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ra oe sem Hence 8p GLOBAL Sires, SS? Me tent ascent AGMA 908—B89 Revision of AGMA 226.01) April 1989 (Reaffirmed January 1995) AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION SSS Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth bn AGMA INFORMATION SHPET™= Sheet is not an AGMA Standard)INFORMATION SHEET Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth AGMA 908-B89 (Revision of AGMA 226.01 1984) [ables or other self-supporting sections may be quoted or extracted in their entirety. Credit line should ead: Extracted from AGMA Standard 908-B89, INFORMATION SHEET, Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth, with the permission of the publisher, American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314) AGMA standards are subject to constant improvement, revision or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Anny person who refers to any AGMA, ‘Technical Publication should determine that itis the latest information available from the Association on the subject. Suggestions for the improvement of this Standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. ABSTRACT: This Information Sheet gives the equations for calculating the pitting resistance geometry factor, I, for external and internal spur and helical gears, and the bending strength geometry factor, J, for external spur and helical gears that are generated by rack—type tools (hobs, rack cutters or generating grinding wheels) or pinion type tools (shaper cutters). The Information Sheet also includes charts which provide geometry factors, Tand J, for a range of typical gear sets and tooth forms. Copyright ©, 1989 American Gear Manufacturers Assocation 1500 King Street, Suite 201 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 April, 1989 Second printing February, 1994 ISBN: 1~-55589-525-5 AGMA 908~-B89"Geometry Factors for Det FOREWORD {The foreword, foomotes, and appendices are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as part of American Gear Manufacturers Association Information Sheet 908-B89, Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gear Teeth. ‘This Information Sheet, AGMA 908-B89, was prepared to assist designers making preliminary design studies, and to present data that might prove useful for those designers without access to computer programs. The tables for geometry factors contained in this Information Sheet do not cover all tooth forms, pressure angles, and pinion and gear modifications, and are not applicable to all gear designs However, information is also contained for determining geometry factors for other conditions and applications. It is hoped that sufficient geometry factor data is included to be of help to the majority of gear designers. Geometry factors for strength were first published in Information Sheet AGMA 225.01, March, 1959, Strength of Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Gear Teeth. Additional geometry factors were later published in Standards AGMA 220.02, AGMA 221.02, AGMA 222.02, and AGMA 223.01. AGMA Technical Paper 229.07, October, 1963, Spur and Helical Gear Geometry Factors, contained many geometry factors not previously published. Due to the number of requests for this paper, it was decided to publish the data in the form of an Information Sheet which became AGMA 226.01, Geometry Factors for Determining the Strength of Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel Gear Teeth. AGMA 218.01, AGMA Standard for Rating the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Involute Gear Teeth, was published with the methods for determining the geometry factors. When AGMA 218.01 was revised as ANSI/AGMA 2001-B88, the calculation procedures for Geometry Factors, and J, were transferred to this revision of the Geometry Factor Information Sheet. The values of J and J factors obtained using the methods of this Information sheet are the same as those of AGMA 218.01, Tae calculation procedure for J was simplified, but the end result is mathematically identical. Also, the calculation of J was modified to include shaper cutters and an equation was added for the addendum modification coefficient, x, previously undefined and all too often misunderstood. Appendices have been added to document the historical derivation of both / and J. Because an analytical method for calculating the Bending Strength Geometry Factor, J, is now available, the layout procedure for establishing J has been eliminated from this document. All references to geometry factors for bevel gears have been removed. This information is now available in AGMA 2003-A86, Rating the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Generated Straight Bevel, ZEROL Bevel and Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth. The first draft of this Information Sheet, AGMA 908-B89, was presented to the Gear Rating Committee in August, 1987. It was approved by the AGMA Gear Rating Committee on February 24, 1989, after several revisions. It was approved for publication by the AGMA Technical Division Executive Committee on April 21,1989. AGMA iit 908-B89 fe nines aaaee Geometry Factors for Determining the Piting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth PERSONNEL of the AGMA Committee for Gear Rating Chairman: J. Bentley (Peerless-Winsmith) Vice Chairman: O. LaBath (Cincinnati Gear ) ACTIVE MEMBERS 'M. Antosiewicz (Falk) J. D. Black (General Motors/AGT) E. J. Bodensieck (Bodensieck Engineering) W. A. Bradley (AGMA) Calvert (Morgan Construction) . S. Cohen (Engranes y Maquinaria) DeMarais (Bison Gear) Donoho (Clark Equipment) J. Drago (Boeing) W. Dudley (Honorary Member) Errichello (Academic Member) . Hagan (Nuttall Gear) Hulse (General Electric) |. Johnson (Browning Co.) D. Kemp (Kymmene-Stromberg Santasalo) PRAM POR EM De ASSOCIATE MEMBERS J. Amendola (MAAG/Artec) K. Beckman (Lufkin) E. R. Braun (Eaton) D. L. Borden (Consultant) A. Brusse (Hamilton) G. Buziuk (Brad-Foote) J. Cianci (General Electric) D. M. Connor (Cummins Engine) J. T. Cook (Dresser) Danowski (Sumitomo Heavy Industries) DiRusso (Kaman) B. Dodd (NAVSEA System Command) L. Haas (SPECO Division) M. Hager (Cummins Engine) C. Hayes (DACA) H. Heller (Peerless-Winsmith) Henriot (Engrenages et Reducteurs) W. Hercus (F. W. Hercus) Hirt (Renk) H. Jogwick (Union Carbide) Kameyama (Seiki-Kogyosho) L. King (Terrell Gear) Losekamp (Xtek) Mariager (F. L. Smidth) AROdEZPOgP MED RE AGMA iv J. C. Leming (Arrow Geat) (Deceased) LL. Lloyd (Lufkin Industries) J. Maddock (Consultant) D. McCarthy (Dorris) D. R. McVittie (Gear Works ~ Seattle) M. W. Neesley (Westech) J. A. Nelson (General Electric) W. P. Pizzichil (Philadelphia Gear) J. W. Polder (Maag/NNI Netherlands) E. E. Shipley (Mechanical Technology) 'W. L. Shoulders (Reliance Electric) (Deceased) E. A. Thoma (Honorary Member) C. C. Wang (Consultant) R. Wasilewski (Arrow Gear) D. L. Mariet (Falk) T. J. Maluri (Gleason) B. W. McCoy (Marathon Le Tourneau) D. Moser (Nuttall Gear) B. L. Mumford (Aken Foundry) ‘W. Q. Nageli (MAAG) B. C. Newcomb (Chicago Gear - D. 0. James) G. E, Olson (Cleveland Gear) J.R, Partridge (Lufkin Industries) A. E, Phillips (Emerson Electric/Browning) B. D. Pyeatt (Amarillo Gear) T. Riley (NWL Control System) G. R. Schwartz (Dresser) A. Seireg (Academic Member) E.R, Sewall (Sewall Gear) L. J. Smith (Invincible Gear) M. Tanaka (Nippon Gear) H. J. Trapp (Klingelnberg) T. Urabe (Tsubakimoto Chain) D. A. Wagner (General Motors/AGT) R. E, Weider (Clark Equipment) L. E. Wilcox (Gleason) H. Winter (Academic Member) J. Worek (IMO Delaval) 908-B89* Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth Table of Contents Section Title Page 1. Scope aa Pitting Resistance Geometry Factor, [ a 1.2 Bending Strength Geometry Factor, J 1 13 Tables a 14 Exceptions 1 15 Bending Stress in Internal Gears - 1 2. Definitions and Symbols 24 Definitions 22 Symbols . 3. Basic Gear Geomeuy 3.4 Contact Ratios . 6 32 Minimum Length of the Lines of Contact, 6 33 Load Sharing Ratio, m jy 6 3.4 Operating Helix Angle, ¥, .. 6 3S Operating Normal Pressure Angle, dy, 6 4. Pitting Resistance Geometry Factor, J 44 iting Resistance Geometry Factor Calculation ....... 7 42 Operating Pitch Diameter of Pinion, d .... . a] 43 Radil of Curvature of Profiles at Stress Calculation Point a 44 Helical Overlap Factor, Cy. 7 5. Bending Strength Geomeury Factor, J Sa Viral Spur Gear 5.2 Pressure Angle at the Load Application Point. 53 Generating Rack Shift Coefficient ... : 5.4 Load Angle and Load Radius .. 5.5 Tool Geometry ....- 5.6 Generating Pressure Angle « 57 Algorithm for Determining the Critical Point... 58 Tteration Convergence 59 Radius of Curvature of Root Filet 5.10 Helical Factor, G0 ----- 15 Sat Stress Correction Factor, Ky ..... 16 5.12 Helix Angle Factor, Ky 16 5.13 Tooth Form Factor, Y 16 6. Determining Addendum Modification Coefficients 64 Generating Rack Shift Coefficients ... - 16 6.2 Sum of the Addendum Modification Coefficients for Zero Backlash . 16 63 Tooth Thinning for Backlash . 7 64 Addendum Modification Coefficients . : iT AGMA y 908-B89 itenbRedies sb a hu patevale a Repeat aot Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth Table of Contents (cont) Section Title Page 7. Geomenry Factor Tables Ma Using the Tables 72 Whole Depth . 73 Outside Diameter . 14 ‘Type of Gearing 75 Center Distance : 7.6 Tooth Thickness Backlash. ‘Allowance 7 Undereutting 78 Top Land . 79 Cutter Geometry ... 7.10 Axial Contact Ratio Bibliography : - 3 Appendices Appendix A Original Derivation of AGMA Geometry Factor for Pitting Resistance, I... $5 Appendix B ANSI/AGMA 2001~B88 Pitting Resistance Formula Derivation ........... 61 Appendix C Explanation of the AGMA Gear Tooth Strength Rating Derivation For External Gears .... Coocaceed 65 Appendix D Selection of Shaper Cuter Geometry Appendix E Derivation of Helical Overlap Factor, Cy, ... Appendix F High Transverse Contact Ratio Gears . n Tables Table 2-1 Symbols Used in Equations .. 2 Table 5-1 Limiting Variation in Action for Steel Spur Gears for Load Sharing ........ 8 Tables ‘J and J FACTORS .. eo Figures Fig 3-1 Transverse Plane View of The Line of Action .. 8 Fig 5-1 Load Angle and Load Radius .... . Fig 5-2 Pressure Angle Where Tooth Comes to Point .. Fig 5-3. Shaper Cutter with Protuberance Fig 5-4 —_Involute Drawn Through Point “S” . Fig 5-5 Pressure Angle Where Cutter Tooth Comes to a Point .... 2 Fig 5-6 Angle to Center. S, of Tool Tip Radius (Effective Cutter) 2 Fig 5-7. Critical Point of Maximum Bending Stress ........ 1B Fig 5-8 Shaper Cutter Generation 2B Iteration Function ..... 14 Fig 5-10 Oblique Contact Line 15 Fig 5-11 Helical Factor, C,, 15 Fig 7-1 Undercutting Criteria. : 19 AGMA vi 908-B89* Geometry Factors for Determining the Piling Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helieal Gear Teeth 1. Scope ‘The procedures in this Information Sheet de- seribe the methods for determining Geometry Factors for Pitting Resistance, [, and Bending Strength, J. These values are then used in con- junction with the rating procedures described in AGMA 2001-B88, Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth, for evaluating various spur and helical gear designs produced using a generat- ing process. 1.1 Pitting Resistance Geometry Factor, /. A mathematical procedure is described to determine the Geometry Factor, J, for internal and external gear sets of spur, conventional helical and low ax- ial contact ratio, LACR, helical designs. 1.2. Bending Strength Geometry Factor, J. A mathematical procedure is described to determine the Geometry Factor, J, for external gear sets of spur, conventional helical and low axial contact ratio, LACR, helical design. The procedure is valid for generated root fillets, which are pro- duced by both rack and pinion type tools. 1.3 Tables. Several tables of precalculated Ge- omeury Factors, J and J, are provided for various combinations of gearsets and tooth forms. 1.4 Exceptions. The formulas of this Informa- tion Sheet are not valid when any of the following conditions exist: (@) Spur gears with transverse contact ratio less than one, mp < 1.0. (2) Spur or helical gears with transverse con- tact ratio equal to or greater than two, mp > 2.0. ‘Additional information on high transverse contact, ratio gears is provided in Appendix F. G) Interference exists between the tips of teeth and root fillets. (4) The teeth are pointed (5) Backlash is zero, (© Undercut exists in an area above the theo- retical start of active profile. The effect of this un- dercut is to move the highest point of single tooth contact, negating the assumption of this calcula- tion method. However, the reduction in tooth root, (] Numbers in brackets refer to the bibliography. thickness due to protuberance below the active profile is handled correctly by this method (7) The root profiles are stepped or irregular. ‘The J factor calculation uses the stress correction factors developed by Dolan and Broghamer{1]. ‘These factors may not be valid for root forms which are not smooth curves. For root profiles which are stepped or irregular, other stress correc tion factors may be more appropriate. (8) Where root fillets of the gear teeth are produced by a process other than generating, (9) The helix angle at the standard (refer- ence) diameter is greater than 50 degrees. In addition to these exceptions, the following conditions are assumed: (@) The friction effect on the direction of force is neglected. (b) The fillet radius is assumed smooth (it is actually a series of scallops). 