Etr345 Junghenrich Transpallet

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Solenoid Activation Chart ............................................................................ 3-1

Main Hydraulic Manifold............................................................................... 3-1
Theory of Operation ..................................................................................... 3-2
Plugging in the Battery ............................................................................... 3-2
B+ Feed to .................................................................................................. 3-2
B-Feed to .................................................................................................... 3-2
Additional Safety Circuit (Emergency Power Off)........................................ 3-2
Turning Key Switch (S2) On........................................................................ 3-2
Can Bus Communication ............................................................................ 3-3
Stepping on the Operator Presence Pedal ................................................. 3-3
Steer Request............................................................................................. 3-3
Electric Steer Controller “APS” ................................................................... 3-4
Travel Request ............................................................................................ 3-4
Plugging Request ....................................................................................... 3-6
Regenerative Braking ................................................................................. 3-6
Lift / Lower Request.................................................................................... 3-6
Lift Activation .............................................................................................. 3-7
Lower Activation.......................................................................................... 3-7
Auxiliary Functions...................................................................................... 3-7
Tilt Request ................................................................................................ 3-8
Tilt Activation .............................................................................................. 3-8
Reach / Retract Request ............................................................................ 3-8
Sideshift Request........................................................................................ 3-8
Reach / Retract and Sideshift Activation..................................................... 3-8
Reach / Retract Activation .......................................................................... 3-8
Sideshift Activation ..................................................................................... 3-8
Lift Pressure Adjustment............................................................................. 3-9
Max. Lowering Speed Adjustment (Mechanical) ......................................... 3-9
Emergency Lowering .................................................................................. 3-10
Electrical Lowering Speed Adjustment ....................................................... 3-10

Solenoid/Valve Activation Chart

Valve / Solenoid ml m2 m3 m4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10

Lift X
Function Lower X
Tilt Up X X X
Tilt Down X X X
Reach X X X
Retract X X X
Sideshift Left X X X X X
Sideshift Right X X X X X

Table 3.1

All functions other than the lower function will require the pump motor to be engaged. Also M1 is the
only valve (proportional) that the on time will vary, this will vary depending on the lowering speed


Theory of Operation Additional Safety Circuit

Every connection will not be addressed in the theory (Emergency Power Off)
of operation. To troubleshoot a particular component If the emergency power off switch is in the normally
you will need to locate the component on the schemat- closed position B+ will continue to flow to the key
ic, and check the circuitry associated with it. You will switch (S2). B+ will also flow to the main power con-
need to have the schematic handy as a reference while tactor K11 (K11-1).
reading the text. Should at any time the operator need to remove power
to the system, the emergency power off switch may be
Plugging In the Battery depressed. With the switch depressed (down), the nor-
Upon plugging in the battery, B+ will flow through mally closed switch will open and remove B+ from the
connector X12:1 To the contactor connections and main contactor coil (K11).
fuses listed. From the fuses it will feed several areas of
the vehicle. It will also go to the emergency power off Turning Key Switch (S2) ON
switch. Refer to Schematic in Electrical Section
Upon turning on the key switch (S2) B+ will flow to
B+ Feed to the Traction Motor Controller and to the B+ terminal
of the K11 coil. This will cause the energizing of the
K11 contactor. B+ will now feed to the K12 contactor
1F1 Fuse tip. B+ will also flow to the control fuses 10F1 and
3F1 Fuse 11F1 which feed B+ to the other controllers.
K11 Contactor The individual controllers Display, Pump Controller,
K11 Relay Pin 4 2nd Pump Controller, Electric Steer Controller, and
Traction Controller will begin their internal checks to
S1 Emergency Disconnect
verify all internal hardware is functioning properly.
After all internal checks have passed the following
B- will connect to several fuses, several motor con- controllers will engage their respective safety circuits.
trollers, the horn, the strobe light, the steering feed- The vehicle Controller Area Network (see CAN Bus
back sensor, and to optional features such as the fan as communication on next page) will now be operational
listed: and the controllers will communicate status and fault
B- Feed to If everything checks out ok, the logics unit will acti-
vate the K12 contactor coil and the K12 contactor tips
will provide B+ to the power fuses for the motor con-
1F2 trollers.
3F2 Should an error occur causing the K12 contactor to
Connection (Reference become de-energized, all power to the three AC
Feed To Controllers) motors (Traction Motor, Pump Motor and Electric

