Central Africa
a wide range through East
but is a far less common species than the Red-billed Oxpecker. Both species
occur alongside one another in the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya and
elsewhere. Like the Red-billed Oxpecker it associates both with big game and
with domestic animals.
ORIOLES: Oriolidae
Allied Species. The European Golden Oriole ( Oriolus oriolus ) 9in, 23cm, is a
winter visitor and passage migrant to East and Central Africa. S differs in
having black wings without wide yellow edges; 9 is pale grey below and lacks
the dusky eye streak. Often abundant during April on migration along the
Kenya coast. Inhabits bush, scrub, woodland and forest.
Identification. 9in, 23cm. A bright yellow oriole with a black head and throat;
wing feathers primaries edged white, secondaries edged yellow cJ and 9
similar; immature greener with yellow streaks on head and throat. Normally
in this species the tail is green and yellow, but the Kenya highlands forest
race, O. 1. pcrcivali, has the central rectrices black centred.
Voice. A series of liquid melodious whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. Common
and partial migrant throughout
East and Central Africa. Inhabits acacia and other types of open woodland,
scrub, coastal bush and highland forest. Keeps to treetops but less shy than
the two golden orioles.
Allied Species. The Black-winged Oriole (O. nigripennis) 9in, 23cm, is a
lowland forest species in East Africa known from southern Sudan and the
Bwamba Forest, western Uganda. Like the Kenya Highlands forest race of
the Black-headed Oriole the central tail feathers are black; the primaries are
black and the secondaries are edged broadly with yellow. The Western Black-
headed Oriole (O. hrachyrhynchus), 83in, 2Ucm, is also found in lowland
forests; it may be distinguished from the Black-winged Oriole by its green and
yellow tail feathers, and from the Black-headed Oriole by its green-edged, not
yellow-edged, secondaries. It occurs in southern Sudan, Uganda and western
Kenya in the Kakamega Forest. The Black-headed Forest Oriole ( O. nio-
nacha) 9in, 23cm, occurs in juniper forest in the highlands of Ethiopia. Its
secondaries are edged with green, the primaries with grey; there are no white
tips to the primary feathers. The Green-headed Oriole ( O. chlorocephalus )
8|in, 22cm, is another yellow oriole but with the head and chest moss green,
not black; wing feathers edged blue-grey; tail green with yellow tips to outer
feathers. It occurs in mountain forest on the Usambara, Nguru and Uluguru
Mountains, Tanzania, in mountain forest in southern Tanzania and in
DRONGOS: Dicruridae
Medium-sized black shrike-like birds with hooked bills and more or less
forked tails, the outer feathers curving outwards towards the tip, ‘fish-tail’
fashion. Feeding habits resemble those of some species of flycatchers -
catching insects in flight and returning to same perch.
Identification. 9-1 Oin, 23-253cm. Plumage glossy black; tail forked and ‘fish-
tailed;’ inner webs of flight feathers ashy imparting a pale wash to the wings
when the bird flies; iris red. Immature has greyish tips to feathers of upper-
parts and underparts. The S Black Cuckoo Shrike is glossy black but lacks
the forked has a yellow gape and a dark brown eye. The South African
Black Flycatcher is of slim build with an unforked tail, a small bill and dark
brown eyes.
Voice. Most vocal at dawn and at dusk, relatively silent during the day. Has a
great variety of harsh metallic call notes and clear whistles.
Distribution and Habitat. Common most of East and Cen-
resident through
tral Africa. Inhabits all kinds of woodland, acacia and thornbush country
and semi-wooded scrub; at the coast favours coconut plantations.
Allied Species. The Velvet-mantled Drongo (D. modestus), 94- 11 in,
24-28cm, is all black with the tail noticeably long and strongly ‘fish-tailed.’
Feathers of mantle velvety in texture, not glossy. This is a forest species,
usually seen perched on bare branches of tall forest trees. It ranges from
southern Sudan to Uganda and western Kenya.
Identification. Tin, 18cm. A smaller bird than the Drongo with the tail
tail; immature similar to adult but duller and browner. Nostril bristles very
long and fan shaped.
Voice. A shrill falsetto ‘pruk.’