1.8 Bending Stress in Internal Gears. The Lewis method (2] is an accepted method for cal- culating the bending stress in external gears, but there has been much research [3] which shows that Lewis’ method is not appropriate for internal gears. The Lewis method models the gear tooth as a cantilever beam and is most accurate when applied to slender beams (external gear teeth with low pressure angles), and inaccurate for short, stubby beams (internal gear teeth which are wide at their base). Most industrial internal gears have thin rims, where if bending failure occurs, the fa- tigue crack runs radially through the rim rather than across the root of the tooth. Because of their thin rims, internal gears have ring-bending stresses which influence both the magnitude and the location of the maximum bending stress. Since the boundary conditions strongly influence the ring-bending stresses, the method by which the intemal gear is constrained must be considered, Also, the time history of the bending stress at a particular point on the internal gear is important because the stresses alternate from tension to compression. Because the bending stresses in in- temal gears are influenced by so many variables, no simplified model for calculating the bending stress in internal gears can be offered at this time. * Refer to AGMA 112.05 for further discussion of standard (reference) diameters. AGMA, 1 908-B89apenas Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth 2. Definitions and Symbols 2.1 Definitions. The terms used, wherever ap- plicable, conform to the following standards: ANSI ¥10.3-1968, Letter Symbols for Quan- tities Used in Mechanics of Solids AGMA 112.05 Gear Nomenclature (Geome- wry) Terms, Definitions, Symbols, and Abbrevia- tions AGMA 600.01 Metric Usage 2.2. Symbols. The symbols used in the pitting resistance and bending strength formulas are shown in Table 2-1. NOTE: The symbols, definitions and termi- nology used in this Standard may differ from other AGMA standards. The user should not assume that familiar symbols can be used without a careful study of these definitions. Units of measure are not shown in Table 2-1 because the equations are in terms of unity nor- mal module or unity normal diametral pitch. Table 2-1 Symbols Used in Equations ‘Symbols Terms Where First Used En ‘normal operating circular backlash c standard center distance Cy Cay Ry distances along line of action (Fig 3-1) emicu cos distances along line of action of virtual spur gear Ch helical factor G operating center distance cy helical overlap factor DaDa2 addendum diameter, pinion and gear 4 inion operating pitch diameter F effective face width #H parameter for stress correction factor hag nominal tool addendum hp height of Lewis parabola I pitting resistance geometry factor I ending strength geometry factor 4 adjusted geometry factor Js geometry factor from table Ky stress correction factor Ky helix angle factor L Parameter for stress correction factor ive minimum length of contact lines M parameter for stress correction factor mp axial contact ratio me gear ratio my Toad sharing ratio mn normal module mp transverse contact ratio n virtual tooth number No virtual tooth number of tool ny pinion tooth number ny gear tooth number AGMA 908-B89Table 2-1 (cont) Symbols Used in Equations Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth ‘Symbols ‘Terms ‘Where First Used na fractional part of mp Eq 3.22 ne tool tooth number Eq 5.29 n, fractional part of mp Eq 3.22, Pug normal diametral pitch Eq 7.5 Ps transverse base pitch Eq 3.8 Py normal base pitch Eq 3.9 Py axial pitch Eq 3.19 RyRy standard pitch radii, pinfon and gear Eq 3.23.3 Ry Ron base radii, pinion and gear Eq 3.5-3.6 Rye base radius of tool Eq 5.34 Re standard pitch radius of tool Eq 5.33 Rat ‘mean radius of pinion Eq 4.3 Rot Ron addendum radii, pinion and gear, internal and external Eq 3.12, 3.15 806 outside radius of tool Eq 5.36 Tn ™n2 reference pitch radii of virtual spur gear Eq 5.3, 5.12 rh generating pitch radius of virtual spur gear Eq 5.51 Tro reference pitch radius of virtual tool Eq 5.30 ry ‘generating pitch radius of virtual tool Eq 5.52, rh radius to center “S" of tool tip radius Eq 5.39 ee virtual outside radii Eq 5.5, 5.14 aoa virtual base radii Eq 5.4, 5.13 ae virtual base radii of tool Eq 5.31 Tab virtual load radius Eq 5.28 sp tooth thickness at critical section Eq 5.72 Sn reference normal circular tooth thickness Eq 5.20 Seer reference normal circular tooth thickness, pinion and gear Eq 6.1-6.2 a tooth thickness at outside diameter Eq 7.9 Sno reference normal circular tooth thickness of tool Eq 5.35 Sng standard tooth thickness, thinned for backlash Eq 7.6 4, stock allowance per side of tooth Eq 5.37 x addendum modification coefficient at zero backlash Eq 5.19 Xp addendum modification coefficient, pinion and gear Eq 6.5 % generating rack shift coefficient Eq 5.19 % addendum modification coefficient of tool Eq 5.35 pp pa generating rack shift coefficient, pinion and gear Eq 6.1-6.2 Y tooth form factor Eq 5.1 y iteration function Eq 5.63 y erivative of iteration function Eq 5.64 Zz active length of line of action Eq 3.17 AGMA 3 908-B89 Hols d REGO ERE RMSE c= ¥ A BR bia Le SSAC GN tN eS ORE PER DIE.Geometry Factors for Determining the Piting Resistance and Bending Table 2-1 (cont) Symbols Used in Equations ih of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth Symbols Terms Where First Used Oy angle of surface, normal Eq 5.53 Ont iteration angle Eq 5.65 8, angle between tangent to fillet and tooth center line Eq 5.59 Sq amount gear tooth is thinned for backlash Eq $.19 80 amount of protuberance, tool Eq 5.38 ae amount of effective protuberance, tool Eq 5.38 an ordinate of gear fillet curve Fig 5-8 "nF ordinate of critical point “F” Eq 5.61 ee angular displacement of gear Eq 5.57 = angular displacement of tool Eq 5.56 KpKg distance from pitch point to points “F” and “S” Eq 5.54, 5.55 Dns angle to center “S” of tool tip radius Eq 5.47 re auvéliary angle locating point “S” Eq 5.53 En abscissa of gear fillet curve Fig 5-8 nF abscissa of critical point “F* Eq 5.60 Py.Py radii of curvature