Indra: For Construction

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The document outlines specifications for painting at the Sohar Refinery in Oman, including surfaces to be painted, painting schedules and systems, execution of work, and inspection requirements.

The specification outlines the scope, references, definitions, surfaces to be and not to be painted, painting schedules and systems, execution of work, safety and hygiene requirements, inspection procedures, transportation and storage of painted items.

The specification defines what structural steel, equipment, piping and other surfaces are required to be painted at the refinery based on their location and purpose.


Sohar Refinery Company

SOHAR Refinery Project 0-3100-25 S-000-13A0-001 R2
DATE 12 − Mar − 2003 SHEET 1 OF 25
CHK’D K. Takase
APP’D M. Sakai








Reference ITT Doc. No. Rev

S-000-13A0-001 B


0 12 Mar. 2003 All For Approval K.H. K.T. M.S.

1 21 May. 2003 All For Approval K.H. K.T. M.S.

2 12 Jun. 2003 All For Approval K.H. M.S. M.S.

R 29 Sep. 2003 All For Construction (OY-JY-20008, JY-OY-E-20070) K.H. M.S. M.S.

R1 18 Nov. 2003 2, 6, 11, 18-20, Add System No.2. Correction of shop vs. field work split. K.H. M.S. M.S.
25 Add colour schedule for sea water intake area.

_ __ R2 09 Jul. 2004 8, 11, 12 Addalternative paint system for steel parts K.H. M.S. M.S.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 2 of 25


1 GENERAL..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Reference Codes and Standards.............................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2 EXTENT OF SURFACES TO BE PAINTED............................................................................................ 4
2.1 Surfaces to be Painted............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Surfaces not to be Painted....................................................................................................................... 5
3 PAINTING SCHEDULE.............................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Painting Schedule for Structural Steel, Equipment and Piping............................................................... 5
3.2 Colour Schedule...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Split of Painting Works ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Touch Up Procedure at Vendor's Shop, Field Shop and Field................................................................ 6
3.5 Paint Materials ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.6 Paint Suppliers......................................................................................................................................... 6

4 EXECUTION OF PAINTING WORK ....................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Surface Preparation................................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Execution of Painting Work ................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Galvanizing............................................................................................................................................. 8
5 SAFETY AND HYGIENE ........................................................................................................................... 8
6 INSPECTION................................................................................................................................................ 9
6.1 Inspection of Surface Preparation........................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Inspection of Paint Film.......................................................................................................................... 9
7 TRANSPORTATION OF PAINTED ITEMS.......................................................................................... 10
8 STORAGE AND CONTROL OF PAINT................................................................................................. 10
8.1 Storage .................................................................................................................................................. 10
8.2 Quality Control of Stored Paint ............................................................................................................ 10

Table-1 Painting Schedule

Table-2 Colour Schedule
Table-3 Split of Painting Works
Table-4 Touch Up Procedure for Damaged Areas
Table-5 Paint Materials List
Table-6 Applicable Paint Suppliers List

Attachment-1 Colour Schedule for Facilities located in Sea Water Intake Area

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 3 of 25


1.1 Scope

(1) This specification covers the general requirements for surface preparation and painting of
equipment, piping, structures, etc. except underground materials for SOHAR REFINERY

(2) Vendors (for shop application) and Sub-Contractor (for field application) shall develop
painting procedure based on this specification, consulted with paint manufacture’s instructions
including adherence to safety precautions.

(3) Vendors and Sub-Contractor shall guarantee the painting system for a period of five (5) years,
starting from the date of release from Vendors and Sub-Contractor’s premises or from the date
of acceptance of Vendors and Sub-Contractor paintwork. The protection provided by the
painting system shall be such, that during and at the end of the five (5) year period, the coated
surface shall show no more rust than the degree Ri 2 (0.5% of the coated area) of the pictorial
standard ISO 4628/3-1982 (E) “Designation of Degree of Rusting”. Defects to painted surfaces
shall be repaired by Vendors and Sub-Contractor .

1.2 Reference Codes and Standards

The latest editions and revisions of the following codes and standards shall be used as supplements to
this specification:

(1) ISO 8501-1, Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products
-Visual assessment of surface cleanliness

(2) SSPC Painting Manual Vol. 2 (Steel Structures Painting Council)

(3) OSHA Safety Color

(4) Munsell Color

(5) ASTM A 123, Standard specification for zinc ( hot –dip galvanized ) coating on iron and

(6) ASTM A 780, Standard practice for repair of damaged and uncoated area of hot-dip galvanized

(7) ISO 1461, Hot –dip galvanized coatings on fabricate iron and steel articles Specification and
test method.

