Cocd Rapport and A Good Working Relationship With The Community
Cocd Rapport and A Good Working Relationship With The Community
Cocd Rapport and A Good Working Relationship With The Community
COCD Establish Mobilizing Barangay Officials and The venue was Coordinate Proper
rapport and a community health volunteer workers not organized yet with Barangay assignment of
good working on their task and area of assignment and we lack of Ofiicials and task/person
relationship for Gerontological mission. manpower. other key responsible and
with the leaders. always be
community flexible.
Coordinate with OSCA President of One of the Coordinate Always find
every barangay and barangay captain mobile is not with Barangay ways and
for the mobile needed to transport available Captain for means.
senior citizen to the venue. other available
Follow-up guest speakers, doctors, key One of the doctor
leaders and other sectors (TESDA) is not available
needed for the activity. due personal
UP Medical Team reason
Dr. Adelaida Gaytos-Rosaldo Started late due
Dr. Maila Navidad to other supplies
Dr. Daisyrie Aydil Pamogas dropped by.