Monitoring and Diagnostics For Generators
Monitoring and Diagnostics For Generators
Monitoring and Diagnostics For Generators
Comprehensive services: For a reliable operation of the machine it is recommended to perform regular inspections of the rotor
and stator, applying generator type optimized diagnostic packages. Inclusion of advanced online monitoring tools and services
in this diagnostic concept provides the best prerequisite to reliably detect defects at an early stage, which might endanger
operation in the future.
Cost efficient
Alstom’s tools are easy to apply and install due to the modularized concept.
Planning ahead
Thanks to Alstom’s monitoring and diagnostic inspections you can plan ahead and
easily determine renovations and modernizations that may be required in the future.
PWER/BPROS/MTDGGT11/eng/THS/02.11/CH/7375 © ALSTOM 2011. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No
representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and
commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express POWER
written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Benefits from our expertise gained
Monitoring Services
Partial discharge monitoring: Partial Generator operation data: Link Shaftline vibration monitoring:
discharge measurement using high operation condition to the various Vibration recording system for the rotor
sensitive bus couplers indicating monitoring modules indicating load shaft.
weaknesses in stator winding insulation dependent component condition.
system. Rotor shaft voltage and flux
monitoring: Shaft voltage and rotor flux
End winding vibration: Measurement measurement indicating rotor insulation
of end winding vibration indicating and shaft grounding condition.
changes in stiffness of end winding
support system. Rotor insulation monitoring: Rotor
insulation monitoring for machines with
Stator bar temperature brushless exciters using rotor telemetry.
monitoring: Individual recording
of cooling water temperature for
directly H2O-cooled machines.
Level 4: + data connection to central server (e.g. Utility headquarter), extended remote support
with Service Centre expertise and continuous data assessment
Level 3: + permanent equipment, local server, remote access and data assessment on request
Level 2: + portable equipment, local data collection and periodic data assessment
Level 1: Sensor, cabling and connection box
New ultra lean design: Due to its advanced design, the DIRIS® inspection technology can be used for almost all
turbogenerator sizes and all Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) in the industry and utility business.
Thanks to an extensive R&D program leading to a new ultra lean design, a new DIRIS® generation is now also
suited for inspections of smaller air-cooled generators, performing high-quality assessments with the rotor in situ.
from many years of experience
Diagnostic Inspections
The right solution for every machine: The offline diagnostic inspection packages, standardised by Alstom for stator and
rotor windings of rotating electrical machines are based on nondestructive measuring and testing methods. Every diagnostic
inspection consists of a series of measurements, tests and inspections which all give valuable information for further analysis.
The data are analysed together with the results from similar machines considering information from online monitoring and
experience from many years of laboratory work. Ultimately the comprehensive design knowledge grown in Alstom since more
than 100 years, provide the best base for reliable condition assessment on the various fleets of turbogenerators.
PWER/BPROS/MTDGGT11/eng/THS/02.11/CH/7375 © ALSTOM 2011. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No
representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and
commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express POWER
written authority, is strictly prohibited.