of profiles at point Eq 4.1 of contact stress calculation Pmt Pm. radii of curvature of profile at mean radius Eq 4.8 Pao tool tip radius Eq 5.39 Pp radius of curvature of fillet curve Eq 5.66 ep minimum radius of curvature of fillet curve Eq 5.68 ° standard transverse pressure angle Eq 3.4 bn standard normal pressure angle Eq 3.4 on generating pressure angle Eq 5.48 ont load angle Eq 5.22 np pressure angle at radius where gear tooth is pointed Eq 5.22 Sapo pressure angle at radius where tool tooth is pointed Eq 5.43 Snr operating normal pressure angle Eq 3.28 Ons pressure angle at point “S" on tool Eq 5.40 Sw pressure angle at load application point Eq 5.10 or ‘operating transverse pressure angle Eq 3.7 ¥ standard helix angle Eq 3.2 % base helix angle Eq 3.10 ¥, operating helix angle Eq 3.27 ® angle of inclination of helical contact line Eq 5.70 SUBSCRIPTS 2 tool ‘n normal or virwal spur gear 1 pinion 7 operating or running 2. gear =_absence of a subscript indicates transverse AGMA 4 908-889« Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth 3. Basic Gear Geometry The following equations apply to spur and helical gears where spur gearing is 2 particular ‘case with zero helix angle. Where double signs are used (e.g., £), the upper sign applies to exter nal gears and the lower sign applies to internal gears. The equations are derived in terms of unity normal module (m, = 1.0) or unity normal diametral pitch and are valid for any consistent set of units. All angles are given in terms of radians, unless otherwise specified ‘The following variables must be made dimen- sionless by dividing with the normal module, my, or multiplying with the normal diametral pitch, Pag» (See AGMA 112.05 for definitions of my, or Pag ): The variables to be adjusted are C,, F, Rots Roa» Ros Ror fags 80s Page and Asa Gear ratio, mg mg 2-2 (Eq 3-1) ny gear tooth number ny = pinion tooth number Standard (reference) pitch radius, Ry n 1 = Eq 3.2 1" Joos v a 3.2) where ‘Y= standard helix angle Standard (reference) pitch radius, Ry Ry = Ry mg (Eq 3.3) Standard transverse pressure angle, $ (tan ¢ sun (Se ) (Eq 3.4) where %_, = Standard normal pressure angle* Pinion base radius, Rp4 Rp = Ry cose (Ea 3.5) Gear base radius, Ryo Ryy = Ry, MG (Eq 3.6) Operating transverse pressure angle, 6, -1(Rp2 t Ror cos" (800.# Ros Eq 37 C, (Eq 3.7) where C, = operting center distance Transverse base pic, 7, an 2afa (93.8) Normal base pitch. Py ae 439) Base helix angle, % = 1 (Pn yo) 43.10) Figure 3-1 is a view of the line of action in the transverse plane. The lengths, C; through Cg, are derived from Fig 3-1. See 1.4 item (6), refer- fencing exceptions regarding gear tooth undercut. Fig 3-1 Transverse Plane View of The Line of Action * For a complete discussion, see 9.01 of AGMA 112.05 Gear Nomenclature (Geometry) Terms, Definitions, Symbols, and Abbreviations AGMA 908-B89 oe Pee ARO en ek RSE SA Nth NEA A TERME ONS SEL MRE.Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth Sixth distance along line of action, Cg Ce = C, sin 4, (Ea 3.11) First distance along line of action, Cy 2_ Rg 2ps Cy tC (R 2 RAS) Ea 3.12) where Ry = addendum radius of gear, for internal or external gears ‘Third distance along line of action, Cz (Bq 3.13) Fourth distance along line of action, Cy A 4) C,= C+D, (Eq 3.14) Fifth distance along line of action, Cs 2_p2 ys OG Cs = (Ror- Roy) Eq 3.15) where Roy = addendum radius of pinion Second distance along line of action, Cy Cy= Cs -P, (Eq 3.16) Active length of line of contact, Z Z= C5 -Cy (Eq 3.17) Distance C, locates the lowest point of single tooth contact (LPSTC) and distance C, locates the highest point of single tooth contact (HPSTC), where C,,R,, and Ry» are values for m, = 1.0. 3-1 Contact Ratios. Transverse contact ratio, mp Zz m, = 2 (Eq 3.18) = Dy Axial pitch, Py =. Eq 3.19) ° inv (Eq 3.19) Axial contact ratio, mp epee : Fo (Eq 3.20) AGMA where F = effective face width at m, For spur gears, mp= 0.0 3.2, Minimum Length of the Lines of Contact. For spur gears with m,< 2.0 the minimum Jength of contact lines, Lapin» i8t Lin =F (Eq 3.21) For helical gears, two cases must be considered: Case I, for ng ¢ 1-n, Le MpPomany Px (Eq 3.22 min COs Y, a ) Case Il, for ng >1-n, | Mp F= (1 ng)(t = ny) Py Linin = ‘min eos Y (Eq 3.23) where n, = fractional part of m, nq = fractional part of mp Example: for a contact ratio, my, of 1.4, then n,=0.4 3.3. Load Sharing Ratio, my For helical gears: F m, (Eq 3.24) wT (Eq 3.24) For spur gears with m,< 2.0, ty (Bq 3.21) gives Linin = Fo therefor my= 1.0 (Eq 3.25) For LACR helicals, (mp $ 1.0), load sharing is accomodated by Cy, therefore: my = 1.0 (Eq 3.26) 3.4 Operating Helix Angle, ¥, -1tan¥ yp = wat (BBM) (43.27 cos 6, 3.5. Operating Normal Pressure Angle, 6, Sar = sit? (cos ¥, sin 4, ) (Eq 3.28) 908-B89acyl * Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth 4. Pitting Resistance Geometry Factor, / ‘The pitting resistance geometry factor, [, is a dimensionless number. It takes into account the effects of: (1) radii of curvature (2) load sharing (3) normal component of the transmitted load 4.1 Pitting Resistance Geometry Factor Calculation. (Eq 4.1) where ¢, = operating transverse pressure angle Cy = helical overlap factor (See 4.4 and Appendix E) d = pinion operating pitch diameter = load sharing ratio radius of curvature of pinion profile at point of contact stress calculation = radius of curvature of gear profile at point of contact stress calculation 4.2 Operating Pitch Diameter of Pinion, d. 26, ss (Eq 4.2) moti where mg = gear ratio 4.3 Radii of Curvature of Profiles at Stress Calculation Point 4.3.1 Conventional Helical Gears. For conventional helical gears (mz > 1.0) the radii of curvature are calculated at the mean radius or middie of the working profile of the pinion where: Mean radius of pinion, Ry; Rat =a [For + (r-Ro2)| (Eq 4.3) where Ry = ‘1 = addendum radius, pinion aoa Sept BS ANNE Re %yq «= addendum radius, gear, internal or external Radius of curvature of the pinion profile at the point of contact stress calculation, py Beeeea ar 2, = (Rmi- Roi) Eq 4.4) where Ryy = base radius, pinion Radius of curvature of the gear profile at the point of contact stress calculation, 2 = Cee Py (Eq 4.5) where Cg = sixth distance along line of action (Gee Eq 3.11) 4.3.2 Spur and Low Axial Contact Ratio Helical Gears. For spurs and LACR helicals (mp 1.0) the radii of curvature are calculated at the LPSTC y= Cy (Eq 4.6) where Cy = second distance along line of action (see Eq 3.16) Py = Cero, 44.7 4.4 Helical Overlap Factor, Cy* For