(8) ISO 2409, Paints and Varnishes – Cross – cut test

(9) ISO 4624, Paints and Varnishes – Pull – off test for Adhesion

(10) ISO 4628, Designation of Degree of Rusting

(11) ISO 8503-4, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products –
Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates

_ __ (12) ASME B31.3-2002 PROCESS PIPING

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 4 of 25

1.3 Definitions

The following definitions shall apply for this specification.

(1) Structural Steel, Equipment and Piping:

Structural Steel, Equipment and Piping means various types of plants or similar facilities and
include pipe racks, equipment supporting structures, shelters, vessels, columns, drums, heat
exchangers, reactors, storage tanks, combustion equipment, stacks, ducts, rotating machinery,
machines, fire-fighting equipment, packaged equipment, piping, electrical and instrumentation
equipment etc.

(2) Painting system:

Surface preparation and a number of paints separately applied of primer, intermediate and
finish coat at suitable intervals to allow for drying or curing in order to satisfy the intended
purpose and effectiveness of painting.

(3) Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steel:

Less than 9% Cr. alloy steel

(4) Vendor's Shop, Field Shop and Field:

“Vendor's Shop” means the painting to be executed at manufacture’s/fabricator’s shop by

“Field Shop” means the painting to be executed at field shop by painting contractors.
“Field” means the painting to be executed at field by painting contractors.

(5) Operating Temperature:

Operating temperature means the maximum operating temperature and/or surface temperature
under the operating condition.
The temperature during starting-up, regeneration, steam-air decoking shall be considered to
select the painting system.

(6) Dry Film Thickness (DFT):

Dry Film Thickness (DFT) means the nominal dry film thickness specified for each coats for
the whole system to achieve the required durability.


2.1 Surfaces to be Painted

All surface of equipment, structures and piping shall be painted to conform to the painting
systems as per Table-1 as attached.

(1) Structural steel unfireproofed and fireproofed

(2) Carbon steel uninsulated and insulated equipment and piping for operating 600°C and
(3) Stainless steel insulated surfaces operating between 50 °C - 120°C
(4) Galvanized surfaces for colour identification.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 5 of 25

2.2 Surfaces not to be Painted

The following surfaces and items shall not be painted unless specifically specified otherwise.

(1) Lining surfaces

(2) Non-ferrous metal surfaces

(3) Galvanized steel surfaces except for color identification

(4) Aluminized steel surfaces

(5) Stainless steel surfaces except insulated surfaces with operating temperature between 50 – 120

(6) Internal surfaces of equipment and pipes

(7) Bolts/nut of flanged connections.

(8) Insulation jacketing metal sheet

(9) Interior wall surfaces, heating tubes and portions with heat resistant treatment of furnaces,
boilers, etc.

(10) Screwed items of valves, gasket surfaces, finished machine parts of equipment and piping

(11) External of tank bottom


3.1 Painting Schedule for Structural Steel, Equipment and Piping

Painting schedule for structural steel, equipment and piping shall be in accordance with Table-1
attached hereto.

The following requirement shall be considered to select the painting system.

(1) Structural steel supports such as vessel skirts, legs, saddles, etc. and pipe supports shall be
considered as operating temperature below 120 °C and below unless otherwise specified.

(2) All uninsulated portion of insulated equipment and piping such as nozzles, manholes, brackets,
flanges, valves, etc., shall be painted in accordance with temperature conditions involved.

(3) The painting system shall be selected based on the operating temperature of equipment and
piping .
The temperature during starting-up, regeneration, steam-air decking shall be considered to
select the painting system.

(4) Surfaces requiring to be insulated for personnel protection shall be painted as the same
painting system of uninsulated surfaces.

(5) Approximate 50 mm from each end of pipes, fittings to be left unprimed for the field welding
or tie-in work. However, touching-up shall be applied at field to welded areas of piping as per
painting systems in Table-1 attached hereto.

(6) Skid mounted package type unit, rotary machinery and its auxiliary equipment unit, special

_ __ machinery, misc. equipment, instrument and electrical equipment shall be painted at vendor's
shop with painting system No. 6 at a minimum of 3 coats or painting system No.7 at a
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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 6 of 25

minimum of 2 coats which is compatible with the operating conditions where the units or
equipment are to be used. The manufacturer’s standard can be applied unless otherwise
specified subject to approval by Purchaser.