CAN Bus Communication Steer Request

CAN stands for Controller Area Network. CAN is a Refer to Schematic in Electrical Section.
communication protocol developed for “noisy” envi- Prior to a steer request being accepted, the battery
ronments. A CAN uses two digital signal lines must be plugged into the truck, the emergency power
referred to as Bus+ and Bus-. The CAN Bus technolo- off switch must be raised, the key switch must be
gy allows for easy expansion of additional equipment turned on and the control system must have passed
so long as they are CAN ready. The only method of self-test.
determining the functionality of the CAN Bus is with
If all internal checks pass the electric steer controller
an oscilloscope. Both the Bus+ and Bus- signals will
will close the contacts of the internal relay. The con-
remain at 2.5v until a message is sent. The message is
tacts will exit the Steer Motor Controller on connector
very short in time duration therefore making it very
XA3_1 Pin 21.
difficult to monitor utilizing a digital voltmeter. All
controllers or “nodes” connected to the bus have the Once the operator presence switch is depressed the
ability of communicating with each other. Display Unit controller will send a message on the
CAN Bus notifying all controllers attached to the bus
The communication connections are shown on the
that the operator presence switch has been depressed.
schematic. The connections used for communications
The Steer Motor Controller will then gather informa-
are run as a twisted pair to help reduce “noise”. There
tion from the steer wheel sensor. As the steering wheel
is also a terminating resistor at the beginning and the
is rotated, the steering wheel motor will generate a
end of the communication loop.
sinusoidal wave through connector X11 pins 1,3, 4
and 6. The signals from the steering wheel motor will
Stepping on the Operator Presence terminate at the steer controller connector XA3_1 pins
Pedal 10 and 11. The amplitude and frequency of these sig-
Upon stepping on the operators presence pedal, two nals will increase the faster the steering wheel is
switches located underneath the pedal will be activated. turned. See Figure 3.2 below.

S11 will apply B+ to the electric brake coil. The brake Steering Motor
coil activation will now be controlled by the Steering
Motor Controller and Logics Unit
S12 will apply B+ to the Logics Unit which is used to
determine the status of the Operator Presence Switch.

Figure 3.2 Sinusoidal Output from

Steering Wheel Motor

Electric Steer Controller “APS” Travel Request

The Electric Steer Controller determines which direc- Refer to Schematic in Electrical Section
tion the operator wishes to steer by comparing the sig- Prior to a travel request being accepted, the battery
nals from the steering wheel motor. The channels from must be plugged into the truck, the emergency power
the steering wheel motor will be out of phase from off switch must be closed, the key switch must be
each other. Depending on which signal is leading or turned on and the control system must have passed
lagging will determine which direction the operator is self-test.
requesting. The aggressiveness of the steering will be
The travel request comes from traction sensor B21
determined through the amplitude and frequency of
within the control handle. The 5V supply for the trac-
the signal coming from the steering wheel motor.
tion sensor comes from the Logics Unit at connector
After the request for steering has been accepted, the XA5_1/26. The ground will be supplied through the
Electric Steer Controller will begin to pulse the three Logics Unit connector XA5_1/25. The wiper or vary-
separate inputs (U, V, W) of the AC steer motor. ing voltage will be an input to the Logics Unit at
Depending on the frequency and duty cycle, the steer XA5_1/2. In the neutral position, the voltage at the
motor controller can vary the speed of the steer motor. wiper of the sensor will be nominally 2.5V. As the
(See Figure 3.5) The outputs (U, V, W) from the steer control handle is moved in the tractor forward direc-
motor controller are pulsed with both a positive and tion, the voltage on the traction sensor should gradu-
negative voltage. Figure 3.3 shows the varying duty ally increase to nominal value of 4.5V. As the control
cycle along with the positive and negative values. The handle is moved in the forks first direction, the voltage
actual current passing through the motor will be more on the sensor should gradually decrease to a nominal
sinusoidal than pulsed do to the characteristics of an value of 0.5V.
The Logics Unit will gather the information from the
wiper of the traction sensor many times per seconds.
NOTE As the voltage from the wiper of the traction sensor
The characteristics of the steering can be increases or decreases in voltage above the nominal
adjusted using the laptop or service mode. neutral value of 2.5V, the Logics Unit will distribute
Refer to Section 5 of this manual for additional this information as a message over the CAN Bus. All
information. controllers attached to the bus decode the message.
When the Traction Motor Controller receives a mes-
sage from the Logics Unit for a travel request, it will
first check the operator presence input at connector
XA5_1/30 for 0V. If 0V is present at this input and
there are no internal errors with the Traction Motor
Controller. It will accept the request.
Before engaging the drive motor the Logics Unit will
need to release the electric brake. Once the brake is
released the Traction Motor Controller will begin to
pulse the traction motor. through the three phases (U,

