Economic Development Economic Development Is The Development of Economic Wealth of Countries
Economic Development Economic Development Is The Development of Economic Wealth of Countries
Economic Development Economic Development Is The Development of Economic Wealth of Countries
The term "economic development," on the other hand, implies much more. It
typically refers to improvements in a variety of indicators such as literacy rates,
life expectancy, and poverty rates. GDP is a specific measure of economic welfare
that does not take into account important aspects such as leisure time,
environmental quality, freedom, or social justice. Economic growth of any specific
measure is not a sufficient definition of economic development.
Development looks at a wider range of statistics than just GDP per capita.
Development is concerned with how people are actually affected. It looks at their
actual living standards and the freedom they have to enjoy a good standard of
Economic growth may only benefit a small % of the population. For example, if a
country produces more oil, it will see an increase in GDP. However, it is possible,
that this oil is only owned by one firm, and therefore, the average worker doesn’t
really benefit.
Corruption. A country may see higher GDP, but the benefits of growth may be
siphoned into the bank accounts of politicians
In summary
However, the link is not guaranteed. The proceeds of economic growth could be
wasted or retained by a small wealthy elite.
In its broadest sense, economic development encompasses three major areas:
3) Policies and programs explicitly directed at job creation and retention through
specific efforts in business finance, marketing, neighborhood development, small
business start-up and development, business retention and expansion,
technology transfer, workforce training and real estate development. This third
category is a primary focus of economic development professionals.
Economic developers
There is intense competition between communities, states, and nations for new
economic development projects in today's globalized world, and the struggle to
attract and retain business is further intensified by the use of many variations of
economic incentives to the potential business. There is significant attention
placed on the various activities undertaken by economic development
organizations to help them compete and sustain vibrant communities.
Poverty is general scarcity or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of
material possessions or money. It is a multifaceted concept, which includes social,
economic, and political elements. Absolute poverty or destitution refers to the
lack of means necessary to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter.
Absolute poverty is meant to be about the same independent of location. Relative
poverty occurs when people do not enjoy a certain minimum level of living
standards as compared to the rest of society and so would vary from country to
country, sometimes within the same country.
Poverty reduction is a major goal and issue for many international organizations
such as the United Nations and the World Bank
Types of Poverty
Absolute Poverty
It is the extreme kind of poverty involving the chronic lack of basic food, clean
water, health and housing. Poeple in absolute poverty tend to struggle to live and
experience a lot of child deaths from preventable diseases like malaria, cholera
and water-contamination related diseases. This type is usually long term in
nature, and often handed to them by generations before them. This kind of
poverty is usually not common in the developed world.
Relative Poverty
This kind is usually in relation to other members and families in the society. For
example, a family can be considered poor if it cannot afford vacations, or cannot
buy presents for children at Christmas, or cannot send its young to the university.
Even though they have access to government support for food, water, medicine
and free housing, they are considered poor because the rest of the community
have access to superior services and amenities.