3.2 Colour Schedule

Colour schedule for structural steel, equipment and piping shall be in accordance with Table-2
attached hereto.

Colour schedule for facilities located in sea water intake area shall be in accordance with

3.3 Split of Painting Works

Split of painting works shall be carried out in accordance with Table-3 in this specification.

3.4 Touch up Procedure at Vendor's Shop, Field shop and Field

The coating damaged areas up to bare metal shall be touched-up in accordance with Table-4 attached
Touch-up procedure for damaged surfaces shall be carried out as follows.

(1) Repair at vendor's shop and field shop for defects or damages

• Any defect or damage at vendor's shop and field shop shall be repaired
• The surfaces shall be prepared using power tool cleaning or hand tool cleaning or a
combination of these methods for small local damaged spots
• Subsequently compatible coat(s) shall be applied until they meet the specification

(2) Repair at field for vendor's shop and field shop painting

• Weld and other small areas shall be prepared by use of mechanically operated tools
• Subsequently compatible coat(s) shall be applied until they meet this specification

3.5 Paint Materials

(1) Paint materials in Table-5 shall be used for this project.

(2) Painting materials, that is primer, intermediate and finish coat materials, should be purchased
from the same material manufacturer to ensure compatibility. However, if field applied paint
materials are not purchased from the same paint manufacturer of the shop coats, adhesion test
between shop and field coats shall be carried out to ensure the compatibility. The adhesion in
between coats shall be tested in accordance with ISO 2409 or ISO 4624.

3.6 Paint Suppliers

• Table-6 specifies the paint suppliers. All paints of this specification shall be selected from
this paint suppliers list.


4.1 Surface Preparation

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 7 of 25

(1) Surface Preparation Method

Surface to be painted shall remove rust, mill scale, rust preventive film together with surface
contamination such as grease, dirt and solid pollution before surface preparation mentioned

Surface to be painted shall be prepared by the following methods:

SSPC ISO Surface Preparation Method

SSPC-SP1 - Solvent Cleaning
SSPC-SP2 St2 Hand Tool Cleaning
SSPC-SP3 St3 Power Tool Cleaning
SSPC-SP6 Sa2 Commercial Blast Cleaning
SSPC-SP7 Sa1 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
SSPC-SP10 Sa2-1/2 Near-White Blast Cleaning

(2) Surface Roughness

Surface roughness of blast-cleaned surfaces shall be within the range of Rz ; 40 - 70 microns in

accordance with ISO 8503-4.

(3) Other Requirement

(a)Before blast cleaning, surface imperfections such as sharp fins, sharp edges, weld spatter, or
burning slag shall be removed from the surface to the extent required by this specification.

(b)Any kind of abrasive material used for blasting shall be dry, clean and soluble salts free.

(c)Abrasive type and size shall be selected in order to assure the required profile and
roughness of substrate.

(d)Regarding circumstance during blast cleaning, operator shall be protected not to be harmful
to their health.

4.2 Execution of Painting Work

(1) Painting shall be applied under the paint manufacturer’s recommended condition. Particular
attention shall be paid to the manufacturer’s instructions on storage, mixing and/or mixing ratio,
thinning, pot life and shelf life.

(2) Paint shall not be applied when the temperature of the surface is less than 3 oC above the dew
point of the surrounding air or when the relative humidity of the air is greater than 90% unless
local conditions dictate otherwise. In addition, paints shall not be applied under the following

(a) when the surface temperature is greater than 50oC unless a higher temperature is agreed
by paint manufactures.

(b) when the air temperature is 4°C and below.

(3) Paint shall be mixed by mechanical or hand tool and brought up to uniform consistency. Where
pigment separation occurs, provision shall be made for continuous mixing during application.

(4) When two or more coats of same paint are specified, such painting shall generally be of
contrasting colour so that each stage of painting work can be easily identified.
To get the contrasting Colour, the tinting materials shall be compatible with the paint and not

_ __ detrimental to its service life.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 8 of 25

(5) Intervals between coats shall comply with paint manufacturer’s recommendation to avoid the
peel off of subsequent coat, etc.

(6) Successive coats in the same system shall be from the same paint manufacturer or shall be
mutually compatible on full-coated system.

(7) Painting work of inorganic zinc silicate primer shall be executed in accordance with paint
supplier's recommendation to prevent mud-cracking for maximum dry film thickness.