Velocity is related to the width and frequency of the NOTE

pulse being sent to the motor. The longer the on time
The Diagnozer allows for adjusting the vehicle’s
the longer the current will flow through the motor. The
top travel speeds.
duration of on time will increase or decrease depend-
ing on the feedback from the traction speed encoder
The encoder plugs into the Traction Motor Controller
(B31). If the motor is traveling too fast the on time
at connector XA1_2 on pins 5, 6, 7 and 19. Refer to
will decrease and vice versa if the motor is traveling
electrical schematic. Pin 5 is the 12V supply. Pin 19 is
too slow. This feedback allows for the control system
the ground. Pin 7 is channel A and Pin 6 is channel B.
to maintain an exact speed regardless of whether the
Figure 3.4 shows the pulse from channel A and B and
vehicle is empty or loaded. Travel speed is indicated to
their phase orientation to each other.
the operator through the Display Unit. Refer to the
operator display section of this manual for a full
description of information provided by the operators
display. This process will continue until the operator
releases the handle or an alarm occurs forcing the
Traction Motor Controller to cease operation and
apply the brakes. If there are no alarms then the
Traction Motor Controller will reverse the phasing and Figure 3.4 Traction encoder pulses
slow or “plug” the motion of the motor. The brake is (Channel A and B)
applied once the Traction Motor Controller senses no
movement from the traction speed encoder.
The Traction Motor Controller determines speed of
After the request for travel has been accepted, the
the motor by counting the number of pulses from a
Traction Motor Controller will begin to pulse the three
single channel over a certain time period. The faster
separate inputs (U, V, W) of the AC drive motor.
the motor turns, the more pulses will be generated for
Depending on the frequency and duty cycle, the
that time period. Determining the direction of the
Traction Motor Controller can vary the speed of the
drive motor is accomplished by comparing channel A
drive motor. The outputs (U, V, W) from the Traction
to channel B. The direction in which the motor is turn-
Motor Controller are pulsed with both a positive and
ing will determine which channel is leading and which
negative voltage. Figure 3.3 shows the varying duty
channel is lagging. If we refer back to Figure 3.4 chan-
cycle along with the positive and negative values. The
nel A is leading and channel B is lagging. Channel A
actual current passing through the motor will be more
is leading because it rises before channel B does. The
sinusoidal than pulsed do to the characteristics of an
two channels are 90 degrees out of phase thus allow-
ing for the comparison of the two channels. If the
motor were to rotate in the opposite direction then
channel B would rise prior to channel A d.
A temperature sensor is located in the drive motor.
The sensor for the drive motor enters the Traction
Motor Controller on connector XA1_2 at pins 1 and 2.