LACR helical gears (mp < 1.0) os Prt®m2 Z = |i-m, (1 -mimeZ 43 % [ F( Py Py Py ne) where Z = active length of line of action Py = normal base pitch Radius of curvature of the pinion profile at the mean radius of the pinion, Py» 2 2,06 Pmi= (Ri - Rpt) (Eq 4.9) Radius of curvature of the gear profile at the mean radius of the gear, Pp» Pm = 6 F Om (Eq 4.10) For spurs and conventional helicals Cy= 10 (Eq 4.11) 908-B89 opal RASHe MRE ne Geometry Factors for Determining the Piting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth 5. Bending Strength Geometry Factor, J ‘The bending strength geometry factor, J, is a dimensionless number. It takes into account the effects of: (2) shape of the tooth (2) worst load position (3) stress concentration G) load sharing between oblique lines of contact in helical gears Both tangential (bending) and radial (com- pressive) components of the tooth load are in- cluded. This analysis applies to external gears only. ‘The J factor calculation procedure must be repeated for both the pinion and the gear using the appropriate dimensions for each. ¥Cy ye (q 5.1) my where Y = tooth form factor (See 5-13) Cy = helical overlap factor (See 4.4) Ky = stress correction factor (See 5.11) my = load sharing ratio (See 3.3) It is recognized that an anomaly exists when calculating the J factor for LACR gears where the value obtained may be greater than a conventional helical gear. For this reason, it is recommended that the J factor be calculated for both the LACR condition and as a conventional helical gear, using a value for F which is slightly greater than p,. ‘The resulting conservative value should be used unless otherwise justified. 5.1 Virtual Spur Gear. The following analysis is based on the work of Errichello [4] [5] [6] Helical gears are considered to be virtual spur gears with the following virtual geometry: Virtual tooth number, 7 my cosy (Eq 5.2) Standard (reference) pitch radius of virtual spur Bears 7, "it Virtual base radius, 75 (Eq 5.3) AGMA Tab 605 o, (Eq 5.4) Virtual outside radius, fy, tna = Tn Roi" a 5.5) For spur gears, the actual geomeny is used no=my 45.6) Thm = Ry (Eq 5.7) Tap = Rot a 5.8) Tna = Roy (Eq 5.9) 3.2 Pressure Angle at the Load Application Point. Spur gears develop the most critical stress when load is applied at the highest point of the tooth where a single pair of teeth is carrying all of, the load. Spur gears having variations that pre- vent two pairs of teeth from sharing the load may be stressed most heavily when the load is applied at the tip. Table 5-1 has been used in previous standards to establish the variation in base pitch between the gear and pinion, which determines whether or not load sharing exists in steel spur gears. Values in excess of those shown in Table 5-1 require the use of tip loading, Table 5-1 Limiting Variation in Action for Steel Spur Gears for Load Sharing (Variation in Normal Base Pitch) ‘Maximum Allowable Variation in eee inches (mm), When Teeth Share Load picts Eo2d per Inch of Face (per mm of face) Teeth 500 Ib 1000 Tb 2000 Tb 4000 Tb 8000 Tb (QON)_ (175 N)_(350.N) (700 N) (1400 N) 15 0.0004 0.0007 0.0014 0.0024 0.0042 (0.02) (0.02) (0.04) (0.06) (0.11) 20 0.0003 0.0006 0.0011 0.0020 0.0036 (0.01) (0.02) (0.03) (0.05) (0.09) 25 0.0002 0.0005 0.0009 0.0017 0.0030 (0.02) (0.04) (0.02) (0.01) (0.08) For helical gears and spur gears that are ana- lyzed where the load is applied at the tip of the tooth, the pressure angle at load application point, ayy is given by: we laFT (Eq 5.10) 908-B89Geometry Factors for Determining the Pining Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth tooth contact (HPSTC), the pressure angle is given by: (Eq5.11) Equation 5.11 may also be used for LACR heli- cal gears, but distance Cy must be based on the virtu- al spur gear. The following equations are developed from analogy with Eqs 3.3, 3.6, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 55 and 5.11. Standard (reference) pitch radius of virtual spur Beat, hyo 2 ™™G (Ea5.12) Virtual base radius, nb2 = nb ™G (695.13) Virtual outside radius, ‘99 a2 = na + Rog - Rp (Bq5.14) Sixth distance along line of action, G,, of virtual spur gear Gis = Cnb2t Tb Ny = (45.15) First distance along line of action, G1, of virtual spur gear Ga = [Ge-rne2-tmb2)"] x56) Fourth distance along line of action, C4, of virtual spur gear Ga = Git Pw (€45.17) The pressure angle at load application point, yy tandgy = Gs (Bq 5.18) 53 Generating Rack Shift Coefficient. The generat- ing rack shift coefficient, xg, applies to the com- pletely finished teeth. Tt includes the rack shift for addendum modification plus the rack shift for thin- ning the gear teeth to obtain backlash: Asn tt ree (€45.19) where x = addendum modification coefficient at zero backlash As, = amount gear tooth is thinned for AGMA, backlash _ pts, -x 2 2-3 (Eq5.20) where 4, = normal circular tooth thickness measured on the Standard (reference) pitch cylinder Sy =F FP Fg tem, (Eq 5.21) 54 Load Angle and Load Radius. Figure 5-1 de- fines the load angle, $7, and the load radius, 1 The loads shown apple at an arbitrary point“ such that: a1 =" Guy f° yp a np (24522) = pressure angle at radius where gear tooth is pointed. see Fig 5-2 Fig 5-1 Load Angle and Load Radius 908-B89ree ait Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth Fig 5-2 Pressure Angle Where Tooth Comes to Point 5: & ae inv, = inv, + OF, (Eq 5.23) but inve, = wang, - @, (Eq 5.24) Qty en (Bq 5.25) Sn Inve, = tang, - oy A (Eq 5.26) ‘Substituting this value in Eq 5.22 gives: 5 Sat = BMW BRE, * ST (Eq 5.27) Equation 5.27 gives the load angle for any load position specified by tan $,yy- From Fig 5-1, the vinual load radius, ry 5 is: Tnb_ 05 Oop "LF (Eq 5.28) 5.5 Tool Geometry. The following analysis is based on pinion type generating tools commonly referred to as shaper cutters. However, the method applies equally well to rack-type generat- ing tools by letting the tooth number of the tool AGMA 10 equal a large number such as n, = 10000. When exact cutter dimensions are not known, refer to Appendix D. Helical gears are considered to be generated by a virtual shaper cutter with the fol- lowing virtual geometry: ‘Virtual tooth number of tool, 2, Te 0 = “cosy where n, (Eq 5.29) tool tooth number Standard (reference) pitch radius of virtual tool, no no = (Eq 5.30) Viral base radii of tool, tbo Trbo = Tho 608 &y (Eq 5.31) For spur gears, the actual cutter geometry is Mo = Ne (Eq 5.32) Tro = Re (Eq 5.33) where R, = standard pitch radius of tool Tabo = Rye (aq 5.34) where Ry, = base