(8) Coating of shop welds and field welds for piping before hydrotesting is allowed for welds with
at least 2 passes provided non-destructive testing is executed in line with ASME B31.3-2002
para. 345.3.1.

(9) Notices nameplates, lettering, gauges, valve stem, and sight glasses and similar such items
shall not be painted over, and shall be protected during painting by the application of masking
tape, etc.

(10) Paint film shall be free from defects or damage. If the primer or finish coat has been damaged
by welding or physical abuse, the area shall be hand or power tool cleaned as per SSPC-SP2 or
SP3, spot primed to the specified thickness or finish coat restored to the specified thickness.

(11) The surface of austenitic stainless steel shall be protected from the over-spray of Inorganic
Zinc Silicate Primer and Zinc Rich Epoxy Primers. Paints specifically intended for use on
austenitic stainless steels or high nickel-chromium alloys shall not contain free chlorides or
other halides after curing or metallic zinc, although trace amount in the raw materials may be
acceptable. Chlorides or other halides tied up within the cured resin’s chemical molecule are

(12) All "Off-the-Shelf" or "Stock" equipment items such as valves, gauges, generators, electric
motors, electrical and instrument components and gauges, and electrical and instrumentation
equipment and components and rotating equipment, such as compressors, pumps and drivers,
packaged equipment and fire equipment shall be supplied with the manufacturer's standard as
per painting system No. 6 or No.7 at shop which is suitable for a corrosive and marine
environment. The proposed system shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval.

4.3 Galvanizing

(1) Galvanizing shall be in accordance with ASTM A 123 or ISO 1461.

(2) Damaged and/or cutting portions of galvanized surfaces shall be cleaned with Hand Tool or
Power Tool (SSPC-SP2 or SP3) and touched up with Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer in accordance
with ASTM A 780.
Cutting and welding practice shall be avoided wherever possible.

(3) The surface of carbon steel as parts of Air Fin Coolers shall be galvanized except for the
header piping and motors, though Table-1 shows Air Fin Coolers must be painted. The other
carbon steel surfaces of Air Fin Coolers, not galvanized, shall be coated up to finish paint at
shop with manufacture’s standard painting system.

(4) Grating and miscellaneous steel such as stair treads, steel parts embedded in concrete, and
bolts/nuts for steel structures shall be galvanized. For the said steel parts embedded in concrete
except exposed parts, Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer with DFT 75μm may be applied as per
painting system No.5 and exposed parts may be applied as per painting system No.1 as an
alternative at field.

(5) Galvanized surfaces for color identification shall be painted as per painting system No. 16.


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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 9 of 25

Regarding the warehousing of paints and painting work, care shall be taken to preclude all possibilities of
hazards, as follows:

(1) Painting materials shall be stored at the adequate location. Paints brought to the job site or
left over after use shall be protected by proper measures against fire, ventilation, the sunlight

(2) Paint mixing, if necessary, shall be done at fire-less location.

(3) Rags soiled with paints and those, which are liable to begin burning spontaneously, shall be put
in metallic containers with water.

(4) When surfaces are to be prepared by blast cleaning and the use of power tools, adequate safety
precautions shall be taken, as necessary.

(5) When painting work is to be done in a vessel or a house by using thinners and/or materials,
which will produce poisonous gas, the personnel concerned shall wear a gas mask or an air
mask, and if necessary, ventilation facilities shall be provided.


6.1 Inspection of Surface Preparation

The prepared surfaces shall be compared with the standard of SSPC and/or ISO 8501-1. Where the
prepared surfaces are deemed to be equivalent to those indicated in the above standard photographs,
they shall be deem acceptable.

6.2 Inspection of Paint Film

(1) Dry film thickness (DFT)

The dry film thickness of below, which applied in accordance with Table-1 attached hereto,
shall be measured in accordance with SSPC-PA 2.
Magnetic dry film thickness gages shall be used for steel substrates.

- Shop : Total dry film thickness of shop painting

- Field : Total dry film thickness of painting system

Measurements shall be carried out three times at each measuring point. The average of three-
measurement point shall be taken as the measured value for the item concerned.

Acceptance criteria of the measured values are as followings:

- Average of all measured value : 100% or more of the prescribed dry film thickness.
- Minimum of all measured value : 80% or more of the prescribed dry film thickness.

(2) Appearance

Paint film shall be visually checked with regard to unfinished surface and colour conditioning.
Where there are no marked defects in appearance, the paint film shall be deemed acceptable.