Plugging Request Lift\Lower Request

After the travel request has been accepted and the The request for lift or lower originates from the sensor
Traction Motor Controller applies power to the AC module (R13) within the control handle. Within the
drive motor the operator may wish to slow the vehicle sensor module is an internal sensor that will be able to
motion through a plug. Plugging is accomplished by determine movement from the neutral position. The
reversing the position of the control handle. Refer to internal sensor status will exit the control handle at
TRAVEL REQUEST within this section of the manu- X14A/8 and be an input to the Logics Unit at
al for pin locations of the handle. If there are no errors XA5_1/22. The sensor will exit the control handle at
associated with the control system and the operator connector X14/4, X14A/5 and X14A/6. The 5V sup-
presence switch is still engaged the Traction Motor ply at for the lift potentiometer comes from the logics
Controller will accept the request to plug the vehicle. unit at connector XA5_1/26. The ground will be sup-
Plugging is accomplished through the Traction Motor plied through the Logics unit at connector XA5_1/25.
Controller by reversing the phase of two of the three The wiper or the varying voltage will be an input to
motor inputs (U, V, W) Reversing the phase with two the Logics Unit at XA5_1/27. In the neutral position,
of the three inputs will force the motor to turn in the the voltage at the wiper of the potentiometer will be
opposite direction. During a plug request the reversing approximately 2.5V. As the control handle is moved to
of phase between two inputs will initially retard the the left (Lower Request), the voltage on the lift/lower
motion until the vehicle comes to a rest. If the request potentiometer should gradually increase to a nominal
continues after the vehicle has come to rest the motor value of 4.5V at full lower speed request. As the con-
will begin to turn in the opposite direction. trol handle is moved to the right (Lift Request), the
voltage on the lift/lower potentiometer should gradu-
NOTE ally decrease to a nominal value of 0.5V at full lift
Diagnozer allows for adjusting of the plugging request.
characteristics. The Logics Unit will gather the information from the
wiper of the lift/lower potentiometer many times per
second. As the voltage from the wiper of the lift/lower
Regenerative Braking potentiometer increases or decreases in voltage above
Regenerative braking occurs during the plugging the neutral value of approximately 2.5V, the Logics
cycle. This is sometimes referred to as inverse brak- Unit will distribute this information as a message over
ing. When the drive motor is turning in the opposite the CAN bus which would include request for lift or
direction of the way the motor is being controlled, the lower and the velocity associated with it. All con-
motor is producing AC voltage on each phase through trollers attached to the bus decode the message.
the rectifier diodes turning the voltage to DC positive
and negative. As long as the voltage is higher than bat-
tery voltage, the charging procedure continues.

Lift Activation Lower Activation

Prior to a lift request being accepted, the battery must The request and rate of lowering will be transmitted
be plugged into the truck, the emergency power off by the Logics Unit over the CAN Bus to the Valve
switch must be raised, the key switch must be turned Controller. The Valve Controller will activate the low-
on and the control system must have passed self-test. ering proportional valve (m2) at pin XA4_1/22 and
When the pump controller receives a message from cause the lift/lower spool to be moved to the lower
the Logics Unit for a lift request, it will first check for position. The amount of time that the valve is on will
internal errors. If there are no internal errors or other determine the amount the valve is open and the
limiting factors like lift cut out due to a low battery or amount of fluid allowed exiting the lift cylinders to
an activated lift limit switch or lifting being limited by control the vehicle lowering speed. There are mechan-
the optional height selector then the lift request will be ical adjustments of the hydraulic manifold to control
accepted. The Valve Controller, will control the sole- the maximum lowering speed called out in this sec-
noids used for the hydraulic functions. tion. There is also an electrical adjustment of the low-
After the request for lift has been accepted, the pump ering function that is described in the Electric
controller will begin to pulse the three separate inputs Lowering Speed Adjustment.
(U, V, W) of the AC lift motor. Depending on the fre- See mast section regarding the lift cylinder operation.
quency and duty cycle, the pump controller can vary
the speed of the lift motor. (See Figure 3.3). The out- Auxiliary Functions
puts (U, V, W) from the pump controller are pulsed
The Logics Unit will gather the information from the
with both a positive and negative voltage. Figure 3.3
handle assembly micro switches. All auxiliary func-
shows the varying duty cycle along with the positive
tions (Reach/Retract, Tilt Up/Down, Sideshift
and negative values. The actual current passing
Left/Right) use the pump motor to supply fluid to the
through the motor will be more sinusoidal than pulsed
various cylinders. The vehicle has the capability of
do to the characteristics of an inductor.
programming the auxiliary functions speed. The main
At the same time the lift motor is pulsed the m2 sole- hydraulic manifold incorporates flow restrictors to
noid will be activated by the Valve Controller (RI01 at reduce the volume of oil flow to the auxiliary system
pin XA4_1/22 causing the lift lower spool to move to and also contains the auxiliary function directional
the lift position. As the pump motor rotates hydraulic solenoids (m3 and m4). The manifold is located under
fluid is delivered to the lifting cylinders through the the floor of the operator’s compartment. The vehicle is
lift valve. (See Hydraulic Schematic). See mast sec- also equipped with a reach/retract and sideshift select
tion regarding the lift cylinder operation. manifold located on the mast, it includes a pilot oper-
Performance vehicles are equipped with a second ated counter balance check valves for the reach cylin-
pump and motor assembly and an additional con- ders, and the solenoids used to route fluid to the
troller. When a lift function is requested A2 is starting reach/retract and sideshift functions. Listed as Table
the lift until 90% of the lift pot change is activated and 3.1 is a chart that will show the various solenoids acti-
from 90–100% the A3 is assisting the lift function. vated for a particular function.
The Logics Unit is used to activate the relays that con-
NOTE trol solenoids to properly route the hydraulic fluid.