radius of tool Figure 5-3 shows a shaper cutter with protu- berance,8,. A tool without protuberance is a articular case for which 8 = 0. The center of the tip radius, point “S", is located by radius 72, and angle \js/2. The nominal tool adden- dum is fgg. ‘The reference addendum related to the virtual radius, 7,5, i5 Ago + %, where %, is the addendum modification coefficient corre- sponding to the present sharpening condition of the cutter. The addendum modification coeffi- cient of the tool, %,, relates the actual normal cir- cular tooth thickness of the tool, Spo. to the nominal value of 7/2. If So is known from measurements of the tool, %, may be calculated from: 908-B89Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth X= (Eq 5.35) where Spo = reference normal circular tooth thickness of tool NOTE: x, is positive when 5, >%/2 (cor responding to 2 new shaper cutter), or negative when Spo <7/2 (corresponding to a used shaper cutter). Near the mid-life of the cutter, its tooth thickness equals 1/2 and x, = 0.0. Meo* Ky Mo ¢rooL Tooth root space Fig 5-3. Shaper Cutter with Protuberance ‘The nominal tool addendum is defined as the addendum where the normal circular tooth thick- ness of the tool equals the nominal value of 7/2, If the outside radius of the tool is known from measurements, the nominal tool addendum, h, may be calculated from: D higo= Roem Ry (Eq 5.36) AGMA a NOI sa RMR Nh cmsmast ANT uw where Rog = outside radius of tool where sags Us+ Rog and Rare values for my = 1.0. Finishing hobs usually have sqg=7/2 in which case x, = 0. A pre-grind hob which has teeth thinner than 71/2 to provide stock allowance for grinding usually has a tooth thickness of: fo =F - Bus (Eq 5.37) where us = stock allowance per side of the gear tooth, Since w, is removed during grinding, the basic rack corresponding to the finished gear teeth is used for the analysis; i.e., let syq= 77/2 and re- duce the amount of protuberance: 605 6, (Eq 5.38) amount of effective protuberance, to0l 3) = amount of protuberance, tool from Fig 5-3 1 = ho thao t%y ~ Mo Ea 5.39) where 1, = tadius to center “S” of tool tip radius Pig = tool tip radius "20 Figure 5-4 shows an involute drawn through point “S". The pressure angle at point “S” on tool, Gop is: cos} ( Znbo CE) invong = dns ~ 4, 4, ns (Eq 5.40) ns (Eq 5-41) ‘The reference circular tooth thickness of the cutter is: ino = + 2x9 tand, (Eq 5.42) In Fig 5-5, yp is the pressure angle where the cutter tooth comes to a point. It is given by: 908-B89 GROW ion oA De A RM.Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth (Eq 5.43) (ey 540 ee 54s) tavdggo® ty ~ ty * (ea 5 tom Fig $6 Ant ined invdgy aaa) Hl po ng Saat ease whee Nag = ange center “S* oftoo ep rais Fig 5-5_ Pressure Angle Where Cutter Tooth Comes to a Point Ss Fig 5-4 Involute Drawn Through Point Dre 5.6 Generating Pressure Angle. The generating pressure angle, 47 , depends on the virtual center distance between the cutter and the gear which is determined by x and x. The generating pres- sure angle, 4° , is obtained from: 2(ag+ x, Jtang, inve”, = inve, + = Fig 5-6 Angle to Center, S, of Tool Tip n+ %> (eq 5.48) Radius (Effective Cutter) AGMA 12 908~B89Are involute may be solved by iteration.(5] Let the first trial value for 4; be: 44 = G inv gr (Eq 5.49) This trial value is successively improved upon using: z © invdl + dj tangy Sige) 2 byt at ai On Cea 5.50) ni) = Pri tan? 6 Eq 5.50) 5.6.1 Generating Pitch Radii. The gen- erating pitch radius of virtwal spur gear, 1", is: Ty cos i = 7a (9 5.51) 208 Oy “The generating pitch radius of virual tool, 75, is: » Fug £284 ne = tno S08ty Eq 5.52) no = “cose ee) 5.7. Algorithm for Determining the Critical Point. Figure 5-7 shows the critical point of maximum bending stress located at the intersec- tion of the Lewis parabola and the gear tooth fil- let. To locate this point, we consider the relative motion between the shaper cutter and the gener- ated gear tooth. Figure 5~8 shows the shaper cut- ter generating an arbitrary point “F” on the gear tooth fillet. From the law of conjugate gear tooth action, point “F” lies on a line which extends from the generating pitch point “P” through the center of the tool tip radius, point “S”. The fillet coordinates are best expressed by selecting the an- gle pq as the independent parameter. Then for ‘,,= 7/2, generating starts at the lowest point on the fillet and proceeds up the fillet as a, is dimin- ished corresponding to clockwise rotation of the tool and counter-clockwise rotation of the gear. GEAR TOOTH VERTEX, ‘CENTERUNE INSCRIBED PARABOLA Fig 5-7 Critical Point of Maximum Bending Stress AGMA, Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth From Fig 5-8 the auxiliary angle locating point “S", nos isi ng 6080 reac oe). en (65.53) where Gn = angle of surface normal Fig 5-8 Shaper Cutter Generation B 908-B89 Lt 1G ih ERS EU NDRape! jaabiggea tet Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth Distance from pitch point to point “S", Ks » is sin Oy ~ 48, sin (pq Bno) a 5.54) ‘The distance from pitch point to point “F”, Kp, is: Ks" no Kpt (Eq 5.55) °, 's~ Pao Kp and Kg are vectors and may be positive or negative. ‘The angular displacement of tool, 6g» is: ns 2 = Eq 5.56) No ‘The gear rotation angle is: n, where wna (gate 20mg PE) 559 ‘The slope of the line tangent to the fillet at point “F” is: (Eq 5.59) angle between tangent to fillet and tooth center line ‘The coordinates of critical point “F” are: ‘The abscissa of critical point “F", Ear Barty 80, +Kp cosB, (Bq 5.60) The ordinate of critical point “F", nap cose, +Kp sing, (Ea 5.61) i Ga 5.62) For point “F” to be on the Lewis parabola, the following equation must be satistied: y = 2hptanB,- Ep = 0 (Ea 5.63) where y= iteration function AGMA “4 hig = height of Lewis parabola Differentiating Eq 5.63 gives 2h, HE -Kpsin cos78, SF SAPn no [rip sin oy : n tio sin (ant Bao) dhe cos? By [one tan By ~ WnF ~ } -mett)| 1+sin?By Yes By Eq 5.64) where y’ = derivative of iteration function Assuming an initial approximation for a, = 7/4, it is successively improved upon by using Newton's Method of iteration. y ¥ (Bq 5.65) On each iteration, a, is set equal to a, and Eq 5.53 through Eq 5.65 are iterated until {p| in Eq 5.63 is a negligible tolerance. 5.8 Iteration Convergence. Equation 5.63, ex- pressing the function y =f ( c,), is plotted in Fig 5-9 for a typical case. By selecting a.,=m/4 as the initial approximation, rapid convergence to the proper root is obtained, usually within 3 to $ iterations. This choice for the initial value pre- vents convergence to the incorrect root which ex- ists closer to @,= 0. This incorrect root corre- sponds to the case where the Lewis parabola is inverted, opening upward rather than downward. 