(3) Holiday

Painted surfaces for tank interior shall be checked for coating holidays, defects shall be

(4) Adhesion

_ __ The adhesion of the primer to the steel surface and the intercoat adhesion of the subsequent
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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 10 of 25

coat(s) after curing shall be determined on separate test specimen by the application of either a
cross-cut test in accordance with ISO 2409 or pull-off test described in ISO 4624 before
starting the painting work. The test procedure and acceptance criteria shall be based on paint
manufacturer’s recommendation.


All painted surfaces shall be protected against the handling, jolting and impact etc. to minimize the damages
during transportation.


8.1 Storage

(1) Paint materials shall be handled and stored in accordance with the paint manufacturer's
instructions and shall be protected from damage, moisture, and direct sunlight.

(2) Paint materials shall be stored adequate storage places to protect materials from damage due to
contamination, rain and adverse high and low temperatures.

8.2 Quality Control of Stored Paint

(1) All paint materials shall be delivered and stored in the original paint manufacturer’s unopened
containers bearing a legible product designation, batch number and shelf life.

(2) Paint materials shall be used within their shelf life. Containers of paint materials and
components shall not be open unless intended for use.

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SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
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General Specification For Painting SHEET : 11 of 25


System No. 1

Uninsulated / Unfireproofed Structural Steel, Exposed Steel Parts Embedded in Concrete, Equipment, Furnace,
Combustion Equipment, Flare Stack, Piping, Pipe Support, Valve and In-line Component
(Operating Temperature 120°C and below)

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No. of Dry Film

Coat Thickness
Primer Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer (Note 1) 1 75
Intermediate Coat High Build Epoxy 1 125
High Build
Finish Coat 1 50
Total DFT 250μm
Note 1: Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer may be applied as an alternative.

System No. 2

Underground Vessel (Operating Temperature 120°C and below)

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No. of Dry Film

Coat Thickness
Primer High Solid Epoxy 1 or more 500 - 625
Total DFT 500 - 625μm
System No. 3

Uninsulated / Unfireproofed Structural Steel, Equipment, Furnace, Combustion Equipment, Flare Stack, Piping,
Valve and In-line Component
(Operating Temperature 121°C - 450°C)
Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 1 75
Finish Coat Air Curing Type 1 25
Heat Resisting Paint
(Silicone Aluminum) (Note 1)
Total DFT 100μm

Note 1: (1) Silicone Acrylic may be used as alternative if the operating temperature is 200°C and below.
(2) Silicone Aluminum shall be air curing.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 12 of 25

System No. 4


System No. 4-1

Carbon steel uninsulated / unfireproofed surface with operating temperature 451°C - 600°C
Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer Air Curing Type 1 25
Heat Resisting Paint
(Silicone Aluminum) (Note 1)
Finish Coat Air Curing Type 1 25
Heat Resisting Paint
(Silicone Aluminum) (Note 1)
Total DFT 50μm

Note 1: Silicone Aluminum shall be air curing

System No. 4-2

Carbon steel insulated / fireproofed surface with operating temperature 451°C - 600°C
Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer Air Curing Type 1 25
Heat Resisting Paint
(Silicone Aluminum) (Note 1)
Total DFT 25μm

Note 1: Silicone Aluminum shall be air curing

System No. 5

Insulated/ Fireproofed Structural Steel, Equipment, Furnace, Combustion Equipment, Flare Stack, Piping, Valve
and In-line Component with operating temperature 450°C and below. (Note 1)
Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 1 75
(Note 2 and Note 3)
Total DFT 75μm

Note 1: For insulated stainless steel surface, refer to System No.15.

Note 2: Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer may be applied as an alternative if 120°C and below.
Note 3: Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer may be applied at field as an alternative for steel parts embedded in concrete
except exposed parts. Exposed parts may be applied as per painting system No.1 at field.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
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System No. 6

Rotating Equipment, Packaged Equipment, Fire Equipment, “Off-the-Shelf” or “Stock” Equipment, Instrumental
and Electrical Items (Operating Temperature 120°C and below)

Surface Preparation: Manufacturer’s Standard

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer and Finish One coat primer and two coats of finish 200
paint shall be applied in accordance with
Manufacturer’s Standard Painting System.
Total DFT 200μm

System No. 7

Rotating Equipment, Packaged Equipment, Fire equipment, “Off-the-Shelf” or “Stock” Equipment, Instrumental
and Electrical Items
(Operating Temperature 121°C and above)

Surface Preparation: Manufacturer’s Standard

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer and Finish One coat primer and one coat of finish 100
paint providing above 121°C heat resistant
shall be applied in accordance with
Manufacturer’s Standard Painting System.
Total DFT 100μm

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
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System No. 8

Offshore Structural Steel, Topside Facilities, Equipment, Piping and Pipe Support
(Operating Temperature Ambient - 120°C and below)

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer (Note 1) 1 75

Intermediate Coat High Build Epoxy 1 125

Finish Coat High Build 1 50

Total DFT 250μm

Note 1: Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer may be applied as an alternative.