Tilt Request Reach/Retract and Sideshift

The tilt request comes from the micro switches within Activation
the control handle. The tilt up (S16) micro switch will After the request for the reach/retract or sides shift has
exit the control handle at connector X14B/6 and go to been accepted, the pump controller will begin to pulse
pin XA5_1/41 of the Logics Unit, the tilt down (S17) the three separate inputs (U, V, W) of the AC lift
micro switch will exit the control handle at X14B/7 motor. Depending on the frequency and duty cycle,
and go to pin XA5_1/40 of the Logics Unit. the pump controller can vary the speed of the lift
motor. The outputs (U, V, W) from the pump controller
Tilt Activation are pulsed with both a positive and negative voltage.
After the request for the tilt has been accepted, the Figure 3.3 shows the varying duty cycle along with the
positive and negative values. The actual current pass-
pump controller will begin to pulse the three separate
ing through the motor will be more sinusoidal than
inputs (U, V, W) of the AC lift motor. Depending on
the frequency and duty cycle, the pump controller can pulsed due to the characteristics of an inductor
vary the speed of the lift motor. The outputs (U, V, W) The directional valve in the main hydraulic manifold
from the pump controller are pulsed with both a posi- is used to determine whether a reach/retract or
tive and negative voltage. Figure 3.3 shows the vary- sideshift left/right will occur. The control for these
ing duty cycle along with the positive and negative solenoids at the Logics Unit are at connector
values. The actual current passing through the motor XA4_1/24 m3 (Reach, Sideshift Left) and XA4_1/25
will be more sinusoidal than pulsed due to the charac- m4 (Retract, Sideshift Right).
teristics of an inductor
The directional valve in the main hydraulic manifold Reach/Retract Activation
is used to determine whether a tilt up or tilt down will In addition to the m3 and m4 valve being activated S5
occur. and S6 must be energized in order to divert the
hydraulic fluid from the tilt cylinder. The Logics Unit
Reach/Retract Request will activate the relay that controls these solenoids
using pin XA5_1/60.
The reach request comes from the micro switch (S14)
within the control handle. The reach switch (S14) sig-
nal will exit the control handle at connector X14B/4. Sideshift Activation
The retract request comes from the micro switch (S15) In addition to the m3 and m4 valve being activated S9
within the control handle. The retract switch (S15) and S10 must be energized in order to divert the
signal will exit the control handle at connector hydraulic fluid from the tilt cylinder. The Logics Unit
X14B/5. will activate the relay that controls these solenoids
using pin XA5_1/61. Also S7 and S8 must be ener-
Sideshift Request gized to direct the flow to the sideshift cylinder. The
Logics Unit will activate the relay that controls these
The sideshift request comes from the micro switches
solenoids using pin XA5_1/62.
within the control handle The sideshift left (S18)
micro switch signal will exit the control handle at con-