15 Ont = On 10 ROOT 5 0 a, 7 Fig 5-9 Iteration Function 2 908-B89‘Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth 5.9 Radius of Curvature of Root Fillet. The radius of curvature of the fillet curve, P’p, at any point defined by a, is given by: A Ks Pp = Qt = _ (a 5.68) Tr Tmo Sin Th+ Tao sno TS (Eq 5.67) ‘The J factor uses the minimum radius of cur- vature which occurs at the point where the fillet curve is tangent to the root circle, where a = 1/2 and Uno = 0. Subsituting, the minimum radius of curvature of fillet curve, Pp, Cre - rS, fo- tho Pp = 8a * 5 Erte. (rho Fs) Tht ho a 5.68) 5.10 Helical Factor, C,. The helical factor, Cy» isthe ratio of the root bending moment pro- duced by tip loading to the root bending moment produced by the same intensity of loading applied along the oblique helical contact line. Ic is based fon the work of Wellauer and Seireg [7] If the worst condition of load occurs where full butressing exists, the value of C,, may be in- creased by 10 percent. Full buttressing exists when the face of the tooth extends at least one addendum beyond the loaded portion (see Fig 5-10) Full Buttressing Exists When f 2 One Addendum Fig 5-10 Oblique Contact Line For Spur and LACR Helical Gears(mp < 1.0),2 unity value is used, (Eq 5.69) For Conventional Helical Gears, when mp > 1.0 (Eq 5.70) © = angle of inclination of helical contact line in degrees ® = tan T(anysingn) (Eq 5.71) Equation 5.70 is valid for y < 50°, Cp Values can be taken from Fig 5-11 2.0 18 ®n = 90° ° é€ dn = 22 ete 3 bn = 18° sus pe aaa 12 1-0 550109150 208 26° a9 a5 200 5° Helix Angle, Fig 5-11 Helical Factor, c, AGMA as 908-B89 pbb st ac 5 Le UR aaa Sets a SPE EN PA AN RTneon Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth ‘The helical factor, C),, is based on the work of Wellauer and Seireg (7) 5.11 Stress Correction Factor, Ky. The stress correction factor, Ky, includes the effects of stress concentration and load location, based on the work of Dolan and Broghamer [1]. It is given by: Sp\L/SF\M H+(
1.0 K cy = COS Vy COS (Eq 5.77) 5.13 Tooth Form Factor, ¥. The tooth form factor, Y, is calculated by: K yos Se gg 5.78) cos np [SE _ tan ony ©05 on, [SP OF AGMA 16 6. Determining Addendum Modification Coefficients In order to use Section 5, x, and x» must be determined. If these values are not known, this Section provides a method for determining them. 6.1 Generating Rack Shift Coefficients. If the normal circular tooth thicknesses are known, the generating rack shift coefficients are found from Eqs 6.1 and 6.2. a xy = (Eq 6.1) 81” Quand, i =4 (22 “a= (# ‘an i) le Bey = 2p t tg (Ea 6.3) where Xyy_ = generating rack shift coetticient, pinion Xp) = generating rack shift coefficient, gear sum of generating rack shift coefficients Sj = Teference normal circular tooth thickness, pinion (see Eq 5.21) Sy. = teference normal circular tooth thickness, gear (see Eq 5.21) 6.2 Sum of Addendum Modification Coet cients for Zero Backlash. Although the amount of tooth thinning applied to each gear may be un- known, the sum of the addendum modification coefficients for the gear pair, Ex, can be estab- lished. C (inv $, ~ inv 6) Er ae (Eq 6.4) Besxy t xy (Eq 6.5) C=zR ER, (Eq 6.6) where x, = addendum modification coefficient, pinion addendum modification coefficient, gear 908-B89 IEE DSc= R standard center distance standard pitch radius, pinion standard pitch radius, gear 6.3 Tooth Thinning for Backlash. It is usually impossible to determine the ratio As, 1/As.9 that was used for existing gears. The following analysis is based on common practice where Big, = Sige in which ae by = 222228a (sr 3) ea 6-) By f{c - 2c (6) exo normal operating circular backlash operating center distance tooth thinning for backlash, pinion tooth thinning for backlash, gear 6.4 Addendum Modification Coefficients. The addendum modification coefficients, z, and x3, can be established from Eq 6.9 and 6.10. As ‘ 1" *31* Tung, ley as =x,¢—m Ec *2 = 2 Jaane, ee . Geometry Factor Tables The following tables provide the Geometry Factor for Pitting Resistance, J, and the Geometry Factor for Bending Strength, J, for a range of typical pairs of gears. The tables were prepared by computer, programmed in accordance with Section 5. The values were rounded to two sig- nificant figures. The tables cover various combi- nations of helix angle, pressure angle, whole depth, tool edge radius, tooth load point and ad- dendum modification. The Tables do not cover all tooth forms, pressure angles, and pinion or gear modifications, and are not applicable to all gear designs. In addition to the basic geometry, the AGMA, a7 Touma ty Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helieal Gear Teeth criteria listed in 7.1 through 7.10 were used in cal- culating the table values. ‘The following paragraphs and equations use dimensionless numbers to describe the gear ge- omety. To make actual measurements dimen- sionless, they are converted to ratios by multiply- ing them by diamewral pitch, dividing them by module, or comparing them to a (3.1416) circu- lar pitch at the standard pitch diameter. Any con- sistent system of units can be used for this conver- sion, see Section 3. 7.1 Using the Tables. Each table of / and J values was generated for a specific tool form (ba sic rack) defined by whole depth factor, normal pressure (profile) angle and tool edge (tip) radius Each tool form was used to generate 66 tables of values: For spur gears: Loaded at Tip x 0 1 = 0.28, x2 = -0.25 2 = 0.50, x2 = -0.50 Loaded at HPSTC x 0 41 20.25, x2 = 0.25 4 = 0.50, x2 = -0.50 For helical gears: 10 degree standard helix angle xy == 0 = 0.25, x2 = -0.25 X= 0.50, x2 = -0.50 15 degree standard helix angle x ° X= 0.25, x2 = ~0.25 1 = 0.50, x2 = -0.50 20 degree standard helix angle xy xe=0 X= 0.25, x2 = -0.25 X= 0.50, x2 = ~0.50 25 degree standard helix angle a 0 10.25, x2 = -0.25 X= 0.50, x2 = -0.50 30 degree standard helix angle x 0 41 = 0.25, xp = -0.25 x = 0.50, x2 = ~0.50 908-B89Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Siren To obtain values for and J, enter the table for the appropriate whole depth factor tool, helix angle, loading condition and addendum modifica~ tion factor and select values for the numbers of pinion and gear teeth. Ifthe exact values for your gearset are not listed, the calculation method of Section 5 is recommended. Interpolation is not recommended. A “U" in the tables indicates a gear tooth combination which should be avoided due to un- dercutting. A “T” in the tables indicates a gear tooth combination which should be avoided due to pointed pinion teeth. 