System No. 9

Offshore Structural Steel, Topside Facilities, Equipment and Piping

(Operating Temperature 121 ° C - 450° C )

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 (Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Primer Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 1 75
Finish Coat Air Curing Type 1 25
Heat Resisting Paint
(Silicone Aluminum) (Note 1)
Total DFT 100μm

Note 1: (1) Silicone Acrylic may be used as an alternative if operating temperature is 200°C and below.
(2) Silicone Aluminum shall be air curing in case of vendor's shop and field shop application.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 15 of 25

System No. 10

Touch – up for Galvanized Items (Note 1)

Surface Preparation (T/U): SSPC-SP3 (damage area of the galvanized steel surface shall be St3)

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Galvanized As per ASTM A-123 or ISO-1461

Touch up Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer (Note 2) 1 75

Total DFT 75μm

Note 1 : Damaged and/or cutting portions of galvanized surfaces shall be touched-up in accordance with
ASTM A780 (Refer to para. 4.3)
Note 2 : Colour shall be gray.

System No. 11-1

Uninsulated Tank External Shell/Roof (Note 1)

(Operating Temperature 120°C and below)
Surface Preparation (at vendor's shop) : SSPC-SP10 ( Near-White Blast Cleaning ) / Sa 2-1/2
Surface Preparation for touch up (at field) : SSPC-SP3/St3

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Preconstruction Primer Preconstruction Primer 1 25
(at vendor's shop)
Touch up (at field) (Note 2) Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer 1 75
Intermediate Coat (at field) High Build Epoxy 1 125
Finish Coat (at field) High Build Polyurethane 1 or 2 100
Total DFT 300μm

Note 1: External of tank bottom is not required painting.

Note 2: The pre-construction primer of all areas including damaged areas and weld portions shall be touched-up.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 16 of 25

System No. 11-2

Insulated Tank External Shell/Roof (Note 1)

(Operating Temperature 150°C and below)
Surface Preparation (at vendor's shop) : SSPC-SP10 ( Near-White Blast Cleaning ) / Sa 2-1/2
Surface Preparation (at field) : SSPC-SP3/St3

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Preconstruction Primer Preconstruction Primer 1 25
(at vendor's shop)
Primer (at field) Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer 1 75
Total DFT 75μm

Note 1: External of tank bottom is not required painting.

System No. 12

Tank Internal : Tanks handling fluid containing aromatics

Surface Preparation ( at vendor's shop ) : SSPC-SP10 ( Near-White Blast Cleaning) / Sa 2-1/2

Surface Preparation ( at field ) : SSPC-SP10 ( Near-White Blast Cleaning ) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of Dry Film

coat Thickness
Preconstruction Primer Preconstruction Primer 1 25
(at vendor's shop)
Primer (at field) Phenolic Epoxy Resin Paint 1 (Note 1)
Intermediate Coat (at field) Phenolic Epoxy Resin Paint 1 (Note 1)
Finish Coat (at field) Phenolic Epoxy Resin Paint 1 (Note 1)
Total DFT 350μm

Note 1 : Dry film thickness of primer, intermediate coat and finish coat shall be in accordance with paint
manufacturer’s recommendation.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 17 of 25

System No. 13


System No. 14

Tank Internal :Water Tanks and Tanks handling fluid not containing aromatics

Surface Preparation( at vendor's shop ) : SSPC-SP10 ( Near-White Blast Cleaning ) / Sa 2-1/2

Surface Preparation( at field ) : SSPC-SP10 ( Near-White Blast Cleaning ) / Sa 2-1/2

Process Type of Paint Material No of coat Dry Film

Preconstruction Primer Preconstruction Primer 1 25
(at vendor's shop)
Primer (at field) Epoxy Resin Paint 1 (Note 1)
Intermediate Coat (at field) Epoxy Resin Paint 1 (Note 1)
Finish Coat (at field) Epoxy Resin Paint 1 (Note 1)
Total DFT 350μm

Note 1 : Dry Film Thickness of primer, intermediate coat and finish coat shall be in accordance with paint
manufacturer’s recommendation.