Lift Pressure Adjustment Maximum Lowering Speed

Adjustment (Mechanical)
! CAUTION 1. Make sure parameters for the lowering speeds are
Turn the key switch OFF and disconnect properly set!
the battery connector before working on lift 2. Choose performance mode IV from the display.
system connections. 3. Lift forks to top maximum position without load.
Make sure that forks are in down position
4. Measure the lowering time (in seconds) from top
and there is no pressure in the lift cylin-
till forks in down position with max. lowering
speed. (Let’s call this measurement one.)
5. Loosen the lowering speed valve locknut and
1. Install a calibrated pressure gauge (5000 psi back-out the screw two full turns.
[34,470 kPa]) in the lift pressure test port (AS).
6. Repeat point 4 action.
2. Loosen the relief valve locknut and back-out the
high-pressure relief-valve screw. 7. Compare the lowering time with the original one,
if the new lowering time is longer go to point 8. If
3. Place a rated load on the forks. the lowering time isn’t longer, repeat actions 5.
4. Reconnect the battery connector and turn the key and 6. until the result is longer than the original
switch ON time.
5. Start the lift system and turn the pressure relief 8. Now tighten the lowering speed valve screw two
valve screw clockwise until the carriage starts to full turns, repeat point 4 action.
lift. Note the pressure required when the carriage Compare the lowering time with the original one,
elevates above the free lift stage (carriage and tele- if the new lowering time is longer Repeat point 8
scopics elevated). action. If the new lowering time is equal to origi-
6. Adjust the pressure relief valve to a pressure 100 nal one, you are close to the final result and have
to 300 psi (689.4 to 2068 kPa) greater than the val- to tighten the lock nut.
ues observed in step 5. This can be done by chain- 9. Check the lowering system for proper operation.
ing the mast sections together or adding more
weight to the forks. This adjustment has now been carried out to make
sure that the electrical and hydraulic functions are
7. After the adjustment is complete, tighten the relief in balance with each other and the system is work-
valve locknut. ing properly.
8. Check the pressure again. If the value has
changed, repeat this procedure until the correct
pressure is obtained.
9. Turn the key switch OFF. Disconnect the battery
10. Remove the pressure gauge from the lift pressure

Emergency Lowering Electrical Lowering Speed

1. Slowly rotate the emergency lowering valve screw Adjustment
clockwise until the forks lower. Handset operation is required. Refer to Section #5
Once the forks start lowering, don’t attempt to Settings and Programming.
increase the lowering speed by turning the valve 1. Connect the handset to SICOS-display and navi-
screw further. gate to MHYRIO-unit. Enter PARAMETER
If the screw is rotated too deeply into the valve, it CHANGE menu and find MAX LOWER parame-
can cause external leakage to occur. Rotating the ter. Adjust this parameter as high as possible
screw too far inward will cause the screw to pass (above 200) in order not to disturb mechanical
the sealing O-ring. Slight leakage of hydraulic adjustment of maximum lowering speed.
fluid through the threads will eventually empty the 2. Take maximum load on the forks; adjust the max-
outer housing. imum lowering speed with adjustment bolt A (see
picture above). Write down the speed value (1)
2. After lowering, rotate the emergency valve screw
counterclockwise. Do not turn too far counter- 3. Adjust MAX LOWER parameter downward 5
clockwise because the same leakage problem may steps per attempt until the maximum lowering
occur as in the lowering action. speed begins to decrease (lowering speed is now
limited electrically and is below mechanical
adjustment level as done in point 2).
4. Adjust MAX LOWER parameter upward 1–2
steps per attempt to find out the exact parameter
value that changes the maximum lowering speed.
5. After finding the exact value increase MAX
LOWER value 4 steps upward (e.g., if the exact
value is 178, increase MAX LOWER value to 182).
Write down the speed value (2). Compare recorded
values (1) and (2), they should be the same.
SPEED otherwise forks may start to bounce
because there is no pressure compensation.

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