7.2 Whole Depth. Whole depth is expressed in the Tables as a “whole depth factor”, the whole depth of a basic rack for 1 normal diametral pitch or 1 normal module. The actual generated depths are slightly greater due to tooth thinning for back- lash. 7.3 Outside Diameter. The tabulated values are calculated for gears having an outside diameter (eddendum diameter) equal to (in terms of my, 0): Dat ae 2+ x) (Eq 7.1) yrtarm) (Eq 7.2) where ny = pinion tooth number ny = gear tooth number V — = standard helix angle, degrees Poi = pinion addendum diameter Dag = gear addendum diameter 7.4 Type of Gearing. The tables apply to external gears only. An analytical method for determining the Bending Strength Geometry Fac- tor, J, for internal gears is beyond the scope of this Standard. 7.8 Center Distance. The tables apply to gearsets that operate on a standard center dis- tance. This center distance is the tight mesh center distance for gears not yet thinned for backlash. See 7.6 AGMA 18 of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth nyen c+ Wm : 2cos y 47.3) where C = standard center distance For this center distance the sum of the adden- dum modification coefficients is zero (See 5.3 for definitions). xytx_ 20 (Eq 7.4) where x4 = addendum modification coefficient, pinion X= addendum modification coefficient, gear 7.6 Tooth Thickness Backlash Allowance. ‘The values in the tables are calculated based on a backlash allowance. The circular tooth thick- nesses for the pinion and the gear are each thinned by an amount, A sp, shown in Eq 7.5. 0.024 As, 0.024 (Eq 7.5) Fad If the gears being evaluated have different minimum tooth thicknesses, the Bending Strength Geometry Factor, J, can be approximated using Eq 7.6. The Pitting Resistance Geometry Factor, J, is unaffected by variations in tooth thickness. Iq Sad y te (2) ae where ee Jg = geomenry factor from table St = adjusted circular tooth thickness Sng = standard tooth thickness, thinned per Eq 7.5 Example From the table at the top of page 32 for 20° Pressure angle spur gears, loaded at the highest point of single tooth contact, the J factor for a 21 tooth pinion operating with a 35 tooth gear is found to be 0.34. The table is based on a circular tooth thickness of: 908-889ZZ _o02g = 31416 _ 7 3 0.024 = 1.547 (from Sections 7 and 7.3) For a 10 normal diametral pitch gear or pin- ion, the equivalent circular tooth thickness would be: = 0.155 If a value for J for a 0.010 inch thinner pin- on, having a circular thickness of 0.155 ~ 0.010 = 0.145 inch is required, the approximate value is: 0.145)? _ 0.34 (S455 A 6.5% reduction in tooth thickness reduces J by 12%, 0.30 (a 7.7) 7.7 Undercutting. The tables do not include geometry factors when an undercutting condition exists in either of the two gears. This condition can be evaluated using Eq 7.8 and Fig 7-1 where the generating rack shift coefficient, %g, must be equal to or greater than the expression in Eq 7.8 Ygmin = "ao" Pa’ t~8n@,)- 3 Sin? 6, 47.8) where yg = nominal tool addendum 8, = tool tip radius n= pinion or gear tooth number 7.8 Top Land. The tables do not include ge- ometry factors when either the pinion or gear tooth top land is less than the value expressed in Eq 7.9. 03 Sra min 2 9 (a 7.9) Ia Sea main 2 0.3m y (Eq 7.9M) where Spa tOoth thickness at outside diameter, in (mm) AGMA ennai 19 NDB atte S HO Geometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth 7.9 Cutter Geometry. The hob geometry used in the calculation of I and J is as follows: n, = 10.000 Sno = 15708 xy = 0.0 8 = 00 where n= tool tooth number Sao = teference normal circular tooth thickness of tool (= addendum modification coefficient of tool = amount of protuberance _,HOB TOOTH hao INTEREERENCE Fig 7-1 Undercutting Criteria 7.10 Axial Contact Ratio. The J and J factors for helical gears are calculated using an axial con- tact ratio, mp, equal to 2.0. When the axial con- tact ratio is other than 2.0, the resulting values for Jand J may be reduced by as much as 10%. 908-B89 Cit A eAGeometry Factors for Determining the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur and Helical Gear Teeth T AND J FACTORS FOR:* 14. 0:0, 0:57 EQUAL ADDENDUM (y= x =) DEG. PRESSURE ANGLE DEG. HELIX ANGLE TOOL EDGE RADIUS 2.357 01028 WHOLE DEPTH FACTOR TOOTH THINNING FOR BACKLASH LOADED AT TIP PINION TEETH GEAR 2 1“ ” 21 26 35 55 135 Tema @ GO P G oP G oP G oP G oP G or Gi P G wi nn) uit ogee Ue Oe wt 3 ou uv voviowuiuy at 5 ou vu ou uv ovuovuioiwuiy 26 1 pou u uu ovouiouvuovuijd0é odo 351 0.061 Gl ue up ee eee ee Ue osepcona sot 0.074 0.081 you ov ou vou vouvovui viv org 0.19 0.19 0.19 1s 1 0.096 0.088 0.061 povuiv vu vu vu uv _ vu _ v __ 080.20 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20 | The letter “U" indicates a gear tooth combination which produces an undercut tooth form in one er both components and should be avoided. See Section 7 and Fig 7-1. AND J FACTORS FOR:! 14.5 0:0. DEG. PRESSURE ANGLE DEG. HELIX ANGLE, 0.9s7 TOOL EDGE RADIUS 25 PERCENT LONG ADDENDUM PINION (&; = 0.25) 2.187 0.024 WHOLE DEPTH FACTOR TOOTH THINNING FOR BACKLASH LOADED AT TIP 25 PERCENT SHORT ADDENDUM GEAR («2 =~ 0.25) PINION TEETH GEAR 2 re v 2 26 35 35 135 TEETH PG PG oP G oP G oP G oP G oP G oP G wT Pouiow wt eee Us ula) wt Pou vu ovoovoowuiy at J ou oviouiowg UE 261 0.060 rou ovuviog uo ov ou ou 020 0.16 351 0.073 0.059 2 uo uuu ov vv vu 020 0.17 0.20 0.17 S51 0.087 0.077 0.060 3 ou uu Uv Uv UV UV v0.20 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.18 3351 0.111 0.106 0.092 0.060 pou vu vu 0.20019 0:19 0.20019 41 The letter “U” indicates a gear tooth combination which See Section 7 and Fig T= AGMA, 20 roduces an undercut tooth form in one or both components and should be avoided. 908-B89
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Margot Lee Shetterly
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (937)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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Brooklyn: A Novel
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Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Tóibín
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
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The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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