System No. 15

Insulated Stainless Steel Surfaces

(Operating Temperature 50°C - 120°C )
Surface Preparation : As per Paint Manufacturers Recommendation

Process Type of Paint Material No. of coat Dry Film Thickness

Primer Epoxy Primer 1 50
Intermediate Coat - - -
Finish Coat - - -
Total DFT 50μm

System No. 16

Galvanized Items for Color Identification

Surface Preparation : As per Paint Manufacturers Recommendation

Process Type of Paint Material No. of coat Dry Film Thickness

Primer Epoxy Primer 1 50
Finish Coat High Build Polyurethane 1 50
Total DFT 100μm

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 18 of 25


(Not applicable for surfaces to be insulated)
Description Color Munsell
Unfireproofed Structural Steel (including Steel Base Plate) Light Gray N 7.5
Platform Frames Light Gray N 7.5
Ladders Light Gray N 7.5
Handrail and Cage Yellow 5Y 8/12
Grating and Stair treads Galvanized -
Equipment (Heat Exchanger / Vessel / Column etc.) Aluminum -
Tank / External Shell and Roof White N 9.0
Furnace / Combustion Furnace Casing (including Duct, Steel
Aluminum -
Equipment Stack
Flare Stack Aluminum -
Rotary Equipment (Pumps, Motors, Compressors, Turbine, Piping etc.) Light Gray N 7.0
Blower Medium Green 10GY 4/7
Structural Steel, Platform and Ladders Light Gray N 7.5
Handrail and Cage Yellow 5Y 8/12
Grating and Stair treads Galvanized -
Uninsulated Piping, Pipe Support,
Aluminum -
Packaged Equipment Valve and In-line Component
Rotary Equipment (Pumps, Motors,
Light Gray N 7.0
Compressors, Turbine etc.)
Blower Medium Green 10GY 4/7
Other Items M.S. (Note 1) -
Fire Equipment (including Piping, Valve, Sprinkler, Deluge Piping ,
Safety Red 5R 4/14
Fire Water Pump and In-line Component)
Oxygen Piping White N 9.5
Nitrogen Piping Blue 2.5BP 3.5/10
Acetylene Piping Gray N 5.5
Chlorine Piping Yellow 5Y 8/12
Black and Yellow
Hydrogen Sulfide Piping N 1.0 / 5Y 8/12
(Note 2)
Other Uninsulated Piping, Pipe Support, Valve and In-line Component Aluminum -
Valve Handles Black N 1.0
Instrument Items M.S. (Note 1) -
Electrical Items M.S. (Note 1) -
Offshore Structural Steel Structural Steel, Platforms and
Light Gray N 7.5
Handrail and Cage Yellow 5Y 8/12
Grating and Stair treads Galvanized -
Topside Facilities Piping Aluminum -
Equipment Aluminum -

Note 1: M.S. – Manufacturer’s Standard Color

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 19 of 25

Note 2: Hydrogen Sulfide Piping shall be marked around Valves as follows;

(Black (N 1.0) and Yellow (5Y 8/12) )

Note 3: Colour schedule for facilities in seawater intake area in accordance with Attachment-1.


Substrate At Vendor’s Shop At Field Shop At Field

Structural Steel Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Equipment (Heat Exchanger /
Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Vessel / Column etc.)
Shell/Roof Preconstruction Primer --- Complete Paint System
Tank External
Bottom --- --- ---
Tank Internal Preconstruction Primer --- Complete Paint System
Furnace / SK-2302/ T/U, Intermediate Coat
Up to Primer ---
Combustion A-3701 and and Finish Coat
Equipment Their Ducts
Except above Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Flare Stack Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Rotary Equipment, Packaged
Equipment and “Off-the Shelf” or Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
“Stock” Equipment
Fire Equipment Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
T/U, Intermediate Coat
Piping and Pipe Support --- Up to Primer
and Finish Coat
Valves (except Bulk Valve), in-line
Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
T/U, Intermediate Coat
Bulk Valve Up to Primer ---
and Finish Coat
Valve Handles Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Control Valve
Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
On-off Valve
Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Items In-Line
Instrument Valve
Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
(Venturi etc.)
Other Items Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Electrical Items Complete Paint System --- Touch-up
Offshore Structural Steel, Topside
T/U, Intermediate Coat
Facilities, Equipment, Piping and Up to Primer ---
and Finish Coat
Pipe Support
Touch-up for Galvanized Item --- --- Touch-up
Color Identification and lettering --- --- Complete Paint System

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 20 of 25


The coating damaged areas up to bare metal shall be touched-up as follows.

