Table 4. Comparison with other studies evaluating carboplatin /paclitaxel combinations in NSCLC patients.
Current study Volk et al. [19] Belani et al. [57] Belani et al. [58] Schuette et al. [59] Kelly et al. [9] Schiller et al. [15]
Weekly regimens 3-weekly regimens
P 75 mg/m2 days 1, P 75 mg/m2 days 1, P 100 mg/m2 days P 100 mg/m2 days P 100 mg/m2 days P 225 mg/m2 day P 225 mg/m2 day
8, q3w 8, 15 q4w 1, 8, 15 q4w 1, 8, 15 q4w 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36 1, q3w 1, q3w
C AUC 2 days 1, C AUC 3 days 1, 8, C AUC 2 days 1, C AUC 6 days C AUC 6 days
Regimen 8, q3w 15 q4w C AUC 6 day 1, q4w C AUC 6 day 1, q4w 8, q3w 1, q3w 1, q3w
n 44 190 132 223 457 206 290
Age (years)
median 65 66 65 65 32 62 63
range 35–87 39–88 42–87 28–84 n.a. 26–80 30–85
70 years of 25 39 28a n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
age (%)
Stage (%)
III 0 7 23.5 18 26 12 14
IV 100 93 76.5 82 69 88 86
0–1 18.2 81 85.6 84 91 100 95
2 81.8 19 14,4 12 6 0 5
Brain metastasis (%) 40.9 27 n.a. n.a. 0 0 12
ORR (%) 61.4 34,4 32 27,6 38 25 17
PFS (months) 41.0 3,4 6,9 4,6 6.1 4 3.1
OS (months) 42.9 6.3 11.3 9.7 8.9 8 8.1
Neuropathy gr- 2.3 6 5 12b 4 13 10
ade 3 (%)
Neutropenia g- 6.8 14 22 13 17 57 63
rade 3 (%)
Notes: P: paclitaxel; C: carboplatin; n.a.: no data available; ECOG PS: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; ORR: overall response rate (com-
plete response (CR)þpartial response (PR)); PFS: progression-free survival; OS: overall survival. aProportion of patients 70 years of age in the whole study popu-
lation (111of 390 patients); bOnly grade 2–3 neuropathy observed.
cancer patient treated with a MSCT regimen combining than expected survival and response outcomes. The strong
docetaxel, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide as well as other dependence of cancer cells on glucose makes them vulner-
treatment modalities [26]. able to a ketogenic diet that lowers blood glucose levels
In metabolically supported approach, several mechanisms while elevating levels of circulating ketone bodies. Although
seem to play a role in improving the efficacy of chemother- the ketogenic diet has been used for decades as a treatment
apy. Firstly, induced hypoglycemia may cause an acute meta- for intractable pediatric epilepsy, its potential as a therapy
bolic stress on cancer cells, which have dysregulated for targeting energy metabolism in cancer cells has only
metabolism and increased glucose dependency recently been explored. In the last decade, several pre-clinical
[21–23,61–63]; thus, making them vulnerable to treatment. studies and case reports provided support for its safety and
Secondly, insulin may facilitate the action of chemotherapeu- role in slowing the progression of cancer, which have been
tics at the cellular level through increasing membrane fluidity encouraging for its use in cancer treatment [26,28–34,74–79].
and permeability [64–66]. Adsorption of drug molecules onto Although findings of some studies suggest that ketone
insulin and the formation of drug-insulin complexes later bodies may be used as fuel by cancer cells [80–82], a large
internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis may facilitate body of evidence suggests the opposite. In these three
drug penetration, thereby enhancing the cytotoxic effects of papers, genetically altered culture systems were used; how-
chemotherapeutics [67–70]. Thirdly, cancer cells have an ever, there is no evidence that this occurs naturally in cancer
increased number of insulin and insulin-like growth factor cells in vitro or in tumors in vivo. On the other hand, previ-
(IGF) receptors on their cell membranes when compared to ous evidence strongly suggests that cancer cells cannot
healthy cells: breast cancer cells, for example, have approxi- effectively use ketones for fuel [83–86], instead, they may
mately seven times more insulin receptors [71] and ten times have anti-tumoral effects [86–92].
more IGF receptors [72]. The reaction between insulin and Hyperthermia per se is cytotoxic at temperatures >43 C
these receptors has the potential to extend the S-phase of and HBOT exploits the reliance of tumor cells on glycolysis, a
the cell cycle, thereby rendering cancer cells more suscep- major contributor to the upregulation of antioxidant activity
tible to the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapeutics for longer responsible for the increased resistance of the tumor to pro-
periods [73]. In addition, the lower concentration of insulin oxidant chemotherapy and radiation therapies [93]. The syn-
and IGF receptors on normal cells may relatively spare them ergism between these therapies (ketogenic diet, hyperther-
from the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapeutics, possibly mia, HBOT) [23,26,33–36] and their effectiveness in increasing
resulting in improved safety and tolerability. the efficacy of conventional therapies have been reported in
In this study, besides MSCT, patients also adopted a keto- several studies [26,35–41,51–54]. In NSCLC patients, Ohguri
genic diet and received local hyperthermia and HBOT. These et al. administered carboplatin/paclitaxel chemotherapy regi-
additional modalities might have contributed to the higher men together with hyperthermia and HBOT; and they