Distribution and Habitat. Northern districts of Kenya and Uganda, to the
Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia. Common in rocky hill country and the vicinity
of inland cliffs; acts as a scavenger near human habitations and camps.
ments as a scavenger.
whitish; wings and tail black with slight gloss; below white, greyish on chest
and flanks; bare skin around eye blue.
Voice. A high-pitched ‘chek.’
Distribution and Habitat. Restricted to the Boran district of southern Ethi-
opia, most frequent near Yavello. Inhabits acacia bush and stunted wood-
land, normally in small parties. Rather starling-like in its habits.
and Societies: The following Institutions and Societies are listed for the
convenience of visitors who may wish to make contacts with local naturalists and to
refer to ornithological collections and libraries.
Kenya: The National Museum, P.O. Box 40658, Nairobi. Extensive exhibition and
research collections. The Belcher Ornithological Library and the Natural History
Society’s Library are housed in the museum.
The East Africa Natural History Society, c/o The National Museum, P.O. Box 40658,
Uganda: The Uganda Museum, Kampala. No extensive zoological collections at
The Uganda Society, Private Bag, Kampala. Small reference collections of birds are
kept at the headquarters of the Queen Elizabeth National Park and the Murchison
Falls National Park.
Tanzania: King George V Memorial Museum, P.O. Box 511, Dar es Salaam. A small
exhibition collection of birds is being built up.
Zambia: Rhodes-Livingstone Museum, P.O. Box 124, Livingstone. Limited bird col-
lections being built up.
Zambia Natural History Club, P.O. Box 844, Lusaka, Zambia.
Zimbabwe Rhodesia National Museum of Southern Rhodesia, P.O. Box 240. Bulawayo.
Extensive exhibition and research bird collections and library facilities.
Rhodesian Ornithological Society, c/o P.O. Box 240, Bulawayo.
trivialis wahlbergi 53, 7
Cassini 3 1
mclatiocephula 27, 2 Bathmoeereus rujus 3 30
1 3, Bueorvus abyssinieus 141, 19
Ardeii purpurea 27. 2 Batis capensis 322 leadbeateri 141, 19
ArdeiraUus sturmii 23. 2 diops 322 Bugeranus caruneuiatus 68
Ardcola rail aides 24, 2 minor 322 Bulbalornis albirostris 38
ibis 24, 2 molitor 321, 29 niger 380, 44
idae 24 orientalis 322 Bulbul, Yellow-vented 271, 26
Ardeolis arahs 74 perkeo 322 Bunting. Brown-rumped 345
knrilA, 10 Bee-eater, Black 132, 18 Cabanis’s 345
Arenaria interpres S6 Blue-breasted 130, 18 Cinnamon-breasted Rock
/f aylmeri 301 Blue-checked 128 345. 37
ruhiginosa 30 26 Blue-headed 131, 18
Golden-breasted 345, 37
Arlisornis metopias 314 Boehm’s 129, 18 House 346
Arlomyias fulginosa 319 Carmine 128, 18 Ortolan 345
Asia ahyssinicus Cinnamon-breasted 130, 18
1 1
Somali Golden-breasted 345
capensis 1 1 1 ,
20 European 128 Buphagus africanus 394, 46
A thene noetua 1 1 Little 130, 18 erythorhynehus 393, 46
A viceda cuculoides 46 Green 29
Little 1
Burhinus capensis 77, 1
404 INDEX.
Camaroptera brachyura 314 mongolus 83 Stout 307, 31
4o6 INDEX,
Egret (contd.) franciscana 379, 43 Cassin’s 319
turneri 3 1
tinnunculus 59, 8 Francolin, Chestnut-naped 63
410 INDEX^
Nicator 275, 26 Oriole-Finch 349, 37 suahelicus 384
Yellow-throated 275 Ortygospiza atricollis 359, 39 •stvainsoni 384
Nicator chloris 275, 26 locustella 359 Peculet, African 1 56
vireo 275 Ortyyxelos meiffrenii 67 Pedilorhynchus comitatus 3\9
Nightingale 298 Osprey 55, Pelecanus onocrotalus 20, 1
412 INDEX ,
414 INDEX .
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No man in all Africa [is] better qualified to tackle this hook than John
Williams. ..There is no question that he is the sharpest field observer I have
encountered in that great continent