Paint At
System Vendor's Touch Up Materials
No Shop
1 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer
Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer, High Build Epoxy and High Build
Paint Polyurethane
2 Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of High Solid Epoxy
3 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer
Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer and Air Curing Type Heat
Paint Resisting Paint (Silicone Aluminum) (Note 1)
4 (Deleted)

4-1 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Air Curing Type Heat Resisting Paint (Silicone Aluminum)
Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of two coats of Air Curing Type Heat Resisting Paint (Silicone
Paint Aluminum)
4-2 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Air Curing Type Heat Resisting Paint (Silicone Aluminum)
5 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer (Note 2)
6 Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of one coat primer and two coats of finish paint
7 Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of one coat primer and one coat of finish paint providing above
Paint 121°C heat resistant
8 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer
Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer, High Build Epoxy and High Build
Paint Polyurethane
9 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer
Complete SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer and Air Curing Type Heat
Paint Resisting Paint (Silicone Aluminum) (Note 1)
10 (Not Required)
11-1 (Not Required)
11-2 (Not Required)

_ __ 12 (Note 3)

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 21 of 25

13 (Deleted)

14 (Note 3)

15 Up to SSPC-SP3/St 3 Touch up of Epoxy primer

16 (Not Required)

Note 1 : (1) Silicone Acrylic may be used as alternative if the operating temperature is 200°C and below.
(2) Silicone Aluminum shall be air curing.
Note 2 : Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer may be applied as an alternative if 120°C and below.
Note 3 : Tank internal coating systems, such as Paint System No.12, 13, 14, are not required repairing
because those internal coating systems are applied at field with complete system.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 22 of 25



(1) : Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer

Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer shall be based on alkyl silicate type, contain not less than 85%
metallic zinc weight of pigment.

(2) : Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer

Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer shall contain not less than 90% metallic zinc weight of pigment. This
primer also can be used as touch up of galvanized surface.

(3) : Preconstruction Primer

Preconstruction primer shall be based on alkyl silicate type or epoxy type zinc rich primer.

(4) : Epoxy Resin Paint

Two component such as polyamide-cured or amine adduct cured epoxy resin paint. In case of the
interior of potable water tank, above paint shall be certified by public local regulation.

(5) : Epoxy Primer

Epoxy Primer shall be based on polyamide-cured epoxy resin suitable for stainless steel and
galvanized steel surfaces. Epoxy Primer to be use shall be zinc free type for stainless steel surfaces.

(6) : Phenolic Epoxy Resin Paint

Two component, high build, amine-cured or amine adduct-cured phenolic epoxy coatings have
excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals.


(1) : High-Build Epoxy

High-build epoxy shall be based on polyamide-cured epoxy resin to provide good resistance to
chemical conditions.

(2) : High Build Polyurethane

High build two-component isocyanate cured polyurethane type finish coat.

Aliphatic urethane type shall be used.

(3) : Heat Resisting Paint (Silicone Acrylic)

One Component aluminum (or color) pigmented acrylic-modified silicone resin.

Full cure can be achieved at ambient temperature

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 23 of 25

(4) : Air Curing Type Heat Resisting Paint (Silicone Aluminum)

One - component aluminum paint dispersed in silicone providing 600°C heat resistant property and
air curing type.

(5) : Epoxy Resin Paint

Two component such as polyamide cured or amine adduct cured epoxy paint.
In case of the internal of potable water tank, above paint shall be certified by public local regulation.

(6) : Phenolic Epoxy Resin Paint

Two component, high build, amine-cured or amine adduct-cured phenolic epoxy coatings have
excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals.

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 24 of 25


All paints of this specification shall be selected from the following paint suppliers list.

Paint Supplier

1 Ameron
2 Carboline
3 Dai Nippon Toryo
4 Hempel
5 Akzo (International Paint)
6 Jotun
7 Kansai
8 AW & J Leigh
9 Nippon Paint
10 Sigma Coating

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Sohar Refinery Company
SOHAR Refinery Project JOB CODE: 0-3100
DOC NO: S-000-13A0-001 rev.R2
General Specification For Painting SHEET : 25 of 25

Attachment-1 Colour Schedule for Facilities located in Sea Water Intake Area

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